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01x06 - For the Rain to Gather

Posted: 09/06/15 12:01
by bunniefuu
Weather tracking systems have put the storms that are currently about two hours north of us, so now's the time to get your supplies, San Vicente.

For the next 18 to 24 hours, we're gonna get up to 8 inches of rain with wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour.

The storm's coming, people. Get ready to be blown away.

♪ I left my job today ♪
♪ Threw all my fears away ♪
♪ I may sound crazy, but I'll say ♪
♪ Call the doctor ♪
♪ Call the doctor ♪


♪ And tell him that I lost my mind ♪
♪ Call the doctor ♪
♪ Operator ♪
♪ Because I left it all behind ♪
♪ Doubt left me yesterday ♪
♪ Told me he couldn't stay ♪
♪ And went to San Francisco Bay ♪
♪ Call the doctor ♪
♪ Call the doctor ♪
♪ And tell him that I lost my mind ♪
♪ Call the doctor ♪
♪ Chiropractor ♪
♪ Because I left it all behind ♪

[grinding] ♪ Ooh ♪

He ambushed me with a two carat diamond ring and a damn minister.

Hey, he didn't say anything about leavin' Crystal, did he?

Does she even know?

I call that good news. Lead with that next time.

Well, if it were any other kind, I'd say the same thing.

But Pernell? The way he's been acting.

Come on, Tessie. This might as well be from fake

It's not legal, it's not real. Let him play out his little fantasy.

No, I'm not goin' there. Not even make-believe.

He's leaning on you, Tessie.

And if you step away, I'm afraid of how hard he might fall.

But if you stay, somethin' good can come out of this.

[Tessie scoffs]

I mean... for you, I mean.

Like what?

What, a picket fence? Stroller?


Not a part of my plan.

Nothing like that.

Woman in your line of work doesn't have much of a pension plan.

Don't worry about me.

I will not be dippin' in the penny jar when I retire.

Sure, sure... you're a smart lady, I know that, but those properties you have on the Westside... they could have some real potential.

Once we get the Brooks Project done, we're gonna need some of that new, um...

What do you call that shit?

Sustainable, low-impact ecosystems.

Yeah, ecosystems.

Hipsters and double-strollers, living in housing made of bamboo and whatnot.

Properties in neighborhoods where that shit goes in, they are going to triple in value... maybe more.

You sure they're going on the Westside?

TBD, girl.


[Fantastic Negrito's An Honest Man]

[blues vocalization]

♪ Now I'm in love again ♪
♪ No, this time it's not ♪
♪ With my hand ♪
♪ Wandering, murdering ♪
♪ Every time that I get ♪
♪ The chance ♪
♪ I'm a human ♪
♪ But remember first ♪
♪ I'm a man ♪
♪ These streets ♪
♪ Got me wandering ♪
♪ Looking for my fix again ♪
♪ I should've prayed ♪
♪ The night before ♪
♪ Now I'm losing ♪
♪ Everything I have ♪
♪ Yesterday it felt so good ♪
♪ But now today ♪
♪ It feels so bad ♪

So, Julio was working with the dead cop and then he k*lled him.

I sure like the way that ring looks on you.

[sighs] I like knowing we're married.

Pernell, I'm trying to wrap my head around what you want me to do.

Can we focus on that for a minute?


Okay, yeah.

Julio says the contact had a place at the Eastwood Apartments.

So whoever rented the apartment was the bad guy?


I need for you to go there and get me a name.

Pernell, you're talking about rapists and K*llers.

Being a P.I. is not a part of my job description.

Job description?

I got down on one knee for you.

If you think of me as anything more than a f*cking John, you're gonna do this for me.

Talking to me like that will get you nowhere.

You see? We even fight like an old married couple.

Pernell, please.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Would you please do this for me?

[sighs] Tess?

I would do it myself, except I'm afraid it'll come back on me.

I need to send somebody I know and I trust and I don't trust anybody more than you, Tess.

What's the address?

Morning, all.

Mr. Harris, Mrs. Harris.

What are you doing here, Josh?

You're about to see.

Josh's voice: You know, almost half the people in skydiving accidents survive them.

Pj: Bullshit.

Josh: Seriously, they might end up vegetables, but they don't all die.

Pj: What's the difference?

Who wants to live like that anyway?

Josh: You speak for Stephen Hawking?

Pj: I speak for me, man.

Seriously, if I bounce and I don't die, DNR all the way, man!


I think we can all agree.

There's nothing more to discuss now that we've heard Pernell Harris Jr.'s wishes for a DNR...

f*ck that.

You don't tell me when there's nothing else to discuss.

I tell you.

We'll never let the video in. It's hearsay.

Well, you're welcome to try to make that argument, but we are hearing it right from PJ's mouth.

Hearing what? A joke?

That's not a joke and you know it.

PJ's not here to testify to state-of-mind.

The guy who shot the video can.

That's what Mr. Miller is doing here.

Is that right?

Is that why you're here, Josh?

Why do we have to drag this out?

Your son is talking to you. He's telling you what he wants.

No, we don't know that he would say that today.

I do. The last thing PJ would want is for me to let you pull the plug.

We'll be contesting the video.

You mean you'll be delaying the inevitable.

Chronic care facilities will not be evacuated, but ventilator-dependent patients in these facilities will be transferred to a hospital.

We're making this determination based on the nature of the storm, okay?

Thank you.

That's good notes. Thanks, James.

And can you hold on to them for me?

Okay, ah, kay.


When did you decide it was okay to ignore calls from the mayor?

I'm not ignoring them. I'm a little busy at the moment.

I wasn't calling about storm preparations.

[indistinct radio chatter]

We never got to finish our conversation at the Conclave.

No, I thought it was over when I told Pernell to go f*ck himself.

Come on, Erwin.

You know Pernell wasn't really trying to convert you.

He just got carried away.

And if I could take it back for him, I would.

But I need that grid expansion and you want some things too, right?

Not if it means swallowing Pernell's shit.

Now, see? There's your mistake.

Now, you're letting personal get in the way of business.

It's hard not to when someone says, "Your people k*lled Christ and you're going to hell."

You know he crossed a line, Robert.

What line?

He didn't put his hands on you.

He didn't hurt you. Those were words...

Nonsense talking.

You can't get caught up in that.

Oh, so there's no taking it too far?

So, if I called you a n*gg*r, you wouldn't care?

You sign up on that grid expansion, you can call me whatever the f*ck you want.

Okay, n*gg*r.

You know what it'd take to get me onboard for the Brook's grid expansion?

Everything I've already asked for, plus a separate budget allocation from the discretionary fund.

Let me know if you can make that happen, n*gg*r.

Brother Harris called. He says he needs to talk.

He's on his way.


You can give him his check back.

Yes, I still have it.

I do not feel right about how we got it.

Brother Harris wanted to make a donation.

What's the problem?

The problem is that you married him to his call girl.

That's polygamy. It's against the law.

No one who relies on the law is justified before God because the righteous will live by faith.

[sighs] Paul?

You are compromising the spiritual principles of this church to enable this man.

Not "enable," save.

Brother Pernell is helping us grow this church.

That donation will cover the check you gave to Bishop Bruce.

We wouldn't have even needed the money if you hadn't started smoking meth again.

I told you I did not smoke anything that night.

Yeah, that is what you told me.

Can you talk?

Of course.

What can I do for you?

PJ's slipping away from me.

I'm running out of time.

I saw a video of him this morning.

He was so happy.

Happier than I've seen him for so long.

I don't know if I've ever seen that side of him.

That wasn't our thing.

Which is why I need him back.

I have to have a chance to...


Don't worry.

It's in the hands of the Lord.

I have to worry.

He said he doesn't want to be on life-support.

He said that right to the f*cking camera.

And when they show that in court, I'm gonna lose.

PJ dies.

I need your help, Reverend.

I need to get my visions back.

We've talked about Daniel, right?

Yeah, he's the one with the visions, right?


But God didn't just grant him that gift.

He had to work for it.

While others ate, he fasted.

He did it to prove his willingness to sacrifice for the Lord.

Maybe if you fasted, you'd get your visions back.

Are you willing to make that kind of commitment?

I'm willing to try anything.

But I'm scared.

The first thing you need to know is...

You're not alone.

Crystal: Wait, the church is sending people to the hospital?

The prayer warriors are gonna stay there around the clock.

I shit you not.

Prayer warriors?


Oh, Jesus Christ.

When is Pernell going to realize these people are bat-shit crazy?

Mm. So I get a call from Sister Alicia asking if I can come by tomorrow and help make food for 'em all.


Maybe she can tell you what kind of spell that preacher has on my husband.

I am not going.

Big storm comes in like this, bad as it is?

Everybody want to stock up.



My phone is blowing up.

You're supposed to be finding dirt for me.

This is a perfect opportunity.

I sorry, Mrs. Crystal...

I thought I made myself perfectly clear.

I only spies on the side.


All right, fine.

On top of what I'm paying you, I will buy all of your weed.

See, I thought I told you.

My blends... are not just for profit.

My shit is community service.

Well, my family is part of this community and we need help more than anybody else right now.

I don't think there's enough space for the reading.

I'm not talking about the whole group.

I'm talking about, like, seven or eight people.

It'll be tight in here, but I think we can make it work.

Doesn't feel premature?

You were there, Josh.

You and Pernell can't pretend that that video isn't a game-changer.

They can put off the court date, but the case, it's over.

I just want to give PJ a proper send-off this time.

They're having a tribute next week.

I know, but PJ won't be there.

So, I want to do it here.

For him.


I'm in.

[group singing hymn]

Just as long as I don't have to read a poem.

♪ ... soldiers marching as to w*r ♪
♪ With the cross of Jesus ♪
♪ Going on before ♪
♪ Christ, The Royal Master ♪
♪ Leads against the foe ♪
♪ Forward into battle ♪
♪ See his banners go ♪

Uh, what are you doing?

♪ Onward, Christian soldiers ♪

Pernell, what are you doing?

What I've been doing all along... trying to save my son.

♪ Marching as to w*r ♪

Can you please take these people and leave?

Please, everybody, just go home, please.

Just go.

We're going to pray until God gives us a miracle.

Why here, Pernell? You can pray anywhere.

Why you got to do it right in her face?

Shut your f*cking mouth, you backstabber.

What, you think you're a hero?

You betrayed me and PJ.

Are you showing off for her?

Are you trying to get next to my son's wife?

All I did was press "record."

PJ did the talking. And you heard him... he doesn't want to be a vegetable.

When my son wakes up... and he will wake up... he's not gonna be a vegetable.

He's gonna be PJ.

With the help of the Lord, praise God.

All: Amen.

♪ Marching as to w*r ♪
♪ With the cross of Jesus ♪
♪ Going on before ♪
♪ Christ, The Royal Master ♪
♪ Leads against the foe ♪

What's this?

I burnt some DVDs of PJ's videos.

Thought you and Crystal might enjoy seeing some more of them.

♪ Onward, Christian soldiers ♪
♪ Marching as to w*r ♪
♪ With the cross of Jesus ♪
♪ Going on before ♪

[murmured prayers]

Never seen anything like that before.

It's like a kumbaya convention.

They've kept this bullshit going for hours.

[murmured prayers]




So... [laughs]

This is how prayer warriors what, uh... go to w*r?

All these people, here for our son.

Oh, that's nice.

Well, I just came to make sure you got something better to eat than hospital food.

Oh, I can't, honey. I'm fasting.


The Reverend Paul thought it might open me up to the spirit.


Is that what these people call low blood-sugar?


It's chicken, pesto sauce... homemade.

I can't.

I need to hear PJ's voice again.

I need to restore my connection with God.

What about our connection?

I've been cooking for us.

And I love our dinners.

But if we're together, it doesn't matter whether we're eating.


I have made room for whatever you're going through.

Could you please just make a little room for me?


I'm sorry, Crys.

Stay with me.

Pray with me.

Brothers, sisters, gather around.

Let us pray together.

Let us read from Isaiah.

"But those who hope in the Lord, they will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles.

They will run and not grow weary.

They will walk and not be faint."



All: Amen.

[indistinct praying]

The hospital said they have every right to be here, and they plan on praying until PJ wakes up.

Let me get into that.

In the meantime, try not to get converted.

You sure this is all you want me doing?

I feel like I'm getting off easy.

Everyone has their role.

I just assumed you'd be good at bagging.

That's not what I got my degree in.

But you do bag marijuana, right?

Or are the drug dealer rumors not true?

I have a side business.

I help people who are sick.

Glaucoma, cancer, diabetes.

You're practically a doctor.

It's perfectly legal.

That's nice.

Just don't be bringing any of that crap around Hand of God.

We have a number of recovering addicts in our congregation.

I don't come here for customers.

Why exactly do you come here?

Because I heard this church was open and accepting, not full of judgey assholes like the church I grew up in.

But maybe I was wrong.

Accepting people and enabling people are two entirely different things, all right?

dr*gs destroy peoples' lives and their relation... shit!

[gasps] Whoa. Let me see.


Oh, yeah.

I think you're gonna need some stitches for this.

We'll finish lunch. We can continue.

No, you're gonna need some stitches for this.


[indistinct crowds muttering]

Man: Maybe you should insist on it.

[indistinct voices on radios]


What's up, n*gg*r?

What did you s...

Hey, I got this.

How you doin', Erwin?

We still playing this game?

I'll stop as soon as you admit there's a line.

I'm here to talk business.

Right, so, n*gg*r... will my department be getting that allocation I requested?

I just need to know what account you want it in and what for.

Well, that's a good question, n*gg*r.

We have a non-profit called the DWP Schoolyard Improvement Fund.

Can you put it in there, n*gg*r?

As soon as you sign off on that grid expansion.



f*cking pen.

I'm not doing this.

I can't.

You wanna call me n*gg*r a few more times, put yourself back in the mood?

You think I like calling you that?

I'm trying to make a point.

And it was so eloquently made.

Pernell was wrong. I get that.

Now, let's finish our business.

No. The point is there is a line.

Let's go.

Come on.

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Who are you talking to?

You play the game until you win the game.

Oh, Dad, you've been saying that since I was a kid and you were running for the school board.

Okay? Now, you're the mayor.

Which means, at the very least, I know how to get things done.

Yeah, but do you know how to make a difference?

I am one concrete pour away from making the biggest f*cking difference in the history of this city.

Are you f*cking serious? Look, Dad...

Cops still f*ck with me when I'm jogging in the hood.

White guys at nice restaurants still throw me their keys at the valet.

Schools are getting shot-up and left for dead.

Okay, the same schools you went to.

And I'm gonna fix all of that.


You think Brooks is the magic b*llet?

Look, you just let that assh*le who ranks below you call you a n*gg*r...

N-I-G-G-E-R... in the name of Brooks.

You're reading too many Huey Newton speeches.

No, I'm not, Dad.

I'm telling kids they can grow up to be like you one day, and I'm waiting for you to set the example.

They all think it.

So who gives a f*ck if they say it?

As long as they don't stop me from getting what I came for.

And when you get that, Dad, what are you gonna have left?

The view alone is worth the price.

It is beautiful, but can you headline the building's security features for me?

My client and his wife just had a baby and they have kidnapping concerns.

Well, uh, the lobby, the parking garage, elevators... all have video surveillance.

We have a doorman 24 hours a day.

[speaking Spanish]


Um, sí... He wants to know the names of other tenants on the floor in the past 12 months so a security team can run background checks.

Uh, I'm not at liberty to give out that information.

I'm sure that your client would appreciate that.

My client likes to decide what he would appreciate.

If you don't mind my asking, what kind of business is your client in?


[speaking Spanish]

Construction, mainly.

He needs to be here a few months out of the year.

He hates hotels.

[chuckles] Construction, mainly.

You know, other buildings we toured had no problem disclosing names of previous tenants.

The last one had a pool, too.

Oh, well, I'm sorry.

Eastwood Apartment's confidentiality policy is very strict.

Good for you.

That's very commendable.

But my client is ready to pay a year's rent for all three available units on this floor by the end of the week... and in cash, but not unless he gets this information.

I see.

Let me talk to my boss and I'll get back to you.

I'll give you 24 hours.

It's gonna be a hell of a storm.

Maybe God will send an ark to take His faithful away to somewhere else.

Amen, sister.

So... you and Josh.

Me and Josh what?

Did you come up here to accuse me of cheating on your son?

We both know there's no PJ to cheat on anymore.

In mediation, you made it very clear...

I held the party line.

I have to.

Can't betray my husband in public.

I'm on your side.

You can't get Pernell to understand?

[coughs] [laughs]

I can't even get Pernell to eat.

Be patient.

He's gonna have to let PJ go eventually...

[sighs] whether he wants to or not.

None of us want to.

He's already gone.

If there is a "you and Josh" or a "you and anyone," you have my blessing.

There's none.

You have my encouragement.

Why are you telling me this?

Because no one is tying you to that fiasco down there.

You're free, Jocelyn.

Go find an ark.

Get out of here. Go live your life.

Female voice on TV: And with a storm on its way, many of them are worried about heavy rainfall, rising tides, and high winds.

And places like the San Vicente harbor haven't updated their pilings for decades.


We just passed the two-hour mark, if you're wondering.

Here you go.

[sighs] Thanks.


You don't have to stay.

Well, gonna at least finish my coffee.

I'm sorry I went off on you like that earlier.

I just, um...

I have a friend who used to have a problem with dr*gs that I really care about and they're clean now, praise God, but, um...

[sighs] You're sensitive to it...

I get it.


I get it.


Um, Alicia.


I have your blood on my Jordans.

Can't we just cut the "I have a friend" bullshit?

You talking about Paul, right?

No, no, not Paul.

Please, I've seen the way the two of you are together.

The Reverend was an addict?

You know what drug dealers are famous for?


He relapsed.

Once, I think.

But he won't even admit it to me.

It's the lying that really scares me, you know?

Yeah. What's his drug?


Meth? Shit.

How do you know when someone's not an addict anymore?

Well, once you're a pickle, you can't go back to being a cucumber.

I don't believe that.

God transforms people.

I hope that's true.

[indistinct praying]


Thank you.

[exhales deeply]

Look at this.

Look at everything you're doing for your boy.


I know you're trying to be a good man, trying to do the right thing, but you're all f*cking up everything else along the way.


Who cleans it up?

You have no idea what I do, what I let someone do to me in front of my son.

My boy.

But it's fine, right, Pernell?

I'm gonna get that concrete pour.

Brooks is gonna move in.

And I'm gonna be the first black man with a statue in front of the city hall.


[indistinct praying]

Female reader: "On the shores of Gitche Gumee of the shining Big-Sea-Water, Stood Nokomis, the old woman, pointing with her finger westward.

O'er the water pointing westward to the purple clouds of sunset, fiercely, the red sun descending, burned his way along the heavens."

Lord, give strength to Your servant Pernell in this, his time of need.

We know there is no burden so heavy we cannot carry it if we share the weight with You.

We ask these things in Your name.



I know You're here somewhere.

I can feel You.

Why won't You talk to me?

Why won't You let PJ talk to me?

I know I haven't been perfect.

But You said You didn't want perfect.

You said all we need to be is willing.

Haven't I been willing?

Eli Eli lama sabachthani.

Man: Come closer.


Pernell? What is it?

"As w*r-parties, when retreating, Burn the prairies on their w*r-trail; And the moon, the Night-sun, eastward, Suddenly starting from his ambush... "

Male voice: Close.


Female reader: "Followed in that fiery w*r-trail With its glare upon his features, And Nokomis, the old woman, Pointing with her finger westward, Spake these words to Hiawatha... "

Get outta here.

"Yonder dwells the great Pearl-Feather, Megissogown, the Magician, Manito of Wealth and Wampum... "

Male voice: Close.

"Guarded by his fiery serpents, Guarded by the black pitch-water."


Damn it, Pernell.

Can you please just let us have this one thing?

Male voice: Close.

"Coiling, playing in the water... "

I'm close.

I'm close.

Talk to me, son.

Male voice: The Devil is close.


Where is he?


Just tell me where he is?

Everybody out.

The Lord is speaking to him!

Where is the devil?




Come on, come on!

The Lord is with him!

No, he's not, he's not...

Everybody, just get out!

[crowd mutters excitedly]

Man: Hallelujah, amen!

Please, everybody, just... just... just leave!

Just get out.


Praise Jesus.


Listen, go home.

You don't need to deal with this.

What are you talking about?

Let me take care of these assholes.


Yeah, okay, fine.

You heard her. Get the f*ck out.

[indistinct chatter]

Male voice: Keep your promise.

Hallelujah, Amen.

Praise God!

Male voice: Find the devil.

[crowd murmuring]

Who is he, PJ?

Praise Jesus.

Who's the devil?

You guys can't do this.

Who are you pointing to?

Back up.

Come on.

Who is it?

Come on.

Who's the devil?

[thunder cracking]

Thank you, Jesus.

What's going on here?

Thank you, Jesus.

Hey, I want everybody out of here.

I will find the devil...

You're not part of the family, I want you out right now.

And I will end him.

Amen, Hallelujah!

Amen, Hallelujah!

Hey, the nurse told me you were ready.

What happened?


Come on. You're scaring me.

Hey, they told me it was only a few stitches.

You look like you just found out you have cancer.



I think Paul would make a wonderful father.

He's so patient with kids and fun.

You should see how they gravitate to him.

One smile and they're hooked.

It's a gift, being good with kids.


[sniffs and cries]

Paul doesn't need this right now, especially with everything that he's going through.

You know what? Maybe he does.

Maybe this can remind him of what his priorities really need to be.

He can't deal with everything at once, and this baby...

It's too much.

No. No, it's not.

He has you to keep him focused and together.

And you can do that.

I know you can keep him together, and you can do it.



You all right?

I'm fine. [sniffs]

I'm fine.

Yeah, what happened?

They said you fell.

I cut my finger and, uh... when I saw the blood, I passed out.


[laughs] Yeah.

Let me see your work.

Okay, so, we're not gonna print all three.

Take the one I got.

Woman: Yeah, at the moment, no...

[indistinct chatter]

Hi, Robert.

Oh, I'm Robert now.

I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor. [chuckles]

How about "Daddy"?

I like "Daddy."

[clears throat] I was gonna come by your office, but since you're here, I'll do it now.

I want to apologize. I'm not a r*cist.

I'm not a n*gg*r.

[exhales] I know, I never thought it would...

I just wanted you to admit there's a line.

What people say matters.

More than what they do?

Anyway, I'm sorry.

Why now?

I was sorry the second I said it.

No, no, you're telling me now because...

The city auditor called you, right?

I can't open my books to an audit right now.

Yeah, I thought that might be a problem.

The more I looked into your Schoolyard Improvement Fund, the more it smelled like a slush fund.

It's a real account.

You know, I could explain it, but it's not worth the blowback.

Look, I'll approve the grid expansion for the Brooks Headquarters.

Please, Robert, call it off.

Please who?

Please... Daddy.

[gospel choir harmonizing]

You can go now.

See what I mean?

You call that a win?

♪ Oh, freedom ♪

I'm going to the car.

♪ Oh, freedom ♪
♪ Freedom ♪
♪ Oh, for me ♪
♪ And before I'll be a sl*ve ♪
♪ I'll be buried in the grave ♪
♪ And go home to my Lord ♪
♪ And be free ♪

Crystal: So... the preacher is a drug addict.

Recovering addict.

He's just addicted to God now.

Say you take down this preacher.

What makes you think that Pernell's not gonna just find somebody else to latch onto?

[vehicle approaching]

[sirens wailing]

One problem at a time, please.



Hey. What about that chick?

The one that's always with him?


Anything about her I can use on him?

Nothing. She's... pretty vanilla.

Keep looking.

Ciao, Bella.

Just because we can't stay here doesn't mean we can't pray.

We'll go back to the church and keep going.

Thank you, Paul, but, uh...

Now that God is talking to me again, I'm not worried.

I know He'll show me the way.


Oh, hey, you can spare one of these, can't you?

I haven't eaten in two days.

No, you don't want to start with these.

They're for patients who can't take pills.

There's meds mixed in.

Turn to Luke 8:23-25.

"And as they sailed, he fell asleep.

And a windstorm came down on the lake and they were filling with water, and were in danger.

And they went and woke him, saying, 'Master, master, we are perishing.'

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves and they ceased and it was calm.

And he turned to them and said, 'Where is your faith?'"

[laughs] I know.

Hey, everybody gather around.


Yeah, "Uh-oh" is right.

Time for the bubbly.

The good stuff.

All right.

This is my dad's favorite party trick... mainly 'cause everyone thinks he's crazy before they figure out he's a genius.


All: Oh!


Come on!

[woman laughing]

You get that?

Will you pass me a cup.

Oh, my G...




Sit with me.

[rain falling quietly]

We're doing better now.

Better than we've been in a long time.

How would I know?

27 years.

Ups, downs... you should know.

I didn't drug you.


Gave you your medicine.

You tried to take the thing I needed most.


I tried to help you.

I wanted you back.

You did it all for me.

For us.

Because I love you.

Well, I hope so.

Because that's what I'm going to tell myself.

A storm is coming, a storm is coming.

Trees will fall and block our way.

Cell towers will explode and cut off contact from our loved ones.

That's right.

Cars will smash into each other and blood will pour from the cracks and we'll still get by.


Yes we will.

But it's not the damage from the storm that mattered.

It's the clarity that comes with the cleansing.

It's what clears away the wreckage of our lives that's important. Can I get an amen?

All: Amen!

If you turn your life to Jesus with open arms, He is there...

I'm so glad you could make it.

And He is waiting for you, and He will make your life better.

Do not give up!

[door opening]



You doing okay? You look beat.

Mm. Been a long day.

But it just got better.

Thanks for braving the storm.

You said it was important.

You know what I'm gonna do when this is all over with?

When PJ wakes up.

I'm gonna take you on a trip.

Some place you've never been before.


Proper honeymoon.

I do weekend getaways.

Business trips.

I don't do honeymoons.

Didn't that change?

Now that we're married?

I'm not your wife, Pernell.

Look, my last name isn't Harris.

I don't have keys to your house.

I'm not your emergency contact.

I am not your wife.



Just so long as you know I love you.

I do know that.

This is the Eastwood Apartment tenant list for the last 12 months.

I already looked through it. I only recognized one name.

So what can you see more clearly now that God has washed the land clean for us?

And more importantly, what are you gonna do about it now that you can see?

[rain pouring]

[thunder cracking]

[thunder cracking]



And of course I left my umbrella at home.

Oh, God.

On the bright side, the prayer warriors are...

What's wrong?

[heavy breathing]

[heavy breathing]

Wait. Wait, hold on.

You don't have to feel guilty.


I want to.

It's not that.

I just want us to be sure.

[thunder cracks]

[thunder cracking]

♪ ♪
♪ I hear the thunder in the distance ♪
♪ I smell your scent in the sky ♪
♪ I feel you're coming with a vengeance ♪
♪ I see that look in your eye ♪
♪ Been waiting so long for the moment ♪
♪ Hoping that it don't pass me by ♪
♪ It's a-coming to blow your house down ♪
♪ Gone in the blink of an eye ♪
♪ Now you're in the eye of the storm ♪
♪ You can't say that you haven't been warned ♪
♪ With every breath, with every pore you know ♪
♪ Here comes the rain ♪
♪ Oh, let it wash me clean and let it set me free ♪
♪ Let the rain come pouring down on me ♪
♪ Here comes the rain ♪
♪ Let it wash me clean ♪
♪ And let it set me free ♪
♪ Let the rain come pouring down on me ♪
♪ Here comes the rain ♪
♪ Let it wash me clean, let it set me free ♪
♪ Let the rain come pouring down on me ♪
♪ Here comes the rain ♪