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12x03 - Behave

Posted: 10/03/10 08:19
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Bless you.

The lord said, What goes into a man's mouth Cannot make him unclean.

For it moves through his stomach and out his body.

What comes out of a man's mouth is unclean, For it comes from the heart, Where evil lurks.

Immorality, adultery, lust!

Hey! Why don't you take that act somewhere else, Preacher man?

Ah, uh, definitely got a soul back here Who needs saving.

And the lord said, Everyone who lives in sin is a sl*ve to sin.

Whoa to the young lady who enflames herself with alcohol, For it poisons the blood.

What--what happened to you?

Sister, sister, sister.

Sister, sister.


What happened to you?

He r*ped me.



She mention the guy's name?

Says she doesn't know it.

And he att*cked her how many times?

She told the emts four over the past 15 years.

That's a first for a stranger r*pist.

What's the victim's name?

Julie mcmanus.

Came in disoriented with numerous scalp lacerations.

I removed a dozen glass shards from her head.

Now, look, I'm not sure how real this is.

You don't believe her?

She reeks like a wino.

I'm waiting for the results on her blood alcohol.

If she said that she was r*ped, she was r*ped.

I wasn't r*ped!

Julie, wait!

You called the police?

Julie, we're just here to help you.

You told the emts that you were r*ped.

Dr. Tanaka took shards of glass Out of your scalp.

I'm fine.

I fell.

It's a mistake.

Julie, you need a r*pe kit.

There could be evidence on you That could help us find the guy--

I just have to get home.


Hey, don't take a shower, in case you change your mind.

Passenger that got on the bus with Julie saw her stagger out of this alley.

Yeah, blood drops.

Leading from the alley to the bus stop.

How fresh?

Fresh enough for csu to get a type a-negative.

Oh, same as Julie's.

Perp must have att*cked her right there.

More blood and broken glass.

Anybody catch wind?

Only from the air conditioners.

The guy said he heard some cats fighting late last night, -But he didn't see anything.

I found somethin'!

Hey, charlie, get a shot of this.

Last night's garbage?

Nah, something much more valuable.

Broken bottle of booze.

Same color as the glass shards Found in Julie's scalp.

The bottle's busted, Like the perp grabbed it by the neck and crowned her.

Or she and another drunk were fighting over it, And Julie lost.

She wasn't drunk.

Doc said he didn't find a drop of alcohol in Julie's blood.

Her name is not Julie mcmanus.

Csu got a hit off a thumbprint from the bottle.

And it belongs to a woman named vicki alicia sayers.

Well, she gave the hospital a fake name.

Has she been in any trouble?

No, her prints are in the system Because she applied for a civil servant job.

Address is in mid-town.

Yeah, that's bogus.

There's no phone.

There's no record of a vicki sayers in the tristate.

Trying to make herself invisible.

I don't blame her.

She's been r*ped four times by the same guy.


Oh, I know what you're gonna say, captain.

No complaining witness, no case.

I was going to say if there's a r*pist out there, We'll do whatever it takes to collar him.

Well, the odds are that she lives or works Near the area she was att*cked.

Yeah, but we can't be knocking on every door In the washington heights area.

But we can check her out through the tax man.

She'd have to use her real name to pay the piper.

Get a subpoena for the city tax rolls.


Vicki sayers, I'm detective benson.

We met at the hospital last night.



Vicki, listen to me.

I understand why you're scared, But we're here to protect you.

I just--I just need you to tell me what happened, So I can stop him.

How did you find me?

You paid your taxes.

Oh, god.

Vicki, please let me in!

I can help you.

No, you can't.

No one can.

Go away!

Hold on.



I know, I know.

We're gonna be here for a while.

Heads up. We got a female delivering bags to vicki's door.

Can you see what's in them?

Yeah, looks like groceries in one, And office supplies in the other.

Vicki coming out to get 'em?

No, our delivery lady knows the outside door code.

Vicki's so paranoid, she doesn't leave the house.

She probably has a throwaway cell too.

So we can't trace it.

Rule number one in the stalking victims' handbook.

Let's see if she knows when vicki's coming out.

Excuse me.




How long you been working for vicki sayers?

I could lose my job if I say anything.

Well, she could lose her life if you don't.

I run all her errands So she doesn't have to leave the house.

I pay her bills so her money can't be traced.

Does she have a job?

Medical accounting.

She works from home.

Only goes into an office once a month.

When was the last time?


That's all I can tell you.

I have to go.


Vicki, I get it.

You know that he's watching you Because he att*cked you on the one day That you left your house.

And you know that he's coming back.


Please let me in.

I can help you.

So is she looking at us again?

Well, maybe if she sees we're serious, She'll come out.

Maybe we should smoke her out.

Look, just give me a couple more hours, okay?

I, uh, maybe she'll change her mind.

I gotta get back to the squad, prep for court.

Ah, okay.

Well, you take the car, and go.

I'll hang.

I'll call fin, have him spell me.

See ya.

Svu portable one to two.

Fin, how far out are you?

I got hung up by the squad.

You okay?

Okay, uh, vicki's on the move.

I'm just gonna have to improvise.


Follow that car.

Do as I say.

Go, go. vicki, stop!

Vicki! Vicki, stop!

Vicki, vicki, vicki.

Listen, it's me, olivia!

Leave me alone.

Vicki, drop the g*n.

No, I--

I have to protect myself.

I'm gonna protect you, vicki.

I promise.

Now drop the g*n. Now.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

You're under arrest for criminal possession of a w*apon.

Please don't do this to me.


I'm the one who was r*ped, and you're arresting me?

You're lucky I didn't sh**t you With that g*n in your hand.

How else am I supposed to protect myself?

By helping me catch the guy who's been attacking you.

He's too smart.

You're never gonna get him.

I will, if you'd trust me.

Trust you?

You're stalking me, just like he is.

Having a g*n delivered Like it's some kind of chinese take-out?

That's the answer?

I don't know what else to do.

I'm sorry, vicki.

I pushed you.

I just don't know if we have any time left.

What does that mean?

He's escalating.

He nearly k*lled you with that bottle.

Next time, he will.

I'm scared.

That's why I need you to talk to me.

You haven't changed your clothes.

And I can see...

That you didn't shower.

You said I shouldn't.

I know you want to catch this son of a bitch As much as I do.

So come, I'm gonna take you to the hospital, all right?

It's not too late?

We can recover evidence up to 96 hours after the attack.

Will you stay with me?

For as long as it takes.

First time he r*ped me was 1995.

I was 16.

I was a candy striper at a hospital.

When I was leaving...

He grabbed me from behind.

He had a knife.

And he pushed me into a storeroom closet.

Pulled up my dress and...

And he looked me in the eyes while he r*ped me.

And you didn't know him?

No, I had never seen him before.

Did he say anything?

He said, "you better be a good girl.

And behave."

He told me that he would k*ll my mom and dad If I told anyone.

And then he took my driver's permit So that he would know my name and where I lived.

When was the next attack?

November 14, 1998.

I was a sophomore at hudson.

He held a knife to my throat, and he said, "I've been looking all over for you.

You've been a very bad girl."

He broke into your apartment?

From the fire escape. he tied me up And then he told me to get on my knees.

It's okay, vicki.

It's okay, take your time.

He r*ped me over and over again.

The whole time, he just kept whispering, "you're mine.


Did you call the police?


They did a report, But I didn't go to the hospital.

I just wanted to forget it had ever happened.

Until my 20th birthday.

I got home, and there was a package waiting for me.

When I opened it, there was a jack-in-the-box inside That sang happy birthday.

And the card attached said, "I'm watching you.

Behave yourself."

He knew it was your birthday Because he had your driving permit.

I was too scared to tell the police.

So I ran.

Where did you go?

To los angeles.

I got a job.

I met this guy.


I loved him.

We got engaged.

All the nightmares were over until...

Until he followed you 3,000 miles away.

July 2000.

One week before my wedding.

I came home from my bridal shower, And he was waiting for me.

He punched me in the face and he broke my nose. he said that I was a bitch for moving Without his permission.

Then, after he r*ped me, he...

He took my engagement ring And my california driver's license, And said he would keep it safe.

Please, you're hurting me.

The neighbors, they heard--

They heard me crying, so they called the police.

They did a r*pe kit at the hospital.

I cried all the time.

I couldn't eat.

I couldn't sleep.

And scott kept asking me if I still loved him.

I told him of course I did, But every time he touched me I just thought of him.

Did scott leave you?


I broke off the engagement and moved.

I found a job that I could do from home.

I became a hermit.

Till one day, I left to talk to my boss, And when I came home...

He was there.


But he had been.

My underwear were gone, and I just freaked out.

Is that when you came back to new york?


I was living with my mother.

But I had to move seven months ago, when she died.

Till he found you again last night.

When I came out of the subway...

He pulled me in--

Into the alley.

And he...Shoved me face first into a brick wall And r*ped me.

Vicki, you're absolutely sure That it was the same man?

I couldn't see him.

But he whispered, "you didn't behave yourself, And now you're gonna die."

I started to scream, and he hit me with a bottle.

Vicki, I promise you, He will never hurt you again.

This guy is the ultimate control freak, Stalking her cross-country for 15 years?

Yeah, and he's gonna keep preying on vicki Until we lock him up.

I'll have patrol set up a protective detail.

Get the sketch out citywide to every police agency In the tristate area, And los angeles too.

Do we know who caught her case in california?


A detective out there Says he's pulling anything that he can find.

I hope he has better luck than I did.

Reports from vicki's '98 r*pe here Got lost when the three-five Moved to their new precinct last year.

So unless the perp's DNA is in vicki's r*pe kit, We got nothing.

Not exactly, captain.

We do have fluids from the r*pe kit.

Vicki said that the perp may have worn a condom.

This isn't semen.

This sample contained glycerin, Lanolin, and mineral oil.

Sounds like a moisturizer.

I'm thinking he used it as a lubricant.

He could have bought that anywhere.

Not this stuff.

"heavenly touch."

We found it at the crime scene.

Uh, perp must have dropped it when he ran.

That moisturizer is a chemical match To what was in vicki.

Tell me you found prints.

Sorry, but check out where it came from.

"courtesy of...

The amsterdam."

Welcome to our hotel.

Where can I direct you?

To this guy, if you've seen him.


That could be mr. Harris.

Is he a guest?

No, he entertains clients here all the time In our lounge.

There he is at the bar.

And the doctor says the best training For robotic surgery is playing video games. mr. Harris.

Oh, please.

Call me bill.

What should I call you?

Uh, detective.

Bill, can we talk to you a minute?


Guess I shouldn't have run that red light.

Hmm. Yeah.

Now, bill, this is kind of embarrassing, But you look an awful lot like a suspect we're after.

Uh, I was just kidding about the red light.

Yeah, we can clear this up quickly If you don't mind coming down to our office.

Everybody look left. oh, god.

You recognize him?

Number three.

That's him.

I can't believe you found him.

Thank you.

Vicki, just to be clear.

Where do you recognize number three from?

That's the man that r*ped me four times.

r*pe? Are you serious?

Our victim positively identified you.

Impossible. She must have seen me someplace before.

She has.

Each of the four times that you r*ped her since 1995.

15 years?

With all due respect, you're insane.

Now, I have an appointment, so if we're finished--

Well, we're not finished, so just have a seat.

Have some water.




How am I supposed to relax When you think I'm some kind of a monster?

Okay, well, then, help us out.

How often do you stay at the amsterdam?

I don't.

I live three blocks away on riverside.

Well, the men's room...

Have these little bottles of moisturizer.

You ever use it?

No. Do I need it?

Why don't you tell me?


You definitely have the wrong guy.

Bill, what do you do for work?

I'm a product rep.

Surgical equipment.

Scalpels, clamps, stuff like that?

Higher end.

Robotic scalpels.

Laparoscopic cameras.

So where were you two nights ago?

Providence, at a trade show.

I got back yesterday.

Can you prove it?

In my briefcase by your desk, I have a bill for the hotel.

Timestamp's 10:43 a.M.

Yesterday morning.

Desk clerk confirmed it?

It said harris's only complaint Was he didn't get a mint on his pillow.

He took the 11:52 a.M. Amtrak From providence to penn station.

How about the night before, when vicki was r*ped?

I pulled these stills off the security video The hotel emailed me.

Here he is, checking into the hotel Tuesday afternoon.

And here he is leaving, quarter to 11, Wednesday.

Security said he never left the room all night.

So vicki was wrong.

Her description fits harris to a tee.

Yeah, and about a million other white guys.

Check back with the amsterdam, Show that sketch to every employee.

She was sure.

Liv, she was traumatized.

You know, she-- She made an honest mistake.

No, it's not a mistake.

That's him.

Vicki, it can't be.

That animal r*ped me four times!

Do you think I don't know what he looks like?

He was in rhode island two nights ago.

No! No, you cannot just let him walk out of here!

We have nothing to hold him on.

He's gonna find me and he's gonna k*ll me.


I'm sorry!

I'm sorry! Please!


Please forgive me.

Please, I swear to god!

They made me tell them it was you. I'm sorry, please!

I don't know who you think I am!

[overlapping shouting]

It's not him!


Please don't hurt me!

Please don't hurt me!



Vicki, calm down.
You here all night?

Managed to get a couple hours in the crib.

Ohh, thank you.

How's vicki?

She's scared to death.

Patrol's parked outside her place.

Liv, harris's alibi is solid.

Elliot, you saw her in the hallway.

She's positive that it was him, And my gut tells me she's right.

Okay, so what have you got to back that up?

Not much.

He's a product rep for qualitas surgical for 22 years.

He's got a dozen community awards.

But he's never been married.

He lives alone.

He has no kids.

Problem with women?

Or commitment or he's gay.

I mean, it doesn't make him a r*pist.

This might.

The desk clerk from providence just emailed me back.

I told him to go over every inch of harris's hotel room.

What'd he find?

Mr. Harris had taken apart a window Because it didn't open all the way.

Yeah, hotels do that so customers don't jump.

Or so lowlifes can't creep out.

His room is on the first floor.

You're sure he left the hotel?

He ordered two movies and room service The night vicki was r*ped.

Great alibi-- two flicks and a dinner Makes it look like he's in for the night.

While he was really driving to manhattan.

Harris rented a 2010 taurus Ten minutes before he checked into the hotel.

And returned it when?

9:38 a.M.

The next morning.

So you're saying harris drove down to manhattan To r*pe vicki sayers And avoided the hotel security cameras By slithering in and out of the window?

Like the snake that he is.

Now this...

Is the most direct route From harris's hotel room To the alley Where vicki was att*cked.

All right, well, that route would take him Through the larchmont tolls on 95.

We'd have to have him on video.

Unless he got onto the 287 once he left connecticut And took broadway into manhattan.

He wouldn't hit one toll.

That's conjecture, not proof.

Okay, the mapping program calculates This route at 173 miles-- that's one way.

That makes it 346 roundtrip.

Harris put 349.8 miles on that rental.

That's exactly enough to make the trip And return the car, captain.

That son of a bitch r*ped vicki.

He goes to all this trouble to cover his tracks.

He thinks he's made of teflon.

Well, let's find a way to make something stick.

You want me to do what?

Stop hiding.

You're never gonna be free Until you start living your life.

I can't.

You can't let harris control you anymore.

Now this is my fault?

It's--it's never a victim's fault.

Rapists have a sick need to feel powerful.

Now, the only way to stop harris Is to take that power away.

He will k*ll me.

Vicki, if I have to live with you For the next 20 years, I promise you, he's never gonna touch you again.

What do I do?


Are gonna give him a taste of his own medicine.

Hey, bill.

You behaving yourself?

Going my way, billy?

Think the knicks got a chance this year?

Go to hell.

Hey, aren't you gonna wash your hands?

As you can see, our system is versatile, Durable, and best of all, won't break the bank.

Any questions?

Yeah, why did you r*pe vicki?

What did you say?

I asked him why he r*ped vicki.

Who's vicki?

Someone call security!

There's no need for that.


Just answer the question.

Why did you r*pe that woman?

Excuse me.

Keep our city safe.

Police, take one.

Police, take one.

Give me that!

Police, take one.

Keep our city safe.

What in the hell are you doing?

People have a right to know when there's slime Stinking up their neighborhood.


This is illegal!

Yeah, call a cop.

Police, take one.

Have a nice day.

[laughs] and that's a true story.

[spoon clanging on glass]

Ladies and gentlemen!

Can I have your attention, please?

Do you see that man?

Yes, him.

He's stalked me and r*ped me four times since I was 16!

I-I'm sorry, everybody.

Clearly, this woman is mistaking me For somebody else.

Can I speak with you privately?

I want her arrested for slander.

It would have to be a lie for it to be slander.

Then I'll sue her for harassment.

I'll sue the nypd-- go ahead.

But you'll have to testify.

And everyone on that jury's gonna find out the sick, Deranged things that you did to her.

You can't do this.

You wanna make a bet?

And every time you look over your shoulder, You're gonna wonder...

Are they following me?

Get out of my face.

You're my bitch now.

You're all alike.

Every one of you.

Come on, vicki.

We're done here.

You're screwing with the wrong guy!

We shouldn't have done that.

He didn't slip.

You said he was gonna slip.

He just did.

Vicki wasn't harris's only victim.

How do you know?

He said, "you're all the same, every last one of you."

Anyone that hates women that much Can't just stop at one.

Now, harris hits the road a couple times each year--

You know, trade shows, hospitals.

He's got his corporate headquarters in los angeles.

So we subpoenaed his frequent flyer accounts.

Compared his travel dates with att*cks In the cities he visited.

And we found ten r*pes With the same m.O.

L.A., detroit, birmingham, chicago, houston, San antonio, albuquerque, Phoenix, oakland, and san diego.

Do we know how he chooses his victims?

He hunts them in his comfort zone.


Four nurses, two doctors, An administrator, A pharmacist, And even a patient.

Plus one candy striper back in 1995.

And, like, vicki, he st*lks them, Then he r*pes them multiple times to keep them in line.

Harris has been terrorizing women across the country For 20 years.

William harris r*ped how many women?

11, including vicki sayers.

Did any of them I.D. Him?

Vicki's the only one that we've interviewed.

So you're going off one hell of a crazy theory.

No, vicki picked him out of a lineup.

That's enough to arrest him.

If she'd seen his face during the last attack.

Unfortunately, she didn't.

Sherri, this sicko Has terrorized women in almost a dozen states.

And she was disoriented from a bash in the head.

Harris's defense will rip her to shreds.

So charge him with raping vicki back in '98.

I can't.

The statute of limitations ran out in 2000.

New york state dropped the statute of limitations On r*pe in '06.

It doesn't matter.

r*pes before 2001 are off-limits.

Look, I really want to help you, But all you got is a rental car You think harris drove from providence to the city.

What about DNA?

We don't have DNA.

Yes, we do.

From harris's other victims...

Who were r*ped the same way vicki was.

I might be able to get those r*pes in As prior, uncharged crimes.

And use them to prove harris's I.D.

I think you have some calls to make.

No, if I had DNA, I wouldn't be calling you.

Okay, thank you.

Who was that?

Detective in houston.

They have a backlog of 4,000 r*pe kits.

He says he'll get me the results when he has them.

Birmingham, more than 2,000 r*pe kits.

Phoenix has 4,100 untested r*pe kits.

Any yeses?

Detroit, chicago, l.A., All say that they have victims that match harris's m.O.

And that's not enough until they track down those r*pe kits.

I'm gonna go give 'em a hand.

So who's our victim?

Name's danielle taylor.

r*ped twice by the same perp in '99 and '03.

Well, DNA from her r*pe kit Should prove that it is william harris.

We have him in detroit When both att*cks occurred.

The kit's in here.

You gotta be kidding me.

See me laughing?

We've counted almost 7,000 kits.

We think there might be as many as 16,000 kits here.

Have any of them been tested?

So far only about 1,200.

Our lab was so screwed up, the powers that be Shut it down two years ago.

State lab does our cases now, but...

They don't have the money or the eyeballs To get through this mess.

So...What happened to ms. Taylor?

Up and left town.

Left no forwarding address.

Paperwork says her kit ought to be right here.

'course, that don't mean much.

Could it be anywhere else?

Only other place would be The precinct where the r*pes occurred.

Well, great.

Let's go there.

City boarded up the precinct about five years ago.

It burnt to the ground last month.

Maybe you'll have better luck in chicago.

We got lucky.

For once, these things Were right where the paperwork said they should be.

So why weren't they sent for testing?

Well, first attack was in '97.

The detective told the victim even if he sent it, The lab wouldn't get to it for a year, And she should try to put the r*pe behind her.

Second attack was in 2001.

I don't know why.

I don't believe this.

The seal's been broken.

It's empty!

No wonder it was so light.

This one has mold all over it.

[cell phone ringing]

DNA's got to be contaminated.

I'm sorry you came all this way On a wild goose chase.

Maybe it wasn't.

Lapd just hit the jackpot On my victim's previous r*pe.

Rex winters.

Olivia benson.


So...Vicki's r*pe kit.

Lab's still processing the DNA.

Why'd it take so long to test it?

'cause we have thousands of kits sitting in the freezer.

How bad's your backlog?

We don't have one.

Every kit is tested after an as*ault, And the results are forwarded back to us And to the d.A.

So how long till we get vicki's results?

I'm not sure, but I do have something else.

William harris rents a storage locker In boyle heights.

The company he works for is headquartered out here.

But why does he need a locker?

That's a good question.

But he's had it since August 2000.

That's right after vicki was r*ped.

How fast can you get a warrant?

It's his safe place.

When he's here on business, He drops in to get off.

3,000 miles away from where he lives.


Sarah miller, san diego.

Jamie clark, houston.

Susan denning, birmingham.

Josie franklin, oakland.

And here's vicki.

He even put the dates in of when he att*cked her.

These boxes are dated too.

Must be their clothes.

He's got home movies.

Oh, my god.

That's vicki.

He's been filming her for years.



Okay, thanks.

Now what?

That was the lab.

The DNA from vicki's r*pe kit is degraded.

Oh, I can't catch a break.


The tech's willing to testify He's got enough matching alleles To I.D. William harris.

I'm gonna collar this guy's ass, And then I'm gonna send it to you on a silver platter.

[chuckles] it's yours.

California has a ten-year statute.

Clock ran out on vicki's r*pe three weeks ago.

You knew all along that you couldn't prosecute harris?

But I knew you could.

Go get the prick.

This is just one Of the many videos of vicki sayers Discovered inside the defendant's storage locker In los angeles by detective benson.

Have you seen this video before, vicki?

No, this is the first time.

And do you recognize that young lady?

Yes, that's me.

Vicki, is the man who r*ped you in the alley The same man who r*ped you ten years ago In los angeles?


And it's him.

Let the record show that the witness has identified The defendant, william harris.

I have nothing further.

I'm sorry for you've endured, ms. Ayers.

But you've testified that in the first three att*cks, You saw the perpetrator.

Yes, him.

Did you see your attacker's face this last time?

No, I didn't.

So you didn't actually see the man who r*ped you In that alley?

No, but I heard him.

He whispered, "you didn't behave."

We've also heard testimony That the DNA from your as*ault in california Is not an exact match.

And you didn't see your alleged r*pist.

Isn't it possible you made a mistake?

Every day for 15 years, I have feared for my life.

Every time I leave my house, I'm afraid he's gonna attack me.

Every night is the night that he's coming back.

Every shadow is where he's hiding.

Every nightmare is about him.

As sure as I live and breathe, William harris is the man who r*ped me in that alley.

I know you believe that.

Nothing further.

You may step down, ms. Ayers.

The people rest, your honor.

This hearing is to determine whether evidence Of an uncharged crime from another state Can be used here To identify the defendant as ms. Sayers' r*pist.

It is a travesty that the evidence Which could prove william harris r*ped vicki sayers Sat untested for more than a decade.

Unfortunately, this happens every day.

All over the country.

But once the evidence was finally tested, Too much time had passed.

So the DNA had become significantly degraded.

And because the sample was stored in california, The people can't prove The chain of custody was preserved.

Therefore I have no choice but to rule the DNA Insufficient to corroborate ms. Sayers identification Of mr. Harris.

I am very sorry, but I have no choice.

This case is dismissed without prejudice.

The people can refile charges if new evidence is uncovered.

We are adjourned.

How can she do that?

We'll get him, vicki.

I promise.

Just stop making promises that you can't keep.

You're never gonna get him.

I was stupid to think that there'd ever be any justice.


The fbi's taken over harris's case.

I already gave them all the victims' driver's licenses.

They'll be coming back later for the rest.

I wonder how many guys like harris could have been stopped If those r*pe kits had been tested.

Well, until they are, Everyone is just a victim who's never gonna see justice.

It's like we're telling them that they don't matter And we're telling the perps that they can get away with it.

Oh, my god.


We may have had him all along.


Vicki! Open the door!

[ringing buzzer]

It's detective benson.

It's important.

What do you want now?

I need to ask you...

About when harris att*cked you in 1998.

Why would you want me to go through that again?

How long did he stay?


Just tell me.

How long did harris stay?

All night and into the next day.

Did he force you against your will?

I already told you, he tied me up.

With what?

What did he tie you up with?

Duct tape.

He didn't even take it off...

Before he left.

It took hours for me to break free And call the police.

Vicki, do you remember what happened to that duct tape?


Yes, the police officers, they put it in a bag.

They said that they were gonna keep it In case the detectives ever found a suspect.

But nobody ever called me.

Because...Your police report got lost.

We never knew it was there.

I have to go to seattle and portland next week, But I'll be back Friday night.

When can I see you again?

[handcuff snaps]

In about 25 years.

I haven't gone near that woman!

William harris, you're under arrest.

What the hell for this time?

Kidnapping in the first degree.

I didn't kidnap her.

Yeah, you did.

When you r*ped her in '98.

You held her hostage in her apartment For more than 12 hours.

And we have the duct tape to prove it.

You can't do this!

Well, yeah, we can.

And we are.

See, there's no statute of limitations on kidnapping.

Vicki, please tell them they're wrong.

You know it wasn't r*pe.

I love you.

I lo--uh, I love you!

Now I'll always know where you are.

Be a good boy.

Behave yourself.