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01x10 - Closure (1)

Posted: 01/12/00 20:36
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

911. What is your emergency?

I've just been r*ped.

That's me.

Gotta go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going?

Hey, hey... that was incredible.

Well, don't get used to it.

Law & Order: SVU
1x09 Stocks & Bondage

Original air date: 1999/11/29

Hi, Olivia Benson, Special Victims Unit.

I'm looking for the 1034.

Which one?

29-year-old female, white.

I guess that's me.

Hi, I'm Detective Benson.

Harper Anderson.

It's nice... it's not really nice to meet you.

I know.

How long have you been waiting?

45 minutes.

And where's the officer that brought you in?

I sent him to the cafeteria.

He was getting on my nerves.

I'm going to ask you for a formal statement later, but in order for us to do the exam, Ms. Anderson.../ Harper.

Please. Just talk to me.

Okay, I need you to describe the as*ault.

He... he grabbed my ankles.

He grabbed my wrists.

He hit the side of my face.

Did you lose consciousness?


Did he penetrate you?


That's it.

Did he use a condom?

He... he ejaculated on my stomach, then he wiped it off with one of my shirts.

Have you showered since the attack?

Not since he made me take one.

Okay. Will you give me a minute?

Excuse me, I'm Detective Benson.

I need a r*pe kit done.

There was a head-on M.V.A.

Are they stabilized?

They are now.

Okay, then we're next.

Oral swabbing, fingernails, you combed her pubic hair, took vaginal swabs, and did bloodwork.

I'll bag this, and we need to do a "UV" on her stomach.

A what?

We need to do a UV light, and check for semen on her stomach.

We don't have one.

It's a small box.

It's about 8"x 2".

Looks like a hardback book with a cover.

I know what it is.

We don't have it at this facility.

Just forget it.

He made her take a shower, anyway.

This is Ovral. It will, as we discussed, prevent pregnancy, in case...

I know, I know.

You need to take two more in 12 hours.

We'll have your STD and AIDS test results back within 24 hours.

You'll need to re-test at the three- and six-month marks.

Who's paying for all of this?

The State is.

What else?

I'm gonna need to get a formal statement from you.

But, if you're too tired and you want to go back...

I just want this to be over with.

Okay, I could take you down to the station right now, if you're ready.


What'd you find?

No real signs of trauma.

The blow to her face could've been much worse.

The guy used the least amount of force possible.

He ejaculated on her stomach, then made her take a shower, so our DNA chances are...


If that.

Did you guys hear about the stranger r*pe?

Yeah. Thanks.

Yeah, I was in the cafeteria, and when I came back...

You left her?

She asked me to. I figured she'd been through enough.

I don't care if she pushes you away.

You don't leave a r*pe victim alone.

Got it.


The crime scene?


We just need to know what to look for.

My partner and I are gonna take her to the station and get a statement.

Can you voucher the r*pe kit?

I'll take it to the ME.


You sure I can't get you anything to eat?

No. Thanks.

So Harper?

Tell me what happened from the beginning.

There was a street fair that night.

I guess that would be last night... which is still tonight.

It was loud, so I put earplugs in.

I couldn't hear anything.

I woke up and... there was this guy standing there staring at me, holding one of my shirts in his hand.

He told me to shut my eyes.

He told me he had a g*n.

He got on top and jammed his knees on either side of my legs to keep them closed.

It happened so slowly... but I looked at the clock.

The whole thing took 42 minutes.

He took my nightgown and shoved it over my head.

My arms got tangled in it.

He took my ring.

The gown was over my face.

Over my eyes he had stretched it... tight over my eyes.

He kept pushing it up so the bottom half of my face was showing.

Then he tried to kiss me.

I jerked away.

That's when he hit me.

I should have kicked him.

I should have run away.

If he had a g*n, you didn't have a chance.

What'd he do next?

I heard him unzip his pants.

When he was ready, he moved hard, five times.

He said, "Is this the way you like it?"

And he ejaculated on my stomach.

He told me I was gonna have to take a shower.

So he got off me, he zipped up his pants, he told me to get up.

And then he said... he said, "Please."

So I got up, I walked across the room.

My arms were still over my head, n my gown, and I was cold.

He ran the water.

He asked me if it was too hot.

It was, so... he adjusted it till it was just right.

And then he gently... took off my gown so I could see to get in.

And then he washed me.

He told me I had pretty hair.

He touched my stomach, he... he touched everything.

He handed me a towel, he handed me the robe.

He told me to get on the floor, and look away.

"Count to 20."

He said he wasn't going to insult me... by asking me not to call the police.

Thoughtful, wasn't it?

Do you live with your boyfriend?


Does he have keys to your place?

No, but I have keys to his.

Can you tell us about the g*n the guy was carrying?

I didn't see it.

But he held it to my head when... when he caught me looking at him in the shower.

What'd he look like?

Tall, thin...


Sandy hair.

Tell me about his eyes.


How tall?

I don't know.


How old do you think he was?

Around my age, I guess.

Like someone I would know... someone I'd hang out with.

Did you know him?


Anything unusual happen that suggests something like this might happen?

Strangers around the neighborhood, odd phone calls?


Was he nervous?

No, he wasn't nervous.

What did he smell like?

He was wearing cologne.

Subtle, not cheap.

Could you identify him in a lineup?


He took your ring.

Could you describe that for us, please?

It's very rare. Platinum.

It has a small branch with diamond leaves curling over the band.

It was my grandmother's.

Did he take anything else with him?

My wallet.

It was on the dresser next to my jewelry box.

You said that he wiped your stomach with a shirt, did he leave that behind?

No. He must've taken it from the drawer before.

My "Rosie the Riveter."

You know, the girl flexing her bicep..."We can do it"?

Near the restaurant where I wait tables.

What laundromat do you use?

Can I get you anything?


Okay, we are done.

Thank you.

What now?

Well we can drive you to a friend's, or if you have family in town...?

No. I guess I'll go to my boyfriend's.

Have you called him yet?


I didn't... I don't know what to say.

I got it from here.


I'm going to meet my partner at your apartment.

Tell him thanks for the coat.


The place is gonna be a mess when we're done with it, but at least we'll be done soon.


The State is gonna pay for a locksmith to change your locks in your apartment.

That's standard procedure.

I'll give you the keys.

Also a counselor will be calling you today to set up an appointment.

Also standard procedure?


This is my pager number.

Call me any time, day or night.

I mean it.

Do you want me to come up with you to talk to your boyfriend?

No, no.




I didn't know how long you'd be, I thought I'd call him in.

Find any prints?


Well, how'd he get in?

Window off the fire escape.

This one doesn't lock. And the looks of things, it hasn't for a while.

See that?

Afterwards, he lets himself out through the front door.

Okay, so, he comes in through the window, sees her sleeping.

You said he pushed her nightgown up?

Yeah, and...?

Well, how did she see the clock?

Before and after.

He takes her wallet, then he grabs one of her t-shirts.

Maybe she gets high.

Maybe he was high.

He wouldn't have had the time.

And Harper didn't mention him smoking anything.

She didn't mention the pot at all.

Let's check for saliva.

See if there's two types of DNA.

At this point he immobilizes her, takes her ring and r*pes her.

We still haven't found the underwear she was wearing.

You think he took that too?


Maybe. Then he takes her to the tub.

Shower curtain's wet.

Soap's not.

No, I know where you're going with this.

Women who stage r*pes will wet the shower curtain, but they'll forget the soap.

Harper didn't stage this.

I don't know.

What's this feel like to you?

A curling iron.

Or a g*n.


Okay, look. We have no seminal fluid, we have no vaginal trauma.

You think Harper made those bruises herself?

Maybe she was high... paranoid.

Something might have freaked her out.

This morning she said it felt like it never happened.

Is that what you want to hear?

No... but maybe that's the truth.

I can't believe you.

It's my job to question the hell out of a situation.

Recreate how a crime occurred, if a crime occurred.

Right now, there isn't enough evidence to suggest it didn't.

There isn't much evidence at all.

It is still an open case, so let's proceed, okay?

The victim lived in a second floor unit. Point of entry?

Window off the fire escape.

We're looking for a stranger.

Someone who doesn't have access to the building.

No fingerprints.


Well, that's a start.

Got a profile?

White, 30-something, sandy hair, approximately 5'8".

She was hit on the left side of her face, so the guy we're looking for is probably a righty.

Narrowing our suspect pool down to 80% of the population.

She said that he smelled subtle, which means expensive.

Probably not a junkie looking to score.

He's smart. He took the best jewelry.

He was careful not to leave any evidence behind.

He planned this.

Or he's had a lot of experience.

Then our guy would match other open MO's.

Unless Harper's his first victim to report a r*pe.

Ring any bells?

There've been eight, nine robbery-r*pes on the Upper West Side.

The Upper West Side guy doesn't talk to his victims.

This guy tried to kiss her, wanted to know if she liked it, said "Please."

In his fantasy world, he's the perfect gentleman.

A power r*pist.

A real charmer.

You know, Harper lives at 101 Moore Street.

There was a Hallowe'en carnival going on below her window.

I'll run a license check on the vendors, check for priors.

If he went up the fire escape, maybe we've got a witness.

I'll check pawn shops and look for a leafy platinum ring.

You got to go back to Harper... ask her about the dr*gs.

The pot makes me nervous.

Well, we're not going to bust her on that.

Canvass her neighbors.

Talk to the super.

See about recent break-ins.

Ask about gentlemen loiterers, but first, talk to Harper.

If she's lying, you'll know.

Gut feeling is your best guide.

Apartment Of Benjy Dowe 300 St.Marks Place Monday, November 1

I'm going to k*ll whoever did this.

Stay calm for us, Ben, okay?

You two been going out long?

A while.

What kind of sick, perv...


We're talking to everybody in her building.

I knew she should have moved in with me.

Right now, what Harper needs is your unconditional acceptance... about everything.

We need to talk to her.

Where is she?

She couldn't sleep.

She took a shower and went to work.

Le Poeme 14 Prince Street Monday, November 1

How much pot did you smoke last night?


You think I got paranoid, just lost it?

No, we're just wondering if there was a reason why you didn't mention smoking a joint.

It's a routine part of the investigation.

Smoking pot is not a part of my routine. I had a job interview.

I was just trying to mellow out.

Nothing that happened last night is part of my routine.

We just need to be thorough.

Great. Thank you for all your hard work.

That went well.

Apartment Of Harper Anderson 101 Moore Street Monday, November 1

The city's gonna pay for this, right?

It'll be taken care of.

Yeah? I'll tell you... nothing like this ever happened as long as I've been here.

We've had a few domestic incidences, there was a dead body in the dumpster once.

But nothing, never like this.

Have you noticed anyone lately who doesn't belong here?


What about maintenance?

Workmen, meter readers?

No. Ask the tenants.

See what they saw.

I'm sure I'm gonna lose some over this.

I didn't see anything, but I know someone who did.

Look... second window on the left.

Uh-huh. Great. Thanks.

"Triple-I" on Sam Lardner.

Three previous collars for trespassing.

I wonder if last night makes four.

Harper Anderson. About 5'6".

Long blonde hair?

No, no sorry.

I don't know her.

She's single, lives alone.

Yeah, she lives in this building, right here.

I hardly know the people in my own building.

It's a great apartment.

It's got red walls, just on the third floor.

Uh, second.

So you do know it?

No, you just described it.

Just now.

Mm-hmm. Last night, were you watching her?

Last night?


So you got tired of watching?

Took a stroll across the street?

Wait, wait.

I was here.

I saw everything.

What'd you see?

Don't I need a lawyer?

For being a peeping Tom?

No, just a good shrink.

What'd you see?

I saw this guy climb the fire escape.

The previous tenant had broken the lock on the window.

She was laying there asleep... and she woke up.

And he pulled the gown up over her eyes.


She what?

She doesn't wear underwear when she sleeps.

He r*ped her on the bed... and then he took her into the bathroom.

Why didn't you call the police?

Then what?

I couldn't see.

What'd he look like?

I really couldn't see him.

You can see a broken lock, you can see a nightgown, but you can't see the r*pist's face?

I wasn't looking at him.

Not at him.

What're you going to do to me?

The same thing you did for her.

I've been cross-checking Harper's CSAAT... you know, looking for victims who used her hair salon, her grocery store, her dry cleaners.

You find anything?

I found victims at each place, but none of their attackers had similar signatures.

You think Harper is the kind of woman that would buy $500 worth of hand-packed meats?

Not even if it was on sale.

Someone used her credit card.

Munch and Cassidy are bringing the suspect over from the 27.
This is Ron Johnson.

Yeah, the meat lover.

Hey, Olivia.

You left this behind last night.

Oh right, great.

Thanks so much.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I want to see you again.

Cassidy... we went to Maloney's, we got drunk.

And I wanted it to happen as much as you did, but that's all I wanted to happen.

This is about what happened in Harper's apartment?

No, it's not.

My doubting... not doubting, but my questioning you, and questioning Harper...

I mean, that was just a job.

That wasn't personal.

Hey, you know what?

Neither was last night.

Where's the meathead?


500 pounds of meat.

You think he'd be a little more creative.

Yeah, buy a DVD player or something.

Or even lottery tickets. Up his chances.

Can you imagine if that guy won the lottery?

You know, I can.

How long have you been sleeping with Cassidy?

Uh, I'm not.

Your stomach just dropped two floors, Olivia.

The unconscious doesn't lie.

I'm not lying.

Not much.


Is it that obvious?

I'm your partner.

For better or worse.

Everybody knows too much about everybody else in this office, anyway.

I broke a rule, Elliot... a personal one, and now he wants to see me again.

Can you blame him?

I can't do it right now.

I didn't mean for this...

I mean, I guess you never do.

Sometimes you do.

Be nice to him... maybe even over-nice.

He'll be cold, but he'll get over it.

It happens.



Cragen's waiting for us.

Rap sheet reads like a how-to on robbery, from "five-finger discounts" to "B and E"s.

Which escalated to r*pe?

Boredom. Opportunity.

He fits the description of Harper's attacker.

She's on her way down here to make a positive ID.

What time did you get up?

I don't know, 11:00?

What'd you do then?

I had a bowl of cereal, took a shower, and then kinda, you know, walked around.

Where'd you "kinda walk around"?

You know, around.

What'd you do then?

Hung out.

Yeah, what did you do last night?

Look, what's the big deal?

The "big deal" is that last night a guy who looks an awful lot like you...

Who also had nothing better to do... broke into a woman's apartment and r*ped her.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I did not r*pe anybody!

You were using her credit cards.

Look, I've done a lot of things, but I've never done that.

Last night I was in a holding cell.

What for?

I jumped a turnstile getting on the "1-9."

What time did you get out?

I don't know, like, 1:00 a.m.

Where'd you get her credit cards?

I found a wallet in a garbage can.

Corner of Moore Street.

It had been picked clean of cash.

I took that wallet, but I never r*ped anyone.

His arraignment's not here.

What time did you get that printout?

Around 5:30. Why?

Because they update the records every day...

At 6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

There it is.


That's the best lead we had.

No DNA, no fingerprints, that's the only lead we had.

Look, I've got paperwork coming out my ears.

We're looking at a dead case here.

Detective Benson?


Where is he?

We don't have him.

But you said...

We were wrong.

I'm so sorry.

We changed the locks on your apartment.

So he's still out there?

SIX MONTHS LATER You look nice.

Oh, thanks.

Going out?


You know, six months ago you didn't have time for a relationship.

Oh, come on, Bright, it's not you.

Yeah, obviously.

No, it's a personal policy.

You don't fall in love with people you work with, no matter how great the sex was.

So now you're in love?

I don't know... if I'm lucky, yeah.

You'll be bored out of your mind.

I'll still have my job.

Well, whoever you marry...

If I get married.

You will. As long as you have this job, your marriage will be an affair.

Benson, can I see you for a minute?

I really think you want to hear this.

Detective Benson, this is Detective Halligan.

Robbery, the 31.

How are you doing?

I want you to listen to what he just told me.

Four days ago, a guy breaks into an apartment, and finds a woman alone.

He's wearing a mask, tells her that he has a g*n.

He whacks her a couple of times then pushes her onto the bed.

But he's real polite, saying "Please," stuff like that.

Only, to his surprise, she has a g*n hidden between the mattresses.

She pulls the g*n on him, flips on the lights, what was he using for a g*n?

A curling iron.

She's holding a.22, he's holding her curling iron.

It's Harper's guy.


We had a similar case about six months ago... a r*pe case.

Did she sh**t him?

She froze up.

Guy stumbles down the stairs.

Last she sees, he's limping down the street.

That's when we picked him up.

Could she ID him?

We even had her close her eyes, had the guy saying "Please," but nothing.

Where is he now?

He's out.



The guy didn't have a mask, didn't have any gloves on him.

Had a fantastic lawyer.

That's just it... this West Village guy has enough money that he has a lawyer on retainer.

But why the "B and E"?

This is the same neighborhood as Harper... Tribeca, same MO.

He came off the fire escape, used a curling iron instead of a g*n, he said, "Please."

Only this time he used a mask.

He's getting better.

And more violent.

But he didn't r*pe this woman, Jane Tyler.

In my gut, I know it's him.

His address is right in that file.

We're gonna have to get an ID from Harper Anderson.

Look, before we bring him in, I want to you to get a statement from Jane Tyler.

Make sure that the MO matches up as much as you think it does.

We don't have any forensics on this guy.


You know, this really could wait till morning.

My guess is she's not sleeping.

Apartment Of Jane Tyler 203 Leonard Street Wednesday, May 3

And I'm sitting there holding this g*n on him, and I can't... even after everything he did to me...

I can't pull the trigger.

That's okay.

He took off through the front door.

That's when I managed to call 911.

He took my father's watch.

It had his name on it..."Leo."

That isn't in your police report.

I know.

They got here and I couldn't talk.

Jane, what else isn't in your police report?

Did he r*pe you?

Did he use a condom?

No, he...

Did he ej*cul*te on your stomach?


He made me take a shower.

I told the police that I had just gotten out of the shower when I found him.

Why wasn't the r*pe in your police report?

That, or the watch?

The police were touching everything, looking for fingerprints and I wanted them gone.

It was so embarrassing.

He kept saying...

"Isn't this how you like it?"

When he was pushing inside me.

I bought that g*n for self-protection, and I didn't even...

Jane... you did the one thing that you're supposed to do when somebody threatens you.


You sure this is the right address?

This is the address he gave police.


Hi, we're looking for Kenneth Cleary?


I'm Kenneth.

This is Detective Benson, I'm Detective Stabler...

Elliot, her ring.

I'm just such a klutz.

I just stepped off the curb and my ankle went right out from under me.

What were you doing on Leonard Street at 2:45 in the morning?

Clearing my head.


I've got a couple of accounts that are weighing me down.

Leonard Street's what, 18 blocks from where you live?

They're big accounts.

You didn't try and clear your head at Jane Tyler's apartment?

I'm sorry, who?

Beautiful woman... blonde... six months ago you did someone else?


What kind of cologne do you use?

Whatever my wife buys me.

I don't know the names.

Where did you buy your wife's ring?

About that, I think I should probably talk to my lawyer.

Don't worry about it.

He's on his way down here.

So where did you get it?

I probably shouldn't say.

I bought it on the street.

I knew it was probably hot, but I bought a Rolex from that guy before, so I thought...

What about your watch?

Been in the family for years.

May I see it, please?


Who's "Leo"?

That's my astrological sign.

Who's your jeweler?



He's a black guy.

Sometimes he's on the sidewalk between Canal and Mott Street.

Canal and Mott intersect.

He can't be between Canal and Mott.

Tell you what, why don't you just diagram it out for us where "TJ" is?

He smells expensive.

"Ladies and gentleman of the jury, I ask you to smell the defendant."

Well, how many rapists do you know smell expensive?

Depends where they shop.

The watch, the ring... these are trophies from the victims.

"Victim." See, we don't have two victims here, because only Harper reported her r*pe, and only Harper reported anything stolen.

But Jane told me.../ Oh, come on!

You know and I know that we are not going to re-open her case.

There's no forensic evidence and she can't ID him.

No jury will convict him.

All right, look...

Cleary's wife was wearing Harper Anderson's ring.

Right now we might be able to get him for possession of stolen property.

But without Harper's corroboration, we don't even have him on that.

She'll ID her ring, but more importantly, she said that she can ID Cleary as her r*pist.

Well, you better get her down here now, 'cause he has the right to a speedy arraignment, which in New York, thanks to a few very expensive lawsuits, means 24 hours.

And that 24 hours started at 9:00 a.m.

Apartment Of Harper Anderson 101 Moore Street Thursday, May 4

Where's Harper?

She never spent another night here.

When did you move in?

A few months back.

I knew I couldn't rent the apartment to anyone else.

You know where she went?

No, she moved out so fast, I still have her security deposit.

She didn't leave a forwarding address.

I tried to be understanding...

I did, really... but it got to the point where it couldn't work.


She stopped eating.

She lost her job because she hardly ever slept.

At first, she could only sleep during the day.

When she could finally sleep at night, every single light had to be on, which meant I couldn't sleep.

My boss was totally getting on my case.

It must've been very hard for you.

She couldn't sit through a movie.

She started working out like a fiend... dressing differently.

She always wore her running shoes... even when she would sleep... even under the covers.

I guess she thought that if she had them on that night, maybe she could've...

Did she see a therapist?

She never shed a tear.

We never had sex again. A few months ago, she broke up with me.

You know where she went?

New job, new place.

A whole new Harper.


Harper, it's Detective Benson.

I don't care what you want.

Don't ever come here again.

Cleary's wife was no help.

She always remembers him sleeping straight through the night.

Munch and Cassidy find out anything about this "TJ" at Mott and Canal?

There's not one TJ, there are five, and... funny thing... they're all upstanding, tax-paying citizens who deal exclusively in electronics.

No jewelry?


And no knowledge of our Kenneth Cleary.

What about a warrant?

We'll search his place, maybe we'll come up with other trophies.

But there are no other victims.

I'm sure that there are.

We just don't know about them.

Exactly. So, you don't know what to look for, so, I can't get you a warrant.

Isn't there some legal way that we can compel Harper Anderson to talk?

What about outstanding parking tickets or moving violations?


I'm not going to r*pe her a second time, Detective.

That's not what I meant.

As it stands right now, we have no forensics on either r*pe.

And as far as the State is concerned, Jane Tyler's r*pe never even happened.

What Cleary does have is Harper Anderson's ring.

But no priors, and a great lawyer who will plead Cleary out on his possession of stolen property.

Six months ago, Harper Anderson told me that she could "absolutely"

ID her r*pist.

Now, she won't even talk to us.

Then you'll have to use your own powers of persuasion, Detective, because I can't help you.

Thanks, Abby.



Stabler is digging up anything he can on Cleary while Munch treads water with his lawyer, but they haven't given anything up.

Get his picture, put it into a photo array, get it to Harper.

Take Cassidy with you.


You know, it's almost midnight.

In a few hours, we let Cleary go.

Aggressive accounting doesn't mean illegal accounting, although it does raise an eyebrow every now and then.

"Aggressive accounting"?

Here, I'll show you what I mean.


You make what, probably a good 50 a year, 80 with overtime?

You're a Cancer, not a Leo.

All right, it's a nickname.

For whom?

You don't have to answer that.

My grandfather.

Ah, no, his name is Percy.

Wouldn't you prefer "Leo" to that?

Now, no wedding ring means you're either single or divorced.

Let's say single. Let's say you have disposable income.

I could take that money, with the market like it is, get you 20%.


You get to Tribeca a lot?

You don't have to answer that.

What questions can your client answer?

Anything that's a matter of public record.

I want to know what my client's being charged with.

You don't have to answer that.

Harper, we need to talk to you.

We're perfectly happy to stay here all night.

I almost prefer homicides to r*pes.

You don't have the relentless pain of the victim.

It's awful.

And it's not over.

Harper, you know I'm just as stubborn as you are.


We've picked up a guy that r*ped a woman almost exactly the same way that you were r*ped.

Only this time, he was wearing a mask.

The woman wasn't able to make a positive identification.

All we need you to do is take a look at this photo to see if it's the same man who r*ped you.

I don't ever want to see him again.


What about that other woman that he r*ped?

I don't care.

You are the only eyewitness that we have on this guy.

Other women, and there are other women, either haven't come forward, or haven't been able to ID him.

Without you, we don't have a case.

And what good is that supposed to do me?

We could put him away for starters.

Is that gonna change anything for me?

Is that supposed to give me some sort of closure?

Because I've already made peace with what's happened to me.

I already did the one-on-one therapy, the yoga, I cut my hair, I lit a candle and guess what?

I'm over it!

God, what a mess.

I don't know...maybe he's not the guy who did her, you know?

"Did" me?!

The guy who "did" me?!

He r*ped me, you ass!

Then why don't you do something about it?

I did everything that I was supposed to do.

And you are obviously not fine!

Who are you to tell me that I am not fine?!

Because closure is a myth.

I've heard survivors...

That survivor stuff is crap!

I've heard them say, this is something you never get over.

I have!

You think you're back to normal?

Then tell me, when was the last time you slept in your bed without wearing running shoes?

The truth is, everybody changes every day.

And some things are more devastating than others, but we never are the same.

There are two ways to deal with these changes.

You either accept them, or fight them like hell all the way.

Now please, come with us back to the station.

Take a look at this guy. It's gonna help you more than you know.

I don't want any more help.

Then come back with us for us.

I will be right there with you.


Would you each say the phrase, "Is this how you like it?"

Starting with number one.

Is this how you like it?

Is this how you like it?

Is this how you like it?

Is this how you like it?

Is this how you like it?

Are you sure?

He's not here.

Have a seat.

Harper, I have something... that I want to show you.

I'm so happy he wasn't in there.

Where did you get that?

From a man you couldn't identify.

He was in there?

I thought so.

I always thought that I would recognize the man who did this to me.

My mother died a horrible, long death.

And I had always thought because of that, you know... that nothing else bad could ever happen to me.