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16x08 - Spousal Privilege

Posted: 11/20/14 15:29
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

No, no, Maria.

No, you can't.

You can't pull that crap.

No, you had Zara all summer long.

Right, I flew out there.

You're supposed to fly her out here for Thanksgiving.

Yeah, my mother's expecting us.

My sister's flying up from Miami.

No, look, this isn't up for discussion, all right?

No... well, yeah, who's yelling?

I'm not yelling.

No, you don't hang...

Don't hang up on me.


Damn it.


Hey, you all right?

What's going on?


Okay, take a breath.

How about you don't tell me what to do?

Don't say it.

Say what?

Hey, what happened to your hand?

Ah, nothing. It's fine.

That work-related?

Yeah, some geek hacked celebrity nude selfies from the cloud and posted them Redchanit.

And that's SVU because...

Some of the celebs in the pics are underage.

That makes it child porn.

Okay, wrap it up, Fin.

Find anything, have TARU trace it.

You know you don't want naked pictures of yourself on the lnternet, don't take naked pictures of yourself.

Right, and if you don't want to get assaulted, don't wear a short skirt?

Wait, hold up.

Who's that?


No, go back.


That's A.J. Martin.

From the sports wrap pregame show?

Now, but before that he's a heisman trophy winner and an eight-time pro bowler.


That's his baby mama Paula Bryant.

But how is this guy mixed in with those celebrity nudes?

I don't know.

Redchanit's like a failed state.

They'll post anything now.


Hey, guys.

What is this, a celebrity nude task force?

It may be something more.

A.J. Martin?

When was this?

I mean, from the way they're dressed, it looks like the black and white gala at the met six weeks ago.

Tons of press coverage.

I don't remember hearing anything about A.J. Martin being picked up on a domestic.

Well, they must have picked him up, because a patrolman shows up.

The guy's a sports hero.

You know how this goes.

Well, I know how it used to go.

She's so out of it, she can hardly walk.

Find out if there's any video of what happened in between.

Yeah, I don't see it posted anywhere.

We can contact the garage.

You know, call the local precinct.

Find out what really happened.

I'll call the chief.

You want us to investigate?

After Ray Rice and the others, if it looks like domestic v*olence, we follow up...

Before this becomes the news.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

You never got into it after a few too many?

How is this SVU?

Well... that's how.

Sexual as*ault.

Must be slow downtown.

Well, it was a couple's thing.

My officer arrested both at the scene.

Yeah, we saw that, but she was woozy, she's missing a shoe, she looked roughed up.

Ms. Bryant declined medical attention.

He was polite.

She was contrite.

So their interviews were consistent?

It was more of a discussion.

But they were spoken to separately?

I didn't see the need.

Look, we got a lot of swells up here, and sometimes less is more.


I get it.

Hey... A.J. is a legend.

His lady said she got jealous and she made a scene.

Some low-life leaked that video to Redchanit.

Now you guys want to come in here and play Monday morning quarterback?

We're just trying to figure out why no charges were filed.

Well, looks like it was adjourned contemplating dismissal.

So you got a problem, you can take that up with the D.A.

Out of context, this video is disturbing, but it doesn't contradict the police report sent to the A.D.A.

Who was this A.D.A.?

Danielle Dicarlo...

Green, but good.

Taking her first vacation in three years.

To say that she is dedicated is an understatement.

Well, to say that she threw the book at him is an overstatement.

The precinct cops said it was a drunken spat.

Dicarlo dropped the charges against Paula, offered A.J. adjournment in contemplation of dismissal.

He does community service, didn't re-offend...

In six months, it all gets dropped.

Look, that's the deal that I give when the victim refuses to cooperate.

Or are you saying because they're celebrities, we should have given them anti-preferential treatment?

I'm saying that your A.D.A. shouldn't have taken the arresting officer's word.

I take your word all the time.

Anyway, this is moot.

The deal was offered.

The lawyer said no.

They turned down a "get out of jail free" card?


It's the smart move.

A.J. Called the A.D.A.'s bluff.

He just assumed that he'd get away with it regardless.

What, he's probably worried about P.R., he's trying to avoid community service.

So, great, he gets away with everything.


Look, there's not a lot here.

Any footage from the stairwell?

Amaro and Rollins are tracking it down.

And when they find it, we know what we're gonna see, the same thing we've seen before from these guys.

He knocked her out.

Why not just convict him now?

He dragged her unconscious body out of that stairwell with no concern for her, and then she says she slipped and fell?

Come on.

In certain ways, I don't disagree.

I hate it when people say that.

Since he didn't take the offer, the case is still open.

Find the video, or get her to change her story.

We'll see where we are.

We cooperated with the police.

The D.A. offered a conditional discharge.

My legal team's on it.

That was before the video came to light.

Yeah, well, I mean, that's what you should be following up on.

I mean, who leaked this?

We have detectives working on that.

Good throw, shorty.

I'm gonna be a player, just like my dad.

Who are you?

Antwan Jarrod, it's time to go to your room.

There's grown folks talking.

What are you talking about?


Yes, sir.

Go ahead to your room, boy.

Ain't nobody playing with you.

He wants to be like his old man.

With an arm like that, though, he's a natural quarterback.

Carrying on the father-and-son dynasty.

True dat.

Junior's coach says...

A.J.'s only 8, but he plays with the 10-year-olds.


Would you mind showing me the restroom, please?

Yeah, sure, it's right down here.


Have a seat.

You know what this is all about, right?


You got to do your job.

I respect that.

All the athletes in the press right now...

My sergeant just wants to double-check everything.

You mind walking me through it?

It's like I told the boys that night.

Had too much to drink, had some words.

That's all.

Those words didn't turn into deeds?

Hey, I love my girl.

But even she would tell you that she goes off the rails when she's had a few.

All I was trying to do was make sure that everything stayed within the hash marks.

It's... right here.


Paula, is there anything that you might want to tell me about that night, about what happened?

No, I'd been drinking.

I went after A.J., and I tripped.

End of story.

But you were going upstairs.

Excuse me, sergeant.

This is my house, and you're here with my permission.

Anything you say to Paula, you can say to both of us.

Doesn't look like garage footage.

No, it's from the gala, and it's all we got, 'cause the garage is claiming that they erase their security cache every seven days.

So how did the first video end up on Redchanit six weeks after the event?

They're lying.

Get a search warrant.

We need to find out what really went down in that stairwell.

If something went down in that stairwell.


Man, he dragged her out.

It's no concern.

Yeah, have you ever tried to move 100 pounds of passed-out drunk?

It ain't easy.

She's covering for him.

Fin, you saw it.

He's controlling.

His little son was terrified of him.

I was terrified of my mother.

When I used to act a fool, she'd beat my ass.

Yeah, I was raised the same way.

In the South, you have to pick out your own switch.

So now we're making cultural exemptions?

You know, my father, he went at me with his fists.

It taught me you never lay a hand on a child, or a woman.

It's possible that A.J. could have been fending her off.

Fending her off?

[Cell phone rings]

He's twice her size.

He should have just walked away.

Okay, great.



Okay, LMZ, guys, now.

Well, how the hell did they get that?

The old-fashioned way.

They paid for it.

That son of a bitch.


That changes everything.

Hey, give us a little room, okay?

I'm so sorry what you must be going through.

With that video out there, unfortunately there's no shield law for domestic v*olence victims.

I'm not a victim.

I'll need a word with my clients.

And I'll need Mr. Martin and Ms. Bryant interviewed separately.

That's not necessary.

It's okay, A.J.

You'll both be with counsel.


On it, boss.

Okay, we're good to go.

Women are flirting.

I try to be nice, pose for a selfie, autograph a Jersey.

That is very nice of you.

We're just putting the events of the evening in context.

Okay, so you were flirting, and Paula got mad.

I know that those girls are his fans, but they got to know that he's mine.

And you... expressed that?


I started in.

I was getting loud.

Which made A.J. angry.


I embarrassed him in front of important people.

That can't happen.

She was stumbling.

She could have hurt herself.

I had to stop her.

With your fist.

I had sipped on a few myself.

How many?

You don't need to get into that, A.J.

What I'm saying is, my reflexes weren't 100%.

They seemed pretty sharp to me.

A.J. was just trying to protect me.

By laying you out in the stairwell?

What's with the animosity, detective?

We're just trying to understand what happened.

We already told the NYPD what happened.

Look, we are putting it behind us.

Why can't y'all?

[Door opens]

We told the officers...


Sorry, had to start without you.

I'm sure.

What's their story?

They were drunk, she was stumbling, and he had to stop her.

What I saw was an as*ault.

We're on the same page.

Let's hope that that video is damning enough he won't want this going to trial.


You want to plea this down?

He should be in jail.

Yeah, he should.

But he's personable, charismatic.

Paula supports him.

The jury's gonna want to forgive him.

You know, you're right.

We should just slap him on the wrist and send him home.

A.J. was defending himself, but if you want to make a reasonable offer, we'll hear you out.

The other D.A. said something about anger management.

We'll go.

A.A., whatever it takes.

Good for you.

Acknowledging there was no serious injury, as*ault III, 90 days.

as*ault III, no jail time, 200 hours of community service.

A.J.'s gonna have to do a lot more than pick up garbage with a pointy stick for this one.

My client has already been suspended by his network.

as*ault III with jail time is an overreach.

She didn't even go to the hospital.

You know what, you're right.

This is really reckless endangerment, gross disregard for her safety which could have caused serious injury.

You want us to plead to a felony?

I never hurt Paula.

She'll back me up on that.

You heard the man.

We'll see you in court.

Fine, tomorrow, 9:00 A.M.

On the charge of reckless endangerment, how do you plead?

My client pleads not guilty.

And for bail?

People request remand, your honor, given the v*olence of the attack and the callous disregard for the victim afterwards.

Mr. Martin is a first-time offender with a young son.

He's no flight risk.


I'm setting bail at $20,000.

[Gavel strikes]

Paula, can I just talk to you for a second?


If you want to apologize for everything you're putting my family through, it's a little bit too late.

Junior is being harassed at school.

A.J.'s broadcasting career is over.

Okay, Paula, I've been doing this a long time, and I've seen a lot of men like A.J.

There's only one A.J.

Best believe.

And he's your soul mate.

And I'm sure that there are times that he makes you feel incredibly special.

But that doesn't make up for the times when he lays hands on you.

He slipped.

Do you know what it's like to have the whole world watching us at our worst moment?

To be judging us by a split second...

If you can look me in the eye right now, and tell me this has only happened once...

I'll believe you.

It's gonna happen again.

And why is that?

Because a strong black man can't control himself?

He has to be taken down a notch, right?

By the legal system, by the public, by you.

I'm concerned about your safety.

I'm concerned about your son's safety.

I'm not concerned about...

The public perception of black men.

Well, we're living as a family, and A.J. needs me, just as much as I need him.

Sergeant Benson, I'm sure this is just small talk, but you know not to speak to Paula without her counsel.


Thank you.

A.J., Paula, and I have been praying together and working through this emotionally and spiritually.

Paula, you want to say something?

Thank you, reverend Curtis.

I just want to set the record straight.

There are people invested in me playing the victim here.

That's not gonna happen.

I take full responsibility for provoking the unfortunate events of six weeks ago.

A.J. and I are working on our issues.

All we ask now is for privacy.

[Reporters clamoring]

We're not taking any questions today, thank you.

You agree she provoked you?

[Reporters shouting]

Come on.

Follow me.

What about the video?

[Reporters shouting]

So, A.J., what do you have to say to your fans and your detractors?

I would say, don't believe the gutter press.

Our haters can't bring us down.

We are deepening our commitment to each other every day.

Yeah, and that's what matters.

Mine and A.J.'s, it's for the long haul.

Are you watching this?

The next step on the apology tour, yeah.

So in the spirit of that deepened commitment, I hear you two have news.

Yeah, um...

A.J. proposed.

Wow, that is gr...

How many carats is that?

15 carats.

It's the same as A.J.'s retired Jersey number.

We're getting married later on today.

"What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder."

Doctor, beside the obvious size difference, what are the other factors that might make Mr. Martin's fists more dangerous than the average man his age.

On average, retired pro football players retain 20% higher bone density and a 13% higher muscle mass than other men.

Were you able to determine the force of the blow the defendant delivered to Mrs. Martin on the night in question?


Using the standard force algorithm, with his weight and muscle mass, A.J. Martin's fist hit Paula's face at more than 700 pounds per square inch, four times the force your average middle-aged couch potato could exert.

In your opinion, was this punch capable of causing serious injury to or even of k*lling Mrs. Martin?


Why didn't it?

Because she got lucky.

Your honor.

Jury will disregard.

Nothing further.

As a medical examiner, is it fair to say you spend more time examining dead bodies than live ones?

I perform autopsies, but I evaluate the living when required.

But you didn't perform a physical examination on either Mr. or Mrs. Martin, did you?


How about an MRI, a cat scan?

Did you look at any medical records at all?


So your speculation is based on one angle of a grainy black-and-white video.

Oh, and some math.

Excuse me, an algorithm.

That's correct.

And in your opinion, the action you saw could possibly cause serious injury.

Or neurological damage.

Death, even.

And yet, minutes later, Mrs. Martin was carrying on a coherent conversation with a police officer.

Is that consistent with someone suffering serious brain injury?

Some neurological symptoms take time to develop.

It has been six weeks.

She's sitting right there.

Looks fine to me.



Nothing further.

Even after we showed Mrs. Martin the footage of Mr. Martin striking her, she continued to insist that it was her fault.

Now, that's not uncommon for victims of domestic v*olence.

It's also not uncommon for victims to refuse to testify.

Why's that?

Some are emotionally or financially dependent on their abuser.

Some are scared of reprisals.

And a victim of domestic v*olence is most at risk when she goes against her abuser or tries to leave.

This is exactly why domestic v*olence laws were changed in New York, to protect people who are unable or unwilling to protect themselves.

Just because a person can't admit or is in denial about their abuse, doesn't meant that the abuse didn't happen, or won't worsen.

Thank you.

Sergeant Benson, did Mrs. Martin express fear of her husband to you?

Not directly, no.

Did she cite financial or emotional dependence as reasons not to testify?

She did not.

So it's possible the reason she's not testifying, the reason she married Mr. Martin, is because she's in love with him and believes he'll be a good husband.

That's not what I saw on the video.

You do know my client has expressed regret and agreed to anger management and spiritual counseling.

Yes, and I've heard that before.

Sergeant, do you believe in the rehabilitative power of anger management?

Not always, no.

Wasn't a detective in your squad who severely beat a civilian recently returned to active duty after a short stint in anger management?

Objection, relevance.

Goes to her expert opinion, your honor.

Witness may answer.

My detective lost his temper with a horrific child abuser, not his wife.

But your point is, anger management is sufficient enough for a violent police officer to get his g*n back but insufficient to rehabilitate A.J. Martin, a man without so much as a prior speeding ticket.

Objection, your honor.

I'm sorry.

I won't ask anymore questions about the sergeant's double standard.



I grew up in a home where my father took his fists to my mother.

We lived in fear.

What A.J. did, there's no excuse, ever.



I started without you.

Went to the gym first.

What she's having, please.

And a refill, please.

You can make it neat this time.

You okay?

That was rough.

Well, Calhoun's just doing her job.

Yeah, but she had no right to go after you like that.

She's got a point, though.


What point is that?

That it's a private...

Private matter between Paula Martin and her husband.

I just think we're overreaching.

Amanda, he hit her, right?

End of story.


Wait, so we get to decide what's best for her?

That's infantilizing.



That's us making her a victim all over again.

All right, just take it easy.

You counting my drinks now?

Saint Nick?


Savior of damaged women?


All I'm saying is, no man has a right to hit a woman.

That's right.

That's right.

But some of us don't need to be saved.

Okay, like, you married a woman who didn't, right?


Ha ha.

I saw the way she went after you in the squad...

I never laid a hand on Maria.

Yeah, but you never wanted to?

Not at all?

She got to you.

She still gets to you.


Huh, that doesn't get to you?



Come on.

Like that?

That wouldn't get to you?



How about that?

Come on, Nick, I know it does.

Are you jealous of Maria now?

Is that what's happening here?


That's where you're going?

Wait, what are we talking about here?

Just... you, Nick.


No, no, no, just drop the rock.

Settle down.

No, no, no.

We've just all seen you.

We've all seen you lose it.

The whole squad room heard you yelling at your wife on the phone.

Okay, I'm just say...


Paula Martin has the right to choose whether she presses charges or not.

All right.


'Cause some of us don't want to be victims.

She doesn't want to be a victim.


[Chair clatters]


[Glass shatters]


You know what?

[Laughing] Sorry.

I'm gonna do what A.J. Martin should have done.

Walk away.


A.J. Martin's actions constitute behavior that we cannot and will not tolerate from either current athletes or retired players.

The league wants to send a message and send it very loud and clear.

Never, ever is there an excuse for domestic v*olence or child abuse.

I'll take your questions.

This guy's got no friends left.

Yeah, so she gets tarred too?

Talk about brutalization.

I mean, how is this fair to Paula Martin?

This video being played over and over.

It's the worst night of her life for our entertainment.

You're preaching to the choir.

But he did hit her, Amanda.

All I know is, you can't save somebody that doesn't want to be saved.

Trust me, I've tried.

Nick agree with that?

Nick thinks he can save the whole wide world.



I've learned two things in my 15 years here at SVU.

One is you can't take this job home with you.

Working on that.

Two is you can't take anyone from this job home with you.


I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?

I hear you, Fin.

I hear you.

A.J. and Paula are two good people who love one another, but they both grew up in homes where...

Disputes got physical.

I mean, this is learned behavior they're trying to change.

I see.

And have you ever witnessed an incident that troubled you?

They both told me separately that their behavior has troubled them, and so they're working on finding positive ways to communicate.

You were at their recent wedding.

I performed the ceremony.

They did wait to get married, but these two have been committed to each other for ten years.

They're raising a wonderful son.

Theirs is a solid, loving christian marriage of equals.

Thank you, reverend.

A marriage of equals, reverend?

That's right.

Even though he out-earns her by 100 times?

Don't you think that might make her dependent on him?

He depends on her as well, to make their home, raise their child.

The majority of the time you've spent with the Martins has been in counseling?

I see them in church as well.

But you weren't in the garage that night.

Have you been with them when Mr. Martin has been drinking?

Drinking is another issue that they're working on.

Is it fair to say that you don't know how Mr. Martin acts towards his wife when they're not on their best behavior?

I have never witnessed anything other than a genuine love for each other.

Reverend, as a moral man, what did you think of the video that shows Mr. Martin clearly punching his wife?

I didn't watch it.

Is that because Mr. Martin's lawyer advised you not to?



Nothing further.

I love my wife.

She's my life, the mother of my son.

I will always regret that night.

But I swear to God, I didn't intend to hurt her.

That video may seem damning, and you know the prosecutor is going to use it against you.

Can you tell the jury why you decided to testify today?

Paula has had the strength to sit in this courtroom every day.

I'm filled with such humility, admiration, and such deep gratitude.

If she can be brave enough to sit in here, I can be brave enough too.

I want to take responsibility.

I want to teach my son what it means to be a man.

Thank you.

Mr. Martin, do you believe that teaching your son to be a man means teaching him to tell the truth?

Yes, I do.

Yet, on the night of the incident, you told the police that your wife had slipped and fallen, which was untrue.


But I know now that that was wrong.

Now that the video has been made public and you're on trial?

I was trying to protect my family.

You mean yourself.

I want to talk about this moment.

Your testimony, under oath, is that you did not deliberately strike your wife.

I put up my hand to stop her.

It was a reflex action.

So it's her fault?

I did not intend to hurt her.

Then why didn't you call 911?

Because she came to in a few minutes.

You were a professional athlete.

You're aware of the potential dangers of losing consciousness, even for a brief time.

And yet, you chose to ignore that?

I made a judgment call.

You made a judgment call?

To punch a woman in the face, to drag her unconscious body across a garage, and attempt to get out of there before anyone could find out?


How dare you... I love my wife.

I have no doubt that you do.

Your honor.

It's a cross-examination, Ms. Calhoun.

I'll allow it.

Did you love her here, when you were manhandling her?

How about here, when your fist connected with her face?

Or did you really love her here, when you were dragging her limp body like a bag of garbage with no evident concern?


All right, Mr. Barba, time to move along.

He opened the door, your honor.

But if this is how Mr. Martin shows he loves his wife, then I'm done.

Before we bring the jury back in from lunch, are you prepared for your closing argument, Ms. Calhoun?

Actually, your honor, I would like to call one last witness, Paula Martin.

Your honor, approach?

This witness was not on the list.

Mrs. Martin only now decided to testify.

She saw her marriage and her husband att*cked.

She wants to defend.

She has been sitting in this courtroom the entire trial.

She lives with the defendant.

Whatever she heard in court, she's already heard at home.

I'll allow it.

Hey, how's it looking?

Seven women on the jury, domestic v*olence.

You know the drill.

Okay, so at least two of them will be looking to blame her and excuse him.

Next problem, Calhoun sandbagged me.

She's putting Paula on the stand.


In two hours.

What do you know about her and that relationship?

We did our due diligence.

Good, talk to me.

When my husband says he loves me, it's the truth.

I was drunk that night.

I was jealous.

I was going after him.

He put his hand up to stop me, and I went down.

Is it your testimony that your husband is not abusive toward you?

Yes, 100%.

And that night was a private, personal interaction between two passionate people?


If anyone thinks that I'm sitting here right now because I'm afraid of A.J., it's not true.

You don't know him.

I do.

He is a gentle...

Good man.

He doesn't deserve this.

Our family doesn't deserve this.

Thank you, Mrs. Martin.

Thank you for being here, Mrs. Martin.

This must be difficult for you.

I'm fine.

Yes, always, right?

Excuse me?

Everything is always good and fine in the Martin house.

It is.

I'm not gonna replay that video for you.

I'm sure that you have suffered through it enough.

Thank you.

I would just like to ask you a few questions about your relationship with A.J.


You met him about ten years ago when you were 21?


And he was 35, toward the end of his playing career?

And is it true that you had not had any significant relationships up until then?

I mean, I've had boyfriends in the past, but nothing that serious.

It's okay to answer truthfully.

Your honor.

Get to it, Mr. Barba.

Is A.J. your first serious relationship?

He's the love of my life.

Still is.

It must have seemed like a fairy tale.

You moved in with him after a few months, and you had A.J. Junior a few years later?

A few years, yeah.

You were a lifestyle reporter for the local TV news, but you gave that up, didn't you?

I did, willingly.

How many close friends do you have, besides A.J.?

I'm close to my sister, to the other retired players' wives.

When's the last time you went out with a male friend or your girlfriends or even just your sister without A.J. being there?

Is it fair to say your life revolves around A.J. and your son?

I'm proud of that.

I'm happy.

Even when your husband yells at you?

He doesn't yell at me.

Does he yell at your son?

He doesn't yell.

He raises his voice, because he wants A.J. to listen, to behave, because he loves him.

The way he loves you?



When A.J. raises his voice at Junior, how does that make you feel?

What does it matter?

Mrs. Martin...

When you see the look on your son's face, how does that make you feel?

You don't know what's right for me, what's right for our family.

I know it's not healthy to stay in an abusive relationship.

Don't you lecture me.

I'm not leaving him, and I don't care what any of you have to say.

Any of us?

Have you heard this from your sister maybe, or other girlfriends?

Is that why you've lost touch with them?

No, no one's said that.

Do you realize that you just looked at your husband before answering that question, Mrs. Martin?

Are you that worried, even in open court, about how he'll react?


Is that why you lied repeatedly to the police about what happened that night?

Why you keep insisting that it's your fault that he knocked you unconscious?

Don't look at him.

Mrs. Martin...

He can't answer for you.

You need to answer for yourself.

I don't want to lose him.

I don't want to lose my family.

Why is that wrong?

What gives you the right?

Just leave us be, please.

I rarely think this, but I actually feel sorry for the D.A.'s office.

The incredible pressure they're under to show they're proactive, to show they're politically correct.

And while domestic v*olence is a scourge that should not be tolerated, this case is not that.

This is a case of a misunderstanding between two passionate people.

This is a private matter.

This is not a test case.

Paula Martin loves her husband.

She absolutely did not want to press charges.

If you convict A.J. Martin, you will be tearing a family apart.

You will leave Paula Martin without a loving, supportive husband, leave their son, A.J. Junior, without a father.

Is that what the judicial system is for?

To destroy families?

I don't think so.

And I don't believe any of you think so either.

Ladies and gentlemen, this case and your decision are important.

We saw the video.

We heard his excuses, her denials.

You may be asking, "how is it any of our business "to interfere in another couple's marriage?

We don't know what goes on behind closed doors."

No, but we do know...

We do know that, as a society, we have evolved beyond the idea that women are property, that what they feel, what they experience doesn't matter.

And by hitting Paula, by knocking her out, A.J. Martin is saying she doesn't matter.

He showed gross disregard for her safety, for her very life.

Now, she has a child with him.

She loves him.

Convicting her husband may not be what she wants.

But to not convict him is plainly and simply wrong.

It sends a message that it is okay to be a bully in your own home, to control, to intimidate, to physically injure your spouse.

This is not okay.

We must not stand by and by our silence say that it is acceptable to look the other way.

Physical v*olence against another human being is a crime...

Even if she is just your wife.



Liv, what's the word with Barba?

Biting his nails, or whatever it is that Barba does.

The jury's now questioning whether or not the video was doctored.

They're trying to find a reason to acquit.

They know it doesn't feel right.

And sending the two of them home does?

That boy growing up in fear?

I just think A.J.'s learned his lesson.

You do?

I don't.

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

What say you?

On the charge of reckless endangerment, we find the defendant guilty.

[Courtroom murmuring]

Antwan Jarrod Martin, you are remanded to Rikers pending sentencing.

But, your honor...

Members of the jury, we thank you for your service.

[Pounds gavel]

It's okay, A.J.

It's gonna be fine.


But you'll need to go with the officers.




What do you think he's looking at?

He'll get the minimum, two years.

Sends a message.

[Camera lenses clicking]

I hope you're happy.

Paula, let's go.

I lost a husband.

My son lost his father.

Paula, you deserve better than that.

So does your son.

What the hell do you know about it?

I was happy.

I was fine.

Me and my son, we were just making it work.

It was my choice!

And you took that away.

You think A.J. was beating me up?

What do you think you did?

We did the right thing.

I know.