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03x17 - This Just Ain’t a Good Day for Leavin’

Posted: 04/09/15 14:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

If you wanna get back together with her, you should probably act fast.

I'm sick. I got cancer.

Telling her about me, though, that's not gonna be so easy.

The F.B.I. does have you under surveillance.

I could disappear for a while, but I'd need money.

I need you to look into the finance director.

If there's a skeleton in his closet, I need to find it.

I was the victim of domestic v*olence.

And I am not going to let him get away with it.

Stay away from me, Pete, I swear to god.

Or what?

[Grunts, screams] [g*nsh*t]

[Gasps] Sadie!

What happened?

I went into the studio to record vocal tracks.

I was there pretty much all day.

That's when I bumped into Luke. We just... Sorta ran into each other, and, uh, she was able to help me out with one of my songs.

He wanted to thank me so... afterwards we went to the cafe.

Pie and coffee, least I could do.

So how long were you in the diner?

A few hours, if you can believe that.

We just got to talkin' about music and life...

Past relationships.

Did she, uh, ever bring up her ex?

I told him about Pete.

Sounded like he'd done some pretty bad things to her.

Is that why you said on "Good Morning America" that you weren't gonna let him get away with it?

I didn't mean it like that.

And is that why you were in possession of an unregistered firearm?

Am I under arrest?

Just answer the questions, please.

What happened next?


She got out of the elevator and I went up to the next floor to get in my truck.

When I drove back down a level...

You saw what, exactly?

I'd like to make a phone call, please.

[Whispers] Please.

[Pushes button]

[Coffeemaker beeps]

[Whispers] Hey.


So early. Why are you making coffee?

'Cause I'm so tired.

After all that talking last night with the girls, and I'm throwing Juliette's baby shower today.


Oh, man.


Well, at least the girls finally dozed off.

You want me to move 'em upstairs into their room?

No, no, no, no, that'll wake 'em up.

This way, they'll sleep for hours.

I knew it's gonna be tough tellin' them, but...

God, Maddie took it hard.

They both did.

It's a lot.

It's a lot to process for anybody.

I'm glad we were straight with them, though.

I'm glad we could tell 'em together.

[Whispers] Yeah.

[Whispers] Come here.

[Cell phone rings and vibrates]

Why in the world is Sadie calling me at this hour?

Hey, girl, what's goin' on?

Rayna, I'm so sorry to be callin' you.

That's okay. What's the matter?

I'm in trouble.

What is it?

Where are you?

The police station.

I shot him.


[Voice breaks] I shot Pete.

Okay, um...

All right, listen to me.

Don't say anything to anybody, okay?

Do you have a lawyer?

I'll call my lawyer and I'm gonna come right down there, okay?

[Crying] Thank you.

Okay, hon, sit tight.

All right?

What's wrong?

Sadie shot her ex-husband.

She's at the police station. I gotta go down there.

Yeah, go.

Thank you, babe.


Thank you.

I'll keep you posted.

I got it.

Hey, baby.

Did you get my text about the names?

Yeah, all 14 of 'em.

I think I like the name Olivia.

No, I don't like Olivia. No, no, no.

That name is way too snooty-sounding.

H... how 'bout Talia? I was thinking Talia.

It sounds kind of exotic, right?


Then I was thinking, are we going for a real name here?

Or are we doin' like a celebrity name, like North or Blanket or Apple?

Moon Unit or...


Are you listenin' to me?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.

Hey, have you seen...

Whoa, whoa, no, I mean, I'm ... I'm listenin' it's just, uh, do we really need to decide this right now?

I mean, there's plenty of time.

No, no, no, no, no.

What would be the importance of naming our child?

It's just the name that she's gonna hear every single day for the rest of her life.

I know, I know and I care, deeply.

But I'm... I'm loading gear right now, and I just...

How 'bout this? How 'bout I don't wait?

How 'bout I just name her without you?

Just like I'm havin' this party without you.

Hon, don't be this way.

[Groans] [Phone thuds]

Hello? Juliette?

[Whispers] So...

Oh, your guest room's really comfortable.

What are you doin'?

Not talking to my husband, that's what.

No, I mean with the doilies.

I'm getting rid of them.

I really hope that Rayna is a better party host than she is a party planner, because these...

these are disgusting.

Really? I think they're pretty.

Do you?


It's not your special day, is it?!


You waiting on Scarlett?


Guessing that means last night didn't go your way?

I'm sorry, man.

You wanna talk about it?


[Sighs] Okay.

Well, if you do...

I just can't believe she'd spend the night somewhere and... and not tell us about it.

Well, you don't know that she did.

I mean, maybe she... went for a walk or grabbed a cup of coffee...

Come on, she could be dead in a ditch, and we... we wouldn't know.

Ah! There she is.

Scarlett: Hey!

Sorry, I'm late.

I just had to grab a couple things from my room.

Yeah, pack your stuff, right?

Yeah, you might wanna set an alarm next time.

We got a schedule to keep.

[Cell phone rings and vibrates]

[Turns faucet off]

[Ring, vibrates]



It's me.

Natasha, I shouldn't have to tell you how reckless this is, given your situation.

Our situation, Teddy.

And believe me, I'm being careful.

I'm not at home, and I'm on a prepaid cell.

Look, I just need to know when.

I am working on it.

But if they bust me before I can leave the country...

Yeah, I get it. Just lay low and sit tight.

And don't ever call me again.

[Touch screen clicks]

[Phone clatters]

[Siren wailing in distance]

Thank you for coming to meet me so early.

Sure. I'm just glad we could bring you in the back way.

There are a ton of press out front.

I know. I saw that.

Man: We'll be in touch.



Sorry, this entrance is for authorized personnel only.

Can I help you?

I'm Michael Reese, legal counsel for Sadie Stone.

And this is... I know who she is.

Just let her in.

He's a bit of a jackass, that one.

I see that. What's goin' on? Why are you here?

Had to give my statement.

I was with her when it happened. Kinda.

With Sadie?

You know, Rayna, I've been up all night answering questions.

Don't think I have it in me to answer any more if that's all right with you.

[Indistinct conversations]

I don't know why you brought us here.

'Cause breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

'Cause I thought I'd get us out of your mom's hair while she handles some business.

Say we go back to my place, play a little music, huh?

What does cancer feel like?

Does it hurt?

Oh, my gosh.

Not really...

Can we not talk about this right now?


It's okay, all right?

Your sister needs to be able to ask these questions.

We should all be able to talk about this openly.

Deacon, we talked about this all last night.

What else is there to say?

First of all, what happened to calling me "dad"?

I'm done. I'll be in the car.

What are you... mad...

[whispers] Hey!

[Utensils clink]

Hey, Maddie.

[Sighs deeply]

I think we should get the check.

Oh, I packed in such a rush, I forgot to pick up the flowers Caleb gave me.

That's a shame. [Remote clicks]

You know, I was thinkin', maybe we should add that new song we did in Chicago last night to our set list.

The crowd seemed to love it.

That'd be fun. What do you think?


[TV playing indistinctly]

Woman: Country singer Sadie Stone has allegedly...

Holy crap.

Shot and k*lled her ex-husband Pete Collins in Nashville.

Early reports suggest...

Oh, my god, Avery, did you know?

I... I knew he was abusive, but... I gotta...

I gotta call her, Bucky, someone.

Are you okay? I know you worked with Sadie.

We... we wrote a song. That's all.

Oh, you two are friendly. I mean...

Yeah, it's just professional. I'm fine.

[Footsteps retreating]

So we have Sara, Jennifer, Amber, Carla, Sybil...

Has Kacey responded?



Had a last-minute appearance. She send her regards, though.

Her loss.

Miranda's coming, right?

Unh-unh, sick with the flu.

But Sheryl's gonna be here.

No, her kid's in a play, remember?

Who the hell is coming to this party?

Well, all of your hair and makeup people and most of your backup singers, the ones that aren't on another tour.

What are you talking about? They're my backup singers!

[Knock on door] Knock, knock!



What are you doing here?

I know that it's no boys allowed, but I just wanted to swing by and give you this.

Mmm, thank you. You're so sweet.

[Sighs] And I gotta tell you that, uh, Rayna's not gonna be able to make it today.


Wha... she is hosting this stupid party!

What are you talking about?!

Please, tell me, what excuse she possibly could come up with?

Sadie stone shot her ex-husband.

Rayna's with her down at the police station.

I cannot believe she would choose to sh**t someone on the day of my shower!

Maddie, can I talk to you a second?

Maddie? Hey!


Look, you haven't said two words to me or your sister this morning, okay?

And for you to walk out of that restaurant like that, that's unacceptable.


Now, look, I know this is hard, okay, believe me, but you gotta find a way to talk to me, all right?

I gotta know what's going on...

[Cell phone ringing]

It's your mom.


Hey, how's it goin'?

Ugh. Not great.

Sadie's in talking to the lawyer now, but the police won't tell us anything.

Are the girls up yet?

Oh, yeah, we already had breakfast.

We're back at my place now.

Oh, that's good. Are they doin' okay?

[Door opens]

Yeah, they're, uh...

[Door slams]

They're good.

Everybody's good.

[TV playing indistinctly]

You work fast.

You'd be surprised how quickly dirty laundry can be obtained on anyone, really.

Can I ask you something, Albert?

You ever feel bad about what you do?

I've only provided you information.

What you do with it's your business.


Gonna open that?

Strangest thing, but in this light, you remind me an awful lot of your father-in-law.

[Cell phone ringing]

Hey, sweetheart.


What's the matter? You okay?

Yeah, I'm at Deacon's house, but can you come and get me?


You know, uh, I'm kind of tied up at the moment, honey.

Dad, please.

I really don't want to be here right now.

I'd rather be home with you.

I'll be right there.

Well, I'll leave you to your family.

They must be proud.





The police have filed your statement.

We're finished here.

For now, anyway.


Hey, come here.

[Sighs] Are you okay?

Did he hurt you?

[Whispers] No, not this time.

Are we done? Can she go?

They're not booking her, so she's free to go till we know more.

All right, let's go, come on.


All right, so, listen, there's a lot of press outside.

Oh, my god.

They're probably at your house, too.

You should just come to my place.

All right.

Just so you're aware, case is still open, and the charges are still pending.

Why? She had a restraining order.

It's self-defense.

Oh, we don't know that for certain.

What we do know is that she was in possession of an unregistered firearm that resulted in a man's death.

This is an ongoing criminal homicide investigation.

Would stick around town if I were you.

It's okay. Come on.

Somebody misses you.

Somethin' like that.

Did you hear any more on Sadie?

Well, Bucky said Rayna and the lawyers are handlin' it.


It's gotta be self-defense, though.


Uh... I... I don't know if it's the right time to even ask this, but...

Is there something going on with Gunnar?

Anything I should know?

How do you mean?

He's been actin' real weird towards me all day, like I done somethin' real wrong.

[Sighs] Look, if you think something's up with him, you should probably ask him yourself.

Besides, I gotta look through these baby names Juliette sent me.

Otherwise, I'm gonna end up with a daughter named Sparkle.



Care to help?

What you got so far?

[Avery speaks indistinctly]

You think they'll let me finish my album in prison?

You're not going to prison.

I'm so sorry for makin' my problems your problems.

Hey, you need to stop apologizing.

I'm here for you, okay?

I just wish I'd known you felt so unsafe.

I mean, there are people you can hire to protect you, so you wouldn't had to go out and buy an illegal g*n.

When Pete showed up...


I was just... [whispers] so scared.

[Whispers] Yeah.

I wanted something to just make me feel a little bit more in control, a... a little bit safer.

But I never thought that I would k*ll him.

[Crying] I did not mean to k*ll him.

I know you didn't, hon, of course not.

And now I don't know what I'm gonna do. [Sniffles]

There are no witnesses.

Well, what about Luke?

No, Luke was parked on another floor.

I mean, there's no way that he could've seen much of anything, and I think it is very clear that the police do not believe me.

I mean, we don't know what they believe or what they know or don't know, you know?

Look, I think right now you've got to go get some rest.

[Whispers] Okay.


[Groans] It's Juliette's baby shower.


And you're supposed to be hostin' it.


I ruined that, too.

Will you stop it, please? It's fine.

I'm so sorry.

If you go back there and take a nap, I will run over there for five minutes and drop that thing off.


Does this baby not matter anymore?

[Plate clatters]

Do I even matter to anyone anymore?

Of course you do, Juliette. You matter to us and to Avery.

You matter to a lot of people! I used to have friends!

And fans!

Now the only people coming to this stupid thing are on my payroll!

[Loud clattering]

And I am not playing "guess which candy bar melted in the diaper" with a bunch of employees!

So the shower might be a little bit more intimate than we expected, but we'll still have fun!

My host has cancelled, my husband's gone.

Everyone's got something more important to do than celebrate me and my baby!

[Stuffed animal squeaks]

[Panting] Okay, okay, okay.

Let's just... just... take a deep breath. Calm down.

There's gonna be a nice party.

[Breathing heavily]

[Whispers] Cancel it.


I would rather have no party than a pity party.

But, honey, everything's all set up...

Or it was.

"People" magazine... they're on their way.

They're gonna cover...

I said cancel it!

And when you're done with that, go!

What the hell are you waiting for?!

[Handle jiggles]

[Knock on door]

Come on now, Maddie.


All right, that's it, okay?

I am giving you to three to open this door, young lady, you hear me now?

[Keys clicking]

All right, one...



Yeah, that counting thing, it... it only works on little kids.

Also, my dad just pulled up outside.

What are you doin' here?

Maddie called me, asked me to come pick her up.

All right, well, I don't know why she did that, but she shouldn't have done that. She...

Yeah, well, she did.

And I don't even know why Daphne's here either.

Rayna asked me to watch 'em both while she's takin' care of some business.

Well, you know what? Nobody asked me.

Now if Maddie wants to leave, that's her right.

She doesn't wanna leave.

She just doesn't wanna talk to...

You know what? Just go tell 'em I'm here.

This is between my daughter and I, okay?

Hey, she's my daughter, too.

It's my time to be her father right now, okay?

Whether she knows it or not, she needs me right now, not you, Teddy.

Okay, I don't know who you think you are or what the hell you're pullin'...

I'm sick.


I got cancer and I just told 'em last night.

I'm, um...

I'm really sorry to hear that.

Yeah, well...

She's not talkin' to me now.

Hey, listen, a little advice, uh... father to father... the harder you push, the farther away she's gonna pull.

[Scoffs] I had to learn that the hard way.

[Sighs deeply]

Come on.


I'd avoid the yogurt.

Pretty sure that's been in there since '08.

[Laughs] Probably good advice, Buck.

What are you in for today?

Hmm? Oh, um...

Had a breakthrough last night on the final song for my album.

Uh, working on a mix, but having a little trouble staying focused.

What about you?

Uh, came down to check out Ron Pope. You heard of him?

He's a talented guy.

He's got, like, 8 million hits on YouTube.

He's cutting a demo this afternoon.

I said I'd stop by.

Rayna thinkin' of signing him?

Well, I doubt it.

She's not much on lnternet artists, but if I'm gonna do my job, I need to see what's out there.

Figured I'd come by and give a listen since Rayna's got her hands full today...

With Sadie?


Uh, any updates?

Investigation's ongoing, but, you know, Sadie's got Rayna there. She's got a lawyer there.

So hopefully they'll be able to resolve it soon.

[Inhales deeply]

But you were there, right? That had to be rough.

Yeah, it was, uh...

I'm sorry to distract you.

I'm gonna head on in to this session.

It's good seeing you.

Hey, Buck, you know what? Hold on a sec.

Um, you mind if I tag along?

Distraction sounds pretty good right about now.
Sadie: You stay away from me, Pete, I swear to god.

Or what?

Or this!


Yeah, really.

No, Pete!

No! Stop it!

Let go!



[Screams and gasps]

[Crying] No! No!

Oh, my god.



♪ Gotta slow down, you're movin' too fast ♪
♪ rate I'm goin', no, I ain't gonna last ♪

Wow. No wonder he's tearin' up the lnternet.

He's got the chops, I'll give him that.

Well, he gets a good label behind him, he'll be ridin' the charts in no time.

♪ My hands are shaky, my liver's worn ♪
♪ my lungs are empty and my heart's been torn ♪

I tell you what, I might just have to fight you for him.

As good as he is...

♪ I've been running so crazy ♪

I'm afraid he's a little off-brand for Highway 65.

♪ runnin' so wild ♪

If you were the A&R guy for Wheelin' Dealin' Records...

♪ tryin' to run her outta my mind ♪

You'd sign him?

In a heartbeat.

♪ Feels like I'm gettin' off some mean ol' drug ♪

If I was.

[Switch clicks] All right, Ron, nailed it on that punch-in.

Let's take five. [Switch clicks]

[Clears throat]

Hey, you sounded great, man.

Thank you so much.

Hell of a song, son.

Luke Wheeler. Wow.


I didn't know you'd be listenin'.

I'm a big fan. Well, uh, after what I just heard, uh, I'm a... a big fan of yours. How long you been doin' this?

Pretty much my whole life.

You're the reason I started makin' music.

Well, how 'bout this?

Um, why don't you make your music on my label?



As long as that's okay with you. I know y'all were thinking...

No, no, no, you go for it.

Then, okay, yes.

Yeah! All right.

Well, listen, hey, that's the answer I was lookin' for.

I gotta get back to my own session.

But I'm gonna have somebody contact you.

And you come meet the whole team, okay, Ron?

Thank you so much. This is awesome.

All right, come on.

Thank you.

All right, buddy, we'll see you.

Thank you.


Thank you.



Wow, I didn't think you were gonna sign him on the spot.

Well, what can I say, Buck? Uh...

I hate to miss out on a good thing when it comes along.

Woman on TV: Sadie Stone's alleged involvement in the fatal sh**ting of ex-husband Pete Collins is ongoing and no suspects are currently in custody.

[Cell phone chimes]

News of the incident follows Sadie Stone's recent appearance on "Good Morning America," where she gave an emotional interview...

[Cell phone rings]

... revealing herself as a victim of domestic abuse and discussing her struggles...


[Speaking indistinctly]

Yes, this is she.


Yes, Detective.

I understand.

[Knock on door] Teddy: Maddie, honey, it's me.

I'm ready to go home.

Okay, but, uh... [sighs]

We should talk first.

Wait, what?

How long have you been here?

What did he tell you? That I was being a brat?

No, just that you're upset with him... for him.

And that, you know, that you're not talkin'.

[Crying] What am I supposed to say?

That every single time I look at him, all I can picture is him dying?

If that's what you're feeling, then, yes, because he's probably feeling it, too.


And I'm sure it makes you sad, confused, and scared.


But, honey, pushing him away is not the answer, for either one of you.

[Gasps] Promise me... promise me you won't get sick until you're, like, really, really old.

[Whispers] I promise.

I'm not goin' anywhere.

What were, uh, you and Scarlett talkin' about earlier? Me?

Yes, Gunnar, it was about you.

Well, uh, what'd she say?

She's wonder why you're bein' so moody and weird.

What'd... what'd you tell her?

That I don't wanna be in the middle of it, which is what I'm tellin' you.

So now this is my fault?

'Cause you're the one that told me I should go and say something to her.

I know, I was tryin' to be a friend. My bad.

And now that I'm probably out of a producing gig for who knows how long, I see the error of my ways.

Look, I need this band to work.

Okay? So, I would really appreciate it if you'd stop lettin' your romantic entanglements get in the way of that.


Look who decided to show up.

I am so sorry, Juliette. I wanted to be here.

It has just been a day.

Wow, looks like it was some shower.

No, not really.

I decided to cancel it when I figured out that nobody cared enough to show up.

Not even my hostess.

I apologize.

I hope Glenn told you 'cause I called him this morning.

I mean, I have spent the day at the police station, if you can believe it. Poor Sadie.

Sadie. She just gets all the attention.

Sadie, I mean, she decides to sh**t someone and she's your number one priority, isn't she?

That's actually not the case at all, I mean, obviously...

And, oh, and then there's your other new...

She was in jail.

Shining priority... Layla Grant.

Okay, well, now, I know you're not feeling well.

You're probably feeling very hormonal, and, I'm sure, disappointed and I understand that.

Are you kidding?! I am relieved.

I am relieved since now I know exactly where I stand... somewhere below your precious little label and your stupid, perfect hair.

All right, now you're just being ridiculous.


You know what? Yes, I am.

And I don't care!

Because it seems to me that everything and everyone is more important than me, more important than my baby, than my shower, than my feelings...

Will you stop it?

Will you just stop it?! Please, just stop it!

Than everything that's going on with me.

Please, just stop it!

All right, excuse me for saying it, but you have no idea what I've been through these last 24 hours, you know?!

And I am tryin' very hard to be strong for a lot of people.

And I'm not doin' a very good job of it.

So I would appreciate it if you would just shut up for one second!

Oh, my god.

I know. I'm sorry. I should not have done that.

You are pregnant and it's not your problem...

No, oh, my god. I think my water just broke.


Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?

Yeah, I'm just scribblin' thoughts. What's up?

I just wanna apologize if I was being a jerk earlier.

Oh, well, you kinda were. Thanks.

It's just that I think you're paying a little too much attention to this doctor and, uh, you need to be focusing more on the band is all.


What... what are you tryin' to say?

Come on, Scarlett, second date and you're sleepin' with this guy? What is that?

That's not you.

What business is that of yours?

What are you doin'? Followin' me?

I don't need to.

The walk of shame this morning, that said it all.

I don't have anything to be ashamed about.

Who the hell are you to talk to me about appropriate relationships?

What's that supposed to mean?

My friend, my best friend Zoey. You remember that?

No, no, no.

That would've never happened if that hadn't been for you.

Oh, my god.

How do you twist that into my fault?

Because I proposed to you, Scarlett, and if... if I remember correctly, you said, "no."

I had to say no, Gunnar. You were so torn up about Jason, you didn't know your head from your tail.

So that's... that's why you turned me down, is it?

I needed you, Scarlett. I...

I put my heart out there and what? You just... you threw it back in my face!

I waited for you so long to come back to me for the right reasons, Gunnar, and you never came back, and I moved on!

What are you trying to say?

You waiting for me?

[Tires screech]

Baby! Juliette!

It's happening! She's having it.

I'm gettin' off! I gotta get a taxi.

Listen, you gotta do the show without me.

No, wait, we, uh...

Whatever is goin' on with you two, you better figure it out between here and louisville, 'cause there's still a show tonight, and I won't be there.

[Sighs] All right...

See y'all!

Woman: Congratulations!

Man: Good luck!

I'm havin' a baby!

[Car alarm beeps]

What are you doin' here? Are you insane?

I wasn't followed. Calm down.

Just get in the car.

How the hell did you find me?

I'd worry less about that and more about the feds finding me.

I spent last night in a motel, but I'm not safe there or anywhere in Nashville for much longer.

Look, I told you, I am working on it.

You don't understand!

I need to leave, Teddy, fast, for both of our sakes.

[Whispers] Please...

Just get the money.

Just get out.



Hey, this is Deacon. You know what to do. [Beep]

Hey, I just wanna let you know I'm now at the hospital because Juliette went into labor.


Gotta go. Bye. [Touch screen clicks]


Hey. I forgot my lamaze. [Breathing heavily]

This thing doesn't have a name.

It's okay. Relax. It's time to start breathing.

This can't be happening.

Not three weeks early, not without Avery.

Well, he's gonna be here.

The minute we called him, he got off that tour bus.

He's gonna be here very soon.

I can't believe I'm having this baby alone.

Well, I'm here for ya, and he'll be here soon.


All right, just breathe.

[Panting and grunting]

All right, I think we are almost ready for your taste test now.

I want you to be honest. Tell me what you think.



Yeah, it's pretty good.

It's pretty good? Yeah.

Well, I'll take "pretty good."

As long as you... hey.

Um, I think we should just let this simmer.

I'm sorry about hiding in Scarlett's room all day.

You got nothing to apologize for.

It's just a lot, you know?

[Whispers] Yeah.

I'm sorry for pushing you so hard.

I love you so much, I just wanted you to be able to work through some of these feelings you got, you know?

I'm angry!

[Voice breaking] So angry.

And not at you or anyone, I'm just angry.

[Whispers] That's okay, sweetie.

[Normal voice] 'Cause I tell you what, I'm pretty angry myself.

You go ahead. You express that any way you need to, understand?

Yellin', screamin', I can take that.

Just please don't shut me out.

In the end, I think that'd hurt more than any cancer ever could.

[Cheers and applause]

Man: [Amplified voice] How's everybody doing out there tonight?

Got the band up to speed.

Ricky's gonna take Avery's harmonies, okay?

Put your hands together tonight for...

Seriously? You're not gonna talk?

The Triple Exes!

This is ridiculous. We...

[cheers and applause]

[Amplified voice] Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are the Triple Exes, and usually there are three of us here, but the third party is about to become a daddy any second now, so he couldn't be here.

[Cheers and applause]

[Amplified voice] So I guess that makes us just a couple of exes, right?

Actually, before we were in a band, Scarlett and I used to perform together as a duo.

I was pretty lost back then, couldn't write a song to save my life.

But when the two of us got together, that all changed.

Woman in audience: Whoo!

Guess you could say she inspired me.

Still does.

'Cause of that, I thought we might change up the start of our set and play something to honor that.

[Strumming chords]

[Cheers and applause]

What the hell are you doing?

Can't make you talk to me, but I can make you listen.

♪ alone ♪
♪ I'm home ♪
♪ I'm home in my head ♪

♪ but now that ♪
♪ the unknown has grown ♪
♪ so I want this instead ♪

Both: [Harmonizing] ♪ longer ♪
♪ could you stay a little longer? ♪
♪ Longer ♪
♪ longer ♪

♪ longer, longer ♪
♪ I forgot about this room ♪
♪ and the view ♪
♪ way above the things I fear it towers ♪
♪ and this new feeling you give me ♪
♪ makes me open up just like a flower ♪
♪ longer ♪
♪ could you stay a little ♪
♪ longer? ♪
♪ Longer ♪
♪ longer ♪
♪ 'cause I want to give you more for ♪
♪ nothing in return ♪
♪ oh, I did wait for you, darling ♪
♪ did wait for you, darling ♪
♪ and now you're here, I want you, dear ♪
♪ to stay ♪
♪ ooh ♪
♪ ooh ♪

♪ oh, oh ♪

[Groans] This hurts so bad!

Okay, Juliette. Another push.

[Crying] No!

You're doing great.

No, I'm not!

I'm horrible. I'm a horrible human being!

Keep pushing, honey. Come on. Come on.

Keep pushing.

[Grunting and screaming]

This is why I'm being punished!

You're not being punished! You're just having a baby.

[Sobbing] Juliette?

Avery! Thank god you're here.

I'm here. I'm here.

The only place in the world I wanna be is here, with my two girls.

[Exhales and groans]


[Mouths words]

[Cell phone rings]


I got the call...

From the police.

The D.A.'s not filing charges.

[Exhales deeply]

And they bumped the illegal firearms charge down to a misdemeanor.

Thank the lord.


All right, well, look, that's great, and now I'm hoping you could just...

Start trying to put all this behind you, you know?

I'm really glad to hear you say that, Rayna, 'cause I need to leave town.

I... I need to go on back to Virginia, and I need to sort through some of this stuff.

You gotta take the time you need, I mean, even if it's a month or two, you know?

It's gonna be more than a month or two.

I need to think about what I've done.

I k*lled a man that I used to love.

Hey, babe, you know what?

I'm gonna be home in a few minutes.

I would love to talk all this through with you.

No, I'm already gone. I already left, Rayna.

You and I both know...

You'd just talk me into stayin', and I need to get right with myself.

And I need to do that on my own.

You take care of yourself, and... and I'll see you when you get back, okay?

Thank you... for everything.

[Whispers] Thank you, too.

[Touch screen clicks]


[Door opens]

Two nights in a row you haul me in here...

Have a seat. Have a seat.

No, because if this is about approving discretionary funds for that little redevelopment plan of yours, my answer is no.

And in fact, I've got a mind to alert the city council about your little request...

I've met your wife before.

Carol, if I remember correctly.

Really lovely.

That's not her.

What's your girlfriend's name? Nancy?

Great-looking kid she has.

Now I don't judge what a man does in his personal life, but I bet your wife would be quite surprised to learn that you have a third child.

Sometimes we need to shield our families from the mistakes we make.

Don't we?

Half a million, you said?

Because there is procedure. There's... there's accounting. There's oversight.

You're a smart man, Harris.

I trust you'll find a way to protect all parties involved.

[Door closes]

[Breathing heavily] Hey. Scarlett.

You can't keep fighting it, Scarlett.

Everything that just happened on that stage... the... the energy, the connection, you and me... it's all still there.

I felt it, and... I know you felt it, too.

Well, as somebody once said to me...

All I felt was music.

Luke: ♪ I can't help my heart ♪
♪ I can't catch the wind ♪
♪ so every night I raise the dead ♪
♪ and face the ghost of what must have been ♪
♪ I can't stop the flood ♪

[Music stops]

Guess this means you're not heading to county jail.

Apparently, there was a witness in the parking garage last night who saw the whole thing...

Even though there is no way he could have.

[Whispers] Thank you.

Sadie, it was the right thing to do.

You okay?

Not really.

Does make me feel better to know that there are good men in this world.

I just wish I'd known that sooner.

Goodbye, Luke.

You take care of yourself.

Hey, Sadie, wait a second.

Was that a "we can't do whatever this is" goodbye?

'Cause it... sounded a lot like a "I'm leaving town" goodbye.

It's both.

[Door closes]

She's perfect.

[Baby fusses]

Isn't she?

Do you wanna hold her?



[Whispers] Yeah.

I'm so thankful that you made it.

I thought for a second there you weren't gonna.

Of course I made it.

There's nothing more important to me than you...

And her... and this.

[Door opens]

[Knock on door]

Hey, congratulations.


Hey. What are y'all doing here?

We wanted to get a glimpse of her in person.

Hi! Oh, my gosh.

[Gasps] She's beautiful, Juliette.

How are you feeling?

[Sighs] Like I might never walk again, but... great other than that.

Thank you, guys, for everything, by the way.

I'm sorry about earlier. It was...

Glenn: Oh, no, you're fine.

This is all that matters.

Hey. Hey, kiddo.

Welcome to the family.

Mom looks good on you.

[Whispers] Thanks.


Emily: Hey, sweetie.

[Footsteps approach]

[Inhales sharply]

[Exhales deeply] Hey.


You're here.

Yeah. I'm here.

[Inhales deeply] I think I gotta go home, though.

I've been wearing these clothes a little too long.



Also, I think the girls are okay, but...

I know they could use some mama time.

[Whispers] Thank you for today.

[Whispers] You got it.

[Knock on door]


Hey, mom!

Hey. I can't believe y'all are still awake.

Yeah, of course. We missed you.

Oh. I missed you, too.

Mm. You doing okay?

Yeah. I'm all right.

I'm really glad you're here, mom.

[Whispers] I am, too, sweetheart.

I am, too.

Juliette & Avery: ♪ dream the sweetest dream ♪
♪ swing from star to star ♪
♪ when you wake, I will be here ♪
♪ to hold you in my arms ♪
♪ darlin', don't you cry ♪
♪ tears will soon be gone ♪

Is it true that you were there at the time of the sh**ting?

What is your relationship with Sadie Stone?

♪ In the night I will be here ♪
♪ to hold you in my arms ♪
♪ hold you in my arms ♪

Woman: Hi, Mr. Claybourne, it's Dr. Rand's office, reminding you it's time for your MRI exam.

It's very important to monitor the growth of your tumor.

Please call us to schedule an appointment.

♪ All is well, all is right ♪
♪ I'll hold you in my arms ♪
♪ when you wake, I will be here ♪
♪ to hold you in ♪
♪ my arms ♪

I think I know what her name should be.

Really? What?

What about...