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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 08/29/14 02:34
by bunniefuu
♪ now I'm in love again ♪
♪ ha no, this time ♪
♪ it's not with my hand ♪
♪ wander and murdering ♪
♪ every time ♪
♪ that I get the chance ♪
♪ I'm a human ♪
♪ but remember first I'm a man ♪
♪ you painted pictures for me ♪
♪ but I refuse to understand ♪
♪ 'cause I want everything ♪
♪ for no reason ♪
♪ 'cause yesterday it felt so good ♪
♪ but today it feels so bad ♪
♪ these streets got me wandering ♪
♪ looking for my fix again ♪
♪ I should have prayed the night before ♪
♪ now I'm losing everything I have ♪
♪ yesterday it felt so good ♪
♪ but now today it feels so bad ♪

[Speaking foreign language]

82 on scene. Possible 51/50.

[Man continues in foreign language]

Copy that, AV-2. Paramedics in route.

Oh, shit.

AV-2 to control. I can't wait for a bus.

What's the problem, AV-2?

It's Pernell Harris. I've got to get him out.

[Continues in foreign language]

Judge Harris.

Judge Harris!

Can you hear me?

Judge Harris, my name is Sergeant Kessler from the San Vicente police department.

Let me help you out.

Is his name on any of the paperwork?

He's a John Doe under observation.

Not even admitted.

How is he?

We ran a full battery of diagnostic tests.

Aside from being slightly dehydrated, he's in perfect health.

They found him naked in the middle of a fountain.

It can't be all good.

I meant physically.

Mentally and emotionally, you can probably answer that better than me.


Nice shirt.

You okay?

You better tell me you're okay.

I'm okay.

Let's get you home.

I need to talk to PJ first.

Pernell, we talked about this.

You don't get a say in this, doc.

No offense.

I think the doctor's just being careful.

You... you need to rest.

We'll... we'll see PJ later.


Hold on, Pernell. I'm afraid I have to insist.

You're talking in a tone that implies an authority I don't think you have, Dr. Williams.

What am I, on house arrest?

Well, then, shut the f*ck up and get the f*ck out of my way.

Hey, there, little lady.


How you holdin' up?

Pretty good.

Where's my boy?

Room 757.

It's down the hall to the left.

I thought he didn't want to see PJ.

Guess he changed his mind.

Well, is he okay?

I don't know.

[Door opens]

Hey, PJ.

I'm here.


I thought you'd be up by now.

[Chuckles] I should have known.

You always knew how to milk the moment.



If you can hear me...

Just squeeze my hand.

One little squeeze.


Come on, slugger. Show me somethin'.

You can't give me one little squeeze?


Thank you.

Dr. Chatwin said that, um...

PJ was so young and healthy, he, um...

He can give the gift of life to eight people.

If he doesn't make it.

Dr. Chatwin said he already didn't make it.

We just need to decide when to turn the machine off.

You better keep your mouth shut about me cryin' when you wake up.

[Water running]

Just so you know...

When you do wake up, you get whatever you want.

I'm puttin' everything on the table.

Even the money for your startup.

You want to catch lightning?

I will gladly pay for the g*dd*mn bottle, but you got to wake up first. Deal?

Why don't we start with the promise you already made to me?

You said you'd make sure he paid.

Remember that?

Yeah, I do remember, PJ, and I will.

But they got to find the guy first.

You find him.



He, uh...

You got to talk to him as if he's awake, even if he's not.

I heard that someplace.

You made a promise to me.

Keep it.

Let's go.

[Workers shouting]

Ah, somebody tagged the sign?

Shit. Perfect.

Asa, call Burk over in public works.

Tell him to get this sign fixed immediately.

You got his number?

I'll be right back.


I appreciate you coming out on short notice, Guy.

My pleasure, Mr. Mayor, but did I misread the invitation?

I didn't know this was a black tie affair.

Walking my daughter down the aisle in about an hour, but I wanted to show you something first.

Did you ever heard of Ardenwood?

It's the pride of Fremont.

Big old farm that's the same today as it was 120 years ago.

You go there and you can churn butter or milk a cow.

Sounds like a good time.

This is the place where time stops.

Does that sound like a good home for Brooks Innovations?

Well, Mr. Brooks would rather have his headquarters in San Vicente.

I think that's pretty obvious.

And then why the f*ck did you re-open negotiations with Fremont?

Mr. Brooks believes in keeping all his options open, just in case.

Things have been done that can't be taken back. All right?

Too much money has passed hands to be havin' second thoughts.

This train is moving, understand?

I do, but is everyone we need still on the train?

Hell yes.

Even Judge Harris?

We heard he missed a few days of work last week.

Didn't tell anybody.

Heard how they found him yesterday too.

The man's son shot himself in the head.

If he had a few bad days, I think he gets a pass.

Of course he does. Any man would.

But a big part of our plan to make San Vicente the epicenter of Brooks Innovations hinges on the judge.

Grieving can be a long process.

Pernell can multitask.

As soon as we know that for sure, we'll stop looking at other options.


Sorry to pull you out of your game, chief.

Something like this, I figured I should just call.

Stop apologizing.

Where is he?

Detective squad room.

I'm sorry, judge.

I'm not authorized to show you the file.

Fine. Don't show me anything.

Just verbally express to me the list of the suspects.

Can you at least do that?

Easy, Pernell.

We're the good guys, remember?

Toby, you need to talk to this guy.

He's not telling me anything about Jocelyn's case.

That's 'cause he's not on the case.

Well, shouldn't he be?

Shouldn't the whole department be?

Her case is my top priority.

I have my three best on it.


Some piece of shit r*pes my daughter-in-law, has my son watch the whole g*dd*mn thing, and he's walkin' around free for seven f*ckin' months?

Not from lack of trying.

You know what you can do in seven months, if you're trying?

You can build a house from the ground up.

Go around the world in a sailboat.

Hell, you can have a f*ckin' baby in seven months if you'll press.

I am pushing this case as hard as if it were my own daughter.

Then you must not give a shit about your own daughter.

You're under strain right now.

I'm going to let that slide.

No, I don't want you to let it slide.

I want you to let me see the file!

Not while it's active.

Why not?

I'm a judge! I'm family of the victim!

You worried about somebody checkin' on your work?

Pull the file.

Make a copy for the judge.


You made us miss the ceremony.

I wasn't up for a wedding.

You think I was?

Just figured it's your best friend's daughter, so out of respect, you should show up.

So I got my shit together.

Instead you go to the police station?

Somebody had to light a fire under Toby's ass.

Wish you could have told me.

I was this close from calling 911 again.

You know, Crystal, I'm a grown man.

I mean, you don't have to call the police every time I leave the g*dd*mn house.

I'm sorry.

The last time you left here, you didn't come back for three days.

What... no, actually, you never came back.

They found you.


In the middle of a fountain.

But, hey, at least you were alive.

At least I didn't lose my husband and my son in the course of a week.


I should have left you a note.

You okay?

You're asking too much of me.

I'm sorry.

So you want to tell me where you disappeared to for three days?

It's, uh...

All kind of a blur.

Okay. Why don't we start with what happened to your clothes?

I left them at the church.


I think I got baptized.

By who?




I have a check drawn from this bank I'd love to cash.

One moment, please.

Your teller verified the signature, and the amount can't be a problem.

I'm sure Mr. Harris' account could cover that check a hundred times over. Am I right?

Judge Harris must have been in a very generous mood.


Well, he caught the spirit.

What she means is God called him, and he answered. Praise the Lord.

That's wonderful, except we can't cash a check this size on the spot.

I'd be happy to open an account with, say, a $5,000 starting balance?

We could get the other 45 in cash.

What's the name of your church again?

The Hand of God Chapel.

It's a spirit-filled ministry.

Uh, and you're a registered 501-3C?

Technically that piece of paperwork's pending.

It should be official any day now.

Best I can do is put a three-day hold on the check.

You really think the Lord's work should wait three days?

I'm sorry.

You mind if I visit your restroom?

Uh, certainly.

It's, uh, just to the left of reception.


[Door clicks closed]

Do you ever make exceptions?

I'd already be making an exception.

Normally there's a seven-day hold on amounts over $10,000.


But theoretically is there ever a case where, uh, you could cash a check like this on the spot?

Theoretically, um...

I suppose that there are some times, special circumstances that warrant cashing a check of this size.


God needs Paul to save souls, Mr. O'Neill, and that is a 24/7 fight.

Because Satan doesn't take time off.

Not three days or three hours or even three minutes.

So I need you to tell me what it would take for our circumstances to be considered special.


Here you are, sir.

God bless you.

You have a good day.

You too.

Oh, no. Those are for after.

I thought it started at 5:00.


Well, take a seat.

Uh, closer.

This one's good.

I don't bite.

Thank you for coming.

I thought we'd open with a prayer.

Heavenly Father, we ask that you bless this Bible study.

We know that we're not worthy of your love or protections, but you give it to us unconditionally.

In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Oh. Amen.

You didn't bring a Bible?

I ain't got a Bible.

Now this is a...

It's kind of a checklist from David on how good the Lord is.

People say... hm, people might say "What's so good about God?" and now you... Hey, Montgomery.

You here for the Bible study?

Ha! It's game time.

[TV noise]

Let's go!

Would you mind turning that off, please?

Nah. It's my team, dog.

[Announcers on TV]

I'm sorry.

This room is reserved for Bible study.

You're welcome to join us if you'd like.

What the f*ck?

[Crowd noise on TV, announcer under]

Give me this motherfuckin' remote, man.

Don't nobody give a f*ck about your Bible study, K.D.

sh**t, meth-mouth, he only here for the donuts.

You can pray all you want, preacher boy, but the TV...

[Click] stays on.

[Announcer under crowd noise]

Tico, would you start reading verse eight, please?

"The lord is gracious and merciful..." oh, you got to take that to the house!

"Slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."

The lord is good to all" Come on, get loose!

"And mercy is over all that he has made." you gotta catch that! Come o...


You're gonna respect God's time!


Oof! [Thud]

You don't fool me, m*therf*cker.

[Announcers continue under crowd noise]

[Muffled] It's not over?

I'm sorry we missed Zoie's wedding.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you'll get another shot.

That girl's mighty fickle. How's Pernell?

You heard how they found him, right?

Did you know he gave 50 grand to a preacher he's never met before?

He thinks he might be born again.

If he doesn't get a grip real quick, it's gonna cost us a lot more than that.

Went through the r*pe database.

This guy in Sebastopol, serial r*pist.

Same M.O.

Has the husband watch while he's rapin' the wife.

They ruled him out.

Can you believe that shit?

Toby know about this?

He's leaving out the part about how the guy's been in San Quentin the past three years.

He probably figured he didn't break out of prison, r*pe jocelyn, and then...

Break back into prison.

You know, you got to think outside the box here.

Maybe somebody let him out.

Maybe m*therf*cker had a cellmate he taught all his tricks to.

A protege did it.

When was the last time you slept?

Been a few days.

Hm, didn't shower either.

I talked to Guy.

He said Mr. Brooks and everybody at Brooks Innovations send their condolences.

Yeah, everybody's sending condolences and flowers like PJ's already f*cking dead.

They're worried about you. They need to know you're okay.

Well, I'm not okay!

And I'm not gonna be okay until I keep my promise to PJ.

Then they need to think that you're okay in the meantime, or they might think about taking their project elsewhere.

See what I mean?

They said that?

To my face.

I told 'em not to worry. I know you.

And as hard as it is right now, you'll pull through. You always do what it takes.

I'm fine.

I told 'em you'd be back to work Monday.

I wasn't lying, was I?

I'll be there.

I'll be there.

I got to do the whole four?

I thought you said two years.

I was pushing for two.

But you caught a bad break with the judge on this.

How's that?

The guy you're goin' in front of?

They call him Judge Maximum, as in maximum sentence.

If you walk in without this plea, I guarantee he will not only revoke your parole, but he'll tack on the maximum sentence for this latest offense.


[Knocking on door]

Good morning, Mrs. Harris.

I'm Sergeant Kessler.

Is your husband around?

He's at work.

Oh, I thought he'd be taking a few days off.

No, he's fine. Why?

Bail is set at 50,000.

That's not right, Your Honor.

My client's not a flight risk.

People versus Keith Dennison.

You have anything to say, Mr. Dennison, before I send your sorry ass back to prison?

Yes, sir.

I believe God has a plan for everyone.

Me standing in front of you right now, it's part of his plan.

This ain't a coincidence.

No, it's not a coincidence, Mr. Dennison.

You beat a man, and that's against the law.

But my calling is to spread the word of God, and I'm pretty sure the devil was using Montgomery to try to stop me.

I'd do it again.

Play it again?

[Speaking in foreign language]

What the hell language is that?

Sound like Muslim.

You mean Arabic?

I mean like a f*ckin' t*rror1st.

I hate to say it.

He's speaking in tongues.

My aunt does that at her church.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

If he's on some kind of religious trip...

Who do we know that speaks tongues?

Can you call your aunt down here?

What the f*ck? We're not looking for a tongue translator, all right?

We want this buried, not shared.

Show some respect for your f*cking godfather.

[Speaking in foreign language]

So you don't care if you go back to prison?

Better to lose favor in the eyes of man than in the eyes of the Lord.

It's like you said, a man who knows his calling must do everything in his power to live up to it.

Have we met?

Not officially, sir.

I saw you get baptized at Hand of God four days ago.

You opened my eyes to what it means to be saved, and now I see you're a modern day Solomon.

So whatever decision you make here today, I'm good with it.

Uh, Mr. Dennison, uh... [clears throat]

Did you, uh...

Did you fear for your safety or for the safety of anyone around you at the time?

Uh, yeah.

Um, yes, sir.

Montgomery's a big man.

Your Honor, uh, Mr. Dennison has already willingly signed a plea agreement.

The question here is sentencing.

So you acted to protect yourself?

Yes, sir.

Judge Harris, I'd like to bring your attention to the timeline of v*olence perpetrated by Mr. Dennison.

It includes 11 as*ault and batteries for with a deadly w*apon, negligent homicide, and 2 attempted murders.

This man's never gone more than six months without some sort of physical attack on another human being, and these are only the ones we know about.

I'm assuming that all this was before you were born again, right?

Yes, sir.

Were you born again two days ago when you beat a man near to death because he wouldn't turn off the TV?

He just said that that particular attack was in his own self-defense.

The victim was sitting down with his back to the defendant.

Charge is dismissed.

Praise God!

Your Honor, we have a signed plea.

Bang, bang, bang, Mr. McCauley.

That means we're done.




[Moaning] [Grunting]

[Both sighing]



Come on, Pernell.

Randy's gonna be knocking soon.

Two more minutes.

Are you crying?


Tess... [sighs]

This has to stop.

What are you talkin' about?

I mean, I love this.

This is beautiful, but...

I can't do this anymore.

I'm married.


You've been married for 20-some odd years.

I know, but now I'm baptized.


Yeah. [Sniffles]

I think I'm born again, and, uh, I'm pretty sure this is against the rules.


Are you serious?

Pernell Harris catching religion?

That doesn't even sound right.

But I still want to be friends.

I love talkin' to you, Tessie.

I don't want that to end.

He's in a meeting.

You think I give a damn?

In a meeting!

Sweetie, here's how this is gonna work.


No more standing appointment.

You want to see me, you call.

If you do, I'll be here.

Hour minimum, as usual.

1,500 per hour, as usual.

What we do... is up to you.

We're just gonna talk.


That's good.

I like talking to you.

Found this on the Internet.

It's a story about people who woke up from comas.

Made me think of PJ.

What does it fix if I turn off that machine?

You've got a lot of healing to do, and we can't start wrestling with the real issues until you say good-bye.

I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Is it because you're afraid you'll never get the answers you need?

It's because it's my fault.

That's what he told me in the note.

You told everyone he didn't leave a note.

The police...



Oh, well, he didn't leave it for you.

[Cheerful pop music in background]

He's in the crapper.

You can go in.

[Groans] Ohh...

What crawled up your ass and died?

Ha ha ha.

Doc put me on new blood pressure meds.

They're gmn' me the shits.

I wouldn't make it from here to my car without an accident.

Your husband's not helping.

Some whack job psychopath came in spouting religious stuff.

Pernell let him off scot-free.

Supervising judge just opened a review.

They're lookin' to suspend him.

Well, you better get your ass in front of that, bobo.

Trust me.

As soon as I can get my ass off this toilet, I'll get to work on that.

A lot of these little fires we're dealin' with seem to be getting fueled by religion.

I'm startin' to wonder about Pernell's little baptism.

A preacher with the wrong intentions could have a field day with him right now.

I'll talk to the preacher.


It's all hands on deck until Pernell comes to his senses.

Maybe I should tell the B.A.P.A. that Pernell can't make the award's dinner?

Can't do that.

Guy Guillet's sending a rep.

Shit. They'll see for themselves Pernell's not on his rocker.


We need to manage this from the Pernell side.

I'll work on keeping him on the bench.

You make sure that preacher gets the message.


[Phone plays tune]

[Knocking on door] Here.

Finish this.


Good for your blood pressure and the shits.

Hey, send Asa in here. I need some toilet paper.
♪ Love again was mine, yeah ♪

♪ You get yours and mine ♪

♪ Life ain't worth living ♪

[Laughs] Can I help you?

Oh, my God. I know you!

From the soap, right?

Young And the Restless. [Laughs]

Right? [Laughs]

Oh, my God, I can't remember your character's name.

It was Josh.


That was a long time ago. Wow.


Reverend Curtis. It's a pleasure.

Crystal Harris.

I believe you baptized my husband.

Tell me, how did you and Pernell get so close?

He came to me looking for answers, so I put him in touch with Jesus.

And for that you get 50 grand?


That's what a personal connection to Jesus is going for these days?

I want you to know I didn't ask for that money, but we're already putting it to work for the Lord.


That's a very nice suit you have on.

New? [Laughs]

But then everything about you is kind of new, isn't it?

Actor-turned-con-artist-turned preacher.

Oh, I did my research.

You weren't born Paul Curtis, were you...



When I got saved, I decided to take a name from the Bible.

That makes sense.

Was my husband making sense when he wrote you that check?

Don't... don't answer that.

I don't want you to worry about that.

I want you to keep that money.

Just pretend you won the lottery, except this prize, it comes with a string, and if you don't stay the hell away from my husband, I will pull that string, and I will use it...

To strangle you. [Gasps]

Everything about you.


I don't understand why you're in such a g*dd*mn rush.

I've talked to the experts, and they all say that there's no chance of getting PJ back.

It's the way that he shot himself.

It's the part of the brain...

Experts can be wrong, you know?

I'm not waiting.

I would really like for us to agree so we can all say our good-byes the right way.

But I am his wife, and I get to make this call.

I'm sorry.


Are we gonna go by what the movies say?




We have to define our manhood by what the Bible says...


God damn it...

He said it was important.

I need you to pray over my son.

I will. Here's the problem. I have a sermon to prepare. Maybe tomorrow...

They're talking about pulling the plug on my boy. This is not a tomorrow situation.

Why don't we take brother Harris' request to prayer circle?

That's a splendid idea!

Even better for your son. Matthew 18:20 says, "Where two or three are gathered in my name."

Both: "I am present."

Well, then bring the f*cking prayer circle to the g*dd*mn hospital.

Uh... What the f*ck is your problem?

I got a visit from your wife, and she made it very clear that she would like to be involved in designing your spiritual path, and it probably wouldn't involve Hand of God.

Did she thr*aten you?

There are things from my past that could severely damage my ability to spread the word if they, uh... came to light.

So this is a business decision.

Did you know that my great granddaddy built this city and it's been passed down from one generation to the next ever since?

My wife is a powerhouse, there's no doubt about that, but she married up, and if there's anybody who can hurt you in this town, it's the honorable Pernell f*cking Harris.

Everybody says he's dead, Lord, and they're ready to make it official, but we know where there is a will, there is a way, and if it's God's will, there is a path to life.

Come on, son.

It's okay. This is the way you check to see if he's comin' out of a coma.

Keep goin'.

So, Lord, we humbly ask that you give us a sign.

Not for us, but for the non-believers.

Give me somethin', PJ. Give me something now.

Oh, Jesus.

Help PJ! Show them, Lord.

Right now that, yes, he is engaged...

Come on, PJ.

In an epic battle, but he is not lost, he is not gone.

Move something.

Make it quick, Lord!


Give us a sign that he is with you, Lord, that he is engaged.

Yes, it's...

Oh, shit.

What? What?

Oh, shit.

Uh, Lord, we know...

Why won't you keep your promise?

I'm trying.

And help PJ in this moment of need.

Help me with this blood here, will you?

A destiny...

What are you waiting for?

I'm waiting for the cops to find the guy who did it.

Can I get some towels over here? Hurry!

And, yes, Lord!

The stream of justice is winding but true.

I cannot serve justice until I understand who did it!

Uh, be with us, Lord! We know you have a plan.

Follow the stream.

The glory of the Lord rises upon you, PJ!

Follow the stream.

We see the darkness covers the earth, and... and we know that just because it's not working today doesn't mean it's not gonna work tomorrow, and we're gonna...

We're gonna get on our hands and knees and pray.

We know you healed the sick and raised the dead.

If you can bring Lazarus back from the grave, you can surely wake PJ up.

Please, wake him up now. Please!

What's wrong?

You're standing in the blood.

You're standing in the blood!

What blood?

False alarm.

[Jazz music]

[Background chatter]

Oh, Anne. Glad you could make it.

Thank you. So where's the guest of honor?

Oh, he's here, making his rounds.

Great. Can't wait to see him.

Mmm. Enjoy.

Tonight, we honor a man who understands the important work we do as law enforcement, who rewards that work by making sure criminals get the justice they deserve.

No one will be mad if you're not in the mood to give a speech.

Just get up there, say thank you, and get off.

It is with great pride that I award the Cvlian's Badge of Merit to our friend Pernell Harris.

Way to go, Your Honor.



[Guests murmur]

[Whispers] You deserve it.

Thank you, John.

As many of you know, um, my family is in the middle of a... very difficult time... [clears throat]

And John even offered to reschedule to give me the time to do what... whatever it is you do when... your son sh**t himself and is lying in a coma.

But the more I thought about it, the more determined I was to be here, especially here, because you all deal with tragedy all the time, and still you show up the next day, even on your worst day, to put your lives on the line, because that is your job.

So if you can do that, then I should be able to muster the fortitude it takes to show up for some good music and some great food, and, uh, some shiny hardware.

And this is not some five and dime tin star.

This is the real thing. [Scattered chuckles]

In fact, give me a set of cuffs, and I may arrest somebody on my way out.

[Laughter] Or better yet, when I get home. [Laughter]

You watch out, sweetie.


My beautiful wife, ladies and gentlemen.

[Clang] Oh!

Don't touch it!

Nobody move.

Nobody f*ckin' move!

What's your name?

What is your name?


Honey, let's go.

Uh, let's have one more big hand for...

I'm following the stream.

For Judge Pernell Harris.

Pernell. [Applause]

Play something. Play something.

[Playing jazz melody]

Let's go home.

Walk with me.

[Band continues playing]

Reverend Paul says I'm anointed.

It happens when you're born again.

God gives everyone gifts.

For some the gifts are more pronounced than for others.

Depends on what God has planned for you.

These voices that I'm hearing, these visions that I'm seeing, they're real.

God is speaking to me... through PJ.

What is PJ...

I mean God... telling you to do?

Get the man who r*ped Jocelyn.

I appreciate your flair for the dramatics, but this is going a bit far, Guy.

It's not a show, Robert. The key to this deal is gone.

We have no choice but to cut our losses.

Pernell is just part of the team.

Remember, you got the mayor of San Vicente standing right in front of you.

You've been extremely helpful, but let's be honest, Pernell's the reason we got the land and the tax incentive.

He's the reason we got to build without union labor.

Not he. We.

I can get Pernell to do whatever it is we need him to do.

Just tell me. What's it gonna take to keep this deal on track?

Well, let's start with something easy.

Have him sign the eminent domain order for the Vallco Drive.

And if he does, you end negotiations with Fremont.

No, but I'll put 'em on hold.

It's as far as I can go.

[Dinner music, background chatter]


Where's my signing pen?

I'm sure it's at home.

I had it this morning.

Hey, here.

I told Guy he could file this today.

I can't do this right now. My mind's not here.

You don't need your mind.

Just sign it. Please.

The Brooks deal is riding on this, Pernell.

I got this urge. Won't go away.

It's like my d*ck just stays hard, but I don't need p*ssy.

What do you need, Pernell?

Please, tell me what the hell you need.

I need justice for PJ.

He shot himself. There's no justice for that.

I'm sorry, but somebody had to put that out there.

This all goes back to when Jocelyn got r*ped.

PJ's never been the same since, and not catching the r*pist only makes things worse.

They're gonna get the guy.

I told 'em who it is!

The kid from the banquet?

Shane Caldwell!

I said,"Toby, go pick this kid up."

He won't do it. Give us a second.

You're in crazy town, Pernell.

If you talked to Toby, right?

You say, "Toby, bring in this Shane Caldwell,"

I don't have to think about this shit anymore.

I could focus on other things.

Are you holding this deal hostage?

You know you got more to lose in this than anybody, right?

If Brooks Innovations pulls out, all that money you poured into that land grab goes bye-bye.

You think I give a shit about money?

You should, and it's not just money.

This is about legacy.

I'm trying to secure our city's future.

And I'm trying to get some f*cking closure.

You want me to arrest an innocent man, a cop, just to make Pernell feel better?

Don't arrest him. Just bring him in.

Ask him a few questions. No harm, no foul.

On what grounds?

On the grounds that this whole city will come tumbling down if you don't.

See what I mean?

Just say you have an anonymous tip.

Yeah, from a man who's off his g*dd*mn rocker.

You should be getting Pernell help, not feeding his delusions.

I'm not gonna put Shane Caldwell through the wringer.

He doesn't deserve it.

You think I give a damn about that cop's feelings?

He is the microscopic speck of paint in a big picture I'm painting.

You, you're just a teeny-tiny bit bigger than the speck.

Pernell, on the other hand, is the f*cking canvas, and without him, I have to start over.

I'm too lazy to start over. You read me?

Now I'm gonna keep this in the form of a request, but the only f*cking answer I want to hear is yes.

Will you please bring Shane Caldwell in for questioning?

There's nothing to be nervous about, Shane.

Just want to clear some things up.

Am I gonna need somebody with me, like, from the union?

You're within your rights, but I think it's best if we keep this unofficial.

I'm thinking about your best interests when I say that.

What... what do you want to know?

Where were you the night of April 17th?

Um... [Laughs]

That's like seven months ago.

It's the night Jocelyn Harris was r*ped.

That's what this is about?

I know this can't be easy.

Don't get worked up, Shane.

Just tell me if there's anything familiar about him...

Body movements, sound of his voice, anything.

Just gonna ask you a few questions and let you get back to work.

There's something.

It's just I don't know what it is, but there's something about him.

What did I tell you?

I knew it! You think I r*ped somebody?

Nobody's accusing you of anything.

I just want to know where you were.

I was at work, chief.

Swing shift.

I was on a vandalism report when the 2-6-1 came over the radio.

I offered to respond, and I was told to stand by.

Later that night, dispatch called and asked me to do a courtesy visit.

I spent the rest of my shift parked outside the victim's house.

[Whispers] Shit.

Yeah, I couldn't sleep until he got there.

He would shine a light through the window every half an hour so just to let me know that he was still there.

He's the reason I made it through that first night.

But you got to understand, I'm not wrong.

I know it was him.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

He was working. He couldn't have done it.

That's just an alibi.

[Muffled conversation continues]

You could set the time and the date on the camera to whatever you want.

Every cruiser has a transponder.

His time and location's confirmed by GPS, unless you think the g*dd*mn satellites are lying to us too.

We're done here.

No, we're not.

Pernell, what more do you want?

No f*ckin' way.

I want to talk to my rep.

You're supposed to make sergeant next month, right?

Nothing that's happened here changes that, but the second I call your rep, this becomes official.

Shane Caldwell was questioned in connection to a r*pe.

It'll be in writing, and your future will go backwards very quickly.

Now, are you sure you want me to make that call?

I need you to stand up and approach the glass.

What's he doing?

What's he doing?

He was wearing a mask, but you saw his privates, didn't you?

[Zipper sound] That's the one thing you had to have seen. Oh, my...

Come on, come on.


Just take a quick look.


There's got to be something you recognize.

I need you to lift your shirt, please.

We need to see.

That man r*ped you.

He r*ped you!

And he made PJ watch!

Now you look at him!

Let go of me. Please let go of me!

He needs to face justice for what he did!

Look at him. Look at him!


I need to know.

[Whispering] Help me, Jocelyn.

Help PJ.

There are pieces of that night that I've been able to forget.

Not a lot.

Not enough.

But there are some pieces that I just don't remember.

What the penis on the man who r*ped me for an hour in front of my husband looks like is one of those things I don't remember, and I will do everything within my power to keep it that way.

Does that help?


We're done, Shane. I'm sorry.

Sign the f*ckin' order.

[Bluesy music plays]

Brother Harris, what's on your mind?

I think God's vision was wrong.

His vision's never wrong. He's God.

Are you sure?

Because everyone I know thinks I'm crazy, and I'm startin' to wonder myself.

Well, that'd be in the same company as Moses, John the baptist, and Jesus himself.


You don't think he could just be f*ckin' with me?

You know, like a test?

God doesn't test his children.

The devil does.

You see, God gives you free will so you can prove your faith by believing in him during times of trial.

And the devil saves his best tricks for God's anointed ones.

If you're being tested, that means you're on the right track.

You got a minute?


Stayin' out of trouble?

Yes, sir. Praise God.

I wasn't gonna say this in court, but, uh, you were right about what you said.

God chose me to mete out justice.

Just like Solomon.

I knew it.

I knew it.

But I can't do it alone.

Solomon had this guy, Benayah.


That was one bad ass m*therf*cker.

You want to know what else God told me?

He wants you...

To be my Benaiah.

I can do that.

Where you been?

Bible study.

Jocelyn called.

She's turning off the machine tomorrow.

You can't come.

You're not allowed anywhere near her.


All I did was...

Oh, I heard what you did.

I'm surprised she didn't commit su1c1de herself.

I'm keeping my promise to PJ.

Stop saying that.

Whatever it is you wanted to do it for him...

You should have done it while was alive.

He is alive.

[Overlapping chatter]


Make a bunch! Make a bunch!

Make a bunch!

As many as you can.

Come on. Go straight back.

Yeah. That's a good one.

♪ Love to thee my thoughts are turning ♪

I tried to get them!

♪ All through the night ♪

Don't pop it now... oh! [Laughs]

I want you to know that everything's not going to be okay, and I'm not going to get over this someday.

I don't know what I'll do without you.

I don't even know who I am without you.

♪ Though sad fate our lives may sever ♪
♪ Parting will not last forever ♪

I hate you.

♪ There's no hope ♪
♪ That leaves me never ♪
♪ All through the night ♪

Oh, sorry, buddy. Let me move that for you.

Is that...

Yeah. That's a g*n, Shane.

Now, be smart, or it won't just be you.

It'll be your wife and babies too.

Get in the car. Get in the car.

Through this holy anointing, may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the holy spirit.

May the lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.


I'm ready.


Get away from my son.

What the hell are you doing here?

I told you that he wasn't allowed in here.

It's not up to her.


This is a 48-hour stay of the court, during which time you're required to keep Pernell Harris Junior connected to a ventilator and take all necessary measures to keep him alive.

He's already dead.

You're going to thank me for this one day.

Why are you doing this me? Why?

Why? Why are you doing this?

[Screaming] Why? Why?

Why? Why?

Because I believe in miracles.

♪ Have along for the ride ♪
♪ If you make the decisions, I'll be right by your side ♪
♪ You want to show me how you like to get high ♪
♪ Well, I've already seen it but I'll go back and try ♪
♪ Try again ♪
♪ I'll try, try again ♪

What you're describing is called an acute stress reaction.

It's a common reaction to traumatic events.

The more extreme the event, the more extreme the reaction.

Praise God! [Applause and cheering]

Praise God! Praise God!

God worked a miracle today!

Yes, he did.

Literally reached down and made his will be done.

That's right. [Clapping]

And he used this man to do it.

In some cases, a person's reality can actually be altered.

It's easier than you think for imagination to become hallucination.

Come on up, brother Pernell! [All clapping]

You testify! Testify!

Tell them your story.

Tell them your story. Thank you, Jesus!

[Digging sounds]

I don't know exactly what to say, except, um...

God just taught me the miracle of life.

Of course he thinks they're real.

The hallucinations activate the same perceptual systems of the brain as reality.

Please, just tell me there's a pill.

I'm not a good man.

I drink, I whore, I lie.

We're all sinners saved by grace.

All: Amen.

Before last week, I was only in church two times.

One for my wedding...

And one for my mother's funeral.

That's okay. Jesus loves you.

All: Amen.


Yes, he does. Amen.

Medication won't be nearly enough.

He needs to be treated by a professional in a hospital.

I didn't r*pe that girl.

I didn't r*pe anybody. I swear to God.

Stop lying, Shane.

I know the truth.

You r*ped that woman, and now God wants you struck down.

No! God would never tell anybody to k*ll somebody.

God is love.

Well, you got to brush up on your Bible studies, boy.

"Rejoice with him, o, heavens; Bow down to him, all gods, For he avenges the blood of his children, and takes vengeance on his adversaries."

Wait, please...

He repays those who hate him.

Just listen to me... God, please!

And cleanses his people's land.


I don't know the Bible like I should.

I don't even know the Lord's prayer.

God sees your heart.

But I do know this.

God called.


Praise Jesus.


And I answered.

Amen! Praise God!

[Applause and cheering]

Hallelujah! Amen!

You can still go to heaven, Shane.

Do you want to?

[Whispers] Yeah.

Do you accept Jesus as your lord and savior?


Say"I do."

I do.

Say "Dear Lord, please forgive me."


All: Saves!


All: Saves!


All: Saves!

Dear Lord, please forgive me.

They made me r*pe her.

What did you say?

I just wanted to get the book, but they said that I had to r*pe her.

Who's they?

I had to do it that way.

Who's they?

Dear Lord...

Please forgive me.

No. Who's they?

Who made you?

Who made you, Shane?

Who's they?

♪ I'll be okay, I'll be okay, I'll be okay, I'll be okay ♪
♪ I'll be okay ♪
♪ Just give me a minute to think ♪
♪ Let them say we're out of our minds ♪
♪ This is part of a story we can never rewind ♪
♪ You wanna own me, but you'll never be mine ♪
♪ You're just here for my pleasure ♪
♪ In a moment of time ♪
♪ And I'll try ♪
♪ Try again ♪
♪ I'll try ♪
♪ Try again ♪
♪ 'Cause we're coming together ♪
♪ With our hearts all broken ♪
♪ Till we fall apart ♪
♪ 'Cause we're running together ♪
♪ With our hearts all broken ♪