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03x07 - Runaway

Posted: 08/30/15 15:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...

Olivia Lockhart, this is Liz.

I'm his sister.

I don't think I can be in the wedding.

I'm sorry.

Your brother, Will, sold me his stake in the house.

[crowd cheering]

Hey, we got a problem here?

Yeah. You.

So... I want to apologize for the game yesterday.

You don't have to apologize to me.

No, I want to.

I, uh... I got a little out of hand.

Well, things did get a little fiery.

It wasn't about the game.

I didn't think so.

Do you want to tell me about it?

It's Paul's sister.


Yeah, I heard her at the Galley, the night before the game.


She thinks that you and Paul should be together.


And now that I say that out loud, it sounds as ridiculous as that statement.

She's just trying to fix him up.

He looks like he can handle that department okay.

He just went through a terrible divorce and his ex-wife is about to get married.




I just couldn't turn my back on her.

If we're going to be a couple, we need to make these decisions together.

Being a sponsor is a big deal.

It would have been nice to tell me before you told Alex.


Bob doesn't think I shouldn't do it.

He doesn't think I'm up for it.

I think you'll be great, and I understand.

Alex needs you, and it feels really good to be needed.

Thank you.


What's going on between us has nothing to do with Paul and Alex.

If we're going to get things back on track, we need to spend more time together.

Maybe we shouldn't be so social with others, and we should be more social with each other?

That is a brilliant idea.


I would involve more dates.




Well, if you're back in time.


Seattle, Jeri, the owner of the paper?

How did you know I was going?

Because I know you.


Look, she is meeting with him because she ran my story.

I have to fix this.

How many breakfasts can you eat?


Wasn't eating breakfast.

I was giving notice.

What, you're leaving Cedar Cove?

No, no, I found a rental house.

I'll be out by the end of the week.


He's not leaving town yet, but it's a start.

Bob Beldon.


What'd I do?

You know what you did.



Well, can't you think about it?

I have.

Since when do you want a big wedding?

Since now.

Maryellen is in a delicate place.

Which is no reason to elope.

I can't believe this matters to you.

No, no, not the wedding, where it takes place.

It matters.


[sighs heavily]

Eloping feels like we'd be running away, 'cause we would be.

And we have nothing to run from.

I have finally gotten you to say yes, put a ring on your finger, set a date.

Maryellen will be fine.

[door opens]

Hey, sis.

You're back.

I am.

Just got back.

So... what's new?

You're kidding, right?

You mean, Mom's house?

How could you? Of all people to sell to...

I didn't want it to come between us.

I told you that I would buy it from you.

Not for what Warren paid.

Now I have to deal with Warren Saget.

It's better this way.

For whom?

Well, for both of us.

You, yes.

I'm in business with Warren Saget.

But we won't be fighting about the house anymore.


Hey, Olivia.

Hi, Liz.

This is my brother, Will.

Will, this is Liz, it's Paul's sister.



Uh, well, I guess I should probably get going.

Um, it was very nice to meet you, Liz.

Paul and I ran into Jack at the Galley.

I heard, from Jack.


I'm already part of a couple.

Your brother is my friend and colleague.

Got it.

So, how are you going to spend your last few days?

You could go paddle-boarding, or kayaking.

You could take the ferry...

I don't want to go out alone.

I could find you a tour guide.

You can't leave without seeing Cedar Cove.

What's Will doing?

You want my brother to take you around?

He seems nice.

Yes, but...


Oh, Will can be...

Let me see if Grace is available, or her daughter, Maryellen...

He seems perfect.

It's not a date, it's just a tour guide.

You really want my brother to show you around?

I do.


I'll see what I can do.



So, what do you think?

Stick to your g*ns.

You don't want to be a part of the wedding, then don't be.

Doesn't that make me a bad person?

Your mother will get over it.

Yeah, I don't agree.

She has the right to not want be a bridesmaid.

Okay, first of all, it's maid of honor, and it's a very big deal to her mother.

Her mother will get over it.

I wouldn't.

This is about more than just a wedding.

How is that?

Why is that?

Because weddings are forever.

Not 41% of the time.

Okay, think of it this way, pictures are forever.

What are you talking about?

Every time she looks at a picture of her wedding, she will be reminded that no matter how happy she was on that day, something was missing, and that something was you.

And it's gonna be too late to make it right.

It seems like you're doing it for your mom, but you're really doing it for yourself.

No, you're doing it for your mom.

Take it from me, don't listen to them.

Are you close with your mother?


As close as I want to be.

When was the last time you talked to her?

A month or so ago.

I give you your future, if you don't fix this.

No offense.

I can't be offended.

I don't know what you are talking about.

So, where'd you go?

You disappeared.

Sometimes I gotta get away, clear my head.

Yeah, Derek was pretty mad.

Yeah, it wasn't cool to take off like that.


I know.

That your wife is not your ex-wife.

She's not in North Carolina with her parents.

She's in Port Orchard with your daughter, and they're waiting for you to come home.

Derek: Okay, you two, let's shove off.

I gotta go.


No way, man, not again.


Stop running.

Mrs. Carroll, let me see if I've got my facts straight.

You won a contest, the prize was a day-long spa visit.

Is that correct?

Yes, it is.

But the radio station never sent you your gift certificate?

And they didn't return any of your calls?

No, they did not.

Are these facts true, Mr. Wilson?

Yes, Your Honor, with an explanation.

I'm all ears.

The spa reneged on their offer to us.

Did the spa give a reason?

One of our morning DJs made some... unflattering remarks about them.

As a joke, of course.

You should have called Mrs. Carroll back.

Avoidance of a problem usually makes it worse, not better.

I don't understand.

Clearly, which is why you're in court.

A contest is as good as a contract in our state, and Mrs. Carroll made that contract with your radio station, not the spa.

Court finds in favor of the plaintiff.

You're going to love the seaweed wrap.

Oh, and, um, let's throw in a Mani-pedi for your troubles.

Oh, that would be lovely, Judge Lockhart, thank you.

You're welcome.

[taps gavel]

Hey, boss.

What are you doing here?


It was my story.

I don't need you, Jack.

Yes, you do.

You need someone to have your back.

Why does that someone have to be you?

Because when you ran my story, you had my back.

I'm just returning the favor.

You know this meeting is not about your story, Jack.

It's about digital media.

And this meeting just happened to come about after you ran my story.

Come on, Jeri.

We both know why you're here.

I'll do all the talking.

I'm just here as your second.

Justine, even though I'm thoroughly enjoying the show, you are wasting your breath and my time.

And you'll be wasting your time when you try and get my grandmother's property rezoned.

Do you know how much of a hassle that's going to be?

And her neighbors aren't going to like it.

I had a project a few years back that sailed through the zoning process, actually.

Easiest job I ever did.

I was totally bored to death.

So you have no intention of selling this property back to my Mom.

Ah, let me think about that for a second.


You like this, don't you?

You begging?

No, Justine, I don't like it.

I love it.

And the fact that your mother is now in business with me?

I love that, too, I have to be honest.

I love it all. [chuckling] It's just, I don't know what's going on with me, I'm just so full of love.

I can't believe that there was a time when I actually wanted to marry you.

It was lovely to see you again, Justine.

Come back anytime.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

You really have a way with the ladies.

Dad, please, not now, really.

You're batting a thousand, in reverse.

Kelly, gone.

Justine, gone.

What's her name, the figure skater, gone.

They're gone, Dad, because I don't trust any of those ladies.

They let me down.

So, I said goodbye and thank you.

None of them?

To be honest, it's not just about them.

Look, Dad, to be... I don't really trust anyone.

And why is that?

Because every person that I have ever trusted has let me down.

It's my fault.

How could that be?

I mean, really?

You didn't raise me, did you?

You were never around.

[knock on door]

I can't have an ex-parte conversation about the Ford case without defense counsel present.

Can you talk about you setting up your brother with my sister without defense counsel present?

Do you have a problem with that?

I do.

I really do.

I know I've said things about Will, but it's not fair to base your judgment on that.

It's not Will, it's Liz.

Excuse me?

I love my sister, but she's completely co-dependent, and she will latch onto your brother like a sucker-fish and never leave Cedar Cove.

Don't you think you're overreacting?


All her talk about not wanting me to be alone and wanting me to find someone is just her projecting her feelings.

You think you're the only one who minored in Psych?

I already promised your sister.

Then un-promise her.

It's not a set-up.

It's just a friendly little tour guide.

I don't care what you call it, it's them hanging out.

I need to go to court.

And you need to calm down.

I have never seen you this rattled.

It'll be fine, I promise, and I always keep my promises.


[door closes]

Not good.

Not good...

I hope you don't mind, I brought Jack Griffith.

I am a fan of your work, Mr. Griffith.

Oh, call me Jack.

Jack it is.

Being my second in command, I thought it might be helpful to have Jack handy should there be any "digital media" issues that need clarification.

Please, both of you, have a seat, let's talk.

Bad day?


You should probably stay away from Warren Saget.

He called.

He was quite pleased that you came by his office.

It was sweet, but you shouldn't have done it.

I have to make this right.

What on earth would make you think that?

I should have seen it coming.

I should have been able to warn you.

Oh, honey, none of this is your fault.

You can't let Warren get the house.

I have no intention of allowing that to happen.

I will fight him with everything I have.

In court, with a lawyer.


Not you.

[talking quietly] Now, this is the inside...

[clears throat]

That's some nice luggage, Dad.

Where are you going?

Please be leaving.

It's where are we going?

What are you talking about, I'm not going anywhere.

I've decided we're going to do a little team-building exercise.

[chuckles] What team?


You're kidding me, right?

All the Fortune 500 CEOs swear by it.

What are we gonna do?

Are gonna go out into the back woods, and bang the drums a little bit, and talk about our feelings?

'Cause trust me, Dad, you don't want to know about my feelings.

Besides, what about her?

Alex already knows what being part of team is all about.

I'm busy, Dad.

I'm not going anywhere.


Alex, how do you like your office?

Oh, it's fine.


How do you like Warren's office?

Oh, well, Warren's office is so... large and airy.

It's got a lot of windows.

Seems like it's maybe too large and airy for Warren.

All that space can be overwhelming.

Exactly what I was thinking.

I'd be willing to trade offices.

That's very generous of you.

Okay, I've had enough.

That's not happening.

It is if I say it is.

I think Alex's office is too small for her.

I think she'd be more comfortable in this office.

I really would.

You wouldn't.

And you aren't.

Get changed.

We'll talk on the way.

Don't touch anything on my desk.

Have fun.

So, Matt won't even consider talking to his wife?


He's too stubborn.

It's funny.


Well, in basic training, it's drilled into you that your survival is dependent upon the guy in front of you and the guy behind you.

But then you return from serving, and all you do is shut everyone out.

You need your buddies as much in peace time as in w*r time.

It's a total disconnect.

Maybe you need some help with this.

I got it.

I can handle it.

Yeah, but maybe you still need some help.

Like you said, you need your buddies as much in peace time as w*r time, right?

Paul is really leaving.

I know.

He's leaving because you are rude and unfriendly.


Well, I'm not okay with it.

I am.

Bob Belden, we are known for our gracious, inviting, and welcoming spirit.

Well, you can't win them all, Peg.

He is a nice man, and he's a great tenant, and you need to go make it right.

No way.

I don't want to be fixed up, and even if I did, I wouldn't be trusting you to do the fixing.

It's not a date, it's tour guiding.

Bridget Donahue. High school.

Well, first, that was high school, and second, she was beautiful and sweet, so you're welcome.

She was dating a 200-pound linebacker.


And when I innocently asked Bridget to prom, prompted by you, the next thing I knew, I was being carted off to the nurse's office.

Bridget just wanted to make her big goon of a boyfriend jealous.

She used us both.

But I was the only one who got beaten up.

Isolated incident.

Emily Nelson, Kristen Cooper, Lauren Brooks, Jill French. Shall I continue?

Probably not.

Oh, come on, be nice.

It's Paul's sister.

No date, just show her around.

You owe me.

I don't.

Yes, you do.

You know you do.

So do me this favor.

No thanks, sis.

Find somebody else.


It's all in the wrist.

All right, Dad, remind me again what this has to do with team building, please?

It's of an exercise in patience and persistence, only we do it together, as a team.



It's easy to catch the little fish, but in business, we want to catch the big fish, and that takes patience.

It's all in the wrist, huh?


You're casting all wrong.

Okay, Obi-Wan, please instruct me.

It's not like you're throwing a punch.



Like you're waving goodbye to some woman who just walked out on you.


Whoa, look at that.


Whoo! That's farther than yours.


Now, next time, try it with some bait on the hook.


[door opens]

[whispering] Come with me.


To spy on your brother and my sister.

He's not taking her out.

Yes, he is. Liz called.

I asked him and he said no.

My sister doesn't take no for an answer, and your brother collapsed like a souffle in an earthquake.


It's gonna be fine.

Yes, because we are gonna be there.

You're acting kind of crazy.


Um, "tour guiding," or whatever it is you and Liz are calling it... it's not good.

She's gonna end up liking Will, and that will give her cause to stick around Cedar Cove.

If my sister sticks around Cedar Cove, that will definitely drive me crazy.

So, better a couple hours of crazy than a lifetime of crazy.

Let's go.

We gotta go.


Having just taken over this position, one of my main focuses has been driving traffic to our website, and although the numbers are not growing as quickly as I'd like, I still think...

I'm not happy with these numbers.

Come on.

This isn't about website traffic, right?

We should be honest, at least, about why we're all here.

This is about John Comlin.

Your friend.

Jack, sit down.


I think I'd like to hear what Mr. Griffith has to say.

My job is the one that should be in jeopardy, not hers.

I was the one who pitched the idea of the article on John Comlin to Jeri.

I did the interview.

I did the digging around after the interview, which lead to Comlin's ex-business partner giving me the facts on which I based the article that I wrote, and then I relentlessly hounded my boss to run the story, which she did, knowing that what is happening right here was going to happen.

Digital media isn't what you should be worried about.

It's this paper's integrity if you're going to allow your personal relationships to dictate what and who we report on.

If you'd be so kind as to give us the room.

I think Jeri and I need to speak alone.


So... I have a job, you have a job, I don't have time for this and neither do you.

I checked with your clerk. You have no more cases this afternoon, so you're staying.

For what?

To help me make sure those two don't make a match.

There's no match.

Your sister just wants a tour guide.

My brother just got out of a 30-year marriage. He is not looking for a relationship.

My sister loves a challenge and she loves to throw herself into a relationship when things in her work life aren't going well, and things aren't going well.

You two are close, huh?


Our whole lives.

We're the grounded ones.


We always have the bail money.


I don't understand.

You would if you met my brother from North Carolina.

May I ask you a question?

Yeah. sh**t.

Why did you take this job?

Oh, uh, you mean, because it's 3,000 miles from everything and everyone I know?


Because it's 3,000 miles from everything and everyone I know.

I love my family.

But I guess I finally ran away from home.


Well, aren't you the nosy one.

Well, you forced me to be here.

I did. No, I did.

Um... my ex and I used to work together.

Well, you could have taken another job.

Are you trying to get rid of me?


You know, in the ER, when someone's heart stops, and they use the defibrillator to shock it, and bring them back to life?

That's what moving here is for me.

Did it work?

It has had the desired effect.


I think we've been stood up.

They didn't even know we were here.

Yes, uh... my sister told me she was going to be here.

She lied.


Because she knew I'd be waiting.

She wanted to get him alone.

Well, not for a date, I promise.


Well, when we're throwing rice at them as they leave the church, I get to say, "I told you so."

And would that make you happy?

It will.

Well, what's the verdict?

My management style is not meshing with people, including David.

Jeri, what can I do?

You already did it.

And you didn't need to do it.

Not a lot of people would've fallen on their sword for me in that situation.

In any situation.

And even if it was about your story, it doesn't matter, because you were right, when you're in charge, you need to make tough choices, and all you can do is hope that those choices are the right ones.

Running that story was the right choice.




You bet.

Hi, Mom.



So... what's up?

Let's do this.


Your wedding.

You and I.

Maryellen Sherman reporting for Maid of Honor duty.


Honey, you don't want to do this.

I do.

That's very sweet of you to try.

I'm not being sweet.

Mom, I want to be your Maid of Honor.

Oh, I love you, and I know how you feel.

So I just want you to know I'm really okay with you just being there at the ceremony.

Olivia can take over, and it's good.

All good.

What is the point of this, really, Dad?

The point is you haven't caught a fish yet.

You don't quit in business until the job gets done.

Same as fishing.

Yeah, I would like to be doing some business right now, but, unfortunately, I'm out here with you fishing.

Well, maybe you need to learn that there's more to life than business.

And maybe I don't like the way you do business, and maybe I don't like how you treat people, and maybe...


And maybe that's my fault.

I should've taken you fishing when you were a kid.

I thought about it.

Even put it on my calendar once or twice, but... something always came up.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, Dad, I probably would've hated it as a kid as much as I do now.


It's no fun being alone, Warren.

And maybe one day, you'll realize that.

Maybe you can learn from some of my mistakes.

I know I wasn't a good dad when you were a kid, but maybe it's not too late.

I didn't come here for the business.

I came here for you, son.

[reel spinning]

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You caught a fish.

I got... I got something.

You caught a fish.

Oh, this is a big one, Dad.

Reel it in.

Reel it... Like this?

Reel it in.

Why is it so hard? Hold on.

Good, good, good. Reel it in, that's it.

Okay, I'm going to get the net.

Where you going?

It's okay...

No, no, get over here...

You got it. You can do it.

That's it! [laughing]

Come on!

[laughing] Get out of the water!

You want to bring three extra guys on the boat?

Maybe five.


You're kidding.

No, and you'd be helping someone who served his country with dignity and honor.

You really think these guys can help your friend?

Yeah, they may be the only ones.

You didn't talk to him yet, did you?



No, no, no, no, but he seems dead-set on leaving.

Hey, guys.


I really think you should reconsider leaving.

I think it's time to go.

It isn't.

I think Bob thinks it is.

He doesn't.

Tell him you don't.

I'll be out by the end of the week.


Hay is for horses, and cookies are for friendly inn-keepers who don't run off their guests.

Jack, you and I need to talk.


Look, I know I may have been out of line, but what I said wasn't out of line.

I know.

You know?

But John Comlin is your friend.

Yes, he is, but I wouldn't want my paper to go easy on him just because of that.

You did the right thing, and Jeri did the right thing running the story.

So, why is Jeri defending her job?

Your story and that meeting in my office are unrelated.



Look, Jeri's handling of certain staff has been abrasive to say the least.

All right.

But I've been tracking you, and I like what I've read of your work, and I like how the other editors and staff like working with you, and... I like you.


But you kind of sealed the deal in my office.

Got it.

I'll, um... hand in my pass-card and I'll just clean up my...

Jack, I'm not firing you.


I'm firing Jeri.

Sir, that is a mistake.

Okay, I know that she is gruff, and she is abrasive, and... she's good.

And she hired me.

Well, I'm firing her and I'm officially offering you her job.

Look, I'm flattered...


I didn't come here to get Jeri's job.

I know.

I'm here to support her.

She's a friend.

She's also my ex-wife, actually.

I know that, too.

I've made a lot of money following my gut and my instincts, and those two things are telling me she's out, and you're in.


The job comes with a lot of perks.

Creative control, your own staff, a raise, the prestige of running a large paper.

It's a great opportunity, and one that might not come around again.

Do yourself a favor, sleep on it, before you give me an answer.


Can I ask you why you wanted me to show you around?

I'm curious.


Your sister.


And Jack.

Well, my sister is pretty straightforward, you can ask her anything.

I'd rather ask you.

Okay... sure.

What do you want to know?

Tell me about Jack Griffith.

How long do you have?

[laughs] All day.

She un-Maid-of-Honored me.



You have nothing to say?

You went to the dark side.

You're with them now.

I can't help you.

Well, someone better help me.

I want my mom to want me to be in her wedding.

You're serious?


I really want to do it.

My heart is in it, but now I'm not. In it.

Then don't tell her you want to be in it, show her.

I don't understand.

I do.

Translation, please.

Well, maybe if your mother thought that you were taking your Maid of Honor duties seriously.


What is she, the President?

If she doesn't fulfill her duties, who will take her place?

First bridesmaid.

First bridesmaid?

Where did you get this from?

Bridal Magazines.

Bridal magazines?

You don't even have a boyfriend.

Okay, but I will someday, and then I will get engaged, and then if my Maid of Honor can't fulfill her duties at my wedding, my first bridesmaid will take over.


Uh, hello?

Daughter shut out of mother's wedding.

I think it's time to call in the big g*ns.

So, you and Paul are close?

Since we were kids.

You and Olivia?

Um, I try.


She's a total over-achiever, always perfect in everything that she does.

It's hard to live up to, it's even harder to relate to, but we're trying.

Well, she sounds amazing.

Sometimes, being related to "amazing" is hard.


Paul has always protected me, even when I didn't want him to.

Olivia never needed me that much.

She's always taken care of herself and everyone else.

Okay, so no one's perfect.

I mean, everybody's got skeletons.

No, not Olivia.


Trust me, her closet is well organized and skeleton-free.

Like I said, not the easiest person for a sibling to be measured against.


Okay, can we, um, can we stop talking about my sister?

Done. [laughs]

I know this place on the water for drinks.

I love drinks, and I love the water, so lead the way.


[knock on door]

Come in.

Hi, Olivia.


I need your help.



Right on time.

I like that.

Where's Warren?

This isn't about Warren.

He's fishing.


So, what's it about?

This is about you.




Well, I'm here, aren't I?

Yes, you are. Have a seat.


Let's talk.


Look, you, uh, you say you know your way around carpentry.

I do.

I'm getting to the place with this bed I'm building, where I need another set of hands.


No, your sister...

Yes, you.

You want me to stay?

I didn't say that.

I think you did.

Don't push it.

You do want me to stay!

I just asked you not to push, and yet you start pushing again.

I'll try to keep that in check.

Yeah, that would be nice.

See, uh, we have rules around here for long-term boarders.


Mm-hmm. First rule is...

Jack is with Olivia.


I bet the second rule is Olivia is with Jack.

You can park that smile and those blue eyes, James Dean.

It only works on the ladies.


And don't be using it on a lady that already has a gentlemen, and we'll get along just fine.



I love you.


I know it was the right thing to do, because I didn't like doing it.


What was that all about?

Progress... I think?

Missed you at the restaurant.

No, you didn't.

I told you where I was gonna be, so that I would know where you were gonna be.

I wanted to talk to Will alone.

I didn't need a chaperone.


And you don't need a babysitter.

So... you're going to stand down?

I don't know if I can do that.

Can you try?

I can try to try.


You should have been a lawyer.

Eh, that's your thing.

Why did you want to go out with Will?

Siblings are a font of information.


I wanted to learn more about Olivia.

I wanted to see if she was as perfect as she seems, because, maybe, someday, the two of you will be more than friends, and if that happens, I want to make sure she's worthy of you.

She is.

You're not always right about everything.

I am when it comes to you.

Be careful, big brother.

You're tough, but that heart of yours?

Not so much.

What's going on?


These are some of my buddies from group at the base.

Oh, man, come on...


Stop running away.


Running away.

See, the thing is, every guy on that boat has run at some time or another.

And running doesn't work.

So what, you wanna hold hands, sit around and chant?

We're going to do what we did over there.

We're going to help each other, push through and survive.

Then maybe live your life, if you're willing.

Are you?

[chuckles] You don't have to do that.


Hide the magazine.

I was finished.


I need you to save the date.

What date? For what?

Your shower.


It is going to be fabulous.

Olivia and I are co-hosting it.

You don't have to do this, I told you.

I don't have to, I want to.

So let me.

And forgive me for being kind of a pill about your wedding before right now.




I am officially accepting your offer to be your Maid of Honor, if you still want me.

Now this is real.

What's that?

Oh, I'm getting married!


[whispering] Oh, my goodness.

I know, I know, I smell like fish.

But this time, it is my fish.


♪ Got a big fish... ♪

Buck left these contracts for you.



Yeah. Thank you.

What's wrong with you?

Nothing, I'm fine.

I don't believe this.

What's wrong?

He conned me.

He conned me.

This whole Father Knows Best routine, and what does he do? He double crosses me.

That right there is Buck Saget.

That's my father.

Father of the year!



Wow, this is nice.

Yes, it is.

Thanks for inviting me over.

Thank you for bringing dinner.

Of course.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yup.

The owner of the paper offered me Jeri's job.


I didn't see that coming.

Neither did I.

And what did you say?

That I'd think about it.


I'm thinking about it.

Well, whatever you decide, congratulations.

Do you want to talk about it?

You know what, I don't want to talk about the paper or Jeri.

I mean, do you want to talk about your job?

Not particularly.

I'm not terribly hungry either.

Neither am I.

Whatever will we do with our time?

Well, we could make a fire.



You never know.


I kind of like where you're going with this.

So do I.


I'm not going to be able to stop now.

Stop what?

I'm afraid I'm going to have to kiss you.

Stop talking, kiss me.


[door opens] Hello!


Hi, Jack.

Hey, Will.

How did you get in?

I used my key.

I never gave you a key.

Oh, I had one made, the last time that I was here.

Lucky, huh?


Now that we've established how you got in my house, what are you doing in my house?

I need a place to stay.


Justine's room?


Well, I sold my part of Mom's house to Warren, and now I don't have any place to live.

I'll just go get my suitcases.

Mom wanted to bring us closer together when she gave us this house, and she did.

Isn't that nice?