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02x06 - Starting The Conversation

Posted: 09/24/15 00:22
by bunniefuu
A transformation future... $8.5 billion for roads, rail and ports...

Infrastructure of the 21st century.

.. benefit future generations...

There's no future plan for Australia under this government!

.. major infrastructure projects... decisions for the long term...

We want to spend the money.

.. nation-building projects...

I want to be known as the infrastructure Prime Minister.



Tony: Yeah, that's OK. Is that it?

Just some more RSVPs.

Wow, they never stop.

You've been invited to attend the Pearson Institute's conference.

It's on the urban infrastructure needs of Western Sydney.

Where is it?

Hamilton Island.

Yeah, I don't think so.

It's OK, Rhonda said she'd go.

Also, that meeting with the Coal Producers Council -- they want to know if you prefer an afternoon or evening session.


I think it's at the tennis.

I don't want to go to the tennis.

Where will you have the meeting?

We won't.

Shall I send these back?


Hi, Tony.




That plant doesn't look healthy.

How can you tell?

It's losing its leaves, for a start.

Maybe it's autumn.



Have you watered it?

Er, no.

I thought it was plastic until now. Have you?


Who waters our plants?

Shall I check?


How's it going?

You looking for the clubhouse?

Nah. Housing Association golf day. You should come along one year.


Played with a few guys from Ozcon.

Property developers.

I know who Ozcon are.

Yeah, top blokes.

Are they.

Anyway, we got to chatting. Here's one for you.

What do you think their number one problem is?



Really? Property developers concerned about zoning?

Yeah, turns out the state government's made a bit of a blue.

Put in these green wedges.

How's that a blue?

More red tape.

Need a colour chart.

Do you know what green wedges are?

I know they're a problem.

They're a buffer to protect land from urban expansion.

That's one definition.

It's the definition.

Anyway, they wondered if we can sort this mess out.

When did it become a mess?

On the back nine.

It's a state issue.

But it's out of control.

It's time to get the conversation started.

What conversation?

About the green wedge shemozzle!

When did it become a shemozzle?

The 17th.

Jim, take my advice -- walk away.

Tell them that we...

This is Ollie. He's the GM.

And I've got... Where's Finn? He's here.

Ah, there we go. There's Finn's number.

Jim, I reckon you look after it for now.

You sure?

Yeah, just in the short term.

Oh, top blokes.


I tell you, Finn can play.

Can he?

Nat, you know how you said to tell you if Rhonda's been to a conference?


She's been to a conference.


What do you know about it?

I know it was in Broome.

Subject matter?

Something to do with social media engagement.


She'll be back next week.

OK, thanks for the warning.

That sounds interesting.

Seriously? It's the same thing every time.

She comes back all fired up about social media and next thing, I'm writing a blog no-one ever reads.

Did you stop doing the daily diary?

About six months ago.

I read the first week.

I don't have it.

Man: Here you go.

That's the timeline.

Oh, right.

Here's the team!


How was the conference?

Oh, inspirational.

You really should've been there.

We've been a bit snowed under.


Sunset on the pearl lugger.

What a cruise.

Conference highlight?

Oh, it's hard to get to all the sessions.

But the one that got me excited was on SNP.

Oh, wow.

You don't know what that is.

Social Network Presence.

Can I say 'wow' now?

We are doing such excellent work here and it's not being reflected online.

Look at our Facebook page.

That's your Facebook page.

Oh, wow, the horizontal folds.


There we go. Now, look at the timeline.

'This week the NBA approved a deal with Energex to provide Southeast Queensland...'

That's 18 months old!

You still wear that top.

Now look at the number of likes.


212 likes for an organisation as zeitgeisty as ours.


Not much SNP.

Now, look at this woman.

She averages over 11 million YouTube views every week.

And how?

By giving haircare tips?

By daily engagement.


Real SNP.

11 million views. Impressive young lady.

You betcha.

So, no to Cirque du Soleil?

I don't think so.

I'll let the Transport Association know.

Oh, and that cruise ship company...

Who are they again?

The Lion King meet-and-greet.

I'm not paying for their terminal.



Tony, I found out about our plants.

Oh, yeah?

A woman used to come in after hours, but she stopped.


Six months ago.

No wonder the leaves are falling off.

It's alright, I'm onto someone else.

'The Indoor Jungle'.

They come highly recommended.

'Creative office plantscaping'. What's that?

They'll do an audit.

Am I in trouble?

I don't think so.


Hey, Jim.


You alright?

Ugh, just had a quick catch-up with Ollie and Finn and a couple of our mates.

Got any Mylanta?

I think so.

Ugh, 13 courses is too many for me.

Quick catch-up?

Yeah, geez, I feel for 'em.

These other blokes, have a guess what their number one problem is?



These crazy green wedges again.

When did they become crazy?

Ooh, just before the beef cheek.

It's not crazy to do something about urban sprawl.

We're locking up valuable land.

Is that what they told you?

Oh, let me check.

Yeah! There it is -- 'valuable land'.

And let me guess, forcing prices up?


Punishing first home buyers?

Oh! You really need to meet these guys!

Would we by any chance be running out of land?


Jim, that's crap.

Actually, I think it's Peking duck.

That's how these companies operate -- they buy up land on the fringes or in green wedges then push to get it re-zoned so they can make a quick buck.

No, that's not on here anywhere.

Let's not get involved with that.

This is excellent. We've started a conversation.

Yep, but we were in the middle of a productive meeting and now we're worrying about social media.

Darling, wake up and smell the metadata.

I don't think we can afford to spend the time...

We can't afford not to.

We have fallen so far behind in terms of stakeholder engagement.

What happened to our Facebook page, our Twitter feed, RSS? What else?

Our daily diary.

Daily diary!

What happened? Your first week was so good.

I feel like if I wasn't here to follow up on this stuff you'd all just forget about it!

Well, that attitude ends today.

We need a social network taskforce.

It's time to engage.


Alright. Diaries out.

So, that's about it.


Oh, and seriously, those Ozcon guys, you've got them all wrong, they are top blokes.

If I was to google the phrases 'Ozcon property group' and 'political donations', what would come up?

I don't know.

Alright, let's do it.

Hey, hey, hey!

There might be some crossover.

But they wouldn't be top of the search rankings.

Well, let's check.


But they've been very supportive.

What about this other mob?

I don't think they'd be connected.

What's their name?

We don't need to look them up.

The point is, as a favour to me, can you have a chat with them?

Jim, these are state issues.

Yeah, with national implications.

Let's at least get the conversation started.


Just hear them out.

One meeting. No strings attached.

Why is there a Grand Prix lanyard and five wristbands on your desk?

For your meeting with Ozcon.

What's wrong with their office?

You're their guest at the Hot Lap Club.

This wristband is for the pit walk.

This one's for the V8 simulator...

I don't want to go to the Grand Prix.

But that's where the meeting is.

Fair dinkum.

Oh, can you help me with this?

What is it?

Jim wants me to type up his serviettes.

Are we punching first-home buyers?

No, we're punishing them.

By punching them?


Why are we doing that?

We're not.

Good. 'Cause it's really hard to buy a house.

Hi, Tony.

Hi, Amy.

Have you met Ethan?

G'day, Ethan.

G'day, mate.

We'll take a look at it for you.

OK, good.

He's from the Indoor Jungle.

Is he? What's he doing with my plant?

Taking it away.

I can see that. But why?

He wants to investigate it.

No-one watered it!

He's going to replace it.

I had a perfectly good plant with proven survival skills and now it's being taken away for questioning.

He's going to find something more suitable.

It suited ME!

I mean, six months. Respect.


Rhonda's here.


For the social media taskforce.

Shit, I thought she'd forget.

She did. Hugh reminded her. They're in the conference room.

Morning, Nat, grab a seat. Perfect timing.

I've got a teleconference in half an hour.

Then let's get cracking.

We used this in Broome.

See that sand? That's from Cable Beach.

Now, the aim of this taskforce is to increase our SNP...

Social Network Presence.

I remember, Hugh.

.. on everything -- Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, Yelp.

What's the other one I mentioned?




For the app.

For the what?

NBA On The Go.

'Take us with you in your pocket.'

Rhonda, this is going to take a lot of time and resources.

That's why we've got this taskforce.

But what do we get back from this?


Clicks, hits, friends... What's the other one I said?



A users and stakeholders database.

Can we just stop for a second?

No, I'm on a roll.

I'm thinking twice-daily tweets, weekly Facebook posts...

Daily diary?

Yes, please!

Keep everyone updated.

About what?

What are you doing today?

I've got this teleconference.

Tweet that.


What are you doing after that?

Flying to Adelaide.

First entry on your blog.

Could we tweet as well?

Or Instagram from the plane.

A photo of your in-flight meal.

Here we go!

Give it a score.

How does engaging food bloggers serve the infrastructure needs of Australia?

Let's find out. We're going viral.

The property boom has priced out many first-home buyers...

Increase the supply of housing...

The failure of the housing market is creating a divide between older home owners...

To have a sensible policy discussion...

Morning, Tony.

Hey, Katie.

How was the Grand Prix?


I saw you in the pit straight.


There's a photo on our Facebook page!

Just below Nat's inflight meal. She gave it a 7.

They said you left without these.

I don't want that stuff.

Can we give it to the office?


Morning, Tony.

Hi, Amy.

What do you think?

Fine, yeah.


Have you kept philodendrons before?

We used to have guinea pigs.

Er, no, I have not.

Pretty straightforward.

Leaves need to be kept free of dust. Make sure she doesn't get wet feet.

I'll keep an eye on moisture levels, pH and nutrients.

Remember to rotate the pot, obviously.


For even light.

Every couple of days, 90 degrees.

I've left you a chart there -- tick it off.

Of course, any problems, just ring that number.

That's a 24-hour line.

Just for this plant?

No, all of them.

Yeah, great. Thank you.


Hotlines? pH? What was wrong with my old plant?

Ethan said it was stressed.

Now I'm stressed!

Where should I stick your chart?

Is Ethan still here?

I'll stick it up there.

Hugh, what are you up to now?

The Bruce Highway upgrade.

Oh, good.

Are you working on access schedule?

No, I'm working on a tweet.

Do you want to hear it?

After the taskforce meeting?


There you are.

Hey, Jim.

This is new!

Yeah, yeah, they're new.

What happened to the old one?

Oh, they're on stress leave.

Yeah. Hey, interesting article in The Fin this morning.

Was there?

Land crisis.

Article or opinion piece?

What's the difference?


Well, this bloke's an expert.

He leads a housing industry group.

He knows what he's talking about!

Sometimes I can't work you out. This is how they operate.

Opinion pieces, statements from industry experts, long lunches.

Can't you see what they're doing?

Getting the conversation started.

It's a campaign so your golfing buddies can make money from yet another rezoning of yet another poorly resourced housing estate.

It's a fully integrated staged community!


'More than just an address, it's a complete lifestyle experience.'

They already got marketing materials?

It's a mock-up, just for you.


I've skipped a step, haven't I?

I said you'd head out there.


One visit, as a favour.


(Crow caws)

It's a pretty nice spot.

For a farm.

It's a 90-minute drive from the city.

Didn't take us long.

That's 'cause we came in that.

Beautiful spot, isn't it?


Can I just ask, where are the lakes?

What lakes?

This place is called Crystal Lakes.

Oh. It's not Highland Meadows?

No, you flew us over the Highland Meadows site.

Did I?

I thought that was Willow Ridge.



Oh, I'll make a call.


I don't understand your point.

Who are we supposed to be engaging with?

Our stakeholders!

What does that mean, though?

What do YOU think it means?

The Federal Government, who pay $5 billion for a project --

I call them a stakeholder.


Construction firms, financial institutions, expert consultants -- stakeholders.


Some cranky retiree who's suddenly discovered Facebook --

I call him a pest.

We can't afford to ignore anyone.

We can.

No, we need to inform, engage, consult...

What's the other one?


.. yes, with all of our stakeholders.

In order to build what?


Honestly! When is it gonna sink in?

It's taking a while.

There are so many distractions in this office...

Yeah, I know, darling. This is why I'm here.

This is what I do.

Are we ready to go?

(Yeah, let's go.)
(Takes photo)

Yeah, this is the right place. We're putting a lake in.



Crystal Lakes.

I'll call 'em back.

No, it's fine. It's fine.

So we're talking, what, a few thousand houses?

Four or six.

I thought it was two.

Initially. We have to get the rezoning sorted first.

Without that, this place is just gonna, you know...

Stay like it is.


Can I ask you about infrastructure?


And can I ask about the lake?


Just for a tweet.

Yeah, hang on.

What sort of facilities are we thinking of?

Oh, this is a fully integrated staged community.

So, schools?

Well, down the track.

Medical facilities?

Further down the track.



Public transport?

Down the track.

Do you mind if I get a photo for our Facebook page?


Tony, do you want to be in it?


Do you mind?


(Takes photo)

Seen that?

No, what is it?


Oh, wow.

OK, we've just got the cost reports from the construction team.

'Progress continues'.

'NBA takes another step'.

'More milestones'.

Why are you talking like that?

This afternoon's tweet.


Can we look at these figures? There's a lot to do.

Ah, 'Plenty on the agenda'.

Oh, that's great.

I think we need to separate the project costings from the...

Do you mind if you take a photo?

What for?

Our Instagram account.

Why don't we have the meeting first?

Then Instagram?


Hi, Tony.

Hi, Amy. Ethan.

G'day, mate.

Everything alright?

We're getting there. pH is right.

It's a little chilly in here.

We've had to turn the heating down.


Of the new plants.

We need them to acclimatise.

They're not climbing Everest, are they? (Laughs)


Gotta check the others.

Yep. Oh, well, good that the pH is...

It's freezing in here!

Shall I get you a blanket?

No, turn the heating up!

Oh, I can't.

Why not?

Oh, don't forget.

Tomorrow's Wednesday.


(Sighs) Rotate the plants.



How'd you go? Exciting project, isn't it?

If you're an investor. Wait till they get the lake in.

Yeah, well, we'll see.

Another article about land shortages today.


And not from the property council.

Who was it?

Some guy from Urban Taskforce Australia.

It's another industry group.

Made some good points about freeing up land for our first-home buyers.


Young families, pensioners...

They're just naming groups that sound good.

.. returned veterans, first responders...

What is he, American?


Seriously, this has nothing to do with us.

But if we could just lend a bit of weight to the argument.

What argument?

Against the wedges!

I'm not against them.

We're not FOR them.


Yes we're not, or no we are?

No, we're... yes, we... somebody's got to do something about infrastructure in this urban sprawl.

Hang on, let's at least get the conversation started.

I just did!

Great. I'll give Ollie a call.


One more meeting.

In the meantime, read that. Some good gear in there.

Did anyone see that post from Larry51?



Yeah, I think he's a retired urban planner.

That explains it.

Can you ping that to me?


Oh, Nat, did you see the Treasurer's following us now?

No. Oh, is this Facebook?


We've linked the two accounts.

Why is the Treasurer following us?

We're following him.

Why are we following the Treasurer?

To build SNP -- Social Network...

I know what it is.

Do you want us to unfollow him?


Maybe. Would he know?


We could block him.

We could DM his chief of staff.

Seriously, we have so much to get on with today. - (Camera click)

Ethan says we need to cut down on UV.

Katie, I want the heating turned on.

Ethan said 19 is the limit.

Put it up.

We're starting to get new growth.

I don't care.

Amy's aspidistra's about to flower.

I want it on NOW.

Oh, Tony, about your meeting with the Property Council?

What meeting?

The one Jim organised.

It's 6:15 for 7:00.

Why so early?

No, 7:00pm at night -- that's when the game is.

OK, I'm not going to a game.

So, just the President's dinner?

I'm not going to anything. I'll meet them round the corner during the day.


Man: Houses are getting more expensive...

The prices continue to skyrocket...

Bills, bills, bills!

If that's the nature of the beast, how do we change the beast?

Did you want to see these?

What are they?

Facebook comments.

No. Why would I want to see Facebook comments?

It's just I posted an update on the Bruce Highway upgrade and it got a great reaction.


A lot of positive comments?

No. Mostly negative.

You said 'great'.

As in a lot, in terms of traffic.

SNP. We got a whole lot of new threads.

About a road upgrade?

More about the rainforest -- did you want to take a look?


Just give me the broad thrust.

A lot of concerns, uh, criticisms.

We did get a few thumbs up, a couple of supportive emojis.

I don't care. It's getting built. Let's get on with our jobs.




I can hear you.

I didn't say anything.

No, your breathing.

I need to breathe.

You're breathing in sharply.



Seriously, what is it?

There are so many negative comments.

About a 2km dual carriageway extension? Who's got a problem?

Green groups, mainly. I think the food bloggers got them onto us.

Let me see.


We've done the impact statement. How could anyone possibly...?

Oh, that's bullshit.

Hang on, is that directed at me?! Oh, they call everyone Nazis.

Some wild foraged herbs...


.. minus 190 degrees, using liquid nitrogen... as they freeze.

Cucumber sorbet.

Ah, outstanding.


Please enjoy.

Bon appetit.

Amazing. Jim...

You said around the corner!

So, Tony, you were saying?

Oh, yeah, well, essentially it's a state government issue.


Yeah, really one for the Planning Minister.

Of course. Your hands are tied, our hands are tied.

Can't do anything about that.


Unless what, Ollie?

You know, I just had a thought.

I like your thinking.

You haven't heard it yet!

This is off the top of my head. Tell me if I'm overstepping the mark.

You're not.

Ah, I wonder whether you, the NBA, would be able to start the conversation regarding this whole green wedges fiasco?

I'm not sure it's a fiasco.

Bring a bit of common sense to the debate.


What else were you thinking?

Ah... perhaps mention the pressures facing our first home buyers.

Yeah... and you were saying something else?

Was I?

Yeah, lack of land?

Ah, yes. Draw attention to the lack of land for housing.

It's a crisis.


Makes a lot of sense to me.

Is that all I'm saying?

Pretty much. Well said!

Bon appetit!


Environmental vandalism?

Yeah, that's across all the threads.

Sorry, which one's Goebbels again?


I know he's a n*zi...

Really great reaction.

Hugh! A tweet has just been sent likening me to a n*zi w*r criminal!

How is that great?

We're over 15,000 followers.

15,000? (Calls) 15,000 followers, everyone! Well done!

We have taken every step to protect that rainforest.

It's not even a rainforest, it's shitty scrub but still, we bent over backwards to keep people happy.

I don't think these people are happy.

Groundwater contamination?

Is that how you spell Chernobyl?

OK, time for a reality check.

I think you should let it go.

No, I'm going to engage with a few of our stakeholders.

You're kidding me?

Apparently they're not getting enough sunlight.

That's 'cause you put tinted windows on the other day.

It's a balancing act, Tony.


He's given us plants with a vitamin D deficiency.

It's only for a couple of days, just till the pH stabilises.

If Jim calls today, can you tell him I'm not in?

There he is!


Hey, thanks for doing that yesterday.

Oh, yeah, fine.

They wanted to give you this.

I don't want Grange.

You said you liked it!

Well, who doesn't?

And they got Shannon to sign his cookbook for you.

That's nice.

So, what do you reckon?

Can we help 'em out?


Bit of pressure on the states, a few smoke signals.

Suggesting what?

That we put an end to this green wedge catastrophe!


Tell them the NBA's on side.


Broadly supportive.


You're not much of a conversationalist.

It's been reposted over 120 times and it's trending.

Is that good?

It's great.

For me?


What's happening?

Nat's post has gone viral.

Dammit! I've been on the Twitter feed.

They're using that old photo of you.

Oh, here -- #NBAJackboot.

Do you think I was maybe a bit forceful?

No. They deserved to be slammed.

Well, I don't think I slammed them.

Oh, you torched 'em.

I didn't mean to torch anyone.

Is this about that takedown?

Yep, you gave it to the haters.

I think we should delete my post.

Which one?

The anti-development dickheads...

Or the ill-informed flat-earthers?

Both! Where's Rhonda?

Oh, Lord Howe Island.

Superannuation seminar. - (Sighs)

I was supposed to tell you -- sorry!

Oh -- we're trending! - (Sighs)

We're definitely trending!

We're trending!

Can you cancel my meeting this morning? I've gotta jump on this.


How did they take it?

Get ready for this -- if we can't help them...

They're gonna walk away?

Did they ring you too?


Gets worse. They may have to...

Take their investment elsewhere?


Well, we're in a pickle now.

Alright, Jim. Here's what we do.

k*ll the green wedges?

They really wanna sort this out, start the conversation?

Yes, sir.

I organise a big policy roundtable, get input from all sides.

Developers? Of course.

Property Council?

Same side.

Is it?


Housing Industry Association?

Still the same side.

Did you read their opinion piece yesterday?

Get all the players inside the tent -- government, planning bodies, think tanks, environmental experts...

Getting crowded.

.. urban planners...

Big tent. More of a marquee.


Did you go to Cirque du Soleil?

Have a genuine conversation.

What if some people want green wedges?

They might. Have a proper debate about urban density, urban sprawl and the consequences for infrastructure.

That's my offer -- put it to them.

At lunch?

You choose.

Nat? You know how you don't like bad news before 11:00?

Shall we come back at 11:00?

Tell me now.

We think you're being trolled.

Hugh, did you know I'm being trolled?


Why are you smiling?

We've hit 20,000 followers.

20,000, everyone!

(Staff applaud)

Do you know who any of them are?

We think one could be the Queensland Treasurer.

You know what? Let's just shut our social media down.

Pull the plug for a few days.

During a rage cycle?

A what?

Let the threads play out.

Nat, I've got someone from ABC Local Radio about your Facebook feud.

Oh, that's great.

How is that great?

They'd have a stack of followers -- they'll link us.

Shall I cancel today's meetings too?



Is there a weird smell in my office?



We had to fertilise the plants -- it's their growth season.

What are we using?

It's made from fish.

Where's Amy?


I want my old plants back. The ones we didn't have to rotate.

Will I call the hotline?

Yes! Good idea!

(Knock on door) - G'day.

Hey, Jim.

Ugh, is this thing alright?

Yeah, we're not sure.

We missed you this morning.

What was this morning?

Property Institute business breakfast.


Gee, that Guy Sebastian can sing.

Did you raise my idea about the policy roundtable?

Yeah, not so keen.


Yeah, I mentioned urban density once.


Room went cold.

I thought they wanted to start the conversation.

They might come at this another way. You're right, it's a state issue.


They want a meeting with the Planning Minister.

Makes sense. What's in the bag?

Ah, it's a '96, I think.


Oh! '97.

This is terrible.

Everyone gets trolled. We're getting such good traction.

Have you seen what they're saying?

Goebbels wasn't the worst n*zi.


This is SNP!

OK, two weeks ago we were a productive, focused unit and now suddenly half my office is off moderating forums or posting photos of their lunch while I'm being cyberbullied.

But with 52,000 followers!

Are we up to 50?

This morning! - 50,000, everyone! - (Applause)

Well done.

Caught up with those cruise ship people.

At The Lion King?

Yeah, during interval.

You know what their number one problem is?



(Breathes sharply)



You're still breathing.

I need to breathe.

(Breathes sharply)

Who am I now?

Pol Pot.

Is that better?

He's not a n*zi.

Don't know why they're calling you Goering -- he was Luftwaffe.

Ah... Hess was a n*zi.

You definitely haven't been smoking?

Nah, no, I don't smoke.

Just, we took a sample back to the lab.

You've got a lab?

Aluminium chlorohydrate, propylene, zirconium, tetrachlorohydrex...


They're propellants.


Guess they could be from the airconditioning ducts.


I'll just check the others.


Keep rotating!


Oh, shit!
