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02x07 - Sound and Fury

Posted: 07/10/13 17:01
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Longmire.

Good evening Sheriff.

Not sheriff quite yet.

Maybe you could use some help with that.

How do you feel about term limits?

Why are you taking jobs away from Wyoming...

Is it true that you are afraid of technology?

My mind hasn't changed.

I came to Denver to find out about about my mother.

Why don't you ask your dad?

He spent the last year lying to me.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful sunrise.

Where's the card?

Looks like you have a secret admirer.

What is it?

They found me.


[Cash register beeping]


[Indistinct conversations]

I think I'm really getting the hang of this.

I can always use the help.

Well, I need a towel and another vodka Martini and whiskey sour for table number nine.

Oh! Got to go.

The best part is, then the bitch hired a lawyer.

Vodka Martini and whiskey sour.

Wrong table.

Okay. Sorry to bother you.

So, what exactly are you suggesting?

I'm suggesting that you make some easy money.

My wife's always the last to leave her office.

You can just do it in the parking lot.

You want me to k*ll your wife?


[Engine turns over]

[Engine shuts off]

Look... I tip what I think is fair.

If you don't like it...

I am not looking for a tip.

Well, then what do you want?

I heard what you were saying...

About your wife.

Well, you heard wrong. I was just blowing off steam.

Relax. You do not have to explain.

I hear problems all the time.

I just wanted to tell you that I know someone who can help you make your problem go away.

Oh, really?



I would like to report a m*rder.


Who's the victim?

A woman. I believe she works in an office.

What happened?

Nothing yet.

Okay, then. Who's the k*ller?

If all goes according to plan, I am.

A man at The Red Pony tonight was trying to hire someone to k*ll his wife.

I volunteered.

Of course you did. It's what anybody would do.

What's the guy's name?

This is where things get a little fuzzy.

Vic: So, then, you don't know his name?

He did not offer.

And he paid in cash, so no credit-card receipt.

That is why I followed him outside and offered to do the job.

He said he would call me tomorrow.

So, the guy said, "I want you to k*ll my wife"?

Not in those words exactly.

So, then, you can't be 100% sure.

I know what I heard. And I know what I saw.

A white man, six foot-ish, dark hair.

With a medium build? I'll call the sketch artist.

He was talking to a biker.


Whose name you also don't know.

Regardless, we need to set up surveillance on Henry's phone.

Ferg, you take care of that.

The rest of us need to do everything we can to identify this man and his wife.

Henry, you know anyone else might be able to identify either of these two men?

I was going to tell you.

I told him not to.

You know, I... I didn't want you to worry.

[Chuckles] After my little leave of absence, they'd already replaced me at the law firm.

I have bills to pay.

So, I offered her a job. It is only part-time.


Right now, I'm just interested in preventing a m*rder.

Table nine... do you remember who was sitting there?


Table nine is the one by the fireplace?


[Chuckling] Hell, yeah, I remember the guy that was sitting there.

There were two of them.

There were?

I only remember the hot one... the handsome one.


So, which was the hot one... the husband or the hit man?

I am not a good judge of hotness.

Wait, a hit man?

Walt: Yeah.

These are the kind of people you come across when you work in a bar.


We can talk about this later.

Right now, we need to know anything else you remember about this guy.

He was wearing a vest with The Brown Hawk construction logo on it.

[Car door opens]

Vic: So, which one do you think is the hot one?



We're looking for a bad boy.

How do you know?

Trust me. I know.

Yeah, I was at The Red Pony last night. So what?

You were sitting with someone. Who was he?

Just some guy named Bill.

I didn't bother asking his last name.

So you never met him before last night?

Nope. Got a call two days ago about building a deck.

Said he got my name from a friend.

You agree to build his deck?

Budget was too small.

What about murdering Bill's wife?

You agree to do that?

Speak up, Richard.

If Bill's wife dies, you're gonna go from building decks to stamping out license plates.

What did you and bill talk about?

He told me he was into bikes, so we talked about my new Harley, then he started dumping about his wife, said that she didn't have a problem spending his money, but, uh, hadn't gone down on him since the honeymoon.

Then, all of a sudden, he's like, "you know what, man?"

"Forget about the deck. You want to make some real money, you help me deal with her."

So he asked you to k*ll her?

Yeah, pretty much.

And how did you respond?

[Chuckles] I said "no," and I walked out of there.

He say how or when he wanted you to, uh, take care of her?

He said she worked at a bank, figured I could pop her in the parking lot, make it look like a robbery after work.

So, why does this guy Bill think that you're the man to talk to about k*lling his wife?

Told you I don't know how he got my name.


Yeah. You know what? Yeah, I do.

My psycho ex... I broke up with her last week.

I bet you the bitch put Bill up to this and then called the cops on me.

What makes you think the bitch would do something like that?

'Cause that's the kind of crazy-ass shit you women do.

Bet you Richard Montero's got at least one as*ault against a woman.

At least we know something about the wife now.

You and Branch need to get to every single bank in the county.

Find every employee married to someone named Bill, Billy, William, or Will.

[Car door opens]

He will call.

I believe you.


[Door closes]

Give it time.


Maybe I should stay out in the bar.

This guy knows I work here, and he seems to prefer doing business face-to-face.

Just relax, Henry.

[Telephone ringing]

It is a beautiful day at The Red Pony and continual soirée.

This is Henry.


I'm here, Standing Bear. Guess what I'm not wearing.


[Clears throat]

Deena, I cannot do this right now.

The police are recording this call.

Of course they are, because what I want you to do to me is against the law.

Deena, seriously, I will call you back later.

[Clears throat]

Well, at least we know the equipment works.


Hey, Branch. I got nothing. You?

Uh, I talked to three banks that our potential victim supposedly might work at.

I got nothing either.

For such a small town, they sure got a lot of banks here.

No kidding.

Let me know if you, uh, find anything.


Ed Gorski.

Wow. I almost didn't recognize you with the blond hair.

What are you doing here?

My wife and I are on a little road trip.


Self-imposed. I retired. [Chuckles]

You seem young for that.

Well, you dodge b*ll*ts long enough, you're entitled to a pretty decent pension.

Wow. Wow.

You are a sight for sore eyes.

Look at you all deputized in the wild west.

This must be fate. I should buy a lottery ticket.

You do that. I got to get to work.

How are you and your husband doing?


We're good.

Listen. I'm in the middle of something, so...

I get it, but we should get together tonight.

I don't think so.

Come on. I'll bring my wife as a chaperone.

Okay. Sure.

A drink.

Where are you guys staying?

Well, we've got the RV, so we're staying at, uh, Two Moons RV park, but I'll give you my cell.

And even though I am on a fixed income...

I'll buy.



I... I couldn't remember your husband's name.

But it's Sean. I knew I'd remember it.

Go Eagles!

[Telephone ringing]

It is a beautiful day at The Red Pony and continuous...

Bill: I'm looking for Henry.

You got him.

Remember that job we talked about?

I do, and I am still...

Well, forget it.

I found someone else.


Vic: So, Ferg traced the call to a guy named Bill Norquist.

They have him in custody, but Ferg says that he won't tell Walt what his wife's first name is.

No Norquists on any of these banks' employee lists.

[Police radio chatter]

Maybe the wife never took his last name.

I'll call the courthouse.

Should be a marriage certificate on file with her name on it.

[Engine turns over]

Oh, come on! This is absolute and utter insanity.

Not only did I not do that, I can't even imagine doing something like that.

So, two men, independently of each other, both misunderstood that you wanted to have your wife k*lled?

Sheriff, if you locked up every guy in a bar who runs his mouth about wanting to make his wife go away, all the jails would be full and all the bars would be empty.

We have a recording of you calling Mr. Standing Bear this afternoon to tell him you hired someone else, though.

I was a little freaked out. I thought maybe he was gonna come after me.

I thought maybe he was gonna come after my wife, so I called him today and made up that business about hiring someone else just hoping that he would leave me alone.

Obviously, I misunderestimated this psychopath.

You are lying.

Oh, really?

Well, I guess it's your word against mine.

Look, Mr. Norquist. Just tell us your wife's name.

Really? Why?

So you can go ahead and tell her that you think that I tried to have her k*lled?

I think not.

Bill, don't say another word. Sheriff, I'm Clay Dunbar.

I represent Mr. Norquist, and we are leaving.

Clay, thank God.

This native American here is trying to say that I tried to hire him to k*ll my wife.

Branch just called.

Bill's wife goes by her maiden name...

Diane Highsmith.

Oh, great.

Now they're gonna poison Diane against me.

Not another word.

Hey, listen, Sheriff... next time you see me, I might be dead, because my wife might k*ll me.

Bill! Come on.

Listen to the good one, all right?

Come on.

What a load of crap!

You follow Bill Norquist wherever he goes.

You both seem so delighted that I'm alive.

What's going on?

We believe that somebody may have put out a contract on you.

To k*ll me? Like in the movies?

I don't think so.

We have multiple witnesses who say otherwise.


I'm sorry. What are you doing?

[Dialing] I'm calling my husband.

I'm sure he'd like to know.

Ma'am, I don't think that's such a good idea.

You think he's behind this?

Have you two been having problems?

Yeah. We're married.

Look... I'm sure that someone just heard him talking trash about me.

"I'm going to k*ll her."

It's nothing I haven't heard before.

When push comes to shove, he's all talk.

Maybe that's why he hired someone else to do it.

So, if this is true, who did Bill hire?

He's not saying.

But until we can sort this out, you should find a different place to stay other than your house.

I can stay at a friend's place.

She's away for the week. I know where the keys are.

I'll follow you.

[Inhales sharply]

Well, all right, then.

[Truck beeping]

Okay, Walt? The lawyer brought Bill right back to his office.

He works at some kind of shipping company.

Why don't you get back on the horn with the phone company?

Get a trace put on Norquist's cell.

See if he makes any more calls.

Got it.

Bill's going inside. Should I follow him?

We don't want him sticking his lawyer on us.

Just stay put out there. Let me know when he leaves.

Roger that, Sheriff.

You think your husband will look for you here?

I doubt it.

He's never taken an interest in any of my friends.

Come to think of it, this is actually the first time in months he's actually taken an interest in me.

I'll be fine from here.

I'll be out front watching your place.

I like knowing that.


So, where's your wife?

She's not feeling too good. Think it's the altitude.

So, Ed... [Clears throat]

Durant, Wyoming, isn't really on the way to... anywhere.

This wasn't fate, was it?

Not entirely. No.

Look... I was tough on you during the whole I.A. thing with Bobby.

Putting it mildly.

I was out of line.

I've moved on.

But I haven't.

I'm an alcoholic, Vic.

And it got worse after Bobby's su1c1de, and I kind of blamed you for that.

One part of my recovery is to make amends with the people that I hurt.

That's why I made my wife take this detour, because I wanted to come here to say that I'm sorry.

Why did you order a beer?

It's something I do.

I order a drink and leave it be to test myself.

Seems like you're just asking for trouble.

Well, you'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you, Moretti?

I better get back to my wife.

How did you find me, anyway?

Come on. I used to be a cop.

[Cellphone rings]

This is Branch.

Cady: Oh. Hey. I, um...


Yeah. Hi. I'm sorry.

I... I didn't mean to dial your number.

Did you ass dial me?

I guess I did. [Chuckles] Sorry.

So, what are you doing?

[Cellphone beeps]

[Grunts] Hey, Branch.

Did I startle you?


I thought I'd see if you wanted me to take your shift watching Diane.


Well, you're always telling me I'm giving you the unglamorous assignments, so...

[Cellphone ringing]


Ruby: I have a call for Walt from a detective in South Dakota.

Huber: Hey, Sheriff. Detective Huber.

We just found a body on the outside of town.

His ID says he's from Durant.

Walt: What's his name?

His name? Let's see.

William Norquist. You know him?


Yeah, I know him.

Huber: His body temperature indicates he's been dead 6 to 8 hours.

Looks like he bled out from his femoral artery.

Guy took two sh*ts to his thighs.

Walt: Not much blood in the car.

Nah, seems like he was dumped in the car after he got shot.

Who found him?

Some gutter punk.

They're like these kids that would rather ride the rails than shower.

One of them hopped this boxcar and found the dead guy.

I'd like to talk to him.


[Polaroid whirs]

Vic, I'm telling you.

I had eyes on that door all night.

There's no way he came out the front.

Well, his bike is still here and the company said his key card never swiped out.

So how does he end up dead 200 miles away from here if he never even left the office?

[Train whistle blows]

He hopped a train.

Jesse: So, I was waiting to hitch a ride to Chicago.

And when this one pulled up, one of the doors were open, which is a sign that one of us is riding.

But when I pulled myself on, he was just lying there.

I... I took a picture.

It's really hard to find film anymore.

Did you see anyone else?

No, you kind of want to avoid people when you're looking to hop on.

Mind if I keep this?

[Chuckles] Yeah, I mind.



Vic: You sure? He never registered? Ed Gorski.

This is the Two Moons RV park, right?

Okay, well, check again. I'll wait.

Hey, Ferg!

We should get a sample of this, run the blood type.

If there was a train car here, nobody would be able to see this spot from the shipping yard.

The k*ller either knew this train yard or he's a real pro.
[Knock on door]


I was just getting in the bath.

I'm sorry, but I kind of need to talk to you.

Well, come on in then.

I, uh, have to go turn off the running water.

[Water running]

[Water stops]

Listen, Diane. I've got some news about your husband.

I'm sorry.

Bill is dead.

What happened?

We don't know much, but it looks like he was shot two times.

They found his body in a boxcar.

So it's all over? I can go home now?

Well, not exactly.

It's still possible that Bill hired someone to k*ll you, so I'll stay on patrol outside until we can get to the bottom of this case.

You know, when Bill and I first met, we were totally in love.

And then, bit by bit, it all fades.

And here I am, years later, hearing he's dead, and all I feel is nothing.

Life's funny.

These swabs are from Norquist's body.

Can we have them checked against the blood you found at the rail yard?


Walt. It's Branch for you.

What's up, Branch?

Branch: Hey, Walt. So, I notified Diane.

How did she take it?

She took a bath.

There's something off about that condo she's staying at.

Kind of feels like a model apartment.

I was curious about that out-of-town friend, so I called the condo leasing office.


The friend's name... is Diane Highsmith.

Clay: Sheriff, I just found out about Bill.

Can I have a moment?

You bet.

I think Diane is behind this.

Why do you say that?

Last week, Bill called me in a rage.

He was going through some of Diane's e-mails and he found a file with a bunch of stuff to and from a divorce attorney at Pierce-Strahan.

She's had divorce plans in the works for six months.

She was waiting to pull the trigger.

Why was she waiting?

Well, she was waiting for Bill's rich mother to die, which she did 10 days ago.

So Diane's half of the divorce settlement just went up $1.2 million.

That's a reason for him to want to k*ll her, not the other way around.

She could just pull the trigger on the divorce, she'd get what she wanted.

Unless if what she wanted was everything.

So, what's going on?

Did someone k*ll him again?

Diane, were you planning to divorce your husband?


So, you're not working with an attorney at Pierce-Strahan?

Did you go through my e-mail?

No. But your husband did.



Yeah, we've gone through a couple of bad months, and I was taking steps to protect myself.

You were doing this in secret?

In case you've forgotten, my husband is the kind of man who hires hit men.

You weren't just waiting for his sick mother to die so you could get a larger settlement?

I was waiting for his mother to die because that is the decent thing to do.

I wasn't just gonna walk out on him during something like that.

But you're okay with secretly leasing an apartment across town?

That's a lot of secrets for one person.

Husbands and wives keep secrets from each other.

Have you ever been married, Sheriff?


Then you know how stifling it can be.

No. I don't.

One more question.

Branch confirmed you haven't left this condo.

Have you made contact with anybody about k*lling your husband?

Why would I start a divorce process if I was going to hire someone to k*ll my husband?

Maybe so you could say exactly what you just did.


[Harmonica playing]

Hey, baby. I'm back.

So you are.


When you left, you told me you were going to Bismarck.

The phone records indicate that you were actually in Chicago.

You can't be serious. You're checking my phone records?

I had other reasons to check the phone records.

[Harmonica continues]

I don't like it when you're like this.

Why were you in Chicago, Deena?

[Telephone ringing]

It is a beautiful day at The Red Pony and continual soirée.

This is Henry.

Man: Just the guy I'm looking for.

Who is this?

Your worst nightmare. I know what you did, Henry.

You went to the police about Bill Norquist.

That was a real pain in my ass.

I never meant to upset you.

Bill and I had a deal.

And when you tattled on us, he reneged.

So I told Bill that, "if you're not gonna pay me to k*ll your wife, you better pay me not to k*ll her."

Pretty smart, right?

But Bill wouldn't do it, so do you know what I did, Henry?

You shot him.

That's right.

Bill died over $2,000.

[Harmonica playing] That's what his life was worth.

Such a waste. And I still don't have my money.

Which brings me to my next question, Henry.

How much is your life worth?

[Harmonica continues]

[g*n cocks]

[Engine revs]

[Horn honks]

Man: Which brings me to my next question, Henry.

How much is
your life worth?

You have to do something, Walt.

Ferg's tracing the phone that made that call.

I pulled Branch off another job to stay here full-time till we find this guy.

Somebody's threatening to k*ll Henry.

You're gonna put one deputy in the bar?

I appreciate this sudden show of care and concern, Deena.


Hey, Walt. This guy...

Somebody stole my motorcycle!

He said he's been here for a few hours, but when he went out to the parking lot, his bike was gone.

We'll do all we can to find your bike, sir.

My deputy will take down your information.

[Indistinct conversations]

So, the mystery caller knows me and knows how to hot-wire bikes.

Richard Montero has a couple auto thefts on his record.

Maybe he's still involved in this.

Ferg, I'm gonna need you to check Richard Montero's alibi for the last few hours.

Okay. I... I just got off with the phone company.

The guy called from a disposable phone.

It's the only call it's ever made.

And it's not being picked up by any of the towers around here so maybe he took out the battery.

What about incoming calls?

I got two calls from that pay phone outside the cargo company.

Figured that was probably Bill.

And, uh, one call from another number.

Did you get her?

Get who?

Diane, Bill's wife.

I'm assuming that's why you called me here.

Did you find some evidence to connect her to Bill's death?


We found evidence.

But it actually only connects you to Bill's death.

What? Th... that's ridiculous.

We have the k*ller's phone number.

You called him. Why?

Okay, okay. Th... this can't be right.

This is... okay, look. Right here.

Here is my recent call list.

I have never dialed that...

You were saying?

I... now I remember.

When we left here yesterday, Bill borrowed my phone to make a call.

You know, I've been thinking about hit men.

So have I.

Most of them fit a certain profile.

They're unknown in the community, lot of them have substance problems and need money, and most of them... most of them have some kind of background that prepares them for taking lives.

Sounds about right.

So, I think I got a possible candidate.

[Sighs] I ran into this guy I used to work with.

From Philly. Ed Gorski.

At first, I didn't think anything of it, but he shows up in Durant of all places right in the middle of this whole thing.

You think Bill hired your friend to k*ll his wife?

It's possible.

He's an ex-cop, so he's certainly got the training.

So, Bill uses his lawyer's phone to call the k*ller, maybe arranging a meeting to call off the hit.

So, they meet here, something goes wrong, hit man kills him, puts his body on the train.

Doc Bloomfield confirmed that Bill's blood type matches the blood that Ferg and I found right here.

Walt: I've seen that graffiti before.

That's the same tag was in the train car where we found Bill's body.

Well, it's obviously a popular place for homeless.

Actually, gutter punks.


[Southern accent] Okay.

Okay. It's okay.

I'll... I'll just get moving.

What's your name, son?


Oh, uh, Scott.

How long you been here, Scott?

Oh, I just, uh... I just got off the train yesterday, but, you know, I been through here a bunch of times.

I like the mountain air, you know?

But, hey, listen, I don't... I don't want to cause any trouble.

I just... I got my things now. I'll get going.

You recognize this guy?

Oh, yeah.

He's the manager here or something.


You ever speak to him?

Well, he... he yells at us to get off the property, yeah.

He call you?

Whose tag is that? With the zipper.

Um... that's Zip.

Yeah. I don't know, man.

I stay away from that dude. He scares me.

Why's that?

Zip's like MENSA smart, okay?

And all the girls like him, but I don't know, man.

You get to riding around like I do and you just get a feeling for people.

And I'm telling you, that guy's got dead eyes, shark eyes, almost like he ain't even human, you know?

Do you know where Zip is now?

You know, I... I saw him this morning, but I don't know where he went to.

[Cellphone rings]

You know, he's kind of appears and disappears like a phantom.


I don't know.

Yeah. Hang on.

It's Branch.

While I was at The Red Pony, I was checking in with Diane every hour.

Last time I tried her, she didn't pick up.

Henry said he'd be fine, so...

Better get back over to her condo, see what's going on.

Already did. She wasn't there. I'm almost at her house.

Hey, Walt. There's a motorcycle here.

Same plates as the one that got stolen from The Red Pony.

Stay put. Wait for backup.



It's okay. You're okay.


You're okay. You're okay.


You're okay. You're okay.

I was already inside before it occurred to me that the motorcycle outside wasn't Bill's.

Before I could do anything, he grabbed my neck.

He had a g*n.

Did he say anything?

He said that nobody would come to help me.

You all were at The Red Pony.

So the call to Henry was a decoy.

And then he asked me how much I thought my life was worth.

I told him I'd give him whatever he wanted.

How much money did he take?


But I don't think that he cared about the money.

He was enjoying himself.

What did he look like?

Was he a middle-aged guy, short blond hair?

[Sighs] He was a kid, maybe 25, 26.

He smelled like he hadn't showered in days.

And he had a tattoo on his face.

I want every train that's passed through Durant in the last two hours stopped.

[Train horn blows]

Well, the good news is your friend from Philly wasn't here to k*ll Bill or Diane.

Yeah, but the bad news is, I have no idea what he was doing here.

Got your phone?

Vic: Yeah.

That's the number of that disposable cellphone.

You don't think he's gonna answer, do you?



[Cellphone ringing]

Hey! Zip!






[All panting]

Who the hell are you?

Where did you get that phone?

Some guy named Zip. He said he didn't need it anymore.

Where is he?

He left.

Said he needed to get out of town, knew where he could jack a car.


[Indistinct conversations]

[Normal voice] Lock the door, Henry.

Life is tale told by an idiot.

Do you know who said that?

Shakespeare. "MacBeth," to be more specific.

Yes. Well done.

You know, Henry, I've, uh...

I've been riding trains all across this country for about the past three years, looking for the meaning of life.

It was a total waste of time.

[g*n cocks] Hey!

Life... is meaningless...

Full of sound and fury but signifying nothing.

Bill Shakespeare understood that, but it was Bill Norquist who really opened my eyes.

I mean, this guy shows up to me out of nowhere with a g*n and a simple proposition... k*ll my wife for $2,000.

He showed me that, while life may not have any meaning, it certainly has value.

Deena: Henry.

[Knock on door]

I know you're in there.

Henry, open up.

No sound, Henry.

And no fury.

I can sh**t her just as easily as you.

Deena: Fine, Henry!

If you are going to k*ll me, get it over with.

You don't seem to understand, Henry.

I can't k*ll you because I figured out what your life is worth.

What is that?

A ride out of town.

[Telephone rings]

It's a beautiful day at The Red Pony.

Deena, it's me. Where's Henry?

Oh, hey, Walt. Henry's pissed at me.

So he's locked himself in his office.

Are you sure?

You know the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath, Henry?

I believe sociopaths completely lack the capacity for remorse.

You see, psychopaths are smarter, better planners.

Which one do you think I am?

Don't get too clever.

Just keep your foot on the gas pedal, Henry.

Very well.

[Engine revs]

[Tires screech]

[Both grunting]

[Tires screech]

[g*n cocks]

Get back, Sheriff!

Walt: Drop the g*n!

Get back.

Drop the g*n.

No, I don't think so.

I see your Southern accent disappeared.

[Southern accent] sh**t... y'all think I didn't know you was recording them phone calls?

I ain't stupid.

You let him go, I'll let you go.

[Normal voice] No, no, no.

You're not making the deals here.

So, let me ask you, Sheriff... how much is Henry's life here worth to you, huh?

It's tough to put a number on it.

I've known this man since I was a boy.

That's a long time. It's a lot to add up.

How much?!

I got $20 in my pocket.

His friendship's worth more than that.

Looking at Henry's truck, I'd say the axle's broken.

[Metal creaks]

So my vehicle is your only chance to escape.

You sell it whenever you get where you're going, that's something.

What about your cellphone?

It's in the truck. Part of the deal.

It's a simple trade, Zip.

Nobody's gonna stop you in a sheriff's vehicle.

All right. Hey, look... you toss the keys.

You do it nice and easy.

Walt, do not.

I got no choice, Henry.



Good shot.

Well, not gonna let him take my truck.