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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 10/02/15 12:36
by bunniefuu
Stress levels like this, I've never felt, it's, honestly... it's off the scale.

What is the balance between liberty and security?

This sort of data is absolutely vital in stopping some of the most serious t*rror1st incidents in our country.

The country may not be convinced that this mass infringement of privacy is a price worth paying.

( Distant siren )

Britain, 2015.

One of the most watched nations on Earth.

In a country where everything we do leaves a trail, 14 ordinary citizens are going on the run.

As of this morning, we have a number of British citizens who are now fugitives.

I need you to get me the BLEEP away from here.

This phone box is hot now, they'll be coming to get me.

Don't feel safe at all right now.

Hunting them down, 30 of the world's most successful investigators.

We have eyes absolutely everywhere.

There's somebody there.

The psychological pressures will play mind tricks with you...

I don't really trust anybody at the moment.

Do you think that's what happens?

..and that gives us an advantage.

I really miss you guys today.

28 days...

I have a password... 14 fugitives...

Come on! We've got to get this guy.

We know where you are!

If you had to disappear, what would you do?

You need to stop right now!

You are surrounded.

Across the UK, ten fugitives are still on the run.

From a secret headquarters in London, the elite unit of man hunters are using state-of-the-art techniques to track them down.

So far, they've discovered Dr Ricky Allen is hiding out in the Highlands of Scotland.

We nearly had him and I'm annoyed that he's still out there.

In Yorkshire, the hunters came close to capturing best friends, Lauren English and Emily Dredge.

I can hear them.

( They make squawking noises )


And in Glasgow...

Hands up!

..they successfully hunted down brothers Harinder and Davinder Singh.

Let's go.

Leading the hunters is Chief Brett Lovegrove, former Head of Counter Terrorism for the City of London Police.

He's decided to focus more resources on the hunt for Dr Ricky Allen.

I need urgent information on Ricky and we need to find him fast.

Right, let's move.

The GP from Kent has gone out of his way to attract the hunters' attention.

If some dodgy-looking characters with sunglasses and poorly cut black suits come up asking my name, talk to them a bit and say, "Yeah, he went that way."

( He laughs )

I think there's more to it than just not being found with Dr Allen, I think he wants more out of this, he wants to prove his skills, prove that he's better than us, almost.

24 hours ago, Ricky played the hunters at their own game.


He set a false trail, which led them to a bothy in the Scottish Highlands, and as the team swooped in to seize him, he watched their every move.

OK, look around, hiding around the building.

The hunters didn't find Ricky.

They're completely out of their depth.

They'll be so peed off.

But they did get their hands on a crucial lead.

Ricky's pay as you go phone.

And now they can't wait to get their own back.

If I were to hazard a guess, I would suggest that he's an irascible, grumpy... largely miserable old git, to be honest with you.

Well, I shouldn't say old, because he was born in the same year as I am, and I think he's going to be particularly unhappy when we capture him.

Ricky has been on the run for 15 days, and is now hiding out on a boat belonging to his old friend Drew McFarlane-Slack.

Rick, what's going on in your mind?

I'm just sort of... imagining this crack team on our tails.

It's slightly disappointing, really.

I don't want you to get caught doing something stupid because you're getting a bit... Cocky. ..complacent.

Cocky? Cocky is where you do well.

For now, Ricky is safe.

But the hunters are only 20 miles away in Fort William and the ground team is getting new orders from HQ.

'We've had a bit of a scrum down here this morning' and we've decided to very much keep the focus on Ricky Allen.

Despite him definitely having the upper hand the other day, we are not going to withdraw, we are not going to lick our wounds, we are not going to sulk.

Deputy Peter Bleksley was an undercover detective.

He served for over 20 years.

In an attempt to flush Ricky out, he's utilising a proven police tactic.

The way we're going to do that is by a very concerted, open, high-profile public appeal campaign, and what we're going to try and do is get local people to go, "Well, actually, we're quite happy to inform against him."

Man: We are looking for a person, a fugitive, so please give us a call if you see him.

There is a £250 reward.

( Laughter )

If we want to root out a fugitive, we will well and truly ramp up the pressure, we will turn the public against them.

You know, there's no better way of making that fugitive feel like we have eyes absolutely everywhere - when everyone they speak to has the potential to grass them up.

Man: There is now a 250-quid reward for the person that gives us his location.

Preferably alive.

We feel here that he is a man with a massive ego and we would like to try and dent that ego a little bit and see if we can, kind of, force him into making some kind of error.

Man on radio: 'And the time is approaching 7.30 on this Wednesday morning, let's have a look at the local news for you this morning. A team of crack investigators are hunting a fugitive believed to be holed up in a Highland bothy. Former detective and ex Scotland Yard sleuth Peter Bleksley is on a...'


'..trying to evade capture.'

'A £250 reward has been offered for information that leads to him being traced. Mr Bleksley says Ricky has proved to be a very tricky customer, which has hardened our resolve to find him. Please do not attempt to approach or apprehend him.'

Presumably this bulletin will come on every hour or so, so it's rather changed the game slightly, in that...

I doubt that the public would hand me in.

For 250 quid?

Surely someone wouldn't do that.

So now he'll be utterly paranoid because every single person on the ground could be an informant for us.

That's absolutely shocking, what I've just heard on the radio.

They've put a reward on me!

And pictures!

That's upping the stakes a bit, isn't it?

f*cking hell, that's terrible.

Back at HQ, attention turns to fugitives Emily Dredge and Lauren English, who have evaded capture for 12 days.

There have been no leads on their whereabouts for almost a week, so in effort to find them, Lovegrove and his team are reanalysing their profile.

Well, Lauren's very well-travelled, lots of travel pictures going back over the last few years.

Get the feeling they're both from relatively affluent backgrounds, middle class. very big social circle, hundreds of friends.

Emily and Lauren have kept off the hunters' radar by hitchhiking...

( Baby screams )

..avoiding CCTV cameras... and by being careful with their money.

Lady: £3.50, please.

They haven't used a cash machine since their first day on the run.

Instead, they've scrubbed, shovelled and strimmed their way across the country, in return for free accommodation.

This is just incredible.

Thank you so much!

You won't get used to Emily hugging you!

And they've found the public more than willing to harbour them.

Lauren and I, when we were kids, we used to fantasise about running away all the time.

In fact we used to.

My mum had to come and get us in the car so many times from miles and miles away, and I want us to have that time together again, just her and I, where we go on adventures and do the same thing we did when we were kids.

Like Thelma and Louise.

I couldn't do it without you, you little cretin.

I'm not a little cretin.

But despite doing so well, the shadow of the hunters is never far away.

Emily and I are so stressed.

I don't want to feel like this.

You know, I'm trapped.

I'm trapped and every time you feel comfortable for five minutes, you've got to go.

Emily and Lauren have evaded capture for 12 days, hitchhiking over 450 miles across England.

They're now holed up in yet another caravan park just outside Leeds.

Nearly two weeks in, being on the run is putting their friendship to the test.

I'm going to escape for the day, I can't sit in a cardboard box all day, it's driving me insane.

OK, you can.

How long will you be?

All day. What? All day.

I think I'll be depressed if I stay here on my own.

I think I should come with you.

I'd like to go on my own.

See you later!

You get to the stage where you're, you're in each other's space so much that you just start annoying each other, to the point where if I laugh, Emily's like, "Can you stop that?"

( She laughs )

A little bit of bunting up, a little bit of a village fete going on.

I'm just paranoid that they're going to turn up, she's going to be off, I'm going to be boxed in this tiny caravan.

Can you imagine if the spot team went running through the cream teas?

Screwing up the WI display?

I could get my face painted, obviously.

Then nobody would recognise me, will they?

It's not like we're on holiday having fun.

It's not like that, it's...

There's people after you and you have to get away and you both have to make the right choices and the right decisions in order to survive, and I can't think straight.

I think we're holding each other back.

I don't want to do it with Lauren any more.

( Indistinct chatter of children )

HQ's media campaign has given them a hot lead in the search for fugitive Dr Ricky Allen.

A taxi driver thinks he may have picked up Ricky in his cab.

At what time was that?

'It would have been the back of 10, 11 o'clockish.'

What was he wearing?

Do you remember?

'He had a beanie hat on.'

A beanie hat.

'And glasses.'

And glasses.

Nathan Rose, a surveillance specialist with expertise in covert operations has joined hunter Steve Cottam.

Ops have phoned up this morning, taxi driver potentially dropped off Ricky Allen to a B&B, so that's where we're going now, approximately 2200 last night, with one unidentified female.

I'd be delighted if he was having a lie-in.

( Laughter )

If he was still tucked up and he's warm and comfy, thinking about getting up and taking a stroll down the high street, but with a radio campaign, a poster campaign, other media campaign, his name is all over Fort William.

The hunters send in assistant Elle Tavari.

While she scopes out the B&B, Cottam and Rose remain nearby, ready to strike if Ricky runs.

We are looking for someone in the local area, and we believe he may be staying here.

Hiya, how are you doing?

Can I have a quick word?

We're looking for this male.

I think it's the glasses.

I'm not 55.

All right, not to worry, thank you very much.

Thank you. Cheers. Bye.

Ricky Allen might have just got extremely fortunate insomuch as there's somebody that looks like him, that is going around the area...


..pubs, restaurants, B&Bs, and he's a dead ringer for him.

Yeah. So he could potentially be having a real stroke of luck here, which is distracting our resources, throwing us off the trail...


..and-and causing some confusion.

Hello. Hello.

I don't recognise you. Good.

The friendship between fugitives Lauren English and Emily Dredge is under intense strain.

They've spent the day apart for the first time since they went on the run two weeks ago.

Without any thought or consideration, she's gone off, I've no idea what time she's going to be back, and I'm sitting here completely vulnerable.

The whole thing's completely f*cked.

Off-camera: Do you think the hunters could be close by? Yeah, right now.

Right, I think...

( Helicopter whirs )

( Helicopter whirs )

I'm not being funny, but we have to go.

Off-camera: What about Lauren?

We're going to have to leave Lauren.

Lauren's just got us caught, Lauren'll have to...

If Lauren really thinks it's a good idea to f*ck off, she can think that's a good idea, because I'm not going to be here when she gets back.

f*ck this.

Do you think we should go home now?

A big factor for fugitives going on the run is the paranoia that kicks in and I can't stress enough that it is an extreme paranoia.

Shit - shit, shit, shit!

They truly believe that everyone that's looking at them, every car that drives past, every aircraft that's up in the air is watching them, and that causes more stresses and anxieties, and again feeds into the whole psychological pressure which helps us.

Weird, weird, weird...weird, weird.

Off-camera: What made you think they were there?

Gut feeling, gut feeling.

They knew exactly where we were, they were just closing in on us.

Emily's got spooked.

Emily's packed her bags, probably jumped over the bloody fence for all we know.

Next minute, she's in a car with somebody, and we're probably coming over the field the other way.

But now she's bait.

We have to get as far away from here as possible.

I don't know what to do.

Don't know what to do.

I'm scared. I'm actually scared.

( She pants )

The whole day was...paranoia.

What happens is the paranoia starts to get to you...

Unsettled by the hunters' attempts to turn the public against him, Ricky has decided to leave Scotland and head south.

Hello, Mike, it's Ricky here.

Would you do me a huge favour?

Believing the hunters are monitoring his home phone, Ricky's asking an old friend to give his wife a message.

Would you ask her, please, by tomorrow evening, to have left ?150 in an envelope underneath the lawnmower in the log shed?

OK? Fantastic.

Ricky's pay as you go phone, which the hunters took from the bothy, now arrives at HQ.

Hopefully they'll be some evidence on here of where he's been or maybe some text messages.

So we'll take a look at it forensically, just to see if he's made any other calls.

It's got no power cable.

No, no power cable.

Ricky sent text messages from this phone to lure the hunters to the bothy.

"You've been framed" - that's the one he left for the guys that picked the phone up.

Having read Ricky's texts and found numbers for his contacts, the cyber team have what they need to infiltrate Ricky's network of friends.

Leading the initiative is Julie Clegg, a former detective who's now a world-renowned online intelligence expert.

So if we were to pretend to be him, OK, where, you know...

"I'm Ricky, this is my new number, all communication now by this number unless you hear otherwise."

And let's see if we can disrupt his network, even if they don't believe us, it's enough disruption that they start to not know who to believe and...

So I guess on the back of that, if Dr Allen genuinely sends one of them a text... Yeah.

..for help or the next move, they then may be confused as to what... Exactly.

..whether that's Dr Allen or us.

Yeah, so who do they believe?

So we'll just text everybody and that puts us right in the middle of his network.

We need to be very careful with just how much we put out to begin with.

His speech is so terse. It is.

It's so abrupt.

I think we could craft something short and punchy that would just make people believe.

Officer: If you want short and terse language, I'm your man.

When we obtain a fugitive's mobile phone, it means we can infiltrate their network.

When someone receives a text from their mum, they truly believe that text message is from their mum, but actually, what they don't know, it's the hunter team trying to locate the fugitive.

If he's typing something in a rush, he really tends to shorten words.

I would take the "e" out of the expletive.

I know he also misspells, but shortening words seems to be one of his things.

So the message reads - "Old phones fuckd, use this now, thnx!"

That's it? sh*ts fired.

Psychologically, I do not give up desperately easily and I hate to be beaten.

If I were to be caught, I'd be very disappointed with myself, especially if it were due to a foolish mistake or miscalculation.

At HQ, their tactic to infiltrate Ricky's network is beginning to pay off.

We've just received a text message back on his spoof phone from Eileen Burn, and she said, "OK, hope you are well out of the way, let me know if you need any eggs."

Yeah, it could could be money.

Could be. It's not eggs, is it?

It's not eggs, it's...

This message went out twice to Eileen Burn, five minutes apart.

Because if he's stressed out, he's going to be upset, he'll know, he might be texting a pile of people.

I like that, putting the wind up 'em...

Yeah - because we're getting to that point now aren't we?

This is where we're going to play.

If his network was that well-prepared and he'd read so many spy novels, he would have prepped them correctly and no-one would have replied to that.

I guess it shows he hasn't briefed his associates well enough, because some of them have bought it, we believe, and caused a bit of confusion.

We got a peculiar text.

Did you send us a text?


Something along the lines of...

Uh... "All...old phones are done.

Use this one."

No! That was sent to Christine's phone, and I said to her, "Ricky wouldn't send that."

No, no, obviously, it's them playing mind games.

Ricky Allen's heavily dependent on his network of supporters.

If we cut that off, he's going to be in a position he hasn't been in yet as a fugitive, and that is completely alone.

I don't really trust anybody at the moment.

Off-camera: Sorry?

I don't really trust anybody at the moment.

Do you think that's what happens?

You don't trust anybody.
At HQ, the team are refocusing their attention on a pair of fugitives whose trail has gone cold.

OK, so Stephen Hardiker, Martin Cole, a Midlands-based pair.

What have we got on them?

Are they cold?

I believe so.

From a physical resource, we've not had time to look at this yet.

So we're scratching about with Hardiker and Cole, aren't we?

Best friends Stephen and Martin haven't been seen since they went on the run two days ago.

What on earth do you take?

I've always been obsessed with w*r diaries, people's... stories from the front, the hardships they entailed.

And these are just normal, ordinary people enlisted, pushed into doing this extraordinary thing for their country.

The idea of being on the run just...

I get excited now just thinking about it.

It's heavy, that is heavy.

Alfie! Stop it!


( Dog barks )


Some chocolate orange...

Yeah, that'll do.

Martin, his IT skills are...

He just bamboozles me.

I ain't got a clue what he's talking about.

Ooh, almost forgot. My laptop.

( Dog barks )


It's a nice idea, isn't it, this bloke from Walsall who's just an IT manager, who are ten a penny, trying to take on the state?

I'm going to give it a go, to be honest, and see if I can.

Have I got everything?

Whisky! Have you got the whisky?

I've got the laptop, I've got socks and pants, I've got toiletries, I've got shoes, boots, I've got what I'm wearing now.

Have you got your gay hairband? It's too late. I've got my hairband.

Should we have an exaggerated wheel spin?

( Tyres screech )

( They laugh )

For our getaway, we're going to use Martin's father's car, his old battered Skoda.

We're going to find just a suburban street and dump the car.

After abandoning their car, their strategy is to disappear into the countryside.

Have you got the chocolate?

The chocolate's in the boot.

Oh! Don't forget the chocolate.

We need chocolate.

I think it's important to plan, especially when it's something so intense as this.

Why the f*ck have I brought everything and the kitchen sink?

f*cking hell.

I thought I'd packed light, but this is heavy. It's ridiculous.

Right, have you got the gist of it?

Go right, come out of here, make a right, go up towards the shops, make a left, make another right, and then we'll have to just get our bearings there.


HQ have had a breakthrough in their hunt for Dr Ricky Allen.

Ricky's habit of using phone boxes has caught up with him.

Three days ago, he made a call to a contact whose phone was being monitored by HQ.

They have now obtained CCTV from the premises.

It gives them a crucial piece of information - the registration number of Ricky's car.

'The key bit today is just trying to find out where that Peugeot is.'

Do we all sort of theorise that Dr Allen's probably got that Peugeot and he's using that to dot around?

He might not be with it all the time but park it somewhere and hide it up, almost.

Unknown to Ricky, his car is now a liability.

The hunters can track it on main roads and motorways throughout the UK using a network of number plate recognition cameras.

And if Ricky plans to hide from the cameras using back roads, the hunters have another w*apon at their disposal.

Also in our arsenal are mobile ANPR devices.

These can be fitted to police vehicles or onto bridges or onto the side of the road, in any location we want to monitor.

They believe Ricky is still in the Fort William area, so deploy mobile ANPR to cover all possible routes out.

In fact, Ricky is on the move, heading east towards Glencoe.

But before making a break for the border, he decides to pay a last visit to his friends, Drew and Christine.

Have you been listening to the radio?

There's a ?250 reward on my head.

They're saying he's wanted, he's a fugitive - Dr Ricky Allen.

That's awful, isn't it? Have you been listening to the radio?

I saw pictures of you.

Was it on Twitter?

( Drew laughs )

I just can't believe these. They must be desperate, mustn't they?

This is certainly a brilliant way of flushing you out.

What are you going to do now, then?

Going to hike up across the top, down to Crianlarich and get a train.

Well, why don't I take you?

I can take you down to Glasgow.

I'll take you down to Edinburgh and you can get a train down there.

OK, yeah, that'd be great.


Ricky swaps vehicles, leaving his Peugeot behind.

I feel safer already now. They're still scratching around bothies.

But unknown to Ricky, the Astra belonging to Drew is also known to the hunters, and they drive straight into HQ's trap.

'Guys, have you seen the hit on the Astra with reference to Ricky Allen?'

There's been an active ANPR hit.

9.30 A828 southbound towards Connel Bridge.

Can you just enlighten me with that Astra?

Where has that featured before?

I can't just think.

That was the one that...

When we had Ricky Allen on CCTV

'and taking out cash himself, there was an Astra near that point.'


'Just so you're aware, the vehicle's registered' to Drew McFarlane-Slack.

So, this may be Dr Allen moving out the area as a result of the media campaign.

I bloody hope so.


Hello, it's Ben.

I've just got another bit of intelligence through, whilst...

Deputy Ben Owen served in the British Armed Forces before working in intelligence.

His expertise lies in commanding teams on operations.

He tasks Nathan Rose to pursue the Astra.

'So, this may be... We're theorising here this morning, whether or not Dr Allen has now got wind of just the...' immense social media campaign, radio campaigns, newspaper campaigns against him, and is this now his activity of getting out of that area' cos he's now realised that it may catch up with him?

The hunter team set off in pursuit, aiming to catch up with Ricky, who has a head start on them.

Ricky's attention is elsewhere.

He's just discovered his picture is in the national press.

That's terrible.

"The most wanted man in Scotland."

"It's a real-life Thirty-Nine Steps," says former Met detective Mr Bleksley.

"We are very determined to catch him and are working tirelessly. However, Ricky is proving a tricky customer."

Oh, my Lord!

A couple of hours, you'll be the most wanted man who USED to be in Scotland.

Yeah, that's right!

A completely new trail kicked off this morning, didn't it?

And there's no way they can be onto it.

There's no way they can be onto this.

Radio music:

♪ Oh, happy day! ♪
♪ Oh, happy day ♪
♪ Oh, happy day ♪
♪ Oh, happy day! ♪
♪ Oh, happy day ♪
♪ When Jesus washed... ♪

Since splitting up with her best friend Lauren, Emily has continued to hitchhike.

♪ Washed my sins away ♪


♪ Oh, happy day ♪
♪ Oh, happy day! ♪

Badly: ♪ Oh, when he washed! ♪

Today's like the first day I feel happy, I think.

Genuinely happy.

I feel free.

13 miles away, Lauren is still where Emily left her.

At the caravan park, where the pair believe the hunters had them cornered.

I just hope they're not in the area anymore. So I'm kind of hoping they're kicking themselves thinking they've lost us.

That would be ideal... but probably not, they're probably hanging out outside, probably got the helicopter ready.

They're probably eyeing up from my photos the appropriate sort of eyewear for me, as in the way of a blindfold and a gag.

Instead of hitchhiking, Lauren decides to blow ?100 on a cab ride south to the Peak District where she's intending to camp.

She's convinced the hunters are watching her every move.

In fact, HQ haven't had a lead on Emily and Lauren for some time.

But the hunters have targeted the pair on social media in an effort to get a lead on their whereabouts.

Got her in 43 more shares on this, and then we've had a couple of people that have said they've seen them in a couple of different areas.

The reported sightings indicate Emily and Lauren are travelling independently, leading HQ to believe they may have gone their separate ways.

I wouldn't be surprised if they've split up because of the intensities and the pressures of this experience and what we've been hearing, that they've been under a lot of stress, that they've got slightly different characters, so it wouldn't come as a surprise if they've split up.

Every day, because of the arguments and the confrontation and, just the...

I couldn't reflect on anything.

So every day I just wanted to go home, like just give up, cos I just can't be bothered with all the, like, intensity.

I can't be bothered with an argument, can I?

Can't be bothered, so just go along with it.

And then it gets frustrating cos there's only so many times you can give in.

If you give in too often it just makes yourself depressed, doesn't it, and that's what happened really, I think we both got a bit depressed.

She's worried and I'm depressed.

Now I'm not depressed.

Now I'm sat on a rock.

It'd be nice if she was here, I don't know where she is, I'm quite worried.

Hello? Can you stop? Excuse me!

Excuse me!


I'm worried about their state of minds, however, probably going to work to our advantage.

So, what are you going to do?

I don't know, people are most unfriendly up here.

I'll be all right in a minute.

I'm just having a low moment.

In Scotland, the hunter team are closing in on Dr Ricky Allen.

New information. Westbound, Mike-8, junction 16.

He's basically in Glasgow now.

Right. 'So can you come off and start going into central Glasgow, north of the river. Trying to get some CCTV on' junction 16 at the moment, to try and get a direction and see if they've come off.

Suspecting Ricky is heading to Glasgow, HQ keep watch on the city's major transport hubs.

Live CCTV is crucial as a w*apon in our armoury for investigations.

It allows us to stand off from the target.

It gives us so much more flexibility, it gives us a live picture of exactly what's happening in that area and what we're trying to look at.

He's at Glasgow train station, we have positive sighting of your fugitive...

Oh, my God! Glasgow Central train station at 14.25 today.

That's him waiting at the station.

So you can see him quite clearly here.

So he's wearing a grey shirt, black beanie, black trousers.

'How far away are you?'

Two and half mile.

OK, brilliant. We've asked for platform information, CCTV etc.

When you're close to getting a fugitive, the pressure is higher, the expectations I have on myself, the expectations of people back in the ops room, having a loss, messing something up, there's no worse feeling than that.

The hunters miss the train by a matter of minutes and Ricky gets away.

London Euston. On the train to London. Great, perfect.

I'm kind of puzzled as to what his current state of mind must be because, really, taking a train from Glasgow to London, bearing in mind how close we'd got to him, I would think he would think that it was an obvious given that we'd be able to find him, trace him, and track him down to London.

This smacks to me of almost a surrender.

f*ck me.

Well, it was actually my intention to go to Milton Keynes, I have a contact, Liam, who works there.

I can easily phone Liam to pick me up at Milton Keynes, but I simply don't know who to trust now.

I really don't know what to do.

I'm just tempted to stay on this train now and take my chances.

HQ focuses all its attention on Euston.

Deputy Peter Bleksley immediately deploys the closest hunter team, led by ex-cop Paul Cashmore and his assistant Bex Mason.

'Paul, it's Peter.' Peter, go ahead.

Your ETA at Euston, please?

ETA, a little bit after 8.00, so I'm making good time.

You're on the home stretch, baby.

But, you know, we need those captures, we've got to start f*cking bringing them in, cos we're close.

OK, guys, ready to listen in.

So we're going to head towards London Euston.

The train is due in at 20.30.

The plan at the moment is for me to cover the platform.

John, if you can cover the Tube which is in the centre concourse.

Steve, if you can cover the front exit, wherever is best for cover.

Dave and Julie will be in the main concourse, probably nearer to where I am at the platforms.

Stacey, if you can cover to the east, if there's any foot exits, just cover that off.

Yeah, the one to King's Cross station? Yes, yes.

We've also got a hunter team coming in who are going to liaise with me directly.

Veins pumping right now, come on.

I'll direct them towards me near the platforms, so we can cover, but one will be outside for the arrest.

Let's go.

To go in person, having worked on him for days on end, and had him mess us around for a bit, it would be extremely satisfying to put my hands under his arm and escort him out of London Euston.

Euston Station is one of Britain's busiest transport hubs used by tens of thousands of people each day.

The hunters' mission is to execute the capture without anyone noticing.

Arresting a fugitive in a busy area provides us with many difficulties.

You don't want to create a fuss, we don't want the public to be scared, we don't want to panic anyone.

Everyone's in position, mate, and we're waiting for the train to come in now.

Good luck. Roger.

When you're close to a fugitive and you're near capture, that period has to be calm.

You can't panic because that's just going to make... you're going to make mistakes.

Train is now in at platform 3.

Right, OK.

No sign of him yet, Bleks.

'No, can't see him.' Right, OK.

'No sign of the fugitive.

'Keep eyes on all the exits.'

Dr Allen?

Come on, don't run.

Your time on the run is over, my friend.

OK, can you just follow me?

I just want to go out of the station, in a quiet area, there's lots of armed police about, we don't want to cause any...any aggro.

Can you hear me, boss?

Loud and clear.

As you can see, Dr Allen is now under arrest. Fantastic.

1-0 to the dimwits.

'1-0 to the dimwits.'

Good work, my friend.

You too. We deserved that.

Dr Ricky George Allen, maker of plans, taunter of hunters, he'd read The Thirty-Nine Steps, he was apparently a bit of a spy book aficionado, he led us a merry dance.

Clever, but not clever enough.

No matter how much you spy on somebody, you can't get into their heads.

And if it's a true free spirit, then there's nothing they can do about it.

They can watch and watch and watch, but you're still a free spirit.

Next time.

( Sheep bleat )

There's sheep everywhere.

Whoo! It's Highland!

Look at the give, there's nothing.

Look at this!

( He struggles )

Redeploy, redeploy.

'Confirmed sighting from a member of the public.'

It has literally become real now.

We are searching for a man, there is a very big cash reward.

'Where the f*ck is he?'