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04x16 - Borrowing Your Enemy's Arrows

Posted: 09/29/15 07:39
by bunniefuu
John: Previously on Switched at Birth...

I hate to trash your guy before me, but...

He depreciated more assets than you had.

I'm gonna do everything I can to make this go away, but there will be pain.

This doesn't reflect on you.

That's why we hired a professional.

Gabe: What if I said...

That we should adopt a kid together?


Whoa! Emmett!

Daphne: I have the chance to go to Mexico and give out hearing aids to people who can't afford their own.

That's great.

And you're an awesome person for doing it.

Quinn: You have a boyfriend.

Daphne: Yeah.

I missed you.

Me, too.

Hey, I have something to tell you about spring break.



You are looking at the 2015 South Padre Island g*ns and buns contest winner, baby!

Are you kidding me?


The competition was seriously intense.

Oh, I bet it was fierce!

So what about you?

What sort of crazy stuff did you get into in Mexico?

Um... there were no buns and thankfully there were no g*ns.

But... it was kind of life-changing.


You can't believe what it's like to see a little girl hear her mom say her name for the first time.

It was amazing.

Thanks for making my spring break triumph sound a little bit more trivial.


So, I have a question for you.


John and Kathryn are having their world famous grill night tomorrow, and Kathryn's asked if I would bring you along.

Are you up for it?


I have dinner tomorrow with the parents.

Attendance is mandatory.

Well, have you ever thought about maybe bringing them?

You could meet J and K, and I could meet your parents.


Are you ready for that?


Meeting each other's parents for the first time is so awkward.

Let's just get it over with.


I'll ask my parents, but it sounds like a plan.


(Both laugh)

So even if you do get in, you're not gonna do the Frida Kahlo program?

She's still my favorite artist, but I just think that I need to chart my own artistic path.

That's all.


I hear Emmett showed up to surprise Melody.


Rumor has it there were body sh*ts and a fist fight involved?

And um...

A texting incident with his new girlfriend.

Oh, boy.

Not that it's an excuse, but...

I think just knowing he moved on so quickly, it kind of messed with me.

Totally understandable.

Do you think that maybe it's time for you to do the same?

No. No. I am not ready yet.

And I definitely don't want to do the rebound thing.


♪ I feel lighter now ♪
♪ now come and take me home ♪
♪ now it's all right and you're right ♪
♪ the signs that you should've seen ♪

I think you just got ready.

Thank you. My coffee game is definitely improving.

Hi. I'm Bay.

Yeah. But my sister is deaf.

Hmm? Oh! Sorry.

Can I get you guys anything else?

Um... who the hell was that?

I'm not looking to hire him.

I was thinking more along the lines of a date.


Tell me about the great guy part.


No, no, no.

I didn't think you'd be home for another hour.

Oof. Damn.

I didn't think I'd get so nervous, but I am.

Turning on someone's ex-husband's cochlear implant is not the typical way to meet the love of your life.

But that's what happened to me.

The minute I met you, I fell hard.

And right now, there is a kid out there who is waiting for us to meet her.

Melody Brooke Bledsoe...

Will you marry me?


Regina: He asked you? When?

(Laughing) I'm so happy for you! Come!

But I have to say I'm surprised.

I thought you were worried about the whole...


You are?

Because we talked about it like... a million times, how we're both so glad that we don't have to go through that again.

Which I never expected.

Plus, he's nine.

Thank god I don't have to do that whole baby thing again.

Then I love it!

Try to get a nine-year-old boy!

We'll do play dates with Will!

Oh, look at us... you realize they're gonna have to wheel us into the PTA meetings, right?

Oh, god. I hope so.

(Door opens)

Oh, hey! Okay...

So, you know that red top that you have?

It's like, kind of lacey?

You wore it to the Drake concert?


I need it.

For what?

I met a guy.

And he asked you out?


That hasn't happened yet. But I have a plan, and that top is part of my plan.

Oh! Well who is he?

You might know him from Carlton, actually.

He's a few years older. Name's Garrett?

Garrett Banducci?


That guy's a player.


I can roll with that.

Oh, it looks like somebody's ready to take the plunge.

Yeah it's... it's time.


Oh! And...

If this all works out, then I am going to have to take a rain check on grill night...

Are you going?


m1ngo is coming to officially meet J and K and he's bringing his parents.

Whoa! That's big!

I know.

I'm kind of nervous.

Oh, please.

They'll love you.

John: Remind me who he is again.

Kathryn: Um...


I'm not sure I got the name right.

I think that's the kid I schooled in butts up.

Don't get your wedding planner out just yet.

You might have to eat your words.

Do you know how many of my friends married their college sweethearts?

And we're having his parents over, too?

Whom we know nothing about? sh**t me now.

It's just grill night.

Besides, you know how important this is to Daphne, so...

I'm sorry. It's just...

We got our first offer on the car wash today.

Not good, huh?

I don't think "low-ball" even does it justice.

Well, we don't have to accept it.

I'm sure there will be other offers.

Why did we even have a business manager for all those years?

I cannot believe the mess Larry put us in.

Okay, right now let's not let it ruin tonight.

I mean, who knows?

We may be meeting Daphne's future in-laws.

Do you think it's okay that I brought wine?

I didn't want to come empty-handed, but I don't want your parents to think I'm like... like a booze hound or something.

Oh, my god, you're nervous.


Don't worry.

Kathryn: There they are! Hey!

Hi, Mom!

Hi, honey.

Hi, sweetie.

Nice to see you again.

Good to see you, sir.

Oh! I heard this is good.

Oh, that's really thoughtful.

And your signing is getting good!


So, um... m1ngo?

Is that your first name?

It's a nickname.

My actual name is Greg.

Greg Shimingo.


Your dad's not Larry Shimingo, the business manager?

You know my dad?


John, Kathryn...

Oh, we've met.

Daphne: Wow. What a small world.

Hi, Larry.

Hello, John, Kathryn.

I don't think that we've met. I'm Kathryn.


Thank you.

How do you all know each other?

Larry used to be our business manager.

No way!

Used to be?


Used to be.

Look, we had no idea it was you.

We didn't put it together until Greg texted the address on the way over.

Is there a problem?

Oh, no. It's totally fine. Right, Mom? Dad?

Honey, why don't you serve the appetizers?


Okay. Yeah.

You guys follow me out back, and John and Kathryn will get dinner started.

Our daughter is dating Larry Shimingo's son?

You have got to be kidding me!

How did we not know this?

How were we supposed to know?

It's not like we run background checks on all her boyfriends.

Well, we have to start.

What am I supposed to do?

Make nice with that guy?

You have to.

But... why don't we just send them all home?

Okay, fine. Then you tell Daphne why you have a problem with Larry 'cause you're the one who said you didn't want the kids to know about our financial problems.

No. I don't.

Then you put on a good face, I'll handle Nancy, and we'll get through this night.




I'm canvassing the local businesses.

Trying to convince the Cracked Mug that we should start doing take-out.

Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out.

So, I thought I would go around, you know?

See what the people around here like to eat.

You know, sandwiches, pasta, burgers...

Is that the kind of thing that you or your coworkers would like to order?


Good to know.

I will tell them.

Well, I better get back to work.

I only have a few more hours until I'm off, so...



Seven. Hm...

Um... yeah... no, no. Yeah, sure.

Yeah. Why not?


All right. See you then.

m1ngo: Our dads hate each other.

What do you think happened?

Daphne: I don't know.

But we're not letting this turn into a disaster.

The two of us will run interference all night if we have to.

Roger that.

Daphne: Hey, guys! Who's hungry?

Gary: Melody started her own deaf program.

She was the guidance counselor at a deaf high school for 16 years.

(Laughs nervously)

Which is all in the application.

Interpreter: "And Gabe has... spent the last nine months... working full-time for a charity."

Counselor: You're both very impressive candidates.

So I will set up individual as well as joint interviews, and that's followed up by a home inspection.

Interpreter: "That's great.

We're very, very patient.

We know how the placement process can take a long time."

I have... I have friends who waited for two years.

Did they want a white baby?


You know, I'm not sure.

Well, that's probably why.

The waiting list is quite long for healthy white infants.

But you've indicated that you're open to a wide range of children.


Interpreter: "Of course."

In my experience, this could move along really quickly.

Interpreter: "How quickly?"

Counselor: Well, if you're truly flexible as you indicated...

Well, I've had some cases where I've placed a child in a matter of weeks.

Gabe: That's awesome!

Weeks, honey!

Interpreter: "That's crazy!"


Those ribs look k*ller.


Best griller in KC, right?

Watch the sauce.

You don't want to burn those bad boys.

You know, Larry, I think I've had enough of your advice to last me a lifetime, thank you very much.

Yeah? Well maybe if you took it for once...

m1ngo: Hey, Dad, you've gotta hear this story of how me and Daphne first met.

Daphne: Yeah! It was last semester at the dorm triathlon.

Let's just say, we did not get along.

You see, your son was trying to bend the rules just a bit.

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

(Scoffs) That's rich coming from you.

(Laughs awkwardly)

Larry, you were always a little jealous of us ball players, weren't you?

Oh, I don't know.

I seem to remember back in the day it was me carrying you up and down the basketball court at the club.

Daphne: I play basketball! You guys played together?

Yeah. Larry and I were on the country club team.

No way!


We even won the two-on-two tourney one year.

Hey! Let's play a little two-on-two, huh?


You guys can get the old team back together and play me and Daphne.


Sounds good.

I'm game.

And... and how old is the mother?

And... and are they healthy?


Uh-huh... yeah. I'll talk to her right away.

Thank you.

(Phone beeps)

Oh, my god.

A birth mother in Chicago saw our profile and loved us.

She has twins. Two months old.

A girl and a boy.

One is deaf, the other's hearing.

They're African-American and healthy.

She already has two kids, which is why she can't take care of these.

No. She wants them to stay together.

How many times did you say that you felt bad that Emmett was an only child?

I would love for our kid to have a sibling.

No. But this way, we would get to really bond with them through every phase.

I know, I know, but we would be a great bi-racial family.

This patchwork of deaf, hearing, black, white...

Their names...

Are Gigi and Otis.

And she's sending us pictures tonight.

Can we just look at them?


Gigi and Otis.

It's so cool that I get to take you to your first art opening.

Fun is good.

Don't ask yourself, "what is this about?"

Ask yourself, "what does this make me feel or think of?"

What do you think that the artist felt while making it?

Or at least...

That's what I do.

I could talk about art all night.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting.



Garrett, uh... this is...



I don't play football anymore.


Um... Sorry... um...

Miles. Miles.

Miles, this is Garrett.


I didn't know you worked here.


Here I am.

How are you?

I'm good.

Well, I'm okay.

I'm fine.

Well, so... uh... let me get you two some water and... I'll be right back to tell you the specials.

You don't have to do that.

Yeah no, I'll get in trouble if I don't, so...

Right. Of course.

Sorry. Thank you.

He, uh...

Kind of.

It's complicated.

Waiter: Hi there.

Miles had an emergency he needed to tend to, so I'll be taking over for him.

Are you all ready with your drink order, or do you want another minute?

Another minute.


Could you excuse me?


I have to be somewhere.

Please talk to me.

What do you want to talk about?

How are you?


Okay. So you're working as a waiter.

What's wrong with that? I'm working as barista.

Let's just say it's not the career path I thought I'd be on right now.

So you'll chart another one.


No! Wait.


Are you in school?


After I got expelled I applied to a bunch but none would take me.


This is why I didn't want to get into this with you.

It's gonna sound like I'm giving you a guilt trip.

I'm not.


Look, I was affected by what happened, too.

Emmett and I broke up.

I'm taking this class at UMKC, and everywhere I go people on campus keep whispering about me.

But I keep telling myself that it doesn't have to define me.

And that's true for you, too.

That's what I thought.

And then...

I got set up with this girl who I really liked and she Googled me.

And that was it.

It was over before it started.

Do you know what it's like to realize that for the rest of your life, when someone searches your name, the word "r*pe" comes up next to it?

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I've imagined saying that a hundred times in the past few months.

I would do anything to go back in time and do that night over.


Me, too.


We both made mistakes.

It doesn't mean our lives are over.

Feels like mine is.

(Car engine starts)

This is gonna be perfect.

We'll let them win, and then by the end of the dinner, they'll be besties.


Okay, so dads versus kids.

First team to 21 wins.

John: Whoa.

I've got a better idea.

How about Shimingos versus the Kennishes?

Losers gotta wash the dishes.

But we said...

Hold on.

You're on.

You're on him.

You ready?


Check it!



Come on.

You know, Greg is the first young man that Daphne's brought home to meet us.

(Clears throat)

They're great together, don't you think?


Greg's in sports management.

Does that mean he wants to be a sports agent or a physical therapist?

He's not sure.

Daphne's in pre-med.

She's got a long haul ahead of her, but if anybody can do it, she can.


I heard that Larry cut back.

Is he enjoying his time off?


What do you mean?

He didn't cut back.

Well, that's what he told John.

That he was cutting back on his clients, downsizing...

Oh. Well, he only said that to stop working with your husband.

Excuse me?

That's my girl! Yeah, baby!

Would it k*ll you to play a little defense?

Come on, son!

Dad, she's my girlfriend.

It's not the NBA playoffs. And take it down a notch.

Take it out.

Hold up.

Hold up. Hold on. What?

What do you mean, "what?"

You make it, you take it. You know the drill.

Old school rules, baby. Come on.

But Mr. Shimingo's right.

We scored. It's their turn.

Come on. Play nice.

No. We don't need any favors.

You take it out, Daphne. Go ahead. Come on!

Check it. Here we go. Come on.

Yeah! Get that weak sauce outta here!

Dad, take it easy! Geez.




So we're calling fouls now?

It's a pick-up game, for god's sakes!

John: It's a foul!

I'm starting to think basketball was a mistake.

You know what? I'm gonna put this aside for the night, for the kids' sake.

What are you putting aside?

The fact that your husband put us close to financial ruin.

Oh? Is that what John told you?

That it was Larry's fault?

We have been told that he made terrible errors in judgment... writing things off that the government would never allow, depreciating assets massively, understating income...

Which your husband directed him to do.


Oh, please!

Larry anguished for years about John's demands.

He was always trying to stay one step ahead, always in fear that he would get caught, and finally I said, "enough. Get rid of John. Tell him you're downsizing. Whatever. Just get out."

John would never do that. He is not a cheater.

Uh-huh. And then he told all his buddies with the Royals to stop working with Larry because Larry was the incompetent one?

You know what, Nancy?

There must be some misunderstanding here.

Or someone's being lied to.

Yes! Tie game.

No basket! No basket!

You were out of bounds.

Oh, come on. I was not.

You stepped over the line!

Are you accusing me of cheating?

You said it. Not me.

Come on, guys.

It's just a game.

Let's just play the points again.

I don't cheat.

Oh, really?

Every April 15th you're kind of an expert on the matter.

And because of that, I'm pretty much broke.

So thank you, Larry!

Thank you for all your expert advice.


If you're broke, that's your fault, not mine!

John, what's going on?

You told me you had ways of working the angles and you could cover losses by working the gray area.

Remember that?


Yeah. And because of you, I lost a whole bunch of other clients!

I was just warning my friends!

You know, at least Larry had the decency not to trash your name to them.

John would never do anything illegal.

There must be one misunderstanding.

There's no misunderstanding.

No, no, no.

You were crystal clear for 20 years.

For 20 years!

You told me you could make it work!

You would have nothing to do with it?

My hands are dirty, you're clean as a whistle.

You never once told me that we crossed the line!


What is happening?

This is supposed to be a great evening and you're all just yelling at each other.

Maybe we should end the night before things get any worse.

I agree.

Your ribs are burning.

I'll text you.


That man is not welcome in this house.

And for that matter, neither is his kid.

Did you ask Larry to cheat?

I never asked Larry to do anything illegal.


But what?

We have a great life, Kathryn. Okay?

And that comes at a cost.

I was just trying to make things work.

No! I won't accept that.

We wanted nice things, so you had to break the rules to keep us happy?

You don't think every single person in this country doesn't write off an extra thing here or there?

Or bend the rules just a little bit in their favor?

Would you really want our kids to hear you say that?

That cheating is okay because everyone else does it?

Larry was the expert.

If what I was asking for was so bad, he should've just said no, okay?

And yeah, maybe I pushed him a little, but it was up to him to push back.

Not everyone is comfortable pushing you back, John.

I didn't think of it as cheating.

I really didn't.

We have to tell Bay and Toby.

I don't want them finding out the way that Daphne did.

They have to hear it from us.

Oh, and one more thing.

As long as our daughter is dating that boy, he is welcome in this house.


I'm so sorry.

How is this gonna work?

How do I date a guy that my parents hate?

You father's relationship with Larry has nothing to do with you two.

We'll work it out.

And by the way, I really like m1ngo.

Me, too.

Is it true that you and John are having... financial issues?


We didn't see the point in worrying you.

I feel so bad.

I lost that scholarship.

I should have worked harder.

We're gonna be okay.

I promise.

You sure?

I'm sure.

Now do me a favor.

Go back to school and put this night out of your mind, and please don't worry.

Oh, hey!

Uh... not if she wants to stay in business.

I'm just finishing up installing a new speaker system.

Oh! Congratulations, by the way.

Engagement and adoption? I mean... wow, that's amazing.

I know that face.

That's the "what the hell just happened" face.

Honestly, if someone would've told me six months ago that I was gonna be a dad to a Down syndrome kid, I would've told them they were nuts.

But now it's just my new reality.


Hey, I feel like I'm too young to do it, you feel like you're too old...

No perfect time, I guess.

How's Gabe?

Hey, well, maybe his excitement will be enough to carry you through until you find yours.

Hey, no problem.

Bay: He just seemed so sad.

He was manipulating you.

No, he wasn't. I had to drag it out of him.

I feel really bad for him.


What happened to t*nk after he assaulted you is not your responsibility.

I know.

You should not feel guilty for him having to face those consequences.



I understand the desire to want to make everyone like you and to try to make everything okay...

We were friends.

For a long time.

I know who he is. He's a good person who made a mistake.

Which he has to live with.

Why is it so wrong for me to want to help him?

That is a very kind impulse, and I respect you for having it, but sometimes, things get broken.

And they can't be put back together.

This is one of those times.

I hope he gets back up on his feet, but this is not for you to fix, Bay.

You need to let this be.

♪ Here's the thing about falling apart ♪
♪ it's fire, it's lightning ♪
♪ it's a ghost ♪
♪ I swear it's all for something ♪
♪ if you keep holding on ♪

Okay, whatever happened last night is totally between them and it has nothing to do with us.

We are not our parents.

No, we're not.

I don't want anyone or anything to come between us.


I have to tell you something.

I kissed someone in Mexico...

Or he kissed me, but...

It happened.

So what does that mean?


We were just on this big adventure and excited that we had a breakthrough with Pati...

But, it didn't mean anything.

Was it with that... that audiologist guy?



He travels the world working with that charity.

I'm probably never gonna see him again.

Do you forgive me?

Are we okay?

If you say there's nothing to worry about, then...


I believe you.

There is nothing to worry about.





I gotta get to class.

Okay. I'll see you later.




First ever Cracked Mug take-out sandwiches.

♪ Here we go again ♪


I'm sorry about last night.

There's some history there...

Kind of threw me off.

I thought maybe we could try again.

♪ Stars are out tonight ♪

Did you really?

Oh... Salvador Dali.

I love Salvador Dali.

Oh, yeah.