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12x15 - Flight

Posted: 02/05/11 11:31
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Un verre de rose, s'il vous plait!

Brenda, pipe down.

People are trying to sleep.

I have to learn how to say this before we land.

Helen says if you don't order in French, they spit in your food.

Helen in a une mo-Ron.

Get some sleep.

Stop! What is wrong with you?

Get her off of me!

Oh, my God.

Wh-what happened?

The kid says that this pervert tried to r*pe her.

Turns out the schlub never touched her.

Sure? It wouldn't be the first time an unaccompanied minor Was molested on a plane.

Airlines make 'em wear those big buttons That scream "easy pickin's."

Yeah, but in this case, he was just closing the shade.

She freaked out when she woke up and saw him reaching over her.

Sounds like PTSD.

She was r*ped two nights ago at a party here in the city.

Apparently the perp flew her over in his private jet.

Then shipped her back commercial When he was done with her?

That's classy.

Where is she now?


We flew to New York two days ago for a modeling job.

But it was just a birthday party.

We were his present.

Whose present?

The billionaire, the one who owned the jet.

Does she know his name?


Jordan, he wanted a massage.

But I had to take off my clothes.

He climbed on top of me.

It hurt.

I started to bleed, and it wouldn't stop.

The doctor came.

Dominique, we're going to arrest this man, But we need you to return to New York So you can testify.

Retourner New York? Non. Non!

Sorry, uh...

It appears she does not want to pursue this matter.

But we have a billionaire pervert Flying in underage girls for sex, So trust me, we will be pursuing the matter.

Bon chance.

And she won't press charges.

She sounds like a winner.

Yeah, and that's not the worst of it.

The man she's accusing is Jordan Hayes.

Jordan Hayes, who's that?

He's a billionaire defense contractor And personal friend of just about everyone Who's got the power to take away our pensions.

Cragen's ordered us to tread lightly.

Dominique's 12 years old.

She said an older girl flew out with her.

Yeah, and by older, he means 15.

Another victim?

We're not sure.

We're tracking her down now.

So you got nothing to lean on Hayes with, And a guy like that's not coming in without an army of lawyers.

We're not saying boo until we corroborate Dominique's story.

What are you guys working on- hey, I was looking at that.

Official police business.

Hayes's party make the society page?

"glitterati turn out for Jordan Hayes' 50th birthday bash."

Who was there?

The duchess Maria Von tessenberg, The mayor, A former president.


And the police commissioner.

That's gonna make our job easier.

You gotta let him know we're investigating.

I already have an appointment with one p.P.

But in the meantime, we're not speaking to any of these people Without concrete evidence.

Just because Jordan Hayes gave half a mil To the patrolman's benevolent association Doesn't give him a pass.

Who is this guy?

How come I never heard of him?

Because you don't keep tabs on the military industrial complex, Like I do.

Jordan made his billions selling weapons of mass destruction At hefty prices to the American taxpayer.

We know he owns his own private plane.

Two of 'em.

Any other pictures of this douche?

For such a high-profile guy, He manages to stay under the radar pretty good.

This is all I could find on him.

There he is in the South of France.

That must be his yacht.

Giving an address at Hudson u.

Have you got a picture of his accuser?

I got Dominique on the teleconference, And I'm still working on the identity Of the girl that came over with her.

Dominique claims she was Jordan's gift, from whom?

Why don't we pull in the birthday boy and ask him?

Not yet.

If he was a blue-collar kiddie-diddler-

Well, he isn't.

So before we start flinging accusations, Let's make sure the girl's story checks out.

Dominique said Jordan brought 'em over in his private jet?

Let's confirm that with customs.

Do you have a record of her entering the country?

Yeah, Dominique Moreau was on Mr.

Hayes's jet From Paris to New York.

You see hundreds of people coming through customs.

Why do you remember her?

Hayes's passengers get the full v.

I.P. Treatment.

I went on the plane and processed them personally.

How does that work?

I check visas, and make sure the passengers Are listed on the plane's manifest, Then I scan fingerprints with this mobile device, Then I take photos for our records.

Photos, we're gonna need copies of those.


Does Hayes fly in a lot of international guests?

Royalty, dignitaries, celebrities, models.

Okay, how about girls as young as Dominique?

He likes 'em young.

But the girls I see are usually this side of legal.

So these are all the passengers on the plane?


Dominique, Nicole phillippe, the girl she flew over with.

Thought there were only two girls.

Who's dahlia Jessup?

Frequent flier on his plane.

His on-again off-again girlfriend.

I read page six.

Did she fly back with Nicole yesterday?

Let me check the flight history.


You have any pedigree information on her?

Yeah, she lives in the city.

I can pull that for ya.

Hold up.

Hayes is quite the jet-setter.

Cambodia, Brazil, Thailand.

Sex tourism hot spots.

We're gonna need to speak with the pilot.

Now, is that plane from Paris back yet?

Good timing.

Wheels down in 20.

Hayes has a female pilot.

That's interesting.

Something tells me that his glass ceiling Is the mirror over his bed.

You get Nicole back in one piece?

We outran some weather, hit some pockets, Routine flight.

Brazil, New York, Paris twice.

All in one week?

You ladies must be exhausted.

I'm sorry, but was that an f.

A.A. Badge?

Actually, we were just checking out an incident With the girl Dominique Who didn't make the return flight to Paris.

Uh, did Nicole mention it?

She slept all the way home.

You saw that from the cockpit?

Now, you were in the cabin with her.

She was really upset about Dominique.


What'd she say?

I'm afraid we can't answer any further questions Without a lawyer present.

Let's go.

But we're not charging you with anything.

You have nothing to charge us with.

I'm sorry, but the terms of our employment Include a confidentiality agreement.

Well, so much for our stealth mission.

How much you wanna bet her first call is to Hayes?

We need to talk to the ex-girlfriend Who flew over with him.

I just started my own clothing line, And I was in Paris for fashion week.

Jordy loaned me his jet.

Okay, and the two models who flew back with you, They work for you?

God, no.

So why were they on the plane?

Jordy can't say no.

His friend Gerard runs a modeling agency, So they hitched a ride.

Okay, how'd they wind up at your boyfriend's birthday party?

He's not my boyfriend.

You can't put my name on that.

I am not designing for the denture set.

Dahlia, we know you were at the party.

Of course I was.

Everyone was there.

Including those two girls.

Their job fell through.

They didn't know anyone in New York.

I let them tag along.

And you introduced them to Hayes.

No, I ditched them the second I got there.

Oh, boring!

Okay, so you ditched 'em.

When was the next time you saw 'em?

I walked in on Nicole in the powder room, throwing up.

Girl can't hold her liquor.

She's 15.

She's French.

So what'd you do with her?

I stuck both of them in a bedroom.

I turned on the t.V.

, I told them to chill out.

What happened to Dominique?

Oh, I heard she got sick, too.

Who knows what she got into?

She was bleeding, and she should've gone to the hospital.

And we talked to the doctor who patched her up.

Ari talked to you?

Yeah, now you're gonna talk to us, Because your boyfriend r*ped that little girl.

That's a lie.

I was with him all night.

Dahlia, we have his DNA.

I got nothing else to say to you.

At least now she thinks we've got Hayes's DNA.

And we have the doctor's first name.

You're in serious trouble, Ari.

I haven't done anything.

Exactly-I'm sure you're well aware Of the mandatory reporting statutes?

When you treat a child for r*pe, You have to tell the authorities.

I do routine pap smears and hysterectomies.

I haven't treated anyone for r*pe.

Remember her?

Never seen her before.

Jordan Hayes's party, two nights ago.

We have witnesses that put you there.

My wife sits on a charity board with him.

She was the one who was invited.

She dragged me along.

When they asked if there was a doctor in the house, You stepped up.


We only stayed for half an hour.

And I certainly would've remembered doing a pelvic.

A doctor named Ari treated her.

You're the only Ari on the guest list.

But I'm certainly not the only one in the medical directory.

It turns out there are 52 aris in this city With an m.D. After their names.

Any of 'em on Hayes's speed dial?

We got enough to dump his phones?

Olivia and Elliot corroborated the girl's story Right up to the r*pe.

Call hardwick and get a subpoena.

Where we at?

Getting to know Jordan Hayes.

Humble beginnings, scholarship to m.I.T., Started his own defense contracting company, J.C.H.

Worldwide, when he was 29.

Within a few years, master of the universe.

Owns his own island.

Record's clean, no arrests.

Confirmed bachelor, huge philanthropist.

He's a raging hypochondriac.

Says here that he won't travel anywhere Without his own private physician, Ari Nathan.

You got an Ari Nathan on your list?

We got a petersen, nussbaum...

No Nathan.

Check with the medical board.

He must be licensed if he practices in New York.

I got him.

He's a concierge doctor.

He doesn't even have an office.

Guy only makes house calls to the filthy rich.

Go pick him up.

Great, Holland tunnel at rush hour.

Lights and sirens?

Excuse me, could you direct me to captain cragen's office?

Yes, it's, uh, right this way.

Jordan Hayes, right?

Here to turn yourself in?

Mr. Hayes is here to file a complaint.

Against who?

Dominic Moreau.

She r*ped me.

We were told captain cragen would be handling this matter.

Well, he's in a meeting With the police commissioner right now.

But you're more than welcome to wait.

Now, I know that this is hard.

Um, would you feel more comfortable With a male detective?

Can I just get this over with?


Of course.

But you know, you'll have to walk us through every detail Of your r*pe.

This is not a joke, detective.

Is this the way you treat your female as*ault victims?

No disrespect, But most victims don't walk in lawyered up.

I'm not most victims.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Before you get too comfortable, Captain, can we go someplace a little more private, Like your office?

Right through here.

I appreciate your courtesy, captain.

They tell me you were just with Evan.

How is the police commissioner?

While we're exchanging pleasantries, I'm requesting this interview be conducted Under a waiver of immunity.

Nice try, but if Mr.

Hayes wants us to take his complaint, We'll treat him like any other victim.

Unless your client plans on incriminating himself, Immunity isn't necessary.


So how do we do this?

Well, first we need to know If you sought medical attention after the attack.

My personal physician checked me for stds.

We'll need those results.

That's privileged.

I'll see you get whatever evidence you need.

Tell us what happened.

The party was in full swing.

A friend said that she wanted to give me a special present.

Told me to wait in my massage room.

Guy has a massage room.

I suffer from chronic back pain.

The therapeutic and spiritual benefits of massage-

Uh, Jordan, that's not germaine to the investigation.

You never know. Let him speak.

While I was waiting, I fell asleep.


At first I thought I must've been dreaming.

And why is that?

I was aroused.


Felt myself being manually manipulated.

Then I remembered, It was my present.

I started to enjoy myself.

But then...

Then it got rough.

And that's when I opened my eyes.

And what did you see?

A woman I'd never seen before.

A woman?

Dominique Moreau is 12.

It was dark.

I just wanted her off me.

I tried to stop her.

But the 12-year-old overpowered you.


She threatened me.

She said if I didn't let her...


She was going to scream r*pe.

And there was nothing that you could do.

You've got 40 years and 100 pounds on the girl.


The party was going on right outside the door.

I knew how this was going to look.

I was naked.

She was naked.

What could I do?

Not have sex with a child.

You seem to forget our client is the victim here.

I thought you guys went to pick up the doctor.

What are you still doing here?

Listening to the next winner last comic standing.

This guy's hilarious.

Liv, from what I could hear, You weren't buying his crap either.

Come on, he's asking for it.

You guys need to go back to sensitivity training.

This is a nightmare.

I haven't slept at all.

Maybe you need a massage.

Your friend ever make good on that present?

I haven't been able to let anyone touch me Since the incident.

We're gonna need the name of the woman who stiffed you.

One more unprofessional comment, I'm pulling my client out of here.

He's only asking for the name of the woman Who was supposed to pleasure him in that room.

I would prefer to keep her out of this.

Do you want us to investigate this or not?

I thought captain cragen was conducting this interview.

I am.

And we're going to need that name.

Dahlia Jessup.

Your ex-girlfriend.

The one who brought Dominique to your party.

Speaking of Dominique, Now, you said that she explicitly threatened you?


How is that?

She doesn't speak English.

Her exact words were, "fais-moi I'amour ou je crie au viol."

How do you explain her injuries?

He doesn't have to.

He's the victim here.

They were severe enough to call a doctor.

Your own private doctor.

Captain, if you're not gonna take this seriously, Maybe the police commissioner can find detectives who can.

Well, there's no need to bother the commissioner.

I assure you, Mr. Standish, This case will be thoroughly investigated.

Let's go, Jordan.

If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't believe it either.

I trust you'll handle this matter With the customary discretion afforded all r*pe victims.

Make sure his name isn't leaked to the media.

Well, captain, what do you think?

It's a new twist on he said/she said.

They couldn't have both been r*ped.

I know which one is lying.

Well, at this point, the only person I'm prepared to arrest Is Hayes's doctor.

I told you on the phone, He sees his trainer every day at noon.

We checked. He wasn't there.

His trainer said he got called away on an emergency In the middle of his squat thrusts.

Did that emergency call happen to come from you?

No. A patient must've called him directly.


I have no idea.

You're his assistant.

You have to know which patients to bilk.

I can't discuss Dr.

Nathan's patients with you.

Listen, we could care less About who he's giving emergency Botox to, We just wanna talk to him.

Well, if you want to leave your card, I'll make sure he calls you back at his earliest convenience.

Don't make us charge you with obstruction.

He's at 352 prince. Penthouse.

Promise you won't bother the patient.

Mum's the word.

You recognize that address?

Should I?

Dahlia Jessup.

Jordan Hayes's girlfriend?

She's the one who brought our victim to his party.

What's wrong with her, Dr.


I'm with a patient.

Get out of here.

After everything we went through to find you, I don't think so.

What are you doing in my bedroom?

Your assistant let us in.

Tell her she's fired.

She o.D.?


They're all prescription.

Written by you.

Svu portable to central.

Need a bus at 352 prince street.

Penthouse loft.

That's not necessary.

She's stable now.

And I'll stay with her.

No, you won't.

You're under arrest for failure to comply With mandatory reporting laws.

You have the right to remain silent...

I saw no signs that girl was r*ped.

Jordan already admitted the two of them had sex.

I don't know anything about that.

So you admit you treated her.

That's privileged.


Little slap on the wrist you're gonna get from the medical board Is nothin' compared to what's gonna happen to you in prison.

Jordan said there was a problem with a girl Who crashed his party.

She was bleeding internally.

The medical term is menses.

She got her period.

Where did you get your medical degree, the lnternet?

She presented with severe abdominal pain and bleeding.

I gave her an ibuprofen and a tampon.

That's all you did after she told you she was r*ped?

She didn't tell me anything.

We had communication issues.

I don't speak French.

But you're fluent in bull.

He's not budging off that story.

Hayes got to everyone.

Someone's gotta have a conscience.

What about dahlia?

Do you think that was an accidental overdose?

Or was it guilt?

She's definitely a party girl.

Well, it's suspicious timing.

You know, we never did ask her What she got Hayes for his birthday.

Maybe she found the perfect little gift in Paris.

And brought it home on the plane.

And left it for him in his massage room.

Could she really be that depraved?

She was his ex-girlfriend.

Or so she keeps claiming.

We know that she lied when she alibi'd him.

He admits to having sex with the girl.

She lied because she's involved.

We've been breathing down her neck.

If I was guilty of human trafficking, I'd pop a few dozen pills too.

I have nothing to say to you.

Dahlia, you tried to k*ll yourself.

You don't know anything.

Just go away.

You couldn't live with what you did to that girl?

I didn't do anything.

Come on, you were on the plane with her, You took her to the party, I mean, you set her up.


You asked Jordan to wait in the massage room naked For a present.

But you didn't show up.

I- I did. But the door was locked.

I couldn't get in.

Right, he was already unwrapping your gift.

So what do you get for the man who has everything?

A 12-year-old virgin?

So, this is you taking my case seriously.

Well enough to stick - hoto your script. Babe?

I didn't say anything.

You know I don't have anything to hide.

I want you to cooperate fully.

Ask her anything you like, detectives.

We almost had her, and then Jordan walked in.

I swear this guy's having us followed.

We got bigger problems.

Paris is calling.

Dominique still refuses to cooperate.

But we did locate a witness.


You were on the plane with Dominique.

And at the party.

Can you tell us what happened?

We got bored stuck in that room.

We did not go to New York to be treated like children.


What'd you do?

We explored the house.

There was a room with candles.

And a naked man asleep on a table.

He was the host.

This man.

Jordan Hayes.


I try to close the door but Dominique went inside.


Because he is a billionaire.

She said she was going to get rich.

I read that Jordan paid 50 million for it.

Well, how much you think he paid Nicole To back up his story?

The question is, did he get to Dominique?

Either way, we've got ugatz.

Unless we extradite her.

At least she'd be back in our jurisdiction.

France wouldn't give us Roman polanski.

Why would they hand over A 12-year-old female alleged r*pist?

There's no way that this was a one-time birthday wish.

There's gotta be other victims.

If he's bringing in jailbait, the help's gotta know.

Shouldn't be too hard to get an employee list.

I say we hold off on talking to jordy till we interview them.



You must be freezing.

You've been sitting out here for half an hour.

Would you like to come inside?

I see you like nudes.

I appreciate the female form.

Next time you're in London You should see the bronzes I loaned to the British museum.

Well, I'll tell ya what, I'll make it a point totop by On my way back from France.

Any new developments on my case?

Your story seems to be checking out.

It would really help us If you'd walk us through the crime scene.

Right this way.

We come at a bad time?

Looks like you're setting up for a massage.

This won't take long.

You know, my back has been bothering me a lot lately.

Do you have your girl's card?

I'm afraid she's not taking on any new clients right now.

Maybe she could squeeze him in.

No offense, but you can't afford her.


So, what do you watch... when you're having a rubdown?


People see me as a winning lottery ticket.

You can understand why I need to record my massages.

So you have your as*ault on tape.

Unfortunately not.

As I told you before, I was expecting a massage from a friend.

I saw no reason to record that one.

Mr. Hayes?


It's time for my appointment.

Let me show you out.

We need a warrant for those tapes.

What tapes? All they saw was a closed-circuit television.

Hayes told them that he recorded all his massages.

I'm betting we find more under aged girls.

With all the heat on him, Don't you think he's erased them by now?

No, not this guy.

He doesn't think anybody can touch him.

You know you can't use a warrant For a fishing expedition.

We know for a fact that he had sex with a 12-year-old.

That is undisputed.

He says it wasn't taped.

And I say the pervert is lying his ass off.

Pervert also makes good on his bribes.

Guess who just signed a slick deal To become the new face for belle faux cosmetics?

Nicole is the girl who was with Dominique at the party.

She backed up Jordan's claim that he was set up.

Interesting timing.

Can't we get him for witness tampering?

We'd need his financials to show a direct link.

You're not gonna find one.

She was managed by Hayes's friend.

Then the evidence is, at best, circumstantial.

And in French.

Where did you find this?

Munch has been working his Paris angle.

Hey, what's the French word for barf?

It's shocking how easy it is for a man of a certain age To friend a tween anywhere in the world.

Munch and Dominique have become faceunion friends.

Except she thinks she's chatting With another 12-year-old sex abuse victim.

Named gigi Alvarez.

That's me on the right.

You're not putting words in her mouth are you?

Gigi has simply been encouraging Dominique To blog about her experience.

The r*pe was pretty brutal.

I just told her that after gigi testified Against her r*pist in court and he went to jail, The nightmares ended.

What did she just say?

"this was supposed to be my big break.

"now I don't even want to get out of bed.

I'm afraid to leave the house."

Have you convinced her to file charges?

I'm working on it.

Even if she does come forward, We're gonna need more than her testimony to put him away.

The best way to convince a jury Is with an actual video of the crime.

You've got to get us that search warrant.

Judge miranski's hearing warrant petitions.

I've got a good track record getting what I want from him.

Ms. Hardwicke. Always a pleasure.

What can I do for you?

Routine search warrant application.

Excellent. Let's have a look.

Jordan Hayes.

Your honor, we believe he's in possession Of digital recordings that depict the r*pe of a minor.

What's your probable cause?

Detective tutuola?

The target admitted to routinely recording events That take place in his massage room, where the r*pe occurred.

And you personally have knowledge of this?

I was informed by my fellow detectives.

And the child?

She told you that the incident was recorded?

She's unavailable at this time.

Did you or your fellow officers Watch any of the recordings?

No, judge.

Then why do you believe it exists?

Like I told you, Hayes records all the massages In that room where the child was r*ped.

Seems to me like you don't have All your ducks in a row, detective.

You're merely guessing that such a recording exists.

Come back when you have knowledge That the incident was memorialized.

But your honor, the law only requires Reliability of information and the basis for knowledge To satisfy probable cause.

Counselor, I know what the law requires.

And you don't have it yet.

Next case.

Hayes probably financed his last election campaign.

You got something to say to my face, detective?

He does not, your honor.

What are you still doing here?

Trying to find another way to get at Jordan Hayes.

Judge miranski denied the warrant.

I know. I heard fin almost got slapped with contempt of court.

Yeah, it makes you wonder.

Is miranski in his pocket, too?


Well, campaign contributions are a matter of public record.

And that's why I'm checking-

Liv, liv, hardwicke said from the get-go We needed more evidence, okay?

We rolled the dice; we lost.

There's gotta be another way to get at Hayes.

Dominique is not gonna be his last victim.

It's late.

And I don't think any young girls are in danger tonight.

How do you know that?

I have a patrol car stationed outside his place, okay?

Go home.

We'll get a fresh start in the morning.

Excuse me.

They told me downstairs to talk to detective Benson?

Well, this is her right here.

How can I help you?

A friend of mine sent me a link to this girl's blog.

Dominique Moreau?

You read about her r*pe.


I've been in that massage room.

Hey, glad you're here.

Let's go.

New case?

Uh, eight to be exact.

And counting.

What happened?

Your partner cracked the Hayes case wide open.


Dominique's blog went viral.

The ledgpicked it up.

Didn't you read the paper today?

I was running late.

Liv, right here.

Grab your pad.

I need you to take some statements.

Right this way, young lady.

The woman who hooked me up with him never told me her name.

I want you to take a look at these photos And tell me if you recognize anybody.

That's her.


And how do you know her?

She's the one who asked me if I wanted to make some fast cash.


She said all I had to do was give him a massage.

And did you?

Well, I didn't know he'd be totally naked.

But I really wanted this dress for homecoming.

So I asked him where he wanted me to start.

And he told me to take my shirt off.

And what happened next?

I was down to my bra and panties, And he started touching himself.


Then he started touching me.


My boob.

He put his hand down my panties.

There were so many people in the house.

I kept thinking someone would come in and stop it.

I know other kids in my class have done it...

But I was still a virgin.

Why didn't you report him?

I didn't exactly say "no."

When it was finally over, I grabbed my stuff and I ran out crying.

Did anyone see you?

I was putting on my clothes in the hallway.

The house manager gave me my 500 bucks.

I took it.

Did he say anything to you?

He asked if I had any friends as cute as me.

Okay, then what did you tell him?

I sent my friend Tina.

He did the exact same thing to her.

Am I gonna be in trouble?

No, you're 14.

He's the one who's gonna be in trouble.

Okay, now I need you to look at these photos one at a time, And tell me if you see him.

This is him.

His name is Jordan Hayes.

He's the man who paid me to have sex with him.

Did you get the search warrant?

Judge miranski was only too happy to sign this one.

Here's a copy if they give you any trouble.

Be careful not to break anything.

Wouldn't want Mr.

Hayes to be upset.

If you ever get out.

My lawyers will have me out in an hour.

I've already put a call in to the d.A.

In my experience with pedophiles, Good friends can't abandon you quick enough.

And how fast do you think your staff's gonna turn on you Once they're facing jail time?

Good help's so hard to find.

I have a massage appointment at 4:00.

I don't intend to miss it.

You might just get that 4:00 massage of yours.

Ernest here-

He's got a lot of experience with inappropriate touching.

It has been a bleak life.

So good to make your acquaintance.

Why am I still here?

Ask your lawyer.

They're the ones insisting we keep you out of the system Until they work out your v.

I.P. Processing.

Is that cashmere?

Touch me again and you'll be picking Your nose out of your brain.

Ah-ah-ah, just be another charge to add to the indictment.

I demand a private cell.


Well, I want a private island.

El, where can I put Hayes's house manager?

One's open.

Sir, they've torn the entire house to shreds.

It's okay, giles.

This too shall pass.

I doubt it.

And remember, the foolish sayings of a rich man Pass for wise ones.

You're a pimp.

I run his household.

Not his personal life.

You keep his social calendar.


Multiple massages every day?

Receiving a massage is not a crime.

Getting happy endings from schoolgirls is.

I know nothing about that.

My presence was not required in that room.

Half-naked girls ran crying from that room.

You did nothing about it.

You just paid 'em off.

Each and every one of 'em.

That's criminal facilitation.

Compelling prostitution, Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child.

Stop it!

And if we put you in that massage room With jordy and Dominique, I'm gonna charge you with r*pe.

Where did you put my purse?

I need to take my medication.

Consider this an intervention.

Why are you such a bitch?

Calling me names isn't gonna get you Out of the trouble you're in.

I didn't do anything.

You trolled the city looking for vulnerable girls To service your boyfriend.

I told you, he's not my boyfriend.

That's right.

Because you aged out.

I'm a lot younger than you, skank.

What did he do to destroy your self-esteem?

How did he break you?

He treats me like a princess.

I don't see anyone flying you all over the world.

Dahlia, you're a trust-fund baby.

You don't even need his money to pay your way.

He's the only person who ever cared about me.


How old were you when you started dating?

I moved in when I was 17.

And how old were you when you first had sex?

What are you, a cop?

That's statutory r*pe.

He never forced me.

We were in love.

Dahlia, it's still r*pe.

He groomed you.

Don't you see the pattern?

He loves me!

I'm not a whore like all of his one-offs.

I'm the one he can't let go.

Because he knows that you'll do anything for him.

That's why he keeps you around.

No, you can't comprehend what we have.

Oh, honey...

I've heard that line a million times.

Jordan is no different from any other predator.

He's just better-dressed.

He's naked in all of these.

I interviewed this girl.

Her name is dru.

Where'd you find this?

Almost didn't.

Searched the whole place twice before we found his panic room.

It was not easy to bust through.

You got a panic room?

I thought you were invincible.

I was worried the tapes would be protected.

Huge defense contractor like that, I figured he'd have NSA-level encryption.

But it only took my team a few hours to crack.

A few hours?

Is this the kind of crap you're selling the government?

No wonder we haven't won that w*r yet.


My friends at the Pentagon Will get a big kick out of that one.

Gotta love the arrogant ones.


That is not a lot to be proud of.

Morales, turn it off.

Too many people around.

Is that why you go for little girls?

They got nothing to compare it to?

Son of a bitch, come and say that to my face.

Don't poke the animals.

No, no.

A little sensitive there, moneybags.

Feel cheated by mother nature?

Yeah, how did you get into porn?

You're tiny.


We need a key!

I told you...Not...

To touch me.

Get him off!

I was defending myself.

You saw him.

He put his filthy hand in my face.

Fin, take Ernest to the hospital, have him checked out, And then escort him to central booking.


Imagine making such a big fuss Over a little thing like that.

Hey, gimme a reason-

Gimme a reason to slam your face into the bars.

I have a splitting headache.

I really need a Xanax.

Tell 'em at central booking.


I thought I was going to see a judge for my bail.

Oh, that's after you're processed.

First it's fingerprints, mug shot...

Cavity search.

Does jordy know you're doing this to me?

Oh, jordy lawyered up.

We can't talk to him.

What about me?

Don't I get a lawyer?

I read you your rights three times.

You didn't ask for a lawyer.

But jordy did it for me.

He told me to lhis lawyers take care of this.

You fell for that?

Jordy's cutting a deal right now.


He's only looking out for himself.


I need some assistance here.

What do you want now?

I need to use the facilities.

Unless you prefer I piss on the floor.

Should I get my own lawyer?

That's up to you.

Do you know one?

I have a business attorney.

Well, you should probably hire one that specializes In criminal defense.


You lied to me.

He's still here. Jordy!

Last chance to talk to your girlfriend.

I thought you were going to take care of this.

You said I didn't have to worry.

You don't. I'm handling this.


Captain, what's going on?

This our case.

Not anymore. Feds made a deal.

We cracked it.

We did all the work-

It's done.

There's nothing more I can do.

Hand him over.

We have the resources to handle the volume Of child pornography involved.

Yeah, right.

So who'd you pay off?

We'll need those hard drives.

Why is there blood on my client?

It's nothing. Let's go.

What about me?

You're taking me with you, right?

Not right now.

But a member of my firm Will represent you at arraignment tomorrow.

Will jordy be there?


Not where you're going.

He's going off to a federal country club.

While you're facing up to 80 years.

That's not true.

He'd never do that to me.

Tell them that's not true, Jordan.

You're going to be fine, dahlia.

You're a survivor.

Always have been.

You screwed me over?

You have to trust me.

I've trusted you for years.

What's that got me?

Calm down.

I'm on those tapes!

Doing everything you told me to do.

Dahlia, shut up.

Every perverted, disgusting thing.

Now is not the time.

They said I could go to jail for the rest of my life.

And that even if I get out, I'll be a registered sex offender.

Can we go now?


No, don't leave me, please!


Please come back, please!

Please come back! Please!

I love you!