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09x01 - Brave New World

Posted: 10/05/15 04:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

What's going on?

Peter and I, we've... we've decided to separate.

What is your problem?!

So what if you were abandoned! Who cares?!

That's what people do, they hurt you!

Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may kiss each other.

(Laughing and cheering)

So I guess I did it.

I married the boy in the loft.

Stop the car, please.


(Trouble whinnies, hooves thunder)

(Snorts and neighs)

It's okay.

(Hooves thud heavily)


(Harness jingles, hooves thud heavily)

(Hooves thud heavily, Phoenix and Trouble grunt)

Whoa, Trouble, slow down.

Trouble, no! Whoa!

Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!

Are you okay?

Ungh! Yup, I'm fine.

You were looking pretty good there for a minute.

Phoenix is great, but it's Trouble...

He's a little harder to handle.

What do you think?

Peter: I think you're certifiably crazy, that's what I think.

Getting better though. Better all the time.

(Hooves thud)

(Birds chirp, insects buzz)

(Light clunk)

Ty: Hey, Tim, it's Ty.

Listen, I don't know if you've got my messages, but, uh, look, I have some time off from the clinic today, so I can't help you out.

Just let me know when you're gonna be there, okay?

Call me back. (Phone beeps off)


Hey, good morning.

Oh, I love Saturdays.

I love being able to sleep in.

Did you hear that wind last night?

I thought the trailer was gonna blow over.

I haven't had a decent night's sleep since our honeymoon.

That was pretty nice.

You know what? We gotta get outta this place.

I gotta say, I'm pretty ticked off with your dad right now.

Oh, really?

Well, he's ignoring my calls.

I'm trying to get this moving and at this rate, it's never gonna get done.

But we will be moved in soon, okay?

I'm just so excited to be able to have a place of our own, you know?

I mean, it... It has kinda been nice living out here, by ourselves...


Don't you think?

No one to bother us.


Sort of like being on our honeymoon.

(Both chuckle)


Stay close, Trouble.

That's it.


Good boy!

So, you got guests coming into the Dude Ranch.


I'll vacate the cabin.

Yeah, uh, Amy's room is already ready and I put fresh towels on the bed.

That's it. Whoa... Whoa...

Are you sure you're okay with that?

Peter, how many times do I have to tell you?

Just because we're separated doesn't mean you can't sleep under the same roof.

I mean, we're both adults, right?


I'm proud of us.

I am! I mean, look how well this is working out.

You know, we've made it work.

You're right.

A lot of couples wouldn't handle it as well as we have.

You know I'm really proud of the girls too.

Roman riding. I mean, honestly?

Who would've guessed.

She's obsessed.

Hey, did I tell you Georgie's Extreme Team is booked at a bunch of rodeos over the summer?

Aw, the summer?


I wanted to have the girls with me over the summer.

Oh. Like in Vancouver?



It'd be great for them, don't you think?

(Cell phone rings)Wow.

(Ringing)Ugh. Sorry. I got...

I gotta take this.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, take it.

Okay. (Phone beeps on)

Hey, Bernie, what's up?

(Truck engine rumbles)

(Truck idles, Engine shuts down)

(Doors bang shut)

Hey, Lou, have you seen Tim?

Not today.

He was around for a bit yesterday.

(Annoyed sigh)

Georgie: Come on, come on!

No! Trouble, settle...

Amy: She's really starting to get it.

Yup, and I'm getting grey hairs. (Laughs)

Hey, do you know what's going on with Dad?

'Cause Ty's been trying to reach him.

Amy, don't even go there because I am doing everything I can to avoid hornet's nest.

And when Grandpa gets back... (Laughs)

That is an inevitable scene I want to avoid too.

Georgie: Up, up!

(Grunting) That's it. Good.

Hey, would you mind just watching Georgie?

Peter and I have to... just figure our schedules out.

Okay. Are you all right?

Mm-hmm. I'm great. I'm-I'm really good.

Okay, you just seem, I don't know, a little smiley or something.

Is that a bad thing? (Laughs)

Come on, Katie.

(Katie hums as she runs, Amy Sighs)

(Truck rumbles to a halt, door bangs shut)

Tim: Okay, I got... I got all your messages, and I appreciate the fact that you... you wanna help.

(Heavy clunk)

Ty, you have to understand that there are some jobs that are best dealt with if I tackle them alone.

Tim, you don't need to do this all yourself, okay?

I don't want you to do this all by yourself.

I just want it done so that we can move in!

I realize that, but you kids picked a project that requires a gut reno and obviously you don't have enough time to devote to it, so...

I know, and I feel bad, okay?

But I'm here now and I can help.

Right. So what're we standing here for?

You unload all this stuff.

Let's get to work on this dream.

Living in a loft above a stable of horses not exactly my idea of a dream.

(Loud clunk, pipes slide)

Georgie: Whoa, Trouble!

Relax! Relax. Whoa...

Trouble, it's okay.

(Grunting) It's okay. Good boy. Keep your head steady.

Good boy.

Easy, boy.

Whoa! Whoa!

Trouble, you can't pull away like that!

You have to stay beside Phoenix.

Ungh! (Thumps on ground)

How's it going?

Well, it's going.

Trouble's still... "Trouble."

(Sighs) He lets me know when he's done.

Yeah, I'll help you untack them.


(Horse grunts)


He's hurt.

See all the blood?


(Horse grunts, light hoof beats)

(Amy sighs)

(Struggling grunts)

(Hooves thunder)

(Harness jingles)

(Light hoof beats)

(Birds chirp, Harness jingles)

(Crow caws)


(Horse blows out its breath)

Let's go.

(Light hoof beats, birds chirp)

(Nervous snort and whinny)

(Bear growls ferociously, horses whinny)


Georgie, just stay-stay calm.

It's okay.

(Bear growls, horses whinny)

Hang on to him. Don't let him bolt.

It's okay.

(Horses grunt nervously, pawing at the ground)

Brave New World

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

So you're talking about the whole summer like the whole summer?

Yeah. It'll be a new world for them.

We can, uh, spend time at the beach, they can swim, I'll teach them how to sail.

Go camping. It's gonna be great.


I mean, Peter, you have to admit, this is kind of being sprung on me out of the blue.

Not really. I mean, you knew I wanted them out there, right?

What better time than the summer?

Right, but the whole summer? I mean...

I think we...

There was this wounded horse and Amy and I were following it and get guess what came right out of the bush? Guess!


A bear!

A bear?

Yeah, he was huge and he came right at us!

It was so awesome.

No, no, that is not awesome. You could've been...

Well, the horse, he was like bleeding, like a lot.

Yeah, I think the bear att*cked him.

And he's still out there, so we have to go find him.

No, no. You're not going anywhere near that bear or the woods.

I mean it.

But he's gonna bleed to death.

We have to!

Georgie, I'm not telling you again.

Dad, you'll go with us, right?

It's not happening, Georgie!

It's not happening.

What's going on? Why are you so mad?

I'm gonna call Fish and Wildlife.

(Receding footsteps)

(Truck rumbles)

(Engine rumbles)

What the...?

(Door closes)




Grandpa! Hey, how was Arizona?

Did you have a good time? How was your drive?


We missed you. (Kiss)

Welcome back.

I gotta question for you.

(Cupboard bangs shut)

What the hell is happening with that barn out there?

And here we go.

I see a bunch of plastic flapping in the wind and nothing much else.

What happened to finishing the loft?

What the heck have you been doing?

This is typical of you. Typical.

You disappear for a few months and you come swanning back and start to complain.

Where were you when I needed your help?

I offered my help.

You said you didn't need it, so I went to Arizona.

That loft was supposed to be finished for Amy and Ty.

What happened to the contractor?

Grandpa, it's okay.

Forget the contractor. I'm the contractor.


A job like this has to be done in a logical way step by step.

Oh, is that right?

Yeah, that's right, Jack.

And before I could even start work, I had to clear out the loft. Do you know how much crap's in there?

You should, because most of it was yours.

And after I cleaned out all your crap, and then, and only then, could I start to work on the loft.

Did you see that I had cut the windows.

Did you? Did you? No? Didn't see that.

That's my process. Logical, step by step.

I got it under control. Jack!

Hey, Jack!

It's almost the same as it was when I left!

You haven't even done anything.

Oh, Jack, come on.

You're staring at all new wiring here.

Did it last week, better than an electrician can do it and all to code.

So I saved you guys a ton of money right there.

And that's really great, Dad.

It-it is... great, and thank you, Tim. Um... but we do need to talk about these windows.

Um, there's a huge lead time on ordering them and we may need to... just re-measure.

No, no, no, no, no. No, I know the dimensions.

I know what you want. You want lots of light, lots of windows.

It's gonna be beautiful. Look it, the plans.

No, I've seen the plans. Amy and I made these plans.

We've been going over them for months, so...

I know, but it's one thing to make plans, it's another thing to implement the plans.

Now, if you're gonna help me today, the order on the plate is plumbing.

We're gonna finish the supply and the drainage to the toilet and tub.

I-Okay, I've been doing work on the drains and the supplies are next.

Okay, partner.

Is that the-that's the supply for the toilet?

That's the soil stack?


Okay, now, anybody that's done any plumbing knows that that supply and that soil stack need to be much closer together.

But it's okay, because I can make a quick adjustment.

I'll get my tools.

Jack, we got this. We got it.

We're separated, Lou.

That means sharing our time with the kids, right? (Sighs)

You get them way more than I do.

Well, I'm there mother.

Yeah, well, I'm their father.

Okay. Let's take this down a notch.

Um, I just feel like this has been sprung on me all of a sudden.

No one sprung anything on you.

We always agreed on shared custody, we just need to be reasonable about it.

We have been reasonable. I mean, we are... reasonable.

We're reasonable. I just um...

Maybe we should at least run this by the girls first and see what they think.


Run what by the girls?

Hey! I've got a great idea.

That your dad and I need to just discuss a little bit more before we run it by you.

It's Georgie, I think we can tell Georgie.

No... more discussion first.

Okay. Whatever.


Okay, we'll talk about it later.


(Screen door creaks open) That's...

(Door closes) Okay.

So how you feeling, Paint, old friend?

I gotta say, it's good to see you.

Hey, did you get more handsome on me while I was away?

Yes, I think you did.

(Giggles) Georgie.

(Giggles)I... was just saying hello.

He missed you.

Hey, don't tell me that's Trouble.

It is.

Boy, he's come a long way!

Yeah, he has.

I can do tricks on him now.


He's a good boy.

So things are going good then?

(Hesitates) Uh, yeah. Most of the time.

Uh... it's weird.

I mean, it's okay, but it's just weird.

I'm good though.



Sounds like you and me, we got some catching up to do.

Yeah. Yeah, we do.

(Receding footsteps)

(Crow caws in the distance)

(Birds chirp)

(Footsteps scuff)

Good boy.

(Nervous snorting and whinnying) Whoa, whoa, whoa...

Whoa... (Trouble snorts softly)

(Hooves thud)

Georgie! What are you doing out here?!

Well, what're you doing out here?

(Sighs) I saw that Trouble wasn't in his stall and I had a pretty good idea where you two went.

You shouldn't be out here on your own.

Well, neither should you.

Look, if Lou finds out...

She won't!

Georgie, let's go, now, okay?

No! He's still out here. He came back, he's out here somewhere.

There he is. I told you.


Good boy...

Oh, that's it.

Good. You're okay.


Good boy.

(Hooves thud)

That's it.

All right.

Let's get him back to the ranch.

(Phoenix grunts, hooves thud)

Why didn't you tell me that Tim was dropping the barn of that project?

I can't keep track of what Dad is doing or not doing.

You know, it's not like I don't have a million other things to keep my eye on.

You should've called me, or sent me a picture of what's been going on there.

I'd have lit a fire under him real quick.

You know what, Grandpa, I have... a lot more issues to deal with right now than keeping Dad on a building schedule.

He's staying here?


While there are guests at the Dude Ranch.

It doesn't mean anything, Grandpa.

So you two are okay then?

We're doing great.

Yeah, you are.

I admire how you and Peter are dealing with this.

Keep that smile on your face.

(Hooves thud, horses snort)

(Hooves clop)
Amy: Hey.

Ty: Hey.

(Plastic rustles)

What's going on here?

Georgie and I saw him out in the woods earlier.

We figured we'd try to get him.

Ty, he's hurt real bad. A bear attack maybe?

Can you have a look?

Oh wow. Yeah, that's definitely a bear.

It's not too deep though. I'll give him some antibiotics.

So you're not helping me.

Just give me a minute, all right?

Please don't tell Lou about the horse.

I think it's too late, honey.


Didn't I tell you not to go near those woods again?!

(Sighs) Great.

Well, I don't think he's gonna need stitches.

This part of the gash is pretty deep, but I'm gonna keep cleaning it out and make sure it doesn't get infected.


I wonder where he came from.

You know, we should probably put an ad up at Maggie's.

You're pretty brave to fend off that bear there, Mister.

Hey, maybe that's what we'll call him.


(Chuckles) That kinda suits him.

Yeah. Do you like that? Oh you do, huh, Bear?


(Liquid pours)

(Stirring clinks, tapping)

(Bear snorts softly)


This is good, working together like this.

(Kiss, Amy chuckles)

Why is it just us anyway? Where's Peter?

He had a dinner appointment in town.

And Georgie?

In her room.

She said she wasn't hungry.


She's not happy with me. I mean...

Georgie has been coping so well with Peter and I and our... situation, but lately, I feel like she's using it as an excuse to get and do whatever she wants.

You're reading too much into it.

Oh, really?

Yes, really.

I think Georgie can't stand the thought of an animal suffering without trying to do something about it.

That's pretty simple to me.

Well, if you don't mind, I'm exhausted.

I'm gonna turn in early.

Mm, no, no, no.

I'll help you with the dishes here.

No, uh, it's fine. Me and Katie have it, right?

Katie's gonna help Mommy?

I'll bring the plates.

All right.

(Footsteps creak on stairs)

(Light knock)

It's not fair.

If Amy and I hadn't rescued that horse, he would've died.

And besides, nothing bad happened, so I don't why she's so mad?

Well, because I'm guessing that your mom's tired of telling you not to do something and then you go ahead and do it anyway.

Well, I'm tired too.

The way she's acting with Dad.

What does that mean?

You've been away, Jack.

Yes, I have, but they've been doing great from what I heard, and now I see it for myself.

That's what they look like, but...

They're being all weird.

What do you mean, weird?

Lou's not weird.

Yes, she is.

She's being all fake, especially when Peter's around.

And I know she's trying to make it seem like everything's okay for Katie and I, but... it's just not her.

Well, all in all, I think they're doing a good job working things out.

At least they don't have a whole pack of lawyers involved, 'cause that's when things get ugly.

We're all glad they haven't gone down that road, believe me.

(Sighs) Okay. (Hands clap lightly)

See you in the morning.

And cut your Mom just a bit of a break.


I'm glad you're home.

(Floor creaks)

(Crickets chirp)

(Light switch snicks)

(Knocking, door creaks open)

Oh, Hey.


Um, sorry I missed dinner. (Door closes)

No, that's okay.

Um... so...


I-I uh... I was looking at my calendar and um... Katie has a dance recital coming up.

Oh right, I got the date in my phone.

Great, yeah. Oh, and Georgie has a trick-riding exhibition...

In two weeks? I will be there for that.

You got it. (Both chuckle)

So, we talk about the summer?

The summer. Right, okay.

Okay. Um... listen, I totally get that you wanna share your world with Georgie and Katie, but... (sighs)


(Chuckles awkwardly) But...

Um, just-you know, if we're being reasonable, it's more reasonable for one adult male to fly from Vancouver to Calgary than it is for me to-to-to organize the girls and then put them on a plane to you.

And Katie, she's so young.

I mean, she's gonna be completely disoriented by it.

No she won't. She won't.

She'll be totally excited by it.

Kids do this all the time, Lou.

Okay, all right, of course.

But I mean what about their routines, their...

New routines are good for kids.

They'll adapt. Kids always adapt.


You know that.

'Cause all Georgie needs is to adapt again.

Hey, Georgie and I are fine.

She listens to me.


Okay, what're you gonna do while you're at work?

I mean, you can't possibly be taking the whole simmer off, right?

I mean, you always talk about how crazy long your hours are.

Got that problem solved.

My co-workers' daughter, Sylvia, said she'd love to work as a nanny over the summer.

It's perfect. And I'll definitely have a couple of weeks off, so...

So a complete stranger is gonna be taking care of my girls?

(Annoyed sigh) Our girls. Our girls.

Our... our girls.

She's not a complete stranger.

I have dinner with her parent's all the time.

It's gonna be fine.

Right. Right.

I... can we just finish talking about this tomorrow?

I'm really tired.


Sure, yeah, yeah. Get some sleep.



(Light kiss) - Goodnight.


(Sighs) Sleep well.

Thank you. You too.

(Door creaks open and closed)

(Blows out her breath)

(Low rumble of thunder, wind howls, hail patters)

What is that? (Hail batters roof)

Agh! Hail. Oh my... it's hailing.

(Hail batters roof)

(Groans) You've got to be kidding me.

I can't take another sleepless night.

(Thunder rumbles loudly)- Oh man...


(Plastic rustles)

Here we go. (Light clicks on)


(Sighs) This is gonna be fun.

Our first night in our new place!

Do you believe it?

Looks comfy.




(Laughing) Okay.

(Light clicks off) Okay. (Laughing)

(Horse whinnies loudly)

(Loud bang, horse grunts)

Oh no.


Oh my God, are you kidding me?!

(Loud bang, Amy sighs)

(Ty groans, horse whinnies)

(High-pitched whinny, loud banging)

(Grunting, banging against stall)

It's okay, Bear. Settle down.

You're okay, you're okay. Whoa!

Easy, easy. I'm gonna put him outside.

No, no, no. If he runs around, it could open up his wound, Amy.

Yeah, but he might at least calm down out there. Easy, boy.

It's okay. It's okay.

Whoa, boy. Whoa.

He might not be used to being stalled.

What's going on?

He's just-he's just going a little stir crazy.

It's gonna be okay. You're fine. Settle down.

I heard him all the way across the yard.

(Sighs)Hey, hey...

So I um... I couldn't really get to sleep last night and uh... I was thinking... that we're on the same page about a lot of things, but we're obviously not on the same page about everything.

Right. I agree. Um...

(Approaching footsteps)

So maybe we should discuss our expectations.

Because I do wanna spend more time with the girls, obviously, but not just here at Heartland.

I get that.

So maybe...

Maybe the girls could go to Vancouver, but only when you have vacation.

No nanny.

Okay, that's a start.

So let's-let's run it by the girls?

All right. I will.


You know, we should also discuss a schedule that we're both comfortable with for holidays, Christmas, all that, you know, visitation rights kind of stuff.

Visitation rights?

I thought that we were doing this without "all that visitation rights stuff."

I thought that... that we were doing fine without the lawyers, and the formal separation agreement.

No, no, no, we are fine without lawyers or formal agreements, but we do need to be clear about what we both expect moving forward.

(Snorts) You sound like you're carving out a business deal.

No, you know it's not like that.

Look, just-why don't you... write down everything that you don't want to happen and then make a list of all the things that you're okay with, and we'll just take it from there.

Sounds like a plan.

All right then.

See? We're good at this!

I'm gonna go get ready for this meeting.


(Receding footsteps)

(Bear grunts and whinnies, agitated)

Easy now. (Bear grunts)

He wants out. (Bear grunts)

Remember when he waited for me to put the halter and lead rope on?

He wanted to be caught and he was telling us that.

It's the same thing now.

He's still trying to tell us something.

Georgie, he's just feeling some pain from his wound right now.

He's a little wound up.

(Truck rumbles to a halt, Bear grunts and whinnies)

Okay. You still wanna work? (Door opens)

Or are you all involved with that horse?

(Door slams shut)

Again, it's okay. I'm fine working on my own, so you do whatever it is that you have to do.

He's k*lling me right now!

I know.

(Hooves thud, Bear grunts)

We have to let him out.

Let him out? Why?

Yeah, just to see where he goes when he's free.

Georgie, he's still recovering and besides, he was att*cked once.

Who's to say that bear's not still out there?

Well, I don't care. He's freaking out.

It-it's the right thing to do! I can feel it in my gut.

No. Okay? Just no, and I mean it.

(Engine starts)

(SUV rumbles)

(Horn honks, SUV rumbles)

(Birds chirp outside)

(Keyboard keys tap)

(Sighs heavily, Door creaks open and shut)

(Laptop snaps shut)

Hey! How's the horse doing?

What's going on?

Nothing's going on. I... I just got something in my eye.

I'm not a kid. You're acting all strange.

No I'm not, Georgie. Everything's fine.

Don't say that. You're acting all... fake, and you're "smiley" all the time.

Georgie, I'm not acting fake.

And why does everyone keep saying I'm "smiley"?

Okay, fine. Maybe we've...

I've been trying a bit too hard lately, but it's better to be calm and reasonable than... not.

We've all seen the alternative and it's not pretty.

But it's all good, because your dad has a great idea and I think you're gonna be really excited.

He wants you and Katie to go and spend some time with him, this summer, in Vancouver.

I can't.

I have Extreme Team. I have to be here.

Well, I'm sure we can work something out.

It might only be for a couple of weeks.

I have shows every week. No, I-I'm not going.

It isn't always our decision to make, Georgie.

You know, we all have to compromise and...

So you're not okay with this either, are you?

Yes, I am.

I think it'll be... an adventure.

Look, Georgie, the point is your dad has a right to want you to visit him there, and... and I'm trying to be fair, okay?

I'm trying to be good at this. I'm trying really, really hard.

Well, don't!

Just tell Dad it's not happening!

But I want you to spend time with him.

And so do I, but... not in Vancouver and not in the summer!

Just tell him.

You used to tell him stuff, whether he liked it or not!

I liked it better when you were fighting.

At least you were honest!


You said that the drain for the tub should go here; that's why I put the hole right...

Here. The drain goes here. I said it twice.

Okay, you know what, Tim?

You don't want my help, you don't think I know that?

I'm sorry my work isn't up to your standards.

Oh, oh, c'mon, c'mon.

Hey, hey, don't be so sensitive, Ty.

I never wanted you to have total responsibility for this, and you're not going to. I'm gonna hire an electrician.

Electrical's done, I told you that already, and it's to code.

Then I'm gonna hire a plumber!

I should've done it in the first place. I'm calling him now.

Yeah, fine, you call. Yeah, throw your money away.

I'm not throwing my money away, Tim.

We're gonna get this done, and I never should've let you have the idea that you could do this by yourself, 'cause you can't. It's too big a job.

(Footsteps thud on stairs)

Well, he's right.

You can't do this on your own.

You're way over your head here, Tim, and that's why you've been putting it off and putting it off. I have not been putting it off.

I haven't been putting off, Jack, I'm busy!

I got a rodeo school, I have clinics, I'm helping Lou at Maggie's every once in while, and there's Casey! I'm trying to keep a relationship...

Well, then why did you even take this project on?

Because I wanted to help them.

I told them I'd help them.

And I-I promised them, Jack. (Loud thump)


Fact remains... just... we've got to get going on this.

And I don't care what you say, I'm giving you a hand, and so is that young man.

He wants this for Amy as much as you and I do.

The first thing we're gonna do is get the plumbing finished.

We don't need a plumber to do that, so go tell Ty.

No. I'll tell Ty. (Receding footsteps)

(Harness rattles)

(Phoenix and Trouble grunt and whinny)

Come on, Trouble. Stay beside Phoenix.

(Hooves thud)

Hup! Come on!

(Hooves thunder) Hold! Whoa, slow down.

Speed up. Ungh!

(Struggling grunts) Trouble!

(Grunting) Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Trouble, you have to stay with Phoenix!

It's not gonna work if you don't.

Don't worry, Georgie, they'll get it.

(Sighs) They're driving me crazy.

(Disbelieving Laugh) Lou, you can't be serious with this.

What did you do, just go on the internet and find samples of separation agreements and cobble this together?

Peter, I had to start somewhere.

Okay. Um, well, first of all, I don't have any quibbles with retirement savings funds, support payments or anything to do with division of assets or money. Okay.

But my kids have to come and spend time with me.

You understand that, right?

My life with them can't be totally bound with Heartland.

This is where they go to school, have their lessons, their friends.

Okay, so joint custody is fine with you as long as it's on your turf.

That is not what I'm saying here...

That's exactly what you're saying.

No! I...

This was supposed to be just about Vancouver and this summer, Lou.

Yeah, well you turned it into more than that!

Okay, well, I can't accept this, okay?

Well then, you know what, maybe we were wrong.

Maybe we're not fine.

And... maybe we need some professional help.

Yup, maybe you're right, because we obviously aren't dealing with this in a constructive manner anymore, so.

I'll just go get packed. I'm gonna go to the airport.

Go to the airport.

(Laughs bitterly) Yeah.

Maybe just send it to my Lawyer, I guess.

Fine, I will.



(Sighs heavily)


(Grunting, hooves thud heavily)

(Gate latch clanks, Bear grunts)

Georgie?! Hey!

What're you doing?

He wanted out, so I'm gonna follow him.



Are you okay?

All right, we'll follow him. (Sighs)

(Hooves thunder)

(Water flows, hooves clop)

(Water splashes)

(Hooves clop, water splashes)

(Hooves clop, water splashes)

(Hooves thud)

(Hooves thud, horses snort)

Oh... whoa.

He's waiting for us.

(Horse whinnies in the distance)

Did you hear that?

(Water flows, hooves thud)

(Bear grunts)

(Phoenix and Spartan grunt, horses whinnies)

(Horses whinny, Georgie laughs)

That's why he wanted out.


(Running footsteps)


Ready. Okay, let's see what we got.

(Bucket rattles)

Go ahead.

(Faucet squeaks, water flows)

(Water squirts and flows hard)

(Pipes rattle)

That's it, just wait.


(Water drips and pours) There it is.

(Excited gasp and laughter)

Oh hey, Amy!

(Yelling) Hey, Amy! We got water! (Laughs)

Hey, Buddy. You will be okay.

Buddy. I like it. Bear and Buddy.

(Running footsteps) We did it! (Laughs)

That's great. Um...

This horse, severe case of rain rot.

Oh no. Well, that's really contagious.

We gotta quarantine him from the other horses.

But him and Bear just found each other.

Do we have to separate them?

We don't have a choice, Georgie.

I'll go get my kit.

Okay, I'll set up a stall for him.

Are you sure about this, Lou?

You guys were doing so well.

We weren't, Grandpa. We... really weren't.

But lawyers...?

Please... just don't say anything.

♪ It's been a hard day ♪
♪ You walk with a heart, ♪
♪ but it got lost along the way ♪

(Papers rustle)

♪ It's been a cold night ♪
♪ The darkness brought you to your knees, ♪
♪ Now you're crawling towards the light ♪
♪ The light... ♪

(Screen door creaks shut)

♪ You gotta carry on ♪
♪ And carry on ♪

Lou: Hey, Grandpa, can you make sure you take the mail?

♪ Carry on... ♪
♪ Carry on... ♪

Aw! Poor guys.

♪ It's been a long year ♪
♪ Feeling so small you wish that you could disappear ♪
♪ Something's gotta give ♪
♪ Swore you'd own your mistakes ♪
♪ Now you wonder if you did ♪

(Phoenix and Trouble grunt)

♪ If you did... ♪
♪ You gotta carry on... ♪

(Hooves thud)

♪ Carry on... ♪
♪ Carry on... ♪
♪ Carry on... ♪
♪ O-o-on... ♪
♪ O-o-on... ♪

Way to go, Georgie!

♪ O-o-on... ♪
♪ Carry on... ♪

Announcer: On the next Heartland...

School's done, but before graduation there's a mystery to solve.

I've seen horses refuse to eat because they're depressed.

What if something
terrible happened here?

If you want to know about the owner, don't you think we should look in the house?

Georgie, no!

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.