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09x02 - Avatar

Posted: 10/05/07 22:23
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Get off me!


What's your emergency?

Let me in.

He r*ped me. Please help.

Okay, honey, take a deep breath.

Open the door!

I pulled up your address.

The police are on their way.

Please hurry!

Kristi, open the door now!

Is your attacker still in the apartment?

Yes, he's my sister's boyfriend.

Kristi... tell us what happened.

We all ate dinner.

Chinese takeout.

Who was there?

Me, my sister Rachel, and Dan.

He's not still here, is he?

You're safe now, Kristi.

Dan can't hurt you anymore.

So what happened after dinner?

We talked for a while, and then we all went to bed.

What time?


Rachel and Dan went into her bedroom.

I went to sleep on the couch.

And then the next thing I knew, Dan was on top of me.

And he r*ped me.

Please let me talk to Rachel.

I need to talk to my sister.

Excuse me, detectives.

I need to speak with you now.

What's up?

Rachel's gone.

Where? You don't usually go for a walk after your sister's been r*ped.

I don't think she left under her own steam.

Blood on the bed.

And spatter on the floor by the window.

No prints, wiped clean, same for the fire escape.

Rachel McGarrett. 21.

Her sister's r*ped.

Rachel's missing.

Let's go talk to the boyfriend.

It's quite a mess you've made here, Dan.

Where's Rachel?

I don't remember.

Conk on the head give you amnesia?

There's no way you forgot raping your girlfriend's little sister.

What are you talking about?

Maybe the precinct will jog your memory.

Look, you're not gonna believe me if I tell you.

Why don't you try us?

I did it in my sleep.

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Law & Order: SVU
9x02. Avatar

Original air date: 2007/10/02

What'd you do with Rachel?

You forget, or you sleepwalker her into a dumpster?

I swear, I don't remember a thing...

Maybe you got into a fight, huh?

Get in fight, get out of hand, you k*ll her, dump her body...

No, I didn't.

Then you had to get rid of Kristi because she could finger you...

No, no, look.

You don't understand.

Okay, I have this condition.

And I have a headache.

You his lawyer?

Anna Bentley.

My client suffers from arousal parasomnia.

It's a real disorder.

He had sexual intercourse with Kristi McGarrett while he was asleep.

Look, Rachel knows about my condition, okay? She loves it.

She says when I'm asleep, it's the best sex she's ever had.

He was so violent.

He was grunting and panting like an animal.

How long have you know him?

I met him for the first time yesterday at the train station when he and Rachel picked me up.

So you're visiting.

From Boston.

I came to look at colleges.

She told me that she was in love with him.

How could he do this?

Now if Rachel's so hot for you when you're, uh, sleep sexing, why'd you r*pe Kristi?

Rachel must've already been gone.

Yeah, because you got rid of her.

That's where the blood in the bedroom came from.

No, look, I woke up after Kristi cut me with the glass.

When I went in the bedroom to tell Rachel, she wasn't there.

You can't arrest my client for a r*pe he didn't know he was committing.

Dan's attorney's right.

We can't charge him with the r*pe.

If it looks like a r*pe and acts like a r*pe...

It is a r*pe, unless the accused isn't conscious of what his body's doing.

It's like a sleeping mother who rolls over on her baby.

Her body did it, but her mind wasn't aware of it.

Well, it still doesn't explain what happened to Rachel.

I think that it does. When a patient with sexsomnia has an episode, he'll seek sex with whoever's available.

I think that he r*ped Kristi because Rachel was already gone.

I gotta tell you it sounds like a cover-up for k*lling Rachel and dumping her body.

There's never been a case of sexsomnia linked to a homicide.

You're telling me there's no connection between Dan attacking Kristi and Rachel's disappearance.

If she's in love with Dan, I doubt she'd leave in the middle of the night.

I think Rachel was kidnapped.

Did your sister ever mention anybody bothering her?

Giving her the creeps?

No, Rachel would've told me.

Kristi, I... I am so sorry.

I never meant to hurt you!

Shut up! Nothing you say will bring my sister home!




Is this the guy?



Back off!

Back off!

Mr. McGarett, I understand that you're upset...But you can't...

What do you expect me to do?

He took my daughter.

We don't think that he's involved.

You don't think he's involved?

He r*ped Kristi.

What are you gonna do about that?

There's nothing we can do.


He has a medical condition that made him unaware of his actions.

And the law says that we can't charge him.

This is a nightmare.

We are working around the clock to find your daughter.

Good, because so far all you have done is hide behind the law.

Mr. McGarrett...

No excuses!

Find my daughter.


I took hair from a brush in Rachel's room.

Typed her DNA and then compared it to the blood on the scene.

DNA on the left is Rachel's.

The right's from the blood.

They don't match.

But this does.

DNA from a blood sample Dan gave when he participated in a parasomnia study at Hudson Med School.

So Dan told me truth.

He bled all over the bedroom when he went in to look for Rachel.

At least we know Rachel wasn't hurt badly.

Well, that's all we know.

Whoever took her didn't leave a shred of forensic evidence.

I'm getting a text here from my captain.

He wants me to turn on channel 4.

Do you mind?

Last night.

One of my daughters was r*ped.

The incompetent detectives at Manhattan's Special Victims Unit refused to charge her attacker.

And if this tragedy isn't horrible enough, my daughter Rachel was abducted from her bed.

We're reaching out to the public for help.

My family is offering a $50,000 reward for any tip leading to Rachel's safe return.

If you have information, please... call...

Manhattan SVU's tip line.

Captain, woman claims she saw Rachel eating a chili dog in Times Square.

Wants the 50 grand in 20s and 10s.

Reward offer brings out all kind of crazy.

One bogus lead after the next.

Follow those two.

Maybe not!

Who's it now, psychic hotline?

A friend of Rachel's.

You still there, Ginger?


Tell the detectives what you just told me.

I think Rachel's in Another Youniverse.



Another Youniverse is a virtual reality game.

Rachel and I play online all the time.

Is that how you know Rachel?

No, we met at art school.

Saw an ad for another you in the student union.

So we checked it out.

This is my avatar, Tawny Coppercuffs.

She's my alter ego in Another Youniverse.

This is my homepage.

It's really cool.

You can do anything want in A.Y. just like in the real world.

I'll show you video from my game diary.

Here's me shopping.

I have a chauffeur.

And this is my dog Rex.

That's where I bought my virtual car.

And this one's me and my friends hanging out by the pool.

Who does Rachel hang out with?

She was at my virtual condo last week. See?

Hi, Vixy.

And what is Rachel's avatar's name?

Vixy Platinum.

She's Vixy.

You're Tawny.

Sounds like a couple of strippers.

Actually, you're close.

Rachel and I use A.Y. to explore our fantasies.

What kind of fantasies?

We own a couple of virtual sex clubs.

How do avatars have sex?

Same way as humans do.

Only in A.Y. it's just animated.

I'll show you.

Here's me and Vixy entertaining a couple of dates.

So you can do anything you want, and you and Rachel chose to be prostitutes?

It's a fantasy, not a crime.

Plus it's safe.

Sex for money with no risk of STDs or getting pregnant.

We're not hurting anybody.

Someone may have hurt Rachel.

This is her club.

"Vixy Platinum's Underage Wonderstage."

"Live Sex Nude."

There's a whole new world out there just waiting for perverts.

Who are all these guys holding signs?

Those are Rachel's fans.

She performs every day at 2:00pm.

But she didn't show today.

They miss her already.

So each one of these avatars stands in for a real guy.


With this many devoted customers, she must be a real pro.

Rachel is in her 20s.

Her avatar's wearing pigtails.

She looks like a kid.

That's because her avatar is 14.

I told you, in A.Y. you can be any age you want.

Or any age your customers want.

A 14-year-old sexpot must attract dozens of freaks.

Virtual sex wasn't enough.

This perv wanted Rachel for real.

Rachel McGarrett leads a double life.

Art student in the real world.

14-year-old hooker in the game.

And this cartoon character can charge a cartoon John for cartoon sex?

Or anything that can be bought and sold.

Just like in the real world.

Virtual real estate.

Virtual food. Virtual clothes.

You pay the price, and it's yours on the computer screen.

And pay for all this with what?

Virtual cash.

Which can be exchanged for real money at any time.

And we're thinking one of Rachel's virtual costumers wanted real body contact?

Well, it's the only lead we have.

Sex clubs.


This place is like an online version of the Wild West.

With its own sheriff.

Erik Winton.

He designed the game.

And he'd have access to all the avatars' personal information.



I'll do what I can, but we have 5 million players in A.Y.

And how do you keep track of all of them?

We don't usually.

The freedom to follow your desires is the whole point around here.

We think one of your gamer's desire got a little out of control.

We'd appreciate it if you played big brother, tell us who Vixy's customers are.

Here's Vixy's profile.

And here's her club.

Well, where'd all the perverts go?

Bunch of her avatar fans were there a few hours ago.

They've moved on in the game, but I can pull up a screen cap at the time that you're talking about.

These guys are Vixy's regulars?

Yeah, they live around the world.

Berlin, Denver, Tel Aviv, Long Beach.

How do they communicate with her?

Chat windows?


No, she writes a blog, they read it.

Every avatar keeps one.

I'll bring up Vixy's.

Her last entry's labeled "Stalker" dated yesterday.

12 hours before Rachel disappeared.

Click on that.

I'm being stalked.

Had to ban this scumbag from my club a few days ago.

And that's when things got bad.

I'm worried my A.Y. stalker has gone real world.

Last night I saw a shadow move.

I heard footsteps behind me.

To all you girls running clubs, watch out for this creep.

His avatar's name is Wit Billions.

I've scanned her account data.

Turns out there was only one regular customer not present at today's vigil.

Let me guess.

Wit Billions.

I'll bring up his profile.

His personal information's hidden, but I can unlock it with my access code.

Real name Tobin Willis.

Home address right here in the city.

All right, Tobin, where'd you stay the girl?

What girl?

You want to play games.

Play this one.

What do you get when you rearrange the letters of your name?

Anagrams are fun, especially when it makes our job easier.

Well, look at this.

That's your avatar.

You're the executioner.


You execute her, Willis?

I've never seen that girl before.

Your avatar had virtual sex with her hundreds of times in Another Youniverse.

I never played that game!

Sure you did, friend.

We have your account info and the credit card records from your membership fees.

Somebody must've stolen my card and opened an account in my name.

This is a mistake!

We'll see who made the mistake when our detectives search your computer.

Taru's scanning his hard drive now.

Anything in the library?

Just every book ever written about head choppers.

Guy's into some pretty gruesome stuff.

This executioner looks like his avatar.

Execution is something I read about.

Not something I do.

Sure it is.

You're a lock for this.

And your sick obsession with an avatar made you kidnap its creator last night.

Last night?

I was at Shea Stadium.

You and 50,000 other people.

Game went into extra innings.

I didn't get home until after midnight.

My brother-in-law gave me his company's tickets.

Said to take a friend.

What your friend's name?

I couldn't get anybody to go with me.

But I saw myself on the Jumbotron a dozen times.

There's Willis, front row.

Rachel was taken between 10:00 and 11:00 when Kristi called 911.

When's the last time Willis is on camera?


He ever leave his seat?

Not even for the seventh inning stretch.

Laptop got a clean bill of health from Taru.

Nothing on Willis' hard drive.

He's probably playing A.Y.

From untraceable internet cafes.

This cat's being smart.

Too smart.

He just happens to pop up on camera right at the time of the crime and there's nothing on that computer?

Maybe he's working with a partner.

That's easy enough to find out.

The avatar interaction grid allows me to scan for every meeting between avatars in Another Youniverse.

Here's every single avatar your man Willis ever interacted with.

When I set the filter for two more interactions, the number shrinks.

He met these people at least two times.

I'll search for three or more meetings.

And last but not least, four meeting or more.

So Vixy and Smarty Culottes are the only two avatars he met with four or more times.

Smarty's gotta be his partner.

They spend enough time together.

Here's Willis and Smarty on a snowcapped mountain top, A beach, a virtual mall.

And the here they are floating in a spaceship.

Wherever one goes, the other goes with him.

Partners in crime.

They met in Another Youniverse and made their fantasy Rachel's nightmare.

What Smarty Culottes' real name?

User's name is Nestor Buchanan.

He didn't give a home address, but listed his employer there.

"Cooper's rare books."

I know that place.



Mr. Lake.

I was just gonna call you.

I tracked down an early edition of the Sun Also Rises.

You a collector?


No dust jacket, but it's in great condition.

Are you interested?

No today.

We're looking for Nestor Buchanan.

He's my assistant.

He's in back.

Follow me.

Where's your computer?

Nestor's on it now.

He handles all our internet orders.



Police. Stand up.

One second.

Step away from the computer now.

One second I said.

Hey, don't touch that.

Where's Rachel?

Nestor, where's Rachel?


Rachel McGarrett, the girl you kidnapped.

Well, what do you know?

He's playing Another Youniverse.

Last chance, Smarty.

Where is she?

I told you, I didn't know any Rachel.


Nestor Buchanan, you're under arrest for the kidnapping of Rachel McGarrett.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You kidnapped an innocent girl!

You're out of your mind.

No, you're out of luck.

What's this?

Proof that you're working with Willis.


Your partner in pedophile land.

You're nuts.

That's me in the red, but I don't know who the executioner is.

He never told me his real name or his location.

He's located here.

I don't understand.

That's Tobin.

Oh, so you do know him.

He's a customer at the store.

He collects books about executioners.

I do his special orders, but I never talked to him about A.Y.

What's going on?

Who else do you know plays A.Y.?

College friends.

My cousin Julie in Toronto, my older sister, my boss...

Hold on, Mr. Cooper, the one who owns the bookstore?

Yeah, I introduced him to it six months ago.

Take a seat back there while we figure this thing out.
Cooper's our link between these guys.

He owns the bookstore.

He has access to Willis' credit card.

He stole the information and used it to create an avatar with Willis's name on it.

And he hung out with Nestor in the game to make them look like partners.

Cooper set both these guys up.

He abducted Rachel.

I don't think he stashed Rachel here.

Too much foot traffic outside.

There's no room inside.

This place doesn't even have a closet.

Computer's gone.

He took the wires.

He left this.

A key from store stuff.

That's the place up in Washington Heights.

Maybe cooper put Rachel in a locker.

Rachel's not here.

Looks like he was expecting us.

"It's not what you think.

Leave us in peace."

I'm calling Novak.

This will definitely get us a warrant to Cooper's apartment.

Bastard took the computer.

Cooper's got us on a wild goose chase.

I lifted latent prints all belonging to Cooper.

Doesn't look like a woman was being held here.

But this girl looks familiar.

Where have you seen her before?

Another Youniverse.

She looks like Vixy Platinum.

Too close not to be the same girl.

Yeah, that's Rachel's avatar, but who's the girl in the picture?

Looks like a "To Do" list.

"Buy Meds.

Transfer 5,000 A.Y. funds."

"J.T. 718..."


Jepson Taylor Realty.

How may I direct your call?

Our realty company has no records or working with Julian Cooper or Nestor Buchanan.

But I rented this warehouse to Tobin Willis two weeks ago.

Is this the guy?

Oh, we never met. Everything was done by mail or over the phone.

Can you I.D. his voice?

Do you have any idea how many calls I make in a day?

How did he pay his rent?

Money order for six months up front.

Do you remember anything else?

Just one thing because it was weird.

He wanted something in a deserted area.

Like a cabin in the woods.

Stay here.

Perfect place to hold a girl c*ptive.



Oh, God.

Detective Olivia Benson.

I need a bus.

Warehouse at the intersection and Goulten and Bedford Park Boulevard.

She's barely breathing.

Rachel, Rachel, you're gonna be okay.

Just stay with me, okay?

Stay with me.

You're gonna be fine.

Check out these suitcases.

Cooper was about to move her.

And we just interrupted him.

You hear that, Rachel?

That's the ambulance.

You're gonna be okay.

I didn't make his license plate.

He didn't take the pharmacy with him.

Check out the tray in the corner.

Looks like the medicines to buy on his "To Do" list.



Domosedan, ketamine and valium.

Sleeping meds and animal tranquilizers.

That would put her lights out.

Or at least keep her semiconscious depending on the combined dosage.

Can Rachel talk to us yet?

Well, her system's been to hell and back, but she's stabilized.

You've got 5 minutes.

I don't know.

Um... he...

He wore a mask when he took me from my room.

Did he ever take it off?

I was so out of it.

I never really got a clear look at him.

Rachel... what happened that night?

I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

Like a needle.

And I tried to scream, but...

He put his hand over my mouth.

And then I passed out.

When I woke up, he...

Had me tied to a bed.

He r*ped me.


Rachel... did he ever talk about taking you somewhere?

Um... yeah, um...

He wanted to take me to his cabin in the woods.

Doc called.

The r*pe kit was negative.

Cooper must've used a condom.

Any prints at the warehouse?

Place was spotless.

Got Cooper's info from DMV.

Put a BOLO out on his plate.

Nothing back.

Sent his picture to MTA, airports, and AMTRAK.

And we flagged his credit cards.

He won't get far.

But maybe Gregory Searle will.

Who's Gregory Searle?

It's Cooper's real name.

His prints match the one found at Cooper's apartment.

25 years ago he did time at Green Haven in Duchess county.

For r*pe?

No, kidnapping.

15-year-old girl names Lauren Molby.

Seen her before?

That's the girl from the picture in Cooper's apartment.

Rachel's avatar looks just like Lauren.

Cooper decided to relive the glory of his old crime in virtual reality.

Well, let's find him before he grabs another innocent girl.

It's deja vu with your kidnapper.

Julian Cooper, AKA Gregory Searle.

He grabbed Lauren Molby from her bedroom In the middle of the night.

They ever find her?

No. but the Duchess county D.A. is convinced he k*lled her./ Stabler.

How'd they get him?

Strands of Lauren's hair were found on his pickup.

No DNA back then to get an exact match they get him on kidnap two?

Yeah, "B" felony, 20 years determinate.

No parole.

Explains how he was able to reinvent himself, come back... nobody checked up on him.

Just got a hit on Cooper.

He's in a bus terminal in Queens.

Fin and Lake are on their way.


Taking the 10:15 to Montreal?

Mr. Lake, Canada is beautiful this time of year.

Canada's closed, but rikers is still open for business.

Let's go.

I'll be back in time to catch the 2:40.

We'll see if you're so cocky after Rachel McGarrett IDs your voice.

We're too late.

Rachel died 20 minutes ago.

I thought doc said she was stabilized.

She was until she went into respiratory arrest.

Courtesy of this scumbag and his drug cocktail.

That poor child.

I hope you find her k*ller.

I'm sorry, I'm late I have a bus to catch.

The only thing that you're gonna catch is a life sentence.

The game is over for you, pal.

I didn't k*ll that girl.

That girl's name was Rachel.

And she's dead because of your sick obsession.

You're not just a k*ller, you're a coward.

Setting up these two saps to take the fall for you.

No, Nestor's your man.

He has access to the same customer records that I do.

And he plays that computer game.

I don't.

Sure you do.

He introduced you to Another Youniverse six months ago.

And I haven't thought about it since.

Think about this.

"To Do" list found in your apartment.

Nestor has a key.

He planted it.

What about the letter addressed to us in your storage locker?

That locker's not mine.

That belongs to the shop.

I haven't been there in two years.

Nestor handles our inventory.

I guess he planted that note.

And I bet that he hung this picture of Lauren Molby on your wall.


This belongs to me.

You did 20 years for kidnapping her.

I paid my debt to society.

Prison was a nightmare.

You think I'd commit a crime and risk going back?

I think old habits die hard.

Mine died in jail.

I changed.

I took over the inmate library.

I found solace in books.

Why the fake identity?

Once you have a record, people think the worst, like you.

I wanted a fresh start.

That's why I opened a book store.

To bring people happiness.

You're chasing the wrong guy.

Bastard's getting away with two murders.

But I don't get it. The avatar looks like Lauren, his first victim.

Rachel doesn't resemble her in the slightest.

Psychologically, that's irrelevant.

To possess the creator of the avatar is to possess the avatar itself.

So when he r*ped Rachel at the warehouse...

In his mind, he was having sex with Vixy Platinum.

But how did he find Rachel in the real world?

Well, he probably paid some hacker to trace Rachel's IP address back to her apartment.

Probably is not enough to hold him.

Now, Cooper's been through the system... he knows that.

Just gotta get a confession or he walks.

No pressure.

Use Lauren to get him talking about Rachel.

In his mind, the two girls are one in the same.

Lauren's home was hell on earth.

Her mother drank like a fish.

Her father beat her senseless.

I rescued her.

Oh, my hero.

You don't believe that, but I am a hero to Lauren.

She never suffered another day.

Is that how you remember it before you k*lled her?

I didn't k*ll her.

You're obsessed with Lauren.

You still are.

We loved each other.

You don't forget the best year of your life.

You two had a little love nest?

I drove every other day from Stottville to see her at our place.

Where was that?

Nice try.

Of course the cops wouldn't leave me alone.

They ruined a perfect thing.

What do you mean perfect?


Day before I was caught, I told her she could leave.

Lauren said no... out of love.

She stayed with me willingly.

Rachel wouldn't, so you drugged her.

You drugged her and she's dead.

You're looking at a very long stretch in a very small cell.

No, you're looking at my back as I walk out the door.

You've had hours.

But you haven't charged me...

Because you've got nothing.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

It's been a thrill to see this stuff after all these years.

Good bye, detectives, counselor.

If we could find Lauren Molby's body, we could charge him with her m*rder and we could build Rachel's case using the crimes upstate as precedent.

This guy already ran once before.

We needed that body, like , yesterday.

Maybe it's in the game.


He has gonna take Rachel to a cabin in the woods.

People in A.Y. can build anything.

Maybe he built a digital dream house that can lead us to Lauren's body.

Whole thing started in the game.

Maybe he's got something else buried there.

It's our best lead.

If you can use the A.Y. game to find Lauren's body, he won't stand a chance in court.

I'm sold.

Here's the plan.

Olivia, you go to Winton's office.

Enter the game.

Find a cabin or anything else we can use to locate Lauren's body.

Elliot, you tail Cooper.

We can't arrest yet, but stay close and alert us if he makes a run for the border.

Cooper's on the move.

Copy, El.

Our records indicate that Cooper purchased land in Another Youniverse.

He used our software to build a cabin and a lake, look.

Can you get inside the cabin?

No problem.

Somebody else's avatar lives here.

She's asleep.

No, he purchased that avatar, programmed it so he's the only one with the power to wake her up.

Just like sleeping beauty.

What does it say on the bed frame?

Good eye.

I'll blow up the image.


His first victim.

Cooper was looking for a new cabin in the woods to take Rachel.

I bet you that this is a virtual replica of the one he used to stash Lauren.

I can run our software to compare what he built in A.Y. with topographical maps of New York state.

Do it.

Captain, we're working on a possible location For Laurens' body.

Copy that.

I'll send Fin and Lake upstate.

Elliot, what's your 20?

Cooper just stopped for a caffeine fix.

You getting wired for a long drive?

It's decaf.

Sensitive stomach.

Would you care for a cup?

My treat.

You had a second chance and you blew it.

What is it, you couldn't fight the urge to r*pe and m*rder again?

I did not hurt that girl.

Yeah, you did.

And we're gonna prove it when we find your cabin at the lake.

You won't.

But good luck trying.

This program will compare the dimensions of the lake Cooper designed to a database that catalogs bodies of water from all over New York state.

We got something.

Fin, we got it.

Twin lsland lakes outside Pine Plains.

We're on our way. I'll call ahead to the cops in Duchess county.

Better get up there quick.

Cooper's in a cab on the Grand Central Parkway.

Probably headed to the lnternational Terminal at Kennedy.

We need Lauren's body now, or this guy is gone.

Liv, you got an exact location of the cabin?

Not yet.

He designs it with a safety catch.

Any time a visitor moves up to bird's eye view the cabin disappears.

Okay, is there another way to get the location?


The clock in Another Youniverse is pegged to eastern standard time.

That's why it's night in the game now.

If the sun was shining, we could see which direction the house faces, ergo which side of the lake it's on.

So turn on the sun.

We've never done that before.

Olivia, we're a few miles away.

Duchess county cops are already at the lake, but it's huge.

They don't know where to start.

Just give me a minute.

Turn the sun on.

Okay, he's pulling up at the terminal.

It's now or never.

You heard him.

Do it now.

I'm about to seriously freak out five million people.

Do it.

The cabin is on the east side of the lake.

Stop right there!

This is private property!

This is Gregory Searle's cabin.

Who are you?

I'm Lauren.

Where's Gregory?

Is he with you?

I've been waiting for him... for 25 years.

Cap, we found the cabin.

Start search.

Search is over.

Lauren Molby is alive.

Is this some kind of joke?

No, it's end of the line.

He's our guy.

But we don't have a body to pin on him.

Lauren's alive.

We've got no reason to bring him in.

Hey, watch it, you idiot!

Hey, you in a hurry there?

Detective Stabler, come to see me off?

No, I came to arrest you.

For what?

You crossed on the red.

Didn't you see the light?

You've gotta be kidding me.

Your safety's no laughing matter.

Oh, we found your cabin.

That's not all.


You gotta let me see him.

I... I've waited years for this.

I've loved him since I was 15.

What, you think a 15-year-old can't fall in love?

I have teenage daughter that fall in love all the time.

Well, I'm still in love with him.

Why didn't you come forward at his trial?

Because they would've sent me back.

I ran away and hid so I'd never have to see them again.


My bastard father and his drunk bitch of a wife.

Another week under that roof, he would've beaten me to death.

So what did you do for food, for money?

After Gregory left, I went into town and got a job waiting tables.

It was 50 miles from my hometown.

No one was looking for me there.

Why won't you let me see him?

He kidnapped a woman.

You're lying.

He kept her strapped to a bed in a warehouse.

He injected her with dr*gs.

I don't believe you.

Her name was Rachel McGarrett.

The love of your life took hers.

You've got company.


It's me.

I know who you are.

Don't you still love me?

What happened to you?

What do you mean?

You got so old.

You're sick.

This girl they told me about...

Rachel... what did you do to her?

I rescued her just like I rescued you.

You kidnapped her because she reminded you of me.

Her avatar did.

I got a second chance.

But Rachel didn't love me.

I loved you.

Too late.

You k*lled her.

Didn't you?

There went the love of your life.

That wasn't the Lauren I fell in love with.

What were you gonna do?

Keep Rachel chained to a desk playing Vixy Platinum forever?

If that's what it took.

She'd never grow up in a computer.