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03x22 - Before You Go Make Sure You Know

Posted: 05/14/15 11:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

Why is my doctor here?

I think you might be suffering from postpartum depression.

I can't believe I was so drunk, I don't even remember tweeting that picture.

What is this?

A contract.

I built you up from nothing once, and I'm the one here doing it again.

Rayna: They're coming for you, Teddy.

Teddy: I can't go to jail.

Cooperate with us, then you won't have to.

Luke: Where'd these come from?

A tabloid reporter I know.

Accordin' to them, Will Lexington is gay.

He needs a liver transplant.

I wrote her a check for a million dollars.

What are you doin' here?

I wanna do it.

♪ Pardon me if I'm sentimental when we say goodbye ♪
♪ don't be angry with me should I cry ♪

[Thunder rumbles]

♪ I'm a fool, but I'll love you, dear ♪


[Breathing heavily]

What's the matter? You okay?

Yeah. I am okay.

I'm sorry.

Sleep, sweetheart.



36 hours, but it's finally finished.

Buddy did such a great job.

You serious? You finished the album?

Come on. You can't possibly be mad about that.

Oh, I'm not mad about that. I'm...

You know what?

I'm, uh... I'm just glad you're home.


Maybe after you rest, we can talk.

I'm sure you're tired.

Nothing a hot shower and a cup of coffee can't fix.

I don't know about that, but if you want to talk now, I guess we can.

Is this about the little ambush you pulled on me the other night?

Because I'm over it.

Look, Glenn and Emily and I called your doctor because we're worried about you.

Y'all should be worried about the momentum I'm losing from the rooftop shows.

Speaking of which, I got to get ready so I can play this for Rayna.

Juliette, you just got home.

You don't have two minutes to hold your baby?

I don't have time for that today. I don't.

"That" has a name.

[Baby fussing]

Hey, I carried that baby for nine months.

I labored for four hours and pushed for two.

I think I know what her name is.

Will: It's a shame you don't have more time here.

Well, at least I get to see my son open for Luke Wheeler tomorrow night.

Can't tell you how proud we both are, your mother and I.

What else you want to do with your time here?

I could take you out to the Opry, or we can hit the bluebird.

Well, I wouldn't mind meeting the lady in your life.

Must be one.

Or two.


I don't have much time for dating these days.

[Clears throat] Listen, I don't want to rush you, but, um, we probably should go.

Luke asked me to swing by.

Yeah, I've lost my appetite, anyway.

[Indistinct conversations]

Male deejay: We're live with Layla Grant, winner of the Twitter w*r with Jade St. John.

Wow! You've got almost 2 million followers.

How do you handle all this lnternet chatter?

"I'm just trying to keep it real, Dan."

I'm just trying to keep it real, Dan.

Well, it shows.

Hey, thanks for joining us, Layla.

And now here's her single, "Blind."

Nice work.

Do I really have that many followers now?

What are they saying?

Here's the thing about the lnternet.

For every compliment, there are a dozen insults.

And in my experience, artists... they get too wounded by it.

It kills their creativity.

I can handle criticism.


So you don't think you'd be affected by comments on your... girth?


It's just trolls.

But when there's a kernel of truth, that can be pretty hurtful.

I'm sorry.

Are you saying that you think that I need to lose weight?

See? This is exactly why I've kept you away from all media.

No phone, no lnternet, no distractions.

Until the album's done. I know.

That's right.

Mr. Wheeler.

Did you know Will was gay?

Why the hell didn't you tell me before I signed him?

Because it wasn't a problem for me.



In fact, it was pretty manageable.

And I might still be managing it today if you had made good on the offer to run your label.

I'm not sure what kind of label I'm gonna have left with some tabloid publishing sh*ts of him and Kevin Bicks!

Should I leave?

No, that's... that's okay. I'm going.

You know what?

I used to feel bad for not keeping you on.

Turns out, it was the best decision I ever made.

You just lost yourself a friend, Jeff.

And you ain't got that many.

What do you think?

It's a little flashy...


... but, uh, yeah, I like it.

Hey, are you coming to your mom and your uncle's pre-surgical consult today?

No. Rayna's gonna go. I got to work with Gunnar today.


And where are you gonna be tonight?


Good answer.


You know, this place never really felt like a home until you were in it.

Well, I like it.

Feels like a grown-up lives here.

Listen, I know that it's really early in our relationship, but, um, I was wondering...

What do you think about moving in?

I know you got a lot on your plate right now with your uncle, and... and I... I totally get it if you want to spend more time with your mom.

Uh, I... sorry.

I shouldn't have sprung it on you like that.

So, just think about it.

I thought about it. I think we should do it.

Long drive to Austin.

You make an appointment to get your car checked?

Taking it in later today, thanks.


Hey, is there any chance you might want to come with me?

I'm not sure how it's gonna go with my parents.

And I know Micah would love to see you.

Yeah, um, I... I don't think it's really the best idea.

Is it because of the kiss?

Are we ever gonna talk about it?

Look, it was a... a moment that just happened, and maybe we should forget it did.

What if it is still there, Gunnar?

And what if it is finally the right time and place for us to be a family?

Kiley, look, I can't take Micah on some ride that neither of us can guarantee, you know?

He's... he's been through enough.

If you want my support, then, yeah, I'll go, but that's all I can be right now.

All right.

So we'll be in adjoining rooms or something?

Dr. Raines: Something like that.

We'll start with Beverly's partial hepatectomy.

Oh, lucky me. I get to go first.

Dr. Kennedy: But, Deacon, you won't be far behind.

There will be a short overlap, but you'll both be under a good 6 to 8 hours.

And what about recovery time?

Hospitalization for 7 to 10 days, after which, about 8 weeks of taking it easy.

The timing of this couldn't be any better, by the way.

Um, we received your test results that indicate tumor growth.

Uh, not a lot, but enough to have you taken off the transplant list.

Your sister really is a lifesaver.

So... What's up, man?

[Door closes]

When Jimmy called, it sounded like there might be a problem.

Pretty big one, actually. Um...

Enquirer's gonna be running a story on you.

They're saying you're gay, Will.

[Heart beating] [Echoing]

Jimmy gave me the photos a couple of days ago.

Had a little time to sit on it.

I didn't want to assume anything, but, uh, after looking at them, well, I just wanted you to see them.

I mean, it's not what it looks like.

I don't know how the...

[Chuckles] ... or what...

Here's the thing. I don't care about any of that.

What I do care about is getting out in front of it.

Those pictures are either of two guys out of town working on material or they're of two guys in a relationship.

If it's the latter, that's cool, but it's gonna change up our game plan a little bit.

Will, that's gonna hit the stands tomorrow, and the question's gonna be asked.

We just need to decide what our answer's gonna be.


Is there a problem?

I don't know, Juliette. Is there?

Hey. Listen, I'm so sorry about the other day.

My album.

It just needs artwork and a release date.


Well, I look forward to listening to it, and then we can make those decisions together.

You promised me creative control.

Yes, I did, and... I wanted to talk to you about some of the choices you've been making around that.

This is what I was told needed to happen.

We need to release it on iTunes, and I can be on tour tomorrow.

As your label head and as your friend, I got to say...

I don't think going out on tour right now is a good idea.

Did you talk to her?

Did he talk to you? Did Avery talk to you?

You just had a baby.

That's a huge adjustment in your life.

No. Forget it!

You don't deserve this.

Wait. Juliette, please.

Screw you!

Screw you!

And definitely screw you, lady!

Juliette, I love you like a daughter, but your manic behavior, this thing with the baby...

As your manager, I need to do what's best for you.

What's best for me is what's best for my career.

And if you can't do your job, I will find somebody who can.

[Intercom beep]

Man: The U.S. attorney's here to see you.

Teddy: Send him in.


[Door opens] Dash, what can I do for you?

It's been two days since you established contact with Senator Stern, and you've done nothing since.

Forget about our deal?

No, I haven't.

But Tandy Hampton was never part of that deal.

That's who you're really after, isn't it?

My office has been investigating a long-standing web of corruption in this city.

Now, we almost made that case before.

Taking down the woman that kept us from prosecuting it?

Added bonus.

Yeah, well, I'm not comfortable having her implicated in any of this.

[Chuckling] If it's comfort you're worried about, then you really should cooperate, because either you help us expose this ring and all who profited from it, or you're going to prison, Teddy.

And I can assure you, that won't be comfortable at all.


Um, okay, how about... the sun... or clouds?

You want to write about the weather?

No, but I... I want to write about something.

I mean, we... we've been here for hours, and we haven't even got a verse to show for it.

This isn't working, Scarlett.

I mean, our best material always came out of what was going on in our lives, and... how can we write about that when we... we can't even talk about it?

Okay, if talking about your personal life is gonna make a creative expl*si*n happen, go ahead.

Go for it.

You're not gonna disapprove or judge, even if I was to say that I'm thinking about going back to Texas with... Kiley to see Micah, and, uh, want to check that's not gonna bother you or anything, right?

Ain't my business who you go off with... her, anybody else.

I need to know about that as much as you need to know that I'm... moving in with Caleb.

Well, I guess we both got a lot going on, then.


I think we should try this when you get back from Texas and I'm all settled in in my new place.

Oh, hey, um...

Will you tell your uncle I'm thinking about him and your mom?

You know, tomorrow's a big day.

It is.

Thank you.


♪ Oh, I could go anywhere from here ♪
♪ I'm having no doubts ♪
♪ I've got no fear, fear, fear ♪
♪ the runway is wide open ♪
♪ and the sky is clear ♪
♪ ohhh ♪
♪ oh, I could go anywhere ♪
♪ anywhere from here ♪

Deacon: How about that?

Nice. Y'all sound good.

Aunt Bev sings professionally.

She and Deacon used to be a duo.

I know.

Yeah. Pretty good one, too.

We could have been great.

Mom, it's so fun having her here.

I wish you were here all the time.

Well, you know what, baby doll? I just might be.

When this is all over, your Aunt Bev's really thinking about sticking around Nashville for good.

How'd y'all like that?

I'd love that.

That is so awesome.

[Chuckles] Well, I would like to request the presence of you darling girls in the kitchen so you can help me get dinner together.

Oh, let's just do the one we used to do at the bluebird, just for old time sakes, for the kids.

Just one more, Mom.

Oh, I want to hear it.

One more, please?


I was beginning to worry when I hadn't heard from you.

Yeah, my dad's still in town.

Look, I didn't mean to be so judgmental the other night.

A tabloid's gonna run a story about me being gay.

Somebody snapped photos of us when we were out at the cabin.

It's... it's not proof or anything, but with you being out...

Oh, man. I'm so sorry.

I know. I... I... hey.

I need you to deny it.

I need you to go on record and say it was just a working vacation.

We were just writing songs.

And that you're not gay.

I'm... I... I... I've got a career to protect, okay?

Yeah, I get it.

[Sighs] I'm so glad you understand.


I know how hard you worked for your success, will, and how much more you want to achieve, but I have fought my whole life to stay out of the closet.

I can't climb back in every time someone snaps a picture of us.

I... it's just this one time.

We just got to be more careful, is all.

Let me know when and where you need me to speak to the press.

Irritability, moodiness, lashing out.

That describes my wife before all this.

What concerns me, aside from her not sleeping, is her having nothing to do with the baby.

It's classic detachment.

Has she expressed any physical anger, done anything to suggest she poses a threat to herself or to the baby?


She's a... a loving person and a great mom, if she let herself be.

I mean, she didn't have the best childhood.

That might be part of it.

Postpartum depression often triggers feelings of failure for new mothers.

I don't know what to do at this point.

You're already protecting your baby, which is job one.

But what you can do to help your wife, short of treatment, is encourage her.

Reinforce the things she's doing well.

Show her all she misses when she's gone.

Where is she, by the way?

I have no idea.

[Banging on door]

We need to talk.

What could I possibly do for you?

That is what I'm trying to figure out.

You've heard about my rooftop performances, yes?

Highway 65's lawyers must be beside themselves.

No permit, no insurance.

Yes, but a ton of great press, which my label has chosen to do absolutely nothing with.

I've got a finished album... okay?... and they are still in slow motion.

This is my best work, and they're trying to sit on it and keep me off the road.

Well, Juliette, they're idiots.

But what do you want me to do about it?

You took a reality-show reject and platformed her into a celebrity.

Now, can you imagine what you would do with somebody who's already a star?

I think I'm on the verge of something huge here, and they think I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

And we both know you don't give a damn about my well-being, so...

What do you want me to do?

Help me get my life back.

Kevin's gonna help me set the record straight.

Okay, I'll have my team make arrangements for a press conference A.S.A.P.

Okay. Great.

We'll take care of it then.

Oh, and this will not be a problem moving forward.

Shame. Um, Kevin's a good guy.

Listen, uh, until all this shakes out, it's probably best if I have somebody else open up for me tomorrow night.


This hits the stands first thing.

We'll wait and see how it pans out, take it from there.

I'll probably get you back out on the road in a couple weeks.

Gunnar: Okay, I remember this smell.


My mom's pollo en mole poblano?


It is my way of saying thanks.

For what?

For reminding me that my son is the most important person in my life.

And I need to fix that relationship before I can even think of pursuing a romantic one.

That's all I've been doing... dragging Micah around, dating these guys, hoping that one of them will make me all better.

You don't need anybody to make you better.

You're great.

You just got to work on believing that yourself.

You want to try it?



[Muffled] Oh, my god. It's amazing.

[Laughing] Right? Mmm!

[Cellphone rings]

Oh. Hold on.

I'm gonna have some more.

Hey, hon.

Micah: Hey, Mom.

When are you gonna be here? Grandma keeps asking.

Um, I think we're gonna leave around 6:00, so...

Wait, wait. Who's "we"?

That'd be her and me, buddy.

Really?! That's so cool!

I've missed you guys so much.

I guess everybody's missed everybody.

You all right? You got everything you need?

I took all my meds.

Don't need to be checked up on, though.

Well, that's not what I was doing, but okay.

I wanted to say thank you, to let you know how grateful I am for the enormous sacrifice that you're making tomorrow.

And if I haven't said it enough, thank you.

It means the world to me.

Well, I'm not doing it for you.

But I guess I'm doing it because of you.


You put me in a terrible position when you showed up with that check, because, you see, I'd either be the bitch who needed a million dollars to save her brother or I'd be the bitch who a million dollars wasn't enough for.

Either way, you come out the hero trying to save him.

But here's the thing... none of this matters without me, right?

So it turns out I'm the hero.

You are... saving the life of the man I love, and for that, I will pin a medal on you myself.


Get you some sleep.

Will do.

All squared away?



She sure doesn't make it easy.



Baby, I know. I'm sorry.

It's okay.

She got rough edges, but she's...

Sure is stepping up here.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I don't know what else we can do.




How you doing, babe?

I'm okay.

How about you?

I'm okay.

It's late.

What are you doing?

Writing a song.

Sorry. Go back to sleep.


[Cellphone vibrates]




[Monitor beeping]

[Echoing] We'll be administering anesthesia in just a moment.

Let's get some music on in here.

♪ Pardon me ♪

Don't say I never gave you anything.

♪ If I'm sentimental when we say goodbye ♪


Let's go! Move it! Is he asystole?

Give me 30 milligrams Lidocaine on the field.

Charge 200.

We're gonna have to vent him.


Still no shockable rhythm.

It's right behind you.

Still nothing.

[Breathing heavily]

[Cellphone rings]

Hey, Buck.

We're just about to leave for the hospital.

Well, I hate to bother you with this, today of all days.

It's about Layla.

This contract that Jeff had her sign... it gives him complete control, and I mean over everything.

He's got power of attorney.


Have you talked to her about it?

Well, I can't get her on the phone.

Every time I call her number, Jeff answers.

I will call her as soon as I have a break today, too, okay?

Okay. Thanks.

Thanks, Buck. Bye.

[Baby coos]


Sorry. I got in late.

I didn't want to wake you.

That's fine. Hope you got some rest.

You know, I, uh...

Played her one of your old records yesterday.


She smiled when she heard your voice.

Yes, the one thing I'm good at... singing.

Come on. That's ridiculous.

You're great at a lot of things.

Of course, you're incredible onstage, but you're a great wife, Mom.

[Cellphone beeps]

You know, I bet if you sing to her, she'll smile again.

Oh. I have to go.

You got to see it.

I've got to go.


You're completely M.I.A. for like three days now.

You... you don't even want to hold your daughter?

I have a meeting, okay?!

And, no, I don't have that postpartum whatever-the-hell-you-call-it crap.

Right now, I call it serious denial.


Give her to me.

Yeah, maybe now isn't a good time.

What?! Excuse me.

Don't walk away from me.

I said, give me the baby!

It's fine. I'll just put her down.

You want me to bond with the baby, then give her to me.

[Baby cries]

[Sighs] Look, this isn't helping, okay?

[Scoffs] Now look what you did.

I didn't do anything, because you won't give her to me!

No, I won't, not to prove a point.

Give it to me!

Not while you're acting like this!

Give me the damn baby!

[Crying continues]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'll clean it up.

Just get out. Get out!

[Crying continues]

It's okay.

It's okay.

Oh, my god. [Sniffles]

Oh, my god.

[Cellphone ringing, vibrating]


[Cellphone chimes]

Rayna: Hey, honey. It's Rayna. I'm trying to reach you.

I know Bucky's been trying to reach you.

And we're both worried about you.

Jeff doesn't need to be doing all the talking for you.

And there's been a lot of crazy stuff going on, so I want to make sure you're okay.

So will you please call me back?

Jeff: Layla?

I want to talk to you.

What are you doing in here?

I was just looking for a book to read on the treadmill.

I already lost a pound.


Hey, listen, I'm gonna head out for a little bit.

I'm meeting with some people.

About me?

You don't need to know.

You just stick to your art.

I'll handle the business.

Lookin' good, by the way.

You seem nervous, Mr. Mayor.

Don't call me that, not when we're talking about all this.

What are we talking about exactly?

Well, my meeting with Senator Stern went well enough, but I need more than that.

I'll need access to the permit office, insurance board.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear you're building a baseball stadium.

I am not Lamar.

If anything, I'm... I'm more like Tandy.

Oh, come on, now.

Her hands were deep in Wyatt lndustries' pot right up to the elbows.

Really? How so?

How else do you think she had a spare $2 million to invest in your ex-wife's label?

A... are you saying that Highway 65 was financed with corrupt funds?

I'm sure if they were to be traced, they'd no doubt lead to the same folks you're about to set meetings with.

Well, hello, son.

Thought I wasn't gonna see you till later.

Uh, yeah, a little change of plans.

I wanted to talk to you about something.

[Door closes]

So, what's going on?

Kind of crazy. There's, uh...

There's this... tabloid article.

It's total B.S., of course, but, uh, somebody took pictures of me and my friend Kevin.

You met Kevin the other day.

Hey, we were... we were working on material at his parents' cabin.

Anyway, he's gay, so they're trying to imply...

Guilt by association.


And now there's gonna be this press-conference thing.

[Sighs] It's gonna keep me from opening up for Luke tonight.

Even though it's not true?

Well, it's just how the scheduling worked out.

And it's not.

True, I mean.

Because you have changed, right?

Yes, sir, I have.

Glenn: The door was unlocked.

I... I knocked, but...

Is something wrong?

Is Juliette okay?

I wouldn't know.

[Sighs] She fired me.

What? When?

She didn't say a word.

Maybe it's because of who she signed with.

Juliette: ♪ bye-bye, baby, bye-bye ♪

What did you think?

It's great. I love it.

Said I was gonna make it up to you, didn't I?

Look, Juliette, there's no doubt this is a career-defining album.

And it can be for you, too.

Hey, Juliette's a sure thing, man.

She's a proven superstar, someone who's already had every aspect of her life exposed.

I appreciate you coming to me, I do.

And this record is great.

But I just don't think I can steal you away from Rayna.

You can't steal something that's already gone.

Can I do anything for you, mama?

Oh, no, thanks, honey.

It's just all this waiting's making me anxious.

You scared?

A little. [Chuckles]

I think you're so brave.

We're ready for you, Beverly.

Oh, okay.

I love you. I will see you soon.

I'll be right there when you wake.

Okay, honey.

[Monitor beeping]

Rayna: There she goes.


Thank you, Bev.

Don't say I never gave you anything.

♪ ... when we say goodbye ♪



What's the matter, babe?

Marry me.

What? Please, baby.

Right here, right now, before I go in there...

Deacon... I want you to get married to me.

Deacon, I... I see what you're doing.


Come on. We can find a chaplain, and they can come up here in just a second.


We can do this.

All right, I want to do it.

I need you to listen to me right now.


I've been watching you these last couple days, and I know you've got it in your head somewhere that you're not gonna get through this.

The way you've been with Beverly, the way you're pulling people in close to you.

But you are...

I'm having these dreams. You got to listen to me.

Real as day, I dreamt it, all right?

I'm on the table. I'm in the ground. I'm...

Hey, you know what? I've got dreams, too.

About you and me getting old together.

And we got these girls, and I dream about us raising them up.

And I dream about the beautiful wedding we'll have, full of love.

So, no, babe, I'm not gonna marry you in some cold hospital room.

But I will tell you this.

I, Rayna Jaymes, take you, Deacon Claybourne, to be my husband.

Your turn.

I, Deacon Claybourne, take you, Rayna Jaymes, to be my wife.

To have and to hold...

To have and to hold... for richer or poorer... for richer and for poorer...

Both: ... In sickness and in health.

Now, don't you dare go and leave me a widow.

[Mid-tempo music playing]

[Door opens]

[Chuckles] It's just a sandwich.

Don't get too excited.

[Both laugh]

Thank you. I'm actually kind of hungry.

Those lyrics to your song?

Yep, if I can make them work. [Chuckles]

All right, well, if it matters, I liked what I heard.

Thank you.

♪ I will hold my head up high ♪
♪ you will never see me cry ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

It's time.

All right.

I'll see y'all when I get out.

We'll be waiting for you, babe, right here.

[Keyboard clacking]


Who's saying I'm fat?

[Inhales deeply]




I take it you are not here to get wired up.

Look, regardless of what Tandy Hampton has done in the past, implicating her now... it'll just impact legitimate business in the city, including my ex-wife's, and I am not gonna do that that to her or my family.

I'm just not.


Send them in.

I understand that you are now... refusing to cooperate.

I put myself in this position, okay?

No one else should pay for it but me.

[Door opens]

[Handcuffs click]

Dash, please, just give me a few days to get my affairs in order, and then I will turn myself in.

I don't think so, Teddy.

No, p... Dash, please.

Just at least let me talk to my daughters first.

They're gonna have to find out the hard way.

Let me talk to my family!

Dash, please!

Let's go, sir.

How we feeling? Good?

I'm all right.

Okay, you have nothing to worry about.

Just lay back and relax.

We're gonna be administering some anesthesia in a moment, so think happy thoughts, all right? All right.

And when you wake up, you'll have yourself a new liver.

That's right.

In the meantime, let's get some music on.

It helps keep the room relaxed.

[Muffled] Wait. Wait.

Just relax.

[Classical music playing]

You're gonna be fine.

A lot of assumptions are being made that I'm here to clear up.

Mr. Lexington and I were on a working retreat when the photos published in this tabloid were taken.

My sexual orientation has no bearing on his.

There is no relationship of any kind other than professional.

Thank you.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Will: How you doing?

I called this press conference 'cause y'all got it wrong.


I mean, I'm not...

[Camera shutters clicking]

[Door opens]


[Door closes]

[Clears throat]

I guess what I'm trying to say is, uh... is that I... It isn't true.


What he said isn't true.

Because the truth is...

I'm gay.

[Reporters murmuring]

And I'm not ashamed of it.

[Indistinct shouting]

Thank you.

[Crowd cheering]

Wait a second. Am I early?

[Crowd cheering]

Oh, that's right.

My set starts at 9:00, but I came out here to tell y'all about my opening act.

[Cheers and applause]

This is an artist that I truly believe in, an artist that I support 100%, so much so that I just signed her to my label.

Y'all, please give it up for Miss Juliette Barnes!

[Cheers and applause]

Hey, Juliette.

Wheels up, y'all!

♪ If you're gonna go ♪
♪ then go ♪
♪ stop lookin' out the window ♪
♪ don't wake me up to say ♪
♪ goodbye, you're on your way ♪
♪ if you're gonna go ♪
♪ then go ♪

[Cheers and applause]

♪ One thing I used to love about you, baby ♪
♪ you used to deal the cards with no sleight of hand ♪
♪ you used to say what you mean, mean what you say ♪
♪ look in my eyes, say face-to-face ♪
♪ "you can trust me ♪
♪ you know that you can" ♪
♪ well, there goes the last honest man ♪
♪ ooooo, ooooo, oooo ♪
♪ ooooo, ooooo, oooo ♪
♪ if you're gonna pray ♪
♪ if you're gonna pray ♪
♪ then pray ♪
♪ then pray ♪
♪ I'm not gonna kneel with you or show you the way ♪
♪ I ain't Jesus, no ♪
♪ Jesus, no ♪
♪ I can't forgive your soul ♪
♪ if you're gonna pray ♪
♪ then pray ♪
♪ one thing I used to love about you, baby ♪
♪ you weren't a beggar holding out your hand ♪
♪ you used to say what you mean, mean what you say ♪
♪ look in my eyes, say face-to-face ♪
♪ "you can trust me ♪
♪ you know that you can" ♪
♪ but there goes the last honest ma-a-a-a-a-n ♪
♪ Angel from heaven ♪

Dr. Raines: Is the recipient ready?

All right, let's pick out our clamps.


♪ Nobody... ♪

Let's ligate the artery.

Rayna, it's your turn.


Gunnar: Hey, Rayna.

Hey, Gunnar.

I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to intrude.

I just wanted to... to come by and offer my good wishes to you all.

Thank you.

Uh, Scarlett, I was wondering if you might have a-a moment to talk somewhere in private.

It won't take too long.


You remember?


I'll be back in a minute.

Honestly, I don't really want to play anymore.

He's gonna be fine, y'all.

[Monitor beeping]

Is the liver benched?

Yes, Doctor.

Then let's bring it in.

♪ Pardon me if I'm sentimental when we say goodbye ♪

[Singsong] Good news!

Will Lexington is gay, and I'm going on tour with Luke Wheeler!

And I got this since I broke the other one...


Oh, is the baby sleeping?

She's with Emily, where she's safe, because she's not safe with you.

What? Come on.

Look, what happened earlier... you were being stubborn.

I hadn't slept at all, and I lost my temper.

I'm trying for the life of me to understand you.

I really am.

But whatever it is you're going through, I cannot wrap my mind around why you would go to Jeff Fordham.

I went to Jeff Fordham to sign with him not to sleep with him.

I need a kick-ass manager.

You're so disconnected...

From me and from your daughter that you would actually go to the man, that, You're sick, Juliette.

And you need help.

I'm begging you... see a doctor, get treatment.


Treatment? Like, in a hospital? No.

No. I can't.

I can't. I have to go out on tour.

God, Avery, you just don't get it.

I need this.

I need this.

More than you need us?

[ Upbeat music playing]

Female deejay: We've got some wild breaking news for y'all.

As if Will Lexington's coming out wasn't enough, Luke Wheeler announced the signing of Juliette Barnes to Wheelin' Dealin' Records.

[Jeff grunts]

You bastard!

I know you sent that tweet from my phone!

Stop it! Stop it, Layla!


Hold on, hold on.

Let me explain, all right?

Explain what?

Let me... okay.

How you tricked me into signing my life away and that you told me I was fat to keep me off the lnternet, you son of a bitch?!

Stop it.

Let go!

Look, you're right, all right?!

Damn it!

I am a son of a bitch, but I had to be, don't you get that?!

I... I couldn't lose you, Layla.

I... I can't.

[Car approaches]

There a problem here, Miss?

We're fine.

We're good.

I'm sorry.

[Breathing heavily]

[Strums guitar]

That's beautiful.

Thank you.

Why now?

I just wanted you to hear it before I left for Texas.


Would you sing it for me?


Deacon's in the...

I know, I know.

I just... I'd love to hear you sing it.


♪ I will hold my head up high ♪
♪ you will never see me cry ♪
♪ I'll smile and say, "I'm good" ♪
♪ but I would fall apart if I could ♪
♪ I'm inside out, shot through the center ♪
♪ feel the scar of where you entered ♪
♪ took my life and turned it upside down ♪


Hey, it's Luke. Great job tonight.

♪ I'm burned to ashes ♪

Llisten, with all this news about Will...

♪ Split down the middle ♪

... I sure as hell would like to put out a big press release...

♪ If anyone asks, it hurt just a little ♪

... About you joining the tour, but, well, I just want to make sure you're really ready for it...

♪ I died inside the day I let you go ♪

... What, with your little one and all.

I have never been more ready for anything in my life.

♪ I will never let you know ♪

[Sighs] It's okay.

♪ All this time the sky was lying ♪

Everything's gonna be okay. Daddy promises.

♪ They say that the moon ♪

You didn't have to do that.

♪ Don't shine ♪

I mean, everything you're giving up.

None of it made me feel the way you do.

♪ It's just the light from a star ♪

Or did.

How's that?

Like... Myself.

♪ Maybe that's the way we are ♪


♪ I'm inside out, shot through the center ♪

... I could finally say something...

♪ Feel the scar of where you entered ♪

... That I never thought I would.

♪ Took my life and turned it upside down ♪

I love you.

♪ Oh, I'm burned to ashes, split down the middle ♪
♪ if anyone asks, it hurt just a little ♪
♪ I died inside the day I let you go ♪
♪ but I don't want to let you ♪
♪ I cannot forget you ♪
♪ I will never let you know ♪

[Flatline] Doctor #1: We're in asystolic.

Doctor 2: Check the second lead.

Doctor 3: Nothing.

Doctor 4: All right, E.T.T.'s inserted. We're ventilating.

Patient's crashing. Start cardiac... stat.

Still nothing.

No, still don't have a shock or rhythm.



[Door opens]

Rayna, might I talk to you privately?


[Inhales deeply] I have some bad news.