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03x01 - The Troll Farmer

Posted: 10/02/15 01:04
by bunniefuu
All units, be advised.

Possible sighting, eye witness report.

Alleged suspects seem entering a silver Chevy minivan.

DC plate number CR7--

It'll be fine.

When was the sighting?

12 minutes ago.


Potomac to Eastern--

Full lockdown.

Airports, trains, buses.

They're not going anywhere.


Unconfirmed reports suggest the suspect's with someone-- a man.

Is it true what they say?


That she was your partner?

♪ she came ♪
♪ blood in the streets in the town of Chicago ♪


For the record, I believe Agent Keen is innocent.

What did you find?

[ Computer beeps ]

Ressler: Suspect's name is Special Agent Elizabeth Keen.

She was my partner, but as of today, she's a fugitive wanted in connection with the m*rder of 14 CIA agents, a US senator, and the Attorney General of the United States.

They'll set a perimeter.


Capitol Police, Park Police, MPDC.

We'll never make it out of the city.

No. That's why we're not gonna even try.

We believe she may have an accomplice.

The most elusive fugitive in the history of the Bureau, Raymond Reddington.

I want every camera in this city looking for these two.

Every Twitter feed, every Instagram account, every Reddit thread.

They get out of this city, we're gonna be hunting ghosts.

Let's move... now.

We've identified a silver Chevy van moving north on 395.

You got a visual on the suspects?


The vehicle was picked up by the NSA satellite.

They confirm the plates.

Have they passed through the 3rd Street tunnel?

Two minutes out. I dispatched a chopper.

Okay, we got a sighting, 395 north.

I want MPDC to run a traffic break and barricade all exits off the 3rd Street tunnel.

Seal it up.

You'll need to put that on.

Aram: Okay, chopper feed is live.

We have a visual.

Navabi: Confirm we have a tail team in place and that all exits are blocked south of 3rd.

You agree with me, right?

About Agent Keen?

Notify HRT and get a negotiator on site in case they take hostages.

♪ blood in the streets ♪

Man: This is Eagle 1.

I've got a visual on the suspects entering the tunnel now.

Is the team in place?

Andreen: Unit 64 entering the tunnel.

[ Sirens wailing ]

Eagle 1 coming around.

We have eyes on the exit.

What do you see?

Nothing yet. Where is my tail car?

Andreen? Andreen, do you have a visual?

Andreen: Negative.

Something's not right.

Back it up to when they entered the tunnel.

They went in, they haven't come out.

I don't know what to tell you.

There's no silver van in this tunnel.

They can't just disappear.

Well, it is Mr. Reddington.

Ressler: Pull up the exit footage.

♪ blood in the streets, it's up to my knees ♪

Woman: There's the exit footage.

♪ blood in the streets in the town of Chicago ♪

Hold on, back that up.

♪ blood on the rise, it's following me ♪

Stop. There.

Son of a bitch.

[ Engine turns over ]

[ Tires squeal ]

Clean it and torch it.

Give my regards to Chichi.

[ Siren wails ]

[ Door slams ]

Where's Charlene?

I ordered them to take these off.

Where is my wife?

Read Charlene's statement.

Is it true what Tom Connolly did to you?

He made me think I was dying.

Ordered a phony clinical trial that made me believe he was my only hope so the Cabal could manipulate me.

If I were you, I'd want him dead.

You think I had something to do with it?

It doesn't matter what I think.

That I helped Agent Keen k*ll the Attorney General.

I begged her not to do it. I ordered her not to.


Because Connolly had a plan to bring down everyone.

Not just Elizabeth, but Samar, Aram... you.

All that matters is that Keen's a fugitive, and I'm gonna bring her in.

You're not holding Charlene because she leaked classified information to a reporter.

You're holding her because it gives you leverage with me.

Does it?

I told Agent Keen to run.

You want to know if I'm complicit?

I told her to run.

You're in charge now, Agent Ressler.

And being in charge means you have to decide what to do with information like that.

Now, let my wife go.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Sirens wail in distance ]

[ Door opens ]

[ g*n cocks ]

Who's this?

Lyle: My sister Tiffany.

Tiffany lives in Denver.

I did until last month.

Her husband passed.

She needed to get out.

Red, you know me.

I'm sorry for your loss, Tiffany.

[ Wood creaks ]

What is this place?

This is where we wait for the Troll Farmer.

[ Door slams ]

The who?

We're getting a little ahead of ourselves.

He won't be ready for at least a week.

Ready for what?

Actually, a week may be nice.

I'll finally get the time to catch up on some back issues of Bass Master.

[ Sighs ]

[ Lullaby plays ]

[ Baby cooing ]

Man: ♪ bye, bye, baby bunting ♪
♪ daddy's gone a-hunting ♪
♪ bye, bye ba-- ♪
♪ hunting to get a little rabbit skin ♪
♪ to put his baby bunting ♪

Put her down. Who are you?

What a lovely child.

She is the perfect little angel, aren't we, Elle?

Put her down.

Hmm? Hmm?

Such fragile creatures, these tiny humans.

Skull's like... eggshells.

Who's her favorite friend?

Should we take along Mr. Panda or Mr. Dinosaur?

What do you want?

I want your father. I'll text instructions.

Mr. Panda, I think.

Hmm? [ Chuckles ]

Update now to our top story, even as authorities allege Agent Keen committed these acts of terror on behalf of Russia, various papers are reporting that Russia is not responsible.

Now, according to leaked documents, one of the alleged leaders of this organization is the CIA's Director...

You released the contents of the Fulcrum to the press.

...just moments ago came forward to address these reports.

Good afternoon. My name is Peter Kotsiopulos, and I am the CIA's Director of National Clandestine Services.

In the 65 years since this division has been created, the director's identity has never been revealed during his tenure.

But today, the President has agreed to let me speak openly to you so that I may address the irresponsible accusations that not only seek to defame me, but are harmful to our national security.

Did you expect him to just come forward?

...part of a conspiracy are preposterous.

I wasn't sure what to expect.

They are based upon information provided by Raymond Reddington, a traitor to our country and a fugitive who is helping ex-FBI Special Agent Elizabeth Keen avoid arrest.

The daughter of a notorious KGB spy, Keen is a wanted t*rror1st.

My accusers are criminals, the subject of one of the largest manhunts ever conducted.

Who are you going to believe is telling the truth?

If I didn't know any better, I'd believe him.

But you do know better.

They're gonna believe I'm a Russian spy.

My mother was a Russian spy.

It doesn't matter that I never knew her.

It's the perfect story.

I'm the perfect patsy.

We have to be patient.


Liz: Do you have any idea the kind of resources they're throwing at us right now, the manpower?

This city--

This city is impossible to get out of now.

We have no chance of crossing the perimeter they've established.

But Washington DC, cannot sustain a siege.

The economy, the government, one week, two at the most, and the city will be back to normal.

That's when we travel.

People will go on believing I'm a t*rror1st.

Check the surveillance feeds from the hotel where Connolly was shot.

We already have.

Check again.

I want to know exactly what role Cooper played.

DCFD is responding to a vehicle fire in Columbia Heights.

It looks like the transport vehicle used by Mr. Reddington's people.

Any signs of Keen or Reddington?

Nope. We'll try and recover the VIN numbers on the transport and any vehicles it may have been carrying, but right now, the fire's too hot, so it looks like they got away.

Which is, you know, terrible news.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Clears throat ]

None of us want to be in this position, but we are.

Our job is to catch them.

So, I need you to look me in the eye and tell me that you can do that.

I can.


If you can look me in the eye and promise me Agent Keen will get a fair hearing if we do.

I can try.

Come on, that's not good enough.

It's the best I can do.

Let me know as soon as you find out anything on Cooper.


What a jerk.


He's simply gathering the facts.

Yeah, well, there's only one fact about Mr. Cooper that matters-- he's a decent man.

DC Field Office just called.

They got a tip on Keen's whereabouts.

Peter: Mateus, I didn't expect to see you here.


You said Mr. Reddington did not have the Fulcrum in his possession.

You said it was a bluff.

[ Drops papers ]

A ploy.

You were wrong.

And now our plans have been sorely compromised.

Our plans? They're my plans.

They were.

Now they're nothing.

I would advise you to think very carefully before you use that tone with me ever again.

[ Laughs ]

I pine for the days when conquered generals had the sense and good taste to fall on their swords.

Now they hold press conferences, negotiate advances for their memoirs while the rest of us clean up their messes.

I'm not leaving this to others.

I have every agency within homeland working around the clock to find Reddington and Keen.

I don't think you understand, Peter.

I'm here because people in our organization have lost confidence in you, in your methods.

There's a history here, so I take no joy in telling you that you're dancing on the edge of a razor blade, and that every breath that you draw is at our discretion.

This reminds me of Sok Pich.

We were navigating the backwaters in western Cambodia hoping to steal some sapphires from a mine foreman.

Got as far as Pailin when the monsoon struck.

Took shelter in a root cellar of all places.

I've never seen so much rain.

Winds like a monarch gone mad.

All we could do was hunker down and wait it out.

But Sok... he just made a run for the village.

So, there I was soaking wet, alone.

Three days of absolute misery.

And then on the fourth day, I was overcome by this incredible feeling of... peace.

Something about being hidden there underground while the rest of the world was being torn apart outside.

This isn't making me feel better.

You have every right to be afraid.

Just don't let it control you.

Poor Sok learned that the hard way.

What happened to him?

He died.

Didn't get six steps before the wind blew a blade of lemongrass into his skull.

[ Banging ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

You're in a storm, Lizzy.

You need to find the peace below the winds.

Do you know who that woman is?

Told you it doesn't matter.

She's a t*rror1st!

Tiff, listen!

If you say a word, if you so much as whisper this to--

[ Door creaks ]

[ g*n cocks ]

What have you done?

Red, I-I can control this.

Your phone.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

[ Telephone rings ]

Man: You've reached the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Major Case Contact Center.

What did you tell them?

You can go screw yourself, pal, okay?

My husband was a soldier.

He died fighting for this country, trying to protect us from people like her!

Tiff, shut the hell up!

You and I are finished.

What's going on?

We're leaving.

[ Footsteps ]

Within seconds, agents are gonna breach this building.

They're gonna want to speak to you because you called in the tip.

Get rid of them, or your brother dies.


[ Door opens ]

[ Door slams ]


Hands! Hands!

Show me your hands.

Raymond Reddington and Elizabeth Keen.

You need to tell me where they are right now.

Fugitives? The one-- the one's on TV?

Tiffany Lepman, right?

Yeah. You think they're here?

We got an anonymous tip from your phone saying they were here.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I haven't called anyone.

Harboring a fugitive is a felony.

You lie to me again, you're going to jail.

Where are they?

I don't know.

Man: Second floor clear!

Look, if I knew something, I'd say.

I'm not gonna lie to the FBI.

Sir, we're all clear.

[ Door creaks ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]


Tip call that came in, call her back.

Double-check the information.

Thank you for your time.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Look, I told you, if I knew anything, I--

Cuff her!

[ Door opens ]

[ Handle creaks ]

Look at the floor.

Keen, I know you're down there.

Look, there's two ways this ends.

You come up hands raised or we come down g*ns raised.

Your call.

[ Grenade clatters ]



Show me your hands!

On the ground!

Ressler: Where are they?


[ Horn honks in distance ]

[ Alarm chirps ]

Seems a bit indiscreet.

Porsche Carrera.

Two-seater suggests no family.

Price tag indicates he's wealthy enough to live alone, maybe a girlfriend.

If he's here, it's likely his apartment is empty.


The address will be on the registration in the glove compartment.

[ Crying ] Daddy.

What did he look like?

Black, he was tall.

What did he say he wants?


He says he wants my father.

Papi, he was holding her, and then he--

Isabella, look at me.

Isabella, I will find her.

I will get her back.

Liz: You said the plan was to wait, that it was impossible to cross the perimeter.

Waiting was an option when we had somewhere to wait.

Now we don't.

We need to contact the Troll Farmer.

I don't know who that is.

The Troll F--

What do you think?

[ Chuckles ]

The Troll Farmer uses social media to conduct highly coordinated disinformation campaigns on behalf of governments, lobbyists, corporations, crime syndicates, and on occasion, a humble fugitive.

He's mastered the art of information warfare by creating events, virtual hoaxes designed to piggyback on real public anxiety.

He activates hundreds of fake accounts to post thousands of tweets, creating the appearance of, say, a t*rror1st attack in Paris that served as cover for an art heist.

He doctors screenshots from news outlets to report an ebola outbreak in Atlanta in order to drive up the stock of a drug company developing a cure.

The Troll Farmer is much more than a rumor monger.

The events he creates appear to be real and provoke a very real response.

Smoke manufactured to draw the cameras away from the real fire.

She was blonde.

My mother.

That picture in your apartment-- she was blonde.

I look like her, don't I?

We are out of time.

Is she alive?
[ Door opens ]

[ g*n cocks ]

[ Door closes ]

Red: Hello.

Raymond, Elizabeth, and you are?



Please-- please don't hurt me.

No, no, no, no.

We're not gonna hurt you, Martha.

We are, however, going to take your cellphone and lock you in the bathroom, okay?


I must say, your hair, the way it frames your face is very becoming.


De nada.

Navabi: I reviewed every witness statement and the surveillance from the hotel.

There's nothing to indicate that Cooper was complicit in Connolly's death or in Liz's escape.

Thank God.

He wasn't complicit, but you were.

You asked me to see if Cooper helped Liz.

He had two opportunities to do that-- in the hotel where Connolly was shot and here in the w*r room where she escaped.

She got out by cutting the power.

We found a traffic camera that shows her exiting the building at 11:22.

Yeah, from the service corridor where I found her phone.

Cameras came back online in the w*r room at 11:23.

That's 60 seconds only you can account for.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I think you let her go.

I think this way that you're acting, this anger, it's because you think it's your fault.

You trusted her and she turned around and m*rder*d the Attorney General.

I'm angry because our country was att*cked.

We're all angry.

But I know there's something you're not telling me, and whatever it is, whatever instinct is keeping you from admitting the truth, I don't trust it.

[ Telephones ringing ]

What are you doing here?

I'm not supposed to see you for another seven days.

There's been a change of plans.

I don't change plans.

Not for you, not for anybody.

This is him? This is the Troll Farmer?

Perhaps I should've told you he doesn't like that name.

I need a week.

You've got an hour.

Red: We're out of time, Chang.

You need to get us out of the city today.

Chang: The understanding was that you were going to stay underground for a week.

That was the contract.

I've had you on retainer for over three years.

Your content providers have all my pertinent files.

You're not the problem, Mr. Reddington.

My programmers are scrambling to build content for your plus one.

She's the wrinkle here.


Oh, my God. You're...

They said I would be doubling.

They were gonna take pictures, but I had no idea it was... you.

Who are you?

I guess I'm you.

Elizabeth Keen, right?

Is he here, too?

Reddington? Are you with him now?

I don't mean to pry, but how does it feel?

How does what feel?

To be a fugitive.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

Man: 3rd Street tunnel is still shut down.

News teams, camera crews, choppers overhead.

Man 2: Anywhere near Capitol Hill, The Mall, Union Station will be flooded with cameras, too.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Capitol Hill is no fly.

We might be able to use that to our advantage.

What about tunnels under Dupont Circle?

Be a good escape route.

We don't want to contend with Capitol Police.

What do we know about the perimeter?

How close can we get?

City is blanketed with traffic cameras and CCTV.

Very few blind spots.

Chang: Okay, okay. Talk to me about liabilities.

Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit.

I want addresses, hotspots where a sighting is most likely to blow up on social.

Give us about a 20% chance of pulling this off.

Chin up, Chang.

Believe in yourself and others will, too.

What is that, another one of your dumbass literary quotes?

Fortune cookie.

You had them and they got away?

Chased them out of hiding.

Reddington had a plan, now he doesn't. It's a win.

Terror alert has been elevated to severe.

There is no win in that.

Perimeter's 200 blocks.

We're turning over 10 blocks an hour.

Won't be long now.

I've had to brief the White House.

They know you were Keen's partner.

That's an advantage.

I agree.

That's why I've risked my career to back you.

Don't make me regret doing that.

[ Door opens, slams ]

Ressler: Spoke with Main Justice.

[ Door closes ]

Charlene's being released.

No charges are gonna be filed at this time.

Thank you.

And you're being released, pending further investigation.

Apparently Justice wasn't informed that I advised Agent Keen to run.

Apparently not.

Glad to know you don't think I was complicit.

I do think you were complicit.

Why didn't you say anything?

'Cause they didn't ask.

Besides, I'm complicit, too.

When Keen, uh... When she broke out of interrogation, I caught up to her.

I could've stopped her.

I mean, I should've stopped her, but I didn't.

I let her go.

Because I did, the Attorney General is dead.

That's a blessing.

A blessing? m*rder?

That's something Reddington would say, not you.

You made a decision based on instinct.

You should trust that.

My job isn't to trust my gut.

My job is to uphold the law.

I intend to do that.

Liz: When I was a little girl, I used to imagine that my mother was a prima ballerina who danced for kings and queens in London and Paris.

And she only left me with Sam until she could come home again and sweep me away.

I never would've imagined.

What happened to her?

My mother.

There was a time in my life when I was quite sure I knew exactly what happened to Katarina Rostova.

But after all these years, I'm not sure I have any real sense of how or... why she disappeared.

Everyone talks as if she was a terrible person.

Was she?

Okay, we're as ready as we're gonna be.

Either you'll be free within the hour or you'll be arrested and tried for treason.

I think we got something.

Picked it up online. Twitter photo.

Posted it two minutes ago, taken in the Shaw Neighborhood at 9th and Q.

Area's controlled by the 18th Street g*ng.

If they're there, it's for protection.

Call Vice. I want the location of all known safe houses.

Roll all units. This ends now.

[ Rap music plays ]



Hey! Hey! Against the wall!

[ Indistinct yelling ]

I got your girl.

I swear I'll k*ll her.

I'm not playing with you.

Man: All clear. They're not here.

You hear me, cop? I said I got your girl.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

Chang: Vans are here.

Vans? We're splitting up?



Red: Because it doubles the odds that one of us will make it out to clear your name.

I'll fulfill the contract, but after this, no more, you hear me?

You, this, too much of a liability.



You're crazy, old man.

You have no idea.

You didn't have a shot. You could have missed.

Yeah, but I didn't.

You were lucky. I was lucky you were lucky.

I said before I didn't trust your instincts.

Now they scare me.

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Okay, I've got something. A call to the tip line.

A CCTV feed and three tweets all indicating Mr. Reddington and Agent Keen are moving north/northwest on Foxhall Road past Reservoir.

Roll a SWAT team over to Georgetown Foxhall Road.

Hang on, I have a sighting in Adams Morgan.

Wait, wait, no. What?

Aram, talk to me.

Okay, MSNBC's home page just uploaded video of them at Michigan Park.

Hold on, this can't be right.


All right, my screen-- my screen's blowing up here.

I've got them in Brookmont, but the tip line has them in Palisades.

What the hell is going on?

I have no idea.

I've got them in five different parts of the city all at the same time.

Well, that's interesting because CNN is quoting the Head of the Criminal Division saying they've been captured in Kalorama Heights.

Wait, is that true?

Of course it's not true.

I'm the Head of the Criminal Division.

Ressler: Aram.

Dispatch rolling units to all these sightings.

Uh, yes, rolling all available agencies.

Uh, Mr. Reddington and Agent Keen can't be in all of these places, but they must be in one of them.

Or maybe they're not.

That's what Reddington wants us to think.

He wants us to divert all our manpower to the south.

It's a diversion.

Redirect all the units to the checkpoints along the northern perimeter. That's where they're gonna be.

[ Sirens wail ]

Thought I heard on the radio they caught the two you're looking for.

Dispatcher: All units be advised, suspects are in custody.

Repeat, suspects are in custody.

All units please stand down.

[ Siren chirps ]

Woman: We got a problem.

[ Tires screech ]

Give me your phone.

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Red: Lizzy.

They know.

Where are you?

I made it through, but you won't.

You have to turn back right now.

Turn back where? There's nowhere--

What are you doing?

Getting you out of here.

Where are you going?

Lizzy, listen to me. Take a breath.

You can do this.

What? What am I gonna do?

I'm outside the perimeter, and I won't be able to get back to you in time, so you're on your own.

You need to find a place to hide, someplace where they cannot get to you.

I can't.

Katarina Rostova was the cleverest, most resourceful woman I have ever known.

What are you saying?

No matter how dark the moment, she could always find her way through.

She was a Russian spy who I never knew.

No, you didn't.

But that doesn't mean your mother is gone.

I see her in you every day.

She's as much a part of you as the air you breathe.

I can't do this.

You can.

You must.

2650 Wisconsin Avenue.

No. Lizzy, no, no, no.

It's the only chance I've got.

2650 Wisconsin Avenue. Get there now.

[ Grunts ]

Where is she?

[ Silverware clatters ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Red: Kudos, Donald. I'm impressed.

What do you want?

To give you a blacklister.

I'll pass.

The diversion that allowed me to slip past your perimeter, the man who orchestrated that cooked it up in under an hour.

He's an illusionist essential to criminals such as myself, and I am giving him to you.

Where's Keen?

You said you got past the perimeter.

You wouldn't be calling unless she didn't.

No, she didn't.

But I'm not telling you anything you don't know already, Donald.

I'm sure by now you found the vehicle that was transporting her.

So, that's what this is about?

You knowing that I'll find her and giving me a blacklister in exchange for when I do.

No. It's not a trade or a bribe or an offer of payment in kind to entice you to look away.

I admire your probity too much for that.

So, what do you want?

'Cause you only give to get.

All I want is your word as a man of honor.

My word.

You know Elizabeth.

You know she's not a Russian spy or a traitor or a t*rror1st.

You know that's not who she is.

Doesn't matter what I know.

If you catch her, it will.

It will matter a great deal.

What you know about her, what you feel about her could make all the difference.

So, my offer.

One blacklister in exchange for your word that you will give her the benefit of every doubt.

Can you do that, Donald?

Can you give me your word?


His name is Bo Chang.

65 East Goethe.

Bo Chang. Got it.

Hey, Reddington.

I will find you.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, as my father used to say to me, just because you've been bumped up to first chair in the orchestra doesn't mean you can compose a symphony.

[ Cellphone beeps ]

Dembe: Hello?

Open the door.

Dear, your daughter's life depends on it.

[ Baby crying ]

Oh, my God!

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't touch her. Not yet.

[ Gasps ]

Take a picture of her with your phone.


Take a picture of your daughter and send it to this number, please.

Chop, chop.

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Very good, dear.

Thank you for your cooperation.

You returned her. Why?

Because your reputation precedes you, Mr. Zuma.

There was no doubt... you would do whatever was necessary to affect your granddaughter's release.

You... are a man of your word.

[ Chuckles ]

Give me one reason why I should not k*ll you.

Because if you do k*ll me, then your granddaughter will not receive the antidote to the time-released nerve agent we introduced into her digestive track.

And inside of... three weeks, will suffer an agonizing death.

What do you want?

I want you... to breathe... very deeply.

[ Breathing deeply ]

♪ the system's in red ♪
♪ the room is inbred ♪
♪ I'm a go getter ♪
♪ don't hold no harm ♪
♪ don't hold ♪

All checkpoints just reported in.

There's no sign of her.

She didn't get out. She's gonna need a place to stay.

Who's gonna harbor an international spy?

That's it. A spy.

Her mother was a Russian spy.

Son of...

[ Engine turns over, tires squeal ]

♪ don't hold no harm ♪

Harold. Harold!


You all right? Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Me. My health.

You're not sick?

It's a long story.

[ Sighs ] Thank you. Thank you.

[ Laughs ]

♪ don't hold no harm ♪

[ Sirens wailing ]

♪ don't hold ♪
♪ don't hold ♪
♪ no harm ♪

Help! My name is Masha Rostova.

I'm a Russian agent.

I work for the FSB, and I'm seeking diplomatic immunity.