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16x03 - Producer's Backend

Posted: 10/09/14 21:57
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Are you kidding me?

You're an idiot!

Do you know how much my car costs?

I don't care how much your car costs!

I do!

[Unintelligible arguing]

Give 'em a minute. Better they take it out on each other than one of us!

Yeah, okay, appreciate your support.

I know you!

You're on TV, you're gonna pay!

[Arguing each other]

Ladies, hey, enough!

Enough, hey, back away!

All right, back away.

Back away.

Who do you think you are?

Amaro, you take the feisty one.

What happened here, ma'am?

That crazy trick ran into my car!

Ha, ha, ha!

What's your name, miss?


Do you live under a rock?

Okay, Tensley Evans, former teen movie star, current favorite celebrity hot mess?

License and registration, please.

Have you been drinking tonight, miss Evans?

No, idiot, I'm sober.

My back, I need help...

Amaro, a little help?

Hey, don't move!

My neck...

Hey, you all right?

You know, I'll call a bus.

Yeah, I'm at...


You go, I got her.

[Siren blaring]

Out of the car, miss.

Come get me!

Now! C'mon.

I know I've been bad, but I can be good.

Hands on the hood.

How about the shaft?

Now miss, please stand back.

Or I have to call my supervisor.

Call him, I'll do him too.

I love threesomes!

All right, turn around, put your hands behind your back.

Oh! Are you getting the cuffs out, officer, Ah-Meero?



Well, guess who's at it again?

That's right, Tensley Evans.

Fast, cheap and out of control.

She's on her way to the courthouse this morning, after she was arrested last night for another DUI.

Hey Rollins, you see this?

This time, she's accused of leaving the scene of an accident.

What's with these girls?

Child stars at nine, sexual icons at 15, flame-outs by 20.

Yeah, I know about this.

Tensley Evans, Nick told me, he caught the case.


That guy's a disaster magnet.

I liked you better with the 'stache.

Your honor, in asking for remand, the prosecution is wildly overreaching.

Aside from this minor incident, miss Evans has complied with all of the conditions of her probation.

So, leaving her court-ordered rehab facility, driving while intoxicated and fleeing the scene of an accident constitutes a "minor" incident?

No one was injured in the accident.

This case belongs in traffic court.

If it weren't for Tensley's celebrity, none of us would be here.

Can we please allow my client to get back to rehab, and complete her probation in good standing?

Not so fast, counselor.

This is her fourth appearance in my courtroom.

But there are extenuating circumstances!

Marvin, if you're not gonna tell her, I will.

What a treat it is to see you again, Mrs. Evans.

Your honor, I apologize.

This pertains to my client's alleged fleeing from the scene.

It was her perception that the arresting officer...

Nick Amaro, may have been inappropriate.



He said that he'd let me go if I got in the back seat with him, and then I drove off, and...

He said he wanted to have sex with me.

[Crowd murmuring excitedly]

[Gavel hits bench] Order.

[Three gavel hits] Order!

[Dramatic music]

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My nieces are huge fans of yours.

You want an autograph?

[Two loud knocks on door]


You need a glass of water...

Here's my statement.

Before we get started?

How about a mimosa?

Oh, you're actually interviewing this girl?

It's just protocol.

But you have nothing to worry about.

I saw the Dash cam footage, Nick.

You handled it perfectly, professionally.

Yeah, so what? One P.P.

Will just use her as an excuse to keep their boot on my neck.


You're coming back here.

It's just a matter of time.

My daughter does not deserve to go to prison, she needs help.

Well, she was getting help.

Which didn't actually seem to help.

These are serious charges.

Drunk driving, fleeing the scene, falsely accusing a police officer.

Why does everyone automatically assume I'm lying?

Because you are.

You ever heard of Dash cam footage?


All right, all right, my client was in an agitated state.

Maybe she misinterpreted the officer's actions.

If Tensley says someone assaulted her, someone assaulted her!

Donna, Donna! Stop.

Hey, mom, I don't feel well.

Breathe, baby, breathe.

Breathe. Remember...

I need some water for her Xanax.

Please, somebody!

Why don't you come with me, Mrs. Evans.

I'm sure we can find a clean glass.


We'll be fine, Donna.

I am not just her mother, I am her court-appointed...

Mom. Mom, mom, mom, guardian.

Mom, it's not my nerves, it's my blood sugar, okay?

I need a power bar.

All right.

Okay, sweetie.

All right, I'll go.


The night of the crash, you left rehab without notifying anybody.

I had to get out of there.

But part of your probation is 60 days in rehab, mandatory.

You can't just decide to leave on your own.

I can't.

I can't go back, please.

You don't understand.

What, Tensley?

What don't we understand?

Doesn't matter.

Whatever I say, he'll just twist it around.

Who's "he"?

I can't say.

Please, don't make me say.

We can't help you if you don't say.

The psych director.

Jim Durant.

But he'll just deny it.

Deny what?

At first he was really nice.

He listened to me, and he even let me lay down on his couch in his office whenever I was overwhelmed, but...

I should've known what he wanted.

By now, I should know how all men are.

Got it.

That was Barba.

In light of Tensley's latest accusation, the judge just ordered her released into her mother's custody.


So, she runs away from the scene of an accident, she makes a false accusation against Nick, and...

She just gets sent back to her multi-million dollar penthouse?

Until we follow up on the allegations made against the psych director, yes.

Jim Durant?

He's well-respected.

There's no record there.

No whispers.

She lied about Nick.

She's lying about this guy.

Yeah, she's just gonna accuse anybody of anything just to get out of here!

Amanda, it sounds like you're taking this a little personally.

Get a statement from Durant.

And take Carisi with you.

Yeah, about that.

When do we get Nick back?

I don't know.

He's taking his anger management really, really seriously.


I'm working on it.

By the way...

Keep showing Carisi the ropes.

It's really helping.

That's like my mother, telling me I'm the only one that can mop the floors, because she didn't want to do it.


Hey, you got a minute?

Not really.

Uh, where are we on Amaro?


Nowhere yet.

He's on probation, demoted to traffic duty, and a female civilian makes accusations of sexual extortion?

And you want to call your markers in for this?

Have you even seen the footage?

Lost causes are not my top priority.

Do me a favor and humor me.

Watch this.

I know I've been bad, but I can be good.

Put your hands on the hood.

How about the shaft?

Miss, please step back...

Or I have to call my supervisor.

Oh, call him!

I'll do him, too.

I love threesomes.

Turn around, hands behind your back.


Are you getting the cuffs out, officer... Ah-Meero?

Oh, you are...


You have the right to remain silent.

You have the right to an attorney.

That is by the book.

He ignores her provocation.

He's perfect. You could use this as a teaching tool at the academy.

And yet, we won't.

I will do my due diligence on this and get back to you.

I'm short-staffed.

The sooner the better, I'd really appreciate it.

When the investigation is complete, you'll be the first to know.

Have a good day, sergeant.

You too.

As soon as we realized Tensley was gone, we notified her mother.

The strength, hope and recovery center is not a lock down facility.

You operate on an honor system.


All right, so... any idea why she left so suddenly?

Well, without violating privacy, some patients can have a hard time adapting.

We're a dry house, so there's no alcohol, no dr*gs, no sex.

And, uh, that includes with the psych director?

Is she making accusations?


Of course she is.

Young women who've been sexualized at an early age can conflate these experiences and then project them onto others.

Hmm. What did she project onto you?

She began acting provocatively, attempting to seduce me, but I viewed it as a breakthrough.

Hmm, a breakthrough.

To what?

To the transference.

Where the gold is.

See, the fact that she is behaving that way, showed me that this was a core issue of hers.

But not yours.


Thank you.

So... doctor, once you noticed the transference, did you discourage it?

Look, I behaved professionally with Tensley.

Strength and hope have security cameras everywhere for this very reason.

With her permission, you screen the footage, and it will exonerate me.

And I hope it will.

How about the other doctors, maybe the staff?

Is there a possibility they didn't handle her acting out as professionally as you did?

No one on staff.

But she did have an encounter with a boy, her roommate's son.

And Tensley assured me it would never happen again.

A boy? How old?



We informed the boy's mother.

She didn't want to pursue.

Can you say "Nick"?

Uncle Nick.


Hey, come on, give me a smile.

Hey, he likes you.

He doesn't just spit up on anyone.

Well, actually...

Lately he does.

Oh, he's gonna be fine.

Aren't you, Noah?

You ready for your bath?


Don't forget to dry his hair.

I know.

Cause you know, he's still been...

Coughing, right.

I know.

Bath time, Noah.

Too much.

You know, I should get going.

I have a hearing in the morning, at one P. P...

Actually, you don't.

I went to Tucker, I showed him the Dash cam footage.

Liv, I can take care of myself.

That I know.

But it is a done deal.

Tucker, chief of DS, they all think that it's their idea.

So... go home.

Put your suit on.

You're back in.

So, they didn't believe Tensley?

Yeah, Tensley has bigger problems than that.

A security cam found her fellating a 15-year-old boy in a closet at her rehab.


Yeah. So...

Talk to the boy, talk to the father, and get their side.

Thank you, Olivia.

You're welcome.

Hey, take Carisi with you.


I hear he's a real... empath.

Oh, where'd you hear that?


Hey, he's eager to learn, and I think working with you is only going to make him better.

I was visiting mom.

I ran into Tensley on the way out.

I told her I was a big fan.

She asked me if I had any weed, so...

We got high.

Weed? Where the hell did you get weed?

I understand your concern, Mr. Miller, but we need to hear from your son exactly what happened.

And then she said she wanted to thank me.

I didn't know what she meant, but then she pulled me into the supply closet, we kissed, and then she... gave me...


Why didn't you tell me?


You're in a lot of trouble, son.

Actually, Mr. Miller, your son's not in trouble.

Tensley Evans is.

For what?

Gregory's underage.

The facility has security cameras, there's footage of Gregory and Tensley having sexual contact.

He's the victim of a crime.

No, I'm not.

This is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me.

Don't ruin it.

I was just trying to be nice.

What you did, Tensley, is against the law.

Are you kidding?

He's gonna be the most popular kid in his class.

He's 15.

Your daughter's in her 20s.

15? Kids at 15 are having sex all the time.

With their teachers, with their parents' friends...

All right!

All right, that's enough.

With people they work with.

Tensley, enough!

It's not like he was forced or drugged, he enjoyed it.

Okay, that may be, but the law says that that boy was too young to consent to sexual activity with an adult.

Well, that can't be true, especially for a boy.

Turn around, please.


You heard me, turn around.


Are you cuffing her?

Mom, do something!

I'm calling Marvin!

You can't do this.

Okay, why are you doing this?

You're just trying to protect that cop of yours.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say...

I know my rights, okay?

They've been read to me a dozen times in the past two years.


Marvin, I need you right now.

They're taking my baby away!

Mr. Exley, your client is back in my courtroom again facing a serious charge.

Should we install a revolving door?


He's bragging on Facebook.

Not now, Tensley.

Your honor, miss Evans was in extreme emotional duress.

Rather than prosecution, she needs a full psychiatric evaluation.

Your honor, this is just another delaying tactic.

I wasn't aware you were a psychiatrist, Mr. Barba.

Mental illness is not something this court takes lightly.

Psychiatric evaluation is so ordered.

But... miss Evans, you are still on probation.

If you violate the law again, in any way, I will remand you.

I sent my evaluation to the judge.

Tensley's a complicated mosaic.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Is she competent to stand trial?

She understands the charges.

She just disagrees with the law.

I'd love her to say that to the judge.

This girl's had enough second chances.

She's not going to get away with this one.

Thank you, doctor.



Do you have a minute?


Something bothering you?

I'm bound by confidentiality...


We both have been doing this a long time.

You know how short a path it can be from victim to victimizer.

If I had a young suspect who didn't understand that sex between adults and teenagers is wrong, or even abnormal...

You'd want to know why.

Got it.


I don't get why I'm in trouble, okay?

Like I told that shrink, guys did way more to me than I did to that... geek.

Well, Tensley, that's what we want to know more about, is what "guys"?


My daughter's never been abused, if that's what you're "insimulating."

Donna, if Tensley has information that'll be of use to SVU or the D.A., I will insist on quid pro quo.

You saying I'm not a good mother?

No, mom, no one is saying that.

Why are you hearing it?

Who do you think took her to all those auditions, all this time?

Made sure she met the right people, got the right jobs?

Mrs. Evans?

I think it would be easier to talk to Tensley if we were alone.

But she's my baby.

She needs me right here.


You know you can trust me.

[Clears throat]

[Exasperated sigh]

I'll be right outside, baby.

Right outside.


I don't know what you want me to say.

Listen to me, Tensley.

The detectives are suggesting that something happened to you when you were a young teenager.

Is that true?

I wasn't r*ped, okay, if that's what you're saying.

I'm no victim.

It's part of the business, I did what I had to do.

Fair enough.

So... what was that?

It's no big deal.

The first time, it was at a producer's pool party.

Mom said it would be good for my career if I went.

Whose party?

Adam Brubeck.

And who is he?

Hello? He's like an a-list movie producer.

This was one of his casting parties at his place in East Hampton.

I was in the hot tub, I got too drunk, woozy.

He took me into his bedroom, toweled me off, said I had a beautiful body and that if I made him happy, he'd find a role for me in his next movie.

So I did.

Next time he brought in two more guys, first to watch, but then they said fair is fair, so...

I did them, too.

How old were you?

13, 14, I don't know.

It went on for a couple of years.

And you're...

You're 24 now, right? Not 23?

So Tensley, how often did this happen?

I don't remember.

I'd drink.

Or they had coke, ecstasy.

Blur the edges.

Open your mouth, spread your legs, different guys.

But it worked.

I got that role and I got bigger roles.

My mom was right.

Your mother knew you were having sex with your producer and his friends?

I mean, we never talked about it, but she put me on the pill a couple months later.

You don't see me complaining like that pansy-ass Gregory, okay?

I gave Adam what he wanted and he gave me what I wanted.

Oh-bla-di, oh-bla-da.

Now Adam Brubeck was the biggest teen producer out there.

"Summer Days", "Five ways to play Hooky", "Farcity Blues..."

And according to Tensley, Brubeck passed her around like a sex toy party favor.

Explains why she's such a train wreck.

If she's telling the truth.

Nick, I'm glad you're back, but really, you should have heard her.

Well, she's an actress.

Amaro's right.

She could be playing you both.

We had to pull it out of her, guys.

This girl doesn't even know that she's been victimized.

Gregory's father thinks that his son was, and there's video to back up that charge.

I have to indict her.

Hold on, you do?

This is textbook mitigating.

And Exley is free to bring that up, when he tries to cut a deal.

In the meantime, how about I take a run at Brubeck?

See if he wets his pants.

Were you sick the day that they went over statute of limitations at law school?

Yeah, yeah, she's 24, which in New York is one year too late to charge statutory r*pe.

Anybody want to explain to me why that law still exists?

You can thank the church lobbyists for that.

The law's the law, all right?

She needs to do time.

And Brubeck doesn't?

Look, whatever he did to Tensley, dollars to donuts he's still doing it to other girls.

Great, are we going on a fishing trip?

Barba, how about we pursue two tracks?

You pursue yours, we'll pursue ours.

Now, I trust that this Brubeck is still producing?

Oh yeah, he's been busy.

Look, I'm checking his Twitter feed.

He's in New York this weekend.

Casting event for his new movie musical junior prom.
[Loud boy band music]

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You guys are the best!

I did a drive-around with some homicide detectives last year.

It was so awesome.


Mr. Brubeck around?

Oh, he's in a cabana, but he's busy.

Which way?


Excuse me.


You just pushed Brody Clark!


The breakout star of "Summer Daze"?

And the "Knightmaster trilogy"?

I count at least two dozen underage girls in bikinis.

You know, no one leaves.

Start checking IDs.

All right, you guys get that side, I'll take over here.

Adam Brubeck?

Detectives Rollins and Amaro, SVU.

Is there a problem?

Dennis George, house counsel.

This is a private event.

If it's about the noise...

Everyone here have I.D.?

Everything's kosh.

No one without a wristband gets served, so...

You don't need to waste your time or k*ll the Buzz.

That's not why we're here.

We want to ask you about Tensley Evans.

What did she do now?

If she's claiming that she has a job with us, or is attempting to use us as a reference, the answer is no.

She's puttanesca non grata.

Unfortunately, we had to sever all ties with her a long time ago.

And why is that?

Where to begin?

She arrived drunk to our sets, causing massive delays.

She was incorrigible, and uninsurable.

Sorry we can't help you.

Or her.

But do grab some Sushi on your way out.

Actually, we have a few more questions, you mind?

It's fine.

Tell the guests to relax.


So, what's this about?

Your relationship with Tensley.

I know she's non grata now,
but did she used to come to your parties?

Sweetie, everyone's been to my parties.

Well, how about a pool party in East Hampton, 10, 11 years ago?

I was casting "Summer Daze" back then.

I'm sure Tensley's mother would have pushed to have her on the guest list.

All right, so she was there.

What is she claiming now?

With her, it's always someone else's fault.

Back to the party...

Is there a chance that she was using dr*gs or alcohol?

She was troubled even then.

Who knows what that mother of hers fed her?

Were you and Tensley ever alone that night?

Not that I can recall.

Excuse me, detectives.

Alessa is here to see you, Adam.

She has some notes on the script.

No rest for the weary.

Watch your back with Tensley.

She's a waste case.

I know you don't trust Tensley, but seriously, that guy...

I hear you, you're asking me to let it go, I've let it go.

There's no underage drinking, dr*gs, who knows...

Sorry, am I interrupting?


No, we were just leaving.

Oh. It uh...

Just looked like something else.

So Adam Brubeck's casting party, no dr*gs, no underage drinking.

Nah, it was just a bunch of older men watching wet teenage girls in bikinis.

If being a letch were illegal, Beverly Hills would be in lock down.

Look, he smart, he's careful, he's wised up.

What did he say about Tensley?

Oh, he admitted that she came to his parties, at 13, but he blamed it mostly on the mom.

You thought he'd confess to child r*pe?

We keep digging deeper, we're gonna find something.

In fact, I made a few calls.

Yeah, you know what?

So did I.

This is the research on Brubeck's former child stars.

Okay, Tensley is not the only one that's crashed and burned.

This is Bella Macy.

She starred in "Teens in Space" at 12.

She did an after school special, and then disappeared.

She got arrested four years ago in Ohio for armed robbery.

Mm-hmm. Go on.

This is Jordana Russo.

She starred alongside Tensley in "Sophie Spade".

She's now doing...


Now this is our friend Brody Clark.

That guy used to be a complete mess.

In and out of rehab for years.


The list goes on and on.

Next question: Did any of them file a lawsuit, press charges?

Actually, he was almost charged in L.A.

I have an ex at LAPD.

She told me an actress named Amber Forbes drowned at one of Brubeck's Beverly Hills pool parties, nine years ago.


How old was she?

She was 15.

The M.E. ruled it an accident, but there was alcohol and ecstasy in her system.

Brubeck and Dennis were questioned by police.

Also, on the witness list...

Brody Clark.

Okay, talk to Brody.

Find out what he knows.

Adam told me you guys were up his butt about Tensley.

Is she okay?

How well do you know her?

We did a few movies together.

And you were engaged for two years.

Well, a lot of that was PR.

But I do care about her.

I mean, we broke in together.


Right, on "Summer Daze"!

Loved that movie.

Hey, wasn't that girl who drowned in it?


Amber something?

Oh, man, Amber Forbes, that poor girl.

And you were at the party when she drowned?

Yeah, it, uh...

Totally sucked, bro.

Was uh...

Was Adam Brubeck there?

Uh, sure.

It was his house.

Now was he with her, in the pool?

I don't know, I was in the screening room watching videos.

But, dude, that house...

It's like, unbelievable.

Unbelievable, huh?

Brody, do you remember who else was there?

Um... Tensley.

She was like a big sister to Amber.

She cried for, like, months.

I don't know what you're doing here.

Oh, did you know that Tensley's alleged victim is texting her?

I guess he wants to be traumatized again.

That's not what this is about.

Tensley's aware you're here to talk about Amber Forbes, right?

We understand that you were at the party when she drowned.

Hold on, detective.

That death was ruled accidental.

Even so, my client needs to be immunized.

And she's not a suspect, you have my word.


Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I was there, but...

That was forever ago and I'd really rather not go back to that time.

I was in a lot of pain.

Yes, I understand that, but we need to know, did you see Amber in the pool?

No. No, I don't want to talk about this.

Tensley, you okay?

I'm gonna be sick.


Don't touch me!

All right, this agenda of yours is destroying my daughter!

Our agenda?

You put her on the pill at 13.

It was her doctor's idea!

You didn't know what was going on at those parties.

All right, that's enough, detective.

I love my daughter. I don't know what you two are up to, but I would like it if you would just leave.

I'd like to talk to Tensley alone.

I'll go with you.

No, you're not.

You're gonna stay right here.

Hey, Tensley.

Can I talk to you for a second?


Okay, Tensley, I'm coming in.

Oh, sweetie...

What did you do?

What did you do?

[Whimpering and crying]

Shh, it's okay, sweetie.

It's okay, I've got you.

No, you don't...

I told you, I didn't want to go back to that time...

Shh, it's okay, it's okay.

Hold that tight.

Hey, Tensley.

How you feeling?


Today in group, uh...

This girl said that my next bottom isn't on this earth.

That kind of got through to me.

I'm glad.

So the other day...

You said that you didn't want to go back to that time.

You think you're ready now?


It's all I think about.

Everybody in group knows, so...

You might as well, too.


That night in the pool.

Um, it was...

It was Amber, Adam and I.

We were high.

On, uh... on kix.




It works.

We were splashing around and then Adam set down the house rules.

Which were?

He wanted us to take turns on him while he held our heads underwater.

Amber was so scared.

But I'd done it before, so I went for it, and I choked, and...

I had to go inside.

And I tried, I tried to get Amber to come with me, but Adam said no, and...

I never should have left her.

She was 15 and she was still new to this, and...

It's my fault she drowned.

I heard about Tensley.

I sent her flowers.

Is she gonna be okay?

Well, she's dealing with a lot of guilt about Amber, and she could use more than flowers from you.

Look, I-I already told you guys.

I did not see what happened.

We know what happened.

Tensley told us about Adam's water games, and she said that you knew about 'em, too.

Hey, did he pay you?

Give you more acting jobs?

Is that why you protected Adam's secret?

It wasn't Adam's secret.

It was...

It was mine.

I was in the screening room that night with a man, and we weren't watching movies.

So you helped cover up a m*rder, because you were afraid of getting outed?

I'm still afraid.

I don't care how much things have changed.

If I come out, my career is over.

Amber's dead, all right?

Tensley tried to k*ll herself, and your career is the only thing you care about?

No! I...


This man you were with that night.

You think he might testify to what he saw or heard?

Not a chance.

He's in the closet, too.

He's the one who threatened to destroy me if I ever said a word.

It was a tragedy.

LAPD investigated, ruled it accidental.

Ah, but you were there, correct.


I was in the study on a business call.

I didn't see anything, I told the police that at the time.

You're a lawyer, so you know lying to the police and the D.A.

Is an obstruction of justice.

I'm gonna ask you again.

You were alone in the study making a call?

What's this really about?

Brody Clark.

You remember seeing him?


There were a lot of people at that party.

I have a vague recollection.

Brody's isn't quite as vague.

He was of age.

I do hope the NYPD isn't in the business of outing gay men.

Well, we certainly don't have to be.

What do you want?

Can you turn around for me, honey?


That's it.


Nice long legs.

You're not a prude, are you?

You look flexible, can you do a split?

Now bounce up and down a little.

Oh, yeah.

Just like that.

Oh, you know what I like.

Now make me believe you're a p*ssy cat.

Yeah! Yeah, that's it.

Now arch your back.

Oh, come on, loosen up.

Show me you're not ashamed of your body.

Oh, I can work with that.

Oh ho ho, I think I just got very lucky.

Look, Dennis gave us two more flash drives, we've gone through hours of this stuff.

Is there anyone underage in these videos who's within the statute of limitations?

He's more clever than that.

In the last nine years, all of Brubeck's movies have been shot in Pennsylvania, Washington or Montana.

All states with an age of consent of 16, and a mistake of age defense.

Meaning, the guy can have sex with a 14-year-old, and claim he thought that she was 16.

He's too smart.

He's been gaming the system ever since Amber died.

All right, so that's it.

We just give up?

Oh, we're not giving up.

This guy k*lled Amber Forbes.

He has ruined countless lives.

There has got to be a way to stop him.

And yet, Brubeck's threading the loophole of legalities state by state.

He keeps very good records, very thorough.

He's got their D.O.B.

On every audition video.




What is this?

"Winnipeg nights"?

Who saw this tape?

I did.

But it's not like an audition.

It's more like foreplay.

Was it shot in Canada?

The audition was, but the movie was never made.

Hold on.

Did he audition anybody else?

No, no, that's just the one girl, Maude Peterson.

But she was 16.

Okay, I need you two to get on a plane to Winnipeg.


Right now. I need you to talk to Maude, find out how she got this audition, if there was ever a script at all, and...

How far he got with her.

How does that matter?

The age of consent in Canada is 16.

If the film was never made, and if he got lucky up there, we just got lucky too.

Yeah, we want to talk to you about Adam Brubeck.

Adam Brubeck?

Haven't talked to him in years.

Since you auditioned for him.

That's right.


Well, Maude, how did you get the audition?

It's a weird story.

I loved his movies.

I tweeted a Vine to him in New York.

He called me the next day.

We emailed and video chatted.

He said it was amazing timing, because he had just gotten a script for a movie set in Canada.

"Winnipeg Nights."

He said I'd be perfect for the lead, Mallory.

A gymnast who gets cancer.

So he sent you a script?


He said I should work on a monologue, and then we would improvise.

Right, and then he flew up here, to Winnipeg?

And where'd he hold the audition?

In his hotel suite.

He said there wasn't an official office set up yet.

It was really early in pre-production.

Did he have anyone with him?

An assistant?

Casting director?


It was just him and me.

That should have been my first clue.

We spent the weekend together.

I told him I was a virgin, and he said I needed life experience if I wanted to be a real actress.

So you had sex with him.


Yeah. All kinds of stuff.

Adam said I was a natural and he had never met anyone like me.

He was gonna make me a star.

I believed him.

I wouldn't let my phone out of my sight in case he called.

I was so stupid.


Excuse me, I have to get back to work.

Thank you, Maude.

Hey, guys, what can I get for you?

LAPD ruled Amanda Forbes' death an accidental drowning.

Not to mention, this is out of your jurisdiction.

Amber's not the issue.

If it's about Tensley, you both know better than I do that she's a pathological liar who'll say anything to get attention.

Well, it's not about Tensley either.

And he's right, you're gonna get away with what you did to both those girls.

Okay, so why are we here, guys?

Why are we here?

Do you remember her?

Maude Peterson?


Maude Peterson.

Was she an actress?

I audition hundreds of actresses.

Yeah, but only one in Canada.

For "Winnipeg Nights", and you had sex with her?

Look, are you asking, did I sleep with young, wannabe actresses?


But I kept it legal.

You may have thought you did.

No, I did.

You know, I do remember her now.

She's 16.

The age of consent in Canada.

Not illegal.

Hold on...

"Winnipeg nights" was never made.

If you people understood anything about the industry, you would know that most projects never get off the ground.

Right, but there's usually a script, no?

There was.

I registered one with the writer's guild.

Yes, you did.

We subpoenaed it.

It's a treatment with "all work and no play makes Adam a dull boy" written over and over again, over ten pages.

Authored by you.

Okay, we gotta stop now.

You're gonna blindside us like this?

I need some time with my client.

No, no.

Hey, it's all right, it's okay.

It's okay, Don.

My assistant must have registered the wrong document.

Your signature's on the registration.

Was there ever any kind of legitimate pre-production at all?

A schedule, a budget...

I'm the creative.

You'd have to talk to Dennis.

We did, and the only budget entry that he submitted was for a first-class round trip ticket to Winnipeg, and your weekend stay at a hotel.

Room service bills were quite extensive, especially the pay-per-view.

You never left the hotel that whole weekend, did you?

Dennis, that little limp-wristed bean counter!

Adam! Adam, please! Please!

What kind of deal did he work out with you?

Stop, Adam, please!

Who gives him authority to talk to these people about my...

We are leaving.

No, you won't.

There was no movie.

There was never any intention to make a movie.

Your client traveled to Canada with the primary purpose of having sex with someone under the age of 18.

A federal crime.

What is he talking about?

Sexual tourism.

Section 24-23-C of title 18.

Engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places.

Punishable by up to 30 years in prison.

You can't be serious.

That law's intention is to stop pedophiles from flying to Thailand to have sex with 12-year-olds.

Your client is a pedophile, and a r*pist, and a m*rder*r.

And if this is the only way that we can get you, then this is the way that you're going down.

The feds have been watching this interrogation.

They're outside right now.

Adam Brubeck, put your hands behind your back, you're under arrest.

No, I was not surprised to hear of Adam Brubeck's arrest.

Like so many young actors in Hollywood, I fell victim to a predator.

I harmed so many people because I just didn't understand what was done to me.

I am working though, really hard, on straightening out my life, and on making amends to everyone that I have hurt.

And when I meet young actors today, I just tell them that they don't have to be victims too.

That is so terrific, wow.

Thank you.

Now I hear you have a new project in the works.

Tell us about it.

I do!

So after the six months community service, I will be doing an arc on "Orange is the new Black".


Justice has been served.

I'm surprised she didn't get that arc as her community service.

I don't know...

I bet she looks hot in a prison jumpsuit.

Could you just hand me my bag, please? Thank you.

I'm sorry, can you turn that off, please?

Amaro, I need you to hold down the fort for a second.

Is everything all right?

I don't know.

Noah's in the E.R.