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04x07 - Demon House

Posted: 10/08/15 20:35
by bunniefuu
How can you believe in something you can't see?

I mean, like they say, seeing is believing.

We bought what we thought was gonna be our dream home, our forever home.


I'm not one to scare easily, but something was in there.

Who you talking to?

My friend.

Maybe we had a ghost.

What does your friend say?

He's going to hurt you.

But why would a ghost want to hurt me?



I saw all these satanic symbols.

What is this stuff for?

You okay?

In plain sight that night...


I witnessed something I never thought I'd witness.

I just kept thinking, "what to do now?

How far is this gonna go?"

[Exhales deeply]

Are you guys excited?

We were staying at my parents' house, saving up money to be able to go out and buy the dream home.

Here we go, guys.

The house was getting crowded with two grown boys.

It was time to get out, you know, live on our own.

And we finally found a place that we thought we were gonna call home.


We finally had enough money to be able to put down on a house we wanted to make our forever home.

The kids told us that they loved it.

All right. Come on.

My oldest son, gage, he's big into football.

See inside?

And Hunter is whatever big brother does.

Want to see?

When we spotted this home, the real estate agent told us that it was a foreclosed home, that's why the price was cheap.

Hey, hey, be careful.

Let 'em explore.

It was, you know, a lot cheaper.

You get good deals on foreclosures, especially if they, like, needed fixing up.

It was spacious...

And a great floor plan.

It just seemed like too good to be true.

[Children laughing distantly]

I went ahead and purchased a camper trailer.

I put it in the front yard.


Heck yeah.

And I figured we could live in it, and when I got off of work, I could work on the house.

We couldn't wait to get all the work done...


And... to our big home...

And live in it finally.

Living in a camper was cramped.


Whoa. Careful.

But we finally had our own place.

[Wind chimes jingling]

I was in the kitchen.

No one's around. I'm home by myself.

I wanted to get some painting done.

Turned the radio on.

[Country music playing faintly]

I walked into the room next to the kitchen and started painting in the room and, you know, started painting a little wall.

[Music playing faintly]

Listening to the music.

[Button clicks and music stops abruptly]

And then all of a sudden, it just shuts off.


I knew I was home alone.

So I went to the kitchen.

Nobody's there.

So I went and looked at it, checked it was plugged in still.

And it's a push-button.

So for it to be pushed off, something would've had to push it off, and no one's around to push it off.

[Button clicks and country music resumes]

Didn't really know what it was, so I went back to painting.

[Music playing faintly]

[Button clicks and music stops abruptly]

All of a sudden, same thing... shuts off.

[Eerie music]

So I call out.


Nobody answers me.

So I'm... you know, I'm nervous as can be.

I have a heart condition.

And I need to take lots of medicine.

My heart will start b*ating and then just all of a sudden drop down.

I'll just pass out.

I'm the last person in the world that should be scared, 'cause if I get scared too bad, I could die.

[Foreboding music]

So I go back to the kitchen.

What is happening here?

Am I going crazy?

So I went to go get my medicine.

[Pills rattling]

[Button clicks and country music resumes]

I just brushed it off.

Let's just forget about that that even happened.

Let's just pretend it didn't even happen.

Been there about a month.

My son gage wanted to have his birthday party at the house.

She wanted to get the inside decorated for him.

We're decorating with all kind of birthday stuff.

And I realize...



I forgot the soda.

They'll be here any minute.

I got to go to the store.

"Y'all go run to the store, and I'll stay here. Y'all get what you got to get, and I'll keep decorating."

Thank you, mama.

Okay, honey.

[Door rattles]

[Door squeaks and thuds]

[Engine turns over]

[Engine revving]


I just started feeling like, for some reason...


Something was right there watching me.

I'd hear little noises.

[Eerie creaking]

And I just kept looking back, and I'm thinking, "stop this. Stop this."

I'm telling myself, "just stop this."

Barely just... not enough noise to say that, "oh, it was something definite."

It wasn't.


It just... it got worse.

[Scraping continues]

Something was right there behind me.


I just had to get out of there.

I'm not one to scare easy, but something was in there.

When we came back, my mom was standing in the front yard.

She seemed kind of nervous.

I knew something happened.

I don't know.

There's something in that house.

I've never seen her... never seen her that scared.

Just never.

And then I went inside the house...

Looked around.

[Eerie music]

No one's there.

[Yelps and groans]


Oh, my god.


What's the matter?

You scared me.

I was telling him about what happened.

Oh, mama said she heard something.

And he... you know, he brushed it off.

That's your mama.

Little, you know...

And I was like, "oh, that's your mama.

"She watches too many movies.

She watches all that ghost stuff on TV."


I tell him about how she would never be this scared.

And he's like, "oh, no, you know, y'all are overreacting."

Come on.


Do you like the decorations? Mmhmm.

There was still a lot of remodeling to do, but I still have to deal with the chores.

You know, work got to be done.

[Music playing faintly]

I went into the house, started doing dishes.

[Music playing faintly]

And I just felt this...

[Disembodied sigh]

[Exhales forcefully]

Icy, icy breeze on my neck and looked aroun hello?

No one's there.

I'm home by myself.

AJ's at work; The kids are at my parents' house.

I'm completely alone.

I went back to doing the dishes.

And then I felt something poke me.

[Gasps] [Dish shatters]

Spun around, dropped the dish.


If I got too worked up and, you know, didn't have medicine, you know, I could just pass out.


My heart was racing...

Felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest.


I kind of froze for a second.

No one's there.

All of a sudden...



Grabbed my ponytail.


I had to go get out of that house.

[Ominous music]

My chest was so tight, I coul[Gngrely breathe.

And I realize I don't have my medicine.

It's all in the house.

I don't want to go back in there.

But I have to get to my medicine.

I have to go get it.



I don't have my medicine.

[Panting and gasping]

I have to go get it.

So I ran in there...


Grabbed it off the counter in the kitchen, and ran straight back out.

[Door slams]

[Panting and gasping]

I took the medicine.

The whole time, I'm thinking, "what is this?

"What is going on?

Am I going crazy?"

"I don't know.

Something is not right."

Later that evening...

Hi, hon.

AJ came home from work.

I sat him down.

I told him, "something wrong with this house.

"I don't know what's going on, but there is something here."

Baby, it's all right.

He told me...

I'm sure you're right.

"It's just me."

Who's shy in a big old house to herself?

She's home alone in a house that she ain't used to.

I didn't think there was nothing.


All right. Yeah.

Come on. Let's go to bed.

So I figured, "maybe he's right.

"Maybe there's some other reason all these things are happening."

A couple days later, I was in the house folding clothes.

Hunter was in the front room playing.

[Distantly] Right. All black.

I heard him talking.

[Distantly] I don't...

Want to.

I knew gage wasn't in there.

I could see him playing on the back porch.

[Hunter speaking indistinctly]

So I stopped what I was doing, walked in there.

I don't know.

[Low voice murmuring indistinctly]

You're scaring me.

[Speaks indistinctly]


Sounded like he was having a conversation with someone.

[Low voice murmuring indistinctly]

I forget them.


[Low voice murmuring indistinctly]


[Hunter speaking indistinctly]

[Door creaking]



I don't see anybody.

I'm like, "Hunter, who are you talking to?"

My friend.

"My friend."

"Hunter, I don't see anybody."

But I'm talking to my friend.

"I'm talking to my friend."

I say, "well, what does your friend say?"

I have to be his friend, or he's going to hurt you.

[Ominous music]

Hey, come on. [Laughs nervously]

Let's go outside, all right?

I tried to brush it off, and I was trying to cover up how nervous and scared I was about the situation.

It was getting cold.

I needed to get the boys' winter clothes, and they were in the attic of the house.

AJ was working, so I called my dad.

So he came over to come help me.

Doing all right. I just...

When Jeanine told me, you know, what was going on in the house, being a skeptic like I am, I got to see it to believe it.

You know, it's...

Calm down.

You let 'em come find me.

Her heart condition right now, she needs to take it as easy as possible.

Don't be getting scared or any kind of nervousness.

I was too scared to go in the attic.

And my dad also said, "no, you're not going in the attic."

My dad's coming down from the steps.

When he gets down to the bottom of the steps, he saw the rosary on the door behind me...

Just swinging.

Back and forth, back and forth constantly.

Just stopped.

Daddy, don't.

And then all of a sudden, you hear it.

[Distant thud and particles clatter]


Like something was thrown down.

[Suspenseful music]

[Loud thud]


[Coughs] Daddy.


Like it's stomping over in the attic, and this thing is hitting hard.



Boom, boom, boom!

I started screaming at this thing...

"Show yourself."

Show us where youse at!

I really got furious with it.

Show yourself, damn it!

[Disembodied roar] [Yelps]

[Sobbing] I was scratched.

I was clawed.

Checked my back.

Started feeling like I was being b*rned from the inside out.

[Sobbing quietly]

Three claw marks, and you could see 'em.

Deep, bleeding scratches all the way across my back.

Show yourself, damn it!


It hurt so bad.

And there's no way to explain it.

Something wanted to hurt me bad.

It totally blew my mind.

And that's when I really started getting worried about my grandkids and her and AJ living there.

When AJ came home, I was trying to get myself together.

Don't... I don't want to scare my kids.
Hey, y'all.

You guys ready?

I didn't want them to know anything.

What you boys doing up?

They're gonna stay with mommy and daddy...

I wanted to tell him about what happened.

There is something there, and it's something that is evil, and it's not something to play with.


From being...

You two need to talk.

A skeptic like I was, I'm not a skeptic anymore.

So we went up to the house.

And then all of a sudden, there was booming...

I told AJ, "I'm terrified."

I showed him the claw marks on my back.

And look.

Oh, baby, how...

She showed me three distinct red lines across her back.

[Clicks tongue]

I don't know.

There was... there was nothing there.

He didn't believe what I was saying was happening.

You know, you might have just rubbed up against a rusty nail or some screws in the wall or something.

I was like, "well, yeah, there's plenty of things in the house to scratch you. You could have brushed up against a door frame that was already nailed in."

I really didn't think too much of it.

And we talking.

I just don't...

[Door creaking]

[Door slams and Jeanine gasps]

It just slammed shut like somebody just grabbed it and slammed it shut as hard as you could possibly slam a door.

I go to open the door.

In plain sight that night, I witnessed something I never thought I'd witness: A door opening up and slamming shut on its own.

Terrifying as it was, at least it validated what...

What was been happening all along to me.

I thought hanging some religious items around the house might help some.

It might calm it down, might make whatever feel at ease.

We figured it had to help.

Back door.

I went out by the back door.

I dropped my Bible down on the kitchen table.

I nailed the crucifix up by the back door.

And as soon as I stepped off the ladder...

All the lights went off in the kitchen.


That's when I really started getting scared.

[Faint rattling]

Something was, like, making a crackling noise.

We look over at the Bible...

Wham, it just slams shut.

[Both panting and gasping]

We just rushed out of the house.

We had to get out of there.

[Door creaking]

[Door slams]

I didn't have no answer for it.

Nothing that I could process in my mind what I just saw besides some kind of spiritual presence in the house.

I just kept thinking, "what to do now?

How far is this gonna go?"

[Static hissing]

We figured maybe if I found some kind of evidence with the tape recorder, we can find out what this thing is and then maybe be able to find someone to help us get rid of it...


[Suspenseful music]

I didn't want to go in the house on my own, but I was just so desperate.

I just wanted some proof.

Took a deep breath.

Ran in.

Dropped it on the kitchen table.

Ran right back out.


[Panting and gasping]

It was about 30 minutes later.


I need you in the camper, please.

Okay, just stay in there for now, okay?

I ran in, grabbed it, and ran right back out to the porch.

I rewound the tape.

I got it to the beginning, pushed play.

[Static hissing]

Listened for a little while.

[Static hissing]

Didn't hear anything.

Fast-forward a little bit.

Pushed play.

[Static hissing]

Didn't hear anything.

Fast-forward a little bit more.

Pushed play.

[Static hissing]

All of a sudden, heard something.

[Static crackling]

I heard growling.

[Static crackling]

And then all of a sudden, you hear this voice said...

[Static crackling and eerie growling]

"She will die."

[Static crackling and eerie growling]

You hear this evil, scary voice.

[Pills rattling]

This is what it wants from me.

It wants to k*ll me.

[Static crackling and eerie growling]

"She will die."

I had thoughts in my head maybe we had a ghost.

But why would a ghost want to hurt anybody, especially me?

And I have kids.

We saved up for years, finally had our own home, and we couldn't even live in it.

Everything we had was sunk here.

We're stuck.

[Kids chattering indistinctly]

About a week after, while I'm doing the laundry...

Okay, boys, don't run too far.

Dinner will be ready soon. All right?

My worst fear that it was gonna come after the kids.

So the house was strictly off-limits to them.

[Kids chattering indistinctly]

It just went quiet.

[Kids chattering indistinctly]

I heard my kids inside the house.

I started to panic.

[Kids chattering distantly]

I could hear them playing.


I didn't want to have to go in there...

[Kids chattering distantly]

But I heard them upstairs.

[Kids chattering distantly]

[Footsteps thudding]

[Kids chattering distantly]

[Door creaking]

[Footsteps thudding]

I hollered at 'em.

Boys, get down here right now.

[Kids chattering indistinctly]

[Kids giggling]

I could hear 'em playing upstairs, laughing.

And they know not to be up there.

I just ran straight in there, up the stairs to get 'em.

[Giggling stops]

And then when I got to the top of the stairs, it just went quiet.

[Floorboards creaking]

[Eerie music]

Where are my kids if they're not up here?

[Kids giggling]

The gut-wrenching feeling of "something may happen to my kids" was terrifying.

[Suspenseful music]

So I turned around.

And then, bam, I just felt like I ran straight into a brick wall.



I felt something just push me down.

Held me down.

I couldn't get up.

[Gasping and moaning]

I felt like a ton of bricks had just been dropped on me.

The scariest moment ever in my life.

[Gasping and moaning]

[Ominous music]

[Muffled screaming]

Something had its hands on me.



There was no getting up.

I struggled with everything I had.

Something said... the demonic voice...

[Growling] Look under.

"Look under."

[Growling] Under.

I noticed a piece of the carpet was kind of peeled up.


[Growling] Look under.



I pulled back the carpet.

I see these satanic looking crazy symbols, darted out of there.

I stumbled a little bit trying to get down the stairs, but I got down there.

I see AJ. Are they okay?

And I'm so relieved that he has the kids.

Go get your mommy's pills.

I can barely breathe, and he's asking me what's going on.

There's something upstairs.

Says "upstairs." I rush up to the house.

Rush up the stairs.

And I see that the corner of the carpet's been pulled back.

And I see some symbols on the floor: A star and a pentagram.

And as I pulled back more, it had more and more symbols coming exposed.

[Ominous music]

I was just blown away.

Who can do something like this?

Who can bring such evil in a house?

Why would somebody put all this on the floor?

Why did we never look under the carpet in the first place when we bought the house?

Why did it take this thing to show us that?

What sick person would write this?

What is this stuff for?

We needed help desperately.

[Knock at door]

So I called the only person I knew.

It was pretty late when the minister got there.

I felt like this was our last chance as a family to finally get rid of this out of the house, cast it out.

When he walked in, he said, "yes, there"...

Definitely is a presence here.

He told us he was gonna do a deliverance.

We'll say a prayer together.

I'm going to anoint the windows, the doors.

And then started going through the house cleansing it.

We went and followed him, just kind of, you know, watching what was going on, trying to take it all in.

I'm thinking the whole time, "yeah, yeah, we winning. This is working."

I started to feel terrible, sick.

She was acting kind of funny.

You okay?

She wasn't being herself.

Oh, yeah, I'm just... feel lightheaded.

That's all.

All of a sudden...

Whoa. Oh.

I felt like... I felt like I was out of it.

Come on. All right.

She was slurring her words.

She was cold.


I think we need to seat her down.


I mentioned something doesn't feel right.

So they thought maybe I was just feeling sick again.

All right, you sit here.

I got to go help the minister.

[Weakly] Oh, don't go.

I'm just gonna be right up there.

Okay? You holler if you need me.

[Foreboding music]

I could feel the negative energy surrounding me.

My chest was so tight, I could barely breathe.

[Gasping and wheezing]

[Ominous music]


[Gasping and panting]


I felt like I was out of it.

I wasn't even me anymore.

After that, I don't remember too much more.

After about a hour of him going through the house blessing it, he said, "it's gone.

It's over with."

I thanked him.

You know, we shook hands, said our good-byes, and he left.

And the whole time, Jeanine was kind of just sitting in the chair.

[Low voices chattering indistinctly]


[Low voices chattering indistinctly]


You okay?



Hey. You all right?

Okay, I'm gonna take you to mama's place.

Let's go.

Come on.


There you are.

I'm exhausted. I'm glad everything's over with.

Jeanine was real worn-out tired from the whole thing, so I helped her to the car.

We were heading back to her mother's house.

It's really early in the morning.

You know, it's just us on the road, and it's real dark.

How you feeling, baby?

She was laid back.

You okay?

And I was like, "hey, baby, how you doing?"

You feeling better?"

She says...

[Growling] I'm fine.

[Tires screeching]

With a deep voice that wasn't hers.

So I looked at her eyes.

They were pitch-black.

Turns her head back around and faces straight forward.

[Engine revving]

So I put my foot down on the pedal because I had to try to get her back to her parents' house as quick as possible.

When we pulled up to her parents' house, they were waiting up for us.

So me and her dad carried her inside.

I checked her pulse, and she had a good pulse, but she was real, real ice-cold.

I said, "Jeanine, what is the matter?"

What's the matter, honey?

"What is the matter, Jeanine?"

And she was staring at me.

Black eyes just staring straight at me.

And she just said...

[Growling] I'm fine.

Well, it was a voice I've never heard out of Jeanine before.

A deep, angry voice.

Just whatever got in her was not my daughter.

We got to get her to the hospital.

There's something really wrong with Jeanine.

Something's gonna happen to her.

They're not gonna even know what to do with her.

Gonna put... they're gonna think she's nuts.

Calm down, Beverly.

They're not gonna believe us.

The hospital's not gonna help.

We need a minister. He's on his way.

I thought she was dying on me right in front of me.

There was nothing else we could do but pray.

She goes find a family Bible.

"The Lord is my strength."

Just started reading prayers.

"My salvation.

The Lord is my strength."

It didn't have no effect.

Keep going. Keep going.

"The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous. Then it was"...


It's in me.

She said, "it's in me."

What do you mean, honey?

[Gasping and growling] It's in me.

[Gasping and panting]

We waited for the minister to arrive.

It seemed like hours.

He knew it was in her.

He just knew it.

I'm gonna need your help.

"I need each one of y'all grab an arm and hold her down."

AJ held her; I held her.

[Speaking latin]

Her head started bouncing back and forth, side to side.

[Speaking latin]

[Rumbling and buzzing]

And it was just getting... Like, it was getting pissed.

[Speaking latin]

She got real strong.

[Speaking latin]

We trying to hold her still, and we just got to keep going.

[Speaking latin]


You got to hold her down!

Come on!


Over the top of her forehead, he made the sign of the cross.

And this thing, in a real deep, angry voice, said...

[In demonic voice] Leave us alone.

This was the scariest situation I ever seen in my life.

Start calling her!

He said, "start calling for Jeanine."


Me and AJ bring her back.

Come back!


Jeanine! Come on!

[All shouting indistinctly]

Come on!

[Shouts indistinctly]


[All shouting indistinctly]

Keep saying her name, telling her she got to fight it, be strong.


[All shouting indistinctly]

I can hear people saying, "Jeanine.

Wake up"...

Come on out, Jeanine.

Come back to us.

We kept working it and working it and working it.

Jeanine! Come on!

And then praying over me.


You got to fight! Now, fight it!

Come on, Jeanine.

[Indistinct shouting]

And I was trying the hardest to fight.

[Melancholy music]

The blackness dissipated, and there was light.

She popped her eyes open.

It was her eyes.

It was gone.

She snapped out of it. She just went limp.

I was relieved I had my wife back.

I thought it was all over with finally.

Since that happened, we got out of the house, pulled the camper away.

We've been staying in her sister's backyard ever since then.

We bought what we thought was gonna be our forever home.

The dream home became a nightmare.

Still to this day, I'm constantly thinking about it.

It's always in the back of my mind.

What if this thing comes back?