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02x03 - Attack of the 50 ft. Sex Machine

Posted: 09/09/15 12:37
by bunniefuu
Santanico: And now begins the ancient word, the sun sleeps below the sky, and the world turns upside down. In the night, we make our feast. For centuries I danced for them, the blood-gatherer, the bringer of souls. I brought them the lost ones, the troubled ones, the desperate ones. Now I am free... and the world turns upside down again. They are thirsty for revenge, and nothing will stop them. No boundaries, no borders. They will come for me, but I am coming for them. Their empire of blood will fall, and I will not rest until it all burns. iVenga! iVenga!

[speaking Spanish]

Por aquí.

Sí, sí.

[distant bird cries]

[hissing sound]

[rattling sound]


She's perfect.



[distorted voice] Seth.


Can you hear me, Seth?

Look at you.

You're a mess.

What are you doing here?

I couldn't leave you.

I could never leave you.

[Seth groans]

What the f*ck are you doing you shithead?

Sonja's voice: Get your dope fiend hands off me!

You'll pay for what you did to me, assh*le.


You hear me?

Pay up!


Pay for what?

For turning my life into an episode of Latin America's Most Wanted.

The biggest mob in the territory thinks I was in on your little score.

Whoa. Where the hell's my stuff?


Gone where?

Down the toilet with Te rest of your life.

[cocks p*stol]

I want twenty grand for my shop and all my gear, and for being duped by your dazzling prick.

Twenty grand.

I-I gave it to my partner.

Okay, fine, then.

[electricity crackles]

Seth: What are you doing?

The great Seth Gecko's gonna help me get my shit back.


First you get clean... then you get back to work.

Time to see the light, m*therf*cker.


[door opens]

[Seth groans]


[sizzling sound]

Uncle Eddie!

[weak chuckle]

It's me.

What's this?

A receipt.

For two headstones and two plots I squared away this morning.

It's just a matter of time before the Rangers sent me your bodies.

I called in a lot of favors to get you a nice spot, on a hill.

You can see the Mother Bayou and everything from there. It's beautiful.

You owe me six grand.


Get over here, you stupid, gullible son of a bitch!

[both laughing]

g*dd*mn, what's that smell?

Too much Mexican.

Fiery car crash?

Only that HAL-9000 brain of yours could have worked it out.

I got to tell you, all that shit's just a movie trope.

It does not work in the real world, even if you do burn the bodies.

It does if you match the dental work.


Open the pod bay doors, baby.

Please tell me you're here to share some of that cool 30 million with you dear old Uncle Eddie No, we lost it. Our fence wasn't on the up-and-up.

I can hook you and your brother up. Where is Seth anyway?

I don't know.

That is smart, too.

Stay separated. That way they can't put you together in case one of you get caught.

I'll make a cup of Joe you want some?

No, thanks.

What's the matter, afraid it'll keep you up all night?

I'm up all night anyways.

This ain't mountain-grown shit. These are magic beans from Indo-f*ckin'-nesia.

Got a funny way of picking them over there.

You got these monkeys everywhere, running around eating all the red berries off the trees.

The beans move through their digestive tract. suppose to add flavour, and then they sell the shit to fools like me, that got nothing better to do then to perfect their brew.

I gotta tell you, might come out of the poop sh**t... but you get hints of vanilla, all-spice, forest floor. It's good shit.

I'm gonna pass.

I need a favor. Do you know Nathan Blanchard?

Why do you want mixed up with him for?

Do you know him or not?

I know him, I help him with his collections sometimes, but let me tell you: he's a pimp.

Nothing but a class A scumbag.

You got no reason to get mixed up with him.

I know what I'm getting into.

Then why you doing it? Your know your father did the same thing.

He went all entrepreneurial and shit. That was the beginning of the end.

For him, not you.

Want do you want, you want a score, I get you a play I don't want a play What I want is for you to make a phone call.

How come you can't do that for me?

Where's your brother? He still in Mexico?

I knew it!

I f*cking knew it! Why do I...

Why do I even bother?

You don't think I can do anything without him, and you never did!

Wait a second, it's not that at all.

You and your brother Your the best I've ever seen.

The best!

He's the ace, you're the wild card.

Together you make a beautiful hand.

Things changed in Mexico.

I got the edge now.

I'm a new man.

And I'm an old one.

Let me tell you something Richard, Life is shorter than you think.

You go around burning bridges, you're gonna end up all alone on a island, like me.

I just want an intro.

I don't see why I should help ya.

'Cause you know what it is to be always number two.

[raspy gasps]

[indistinct prayers]

[music playing]

[Paloma shrieks]



[cellphone ringing]

Hey. Everything okay?

I just got the baby to sleep, but she was crying her eyes out.

Is Binky in your truck?

Yeah, I got her. I'll bring her home.

Not before you pick up some diapers. We're all out.

Awesome. See you in a bit.

[organ plays loudly]



[hissing fiercely]


[Tanner breathing heavily]

Somebody's been sleeping in my bed.

[metal pings]


Dumb ass.


[distant dog barks]

[indistinct police radio chatter]

[urine flows]

[twig snaps]

[bird flutters]

[open door indicator pinging]

[Tony groans]

[knock on door]


What are you doing here?

Well, howdy there, Mrs. Gonzalez.

Sorry to bug you. Is, uh, is he home?

I was needing to pick up a piece of evidence.

Can this wait? It's really not a good time.

Hey, now.

You two playing Ranger/convict and you didn't call me?

It was supposed to be a surprise.

I guess the surprise is on me.

Well, who doesn't like surprises?

Margaret: What's this about again Tony?

It's an ancient artifact he got from a museum up at Alamo State.

It's an old piece of paper, it's very old.

It folds like an accordion.

Don't know anything about that.

Look, this really isn't a good time.

Let me poke around a minute. I'll be out of your hair.

There's your Alamo State right there.

Professor Perv.

Professor Perv?

Yeah, Freddie said some girls filed complaints against him.

Been doing it for years, nothing comes of it.

College drops the ball on a sex as*ault.

Shocking, right?

Well, you know sometimes them little coeds are asking for it, with their little short shorts and their upright titties.

Antonio, is that really necessary?

Oh, um...

[clears throat]

I'm sorry, um...


Does... does he keep his stuff anywhere else?

He'll be home any minute Tony. You can ask him all about it.

You know what? No. I'm going to wait outside.

I'll wait outside. And it'll be another nice surprise.

Wait. Sit. I'll make some coffee.

No, it's okay.

No, it's not. I'm being a terrible host.

Please, sit.

I'm really worried about him, Tony.

He's not sleeping and he's always on edge.

Look at this place. He put these freakin' shutters up everywhere.

Makes me roll 'em down at sundown.

And he has these weapons.

They're hidden all over the house, and he thinks I don't know about them.

It scares me.

Weapons, huh?

First I thought it was a hobby, then I found a duffle bag of wooden sticks in a clothes closet.

Sharp, like knives.

He's making more in the garage.


He wakes up in a cold sweat and starts jotting strange stuff in his notebook.

It all started when he came back from Mexico.

Something happened to him down there.

Sounds like your husband's radio is tuned to a different frequency than the rest of ours.

You got anything to eat around here?

I'm kind of famished.

I have one question for you, amigo.

Where is your brother?

[chuckles softly]

[audible exertion]


[Seth groans]


You didn't see him?

See who? Come on, get up.

That guy.

Get up.

Come on.

Oh, f*ck.

Stop it.

Why can't you get me any?

My f*cking head is going to explode.

Ease down.

Just give me a little.

Just listen to me. Give me some, okay?

Ease down.

Stop it.

I'm on the clock here.

No. No, you're not. You're not on anything, Seth.


Just keep coming. It's a short walk.


I'll be here waiting on the other side of it.

I'm on the clock.


The g*n.

[hammer clicking]

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

I'm all right.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.

Stay with me.

What do you have for me here?

Oh, yeah.

I'll all take 'em, if you can get 'em here by Friday.

I can't use 'em after Friday, Jimmy.

I'm... I'm not...

Thank you, baby.


No it's got to be here by Friday, man.

Hang on.

Can I get you a snack or something? You look like you could use it man.

No, thanks.

Have a seat.

Call me back, man.

[phone beeping]

I'll get right to it, Mr. Blanchard.

My name is Richard Sanz. I'm not a flesh trader.

Mostly I boost merch and transport cargo.

Recently acquired a truck, so happens it was filled with precious goods.

Immigrant girls.


I'm a fan of research. I looked into the trade and I like the returns.

I got to thinking, with my connections south of the border, I might be able to make this happen on the regular.

So I reached out to Eddie.

He mentioned your name.

Question is, are you interested in a new supplier?

[camera whirrs]
[music plays softly]

[music playing]

Pretty. What do you tell them they're going to be nannies?

I don't have to tell them anything.

As soon as the cross, they think they're going to meet the man of their dreams, and... wife them up.


How much would you pay for these?

Oh, ten, twenty. For one.

Depending on her looks.

I hear that some of these girls don't get rented, they get bought.

How much then?

Who told you that? Eddie?


You have an exclusive relationship with a very connected, very close-knit crowd from down south.

They like to stay in the shadows, and they like the very best flesh.

We make this deal, you won't have to troll the Mexican hoochie circuit and cherry-pick from the leftovers, 'cause I got your cherries right here.

Do you know why I drink this shit?

It ain't the taste, of that I can assure you.

I'm looking after my body, man.

Same reason I always trying to perfect my ustrasana and padahastasana. if that's right?

They all sound the same to me.

Body's your temple, right?

What's a temple for? Worship.


My clients they come into my establishment, they see the pleasures I provide, and they worship at the altar of me, my friend.

They see that I'm a conscientious man who takes care of them, but, more importantly, takes care of himself.

They think, that Nathan Blanchard, he's solid as a Bob Seger song.

Great hook, two strong verses, and a bridge that brings it home.

He makes good choices.

Maybe when I walk out that door, you hit the Bombay Sapphire.

Maybe, which is why I gotta ask you: You come in here, you say that you're all carrot juice and wheat grass, how do I know you're not really PBR and pork rinds?

I'm offering you choice goods, handled with care. No bruises, no broken bones, handpicked.

For that, I want 50%.


You can say yes... or you can go sit down with the cartels and try it yourself.

I'll even give you my contact.

But you wanna bring extra pair of rocks, just in case the ones you have don't make it back across the border.


My rocks will be fine.

I'll tell you what.

You bring me a shipment... we'll talk percentages.

Done and done.

Follow him. Make him understand who he's dealing with.

How much are you going to make when he fucks me?

No one is gonna touch you. Now get in the cage.

Or what?

Or he will touch you.

Many men will have their way with you.

And I won't be there to protect you.

So if you listen and do as I say, you'll help me destroy those men.

Now get in the f*cking cage.

What... what did he do to you?

[Santanico gasps]

He taught me how to dance.

And then... what happened?

He thought I would do it forever.

What he didn't know... is that he'd given me a strength.

A power.

The same power I'm going to use... to tear him limb from limb.

Is that the power you gave me?

To destroy anyone who threatens me?

I just gave you a taste.

A taste.

Would you like a taste?


[lock clicks]

[motor whirrs]

It's a relief to let a little moonlight in.

I feel so trapped in here sometimes.

Sweet Jesus on a pogo stick.

I didn't know people still made Frito pie.

If we don't keep up our traditions, they'll die.

Damn straight.


I don't know that my hunger has been completely... satisfied.

Let me help you with that.

Ranger Gonzalez.

How's it hanging?

There you are, baby.

Hey, baby.

I got it. Thank you.

What are you doing in here, Tony?

I Just saying hello to your wife.

I didn't ask you to do that.


Can't a man be social with another man's bride anymore?

You know, You're right.

Thanks for coming by.

And I'd invite you to stay for chow, but looks like you've already had some.

See you tomorrow at the office huh.

Margaret: "In here"?

What's that, babe?

First thing you said, "What are you doing in here?"

Why'd you say it like that?

It's nothing.

He had you watching the house, didn't he?

Let's not do this already.

Oh, we are doing this.

Right here, right now.

You think you can lock me and Billy in here every night like this is some kind of a prison?

Okay, listen.

Why do you just hand me over whatever it is you got at the professor's house.

That way I can process it down at the lab.

Give you what?

Well, come on, now.

You must have gotten something.

Let me get started on it.

It's the least I can do after eating half the Frito pie, right?


Let me talk to you, hon. Come here.

Freddie! Stop it!

I didn't tell you I went to Tanner's house, which means one of two things: They got to you, or you're not you.

Margaret: Baby, what's going on?

Margaret, not now!

[baby crying]

Now see, you've gone and woke the little one.

If you'd given me what I wanted, I'd be on my merry way.

Tanner's voice: Life would have been so much easier for all of us.

Nobody would have known I was alive.

Baby, what's he talking about?

That's not Tony.

See, what you're seeing is eh... how do I explain this? It's eh..

It's a projection.

See, I just consumed Officer Mendoza's soul, which means that for just a little while, I can project him onto your mind.

[Margaret screams]

Freddie, you just shot Tony!

Listen, that's not Tony.

You just shot Tony!

That's not Tony, that's Professor Perv!

Yes it was! You shot Tony!

Stings like a mother.



[Margaret gasps]

Where's the remote?

Mag! Where's the remote, Maggie?

[motor whirrs]

[pounding on shutter]

Richie: I refuse.

It's because they have no souls.

That's the flavor.

Look, Richard, I'm not gonna lie to you.

A virgin's blood is like a '66 Romanée-Conti.

Elegant, but complex.

And there's a cage full of those right there.

We sell the girls, we follow them to the boss's hideout, then we let them go.

Got it?

Follow the flesh.

I'll be sitting on top of this whole damn operation.

I can feed all I want.

Richard, by the time I'm finished, there will be no operation.

Beat them when I'm going to destroy everything, got it?

You're wearing your glasses again.

Yeah. Stuff's out of focus all of a sudden.

That's your monkey brain fighting your culebra soul.

Didn't realize it was a battle.

It shouldn't be.

Sooner or later, your human side loses.

It has to.

Then what?

Everything becomes crystal clear.

Maybe they've gone to sleep.

Come on, I'm tired of waiting.

Shut up.

You take out Junior Mafia.

I'm gonna take care of that smokin' hot girlfriend.

Hold up, pretty lady.

Whoa there, cowboy.

Not a good idea to skim off the top.

[Richie groans]

Gotta get the body out of the driveway.

You get in the car and wait up for me.


You know where we're going, right?

I'm turned around here. Just wait up.

All right.

[ car door slams shut]

Told you you'd make it back.

I never want to go through that again.

You kept talking about Richie like he was grilling you or something.

That cowpoke came to me in my dreams.


Yeah, he showed up at the market.

He was looking for Richie.

You, uh...

You missed that part.

Maybe you should find him first.

Well, that ain't gonna happen.


Not in a million f*ckin' years, no matter how bad you or anybody wants it.

Why do you want it so bad?

If there's some crazy k*ller after him, you should do something about it.

I mean he's your brother.

He's a piece of shit.

Okay, you know what? I'm sorry I brought it up.

See, that's just it, though.

You always bring it up.

You've been asking me about him since the second we met.

New topic. Right.

No, no, no. I want to know.


Because I want my money.

Alright, when it comes to making a payday, I'd rather have both Geckos doing the job.


You're one of them, aren't you?

Of what?

You were right there when I needed you. Weren't you?

Ready with some ink and some repartee.

Passport girl with a heart of gold.

You show me what you really are.

Don't touch me.

What's it gonna take?

Get off me, piece of shit!

Why don't you do the world a favor and blow your brains out.

[car door closes]

[car drives away]

♪ Que Te Arolle Tu madre ♪

Tanner: Yeah!

Margie and I have been having quite the heart-to-heart there Ranger!




You're okay?

I don't know.

Hey. You were right. Something happened in Mexico.

Thought you were in trouble with the cartels.

What is he? Some kind of alien?

He's not an alien, but he's is definitely undocumented.

[Tanner pounding shutters]

Tanner: You know, Margaret, none of this would be happening if your husband hadn't come sniffing around my house and taking my shit.

He's got a bad habit of taking shit that isn't his.

Like he screwed with them bearer bonds.

What is he talking about?

Freddie, what did you take? What's he after?

Tanner: Now it's my turn to do some taking.

[audible exertion]

[bones crunching and popping]

[metal groans]

[bones popping]

[bones popping]

Well, how 'bout that?

Here, take this just in case.

I'm sorry. I should have told you.

I wanted to protect you and Billy.


Send him to Hell, baby.

That's the plan, sweetums.


Margaret: Back off!

This what you're after?

You light that up, sister, you set the world on fire.

Mags, don't.

Then let him go.

I'll be back for some more of your Frito pie.

I didn't think that was gonna work. Why didn't he finish us off?

Sun's coming up.

Listen, I, uh, I don't know where the hell my head's at. I screwed that up royally.

What do you say we try and give this another shot?



And you really do need it.


Well, look at you.

Back on top, I see.

There is no top when the sky is the limit, heh.

That's nice.

You're a motivational speaker now, huh?

I could be.

I've won and lost more times than you've drawn breath, in this small, short life of yours.


That is what you call this, right?

A life?

How the hell did you find me anyway?

My boss sent a gunslinger for you, but he doesn't know what rocks to lift.

I know where Geckos hide.

Well, I don't know where Richard is, okay?

And I don't care.

So you can tell your boss he can stop trying.

Give me your brother and Santanico...

...and I assure you, Seth...

Okay. will get the life you have dreamed about.

You want to know what I've been dreaming about?

Oh, shit!


[hammer clicks]

Seth! Seth!

Stay in the car!

Go, go, go!

[tires squealing]

[truck brakes squeal]

Operation was a joke. We nipped 'em right in the bud.

Grabbed his girls, even got his main squeeze.

This babe... legs up to Lubbock.

Maybe you should tell him all about it, man.

What the f*ck? I just saw Langston in the cab!

I think you've been hitting the ecstasy, brother.

That's no way to get ahead.

Is that what I think it is?

[chuckling] You... you are an animal, man.

No, I'm your new supplier.

Here's what's going to happen: You can get the girls all spruced up and ready, then call your high-end buyers without south.

You call them direct.

Tell them to be here tonight to collect their flesh.

We'll be here to make sure the deal goes through.


Then what?

Then you gonna give us 80% of your profits.


Eighty percent?


Who the hell do you think you are, man?

I'm the guy they said couldn't do it.


Give him the keys, man.

Whoa, wait.

I know you guys are leaving in an awful hurry.

We're just not morning people.

Get rid of that.

[cellphone buzzing]

Margaret: Ferdinand, I want you to know there's no right or wrong here. There's only what's best. These things, these monsters, they're not just something you're bringing into our home. Whatever they are, they're gonna keep coming. Don't get me wrong, baby, I don't blame you. It's who you are. You're about justice and keeping the peace and all that. It's like you were born for it or something. They're from some hell I never knew about. You do me a favor, you go back there and you send them back to wherever they came from. When you're done, I hope there's still a home to come back to. I'm sorry. I love you, sweetums.