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05x10 - Like Father, Like Daughter

Posted: 09/14/15 03:47
by bunniefuu
Last time on Lost Girl...

Zee: Bo released Hades from Tartarus.

I'm a doctor, what happened?

Didn't catch your name.

It's Hades.

Hi Bo.

Is Mark here?

The Nyx.

It can't be...

Lauren: Did Iris do this to you?

Not Iris, Nyx.

Bo: Help me get rid of Nyx.

Hades: If you wanna get rid of Nyx, Iris will have to die.

I won't k*ll Iris.

I carry darkness.

I am darkness.

It's a good thing that we got back together just in time for the end of the world.

At least we got back together.

(car horn)

Something moved.

Just like when "something moved" the last five times we checked Zee's condo?

Are you saying I'm off my game?

Zee is missing.

Lauren almost dying.

Your father...

It's a lot.

Even if he is my father, I summoned the devil, Dyson.

And we will find a way to get rid of him.

What if he hurts someone?

He's contained.

So was Hannibal Lecter.

Didn't last.

New nickname?

Add it to the pile: Hades.



Best friend?

Birth father.

Oh, and Lauren's lab rat.

(phone ringing)

Speak of the devil's keeper.

Hey, it's the girl who likes to play in traffic.

Yeah. About that...

Lauren, you don't have to thank me.

How's my BF?

Your best friend?

Birth father.

Still here.

Locked up.


Listen, about that chi suck.

Didn't you think it felt... weird?

Yeah, but what doesn't right now?

I wasn't in control of it, but it worked.

That's all that matters.

It's the perks to having a Succubus girlfriend.

I'm on a stakeout, I'll call you later.

Except I think I was the one being the Succubus.

The last time you breathed life back into someone...

It was you.

At my Dawning.

Didn't you have to group suck before doing that?

Who doesn't love a good group suck.

To bring me back you needed to suck chi from multiple sources.

Do you think the proximity of my father is making me stronger?

Or maybe your love of Lauren.

What if I could do this all along?

What if I could have saved Hale.

Don't do that to yourself Bo.

If you could have, you would have.

You know that.

It could have been temporary transference, I.E. Bo subconsciously gave you the power to heal yourself.


Did you apply the benign virus we discussed?

I couldn't help but overhear.

Hope you don't mind.

I mind.

I very mind.

I'm very sorry.

It just appears... that you're in need of some guidance.

If you let me examine you...

No. Thanks.

One of the perks of being out on a stakeout.

Salty snacks.

Since when do you pack snacks?

Alicia I guess.

Oh, Alicia.

She teaching a Zoomba class out of your gym?

I'm keeping her close until I find a way to clear her memory of all things Fae.

How close?

Men in Black, "look-into-the-device" close?

Or "I like the freckles on your nose" close?

She's been exposed to enough that could endanger the colony.

And herself.

Her husband's in a coma.

And she's human.

It's complicated.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Sometimes, the worst feeling is not knowing how to feel...

Long, black, and pulling in at six o'clock.

That's gotta be Zee.



I mean... sheers!?

Guys, I've been gone for five minutes and Dyson turns daddy, Bo's Daddy got the welcome Magneto cell, and Dyson has a hunky, yummy, hold-no-pecs son.

You said that already.

It bears repeating.


Hola yourself.

Uh, no.

You'll have been busier than Bo's tinkleflower, uh?

And you're fighting gods?

Climbing the evil ladder, I see.

Not gods. Fae.

A long time ago they were seen as gods.

And they're back.

Got it: gods.

Your pops is one of them.

Freakin' Hades.

What does that make you?

I mean.

For real, are you okay?

Once I know you are, I'll be better.

What were you doing at the condo?

Look who's all business up in my business.

Kenzi, you pulled up in a limo.

Bo: The only thing missing was the paparazzi.

Santiago money stretches far.

As in stretch limo airport pickups far.

I know, tacky... But oh God I love it.

I came here first.

When you guys weren't here, I tracked you down.

Well, welcome back.

Something happened in Spain.

I needed to see you.


To warn you.

There's someone I want you to meet.

I returned to Cadaques one night, and I could see the lights weren't on.

In my Castillo.

That's not like my Kenzi, I said to myself.

And I was right.

I found my poor girl tied to a chair...

Seconds from untying myself, before he walked in.

They only roughed me up a bit but they searched my Castillo for hours.

That's her word of the week.

It means castle.

I got it.

What were they after?

A painting I gave to my grandson, nearly two hundred years ago.

It's known as The Vanishing.


Uh-yeah, because it's rarely ever been seen.

It's never been on display.

That painting was an urban legend in Valkyrie school.

It's real though, and as dangerous as art gets, apparently.

No one knows how the Ancients disappeared from earth.

I was told that my painting holds the key.

Find your grandson, find the painting?

Sadly, that's an impossibility, Carina.

Heathcliff Santiago.

Hale's grandfather...

Oh Kenz.

Kenzi tells me stories of the man I hardly knew.

And Heath walks me through Hale's childhood.

Nothing but trouble that one.

But what would those people want with Hale's painting?

Kenzi: Nothing good.

And they mentioned a Succubus who slayed the Una Mens.

And really, how many of those are there?

I'm gonna say less than fifty.

I was thinking...

We find it first.


Or as they say in Spain...


And if Zee's the one who sent people in after the painting, the legend must be true.

Where is it now?

When Hale had a falling out with his fam, he donated their collection.

You know, trappings of wealth, that sorta thing.

I'm guessing charity auction?

I'm on it.

Then we can use it to send Zee back to where she came from.

Before she tries to end the world.



So, which love triangle candidate are we calling up on these days?



You look good.

Umm, did something?

Did you two?

We have a lot to catch up on.

Cramping, aching, pins and needles.

I can barely yank me own junk, let alone anyone else's.

What am I gonna do?


Have you gone mad?

Movement, elevation, traction, heat.


It was part of your physiotherapy plan.

I wrote it down!

So many stickies, so little time.

Y'know I do have actual real patients to see.

Come on gimme a quickie.

Vex: Oh yeah, that's the ticket.

Ah, keep it going.



Yes way.

But can we maybe ramp up the pressure to a seven?

No way that I have time for this, Vex.


Real patients.

Wait, wait, wait.

Speaking of real patients.

How's Mark?

Fully recovered.

You just missed him.

Remember, METH.

Yeah, yeah.

Movement, evacuation, titties, head.

First a Succubus, now a Mesmer...

I know what you are.


Lives in a boxing gym, all-around ordinary guy?

More like all around liar.

These are confidential.

Seems to be that Kevin, here in quotations, is now a vessel or host to someone called Hera who may actual be the Greek goddess.

You're right, totally ordinary.

Let me explain.

Explain to me how the date of this file is from before we met.

You knew who I was when I came to you for help, didn't you?

Ever since Kevin tried to k*ll me.

I've been doing research.

I know what you are.

You're a believer in the paranormal.

Yes. That's what I am. You're right.

I knew it.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because this kind of stuff has to be kept secret.

Could you imagine if someone on the police force found out...

Of course. I mean, I wouldn't dream...

If it's alright with you, I'm gonna do some more research on possession from the books you have scattered around.

You know I think I umm...

I'd prefer if you didn't do it alone.

Mark can help you.

Help with what?

Alicia's looking into possession.

She knows what we believe.

She found our files.

She found our files?

Yes, our paranormal investigation files.

Something's possessed my husband.

And I need to find out what.


Right. Yes. Um...

Those files.

Yeah, could be a number of things.

Okay, so what do we have?

Nymphs, Sirens, Werewolves...

They don't like to be called that.

Or so I've heard.

Look I'll see you guys later.

Watch what you say.


Kenzi: So, Dad.

I need deets.

I need Dad deets.

There's not much to tell.

He's here.

He's bad.

And he needs to go.

You need to tell me about Spain.

Oh, it's whatevs.


It's incredible, it's beautiful, it's life-changing.

I realized I don't need all the bells and whistles.

Because you are the bells and whistles?

Boom baby, there it is.

Bo: And a shadow thief.

Well, I pride myself.

But you know, the security here...

That painting's going to be muy difícil to lift.

And we haven't even seen it yet.

I wonder if Tamsin got the wrong gallery?

Maybe they're just keeping it out of sight.

Or what if Zee already got to it?

If she has, I smell another end of days coming.

Huh, tours every hour on the hour.

All we need is an inside man.

Or an inside Kenzi.

That came out wrong.

What do you know about art?

Only everything.

I mean there's Banksy...

And, also, Banksy.

Girl, five minutes home and we're already undercover.

It's our bells and whistles, baby.

Bells and whistles.

You're not happy with our... current collections?

Well quite frankly, Suri... may I call you Suri?

I feel like they're a little from the period of been there done that.

I'm looking for a very special piece.

They call it...

Please don't!

I just need to...

Is that a loose thread?

These are all our undisplayed works.

No, no, no. Hey, I'm going to throw a name at you: the Santiago collection.


The Santiago acquisition?

That one is reserved.

For who?

For whom.

For whom?

I'm sorry.

I don't think we have anything for you.

Y'know the last time someone did that to a potential buyer, they regretted it.

Big mistake.



Can I at least see it?

We only open the vault to serious bids.

And I have one coming in tomorrow.

Let me see you out.

No. That won't be necessary...


Sorry. Allergies are such a bitch.


Painting's here. We need to move fast.

We are walking, yes, we are, we are walking, we're doing a little side-step and twirl.

Alright, not the twirling type, I understand.

Umm clearly what we have here... is the Swedish flag.

I beg to differ.

No cross, no blue divided into quarters.

Exactly, the intention of the famed, underground Swedish painter... Svea Svenssonsson who depicts here a... country divided.

By what?


For this is a country reigned by the sequin encrusted jumpsuits and catchy disco tunes of ABBA.

Or, is it a reign of terror.

This is a joke.

Excuse me?

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Don't I though?

Because within the line dividing the painting are the lyrics to Chiquitita.

I don't see anything.

Take a chance on me, friend, look a little closer.

Go ahead. Go on. It's right over...


Miss, step away from the painting.

Are you kidding me?

She pushed me!

This fraud pushed me!

I'm a member!

Hey Bo-Bo?

Yeah we've got lasers...

All this horror movie, hoodoo, YouTube shit.

I can't tell what's real and what's not anymore!

Hey, don't be wrecking any of the books alright?

Trick's gonna lose his shit.

Who's Trick?

Old guy.

Owns the bar.

He's really into all this stuff.

I remember that girl.

Dyson said she was sick.

She was possessed too, wasn't she?

You could say that.

You must have a theory about what happened to Kevin.

Why target him?

I don't know.

Oh my God.

He was possessed and I stabbed him.

Alicia it's not your fault.

No, I should've taken him somewhere.

I should have taken him to a priest. Or something. I...

You didn't know...

I should've done something.

He was my husband and he was right here!

He was an Ancient.


What do you mean? What's an "Ancient"?

It means there is nothing you could have done.

A Fae like that...


Mark, please.

I'm tired of being in the dark.

♪ ♪

Kenzi: You sure you don't want me to take this one?

Shadow thief here, kinda my thang.

If Zee's also after the painting,

I can't put you at risk.

Well alright, while you go all nineties,

I'll just be here with a stick of Big Red.

So we can heist a little longer?

Should I call Catherine Zeta Jones?

Oh please.

Other than a thinly veiled Welsh accent,
that chick's got nothing on me.

Ninety-nine problems coming at you from all directions in your life, and here you are, still standing.

That's my girl.

Bo: Ninety nine problems...

Let's hope balance ain't one.
♪ ♪

Bo: No no no.

Do not Fae this up for me, bird...

Of all the galleries...

When Doves Cry, Persephone.

Now keep away from the painting.

I got here first.

You don't wanna dance with me.

And yet somehow I seem to remember we perfected the box step.

You tricked me into lighting the Artemis Candle and releasing the Ancients.

Your father never told me it would bring my family back.

He wanted you to take it.

I didn't know!

Just like you don't know that this painting could vanquish them?

How did Zee free you from Tartarus?


He's the one who put me there in the first place.

So you escaped?

I'm not bound to Tartarus, Bo.

I'm bound to Hades.

My father.

So you two are Bonnie and Clyding it, huh?

Tell me, do you two prefer Persades or Herdephone?

When he was released, so was I.

With a promise.

I find this painting and bring it to him.

Wherever he is.

Locked up tight.

He's my prisoner now.

According to lore, this makes me your prisoner.

I don't roll like that, Perseph.

You mean I can just walk out?

I believe you can fly.

Thank you.


Before you go, tell me anything you can about the painting.

I've heard it contains The First Song.

Your father might know more.

Lauren: I need answers.

The TTV virus.

Your Trojan horse worked.

Yeah, I got that part.

The problem is: I thought I was extending my life span to Fae years.

And instead, I've turned myself into something I didn't quite expect.

Spoken like a true scientist with no guinea pig.

I injected myself.

I got hit by a truck.

Bo held me, I sucked her chi, and I survived.

I'm a conduit.

You're taking on the Fae powers of those you touch.

Dr. Lewis, you have found the key to ultimate power.

This could be bad.

Or very good.

But I don't know how it affects those Fae whose powers I'm taking on.

But you like it?

I can do anything.

But there are still unknowns.

How long will it last.

What are the side effects, what are the dangers?

Like all power, it needs to be under control.

I need to work on that.

You don't think you deserve to be Fae.

Being born Fae doesn't make you special.

It makes you different.

But you as human, if you found a way to actually turn Fae, oh Lauren... my gods, you'd be more than all of us put together.

And just imagine how thrilled Bo will be.

I've been calling for an hour.

Why didn't you pick up?

Fae. Shapeshifter.

What did you say to her?

How could you keep this from me?

I had to keep you safe.

You saw what happened to your husband.

You had to keep yourself safe!

Your secrets.

And don't I have that right to do that?

Where is he?

Where are you keeping Kevin?

I had to.

I'm not leaving until...

Until what?

Until I tell you the whole ugly truth about the "creatures" who ruined your life?

What are you doing?

Fixing your mistake.

You think you know what she can handle?

You think you know her better than she does?

You have no idea what I know.

Iris is dead.

She's dead and I can barely stand it.

She's lost the man she loves.

I mean please, please tell me you get that.



I'll show you.


What are you doing to him?


Kevin is still alive in there.

Just buried deep.

And this "Hera", is he still in there too?

We won't know until he wakes up.

Can I touch him?

Of course.

I don't know how to feel.

How could you?

Just don't lose hope.

Have you lost someone?

In a way, yes.

How long did it take you to get over it?

I'll let you know when I do.

I have to go.

Please don't follow me.

Trick: Incredible.

A depiction of the last time the Ancients were seen on earth.

Before they vanished.

If Zeus and Hades are mortal enemies, they probably want to banish each other using this painting.

Guys, we have the painting.

Honey, that could be your mantra, but we're still gonna need clarification.

We have the power to banish both Jack and Zee.

Wait up, who's Jack?

My father.

We're calling him Jack.


We may have the painting, but we don't know how it works.

Persephone says it's the key to the First Song.

The Odyssey speaks of a melody so seductive that the ships were carried to their own demise.

Seductive enough for the Ancients?


With the right notes...

Trick: "Whoever encounters them unawares and listens to their voices will never joy at reaching home."

Okay so where's the "play" button.

The music must reveal itself to the ones who know the painting's true purpose...




Where did that come from?

Your candy jar's is being put to good use.


Usually it's your candy jar to the rescue.

Can we please, for once, not talk about my granddaughter's "candy" in front of me?!



Oh now I'm crossing the line?

Wait for it.

Bo: There.

The First Song.

(Kenzi hums)

Nate taught me how to read music.

Thanks to Kenzi, we have our singer.

Honey, Spain is a magical place.

But sadly these pipes are still the Tara Reid of karaoke.

I'm thinking ancestor.

The first Siren.


And the key to saving the world.



I thought he'd be taller.

Jack: And you must be Mackenzie.

It's a pleasure.

I'd shake your hand, but...

I'm going to hold off on any reciprocation for the moment, but thank you.

And you're funny.

That's your gift.

I brought you something.

The Vanishing.

A little birdie told me it contains the First Song.

How does it work?

A true Siren sings the First Song at the one they intend to banish.

It's that easy?

I see a painting.

I do not see a Siren.

Oh we're covered.

I mean, we have a lead.

The Siren's song needs to come into contact with the person you are banishing.

Putting them in that line of fire may be difficult.

Difficult's my middle name.

Come on, that's not true.

You're right, I don't have a middle name.

Is that what you've been told?

A warning, if I may.

The First Song can work on you, too.

That's why I sent Persephone for it.

To protect you from Zee.

What if she directs it at you?

I'll side step.

If you were Zee and you lost everyone, where would you go?

I'd be hiding from my brother slash enemy.

So I don't get vanished again.

If we use the painting as bait, it will make her too suspicious...

Jimmy Choo trunk sale?



And I know just the person.

Persephone: I will not do it.

I haven't seen Zee in hundreds of years.

And I plan to keep it that way.

You're her daughter, you're free in the world...

And we know mothers.

She's gonna wanna control that shit.

She imprisoned me.

So send her back to where she came from!

You don't know what she's capable of.

Dude, in god-years, you're basically still a teenager.

Where's the snarky 'tude?

The rebelliousness?

Don't you want to lock her up like she did to you?

Even after everything she did to you...

I know it's ridiculous, but she is still...

Your mother...

I get it.

But Persephone, if you don't go after her first, she will come for you.

But what if one of us gets hurt?

She's dangerous.

Lauren: You'll have a medic standing by.


I came to talk to you.

But looks like we have a mission to take Zee down, first.

What kind of breach?

A human's found out about us.

The same human bunking in your boxing gym?


That is a problem.

You know the rules as well as I do, Dyson.

She's at risk.

And she is a risk.

I don't want her harmed.

Well then there are ways of making her forget.

No. She's been through enough already.

I don't wanna do that to her.

Then I think you know what you need to do.

Haven't heard your dove call in ages.

Hello mother.

How you've grown.

One has to when they're banished to Hell.

How could you let him take me?

I negotiated your release.

You were supposed to return to me, to Demeter.

But you always were a snacker.

So it's my fault.

I ate the seeds, I sealed my fate.

Persephone, I have made mistakes.

And my mistakes have left me alone.

Forgive me.

It's a trap.

Out of all the people who wanna screw me...

I never thought it would be my little girl.

Like you said, Tartarus has been good to me.


Sing the notes!



Zee: What's wrong?

Stage fright?

Don't move or I'll turn you all to dust.

Can she really do that?


Hand over the Siren.

There's a song I've been dying to hear.

It's called: "Succubus go Bye Bye."

Do you think, Siren?

How's he supposed to sing?

You electrocuted his throat!

Oh please.

It was just a little zap.

Yeah causing his vocal chords to seize.

Zee, we're family.

Let's talk about this.

Sing the notes, old man.

If you're broken, I'll have to put you down for good.

I've lived a long time.

Retirement's not so bad.


I can't see him... Not like Hale... Not again... Please...


If you vanish me, let everybody else go.

I don't like this deal.


I'll find my way back.

Lauren, help Heathcliff restore his voice.

So he can sing me away.

Please. Do it.

Lauren! Seriously?

So? What's the diagnosis?

A serious case of bitch.

(Siren whistle)

Holy shit.

What she said.

What the hell was that?

That... is the thing we have to talk about.

Dyson: Thank you for meeting me.

I don't have a lot of time.

That's not true.

You ought to be used to that.

I won't apologize for hiding myself, or my kind.

We tread cautiously.

It's how we live.

Especially me.

I thought you trusted me.

Well that's something that's hard for me to do.

I didn't want to hurt you.

Will you let me make it up to you?


That must be Trick?

How did you... Mark, of course.

So everyone in here is...

All Fae. Yes.

Some of them are staring.

It's creepy.

It's like they're hungry...

We can smell a human.

Some of us do not like them as much as others.

Don't worry.

Nothing's gonna happen to you.

I want you to be a part of this world.

That's why I'm umm... claiming you.

Claiming me?

It means, uhh... to the Fae, anyway, that I... I own you.

And that's my cue to go.

Alicia, its not like that, not own...

It's like, a cross to bear; like a responsibility.

So I'm like your burden to you.

Alicia, please.

I'm not very good at this.

I've never done this before.

Wait, you've never done this before?

Claimed a human, or whatever it is.

I never had a reason to.

Until now.

Claiming lets the others know that you're part of us.

That you're accepted.

Sounds like a commitment.

You're not gonna get down on one knee are you?

Not quite.

But it does mean you get one helluva drinking buddy.

Exhibit A.

Is that all I am to you these days?

An exhibit?

Go on then hurry up, Doc.

Last time you did this I was wrecked for hours.

Okay, I get it.

This is getting embarrassing.


What do you think?

I said - whoa.

That's how I sucked your chi and survived the accident.

You can be whatever Fae you're touching.

The same way I extracted the Fae from the Morrigan, only I've turned myself into a temporary conduit of whatever Fae I'm in contact with.

And you can weaken them while you're at it.

You're not feeling this?

If you weakened Vex.

Why not me?

Succubus genetics.

Rapid healing.

Apologies if I'm about to k*ll some buzz here, but if you thought your Fae-to-human serum was a threat, this is a million times worse.

What happens when the colony finds out?

What happens when Evony finds out?

Why would they find out?

You're not gonna talk.

Are you?

I better get a prize for this.

If you're wondering how I know how to read music?

Grade four band.


Top of my class.

You're not happy about this, are you?

Lauren, I love you for who you are as a person.

I don't care if you're human or Fae.

I just... As long as you're you.

What if this is me, but with benefits.

I get to help people for longer.

"The eternal healer."

Yes, I've coined myself a little name.

And the most obvious, Bo...

I get to be with you forever.

But are you Fae, or just a conduit?

I don't understand.

I haven't figured that out yet.

Let's just say that it's a step in the right direction.

Injecting all these abilities into your body...

We don't know what could happen.

I've been examined and I show no signs that this is affecting me negatively.

Who examined you?

It doesn't matter. Bo.

I want this.

For me.

For us.

Don't you want it too?

Of course I do.

Of course I do.

I'm sorry you had to go through all that.

A few days back, and already your life's been put in danger.

Yeah. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey how about I stick around for a bit.

Dirty this House and Home, spread out a little.

As much as I want to, I can't let you do that.

You have your own life.

Just until things with you and Jack-daddy settle down.

It's because of Jack that I want you to go.

He's dangerous.

And I want him gone.

Because you could have used that painting to get rid of him, but you didn't.

You chose Zee instead.

Why did you do that?

I don't know.


I don't know how I feel about all this, Kenz.

It's complicated.

I know.

You don't think it's crazy that I want him to stay?

Not at all.

He's your father.

Just until I get answers...

You get what you need, but do not trust him.

He's smart, and dangerous.

Promise me you'll be careful.

I will be.

Now get up here and give me a hug.

With everything so crazy right now, having you back, even for a bit, it helped.

(speaking Russian)

Something my mom used to say.

"Don't try and be too smart, darling."

"It might get you k*lled."

Love ya.

You owe me.

Zee: Nice magic trick.

Rewriting "The First Song."

They not only bought it, they wrapped it up with a bow.

Wrapped it up with a bow.

You didn't hesitate vanishing Hera, Iris and me all those years ago.

Why not do it again?

Your time will come.

When it's just.

What are you doing here, Jack?


Are you going to try and stop me?

In that body?

Whatever you do, leave my daughter alone.

Mine turned on me, so what makes you think Bo won't do the same to you?

Controversial, I know: But I believe father knows best.

And Bo will come to believe it too.


There's no point in resisting me.

It has begun.

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