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03x08 - Tulip

Posted: 08/31/15 01:40
by bunniefuu
Ray: Previously on Ray Donovan...

girl: You like Donellen.

Yeah, it's a girls' school.

If they want to keep us from boys, they shouldn't send us boys as teachers.

[phone beeps]

This is a sound contract.

You've got 3% of the deal, Mr. Football.

Hut, hut, hike.

I'm Helen Miller... Fish and Game.

Paige: She is gonna fix the bird situation at the field.

Well, even if she takes the money, Napier's demanding $90 million for those apartments.

Sort out Napier next.

Kate McPherson... she's a reporter.

She's gonna publish an article that says

I paid him to k*ll Mickey.

She has to be stopped.

Lena: Kate McPherson is dead.

Ray, we have to make things right.

Go f*ck yourself.

I love you, Teresa.

Will you marry me?

Are you f*cking serious?

f*cking Armenians came over to collect, Pop.

How much are they after?


You got the money?

I'm a resourceful person.

Hey, what the f*ck is this... funny money?

Sometimes you got to push back to get some respect.

Ray: The envelope you gave your father at the studio...

What was in it?

A love letter... from my father to my husband.

That was the deal...
the letter for the team.

Mr. Donovan, I'm Thomas Romero.

After he left the Paraclete, Father O'Connor and I spoke twice a day.

Then his body was found, and I knew his past had caught up with him.

Repent... repent now or face excommunication.

I'll k*ll you and every one of these f*cking freaks you got hiding in here!

In the name of God, the all-powerful Father, I deprive you of the Communion of the Body and Blood of Our Lord.

You think I f*cking care, huh?

I don't know many men like you.

The men I know want money and power.

You don't give a f*ck about those things.

How do you know?

'Cause you're addicted to the fight.

I got to go, Paige.

No, you don't.

[pickax pounding, Ray grunting]

[♪ mysterious music ♪]


Bad dream?


I don't sleep much either.

Defenses down... f*cking thoughts come in.


I should go.

Hey, Terry.

What time is it?

Ray said you don't want to move in with us?


Your kids don't want to wake up and see all this shit.

Give me a f*cking break, Terry.

They've seen worse.

Abby, I'm trying to sleep here.

When was the last time you had a f*cking haircut, hmm?

You look like a f*cking caveman.

Come on, get up. Up.

[tires screech]

What is this?

He's breaking ties, Varick.


You'll find the terms fair.

[dog barking in the distance]

[♪ brooding music]

Uh, this is unacceptable.

You're a capable man. You'll land on your feet.

What are you...

Are you kidding me?


Andrew, come on, we need to discuss this.



I made coffee.

Ray, we need to talk business.

The owner's committee needs proof that we've secured the site by week's end, or else they won't approve the move.

Can you pay Napier's price?

My father says $90 million is not a rational number for that parcel.

You're gonna have to be pretty persuasive to make him come down by end of week.

Well, then be persuasive.

If he doesn't sell us the land, then our little dream dies on the vine.

There's sugar on the counter in the Wedgewood.


[music playing on stereo]

You must be Teresa.

Yeah. Who are you?

I'm Mickey Donovan. I'm gonna be your new father.

You're a beauty.


Bunchy won the f*cking lottery, huh?

I like to call him Brendan.

You can call him f*cking Vladimir, for all I care, as long as you treat him right.

But he's never loved.

He's pure, so you be gentle with my boy.

[clears throat] I see you two have met.

You going out?

Yeah. Come on, Pop.

He's helping me out with a little project I got going.

Brendan told me all about your project.

I'm telling you, be gentle with my boy.

[jazz music playing on radio]

Already up and back to work... good for you.

Yeah, well, I was up all night.

Couldn't sleep.

That hornet's nest you opened up...

Why didn't you tell me you was gonna do that, man?

Look on the bright side. Maybe they learned a big lesson.

Don't f*ck with the Donovans.

Hey, Mick.

Hey, sweetie. Mwah.

Thanks, baby.


How about you, Pop? Did you sleep?

I'll sleep enough when I'm dead.

Guess who met the soon-to-be Mrs. Brendan Donovan.

Yeah, Pop brought her flowers.

Tulips... reminded me of a lovely girl I once knew, a knockout stripper from Amsterdam.

Was a wonderful soul.

First time I was with her, I felt something hard in her breast... a lump.

She died from it.

So many good women gone.

How'd I get on to this?

You were talking about tulips that you bought for Bunchy's girl.

Oh, right.

Let's toast to Bunchy and to love.

[glass shatters]

What the hell? What was that?

f*ck. No.

[tires squealing]

Shit. Oh, f*ck, not my car.

[vehicle departing rapidly]

[car alarm blaring]


[dog barking in the distance]

It's f*cking fantastic.

What are you talking about?

Oh, come on.

This is the best plan you came up with in years.

When does Napier land?

An hour.

Helen: I'm very worried about this.

I hardly ever have business on this side of the building anymore.

Well, you do today.

Where are they?

They're in the back.

These are Central American eyelash vipers.

Uh, Customs confiscated them 48 hours ago at LAX.

What's in 'em?

They're packed with condoms full of black tar heroin.

Look, this is very dangerous and completely illegal.

Relax, Helen. We'll dope the snakes.

All you got to do is show up at the airport with your warden badge.

You ready?


You ready?

[snakes hissing]

Muncie: You want to tell me who microwaved the car?

I have no idea... maybe local kids.

I know what you're up to, Mr. Donovan... selling coke and running girls.

What are you talking about?

Do you have any idea who you're in with?

I'd like to be in with you, Detective.

I'm gonna think about that attractive offer all night long.

I just love old white men.

Oh, that hurts.

Heard of APS...

Armenian Power Syndicate?

I wouldn't know an Armenian from a Russian from a f*cking German Shepherd.

I understand you have a history of being helpful to law enforcement.

I'd like you to start helping again.

Working with us is the only way you and your kids are coming out of this with all your arms and legs still attached.

I ain't done nothing wrong, and I ain't talking to nobody about nothing.


You are shut down as of today.

Vice guys are gonna watch this building.

We see any activity, I'm bringing you and those two up on narcotics and trafficking charges.

You want to get us feeling more cooperative... better give me a call.

Do the right thing.

[indistinct chatter over police radio]

All right, Pop, talk to me. What are we doing?

Package up what's left of the coke and hide it.

Call Ginger.

No appointments today.

Go home. I'll call you tonight.

You good?


Helen: Are we getting on a plane?

Oh, we're gonna meet Lena... put the snakes in his golf bag.

In a golf bag?

She'll get the luggage in his car.

All you got to do is grab Napier, flash him your badge, and tell him he's under arrest for smuggling.

Charge him with smuggling snakes...

Full of heroin.

Full of heroin into the U.S. and then, um, thr*aten to call the DEA.

Helen, all you got to do is present him with the charges, and I'll take over, okay?


You all right?


That's Napier's plane.

Let's do it.

Wait. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I can't do this.

I'll give you all the money back... all of it.

We could all get in a lot of trouble.

Give me the...

What the f*ck are you doing?

What? What do you want from me, huh?

She hit me.

I'm sorry, Helen.

You were hysterical, okay?

Oh, my God. Aah!

[vehicle approaching]

[cell phone ringing]


Don't worry.

I said don't worry.

[shovel clatters]

Helen: I can't breathe.

I can't breathe. Oh, my God.

Oh. Holy shit!

Look at my leg.

We're gonna get you to a hospital.

I can feel my face swelling up.

Your face isn't swelling up. Put your feet in the car.

Are my lips turning black?

Get her out of here.

[tires squealing]

[cell phone dialing, line trilling]

This is Paige. Leave a message.

[cell phone beeps]

Paige, the Napier thing... it's not gonna happen.

[cell phone beeps]

Tulips are one of my all-time favorite flowers.

If you love tulips and you have a favorite color, I'd love to...

The Plein Air Collection in the dining room...?

Take it.

Well, we bought them together, so I just wanted to...

Take them.

Thank you.

Varick, I know you didn't come up here to discuss art, so... what?



Your father's getting rid of me.

He's cutting me out completely, Paige.

Does that surprise you?

May... maybe just speak to him.

Tell him to honor the promises that he made me.

You want me to speak to my father on your behalf?

I've helped run this company for almost 20 years.

I'm a member of this family. The least you can do...

No. See, you've worn the clothes so f*cking long, you forgot they don't belong to you.

What you should do is say thank you and get out.

What's the problem, Terry?

Why won't you move in with us?

I'm fine where I am.

[razor buzzing]

Look... that's the one... the Balbo.

I'll just have a clean shave.

You're no fun.

You're glum.

All you guys are so f*cking glum.


You can read the articles.

It wouldn't k*ll you to come look at the room.

Tell me how f*cking great it looks.

man: Ready, sir.


There will be an unexpected and totally unplanned pop quiz tomorrow.

You're welcome for the heads-up.

Please take advantage and study.

I, um...

I could use some more help with those proofs.

Do you still want to get that cup of coffee?

Um... listen, I shouldn't have texted you back.

That was a mistake.

So why did you?

Because I was being totally f*cking inappropriate.

Got it.

I'm sorry.

Listen, I take pain medicine because of the accident.

I wasn't myself when I texted.

I know you just want to talk, but you're my student.

We have to keep it to school.

I have a faculty meeting, Bridget.

Excuse me.

[indistinct chatter]

[door opens]

[door closes]

What the f*ck are you doing here?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I misled you, Brendan.

You f*cking lied to me.

I had an obligation.

I needed to know what happened to him.

Are you going to the f*cking cops?

Could you contact your brother Ray, tell him I'm here?

It's important I talk to him.

I-I know you're angry with me.

You have every right.

Please, just call your brother.

We already k*lled one piece-of-shit priest in this place.

It wouldn't be such a chore to k*ll another.

[cell phone rings, beeps]

Hey, Bunch.

You got to get over to the gym right now.

Thomas is here.



He just walked into the f*cking club looking for you.

Shit. Don't let him leave.

I'm on my way.

[cell phone beeps]

[♪ suspenseful music]

[siren wailing in the distance]

That's good.

[flies buzzing]

[footsteps approaching]

What should we do with him?

We have some unfinished business.

No, we don't.

I need to show you something outside.

You said your piece yesterday.

We got nothing more to talk about.

We do. It'll just take a moment.

It's important.


Clear the gym out and lock it up.

[door opens]

[breathing heavily]

[trunk opens]

[dog barking in the distance]

Father O'Connor told me about how you lost your mother to cancer... how your sister committed su1c1de... that your father was a criminal.

You had one place to turn... your church, your priest.

Excommunication is not a punishment.

It's an invitation to change, repent, and return to full Communion...

...when you're ready.

You've suffered enough.

[siren wailing in the distance]

[engine turning over]

[door closes]

You're trespassing.

Call the police, then.

Better yet, call the press.

You know I don't respond well when threatened.

You don't want to do this.

You don't want to tell me what I can do and what I can't do.

Look, everything has changed, Finn.

Gay men marry now. They raise children.

No one would bat an eye.

I'm not a gay man.

Keep telling yourself that.

Enough, huh? Was it the money?

Shall I increase the amount?

It's not about the money!

This is your life.

You can't allow other people to dictate who you're allowed to love.


Been over a long time, Varick.


I don't feel a f*cking thing.

It was an adventure.

Didn't feel a f*cking thing then.

I don't feel a f*cking thing now.

That's not true.

I think it's time you left.

Well, I'm not finished talking.

Nobody's interested in whatever it is you have to say.

Oh, no one wants to hear about how Andrew Finney stole from his own charities, how he seduced his daughter's husband?

How about how he got his cock sucked in the back of a Rolls-Royce at his own father's funeral?

f*ck you, you hypocrite!

I'm not f*cking gay!

Oh. Finn.
[dog barking in the distance]

What happened?


Are we safe?


I'm so f*cking stupid.

It's over, Bunch. Don't beat yourself up.

You know what I did wrong?

Went to SNAP.

I never should've gone to those f*cking meetings...

Never should've opened my mouth...

...or trusted people.

You talk about shit that should stay quiet, and you pay a price.

There's no price, Bunch. He's not going to the cops.

Well, I'm f*cking done with all of it.

[cell phone ringing]

[cell phone beeps]


I need you to come to my house right now.

It's an emergency.


[♪ dramatic music]

[knock at door]

[whispering] What are you doing here?

You can't just come to my house, Bridget.

I feel connected to you.

Oh, Bridget.

And I keep thinking that maybe you feel something similar.

And, uh, you're gonna say you don't.

I know that, but I can't tell whether it's true or it's because you're keeping some stupid f*cking boundary.

Boundaries aren't stupid.

Yes, they are.

I hate them.


We have something in common.

You miss your boyfriend.

[clears throat]

I miss my wife.

That doesn't mean that we're connected.


Are you all right?

It's my medication.



Can I use your restroom?

Finney: He came at me.

I just...

He came at me.

I didn't mean it. He...

Did he have a w*apon?


So you just hit him with this poker?

It was an accident.

Doesn't look like an accident.

I just wanted him to back off.


It was an accident.

How long ago did this happen?

About an hour, I think.

I-I can't remember.

So what'd you call me for?

What do you think?

I want you to clean this up.

Too f*cking risky.

Your 3% of the franchise won't be worth much if this were ever made public.

The other owners would not approve. You know that.

You got a dead body in your office.

You're thinking about a f*cking deal?

I can't go to prison.

People like you rarely do.

I won't spend the rest of my life defending myself in court or in the press.

That chair... you sat there.

We barely knew each other, and you were broken... nowhere else to turn.

I didn't refuse you, Ray,
and I saved your brother's life.

Repay the kindness.

Who else was in the house?

Charlotte's in Sun Valley.

Staff went home.

[cell phone beeps]

[line trilling]

[cell phone rings]


I need you to come over to the Finney house.

What about Helen Miller?

Is she all right?

Yeah, she's fine.

They gave her anti-venom.


Just get over here.

And, Lena... do me a favor.

Call Avi.

Tell him I need him.

[breathes deeply]


You play gin?

We got a weekly game here... me and the other retired fellows.

I don't play gin.

Oh, well, sometimes we, uh... we go lawn bowling over there at the Senior Citizens Center over in Tujunga.

I got, uh, business to attend to.

[siren wailing in the distance]

[cell phone beeping]

[line trilling]


Don't call me that.

Can I stay?


You're just lonely, Bridget.

That's true.

Staying here with me is not gonna change that.

No matter what, you're still gonna be lonely.

I know that.

Okay, you cover the site. I'll take care of the body.

Anyone else know about it?

About what?

Your relationship.


You sure?

Finney: Only Paige.

Varick have any family... anyone who might come looking for him?

A sister in Scranton. Apart from that, nobody.

Mr. Finney.

Where did you wash your hands?


They can pull DNA from the pipes.

Oh, I showered and changed in the... the... the bathroom in the hall.

Here. Remember, don't run the sink.

Pour directly in the pipes.


You ever set up a trust account for Paige and Varick?


I need you to empty it, make it look like Varick made a withdrawal.

I need you to do that now.

One more thing...

Later on today, you're gonna call Paige, and you're gonna tell her you'll reconsider the Napier deal.

You understand?

Oh, yeah, I understand.




Grab his legs.

It takes a long time, digging a grave.

Lena says your brother's very sick.

Parkinson's only goes in one direction.

I k*lled people before, Ray.

I never k*lled a woman.

[breathing heavily]

[breathing heavily]

Ezra said the girl has to die.

So I was on a plane to Boston, praying to God the whole way that it can be different.

I'm in her room, waiting for the door to open, the whole time my hand on the g*n, knowing it has to be me.

You have to listen to me.

I cannot talk to the rabbi.

I cannot talk to anybody.

The one person I can tell about this is you, and you shun me like a leper.

I would've rather gone to prison, Avi.

Yeah, you say that.

I would've rather done my time.

Well, somebody had to do it... if not for you, then for your family.

You know that's true.

You know it.

[both breathing heavily]

I'll meet you back at the office.

What do you think?

I know what you're doing, Abby.

Why don't you take a minute in here?

I ain't staying.

It'd be nice to have someone around the house to talk to.

You got Ray.

No, I don't.

You know that.

None of us got Ray.

What's the matter?

He didn't come home last night.

I thought things were better, and now, again, he's not coming home.

I don't know what to do, Terry.

Don't got to do nothing, Abby.

You're not the one with the problem.

It's gonna be all right.

Don't worry your head.

Hey, you know what?


This is a nice f*cking room.



I got to make a few phone calls.

I'll take you back to the club when I'm done, all right?

What happened with Napier?

It fell apart.

Well, isn't there anything else you can do to get him to change his mind?


The f*cking deal, Ray...

Varick paid your father a visit and threatened to go to the press with their relationship.

Okay, that's my father's worry, not ours.

I need Varick's passport.

Are you stupid?

There is an order of priority here, and first up is Napier.

Paige, your father wants me to control this thing.

I need you to handle Napier.

Ray, I need this fix.

The passport is the f*cking fix.

Most countries are backward.

Not all.

Take Amsterdam. They got it figured out there.

Men can smoke a little dope, have sex with a stranger for money.

No one bats a f*cking eye.

That's like... like cheese.


You ever been there?

What, Amsterdam?

On my salary?

I can barely afford to take my kids to SeaWorld.

Amsterdam... I'm telling you, they don't judge a man for his proclivities.

They live and let live.

Mr. Donovan, you made the call to me.

Are you gonna help us or not?

Right, right.

Lena rented a car in Varick's name.

It's parked out back.

I want you to drive it down to Rosarito, use his passport at the border, then fly to Mexico City tomorrow.

[clears throat]

This is a rush job.

Close enough.


I appreciate you doing this, Avi.

Ah, it's no problem.

When you get back, give me a call.


[footsteps approaching]

Hey, Terry.

Ready to go?

Uh, no, I'm gonna wait for Ray.

You might be waiting a long f*cking time.

I want to give him something.

I'll set a place for dinner for you.

Ray: You need to remember

what I'm about to tell you.

All right.

Varick came to see you after Paige served him with divorce papers.

He was angry.

He took the money from the trust and disappeared.


In three days, you're gonna hire a PI.

I'm gonna give you a name.

The guy's a f*cking idiot, but eventually he's gonna figure out that Varick took the money and fled to Belize.

Let him leak the story.

The papers will run something about the divorce.

They'll come to you for a comment.

Don't give 'em one.

You got it?

I got it.

Paige, dear, thank you for coming over.

Varick stole $8 million from the fund I set up for you and him.


We don't know, but the money's gone.

He's gone, and we're sure he did it.

And I've also been thinking about the Napier deal, and I've reconsidered my position.

I'm gonna pay Napier's ask.

We'll acquire the rest of the land, and then I'm gonna let you run the show.


'Cause it's a good idea, and because it's time for me to step aside and let you lead.

Well, it has to be done by tonight.

Just call Napier.

Close the deal, hmm?

I need a couple of more minutes with Ray, anyway.

Thank you for this.

Where'd you bury him?

I can't tell you that.

Where'd you bury him?

I can't tell you. Trust me, it's better if you don't know.

Will you sit with me for a moment, hmm?

That's all he's gonna get.

What do you mean?

His funeral will be you and me sitting together.


Thank you, Ray.

[exhales deeply]

So how'd you get my father to change his mind?

I'm helping him deal with Varick.

Varick stealing my trust fund doesn't mean a thing to my father.

Maybe you do.

"The passport is the fix"?

You made a side deal. I know you.

You got what you wanted, didn't you?


Congratulations, partner.



Bunchy: Let me remind you of the House of Mouse rules... no smoking, no villainous schemes, and no guests eating other guests.

[laughter, chatter]

...sounds sort of like Edith Bunker now.

Archie! Archie, come down here and walk Pluto.

He keeps licking my toes.

Go on, go to the kitchen...

Watch, dear Lord, with those who wake or watch or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.

[♪ Barbarossa's "Bloodlines" playing ♪]

♪ Take my hand ♪
♪ If it gets you through, then it's all right ♪
♪ Take my hand ♪
♪ But take your time ♪
♪ Till it relates to you, then it's all right ♪
♪ You break my mind ♪

Abby: Ray... come to bed.

♪ If you could replay this ♪
♪ Where would you stop ♪
♪ To untie your hands? ♪
♪ And if you could unsay it ♪
♪ How could I ever ♪
♪ Understand? ♪
♪ Like you never will ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Like you never will ♪
♪ And it would break your heart ♪
♪ Well, if you knew ♪
♪ That this all about you ♪
♪ Oh, but you carry on regardless ♪
♪ But we've already started ♪
♪ A new bloodline ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪