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04x03 - How Can I Help You Say Goodbye

Posted: 10/08/15 06:33
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

[Cadence crying]


We're gonna find your mama.

Photographer: Let's get you two a little closer.

Gunnar: You made your feelings pretty clear... not friends. Barely bandmates.

The truth is, I'm gay.

[Reporters murmuring]

I'm sorry, son. I'm gonna have to drop you from the label.

You're going to prison, Teddy.

Girl: You'd think they'd be embarrassed to be out in public.

Their dad's, like, a total criminal.

Beverly: I heard you singing to me.

I know you haven't left my side.



[Rapid beeping]

Mama, wake up.

Maddie: ♪ I wonder what it's like to live on cloud nine ♪
♪ Where everything's fine ♪
♪ All of the time ♪

[Monitor beeping]

♪ I wonder how ♪

This is for you.

♪ It feels to be afraid ♪

[Cellphone rings]

It's the girls' school. I'm gonna grab this.

All right. Take it.

♪ Day after day ♪
♪ After it rains ♪
♪ Someday, somehow ♪
♪ Before too long ♪
♪ I'll say goodbye to my burdens ♪
♪ I'll fly beyond the sun ♪
♪ Fly ♪
♪ Fly ♪
♪ Beyond the sun ♪
♪ Fly ♪
♪ I'll fly ♪


♪ Beyond the sun ♪
♪ Someday, somehow ♪
♪ Before too long ♪
♪ I'll say goodbye to my burdens ♪
♪ I'll fly beyond the sun ♪


Wow, Maddie. That was fantastic.

Thank you, Mr. Sims. I didn't know you were coming in today.

I had to check on my prized pupils.

Or should I say "pupil." Where's Daphne?

Principal: Everyone agrees she threw the first punch.

Is that true?

Why'd you do that?

She deserved it.


Let's be honest... the reasons why are no longer relevant to the discussion.

Langhorne Academy has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to fighting.

I'm very sorry, but as of this moment, Daphne's suspended for three days.

[Cadence crying]

Seriously? I've been calling for four days.

Is Juliette even getting these messages?

Oh! Oh! Oh, hi, baby. Hey. Hey. Hey.

How can you say you don't know? You're the tour manager.

You expect me to believe you haven't talked to her all week?


Whoa, whoa. Hey. There she is.

Good morning, Cady.

Hey, for the last time, her name is Cadence, okay?

Yeah, I'll hold.

What's with all the fussiness?

Talking about Avery or the baby?

Heard that.

Uh... Diaper?

I don't know.

[Sniffs] Nope. All good.

Yeah, hello? Hello?

Look, if I had Juliette's cell number, don't you think I'd be calling it right now?

Just put her on the phone!

Dude, hang up. They're not gonna put you through.

You know, as much fun as this is, I think I'm gonna head on over to Kevin's.

Wait. I just made breakfast, man.

Hello? Hello?!

They just hung up on me!

This is... this is unbelievable.

Hey... No, no, no, no.

You need to calm down, take a couple of deep breaths, okay?

[Sighs] You know what? I'm gonna go shower, all right?

What about the pancakes? They're hot. They're fresh.



Why am I the only one who's ever in a good mood, huh?



What are you still doing here?

I thought you would have gone home for the break.

Well, Colt and Sage are on vacation with their mother, so not much to rush home to at the moment.

What about you? You heading home?

Ah, it's just a couple days off, and the baby gets a little cranky when I come and go like that, so...

Yeah, I get that.

Well, I'll see you around.

What are you gonna do? Just k*ll some time?

Uh, I'm just gonna visit a few of my favorite Indianapolis landmarks.

We'll see ya.

Do you want some company?

For the most part, the results are consistent... pupils nonresponsive, no reaction to pain stimulus.

There was a slight gag reflex, but overall, our findings indicate very few brain-stem reflexes.

I'm sorry, but at this point, we feel it's appropriate to readdress the goals of care.

Readdress the...

What's that supposed to mean?

Mr. Claybourne, your sister has suffered a devastating hemorrhage.

There's very little brain-stem function left, which means that her body is being kept alive by machines.

And if we remove those machines, we believe she will die within minutes.

All right, stop right there, 'cause she's been hooked up to machines before, and she came back.

I know how difficult this must be, but there's nothing more we can do.

If you choose to keep your mother on life support...

If? Did you really just... Did you say "if"?

...she'll have to be moved to a long-term nursing facility.

And even then, in my professional opinion, recovery is not likely.

It's not likely, but it's not impossible, right?

I mean, can you tell me, with absolute certainty over there, that my sister won't wake up?

Of course not.

In the medical profession, nothing's 100%.

Then that's it. No.

We're not taking her off life support.

Mr. Claybourne, I appreciate how you feel, but, respectfully, it's not up to you.

It's up to Ms. O'Connor.

Excuse me?

You have the medical power of attorney your mother signed before the surgery.

It's still in effect.

So the decision is yours and yours alone.

So you're just saying my opinion doesn't matter at all here?

Of course it matters. You're family.

The doctor's just got to follow the rules and do things officially.

All right, fine... officially, then, tell him that we're not taking her off life support.


Scarlett, no, baby.

Even the doc here himself... he admitted that they can't be 100% sure she's gone.

She came back once. She can do it again, all right?

She just needs some time, baby.


Just time.

Is she in pain?

No, we don't think so.

But just because there's no pain doesn't mean she's not suffering.

What the hell does that mean?

It means we could keep her alive indefinitely, but the likelihood of a meaningful recovery is very, very low.

However, if you choose to let your mother go peacefully, her death could have tremendous meaning for so many families.

I don't have to tell you the importance of organ donation.

Okay, look, you need to back off right now.

No, no, no. Wait.

You understand me?


You back off.

What if she is not gone?

What if she is that one in a million?

Perhaps I can help you better understand what we're up against.

There's something called an apnea test.

We would slowly take your mother off life support in a controlled environment and see if she can take a breath on her own.

It might help you with the decision.

Let's do it.

Of all the things I thought might happen today, you getting kicked out of school for being in a fistfight was not one of them.

You want to tell me what happened?


Well, that's not gonna be an acceptable answer.

You are gonna tell me what happened.

Did she come after you? Was she harassing you?

Bullying you? What happened?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

We're gonna get through this. We are.

But you're gonna have to be honest with me.

She said Dad was a criminal and that he's going to jail for a long time.

And I tried to tell her that he's innocent, but she wouldn't stop.


I'm sorry, baby.

[Crying] Why is dad in jail when he didn't even do anything wrong?

I just want to see him.


I know.

Come on. Let's go, let's go.

[Cadence crying]

I'm sorry, guys.

I don't know why she's so fussy today.

Here. Let me walk her for a bit.

You don't have to do that.

Please. I love Cadence.

And since I'm currently being paid to do nothing, it's the least I can do.

Wait. You're still on the payroll?

Do you have Juliette's new number?

Sorry. No.

I haven't seen or spoken to her since she went on tour.

And yet, the paychecks still come.

So, seriously, anytime you need help with Cadence, I'm your girl.



[Crying continues]

Shh, shh, shh.

How you holding up?

Well, let's see, Glenn.

I've been abandoned by my wife twice.

My daughter no longer has a mother.

How do you think I'm doing?

Look, I've known Juliette longer than anyone, and believe me...

I've seen her walk away plenty of times.

Sooner or later, she always finds her way back.

Right. So what am I supposed to do?

Just sit by the phone, hope she calls?

Look, we both know this isn't her.

She's sick, remember?

You think I haven't tried a dozen different ways to help her?

She doesn't want to get better, Glenn.

That's the problem.

Emily: It's okay, Cadence.

Emily, can you watch Cadence for me today?


Okay, uh, just take her back to my place and wait for me there.


What are you gonna do?


Something I should have done two months ago.

Avery, look, wherever Juliette is, I'm sure she's just as miserable as you are.

Probably more.

[Engine revs]

Nice try, Danica, but you're still 45 seconds off my mark.

So, this is really your idea of a fun day off?

We are standing on America's original motor speedway, home of the Indianapolis 500 and the Brickyard 400.

What the Ryman is to country music, this place is to racing.

This is a temple, and we have come to worship.

And here, I thought we were just driving around in circles in a hot car in front of an empty grandstand.

All right, forgetting for a moment the piece of my soul that just died.

What's your idea of fun?

Juliette: Tequila.

Yes, ma'am.

A bar... at noon on a weekday?

Not just a bar. It's a party.

♪ ...all she needs to put the bite on you ♪

You and I have very different definitions of the word "party."

Just you wait.

♪ a copper-headed queen ♪

[Acoustic guitar playing]

Hey, Will. Come on in.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were working.

I'll, uh, I'll leave you be.

No. No, no, no. Stay. It's just an impromptu thing.

Uh, grab a guitar, join us.

I don't really want to mess with the chemistry.

Besides, I'm guessing I'm about the least-experienced writer in this room.


Well, we were just about to take a break, so at least stay for lunch.

I'd love for my friends to get to know you better.

Yeah, sure.

[Buzzer, lock disengages]

There's a message from your lawyer.

You need to call your ex-wife immediately.

Something about your kids.

Look, I supported the idea of you not seeing the girls right away, because Lord knows I don't love the idea of them seeing their father in jail, but things have gotten out of control, Teddy.

I need your help here.

And... and say what?

What am I supposed to tell them?

Tell them the truth, Teddy. Come on!

Rayna, the truth is that I pled "not guilty," remember?

And my attorney is confident that I can beat this thing if we just drag it out long enough, wait... wait for the public to lose interest.

Teddy, your daughters are not gonna lose interest.

They need to see you.

They are being harassed every single day.

They are asking me, "why won't our daddy see us?

Does he not love us anymore?

Is he innocent? Is he guilty?"

I don't know what to tell them anymore.

You've got to talk to them.

Okay, I know, I know. And I'm sorry. I really am.

But if you just can hang on a little while longer, please.

No, I cannot hang on for a little bit longer.

They want to see you, okay?

Noel: I've got to get the band finalized, and Jessie's playing hard to get.

Look, I know you like the guy, but he's not the only drummer in town.

I'll give him a call. We'll make it work. I promise.

[Sighs] Okay. Fine.

Any word on when Scarlett will be ready to get back to work?

What do you mean "get back to work"?

She called me a few days ago and said she wanted to put everything on hold until she figured out what's going on with her mom.

I assumed you knew.

But her mom's fine. She just... She woke up five days ago.

Something must have happened since then, because she was pretty upset.

I'm surprised she didn't call you.

Uh... Yeah, I mean, things have been a little... Strange between us lately.


Can you call her back and just try and get some more details?

No, no, no, no.

The last thing I need is to get involved in a game of telephone between bandmates in a strange relationship.

If you want to know more, try talking to someone who knows more.

[Door opens, closes]

[Monitor beeping]

How much longer?

Oh, uh, just another minute or two.

Repeat blood gas, please.

You sure this is not hurting her? You sure it's not...

Given the extent of neurological damage, pain is unlikely.

And, of course, we've pre-oxygenated her blood to withstand the procedure.

This... this is all about voluntary respiration.

There hasn't been any respiration.


[Tone beeps]


You see that?

She took a breath... right there.

[Voice breaking] Mama?


Come on, now! That... it's right there!

That is a breath! She took it.

No. I'm afraid it's not.

It... it...

At best, it's an involuntary response to the...

No. No, no, no. Okay? No.

I'm sorry. Truly, I am.

But... but the blood-gas levels alone...

[Sobbing] Mama, I love you.

...would be enough to confirm the clinical diagnosis.

Scarlett, she breathed, baby. She's fighting.

We have a dozen other test results.

I don't give a damn about your tests, all right?!

You don't know her! I know her!

This is my sister, and she is trying to breathe!

She's a fighter!

Stop, stop, stop. Just...




[Door opens]

Mr. Barkley. Welcome.

Have a seat.

So, what can I do for you today?


I, uh, I want to divorce my wife.


Hey. I've been trying to reach you.

I finally went up to your mom's room, but you weren't there.

Sorry. I got a lot going on.

I know.

I talked to Dr. Sugrue.

What can I do to help?

Tell me miracles don't happen.

Tell me my mama's never coming back, she's gone for good.

I'm sorry, Scarlett.

I can't... make this decision for you.

If... if I were to tell you, "yes, take her off life support," before you yourself were really ready, you might always wonder if that was really the right decision.

And you might even resent me for making you do something that you weren't really ready to do.

You need to find the answer yourself.

You need to be sure.

You're right.

You're right. I have to do this on my own.


I'm all right.

I'm okay.

Well, if what you say is true, it seems like a clear case of abandonment.

Now, I don't think we'll have any trouble getting a favorable settlement.

And you're entitled to alimony, child support.

I could probably even secure rights to the house, since you were living there at the time of the marriage.

All I want is full custody of our daughter.

Well, that might be a little trickier.

The legal system is still generally biased towards the mother when it comes to custody.

If your wife chooses to fight it...

She won't.

[All cheering]

Come on. Do a shot with me.

Nah, I think I'm just gonna stick with beer.

Oh, my God. Have you always been this much of a fuddy-duddy?


I got to loosen you up. Come on.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

Yes. Yes, yes, yes!

Juliette, come on. No.


Excuse me!

Excuse me!

Not tonight. Not tonight.

Come on. Please. For me?

[Cheers and applause]

What's up, Indianapolis?!

What are we doing?

Hit it, boys!

["Bad reputation" plays]


♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation ♪
♪ You're livin' in the past, it's a new generation ♪
♪ A girl can do what she wants to do ♪
♪ And that's what I'm gonna do ♪
♪ And I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Not me ♪
♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me ♪
♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation ♪

[Audience cheers]

♪ Never said I wanted to improve my station ♪
♪ And probably to good for having fun ♪
♪ And I don't have to please no one ♪
♪ And I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Not me ♪

Hit it, boys!

[Guitar solo]

[Chanting] Luke. Luke. Luke. Luke.

[Crowd chanting "Luke!"]

Tell him you want to hear Luke Wheeler!

[Audience cheering]

♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation ♪
♪ I've never been afraid of any deviation ♪
♪ And I don't really care if you think I'm strange ♪
♪ I ain't gonna change ♪
♪ And I'm never gonna care about my bad reputation ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Not me ♪
♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me ♪
♪ I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation ♪
♪ You're livin' in the past, it's a new generation ♪
♪ And I only feel good when I got no pain ♪
♪ And that's how I'm gonna stay ♪
♪ And I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Not me ♪
♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Not me ♪
♪ Me, me, me, me, me, me ♪
♪ Not me ♪
♪ No, no, no, no, no, no ♪
♪ Not you ♪
♪ Not me ♪

[Cheers and applause]
Margaritas are up.

Ooh, I'll take one.

You got it.

Bobby: You know, you really should join us.

I heard some of the songs you wrote with Kevin.

It's good stuff, man.

I appreciate that, but, uh... I promise you, I couldn't have done it alone.

Well, you're not alone here.

Seriously, man, sit in.

Uh, I'm taking a little bit of... of a break from music right now.

Yeah, we noticed.

And by "we," you mean...

Hey, Jill, you want to take another look at that bridge?

Still isn't feeling right to me.

Sure. We can do that.

[Door opens]



Hey, squirt.


[Door closes]

Boy, did I miss you.


What... no hug for your old man?

Rayna: Maddie.

It's... it's okay.


How you doing?

Hear you got in a little trouble at school, huh?

Dad, I had to. She was saying stuff about you.

Well, you know, sweetheart, I appreciate you standing up for me, I guess, but I can take care of myself, okay?

There's nothing you need to do.

When are you coming home?

[Chuckles] I don't know. I wish I knew.

We just, uh, we just got to be patient, okay?

No, Dad. You didn't do anything wrong.

Just tell them, Dad! Tell them you didn't do it!

It's not that simple, honey.

Yes, it is!

Daphne, it's okay, sweetheart.

It's not okay!

Dad, you're not a criminal!

Why are you here?! You shouldn't be here!

You should be home with us!

Okay, stop.




Listen to me.

You can stop defending me now.

Did you really...

Did you really do all those things?

[Voice breaking] I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry, baby.

I want to go home!


Honey, please.

[Banging on door]


I want to go now!

Daphne, Daphne, Daphne.

I hate you!

Sweetheart. Sweetheart. Come here, come here.

[Door closes]

Hey, Will? Can you lend us an ear?

We need an objective opinion.


Jill: I don't know, Kev.

Seems like Will's the kind of guy who goes out of his way not to weigh in on things.

Bobby: Jill, come on.

No. No.

You got something to say, you should say it.

What's your problem?

My problem is, I've been working 10 years to combat h*m* in the country-music scene, and finally, someone like you comes along, a bona fide country-music star, and what do you do?


Just hiding out, hoping folks will forget you're gay.

All right, you don't know what you're talking about.

And for the record, I don't owe anyone anything.

Oh, the hell you don't!

You could reach more people in five minutes than I could in my entire career.

Okay, that's it. Everybody pack it up.

Jill, you too.

Yeah, that's about right.

Going gets tough, the tough go silent.

What are you d... What are you doing?!

You can't just go and rip up our scrapbooks!

This is... this is our family!

This is our history!

You don't just go ripping up pictures!

I don't care how angry you are! It's your father!

He is not my father!

[Monitor beeping, ventilator hissing]

I'm here.

I'm still here.

I won't let anything happen to you.

I promise.

♪ Light comes, like it always does ♪
♪ But the shadow's longer this time ♪
♪ And I know as I let it go ♪
♪ For a minute, everything was all right ♪
♪ I'm just lying here tonight ♪
♪ Just trying to hold on ♪
♪ There's a silver lining that's trying to shine ♪
♪ But it can't get through ♪
♪ When the dark is blinding ♪
♪ And I can't find my way to you ♪
♪ Speak to me ♪

[Piano continues]

[Piano stops]

Listen, I know I shouldn't be here...



It's all right.


[Audience cheering]


♪ ...on a restless road ♪
♪ Heated by a midday sun ♪

Mr. Wheeler!

Mr. Wheeler!

Hey, come on, come on. I got you.

Thank you.

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you two to leave.

We are way over our legal capacity, and someone's gonna get hurt.

I'm right there with you, but there's no way in hell we're getting out the front.

Should I call the police?


No, that won't be good for anybody's reputation.

Listen, you got a... an office or a basement or something we can hide out in long enough for you to tell folks we're gone, maybe clear the place out?

Yeah. But we need to go through the kitchen.

[Crowd chanting]

Here I come!

[Audience cheering]


Plan "B"?


It's hard, because Deacon's so sure.

He's not wrong.

I mean, miracles do happen. I know they do.

But the... the doctors are real sure, too.

Craziest thing about all this is that there were so many times growing up mama would go away and I'd pray she wouldn't come back.

[Voice breaking] Who does that?

Prays their own mama disappears?

It's terrible.

Scarlett, this isn't your fault.

God didn't just somehow magically answer your prayer 20 years later.

[Sniffles] All those bad feelings, we wasted so much time being angry at each other.

And I don't know why I didn't forgive her sooner.

You loved your mother.

Despite everything, you still love her.

Why else would you be so mad at her for so long?

It's 'cause she mattered.

What if I make the wrong choice?

You're the wisest, most level-headed, empathetic person I've ever met.

And if you believe it's the right thing to do...

That's good enough for me.

I mean, who the hell does she think she is?

She doesn't know me.

Like it's up to me to solve country music's problem with gay artists.

What? What aren't you saying?

She's not wrong.

You could be an important voice for the community.

There it is again, that word... community.

"The cause," "us," "we."

I didn't sign up for that.

All I did was tell the truth about some photos at a press conference... that's it.

Oh, come on, Will. Are you really that naive?

You're a public figure who came out.

There's an expectation that comes with that.

Yeah, but it's nobody's damn business who I sleep with.

You're right! It isn't!

And one day, it won't matter, but right now, it does.

So, yeah, we have to stand together as a group, because that's the only way things are ever gonna change.

So, what? I'm supposed to be some sort of poster boy now?

"Will Lexington, gay cowboy"? Is that what you want?

It doesn't matter what I want!

It's how the public already sees you.

And yeah, that sucks, which is why things have to change.

[Door opens, closes]

Juliette and Avery: ♪ In the night, I will be here ♪
♪ to hold you in my arms ♪

[Music stops]

Avery. Hi.

What the hell are you playing that for?

Cadence wouldn't go down for her nap, so I thought music might help.

I remembered I had your lullaby on my phone, and... Worked like a charm.


Sorry. It's been a tough day.

What's this?




Are you sure about this?

[Chuckles] Come on, Em.

You're not shocked, right?

This is Juliette Barnes we're talking about...

The most selfish, immature, unreliable person on the planet.

I mean, honestly, what the hell was I thinking?

How could I ever believe that she actually wanted a family?

It's crazy.

I'm sorry. [Sighs]

I'm not trying to lay all this on you.

I really appreciate you helping me out today.

Yeah, well, I meant what I said...


You know, Avery...

I understand that you're angry, and I even understand you wanting to punish Juliette for what she's done, but make no mistake...

She wanted that baby.

And she wanted you.


I've made the decision.

We are ending life support and we are donating mama's organs.


I know it's not what you want to hear, but I need you with me on this.

I need you beside me. I can't do it on my own.

How can you ask me that? How can you ask me?

You shut me out? You go against my wishes here?

It's not easy, Deacon, but we have to let her go.


We don't.

We can let her live. We can give her time.

Time for what?

Even if, in 10 years' time, she wakes up, she's not going to be her anymore.

She's not going to be able to walk or talk.

She's not going to know who we are.

She won't even know who she is.

And I know you don't want that for her.

There are things that are worse than death.

How do you know? Huh? How do any of us know that?

She was supposedly in a coma for a month, but she told me she heard me singing to her.

All right? She knew I was there.

How do you know she's not just as aware right now?

How do you know she doesn't know every damn thing that's going on here, including what you're planning, and she's not just saying, "don't do it"?!

She is my mother! And I love her!

I don't want this. I want her to live.

Then let her live.

That's not living.

And I know you feel guilty.

I know you feel that if she dies, it is your fault... that you k*lled her... and it's not true.

[Sniffles] This is not your fault.

This is a terrible, terrible tragedy.

And the best we can do now is make her death mean something.

She can save so many lives, just like she saved yours.

But every moment counts.

So we have to let her go now.

It's happening tomorrow at noon.

Please be there.

Please. I need you.

I can't do it alone.

[Breathes deeply]


[Music playing]

[Music stops]

[Door closes]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

Look, I know you're right.

And no, I'm not that naive.

I'm just...


I mean, this is all so new.

Six weeks ago, I...

I would have done anything to keep my secret.

And since then, the only thing I've managed to do as a gay man is get kicked off my label.

Not exactly a great message to bring home to the community.

I haven't stepped up to a mic 'cause I don't know what to say.

I don't know what I want. I don't know where I'm going.

I don't even know how I feel half the time.

And it's... it's just all so...


But there's... there's one thing I'm sure of, and that's this... us.

I know that I love you.

Can that just be enough for now?


[Door opens]

[Door closes]

Rayna: Hi.

We wanted to come back and talk to you, 'cause... things got a little out of hand yesterday, and we've been talking a lot about...

Telling the truth and being honest.

Well, I had something I wanted to say.

I wanted to say thank you.

For what?

For being a great husband... and a great father to these girls.

Thank you for always being there for us, 'cause you were.

Every soccer game, every scraped knee, family dinners.

You kept the home fires burning when I was out on the road so often.

You made us feel safe.

You were strong and steady.

And you made a few mistakes recently. You did.

But that does not change all those years, Teddy, of us being a family.

And we're gonna always be a family.

And family forgives.

I love you, Dad.

Oh, I love you.

I love you more than anything in the world.

I'm sorry.

No, no, no, no, no.



I'm the one who's sorry.

I let you all down.

I don't know what happened, but I just...

I just sort of forgot who I was there for a while.

[Voice breaking] Thanks for reminding me.

Listen, I spoke to my attorney, and, um... I'm gonna plead guilty.

Are you staying in jail?

Yeah, baby. I am.


Actions have consequences.


But I promise you... when I get out of here, I'm gonna make things right.

I'm gonna work night and day to earn your trust again.

I'm gonna... I'm gonna be someone you can be p... you can be proud of again.


Just... just promise me one thing.

Y'all aren't gonna forget me while I'm in here, okay?

We could never forget you.

You're our dad.


Thank you.


[Door opens]

Hey. Morning.


Yes, please.

[Chuckling] How'd you sleep?

Seeing as how I had the bed, I'm guessing a whole lot better than you.

Sorry about that.

Think I got a little carried away.

How much do you remember?

Uh, singing, dancing...

Did you stuff me in a suitcase?


It was a road case.

The band was kind enough to loan them to us so the manager could sneak us out.

You had to sneak me out in a box?

Yeah, maybe next time, we just, uh, stick to driving racecars?



You know, Juliette, um, you may not believe it, but, uh, back in the day, I'd have given you a run for your money last night.

[Chuckles] That so?

Hell yes. I was you, and then some.

I mean, let's face it, when you're young... what do they say? Um, fame is a seductive mistress?

You better believe it.

Trouble is, uh...

I had a wife and two kids at home.

I know I don't always speak kindly of my ex, but, um, I was the one who screwed that up.

I just made her feel like second choice, I guess.

So she left, took the kids.

I stayed out on the road.

Part of me was actually relieved, till I finally woke up and, you know, realized what I lost.

By that time, I had missed half my kids' lives.

Well, you've seen us.

At the launch party, we were one big, happy family.

Yep, yep... right up until you disappeared.

Now you got time off.

Instead of going home, you chose to get wasted with 500 of your closest strangers.

I'm not judging you... not by a long shot.

I just don't want to see you make the same mistakes I did.

[Door opens, closes]

[Clock ticking]

[Door opens, closes]

I can't even imagine what you're going through, babe.

I'm here for you.

And the girls are.

And you know Scarlett is, too.



I don't want to see a...

A rift divide y'all.

You're gonna need each other now more than ever.

Why don't you go to the hospital?

I can't, baby.

I can't be there while they...

It isn't right.

Well, maybe it is, and maybe it isn't. I...

I don't know.

But I know that you're gonna want to say goodbye to your sister.

[Breathes deeply]

I'll go with you.

No, you stay here.

[Cadence crying]

Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

Shh. Daddy's here. It's okay.

[Crying continues]



Okay, okay.

[Crying continues]

♪ Dream the sweetest dream ♪

Hey, come here, sweetheart.

Come on. Shh.

Come on. Shh.

It's okay. It's okay.

♪ When you wake, I will be here ♪


♪ To hold you in my arms ♪
♪ Darling, don't you cry ♪
♪ Tears will soon be gone ♪


Okay. Wow. You look like hell.

[Singsong voice] Lucky for you, I brought breakfast!

Well, it is the most important meal of the day.

♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ All is well, all is right ♪
♪ I'll hold you in my arms ♪
♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ All is well, all is right ♪
♪ I'll hold you in my arms ♪

It's time.

[Gate clicks]

[Monitor beeping]

[Voice breaking] Mama, I love you.

Forgive me.

[Beeping continues]


♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ All is well, all is right ♪
♪ I'll hold you in my arms ♪



[Rapid beeping]

♪ hold you in my arms ♪


♪ hold you in my arms ♪
♪ Hold you in my arms ♪
♪ When you wake, I will be here ♪
♪ To hold you in my arms ♪