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03x12 - I've Got Reasons To Hate You

Posted: 02/12/15 06:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

They're prostitutes? I think they prefer the term "escorts. "

I need to know if I can sign a couple of kids to the label with only one parent's consent.

You're not my dad?

I'm your Uncle.

You lied to me? I wanna go home with you.


I made a terrible mistake.

I can't marry you.

I've loved you since the first time I ever laid eyes on you.

I think I might need a little bit of time.

[Whispers] You take as much time as you need.

With this type of cancer, your only option is a liver transplant.

I'll do it. He can only accept a liver with someone with the same blood type.

Hello? Hi, mama.

♪ Extra, extra ♪ well, in entertainment news, those who showed up at tootsie's in Nashville last night got a special treat when country star Luke Wheeler put on an impromptu show, the latest of many since he and Rayna Jaymes have called off their wedding three weeks ago.

Yeah, and if he's heartbroken over how things ended, he's not letting it show, unlike Rayna Jaymes who has yet to make a single public appearance since the split.

And while some sources say she remains sequestered at home, others suggest the first lady of country music may be off the grid with her former flame Deacon Claybourne.

If I start to get confused on any of y'all or... Maybe angry for no good reason, don't take it too personal.

Doc says it might just be a symptom of, uh...

Turns out I got liver cancer.

[Group groans and murmurs]

Which is not surprising considering what I put mine through.

But I am gonna need a new one.

And no, I am definitely not interested in any of yours.

[All chuckle]

I got faith I can beat this thing.

Just like I'm beating the drinking that probably caused it in the first place.

Until then...

Fake it 'till you make it, I guess, right?

Hey, it's me again, Ms. brenner. Is... is Micah home?

Gunnar, he's still not ready to talk to you yet.

He said to give him time and I have, but I've left messages. I've e-mailed.

Please, can I just...

Look, he's not talking to us either.


He's having a hard time.

Staying up late, being disrespectful, fighting at school.

Physical fights?

Yes, we have been trying to get someone that he can talk to, a counselor, a... a doctor...

Can you please put him on the phone?

Micah, your Uncle really wants to talk to you.

Micah: I don't want to, okay?

He won't come.

Then I'll come to him.

[Cell phone chimes]

He did it again.

Who did what again?

Deacon. He canceled my guitar lesson again.

He just keeps saying he's busy, but he's not on tour, and he's not recording, so why is he so busy?

Uh, maybe he has a life?

Well, honey, you want me to see if somebody else is available?

Colin linden might be able to do it.

Can you just call him and figure out why he's being so weird?

It might be better if you call him.

Deacon and I are giving each other a little space right now.

I don't need space, mom.

Why do your issues with him always have to affect me?

[Bowl clinks]

[Footsteps retreating]

Hello, hello?

Hey! [Groans]

Oh, hey, you want me to come back later?


Anything's better than this.

I'm gonna pretend that's a compliment.

I just mean I'm happy for the distraction.

So, what do you got for me?

Sea salt caramels. Ahh...


I meant professionally, but thank you.

You're welcome.

Professionally, well...




Yeah, well, not nothing, nothing, just, you know, nothing much.

But there's somethin'.

You got an offer for an endorsement.

That's great. I'll do it. What is it?


Look, I wasn't even gonna tell you.

I was not gonna tell you...

I have so freakin' long until this baby comes out!

I can't just sit here on my butt anymore!

I'm gonna lose my freakin' mind!

[Breathing heavily]

Let's get back into the studio.

Oh, come on.


All I can do, basically, is sit and stand around.

And that's all I really have to do to finish the album.

Okay, here.

Come on. Just let me help...

Shut up and book the studio!


Egg white omelet with fresh fruit.

And Henry benton called, left a voice mail early this morning.

I can get him back for you.

The chairman of the board gets an answering machine when he's trying to reach me. That's just great.

Where the hell were you?

Well, it was 6:00 A.M. he was calling from London.

When you are not here, my office number is to be forwarded to your cell, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You got it, Amy?

Angie. [Telephone rings in distance]

Whatever. Next.

Luke Wheeler's pulling "good woman" from the album.

He wants to hold off on the release date till he can find a replacement track.

No, no, I am presenting the first-quarter prospects to the board next week.

How quickly can he turn it around?

Well, he didn't say, but he's still reeling.

[Scoffs] Are you kidding me?

These cowboys are worse than teenage girls, which is who we should be targeting.

We need a Taylor Swift.

We need a hot, young, female artist.

You still have Layla grant.

She's what? All of 20?

That's not what I meant by "young. "

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh ♪

Hey, y'all.

Hi, Rayna.

Good to see you.

Ms. Jaymes, cream, no sugar.

Thank you.

Kurt, right?

Yes, ma'am.

Mr. dawes is waiting for you in his office.

Okay, wonderful.

I'm glad you seem to be doing well.

[Under breath] Thank you.

So, lot of people are wondering what the real story behind the wedding is, and how badly you may have been affected by it.

I heard. That's...

No, I know.

And ordinarily, I would say, "who cares?"

But, um...


There's actually some rumors out there that are starting to get some traction.

One of them says you canceled your remaining tour dates because you're too emotionally distraught to leave the house.

That is ridiculous.

I know.

And another one says that you have checked into rehab.

And... and it's absurd, but I think, from a p. R. Point of view, we actually need to get you out there.

So, uh, Steve wynn called.

He's offered you a residency in Vegas.

Vegas is the last thing that I need right now.

How about we do something closer to home?

Local concert, Ip field, "I'm single and lovin' it," girl power kind of thing. Who are you?

What have you done with bucky?


Well, and I don't wanna compare you to Luke, but he is out there, he's looking no worse for the wear, and the last thing that we want is for you to be perceived as the emotional wreck in this situation.

I'm not an emotional wreck.

I know that.

But you need to be seen.

You know, you gotta perform. I'm happy to perform.

Let's play the Bluebird.

That would be perfect.


Yeah, I mean, we can make that work for...

I would like to do it as an unannounced performance and if the media picks it up, great.

Then, k*ll two birds with one stone.


What's going on with you?

Nothin'. Why?

Because you're doing that crazy cleaning thing you do when you're nervous or you're mad or you're busted up about something.

It's just messy in here, is all.

[Objects clinking]

[Whispers] Hey, hey.

[Normal voice] I'm gonna be okay.

I know.

[Knock on door]

You expecting someone?


[Door creaks]

[Gasps] [Dog barking in distance]

Hi! [Laughs]

My little girl, my angel.

So good to see you, mama.

Oh. [Gasps] Where's my baby brother?!

Hey, Beverly. [Chuckles] [Door closes]

Oh! [Chuckles]


♪ Don't walk away from me, baby ♪
♪ Don't walk away from me ♪
♪ Even though I'm gonna treat you so badly ♪

[Inhales] Stop.


I'm gonna have to rephrase that. I just...

Hi. Everything okay?

I just can't catch my breath.

Like at your concert? When you went to the hospital?

No, like I have a baby elephant sittin' on my diaphragm and on my bladder.

Okay, well, what do you say we call it for today?

Come back when you're feeling better?

I'm feeling fine, I just...

I need a second, that's all.

I need to finish this damn album.

Yeah, but you don't have to.


I mean, if the baby's in a bad position, we can wait until she moves or comes out.

There's no rush, really.

Let's pack it up.

All right.


I am so happy to see you all.

[Inhales sharply] I gotta say, I was surprised to get the invite.

Well, to be honest, I didn't even know you were comin'.

Well, I wanted it to be a surprise. Surprise.

Hmm. You must be tired after all the travelin'.

I made up my bed and I put the little lavender sachets in the cases like you like 'em if you wanna get settled in.

I don't mind if I do.

Hmm. Mm! [Chuckles]

I need a word.

Yeah, I'll be back.

[Wheels rolling]

I know it's been forever since I've been a t. B.D. Special guest.

I'm so excited.

All right, I'll see you tonight. Bye.

Hey! Hi!

Oh, my gosh, this place looks amazing.

Doesn't it look great?

Yeah. How are you?

I heard you got the flu or something.

Ugh, I did.

Oh, my gosh, were you sick the whole holiday?

I was.

For, like, two whole weeks. It was terrible.

But I'm better now so...


Hey, where are you gonna be the t. B.D. Special guest at?

Bluebird. Tonight with Pam tillis.

[Whispers] What?

[Normal voice] People are gonna go crazy when they see you there.

Well, I'll tell ya, it's been forever since I played the Bluebird. Mm.

And, of course, this is my first outing since the whole wedding debacle.

Oh, sure, and since you checked yourself into the mental hospital.

[Scoffs] [Laughs]

I do enjoy the occasional tabloid.

Yeah, well, they get it all right except the facts, don't they?

So then, you're not currently in Mexico with Deacon?

No, I'm not currently in Mexico with Deacon.


So... Did you get any holiday time at all?

Did you have family come?

Ugh, does my ex-husband count?

Is that good or bad?

Just, you know... Complicated.

I get that.


You all right?


I'm just, you know, feeling a little squirrelly 'cause I was cooped up in my house for so long.

Well, come to the Bluebird tonight.


We'll go out. We'll have drinks after. It'll be great.

Sounds good.


[Whispering] Hey! [Snaps fingers]

Damn it, Scarlett!

[Normal voice] This is my disease, you understand me?

I get to tell who I want, when I want, and your mother... She is not on that list.

Why not? She could be a match.

She's not gonna do that!

And I sure as hell ain't gonna ask her.

Don't be so stubborn.

She's your sister. She could save you.

Ain't gonna ask.

You know how hard it is to get on one of them lists?

Ain't gonna a... Fine, I will. I don't care.

Ain't gonna ask... Yeah, I heard you the first three times...


Ain't... What's wrong?

Ain't... What's wrong, Deacon?

Ain't gonna...

Sit down, okay. Sit down.

Sit down. [Exhales sharply]

Just say something else.

[Slowly] Ain't gonna...

Mama, get in here now!

Tell me what's going on. Can you tell me?

[Breathing heavily] Uh...

[Woman speaking over P.A.] There'll be an informational meeting held in the I.G.I. Room right after school torrow Friday. See... [speaks indistinctly] .. for more information.

Both: ♪ won't let you sink ♪
♪ Like a stone to the bottom, bottom ♪
♪ Let me remind you of the you you've forgotten ♪
♪ It's just a road ♪
♪ It's just a wave that you're ridin' ♪
♪ I know it's rough ♪
♪ Gotta get back up ♪
♪ And light it back up ♪

♪ You were the girl with her blazin' heart on fire ♪

[Song ends]

[Door opens]


You girls are... are awesome!

That was... That was really good. [Door closes]

Thank you so much. Thank you.

Yeah. Hey, um...

Maddie, maybe you should take that last verse solo.

It might sound better. Can we try that?

Yeah, definitely.

Yeah, I think it sounds great just as it is.

Hey, dad!

What are you doing here?

Oh, I had a meeting nearby.

So I thought I'd swing over and check out this music program you're always talking about.

Surprised to see you here. What? A slow day at the office?

Oh, well, Edgehill is sponsoring all of this.

And well, I happened to be nearby, too.

Luckily, for me, it was during your girls' time in the studio.

What a coincidence.

Dad, he's the president of the label.

Yes, yes, he is.

[School bell rings]

Well, we better go. Thank you so much again.

Oh, my pleasure, you girls are awesome. Thank you.

Appreciate it. Bye, dad. Bye, dad.

Bye, girls.

Daph, I'll see you later at your game.

Daphne: Okay.

[Door opens, indistinct conversations]

[Door closes]

We should talk.

Know where I can find a kid named Micah Brenner?

He's got a goofy smile kind of like this.

What are you doing here?

I came to see you, buddy.

Come here.


No school today, huh?

Nope, got suspended.

Yeah, I heard you got in a fight.

What happened?

Hey, I flew 800 miles.

So the least you could do is tell me who you tangled with and why.

Look, I know kids can be cruel, but it's not worth getting in a fight about.

You're a good kid.

No, I'm not.

You're not what?

A good kid.

What are you talkin' about?

Why would you say something like that?

'Cause it's true. My dad was bad, and so am I.


Yeah, he's looking a whole lot better, but he took it.

Okay, I'll tell him. Thank you.

The doctor asked did you miss a dose of this?

'Cause that could do it.

I thought it was on it, but I might've missed one.

What medicine...

He said that stress, uh, and that could... could cause a seizure-like episode.

Seizure? Do you have epilepsy?

It's not unusual of your condition but...

Condition? What condition?

Somebody please tell me what the hell's going on.


I got liver cancer.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry. How bad is it?

A- are you doin' chemo or... or radiation or...

He needs a liver transplant.

I wanted to give him part of mine, but I'm not a match.

And you're hopin' I am.

I wasn't hoping anything, Beverly.

I didn't even know you were comin' here.


I wanted to tell you in person.

You lured me all the way from Mississippi, tellin' me you wanted to make things right, that you wanted to be a family again.

When all you really wanted...

Beverly, she...

Was... She...

Oh, my God. I should've known the two of you don't give a damn about mending fences!

The answer is no.


Mama, would you listen for just a minute?

You lied to me, Scarlett, so I don't know why I would listen to a thing you say.

I didn't lie to you.

I just couldn't tell you everything.

I didn't know how.

I do wanna fix us as a family.

I really do.

Just gotta get Deacon through this first, and he really needs you.

I know we all had our differences, but I also know you got a good heart and you would save somebody's life if you could.

Stop it, Scarlett. Just stop it.

He's your brother.

You wouldn't know that by lookin' at the last 20 years.

You know what he's done for me lately?

A whole lotta nothin'.

I've done for you.

I've done for you my whole life and never asked for nothin' in return.

Now... Now I'm begging you.

Take the test.

See if you're a match.

If you can't do it for him, would you do it for me?

A contract?

You can't be serious. Look, they're too young, okay?

Oh, well, Daphne is, yeah.

But Maddie's a teenager, and a talented one at that.

I... I could make her a star in no time.

All right, look, this family has enough star power already.


Listen to me. Rayna is a- a fading ball of gas compared to the comet that Maddie could become.

Look, fading or not, Rayna's never gonna go for it, and you and I both know that.

She doesn't have to.

It only takes one parent to sign a minor.

And Maddie will tell you herself she's ready to fly solo.

The 15-year-old doesn't make the decisions in this family.

And besides, they're the Conrad sisters, they're a duo.

That's what makes them so special.


But have you heard Maddie lately?

Because I gotta say, she's sounding pretty special all on her own.

Maddie: ♪ maybe it's just yourself that you're fightin' ♪
♪ keepin' the shine in your star from risin' up ♪
♪ gotta light it back up ♪

This was delicious, Ms. Brenner. Thank you.

I'm so glad you like it.

Hey, squirt, don't you mean to take your plate to the sink?

That's the way he's been, barely saying a word.

Well, actually, he said something to me.

Something about his dad being a bad person?

Where'd he get that idea?

After we left Nashville, he was asking a lot of questions.

What did you tell him?

What we knew.

That his father had a hard life, was in and out of jail, and that he got himself k*lled in a fight.

That is a lot to take in for a kid Micah's age, don't you think?

That boy's been lied to enough.

I think it's time he learned the truth.

And the fact of the matter is, your brother was a criminal.

There were good things about Jason, all right?

Not that we ever knew about.

Well, you didn't know him like I did.

You're gonna leave a little bit of that for me, right, honey?

Doin' okay?

[Door closes] Yeah, if I was a pincushion.

Uh, if my mother is a match, what's the next step?

Well, we need to make sure that you're healthy, determine if your liver is large enough.

How much are you plannin' to take?

Well, two-thirds of it for the transplant.

Don't worry. It regenerates.

You'll spend about a week in the hospital, a couple months recovering.

It's a major surgery, but it's not life-threatening.

And I'll help you with the recovery.

Come stay with us.

I can bring you some literature if you like so that you know exactly what you're getting into in case you're a match, okay?

Okay. All right.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]
Mama, thank you so much for doing this.

Means the world to me and Deacon.

You're welcome.

Hey, how are y'all?

Hi, Rayna.

[Tuning guitar]


Oh, hey! How are ya?

I'm so glad to see you, Rayna. So glad to see you, too.

How's it goin'?

Oh, good.

Good. Thanks for letting me join you tonight.

I'm so happy you're here. [Whispers] - Thank you.

[Normal voice] Do you know Sadie Stone?

Yeah. Sadie, Pam tillis.

How could I not? She's red hot.

Oh, my goodness. Are you kidding me?

You gonna join us?

No, no, I'm just gonna sit back and watch the masters.

Oh, stop. Well, I'm excited.

I was thinking I might do, "already gone," you know, one of the old ones.

Sounds good. This is the place for it. [Cell phone ringing]

I mean, seriously.

Mm-hmm. I know.

Hang on, hang on.

Hello? I'll be right back.


I love this place.

So much history.


["No one will ever love you" playing]

♪ don't you try to tell me someone's waitin' ♪
♪ they're not waitin' for you ♪

Yeah, it's still out there.

♪ I know why ♪

Now this is a surprise party.

Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

Definitely growing up fast. Just not too fast, okay?

I just got here.

Hey, Deacon. Leave me alone.

No, come here, I wanna talk to you. Leave me alone, Rayna.

Oh, come on.

Are you drunk?

Go back inside.

Slide over right now. I'm not letting you...

Damn it, Rayna, let me go!

Get out! Get out of the car!

Why? Why?

♪ Like I do ♪

Both: ♪ like I do ♪

[Song ends]

Sadie: Rayna? Rayna?

You all right?

[Utensils clinking]

I don't think I can do this.


What's goin' on?

You were right. There's just... Too much history in there.

You're talkin' about Deacon?

Our lives are completely connected.

Anyway, I'm sorry.

No, don't be sorry.

Will you do me a favor?

Will you just tell Pam I had to go or...


Cover for me.


All right, you go on home.

Thank you.

Of course.

[Car door closes]

Is that so I can stay up all night waitin' for lab results?

It's cocoa, Beverly.

I just thought your blood sugar might be low after the test.



We were friends once, weren't we?

I mean, not just a brother and sister who only talk when there's a family crisis?

Yeah, we were.

We made a lot of mistakes.

But I feel like this whole thing could be a chance for you and me to put all of that in the past and have a fresh start.

I'd like that.

You tell your daughter yet?



I was hoping maybe get a little good news first, soften the blow.

You mean, like, good news, like, everything's gonna be okay because my sister's gonna give me a big ol' hunk of her liver? That kind of good news?


Come on, I mean that steal you made at e end of the day?

That was fantastic! [Laughs]

We won by 20 points!

Good for you.

You should've seen your sister.

She was defensive machine tonight.

I'm gonna go take a shower.

All right, I'll see you later. Love you.

Love you, too, dad.

[Sighs] So, uh, the Edgehill student recording program...

You enjoying that?

It's the only thing that makes school worth going to.

[Chuckles] I'd argue that an education's another good reason.

Not when all you wanna do is just make music.

So is that... is that really what you wanna do?

Sing professionally?

Yeah, it is.

Because I know what your mom thinks about it.

Yeah, the same thing all of you do.

Okay, who's all of us and what exactly do we think?

Mom doesn't take me seriously.

Deacon just quit our guitar lessons.

I mean, obviously, you still see me and Daphne as two little girls.

Daphne's the one who's little, not me.

Why should I have to wait for her to grow up?

Well, because... [sighs]

Because your mom's been down that road before, and she knows it better than anybody else.

And she feels strongly that you should wait.

I mean, like, I don't feel as strongly about it, but I do need to respect your mom's experience with it.

That's weak.

Okay, I have homework, dad.

All right. [Sighs]

I love you.


Yoink you know everything about your dad, but you don't.

Like this. This place he used to spend a lot of time.

This place is gross. He get into fights here?

No, but when I was a little older than you, he used to bring me down here.

We didn't have anyone taking care of us back then.

So we'd come to this spot and, uh, listen to the bands play 'cause we were too young to get inside.

He taught himself how to play guitar out here.

And, uh, well, then he taught me how to play guitar.

It's thanks to him that I got a career.

I got a house. I got all these great people in my life.

Most importantly, I got you, buddy.


Hey, Micah.

Your dad wasn't a bad person.

Why did he get into so much trouble?

'Cause he didn't have anybody looking out for him.

So he made some bad choices.

But that's where you're different, 'cause you got your grandma, you got your grandpa, and you got me.

I don't have my mom.

Not right now, no, but you got the three of us.

And we're gonna help you make some good choices, okay?

They want me to see a therapist.

I think that's a good idea.

And knowing your dad, he... he'd think that was a good idea, too.

So what'd you guys do?

Just stand here and listen all night?

Actually, we sat.

Come on.

[Door closes]


How was the Bluebird?

Did Deacon show up or is he still giving you space?

Can we not do this right now, please? [Keys jangle]

Oh, so now I can't even talk about him?

Maddie? Please stop.

Wait. Did something happen with him that I'm missing?


Why can't you tell me what's wrong?

I'm fine, Maddie.

You are not fine, mom!

It's just been a really trying time.

But I'm certainly not gonna drag you through it.

[Both harmonizing]

♪ la, la, la, la, la, la ♪
♪ la, la, la, la, la ♪

I'm helpin'.

What's all this?

Fried chicken from scratch.

Deacon: Yeah, your grandmama's recipe.

That was her song, too, wasn't it?

Yeah, it was.

She used to make us sing it over and over and over again.

I can't believe you remember it.

She died such a long time ago.

♪ Trouble may come a-knockin' ♪
♪ But you will always be a friend of mine ♪

Is that right?

♪ If you got somethin' else to say ♪
♪ Let's get it out before the end of the day ♪

Beverly & Deacon: ♪ 'cause it's been too long ♪
♪ Singin' the same song and we're losin' time ♪

[All harmonizing] ♪ trouble may come a-knockin' ♪
♪ But you will always be a friend of mine ♪
♪ A friend of mine ♪
♪ So many battles we have lost ♪
♪ So many bridges we had to cross ♪
♪ But it's been too long singin' ♪
♪ The same song ♪
♪ Oh, but we got time ♪

Both: ♪ we got time ♪

All: ♪ trouble may come a-knockin' ♪
♪ But you will always be a friend of mine ♪

[Cell phone rings] ♪ a friend of mine ♪

[Cell phone beeps] Scarlett and Deacon: ♪ leavin' what we knew behind ♪

Hello? Yes, this is she.

[Both stop singing]

Are you sure?


Yes, I will.

Thank you very much.

Yes, I appreciate it. Thank you.


Is that the lab?


I'm not a match.

Deacon, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry, mom.

I really didn't mean to make you cry.

Honey, you didn't. I mean it... it wasn't you.

[Whispers] Deacon.

You know, I'm really mad at him right now, mom.

I know.

You know, he just texted me.

He didn't even call me back to talk.

[Crying] It's like he just disappeared.

Honey, Deacon's an alcoholic.

He is sober now.

I know.

But the thing with alcoholics is they drink so they can escape.

And even when they stop drinking, sometimes they still need to escape.

Do you think that's why he's avoiding me?

Because of what's going on with you?


I think maybe.

You know, just 'cause Deacon's not around doesn't mean we have to stop making music.

Would you write a song with me?


Yes, of course.

[Headphones clatter]

Do you need anything else before I go?

Yeah, a bigger trash can.

Those are the new releases.

Yeah, we'll be lucky if we move 20,000 units between the lot of 'em.

But they're great albums.

Exactly. Albums.

Not hits.

Though, apparently, you don't know the difference.

Sales are down 70%.

Luke's record was supposed to be released by now.

I should've moved a million units the first week of the year.

I don't need a damn band. [Cds clattering]

I don't need an artist.

I need a star that is ready to go and sell a ton of records to a ton of kids, and I need one by the time Henry benton gets here.

He'll be here in a week.

Yes, I know, you idiot! [Cd thuds]

Damn it!


Get out!



♪ I could never do this without you ♪
♪ An open sky without the blue ♪

God, son of a bitch!


What are you doing here? It's 2:00 in the morning.

I'm gonna finish this album. If I have to go line by line and note by note, I'm gonna do it.

Juliette, come here, come here.

You know that's not gonna sound right, okay?

It takes all the emotion out of everything.

What's goin' on with you? Huh?

I'm having a baby, and I just feel like nothing in my life is my life and I lose my voice, too, I'm gonna...

I can't. I can't lose my voice. You won't, you won't.

Look, after the baby comes, you're gonna be right back where you were. [Sighs]

Hell, probably even better.

There's no doubt in my mind that having this baby is just gonna give you more to say.

All of this will still be here when you're ready to come back.

The studio, the music, your producer/husband.



The only thing that won't be here are these.

These have an insane amount of salt and sugar.

Did you know that?

Uh, touch my caramels, and I'm-a cut a bitch.

Love you.

Take me home. [Chuckles]

[Utensil clinks] Come on, grandpa, let's go!

I don't wanna be late for school! I'm comin', I'm comin'.

When will I see you again?

I'm not sure, but hopefully soon.

In the meantime, I got you something.

Whoa. [Chuckles]


That's assuming it's all right with your grandparents.

Yes, of course. [Chuckles]

Now you can always call if you ever wanna talk, okay?

Okay. Leave it here and you can get it all set it up when you get back from school.


Bye, Uncle Gunnar.


I better pack. I got a flight to catch. [Door opens, closes]

We have something for you, too.

[Drawer closes]

We found it when we were cleaning out kiley's room.

It's a bunch of stuff she kept from when you were together.

We don't think she's coming back for them.

[Laughs] [Laughs]

You've come so far with your music, honey.

I'm really proud of you.

Thank you, mom.

I know that you've always said I have to wait a while until I can pursue my music, but I just wanna go on record saying that I think I'm ready.

Yes, you've mentioned that.

Taylor Swift... she signed with Big Machine when she was 14.

And you were 16 when you got started.

Uh-huh, and you're 15.

Okay, I may be a year younger than you were, but I've got a better support system.

Well, you do have that. That is for sure.

Bucky's here. Hey.

Hey. Hey.

So, uh, what happened last night?

You decided not to go on?


Turns out I wasn't quite ready yet.


And I needed to work on some new material.


You're not staying for dinner?

Oh, I just thought I would, um, take off while I still got some light, you know.

Before we found out you lied about the test results.

What are you talking about?

I called Dr. Rand.

I tried to get Deacon on that transplant list, he said to me, "does that mean your mama doesn't wanna go through with the second round of testing?"

I just can't do it. Okay, Scarlett?

I don't know what you want from me.

Mama, I've loved you through everything you've ever done to me. Everything.

All the bad that you did, and now you have a chance to save him, you could save him, but you won't because you're a terrible person...

That's enough. Scarlett. And there's no amount of love in the world...



Oh, we both know that the only reason you even wanted me down here was because you need my damn liver.

And now that I'm saying no, it's gonna go right on back to me being unwanted and unneeded by both of you.


It's 'cause you're afraid or just...

'Cause you don't wanna do it for me?

Deacon, don't act like if this was the other way around that you would even consider doing this for me.

I would.

I would, Beverly, I'm sorry. Tell me something, why is it that I should quit my job, get all carved up, turn my life upside down all to help you through something that you brought on yourself, Deacon?

You drank.

I know.

You made the choice to destroy your body.

I know.

And I just don't think it's fair that it's up to me to save you.

It's not fair! [Crying]

You're right.

It isn't.


I'm sorry I lied. I am.

But we had the best time as a family together that we'd had in 20 years and I just wanted to keep it like that.

That's all I wanted.

You're losin' light.

You should go.

[Under breath] Yeah.

[Cell phone rings]



Hi, bucky, it's Sadie.

Hey. I don't think that I'm gonna be able to come to the show tonight.

Oh, no, is something wrong?

No, no, I'm just, um, you know, I'm feeling a little bit under the weather is all.

Oh, you're not relapsing are you?

I hope not. I just... I don't think that I should take any chances.

Yeah, no, you should stay put.

Will you please tell Rayna that I'm really sorry?

I'm just really not feeling up to it.

That's okay. We set the show up at the last minute.

Listen, you take care of yourself, okay?

I always do.

[Cheers and applause]


[Amplified voice] Thank y'all.

Tonight I feel like... I feel like it's a new beginning here, and so, in honor of that, I was gonna sing a new song for you.

Woman: Whoo! Yeah.

And it's a song that I wrote with my very, very beautiful and talented daughter, Maddie Conrad, who is right there.

[Cheers and applause]

In the vein of new beginnings, I would like to invite my two daughters, Maddie and Daphne, up on stage with me to sing the song.

What do y'all think?

[Cheers and applause]

You know, uh, there are times in your life where you feel blessed to have the people that you have around you, your friends and your family, and I have to say I feel that way every day about these girls, and particularly, in these last few weeks.

I'm just grateful to both of you and I love you both so much.

So here we go.

This song is called "real life" 'cause that's what we're living.

♪ This is real skin ♪
♪ These are real smiles and tears ♪

[All harmonizing] ♪ this is gravity ♪
♪ Stronger than any of your fears ♪
♪ This is where the heartbeat hits the road ♪
♪ This is where your dream becomes your soul ♪
♪ This is real life ♪
♪ don't let it pass you by ♪
♪ Ooh, laugh and cry ♪
♪ this is real life ♪

I know I can fight this cancer.

But I don't know if I can beat it.

See, the thing is, if I lose...

Well, there was a time that wouldn't have mattered that much.

But it does now.

I got a daughter...

And I got a niece...

And I got...

I got a lot of people I care about.

And they care about me.

And when I think about not being there for them...

[Exhales deeply]

You talk about feeling powerless?

This is powerlessness at a level that...

Damn near overwhelms me.

♪ This is the real life, don't let it pass you... ♪

Truth is, I'm terrified.

♪ Laugh and cry ♪
♪ 'Cause this is real life ♪
♪ Sometimes we love, sometimes we fight ♪
♪ This is real life ♪
♪ Don't let it pass you by ♪
♪ laugh and cry ♪
♪ 'Cause this is real life ♪
♪ Sometimes we love, sometimes we fight ♪
♪ This is real life ♪

[Song ends, cheers and whistles]

Hey, Mr. Mayor.


Glad you could join me.

Well, the word "urgent" usually doesn't get applied to most meetings.

I'm assuming this has something to do with the contract you sent over.

You, uh, you work fast, Jeff.

Yeah, well, with the presentations I need to make to the chairman next week, I kinda have to.

So, what do you think?

Well, I think that it's a great offer and, uh, I know Maddie would love it, but, um, unfortunately, I'm gonna have to say no.


Because Rayna would disapprove?

Her head would probably explode, yes, but honestly, I just think Maddie needs another year.

I don't have another year, Teddy.

My job is on the line right now.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Sadly, mine isn't the only one.

I don't follow.

You don't follow, hmm.

Look, I really dislike that it's come to this, but you are signing Maddie to my label, period, end of story.

No, I'm not, Jeff.

Oh, yes, Teddy, you are, because if you don't, you're not gonna be able to hold on to your daughters or your office.

[Lowered voice] I don't think the good people of Nashville would take kindly to their mayor's salary being used to pay for sex.

Sign. Now.