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12x02 - Bullseye

Posted: 09/26/10 14:33
by bunniefuu
Narrator: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous, In new york city, the dedicated detectives Who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit.

These are their stories.


Sorry, tori.

Didn't see you there.

Third time this week.

You don't wanna be a bitch to me.

Let me go, dennis.

[bell dings]

We have a customer.


Play nice, 'cause me and the boss are tight.

What's he gonna say When I tell him you let the customers Eat the merchandise?

Hey! Put that back!

I'm talking to you, kid.

In here, you pay first, and then eat!

[loud gasp]


Female, looks around 10 years old.

Severe vaginal trauma.

Hematomas on both wrists, Probably from being pinned down.

You run a r*pe kit?

Not yet.

We just got the bleeding stopped.

But you need to know she is dehydrated, Malnourished, And limited arm rotation makes me think She has got a badly-healed break.

Some animal kept her caged up.

Well, good luck finding out who.

Poor thing won't say a word.

[gently] hey there.

What's your name?

I'm olivia.

This is elliot.

We're police officers.

I was hoping that you could tell us What happened before you went into that store.

Might make you feel better.

Did somebody tell you not to talk to us?

Like, maybe something bad would happen?

Which is not true.

Bet you have a real pretty name.

Will you tell us what it is, so we can find your parents?

I'm sure they're worried sick about you.

Dr. Beresford asked me to start the kit.


Hey, hey, hey.

Sweetie, what's the matter?

What's wrong?


He took pictures of me.

So your little victim wouldn't say anything?

Liv poured on the charm.

Wouldn't even give us her name.

She only said that this sick prick Took pictures of her while he r*ped her.

And then scared her into silence.

The r*pe kit had nothing to say, either.

No fluids, no fibers, And no matches to any little girls And miing persons.

What kind of parent Doesn't report their kid missing all night?

One who keeps 'em locked up in the home.

I think the dad's the doer.

First thing's first.

Let's I.D. The girl.

Well, we can't go to the media.

Perp knows we're on to him, he's gonna head to the hills.

Well, a bleeding girl couldn't have gotten very far Witht attracting attenon.

She's got to live somewhere near that market.

Well, maybe census data Can give us a leg up on it.



Non-hispanic caucasian.


Okay, so there's one In every one of those households.

You better grab munch and fin and hit bricks.

She doesn't live in this building.

I wish she did, though.

My sister would have a girl to play with.

No. I've never seen her.

This is our daughter.

Bob is upstate, dropping her off at camp.

And I'm stuck home with kimbo.

You know, they eat those things in peru.

No, she's not a member of our kids club.

Have you ever seen her in the neighborhood?

Not that I recall.

Did something bad happen to her?

She was sexually assaulted last night, We believe somewhere near here.

Ah, jeez.

I wish I can help you.

Hey, gina.

You ever see this girl?

Yeah, lots of times.

How 'bout last night on the street?

No, in the doorway.

Every time I deliver a pie to her folks.

She never says anything.

Just stares at me.

We need the address.

230 east 28th, apartment 4b.

And you're sure this girl lives there?

Yeah, a boy too.

I've heard his voice.

[knock on door]

Nypd, open up!

I can hear the TV.

Let's go!

Let's go!

We know you're home.

Come on.

Daddy, no!

Help me, mommy!

Mr. And mrs. Samonsky, show yourselves!

I'll go get him.

You got him last time.

I'll go get him.

I'm almost there.

Don't fall.

Don't let him fall.

Don't let him fall.

Don't let him fall.

I know what I'm doing, jeff.

Jeff, watch out.

On your left.

I see it.

Go for caleb.

I'll kick your ass, you nasty, scaly creep.

I got him.

Watch this.

Hang on, caleb!

Mommy's coming!


Caleb's hands are slipping.

Hey! Get up!

Ahh, uhh!

All right, shut it off!

Get up!

Go on the left.

I know!

I got it!

I'm trying.

Hang on, caleb!

Janus coin.

Get the janus coin!

Shut up! I got it!

Whoa! Whoa!

Where the hell'd you come from?

The real world.

Join us.

Hell, no!

Plug us back in.

Get up!

Hey, this is level 20, okay?

This is the kingdom of galagor!

And our boy needs us!


The way you treat kids, He's better off in his own world.


Don't let me die!

All right, can you let me out of here, please?

I gotta get back.

Game's really got you by the balls, huh?

No, no, no.

Look, I am not an addict.

You're sweating, and you stink Like you haven't bathed in a month.

You're a junkie, jeff.


I can quit any time I want, all right?

Amber's the one who's got the problem.

Amber's the problem.

Me and jeff met online last year.

An xbox tournament hosted out of south korea.

He had the cutest avatar.

Turned out he only lived three blocks away.

Well...Fate works in mysterious ways.

We started playing 24/7 back in may After I got my settlement from the city.

For what?

Amber got hit by a bus.

We were on our way to best buy To get in line for the release of the new everearth.

Oh, man.

The sound her head made When it bounced off the sidewalk.

If only you felt that kind of pain for your child.

Oh, no, caleb's gonna be okay.

He's got extra lives.

I'm talking about your real child, jeff!

Your daughter?

What, her?


No, see, rose ain't my kid.

Okay, she calls me dad sometimes, But--but some other dude knocked up amber.

That's--that's not mine.

So you're just stepdad keep her locked under the stairs. throw her a pizza crust every now again?

And then, when you get bored of your little game, You go in there and r*pe her?


She hadn't broken free last night, She'd be dead soon.


Rose escaped?

She ran away?

Are you saying somebody r*ped her?

No, not somebody, jeff.

You r*ped the little girl that calls you daddy!

Okay, wait a second.

Pause the game.

I haven't had sex with anybody for, like, six months.


Six months, at least.

And I already told you, That girl's...

Not my daughter.

Now, you just said that you have a daughter named rose.

I . Somewher That's not her?

It looks like her.

And this girl's been living in our apartment.

But she's an impostor.

An impostor?

She says she's my rose.

Tells me stories about the things we used to do Before I met jeff.

She even calls me mommy.


That's because this girl is your daughter.

Stop calling her that.

This is not my rose!

Miss samonsky appears to be suffering From capgras delusion.

Never heard of it.

It's a rare mental disorder.

Patients suddenly believe that their loved ones Have been replaced by duplicates.

Remember the movie invasion of the body snatchers?

Amber thinks rose is a pod person?

Except that there was no pod.

Just an acute brain injury That severed her emotional responses To her child.

Must have happened after she got hit by the bus.

Amber can see that the girl looks and talks Exactly like rose.

But her ability to feel any love for her is gone.

And that delusion could easily fuel Her indifference to the stepfather's predation And neglect.


Any pathologies with jeff?

Other than extreme internet addiction...

No, he's just a jerk.

Well, we need mom to flip on jeff.

Capgras delusion involves a visual disconnect In brain circuitry.

When amber sees rose, She doesn't believe it's her real daughter.

But if she only hears rose...

Can I go now?

Caleb really needs me.

Not just yet.

I want you to talk to someone first.




Is that you?

[crying] it's me.

It's really me!

That's my daughter!

Let me see her!

No, no, no.

No, shh, shh.



Tell them what jeff did to me.

[crying] how he hurt me.

Oh, baby.

I'm sorry.

Where did you go?

I went looking for you.

[crying] he put me in that room.

No one gave me any food.


I didn't know.

Jeff said you were fine.

Some other girl came to stay.

[crying] why did you stop loving me?

No, baby.

I love you with all my heart.

I love you too!

No, no, no, no.


You're not rose!

Yes, I am!



You tricked me!

You little bitch!

She's not my daughter!

Go away!

You're not my daughter!


What's gonna happen to my mom?

Rose, your mom is very sick.

And she let your stepdad do...

Bad things to you.

But he won't lock you up anymore, And he'll never, ever Make you bleed again like he did.

That wasn't him.

Your stepdad...

Isn't the one who att*cked you last night?


The other man hurt me.

Down there.

After you ran away from the apartment.

I was hungry, so I went to get something to eat.

And that's when the other man grabbed me.

Do you remember what he looked like?

He had something over his face.

But his voice was mean.

Honey, where did his happen?

Do you remember where it happened?

The jungle gym at laffy time.

Laffy time kids club, A magical land of fun, games, And sexual as*ault.

I was there sterday.

I showed rose's picture to the owner.

Nice lady.

Dozens of kids on the playground.

Well, there goes our crime scene.

Did the nice lady happen to mention She has a perv on the payroll?

Found this on the reader's section.

Came up a few hours ago.

"don't go to laffy time.

A guy there touches kids."

Excuse me, mrs. Linderbee?

Hello again.

Any luck identifying that poor girl who was att*cked?

We got her name.

Now we need another one.

From you.

What men work here at laffy time?

We have no male employees.

I find it works out best To only have women around the kids.

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

Then who's that?

A volunteer pervert?

That's stuart.

Hey! Hey!

Hey. Hey.

Aah! Aah!

Hey, hey, hey.

Don't hurt stuart.

Hey, hey.



He's my son.

Are you gonna take me to jail?

Well, stuart, that depends On where you were two nights ago.

Two nights ago...

Was Tuesday night.

I went to church!

I like church, 'cause god loves me.

So other people saw you there?

Yeah, lots of people.

Uh, mom was there too.

But you won't believe me.

And why is that, stuart?

'cause I'm a registered sex offender.

Is that true?

Yes, technically, But...

It's a mistake.

So is him being anywhere near kids.

That's a felony.

Ma pays me to fix things, But she says I gotta stay out of sight So I don't get in trble.

Stuart, hush.

My boy is different.

It's called noonan syndrome.

I'm not as smart as other people.

When was he put on the offender registry?

Two summers ago.

Stuart's a bat boy for a central park softball league.

Restroom was out of order, so he peed in the bushes.

Some people saw my wee-wee.

A man said stuart flashed his kids.

The judge took one look at him...

And suddenly your son's a child molester.

He was railroaded.

He's bames.

Kids adore stuart.

It's the adults that get freaked out.

One of those adults wrote a pretty nasty comment On your website.

I tried to delete them.

It has to be the same people Who stapled these up around the neighborhood.

"I touch kids at laffy time."

It's from something called coap.

It's pronounced "cope."

Citizens organized against predators.

We know one of these concerned citizens.










Oh, danielle.

Okay, kids.

Keep going.

All right, guys, kick!

Hey, olivia.

What a pleasure.

I see you're fighting the good fight.

Oh, coap asked me if I'd give lessons.

Keep the kids safe.

Yeah, was that the thinking behind this?

Are you saying we did something wrong?

You know, I the community has a right to know When--if there's a sex offender in their midst.

Putting up wanted signs may have not been The best way to go about it.

Hey, it's public information.

Easily found on the web, you know?

Just--just like this app, you know?

Which you can use to identify creeps all around us.

"perv pointer."

One of the coap's founders designed it.

It's from the official database.

That's how we found the information on stuart.

Without knowing his real story.

Are you defending this guy?

Nah, I'm not defending anyone.

But all offenders aren't alike.

There are different levels on the registry.

Some may be on there by mistake.

Yeah, well, most aren't.

You really think the police can keep an eye on all of them?

You really think you're the person to pick up the slack?

Okay, so the flyer was a little bit over the top.

But I live here.

I can keep tabs on them better than you can.

You know, as a matter of fact...

I can dig deeper than the police are allowed to.

Well, let's not turn coap into a lynch mob.

Wanna help us, legally?

Show this around after class.

Oh, my god, the-- that girl was att*cked?

Just ask anyone if they saw her on the street Tuesday night with a man.

And if they did, don't lift a finger, Except to call us.

Hey, I'm gonna need your cell number as well.

Yeah, precinct number'll do.

Hey, I'm still available for that coffee.

Gosh, I thought he'd never ask.

The girl was att*cked here two days ago.

We're wasting our time.

Hold on.

I got drips of something here.

It looks white and sticky.

Hey, you!

Bring your kit.

Hey, you guys need some help?

What are you doing here, kid?

You're not supposed to be here.

I'm here watching you.

What are you looking for?

None of your business.

It's a crime scene.

You need to be behind that yellow tape.

Wait, I don't--

I don't feel so good.



All right, come on.

Let me get you out of here.

All right.

Thanks anyway, fin.

Find anything at the playground?

Only enough spit, snot, and barf To keep csu running DNA for a year.

So no crime scene and nothing off our canvas.

Boy, we're screwed.


Tess chang, channel three.

What can you tell us about a r*pist stalking young girls--

We don't comment on an ongoing investigation.

So you're denying this nine-year-old Was r*ped two nights ago?

Where did you get that?

I never reveal my sources.

I know where.

You can't show a victim's face.

Detective, let me remind you, We're live on the air right now.

Good, then I just kept you From violating a victim's privacy.

And you just violated freedom of the press!

I'm gonna k*ll erik.

Told the guy to keep it on the d.L.

He goes right to the leeches.

That's quite a performance, you two.

Wait a minute, captain.

We were provoked.

Just turn around and get your asses Back down that elevator.

I'm not apologizing to anyone.

I'm not asking you to.

Another little girl was r*ped.

Please, my daughter needs me.

Just, look, give my partner a minute with her.

Tell me what you know.

Tell me what you know.

Uh, maddy has swim class.

Down at the y.

Then she walks to the corner where I pick her up.

Why didn't I get here on time?

And when you arrived, did you see any men in the area?

No, she was just sitting on the curb, Bleeding and crying.

Oh, god, mandy.

You sure that you never saw his face?

Mandy, he can't hurt you.

No matter what he said, he cannot hurt you.

He...Had a mask.

And it was dark in there.

Except when he took my picture.

And he pulled you right behind this fence?

I tried to make him stop.

Of course you did, 'cause you're a very brave girl.


Oh, baby, I'm right here.

Uh, mandy, I still have a few more questions for you.

And then you need to go see a doctor, And your mom can ride with you, okay?

So tell me about the mask.

What color was the mask?
We're called citizens organized against predators.

This is, uh, check us out.

Check our website.

You go--hey.

What is your problem?


Giving out rose's picture to channel 3 news.

No, I only gave it to other coap members.

Well, then one of them gave it to a reporter.

Now, you really are an amateur.

Oh, and you pros are doing so much better.

Weber, back off.

To where, huh?

This neighborhood is our home.

I mean, you, your kids, You don't have to walk these streets.

They're being eyeballed by pedophiles Everywhere they turn.

What are the cops doing about this?

Folks, the nypd is working as fast as we can To find this guy.

Oh, really?

So who's your suspect, huh?

The serial fondler two streets over?

How 'bout the groper living by the playground?

Or what about the baby r*pist down the block?

Apartment 335.

You going after him?

Don't shove things in my face.


Mandy's mom has a question for you.


Listen to me.

I don't know how you work with that guy.

Well, you know what?

You don't need to.

You've got to let us do our jobs.

Yeah, I'm sorry, you know, it...

I should have been more careful with that girl's photo.

It's just--every time I hear about a child being att*cked, I just get-- you think about your sister.

Grace, yeah.

I understand that this is personal for you.

It's personal to us too.

But sometimes a personal connection, It gets in the way, it blurs your judgment.


No, I'm seeing clearly.

You know, like I said.

You know, I've found dirt on the pervs around here.

I--I got stuff you guys don't even know.

Erik, that's enough.

All right?

Even if you don't trust detective stabler, Trust me.

We're gonna get this guy.

The right way.

These are our offenders In the ten blocks surrounding the two crime scenes.

Well, you better get out there And start corralling these creeps.

Captain, this is outrageous1

We all want to see our clients!

You will, counselor.

It's a little busy in here at the moment.

Can anyone verify that you were out of town Till this morning?

Yeah, my in-laws.

In florida.

I don't even know where laffy time is.

30 feet from your stoop, genius.

Why the hell'd you drag me in here?

To talk about the two little girls you r*ped.


You got the wrong guy.

I didn't attack anyone!

You mean today, 'cause your sheet shows you molesting your cousin in '06

And feeling a neighbor girl in '08.

Look, man, that was just a misunderstanding!

Clear. Clear.

Clear. That's it.

Last alibi checks out.

Now we just gotta have this joint fumigated.

Well, we'll settle for a false confession Just to mix things up.

Well, sometimes you shake the tree And nothing falls out.

Well, let's find more trees to shake in the morning.

Go home.

All of you.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

I hope not.

Look, he said that he had some kind of secret information.

That's what I'm scared of.

Erik gives us something good, And then any case we build on, It gets thrown out in court.

Or it could be just enough To stop another girl from getting r*ped.

And if somebody sees me comparing notes With a known vigilante?

Relax, you're having coffee with a guy who thinks you're cute.

I hope you're okay with this, olivia.

I'm all out of coffee.

After the day, I've had, wine is even better.

Well, I'm glad we finally got to, uh...

Erik, this is purely professional.

So you're a graphic artist.

Yep. Uh, corporate sites, online design.

Heh, you know, it's pretty boring Compared to being a cop, but, uh...


That's how I got involved with coap.

They wanted to hire me to do their websites, And I--I said I'd do it for free.

Well, they're lucky they found you.

You're really good.


Oh, that's her, isn't it?

Your sister.

Yeah, I painted this when I was 16.

Right after the attack.

It's really beautiful.

I wanted to show grace How happy she was.

How she could get back there.

But the r*pist took everything.

Three months later, my...

My mother found her hanging in the closet.

I'm so sorry.

Yeah, I went to a pretty dark place myself.

You know, I was her big brother, I...

I should have protected her.

You were a kid yourself.

Not after she died.


I realized I could make a difference.

Um, it's too late for grace, but...

I want to show you something.

Erik, we have to be really careful.

[chuckles] didn't you come here for my help?

I did, but you're a civilian.

And by law, I can't direct you to do anything, Especially if it's illegal.

Don't worry about it.

I did this on my own, months ago.

Did what?


Child molesters are all about secrecy.

Right? They must always be worried About computer security.

Which chat rooms they visit Or how they trade their kiddy porn.


I came up with...

A bunch of these.

"need 100% security?

I've got the answer.

Drive annihilator."

Yeah, I went all around the neighborhood And I put these on the doorknobs Of everyone listed on perv pointer.

And fish started bitin'?

Like crazy.

I mean, I must have downloaded drive annihilator On 50, 60 computers in the five boroughs, And I did it all over the internet.

And I--I never went into anyone's apartment.

Only your security system wasn't 100% secure.

It installed a trojan virus Which att*cks the hard drive, Allowing--allowing me to remotely view Everything they download, Everything they trade, Everything period.

And I can't see any of it Because it was collected illegally.

Did you know that, in 2007, Cops in california used evidence Obtained by a hacker Ofof thousands of kiddy porn images Like I found...

Here, on all these perverts' hard drives.

Oh, my god, erik.

And each one has hundreds of images.

You're genius.

Hit the mother lode, huh?

Can you sort by gender?

And by date.

Uh, female images only, past 48 hours.



So many innocent victims.

Hopefully not for long.

Hold on.

Go back. Go back.


That's the first girl, rose samonsky.

[keys clicking]

That's, um...

That's coming from a computer in the upper east side.

The time stamp says It was uploaded 90 minutes after the attack.

Isn't that the girl from yesterday?


Mandy lecompte.

We just found our r*pist.

Meetings all day.

I'll be home late, hmm?

Mwah. Bye, hon.


We love you.

Love you!

Edwin adelson...

You're under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent.

We're gonna take your computers, ma'am.

Don't get in the way.

Anything you say can and will be used against you...


...The right to an attorney.




Why am I here?

Well, let's see.

Why were you in a connecticut police station In 1997?

Ah, that's right.

Inappropriate sexual contact with a ten-year-old girl.

Kind of like why you were in a maryland police station in 2002.

Hmm? Forcible fondling of a nine-year-old.

I admitted to those.

I went away.

Not long enough.

Where were you yesterday at 4:30?

I always take an afternoon break.

Read at a park near my office.

Kips bay?


Rose and mandy were r*ped there.



Anybody see you in the park?

Somebody must have.

Yeah, and what were you reading, lolita?

Get your juices flowing before you att*cked mandy?

I don't know who those girls are.

Didn't ask 'em their names, huh?

You just told 'em to say cheese.

These yours?

I didn't take that.

Well, explain to us How we found those on your home computer.

You what?

Yeah, and all the while you're being a perv...

Your pretty, pregnant wife is out there Shopping for baby clothes.

I don't even want to ask if she's expecting a girl.

Please, please, I didn't do this, And you have to let me go.

Louise doesn't know anything about my past.

How's that? You're in the offender registry.

You have to see your parole officer.

I kept it all secret.

See--see, we just met a year ago.

Kind of a whirlwind thing.

Yeah. Well, guess who crashed back to earth.

Edwin--connecticut, maryland, now new york.

Three strikes, you're out.

[whispering] oh, god.

I want to see my lawyer right now.

Don't you just hate to see a grown man cry?

Highlight of my day.

Detectives benson or stabler?

You got the both of us.

Brenda fairchild, adelson family counsel.

I'd like to see Edwin.

Too late.

Due at an arraignment.

On what charge?

r*pe of a minor.

Two of 'em.


You're making a mistake.

Edwin adelson is a respected tax consultant, Church deacon-- a pillar of his community.

You're forgetting registered sex offender.

You didn't know.

Well, I gotta hand it to Edwin.

He sure knows how to keep his mouth shut.

No! Uhh!

Admit what you did, you freak!

Uhh! No!

Get this guy off of me!


Officer, let him go!

Get off me!

Get off me!

He r*ped those girls!

He r*ped those girls!

Get off me!

[wheezing] help me. Help me.

Help me.

This clown really on the job?

Al mccutcheon from the one-eight.

He lied his way past the desk sergeant.

Said he was here for a prison transfer.

You make it a habit to beat up guys in custody, Officer mccutcheon?

Look, I'm sorry, but...

My daughter's in the same swim class As the girl who got r*ped two nights ago.

My carla's had her over for sleepovers.

When I heard you guys finally caught the son of a bitch...

You decided to tune him up.

I didn't decide anything.

I just...Saw red.

Yeah, well, the ass you just kicked Is your own career.

I know.

Should have never signed up for those tweets.

Tweets? From who?

A watch group in our neighborhood.

They send out info about sexual predators.

Call 'em creep tweets.

Creep tweets are an internet communication, your honor.

One that triggered a despicable act Of vigilante v*olence against my client.

And by a police officer, no less.

The man practically broke my jaw.

Assaulted in custody, ms. West?

Doesn't exactly inspire confidence In your request for remand.

An unexpected and regrettable incident, your honor.

But captain cragen here has assured me It won't happen again.

Captain cragen, could you step forward, please?

I have a few questions to ask you.

Captain, how many police personnel Do you have in your precinct?

Uh, approximately 100, your honor.

And yet, somehow, One solitary man got past all of you?

Officer mccutcheon entered under false pretenses, With faked paperwork--

A simple yes or no will suffice.


Your honor, captain cragen Is not the person being arraigned here today.

Your honor, with all due respect, Please do not release this man on bail.

He is a serious flight risk.

With a baby due in a month?

I would say that constitutes A very significant tie To the community.

The community needs to be protected From Edwin adelson.

No! I need to be protected from the police.

And I can only agree, mr. Adelson, Because of the lapses that occurred on your watch, captain.

Bail is granted at $50,000.

Mr. Adelson will surrender his passport.

[bangs gavel]

Just a bit of paperwork, And your wife will be picking you up Before you know it.

Oh, god, no.

Louise can't know anything about this, Or anybody else.

Coap is here so that Edwin adelson knows We are watching his every move.

We care about the safety of children.

Which is why none of us can believe A child r*pist like adelson Is allowed out on bail!

Ask your computer expert, erik weber.

Mr. Adelson was recently assaulted After coap's creep tweets riled up the mob.

There's your quote, ms. Chang.

Go home, erik.

We will make sure that all eyes--

There he is.

Mr. Adelson!

Mr. Adelson!

Anything to say about the charges against you?

[overlapping questions]


How long have you known your client was a convicted pedophile?

Ms. Fairchild, what charges are being filed against the police officer that att*cked your client?

[chatter fades]

[tires screech]




[horn blaring]

Everybody back!


Oh, my god.

But in a shocking turn of events, Registered sex offender Edwin adelson Ended his own life Rather than face new allegations against him.

I still can't believe it.

Look at the bright side.

If coap keeps the pressure up on these guys, It'll save the state a hell of a lot of money on trials.

Is it true?

The man's really...Dead?


Yes, mandy.

It is.

He felt so guilty about what he did That he took his own life.

Can I ask you ladies to come with me To the interview room?

Detective stabler!

No time, weber.

Not even to receive evidence?

Um, this hard drive contains all the stuff I've gathered from my...

Little investigation.

I don't know how much of this stuff you can use, But...I thought the real cops should have it.


Safe horizon?

Yeah, the city provides victims Counseling and support services.

Anything that your daughter needs, And it's all for free.

I never knew that.

You know, there might be something else that could help.

Hey, mandy.

How would you like to learn karate?


Hey, erik.

Come here for a sec?

Okay, erik weber, meet mandy and June.



Erik, you could teach mandy how to defend herself, right?

After all, she's a world-class swimmer.

Always happy to have another student.

Come by any time.

My studio's in kips bay.

Mom, you can join too.

Karate's for everyone.

That sounds great.

Doesn't it, honey?


Call you?



You okay?

Can we go home now?

Of course we can, honey.

Bye, detective.


Take care, mandy.


What happened?

Mandy just told us who really r*ped her.


What a surprise.

What, I can't stop by for a glass of wine?

I thought our first one went so well.

Um, sorry, heh.

You know, I'm all out.

Listen, olivia, I've been thinking.

You know, as much fun as we had the other night--

You're not interested in seeing me?

It's not you.

I've just been so wound up With all this neighborhood watch business, it...

Just brought up so many painful memories about grace.

I bet.

Besides, I'm not really your type, am I?

I'm a little old, no?


I don't understand.

That's a lie, erik.

Excuse me?

Everything that you've said From the moment that we met is a lie.


Now I really don't know what you're talking about.

Well, there you go again.


And the biggest lie of all of them Is the one about hating pedophiles.

Okay, stop.

Being hell-bent...

On wanting to root out pedophiles?

Okay, don't call me that!

I didn't.

That's weird that you thought I did.

Okay, look.

Just because I don't want to date you--

Tell the truth, erik.

Just once, tell the truth.

You never wanted to date me.

You just wanted to suss out what the cops know.

[scoffs] what?

So you slithered up And you whipped out your little perv pointer...

And your drive annihilator To make sure that we were watching The creep down the street...

The guy in the park.

You see, I think that you moved Into this neighborhood On purpose...

Because it's the perfect cover for raping little girls.

Okay, you know what?

I really want you out of here.

Well, you're the karate expert.

Make me.


Where you going, erik?

You know, I'm gonna call the police.

[laughs] And tell them what?

That you fingered adelson for a crime that you committed?

He r*ped those little girls!

It sure looked like it, didn't it?

He was a known offender.

He had no alibi When he ducked out in the park to read.

You hacked his computer And you planted the images of mandy and rose To make it look like he took 'em.

He did it, olivia.

That's why he k*lled himself.

Only after you drove him to.

Like you almost drove your sister grace to.

Oh, now you really are losing it.

Grace hung herself!

In 1982!

Then how can I be standing right here?

[whispering] grace.

She was easy enough to find.

Just right there in the delaware phone book.

But you needed her dead.

For your sob story--

So nobody would peek under the mask.

You r*ped me, erik.

You came into my room...

I was only nine.


Then you tried to convince me It was just a mistake.

You swore that it would never happen again.


But you kept on rapin'.

How many, erik?

How many other girls' pictures have you painted?

I can't help it!

Don't you see, I'm sick!

I can't control myself.

Weber, take it easy.

You have no idea.

You have no idea what it's like!

You know, I--

I tried so hard.

I tried so hard not to look at little girls.

Not to hear their voices.

I fight against it...

I fight against it, And every time, every time it wins!

Please, enough with your sob story.

Don't you judge me, you bitch.

Turn around.

You make me sick.

Every time I stand near you, I have to hold my breath.

Well, looky here, he can tell the truth.

Uhh! Gah!

Get back!

Grace, no!

Sobbing Aah!
