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12x04 - Merchandise

Posted: 10/10/10 05:41
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


See? Aah!


Get back here!

Watch it!

Hey, watch it!

Fractures of the zygomatic socket, Scapula, radius, and ulna.

Well, it makes sense.

We've got witnesses who saw our jane doe Get hit by a cab, running out of the farmers' market.

So why'd you call us in for a traffic fatality?

Because I know how to do my job.

I was shot in the lung, not in the head.

She has ligature and friction marks on her wrists and ankles.

She was abused.

When she wasn't being starved to death.

Eyes are sunken, skin tents when it should retract.

Heart is soft and floppy.

Trace amounts of lumen in her stomach.

Absolutely nothing in her small intestine, And her liver is yellow and greasy, causing rhabdomyolysis.

Her body was breaking down muscle for fuel.

How'd she manage to run?


We have any idea how old she is?

Advanced malnutrition skews age markers, But if I had to guess, between 12 and 15.

Old enough to have given birth within the last year.

She had a baby?

How can you tell?

Pelvic cradle spreads When a baby breaches the birth canal.

Melinda, are you saying that car didn't k*ll the girl?

Death was inevitable.

The taxi just rushed the process.

C.O.D. Is enforced starvation.

I'm ruling it a homicide.

Is our house falling apart?

Old pipes. City won't spring for new ones.

Fix one leak, two more crop up and we're stuck in the mess.

Just like the one you made When you questioned warner's ruling.

She called you?

You want to tell me why you're challenging the m.E.?

Sure. Can't make a m*rder charge stick Because the abuse didn't actually k*ll jane doe.

The cab did.

The best we could do is attempted m*rder.

Fin's got surveillance footage of the girl Up on the flat screen.

Now, I suggest you find the bastard who starved her first And let the d.A. Worry about what charges to file.

Whatever our jane doe is running from, She looks terrified.

So does the kid running behind her.

Is he chasing her?

It looks like they're both trying to get away.

Where did this start?

Downtown at farmers' market.

They got lost in the crowd at the intersection.

Can you zoom in on the stall she crashed into?

Number 50.

She came out of nowhere.

Broke a dozen jars of blueberry compote.

Let it go already.

She ruined our display, bob.

I spent a lot of time picking that fruit.

Look, we don't want to press any charges Or get the girl in trouble.

Speak for yourself.

Those kids are a menace.

"those kids"?

Yeah, she's a mission farms hire.

Did you see another kid with her?

Didn't really notice after she destroyed my mason jars, But there's usually a lot of them.

Mission farms gives at-risk kids day jobs.

Carly was a good girl.

You know her last name?

No, but my husband's a pushover, Always giving away free samples.

That girl scarfed up my food, And then had the nerve to puke it all up.

You said that mission farms hired carly.

Where's their stall?

They're only here on weekends And the occasional weekday.

Any idea where their farm is located?


Speak to management.


Actual farm's on long island, suffolk county.

Mission farms rented a stall six months ago.

They're set up three days per week max and paid in advance.

There a reason they hire only minors to work their stalls?

You'll have to ask them.

But it doesn't bother you, as long as the checks clear.

Look, u.S. Labor code allows 12 and 13-year-old kids To work farms with parental consent.

14 and up can work without it.

And they're paid less than minimum wage, Charged for rides to the farm, Food, even for their drinking water.

Pretty soon, they're in debt to the farmers.

You're talking about illegals.

Mission farms hires at-risk american kids.

Who're just as vulnerable.

Look, every minor working a stall in farmers' market Has to have a permit.

Okay, you got a w-2 on a girl named carly?


Uh, holbart, 15, lower east side address.

I'll write it down for you.


Open up.


Sorry to bother you, ma'am.

I'm looking for your neighbors By the name of holbart.

Got evicted about a year ago, after the mother died.


You know where they went?


You find the family?

Yep, patrick holbart and his four kids, Tossed out on the street a year ago, Drowning in hospital debt after carly's mother died of cancer.

No current job, no address.

And no records of a missing person report filed on carly.

You think dad starved his kid?

A lot of mouths to feed, no income.

Did he have a sheet?

Any dv calls to the residence?

No, but the abuse could've started after the eviction.

Holbart worked construction.

Yeah, I talked to his union rep.

He hasn't paid his local dues in a while, And he won't get any work till he does.

Was he getting unemployment, social security?

Benefits stopped a long time ago.

There's got to be a way to trace this guy.

Well, registration is current on an old station wagon.

We put out a bolo.

What about the other three kids?

I got that right here.

Son micah, 13.

Two other daughters, savannah, seven; lizzie, five.

And where are they?

Child services took custody a year ago For a couple of months.

Holbart invoked his parental rights, Picked them up, disappeared.

Patrol just located holbart's car In an alley behind st. Sebastian's.


Miss, do you know where I can find them?

Hey, el, this is bad.

We can't tell holbart that his daughter's dead.

Not here.

It doesn't matter where he hears it.

Excuse me.

Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to block the alley.

I'm leaving right now.

Here, rinse.

Mr. Hobart, you need to come with us.

All right, please don't take my kids.

It's about your daughter, carly.

You've seen her?

Where--where--is she okay?

We should discuss this in private.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

That's--that's that's not--

Daddy, what's wrong?

Nothing, sweetie.

Nothing. Everything's--

Please don't let them take us.

No, they-- everything's--

Everything's gonna be fine.

Your daughter was hit by a car.

She went quickly.

Yeah, well, it's my fault.

It's my job to look after them, and I--I--

I couldn't even manage that, so...

Mr. Holbart, when was the last time you saw your daughter?

About a year ago.

She ran away?


Her and micah were working farmland.

Carly and micah, did they work at mission farms?

All I know is, it's someplace out on long island.

When their mother died, I, uh...


I couldn't pay the bills.

I could barely keep food on the table.

You know, not enough for them to eat regular, anyway.

You sent your kids away to make money.

I had to.

I had no choice.

I was told they could work out of town Since they were too young to work in the city.

Who told you that?

The lady.

The, uh, the, uh, latino woman who came to pick them up.

Oh, okay. Okay.

So you turned defenseless minors over to a stranger.

A woman would not hurt them, right?

And she gave me a phone number, And I talked to them a couple times after they left.

But then you just, what?

Kind of lost touch with them?

No, the number got disconnected.

What is this woman's name?

Magda paloma.

She was, um, like, 35, short.

She had a little scar over her left eye, And I even got the license plate right here.

Let me guess.

She gave you an advance for their salaries?

500 bucks.


Said carly and micah could work it off.

You sold your kids to a predator.

I love my kids.

I got them work.

Lots of kids have jobs.

Mr. Holbart, you had other options.

I begged child services to help.

They dragged my kids away, crying and screaming, And split them up.

And lizzie got her arm broken 'cause some other kid over there att*cked her.

There's predators in foster care too, detective.

When you spoke with your daughter, Did she mention to you that she might be pregnant?

No, she's-- she's too young!


Did she get abu--abused or something?

Your daughter was starved, Beaten, and sexually assaulted.

I sent--

I sent them away so they could have food And shelter, So they would be safe.

Does that look safe to you?

You have micah?

Where is he?

That's your son?

They're 14 months apart.

They always looked after each other.

There's no way he would leave her bleeding in the street.

He must be in trouble like--like she was.

I mean-- you gotta help me find him.

You gotta help me, please.

He's my boy!

Mission farms is bogus.

There's not a listing in suffolk county Or anywhere in upstate new york.

Did fin run the license plate holbart gave us On the latina woman's car?

A vehicle was reported as stolen a year ago And never recovered.

How about the cell?

Disposable from a batch bought in a spanish harlem bodega.


I'll be back, sweetie.

Just give me a minute.

Magda paloma is a ghost.

Just another well-organized predator lying in wait.

Dad's not much better, trafficking his own kids.

Well, the only thing he's guilty of is poor judgment.

A lot of kids get jobs, elliot.

Well, whatever happened to a childhood?

The work was legal.

Cut him loose.

Should I call child services To have them pick up the daughters?

They're not abused, they're clean and well-fed.

And homeless.

Which isn't a criminal act.

And I'm not separating this family for anything less.

Got something you need to see.

A civilian caught our victim's foot chase on a cell phone.

It's not what we think.

Watch the left-hand corner.

Micah pushed carly into traffic?

Why would he try to stop his sister from escaping?

Fear. Look at him. He's just as starved as carly is.

And sexually assaulted and sodomized.

Charged with prostitution and resisting.

First they work the farm, Then they're forced into the sex trade.

There's more money in flesh than produce.

And private adoption.

Warner said that carly had a baby.

How much would an infant go for on the black market?


A lot of pervs out there looking to raise a victim in-house.

Now, how is it a 13-year-old is arrested For an act he can't legally consent to?

That's the first thing I'm gonna ask the fool That pinched him.

Detective cruz, odafin tutuola, SVU.

What's on your mind?

Micah holbart.

I've seen him around.

No, you scooped him for pandering.

He's 13.

That makes him a victim.

I'll let him know, next time I collar him For working a corner.

These kids are sexually assaulted 24/7.

You can't treat them like criminals.

We match their photos to missing persons And send them home to the same screwed-up families That made them run in the first place.

They end up right back on the corner Before I even finish my shift.

The new laws are supposed to protect them From being charged.

Only if they flip on their pimps and testify in open court.

So no one's gonna talk without a safe place to go.

Now you see what I'm up against, You want to crawl out of my ass, please?

Look, I need to find micah fast.

What do you need from me?

I need face-to-face time with their pimps.

Let's go.

This all of them?

Don't sweat it.

Guppies will get the word as soon as we leave.

Fact: You are now all my b*tches.

Fact: Deliver this kid to me Or get used to living in the tombs.

Fact: Until then, No stable's safe, no john's out of reach, And most of all, ain't no money getting made.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, my man, my man.

Ain't no need to flex so hard.

I just happen to know a sweet young thing That's friendly with the brat.

Who're you?

An expediter, Trying to meet the needs of this particular market.

Anthony tyrell jones Maggot, nickel drug dealer, pimp.

Girls he runs barely hit puberty.

Told you before, erica.

Nobody wants an old whore.

Who runs him?

He's a drop-off in a group stable.

Whoever runs it keeps their distance.

Notice any muscle with them?

Kids police themselves, keep each other in line.

Wish I knew how they did it.

I'd love some time-off.

Just say when.

Listen, playa, I want this kid delivered to me, Unharmed, by this time tomorrow.

You don't want to play with me.

My man, my man, I'll have jasmine Deliver him right to you and only you.

Yeah, do that.

What the hell happened?

The pipes, they finally burst.

We've also got foundation problems.

We're moving to the command center outside.

Until when?

They said a week, but I don't believe them.

Why not?

The construction company owner Who rehabbed the precincts just got indicted.


Concrete testing was faked.

We may have to underpin the foundation.

We can't work out of a trailer for that long.

We'll figure something out.

You check out the dad's story?

Any leads on magda paloma's whereabouts?

No database hits or alias matches.

We're running her description against any known traffickers.

So far, we've only come up With three hispanic females with facial scars.

Put together a mug book.

Micah should be willing to I.D. Her When we get him in custody.

Deadline's tomorrow.

He's hooking with a group that gets dropped and scooped.

Not sure how many kids there are.

What about a pimp?


A pro named jasmine's Supposed to be bringing micah to my car.

Back him up.


They're not your kids, el.

I know.

We can't save them all.

I'd settle for just one.

As long as we keep criminalizing victims Instead of going after their perps, It's never gonna happen.

We should at least arrest their johns.

So, what?

It's a slap on the wrist?

I mean, spitzer walked.

He was a former prosecutor.

Guy gets caught with an underage hooker, The charge should be r*pe.

Hard time isn't a deterrent.

Neither is the death penalty.

It's just the price of doing business.

It's time to treat these bastards Like the scum they really are.


On our way.

Fin's got micah in his sights.

This is the friend I told you about.

Isn't he cute?

Just what I ordered.

Pick your poison.

You up for anything?

Hand's 30. Blow and go's 40.

In and out, 65.

Around the world, 300 and up, depending on what and how.

This car's a little small.

You wanna take a ride?

Micah, police.

I'd like to talk to you a minute. Whoa.

Micah, take it easy.


Don't do anything stupid!

Let go of me!

Micah, stop!

I'm trying to help you!

Stop it!

You don't understand!

You have to let me go!

You don't understand.

Calm down. Calm down.

They'll get punished!


They'll get punished!

Please, let me go!

Let me go!

They get punished.

Knock it off.

Is micah gonna be okay?

Listen, why don't you come with us?

We're gonna go someplace safe.

I'm fine right here.

No, you're aren't.

You see micah's back?

My daddy's good to me.

He'd never do that.

Micah tell you where he was kept?

Just that it takes over an hour to get into the city.

Look, we can protect you, find you a place to stay.

Get you counseling.

Only thing you're doing is making sure I get smacked.

I thought your pimp didn't mistreat you.

My stepdad did much worse.

Can I go now?

No. Wait. Hey, hey.

You're not gonna restrain him, are you?

He's gonna hurt himself.

You saw his back.

They made him a sl*ve.

Are you gonna treat him like one now?

Maybe it's the only thing he's used to.

All right.

Listen to me.

I'll take these off of you as soon as you calm down, I promise.



He's got multiple healed fractures, Evidence of repeated sexual penetration, And severe malnutrition.

How severe?

Well, from the height/weight scale, He should be 20 pounds heavier.

He's a human trafficking victim.

Explains why his hands are cut-up and callused.

And his blood work came back with decreased cholinesterase.

Farm pesticides.

Organophosphates or carbamates.

Can you treat it?

Well, it depends on the amount of exposure And absorption rate.

Farm workers are vulnerable to chemical drift, But, you know, we'll know more after testing.

How about the scars on his back?

Ah, a belt buckle or, you know, even a bull whip.

Does micah have any family?

Someone to support him through treatment and counseling?

His father lives in his car, And we're trying to locate him now.

Yeah, we--we need to speak to micah.

I hope you have better luck than I did.

Micah, feel like talking?

I told you to let me go.

You'll get them k*lled.

So why don't you tell us where they are, And we'll get them out.


Everybody lies.

No one does something for nothing.

Well, I do.

Look, I want to help your friends, But I can't do it without you.

I suggest you try.

Dan goldberg, micah's guardian-ad-litem Assigned by the family court.

You cannot interrogate my client.

This isn't an interrogation, it's an interview.

Either way, good-bye.

Let's take this outside.

Counselor, that boy, he's been starved, Beaten, and forced into prostitution.

I understand.

I've discussed this whole thing with his attending.

Then you should know How much we want the animals who did this.

And to rescue any other kids like him.

As long as he's considered a suspect In his sister's m*rder, he's off-limits.

That's it.

You're risking the lives of other children.

Look, I have one job here, which is to protect micah.

Don't you guys think it's time that somebody did?

Giving them the hairy eyeball Isn't gonna make them move, captain.

They're union.

They're wasting time.

So are we if we can't get micah to talk.

Did the d.A.

Decline to prosecute?

He doesn't want to charge an underage abuse victim For m*rder as an adult.

The kid's looking at juvenile lock-up or the psych ward.

Either way, goldberg isn't going to let him Anywhere near us.

Unless we give him something he needs.


A psychiatric evaluation of his intent When he chased his sister down.

The juvenile court's an a*t*matic bench trial.

The judge will probably cut micah loose If we can get a shrink to say He didn't mean to k*ll his sister.

I'll call dr. Huang and set it up.


Micah, don't hold your breath.

You're gonna pass out.

Out. Let me out.

I want out.

I will open the door, But you're not allowed to go out.


I hate locks and chains.

It's dark and musty, and it smells rotten.

Were you locked in a cellar?

On the farm.

Do something wrong, make a mistake, we all get a beating.

No marks on the girls.

Men don't want them ugly.

Tell me about your first day on the farm, hmm?

Who drove you there?

Magda was nice.

We had ice cream and played games.

I didn't want her to go when she left us with liam.

Does liam have a last name?

Just liam.

You can't protect your client Without protecting his abuser.

Is that what you want?

You know I don't.

The thing is, until the judge rules, My hands are tied.

That's it.

He made sure you never paid off your debt, didn't he?

On the hook for everything.

Food, water, shelter.

And that's when he forced you to have sex?

Word went out and pretty soon the money was so good, He wanted more.

Nights at the farm turned into trips to city motels, Then weekends on my knees taking it one right after another.

How many others were forced to have sex for money?

There were ten of us, then six.

Then carly.

Hey, you're safe here.

What happened to the others?

We worked days.

We worked nights, but...

We didn't always get to eat.

Not even what we picked.

What did they give you?

Scraps, garbage, stuff from the compost heap.

Except when the girls got pregnant.

We ate real good then.

How many babies were born?


They took them away.

We didn't see them again.

We know that your sister, carly, had a baby.

A little boy.

Did they k*ll him?

I don't know.

Carly wanted that baby.

Didn't matter how she got it, she said it was hers.

When liam took you to these motels, Did you ever notice any landmarks or road signs?

I'd usually keep my eyes shut.

Car rides make me sick.

Carly used to rub my belly to make me feel better.

Your sister took care of you.

We took care of each other until she tried to leave.

If she left, they would beat us.

Carly knew how bad they would have hurt us, So why'd she run?

Well, maybe she was trying to get help.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Please don't say that!

Why not?


Easy, easy, easy!

Why not? Why not?

Let go of me!

Why not?


If she--if that's what she was trying to do, then--

What did you do?

I k*lled carly.

I pushed her and she got hit.

I didn't know she was trying to save us.

We need micah to look at mug books, Help us find the woman who took him.

That's got to be dr. Huang's call.

I'm recommending immunity and witness protection.

No family court judge is going to accept that.

A federal court judge will.

The fbi's taking over.

George, hang on a second.


Human trafficking, sex trafficking, The mann act, all violations of u.S. Code.

They transported minors across state lines To perform commercial sex acts for profit.

I've got to call my boss.

Hey, doc, micah's not going anywhere.

How are you going to stop me?

You're not the only one with the feds on speed dial.


Chris, you've come up in the world.

So have you.

Minor sex slaves on the hook, Missing black market infants.

Your case is solid.

Why bring it to me?

You're an assistant u.S. Attorney In the eastern district.

Our victims are in your backyard.

Long island is ground zero for immigrant traffic.

Now we're getting americans.

So, how many are being enslaved right now?

Globally, about 27 million.

And in the u.S.?

Between 14,000 and 18,000.

But I think that number's low.

How many americans?

So far, nobody's counting.

An indonesian girl gets rescued here from the sex trade, She has access to counseling and to aid.

But a pimp gets his claws into a kid from new york, She gets nothing.

14-year-old enslaved by a suburban family in minnesota.

She cooked, she cleaned, slept in the closet.

12-year-old sold by her mother for five grand To a middle-aged man who shared her with his friends.

Nine-year-old portland girl, Tossed to the street by her grandmother.

This girl's pimp Charged a premium for prepubescence.

For each one saved, there are eight more just like them.

Can't really do much without funding for domestic victims.

So what happens to micah's friends when we find them?

I'll use my budget to make sure That they're protected and taken care of.

But I haven't decided if I'm taking your bait.

We did the legwork.

I have the task force, the funding, And all the personnel I need.

Who aren't familiar with the case.

Who have to be read-in.

That's wasting precious time.

And manhattan has yet to make one sex traffic conviction.

Now, we need to make a local example and this is the one.

Come on, chris, just help us out.

Give me your tin.

Ooh, look at that.

We're special deputy u.S. Marshals.

Credentials you'll need to work outside your jurisdiction.

Raise your right hand.

I solemnly swear to support and defend The constitution of the United States From all enemies foreign and domestic.

How'd huang take the bad news?

If I were you, I'd keep my distance.

I didn't know he used that kind of language.

Let me see 'em.

All right.

It's only temporary.

Hey, fin.

Any luck on the I.D.?

So far, the kid's pulled seven possible matches.

I ran them all.


Victoria reyes aka tina reyes aka kiki ramos.

The list goes on and on.

Well, no wonder we couldn't find her.

Make sure you log magda paloma to reyes's list of aliases.

She was arrested in maryland.

Where is she now?

She was doing time in jessup when she disappeared.

They cut her loose?

No, but her record's sealed.

Well, she flipped for a deal and got witness protection.

Will the u.S. Marshals give us access?

Not even with their last dying breath.

You might be playing for their team right now, But even I don't have access to witsec.

The ausa assigned to the case does.

We're very territorial.

Well, what kind of press do you want?

Live victims or dead kids?

We're close to trial, And I don't want my case derailed, chris.

That's not why we're here.

Ms. Reyes won't talk without immunity.

She's got it.

Just how big is your case?

Quit fishing.

Tell your witness to cooperate.

Don't care what he says.

I don't have to talk to you.

Then I'll have a judge Vacate the deal you have on the table right now.

No witness protection, no immunity.

You can't do that.

You're threatening my human trafficking case.

I can and I will.

My case is bigger, and the ag loves headlines.

Okay. These kids.

You know 'em?


Got a thousand bucks each.

Who'd you sell them to?

Liam and Julie ryan.

Wannabe farmers.

Where'd you drop them off?

I didn't.

Liam met me and took them off my hands.

So you never saw the farm?

Guy was careful.

We talked on burn phones he gave me.

Told me he needed some merchandise To work his fields, and I got it for him.

Where'd he tell you to meet him?

Farm and feed store in wyandanch.

How many kids you deliver?


Heard they tricked the kids out.

Do you remember any of their names?

Didn't ask, didn't care.

Because all you saw were dollars signs Instead of human beings.

That's all we are, honey.

No one came to my rescue.

Okay, how long have you been servicing the ryans?

Less than a year.

I stopped taking their calls when I heard a rumor They burned some workers when the heat was closing in.

They k*lled their slaves?

Just the kids.

Illegals are too scared to talk.

Where'd that happen?

Florida, I think.

Made them drink the kool-aid.

El, fin ran liam and Julie ryan.

There's no record of them Leasing any land in suffolk county.

No bank accounts, no credit.

They're paying cash.

Okay, have fin fax their photos over to that store.

Maybe that's their regular pick-up spot.

Public records show liam and Julie ryan Lost their family farm in maryland to foreclosure.

They moved to north carolina, then florida.

Any wants or warrants?

Only because they skipped Before the sarasota p.D.

Could question them.

What for?

Neighbors were complaining They were using illegal labor.

When the cops got there, all they found were bodies.

How many?

Five kids between the ages 9 and 16.

Cause of death?

Cyanide mixed with grape juice.

The ryans are leasing ten acres off the books From a farmer going bankrupt.

Okay, text me the address to my phone.

I'll call suffolk p.D.

And have them meet you.

No lights, no sirens.

We spook them, they'll put those kids down.

They're in wyandanch, off route 1.

Get search and arrest warrants asap on liam and Julie ryan.

Domestic sexual minor traffic and human traffic.

We need first responders on stand-by with cyanokits.


I see them.

What the hell are you doing?

Playing chicken.

Show us your hands!

I've got it! Go! Go!

Passenger, put your hands on the dash!

You, get out!

Right there.

Now, you, undo your belt.

Get out.


Is anybody here?


Don't be afraid.

I'I'm a police officer.

Any sign of the kids?

Root cellar.

Micah was kept underground.

We need those emts here now.


Hey, sweetie?

Help is on the way, guys.

Emt coming in!

How much cyanide were they given?

I don't know.

Can you help them?

Hydroxycobalimin should bind the crystals.

We'll follow up with thiosulfate ivs and hyperbaric oxygen.

Are they gonna make it?

It's a 10, 15-minute window.

I'll let you know.

Full body chains?

They're lucky they're not in body bags.

They invoked right away.

Of course they did.

How about the kids they sold?

We're working on it.

We found a laptop in their truck, Along with a suitcase full of cash.

Do us a favor. Put them in a deep, dark hole.

Best I can do is maximum security, life with no parole.

Works for me.

Thank you.

Door's always open.


My daughter's dead, And my son k*lled her.

How do I fix this?

It's gonna take time, mr. Holbart.

Micah's not being charged, Though he has to have mandatory counseling.

I think the most important thing is that he feel safe.

And I live in a car.

Not anymore.

We talked to a shelter geared towards families.

It's temporary housing for all of you Until you can get back on your feet.

You're helping me after I screwed up?

Micah's not gonna get any better without you.

Thank you.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, micah.

It's not your fault.

It's mine.