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11x08 - Turmoil

Posted: 11/15/09 20:31
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, Sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In new york city, the dedicated detectives Who investigate these vicious felonies Are members of an elite squad Known as the special victims unit. These are their stories.

You're gonna be late for school.

I'm waiting for shane.

I don't like that kid driving you anywhere.

What else is new?

Don't take the expressway.

I'm looking for a green folder.

I need it for court.

What is it?

The nikki sherman r*pe case.

It's right here.

Nikki sherman?

That's the sophomore at manning prep Who said she got r*ped by the football player.

She likes to party.

Do you know her?


But everyone says she's a lying slut.

Hey. Hey!

Don't ever talk about a victim like that again, You hear me?

Their words, dad, not mine.

But the photos were pretty hot.

What photos?

The ones with her top off, like girls gone wild.

I don't want you on that website.

They were on shane's phone.

[knock at door]

Hi, mr. Stabler.

Is something wrong?


No hats indoors.

Who sent you photos of my r*pe victim?

I don't know. It was viraled out to hundreds of kids...


Drive straight to school, no stopping.

The prosecution is concealinen.Hmhm nikki sherman wasn't r*ped.


We have turned over every scrap of evidence On this case to the defense.

What about nikki sherman's recant of her r*pe statement, Where she admitted she wanted to have sex with my client.

What are you talking about?

I have a witness who says she recanted.

This is a desperate attempt to intimidate the victim.

Nikki sherman changed her story.

You say the recant statement doesn't exist.

I say you buried it.

That's ridiculous.

Your honor, we have given the defense all the evidence.

Request a continuance, ms. Cabot.

Excuse me, your honor?

I said ask for more time.

But I don't need more time.

I'll give you 48 hours to review your evidence.

Any objections?

No, your honor.

[gavel bangs]

Ms. Cabot, Nikki didn't recant.

That bastard r*ped her.

I know, mr. Sherman.

This is just a defense tactic.

Does this mean that there won't be a trial?

No. There will be one, and we will win.

Did nikki sherman say the r*pe did not happen?

No, we gave you all the evidence. We always do.

Alex, he's playing you.

I don't think so.

Petrovsky just gave me two days to get my story straight.

For what?

Apparently I'm being investigated by the state bar.

This is fallout From sonya paxton's drunken performance, liam.

Keep telling yourself that, alex.

Liam black, new york state bar.

Word is manhattan SVU likes to bend the rules--

Bend them enough, they break.

You can dig all you want.

You're not gonna find any dirt.

He's investigating me, not you.

But if her license gets yanked, you're next.

Collateral damage is like jell-o.

There's always room for more.

[elevator bell dings]

We know, we know.

State bar's on the warpath.

It's personal.

Your cell phone was off when you were in court, So kathy called me.

Your son is missing.


No, no, he's fine.

It's--it's dickie.

I'll go with you.

No, I-I'll call when I know something.

Dickie's not answering his cell phone.

He started a fight with some kid at school, And no one's seen him since lunch.

Okay, well, that doesn't mean he's missing.

He's probably just goofing off with shane.

Hi, detective.

Anita gomez. Who is shane?

Shane newsome--he's just the kind of trouble I don't want hanging around my kid--

Uh, weed, coke, speedballs.

This shane, he's got a record?

Yeah, a long one.

And did you try calling shane?

Yeah, it went right to voice mail.

Is your son having problems at home too?

He's not a runaway.


You plan on looking yourself, But it is a lot of ground to cover, So why not let us help?

I've got help.

Look, we--we don't need to file with missing persons.

This fight at school-- know the other boy's name?

Danny proctor.

A teacher pulled them apart, But he didn't know what it was about.

And any other personality changes, Mood swings, depression?

If my son were taking dr*gs, I'd know it.

You just said he hangs out with an addict.

Look, I know my son.

He wouldn't worry me like this.

Let her file a report.


What else can I do?

Does your son's cell phone have gps?

No, he's got a chip, not the software.

Well, then we need your permission To call the provider, access the towers.

And if he makes a phone call, We can narrow it down to several blocks.

I'll make the call.

Thank you.

You're overreacting.

I wish you would.

Look, he's probably out playing hooky With that shane punk Doing god knows what.

[cell phone ringing]





What branch?

Thank you.

That was our bank.

Dickie tried to use his emergency credit card At an atm in manhattan.

That card is not set up to give cash.

Right. He doesn't know that, so call our cell provider, Have them track dickie's calls.

We'll pick him up.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna have a heart-to-heart With that drug addict's mother.


He- not due homeher heoturanfor .Ho He- - I would thinkr you'd want to know where he is Every minute of the day.

I monitored him for months until the counselor said I had to trust him again.

How's that working out?

He relapsed twice, but he's straight now.

What's this about, detective stabler?

Any changes recently in his behavior?

If you think he's using again, you're wrong.

He takes a urine test every morning.

Plenty of ways around that.

You don't know shane!

I know addicts.

They scheme, they lie, and when they fall, They take casualties with them.

That's what I know.

Your son's been a good influence.

I thought a cop would understand.

I'm a parent...

Who's gonna do what's best for my child.

You don't like shane, do you?

I need a list of shane's other friends And the places he likes to hang out.

Not until you tell me why you're looking for him.

Because if I find him, I'll find dickie.

They're missing?

My son is truant.

And you're blaming shane.

This may come as a shock, but richard's not perfect.

His name's dickie.

Which proves how well you know him.

No one calls him that anymore.

He hates it.

When you hear from shane, have him give me a call, please.

You won't be talking to him ever again.

Now please leave.

Elliot, what are you doing back here?

I'm here to work the r*pe.

It turns out dickie isn't missing.

He's probably out, joyriding with shane newsome, Hitting atms, trying to get money out of my account.

The bank just said that they tried to hit an atm At 34th street ten minutes ago.

Well, you can't chase your kid and work this case.

No, my head's in the game.

I'm ready to go.

Okay, then let's go over the r*pe case.

The defense claims we're withholding evidence, So what exactly do we have?

Nikki sherman's statement that sam baylor r*ped her In a basement bathroom at an unsupervised party.

Fluids from the exam matched baylor's DNA.

She says r*pe.

He says consensual sex.

Well, I can assure you That no girl wants her first sexual experience Next to a toilet.

All right. And everything we had went to cabot?

Yes, arrest warrant, Suspect interrogation video, and forensics.

And the girl never recanted to either of you?

No, and if she had, We would have logged her statement in with evidence.

All right, then I can tell cabot we covered all the bases And she's got nothing to worry about.

Maybe not.

My son mentioned There was this wild photo of nikki That was floating around the internet.

And this just slipped your mind?

I just found out about it this morning.

And you didn't tell alex?

I didn't have a chance to track it down.

We haven't withheld anything.

John, find that photo.

If it is in any way salacious, We may have to reopen this case.

Captain-- elliot.

This isn't like you.

Problems with your son are affecting your judgment.

That's not true.

All we need is a little time to find the photo, And then we re-interview nikki sherman.

Well, it appears you've found enough time To put out a bolo on shane newsome's car.

It's sitting in impound.

Where was it towed from?

Harlem, and that's a long way From dickie's last location in midtown.

What the hell are those kids doing?

Fin, do me a favor, will you?

Pull the footage from the atm.

Find out what the hell's going on.

How did this mess with dickie start?

There was a fight at school.

Some kid named danny proctor.

School's not out yet.

Work it while we wait for the photo, But olivia handles the proctor interview.

Are we clear?

Thank you.

Yo, give m m...


Re. Egouro y pcto, or. Hope that's soda you're guzzling.

I already have a mom, bitch.

El. El.

What the hell?

d*ck stabler-- start talking.

Yo, dickwad started it.

I can't believe he went to the cops.

What were you fighting about?

El, that's enough.

He jumped me 'cause I pounded his buddy, shane, Because he sold me a stolen dvr.

He said he needed cash quick.

How did you know it was stolen?

Newsome's mother showed up and took it back.

Then my old man put me on lockdown for a week.

What did he want the money for?

To get in the army.

And you believe that?

I figured it was for dr*gs, But he and d*ck were always talking To that a recruiter here on campus, so what do I know?

Did you know dickie was talking to a recruiter?

What's a recruiter doing talking to a minor?

We're here about richard stabler.

I'm his father.

He's a minor.

Stabler and, uh, shane newsome.

Yeah, they wanted to enlist in the buddy system.

Newsome was 18.

He didn't want to wait.

No, that kid is 16 years old.

Maybe he can get a parental waiver.

What kind of parent signs their kid over to you?

For training and discipline, responsibility and loyalty.

Okay, great.

My son is going to college.

[cell phone ringing]

I hope you're planning on paying.


His grades won't land him any scholarship.


That kid comes in here again, you kick his ass out.

Sir, the army has no intention of turning him down.

In less than two years, you no longer have a say.

El, the atm footage is in.

This is bank footage from the atm on 34th street.

What the hell is shane newsome doing with my son's bank card?

It looks like shane's not alone.

Freeze that.

That's not dickie.

The height and build are all wrong.

He doesn't even own a coat like that.

Can you see who it is?

The other guy doesn't show his face.

I could pull up more footage from the area.

Well, I'm looking for my son.

He's never been gone this long before.

I don't give a damn who's with shane.

Would dickie give shane his card?

Well, the son of a bitch stole it.

Dickie's voice mail.

Has my kid made any more calls?

Yeah, one to newsome's cell phone, Pinging towers in harlem.

Dickie's on the move Between lenox and frederick douglass.

What's your kid doing in harlem?

Well, it's getting late.

I'm gonna go out and look for him.

We got blue and whites crawling.

Making yourself crazy isn't gonna find him faster.

Sorry to interrupt, But I found nikki sherman's photograph.

This looks bad.

It gets worse.

Nikki's r*pist, sam baylor.

You sure that wasn't photoshopped?

Taru says it's genuine.

This doesn't mean that she wasn't r*ped.

You think the jury's gonna buy her story Or this photo?

It is 3:00 in the morning.

Why am I just hearing about this now?

Extenuating circumstances.

Elliot's son is missing.

You have just shown me a photo That is going to make the jury think That our r*pe victim is a liar.

What are you going to do about that?

Question nikki about it.

Don't bother.

I will do the interview myself.

It's up to you.

State bar's not breathing down my neck.

Because you missed the photo.

I don't suppose you forgot Nikki's recant statement as well?

No, counselor, not a chance.

We are being watched.

Anything you do against protocol stacks the deck.

You don't get it.

I don't care.

You know, my head's not the only one on the chopping block.

Did you call me down here To help me find my son or not?

We just have a few questions.

Who is that?

Shane newsome's mother.

Both he and my son are missing.

Detective stabler does not belong in that interview.

Well, I wasn't going to, counselor.

I know procedure.

Well, if you did, she wouldn't even be here.

Stabler is screwing up my r*pe case, And now I cannot talk to nikki sherman until the morning.

Cut him some slack, alex.

Personal investigations involving family members Are completely against procedure.

You know it, I know it, and so will one pp.

My cell provider faxed a record of shane's calls.

Richard called him repeatedly, And there's one number I don't recognize.

After that, nothing.

We'll look into that, But first we'd like to ask you a few questions.

You don't care about my son!

You're just like the cops in queens.

They think he ran, that he's doing dr*gs again.

Sober or not, your boy's an addict, And that's a lifetime disease.

He's already racked up two counts of as*ault And burglary with no jail time?

You even had to call the cops to stop him from hitting you, And all he got was community service And another trip to rehab?

Shane goes to counseling.

He still does community service with the homeless Because his sponsor works there.

What more does he have to do?

Explain why he was using dickie's credit card To take money out of detective stabler's Bank account.

You think shane forced richard to give it to him?

Your son gets violent when things don't go his way.

When he was using, but not anymore.

He is a good kid.

Well, then why did you repo a stolen dvr That shane sold to a kid at school?

It wasn't stolen.

His father sent it to him, And he had every right to sell it.

I just thought--

You just thought the nightmare was starting again.

I jumped to conclusions...

Just like you.

We need to find shane.

Is there anyplace special that he would go?

You just want to arrest him.

No, we want him safe.

So give us permission to access the gps On shane's cell phone So we can find exactly where he is.

Don't pretend like you care.

The next time we talk, it'll be through a lawyer.

We got to subpoena the newsomes' cell provider.

The case belongs to queens, And we can't prove shane broke the law.

What about trying to empty my bank account?

You really think shane att*cked dickie And jacked his card?

Dickie was miles away when he asked for the bank code.

I think he was trying to help shane get cash.

Yeah, and odds are it was for dr*gs.

Only my son can answer that, but where the hell is he?

We're gonna find him, el.

So what's our next move?

I traced the unidentified number to shane's cell.

Call came from a pay phone across the street From a homeless shelter in harlem.

Shane's mother said his sponsor worked at a shelter.

Is it the same area in harlem Where dickie made his last call?

Dead center.


We've already got trouble with the defense on the r*pe case.

Either have a seat or go home, But you stay out of this.

You two, get over there.

Maybe shane wanted to talk to his sponsor.

I'll keep you posted.

Shane newsome isnd c.

Horst ve was the last time I saw him.

When was that?

Three days ago.

He works weekends, does his homework, Talks to the residents.

He likes it here.

'cause they don't judge him.

Takes an addict to save one.

Somebody called shane's cell phone From the pay phone across the street yesterday.

Is he, uh, particularly close with anyone?

Harold moore.

Unfortunately, shane thinks he can save him.

I've warned him that harold can't be trusted.

He will con, cajole, cry to get a fix.

Anyone else you can think of?

Harold's the only one that shane gave his number to.

That's what I told richard when he stopped by.

Richard stabler?

Yeah, that's him-- great kid.

He's been here a couple times with shane.

How long ago was he here?

Hour, maybe less.

Where does harold usually park his cart?

Ten blocks east by the old church.

What are you doing?

Cragen told you to take your ass home.

If it was your kid, you'd be out here too.

What did you find out?

We may have just found dickie. Get in.

Ms.--Ms. Cabot, what's wrong?

The principal pulled me out of class.

Nikki, I need to talk to you about a photo.

Oh, my god.

Where did you get that?

The internet.


Oh, my...



I need you to tell me everything that happened that night.

Don't leave anything out.

It was a party.

They spiked my drink.

Spiked it with what?

I don't know.

I don't--I don't like the taste of alcohol, So it must have been something else.

Who threw the party?

A football player.

My--my friend amy had to get me out of there, And she had to tell me what happened the next day, Because I didn't remember.

It sounds like you were dosed with rohypnol.

Is--is that like a roofie?


It lowers your inhibitions, causes memory loss.

Oh, my god.

When was this party?

Three weeks before I was r*ped.

Nikki, why would you go to another team party after that?

They're seniors.

They're--they're popular, And everybody wants to be friends with them.

I'm going to call your father.

I am bringing you home.


You can't show him that.

Nikki, he's going to find out sooner or later.

It is better if it comes from you.

[softly] yeah.


Where's shane, you bastard?


I didn't do anything!


Where is he, harold?

Dickie, stop!

Where the hell is he?


Get off me! Let go!

What are you doing?

Where have you been?

I'm looking for shane, because I knew you wouldn't.

Where is he, you piece of crap?

I didn't do it.

I didn't do nothing.

Harold here is high and funky.

Yeah, and bleeding.

That cut looks pretty deep.

It looks like he needs a trip to the e.R.

I guess you're electing me.

I'll wait till he sobers up, see what I can get out of him.

Let's get back to the precinct where we can sort this out.

I'm taking him home.


Elliot, stop!

Your son just assaulted a man with a 2x4.

There's no way that he's going home.

Don't make this worse than it already is.

Dickie, let's go.
Rough night?

So why don't you walk me through it.

Look, you're wasting time.

Shane's out there somewhere probably hurt.

We need to find him.

So sit down and talk to me, so I can.

Let's go.

How did shane get the bank card?

I gave it to him.

I was supposed to get the money myself, But I got pinched after school for fighting.

So why did shane need the money?

There's a guy in the bronx.

He does birth certificates, I.D.S, and social security cards.

All he needed was 200 bucks.

Dickie, shane wanted to join the military Without his mother's consent.

Shane calls it a fresh start.

Thought the uniform would get him respect.

So when he didn't show up, I knew something was wrong.

Could he have caved and started using again?

You too.

He's not taking dr*gs.

Well, you went to a lot of trouble for a friend.

You two must be pretty close.

I'm not stupid.

I know where you're going.

My dad does this all the time When he's trying to get personal.

How about you?

Ever sleep with your partner, detective?


Are we done playing games?

Look, I don't have a lot of friends.

Most kids want to hook up, smoke weed, and drink beer.

The last person they want hanging around Is a kid whose father's a cop.

Shane is my best friend.

I look out for him, and he looks out for me.

And beating up a homeless guy is looking out for your friend?

I wanted answers, and harold knows where shane is.

How can you be so sure?

When shane called me for the bank code, I heard harold in the background.

Well, I guess I'm not gonna win father of the year award.

Well, maybe next year, After you rechannel his energy into contact sports.


Fin back from the hospital yet?

No, he's still waiting for harold to sober up.

What are you gonna do about the as*ault charge?

Well, if he presses charges, I'll just bring him back.

Mrs. Newsome called.

She authorized queens to track shane's cell phone.

They just called with his position.


Central booking.

Ofe'fi. Wre lookiw r wfoor. --E,ha Lema, becode oiethe tombs.

I knew that kid was trouble.

I'm sorry to say, newsome isn't here.

Well, his cell phone gps says that he is.

Then it's just his phone.

We got no minors in the t*nk.

I'm calling shane's cell phone.

It's got to be in here somewhere.

[cell phone ringing]

Here it is.

You got to sign for it-- chain of custody.

What case was this for?

Uh, it was a drug collar--

Possession, intent to distribute.

Suspect's name was douglas.


There's blood on the phone. here you go.

What do you say?

No, thanks.

You sure?

Happy now?

I'm thrilled.

What is your problem?

You thinking shane talked me into dr*gs.

Did he?

Hell, no, not that you'd believe me.

All right, listen to me.

Now that's not important.

Your friend is missing.

So who besides harold would know where he is?

Spare me.

You don't give a damn about shane.

Do you know who I am?

I'm your father.

I'm not a friend.

Exactly why I didn't call you for help.

Listen to me.

My job is to worry 24/7 about who you're with, Whether you'll end up In the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now, whether you like it or not...

The people that you hang out with Are my business.

You don't get to choose my friends Or tell me what to do.

I'm done listening to you.

Have you lost your mind?

Well, I'm not the first stabler to do that, now, am I?

Hey. Hey. Elliot.





Take him home?



I got the lab results on the cell phone.

The blood on it is shane newsome's.


Shane's phone was found on neil douglas--

Possession with intent, as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

p*stol-whipped a man.

Charges were dropped when the victim recanted.

Man 2--

Charge was dropped when the witnesses suddenly disappeared.


Yeah. Let's head to the tombs and rattle his cage.

We got to call cabot.

Tell her to meet us there.

Hips tndphon yhm want to talk about it?

I don't talk without my suit.

But it's a nice phone-- retail for $650.


Where'd you get it?

Did you just ask me a question without my lawyer here?

Yes, he did.

Detective just violated your right to counsel.

Don't take it personally.

It's his m.O.

So what are you offering?


They're desperate about the phone, And I'm a reasonable man.

That's their problem.

And you're a felon.

This interview is over.

I am not going to the d.A.

For a plea Over a missing kid who's not even in my jurisdiction.

Shane's blood, On a phone found in that hump's possession.

We need to know where douglas got it.

The same kid you thought was a suspect is now a victim Because you let your personal bias get in the way.

You're right.

You're right.

But blaming me is not gonna help us find him.

There is nothing I can do.

Can't or won't?

Svu gave me this photo the night before last.

Have you turned it over to the defense?

An hour ago.

Why the delay, alex?

We needed to be sure it was genuine, And I wanted to get the victim's side of the story.

This doesn't prove you didn't withhold evidence.

It just means you're not doing it now.

What can I do to convince you?

Find the recant statement.

There isn't one.

If your cops aren't doing their job, File a complaint.

I'm not calling one pp.

Well, you better do something, Because the defense has a witness That claims nikki sherman recanted.


You know I can't tell you that.

I have a right to know who my accuser is.

If and when charges are filed against you.

Liam, I cannot do my job with a noose around my neck.

I promise not to leave you hanging.

[cell phone rings]

Where the hell are you?


I thought you stood me up.

Sorry, I, uh, couldn't make it through the door.

I guess I'm--

I guess I'm not quite ready.

Why don't you tell me what you want?

Just to give you some much-needed advice.

Don't give the state bar any more amm*nit*on.

I didn't blow a trial by breathing vodka onto a judge, And I sure as hell wasn't forced to take A breathalyzer in open court.

Actually, it was scotch, and drunk or not, I've never been accused of a brady violation.

I take my oath very seriously, And I did not withhold evidence from the defense.

Look, even if it was the cops Who didn't turn over every scrap of evidence, You're still culpable.

They'll yank your license.

Benson and stabler would not do that.

They're good cops, But their loyalty is to each other, not to you.

I know you didn't get along with stabler, But this is low, even for you.

I don't have any ax to grind.

No, you just want to bury it in their backs.

Who are you gonna blame when you lose your job, alex?

You're telling me not to trust them.

No, I'm telling you to do your job And watch your ass.

Put him on the phone, kathy.


No, it's not okay, but...

All right, bye.

Dickie's still not talking to you?

He'll get over it.


What's wrong?

You promised.

You said that if I pressed charges, I would get justice.

What happened?

Ms. Cabot talked to my dad about the photo, And--and then she dropped the charges against sam baylor.



This is not gonna go down this way.

Sam baylor's not walking from a r*pe.

He is already celebrating.

I should have never listened to you and pressed charges.

Nikki, have you told anyone else that?

J-just my friend amy.

Does amy have a last name?

Amy wagner.

She said sam had a lot of friends Who were gonna come after me.

Has anyone threatened you?

I was shoved against a locker.

I get nasty phone calls, said I was asking for it.

Come on, give us some names.

What for?

You are not gonna do anything!

I just want to go home.


I'll get you a ride home.

Munch. Munch.

What's going on?

He's getting his ass handed to him because of you.

Munch, you're in charge.

Not again.

For how long?

They haven't decided yet.

Captain, I'm sorry.

Save it for mrs. Newsome.

We got a body-dump matching her son's description.

Poor kid was found naked, Took a lot of blunt-force trauma, And he's got s*ab wounds to his chest.

I won't have exact cause until I open him up.

Any sign of sexual as*ault?

Not from my external exam.

I didn't see any fluids or blood seepage.

There's blood spatter.

There's blood drops and wipe patterns Here on the blacktop.


Any footprints on his skin?

There are pattern marks on his neck and chest.

Well, he was att*cked in the alley.

It's not like it was a dump job.

Where the hell are his clothes?

You shouldn't be here.

Yeah, well, I've been hearing that a lot lately.

Hey, you know, if you want a badge, You come to me, not cragen.

I did not call one pp, and if he was doing his job, He would have kept you on a leash.

You're so busy telling us how to do our jobs, You forgot to do your own.

Did you talk to nikki sherman?

Damn right.

I put in a formal request for a new a.D.A.

On what grounds?

Professional ethics.

You sacrificed a r*pe victim to save your own ass.

Cod: caused by a hemopneumothorax.

Asmphe wto sed to death.

How many s*ab wounds?

I counted 15.

But the blade was short and angled, Making it too shallow to cause any major blood loss.

Which enraged the perp enough To use his boots to get the job done.

The seventh, ninth, and tenth ribs All have multiple fractures, But it was the compound fracture to the eighth rib That k*lled him.

The costal cartilage snapped, punctured the lung, Blood pooled in the thoracic cavity.

Tell me he went quickly.

I wish I could.

So when did he die?

He was well out of rigor, so 36 hours ago.

The family's attorney requested further analysis Of the victim's hair.

Shane's mother wants proof that he didn't relapse.

Well, I'm glad I can give it to her.

Tox screens prove he's been clean for months.

After you.

[door opens]

What are you offering?

The same I thing I offered your client before--


You shouldn't have talked to him at all.

Heard there's a state bar investigator in town.

Well, while you're chumming the waters, Mr. Douglas will be arraigned for m*rder two.

What? Who's dead?

The 16-year-old boy who owned this phone, Found in your pocket when you were arrested.

Wasn't me.

If you don't come up with a name, it was.

Talking to you will violate his fifth amendment rights.

I don't care what your client does for a living, But m*rder trumps narcotics every day of the week.

When my regular customers are short, They bring stuff to barter.

Most of it's worthless.

So you took this phone for dr*gs.

All you had to do was switch out the sim card.

He got four dimes, and I got the phone.

I didn't know he dropped a body for it.

This regular customer got a name?

Don't know, don't need to.

You need to know it now.

I'm telling you, I don't check I.D.

He a nasty-ass homeless guy, Hang out in the alley by the church.

[cell phone speed-dialing]

Fin, pick up harold moore from the hospital And put him in the box.

How you doing?

How should I be doing?

Elliot, you heard warner.

Shane was probably m*rder*d Right after he asked for the bank code.

There's nothing we could have done.

And that's wrong.

Take a look.

Pulled the footage from a drugstore Next to the midtown atm.

All I hato do was look at it earlier.

I could have saved him.

You don't know that.

Well, you tell that to his mother.

She wouldn't believe you any more than I do.

Moore left the hospital against doctor's orders.

We're gonna have to troll the alleys.

So can you take munch?

And where are you going?

I'm going to check on nikki sherman.

Maybe you shouldn't push her to refile charges.

She's pretty shaky right now.

Well, then we will prop her up, Because sam baylor r*ped her, and he belongs in prison.

Let's roll.

Can't, I'm in charge.

How long's the suspension this time?

Ten days.

There won't be a next time.

Captain gets jammed again, The brass will show him the door.

[siren blares]

Stop right there, police.

Go away!

Nothing--I didn't do nothing.

Go away.


Drop it.

I will sh**t you.

Now get your ass on the ground.

Get down.

It's not my fault.


It's not my fault!

Get up.

[pounding on door]


It's detective benson.

Open up.


Can I help you?

Yeah, police.

Do you know nikki sherman?

Have you seen her?

She should be home.

Her father works nights, And I look in on her while he's gone.

Well, she's not answering the door.

Do you have keys?


Thank you.




Nikki, can you hear me?



Shane newsome was your friend.

He bought you food, talked to you, Never pretended like he didn't see you.

Am I right?

It's not my fault.

No, nothing's your fault.

You k*lled the only person that gave a damn about you, About the real you.

What do you mean?

He knew you were a lost cause, but he tried to help you anyway.

He could see beneath the filth, the dr*gs, and the booze.

He saw you the way god sees you.



And why do you think shane did that?

'cause I knew him before, when he used to get high.

So why'd you k*ll him, harold?

It was the bottles.

Times are hard.

Nobody throws bottles away anymore.

They just take them in themselves.

How can I survive without redemption?

Survive for what?

A loser like you ain't got nothin' to live for.

Unlike the kid you snuffed.

Shane a had a future.

Shane said he didn't have any money, But he lied!

He had nice things.

He--he had a bank card.

The bastard knew I needed to get high!

He pretended the card didn't work.

I needed that money!

You sorry son of a bitch.

That wasn't even his card.

You k*lled him for nothing.


I got his phone.

You belong in a body bag.

But I'm gonna put you in a cage for life instead.

[growls in frustration]



I didn't mean to k*ll him.

Yes, you did.

You took that kid's stuff and left him naked in an alley.

[chuckles] why not?

He didn't need them anymore.

I have decided to compel to your demanding for missing witness statements.

Why? You've already dismissed the indictment.

I refiled again this morning, Along with additional charges of witness tampering And obstruction.

You'd better have the evidence to back that up.

Could you please send in my witness?

What is going on?

I thought you said this was over.

[knock at door]

Come in.

[door opens]

What is amy doing here?

You remember amy wagner.

She's the witness you mentioned during pretrial That said that the victim recanted.

That's right.

The prosecution has to make full disclosure.

I don't.

You didn't do your homework.

Amy, will you please tell us what you told the police Last night?

I told them I lied About nikki saying sam didn't r*pe her.

And why did you do that?

Because sam gave me things.

I got invited to parties to hang out.

You lying bitch!

I didn't give you anything!

Shut up.

If amy lied to me, she's probably lying to you.

She isn't a very credible witness.

I think a jury will believe her.

Amy, are you willing to testify You sold nikki out for some clothes and an ipod?


Thank you.

[door opens]

Make me an offer.


Are you really gonna put a suicidal teenager Through a r*pe trial?

All nikki sherman wanted was her day in court, And I intend to see she gets it.

What's that mean?

It means you're going to prison.

And you're going to find out exactly how nikki felt When you r*ped her on the bathroom floor.

You don't get to do this.

Gone all night again?

No way, no more.

Ms. Newsome won't even see me.

Her lawyer said she doesn't even want me at shane's funeral.

That's my fault, I'm sorry I can't fix it.

I can.

What's that?

Army consent forms.

Sign 'em, and I'm out of here.

I can't do that.

Sign 'em.

Make me wait till I'm 18, you'll never see me again.

Sign 'em.

Dickie, you can hate me all you want.

I'm not signing--

I'm not--

[both crying]

I'm not signing 'em.

You're my son.

You're my son.