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12x03 - I Choose You

Posted: 10/08/15 22:53
by bunniefuu

Meredith: The body is a bundle of possibility.

Every time we cut one open, we're faced with a series of decisions.

♪ It's time for all those things you do ♪
♪ you, you, you ♪

Some choices are made for you.

(Knock on door)

You don't have to knock.


How'd you sleep?

I'm not doing this another night... not sleeping on that damn couch again.

Great. You shouldn't.

You've got a perfectly fine bed right here.

I have been really nice, April.

All right, but it's time now, okay?

I told you a week ago to look for a place to live.

You haven't.

Because we have a place to live.

So, today, I'm gonna book you a room at the Archfield.

Tonight, I will come home, I will help you finish packing, and, tomorrow, I'm gonna wake up alone in my bed.

For better or for worse, Jackson.

For better or for worse.

(Horn honks)

But for the most part, surgery is a choose-your-own-adventure.

I'm here. I'm here.


I know you're mad.

I am so, so sorry.

We can go.

Amelia's not here.


Amelia's the late one. It's not on me.

Oh, um, I got the mail.

I think that your contract is in there.

Come on.

I'm the good sister.

I'm the good sister.

Chief of general surgery.


(Horn honks)

Shut up, I'm here.




Are you naked?

Oh, my God.

I won't be in five minutes.

Don't you wear panties?

No way. She likes to breathe.

Tell me you're naked butt is not on the seat of my brand-new car.

Are you done looking or are... are you...

Amelia, my children sit back there.

You only have a problem if they lick the seats.

Do they lick the seats?

She did not just say that.

Just start the car and drive already.

If I didn't care so much about the planet for my babies, this carpool would not even be happening.

Meredith finally got her contract.


It's official.

Lady Chief Trifecta.

Way to go.

The house of lady chiefs.

Sister lady chiefs.

Put a bra on!


What was that?


What was what?

That face... you just made a face.

Mm... I don't... I don't... I don't make faces.

You did. You just made a face like this.

No, I don't think so.

You made a face.

Sadie, what's up?

Can I go home now?

Did you poop yet?

Alex, come on.

I'm eating, I'm walking.

I'm gonna miss the entire third grade.

You poop, you go... that's the deal.

And what did I say about calling me Alex?

I'll call you Dr. Karev when you say I can go home, Alex.

You're making that face again.

I didn't make a face.

I just, um... there's a party for someone I know who's getting married... Ethan.

Ethan is getting married.

Who's Ethan?

Maggie's ex-boyfriend, Ethan... from radiology.

Exceptional ass, even in scrubs.

Come on, they dated for like six months last year.

Oh, right, you were AWOL.

So, someone invited you to your ex-boyfriend's wedding?

That's so rude.

Maggie, you okay?

About what?

Together: Ethan.

Oh, what? Oh, please.

(Chuckles) Uh... Good for Ethan.

What do I care?

I have surgery.

Yeah, she's not okay.



Hi, Laurie, Mason. I'm Dr. Robbins, this is Dr. Warren.

How are we doing?


He's good. I'm being split in half. And our O.B.'s on vacation.

Okay, um, can I look at the ultrasound, please?

Don't tell us the sex.

Twins wasn't surprise enough?

It was for me. He was thrilled.

(Groans) Wow!

Uh, it looks... it looks like they're fighting to see which one's gonna come out first.

(Breathing heavily)

Okay, so you need to page, uh, Karev 911.

Okay, let's get these babies out.

Dr. Karev, I was told to come find you?

Yeah, you're with me today. I'm swamped.

Just try to keep up.

With you on peds?

Great. Is that a problem?

No, no.

What, you hate kids or something?

No, I don't hate kids.

Uh, what, then?

Just peds isn't my first choice as a specialty.


Shouldn't have said that.

Perfect. She gives me the one who hates kids.

Thanks, Mer.

All right, pick up whatever labs I've got pending and meet me in L&D.

I don't hate kids.

You got it.

Push, push, push, push, push.


You got it, hon.

All right, we have a little girl.

Karev: Okay, I'm here.

(Laughs) We have a girl.

Can we see her?

No, there's another baby right behind her, okay?

So, we just have to...

Hey, congratulations. I'm Dr. Karev.

All right, here we go, Laurie.

Apgar's 6.

Baby's jaundiced and in respiratory distress.

Alex: All right, call the NICU.

Tell them to have an umbilical line and vent on standby.

Arizona: Okay, Laurie, push, push.


Push, push. Okay.

All right, and now you have little boy.

(Baby cries)

Hey, you got him?

Yeah, I'll see you in C.T.

Can we hold them?

Um, yeah, not just... not just yet.

Babies are looking a little jaundiced, so Dr. Karev's gonna take them up to the NICU and see what might be going on.

Laurie, you did great.

Oh, wow.

When did you find out?

This morning.

How do you feel?

Like I want to puke.

What did Alex say?

I haven't talked to him yet.

You have to talk to him.

Do I?

It's not like I wanted this to happen.

Jo, you have to talk to him.

I know.

The boy's in C.T. 2.

Alex: Come on, come on, come on.

Got your labs. What are we dealing with?

Newborn twins.

Don't talk to DeLuca. He hates kids.

What do you have against kids?

I don't hate kids.

Scans up yet?

No, they're coming.

DeLuca hates kids.

Hurry up.

Could be wrong.

We could be wrong.

About what?



Um... Pull up the little girl's now.

(Alex sighs)

For the record, I don't hate kids.

DeLuca, just shut your stupid mouth.

(Raps table) Damn it.

(Sighs) Damn it.

Can you tell me what just happened?

(Sighs) You see that?


The boy has a tumor on his liver.

So does the girl... same tumor.

Both invading the kidneys, both causing early heart failure.

What happened is they have to go tell a mother and a father that both of their newborn babies are dying.

Both of them?

They're just babies.

This has to be some kind of mistake.

They can't have cancer. You can't be born with cancer.

Hepatoblastoma is a common liver cancer in kids.

It's also very aggressive.

The tumors are already causing problems for your kids' kidneys, hearts, and lungs.

That's why I'm recommending liver transplants.

Oh, God.

We asked not to see the ultrasound.

We didn't want to know the sex. We wanted to be surprised.

Did... did we...

No, no.

Laurie, this is not your fault.

Alex: Your O.B. likely wouldn't have caught it.

It's okay. It's okay.

Uh, just...

What do we do now? (Clears throat)

The next step is that we get them on the universal donor list, and we try to find them donors.

What about us? C-can we be donors?

Absolutely. We'll test you to see if you're a match.

Yes, right now.

We want to.

(Cellphone vibrates, chimes)

Warren, DeLuca, make that happen, and I'll see you down in the pit.

You should know that they are in very good hands.

Dr. Karev is amazing.

(Elevator bell dings)



What's the matter?


Do you want to have kids?

I... I don't, uh... know.

Uh, yeah.

I-I, uh, do you... now?

Or ever?

I don't know, just is it something that you want?

Yeah, now... or ever.

God, Alex, it's... it's a simple yes-or-no question.

What the hell is going on?

(Elevator bell dings)


I just...




You're a department head.

Will you take a look at this contract for me and tell me if anything looks weird to you.


(Sighs) Okay.

There it is... the face.

What face?

Maggie made a face, and now you're making a face.

What is it about my contract that makes people make that face?

You know what, I... (chuckles)

I don't like talking money with friends.

We're not talking money, Callie.

Are we talking money?


I think they lowballed you a little.

(Clears throat) A lot.

Why do you think that?


Because I make a lot more than you.

Yeah, like a lot more than you.

Like... like (chuckles) a lot more.

Well, how much?


Give me a number.

(Elevator bell dings)

I just think, like, can't you just be civil and rational?

But she won't listen to anything I have to say.

Now she's decided that this is the hill that she's got to die on.

Of course that hill is my living room, so...

Yeah, look, um, yeah, I'm... I'm with Robbins today, and Karev has these twins, so I need...

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, no, go.



(Sighs) Hey, look. uh... if, you know... if you need to get out of there or need a couch to crash on...

Oh, no, no. Not a chance.

Thanks, but no. She's out tonight.

'Cause I mean, if I leave, she wins.

You know, she does not win my living room.


I mean, that's not civil, right?


Little girl's going into renal failure.

Boy's lungs are crapping out fast.

Maybe we'll get lucky and the parents will be a match.

Jo hit me up about having kids today out of absolutely nowhere.

Is that what happens?

You shack up, and then suddenly your ovaries go into overdrive?

Aw, I think you'll be a good dad.

Your babies will be so foul-mouthed and dirty and cute.

I just didn't think we were there yet.

I don't know if I am.

Definitely didn't think she was.

(Gasps) Alex.


What if you're already there?

W-what if she's asking 'cause she's already knocked up, and she's just testing the waters?

Why would you even say that?

We tested the parents. The results are back.

Mason, you are a match to do a directed donation.

Thank God.


(Both chuckle)

That's good, right?

Why don't you look like that's good news?

Um, Laurie...

I'm afraid that you're not a viable candidate.

Uh, we still have one.

I'll split it.

I'm afraid we can't.

The lobe of your liver that we have to take is...

We'll need two donors.


What happens if we don't find one?

One of the babies dies?

We're talking to UNOS, and we're hoping...

I don't want to hope.

I want to know that I won't have to choose between my babies.

Laurie, shh, it's okay.

It's not okay.

Don't tell me that it's okay.

At least there's something that you can do.

It's not your fault. Look, we have one.

Let's just be grateful that we have one.

I know it's not my fault.

You wanted to be surprised.

You didn't want to know the sex.

Okay, they said it wouldn't have made a difference...

Well, maybe it would have!

Maybe there was something that I could have done and...

I am their mother, and I can't do anything to help them.

Stop yelling at me for being able to.

It's not my fault.

Well, then, you decide, Mason.

You tell these doctors which one of our children has to die because...

You're not deciding. I am.

You can't make a decision like this.

You shouldn't have to. That's why I'm here.

I'll evaluate, I decide.

The baby that I see is stronger, is doing better, has the better chance to thrive will get the donation.

And the other one?

Will get the next one.

And we will do everything that we can to find it.

And the rest you put on me.

Callie: Bailey?

Uh, Bailey did you like this?

I mean, who knew Bailey was the man?

Mm, you know what? They lowballed you 'cause you're an in-house hire.

They knew you wouldn't push back.

I thought the offer was fair.

I mean, for me, it wasn't about the money.

Bailey said she needed me. The job just fell in my lap.

(All groan)


No, you earned that job, okay?

You need to go back and renegotiate.


I can't. It's too late. I already accepted the offer.

No, walk in there and demand what you deserve.

Men do it all the time.

They walk in, they adjust their man parts, they get more money.

Mm-hmm. Yeah, we all did it.

I did it real good. I mean, I got...

(Chuckles) I make a lot more than you.

I know. You said that!

Okay, so, I mean, what's the worst they can say? No?

I mean, I'd just go back to my old job.


Ay, no.

You can't go back.

You'd have to move to another hospital.

Maybe another state.


Maggie, what do you think?

Uh, don't ask me.

I make terrible choices. I can't be trusted.

I could be having sex right now.


Six months of my life dating that man.

Six months... that is an investment.


He was nice.



He was funny, he was cute, he was sexy.

He was sexy, right?

Mm, very.

He was.

Sweet ass.

No idea.

Empirically sexy.

And the sex... I mean... (Sighs)

First prize in the talent competition and the long jump, if you know what I'm saying.



But, you know, he... he spit just a little bit when he talked, and he said "all-timers" instead of Alzheimer's.


And I got bored.

And I slid away. I let it fizzle out.

And then within another six months, he finds someone else he's ready to spend the rest of his life with?

I get that. That can happen.

I make terrible choices.

I leave things behind and just let the bridges burn.

I did it with Ethan. I did it with Dean.

Oh, my God.

I did it with my entire life.

One day, I chose to learn a little bit about my birth mother.

Cut to I live in her house with her daughter, and I work with the kind stranger who fathered me, and I left behind an entire life and family that no longer exists.

My parents are divorced.

My childhood home is sold.

My mother is in Hawaii making soups now.

I... I have no home.

It's like I-I flew to this planet on an exploratory mission, and the Earth blew up behind me and I can't go back.

And now I'm here with you aliens.

Except I'm the alien, and I'm all alone, and I have nothing, and no one wants me.


(Clears throat)

You got us. We want you.

I can't have sex with you.



You're a Cylon.


This is "Galactica."

I really do like her.

She make me not the crazy sister.

What do you think they're paying her?


Why are you doing that?

Because people eat dinner.

Not people who are moving out.

April, you're supposed to be packing.

I'm not leaving because I told you I'm not giving up.

If you want to trade nights on the couch, we can do that.

But I'm not moving out of my home.

It's my home. It's my...

Oh, I hate that you are forcing me to say this stuff.

April, okay, it's my name on the lease.

It's my place. You moved in, and you moved out.

No, I didn't move out.

I went away, and then I came back.

And I am sorry.

I am truly sorry that I wasn't here for you, but I thought if we had some space...

I need space now!

You see?

Right now, I really just wanted to have my burrito and go to sleep.

Save it. I made dinner.

What is it... boiled bunny?

'Cause you sound crazy.

Okay, I feel like a hostage.

But like a reverse hostage where the kidnapper just follows me everywhere and won't leave my damn house.

You know what they call that?


And it gets hard, but you don't just leave.

You don't just stop.

You do. You do just stop.

You know what they call that? Divorce.


Tomorrow morning, when you go to work, I'm having the locks changed.

Yeah, tomorrow night when I get home from work, I'm bringing a crowbar!

Listen to yourself.

(Door slams)

Two babies, two tumors, one liver.

How's Karev supposed to make a call like that?

Well, first, he'll try to avoid having to make the call at all.

He'll try to find another donor.

Alex: Call UNOS every 20 minutes until they have something.

He'll bug UNOS...

And call every hospital, their transplant teams...

Bailey: Comb the hospital, every hospital in Seattle for a matching liver.

Then he'll do a physical evaluation of each baby to look for any other malformations... see which one seems healthier overall.

Then he'll do a full lab work-up, go over and over the results, look for any other possible co-existing problems, like a kidney disease or heart anomalies.

At... at this point, he's hoping to find something wrong.

Hey. I'm here.

Miranda: And if he's smart, he's got someone double checking his work.

And then it's down to the tumors themselves.

What's the distance of the tumor from the cantlie line?

(Sighs) 8 millimeters.

Yeah, I know I just called, but this infant is on a timeframe, so if you just...

Yes, I'll hold.

Check and recheck every scan.

See if they involve more than one lobe.

If there's infiltration of other structures.

You just don't give up until you find your answer.

♪ I don't want no scrubs ♪
♪ a scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me ♪
♪ hanging out the passenger's side of his best friend's ride ♪


How can I help?

Alex: Take a look at the labs again.

♪ Trying to holler at me ♪

We're screwed. The labs are the same.

The staging is the same.

Both tumors are causing renal failure.

Look, what about the measurements.

The girl's tumor's bigger.

The boy's is smaller, but it's invading the left hepatic vein.

One's too big, the other one's too complicated.

It's a dead freaking heat.

You need food and a shower and sleep.

You need to walk away for a minute.

I'm serious.

Let's go. Go.


Try UNOS again.



All nighter?


And I need to go back.

I just, uh... I just need a couple hours' sleep.

Can we talk?


Okay, yeah.

A-are you...

I found this...

When I was unpacking... I, uh, wasn't snooping.

I know it's kind of none of my business, but...


I picked it up.

And then I just couldn't put it down.

Oh, okay, this.

You have babies?

No, no, these are embryos.

With Izzie?

Listen, Izzie wanted to freeze her eggs.

She needed them fertilized. I did it, she froze them.

That's all.

That's all?

Yeah, then she left me.

That's all. You can toss it.

So, you wanted to have babies with her?

Yeah, I... I don't... I don't know.

I mean, that was... that was a hundred years ago.

I'm just asking because when I asked you if you wanted to move in with me, you said that you did and that you could picture a life with me, but you never said anything about babies.

You said, "Maybe we could get a dog."

Do you want a dog?

No, I want to know what we're doing here.

I love you, and you love me.

I know, but when I look ahead...

Why are we looking ahead?

If you had or maybe you do have, for all I know, a bunch of Izzie babies walking around with your face on them...

And why are we doing it now?

And... and I'm just the "let's get a dog" girl?

I'm wondering what you think we are, what you want.

Look, I didn't have babies with Izzie.

My role in that whole thing was with a cup and a magazine.

But you would have.

You wanted to.

She was worth it to you.

But when I ask you if you want to have babies, you're all, "I don't know, yes, no, maybe, uh..."

She was my wife.

We were married.

That's my point.

What am I?

She had cancer.

She didn't even know if she was gonna be able to after the radiation.

No, don't do... what, I have to get sick to figure out if you're gonna go all in with me?

And now you're gonna go.


And you're right... it's kind of none of your business.

And I'm not doing this!

I'm not talking about babies that I didn't have with Izzie or may or may not have with you.

I have two real babies I'm responsible for at the hospital right now.

I have enough kids to take care of.

(Door opens and closes)


How did you negotiate your contract?


I mean, what did they offer?

You were coming from private practice, so you had a salary you could leverage.

How much was that?

Mer, stop it.

Well, just tell me. I won't tell anyone.

If one of your kids had to die, which one would you choose and why?

Well, Bailey because he kept me up all night.

But ask me tomorrow, it might be Zola.

Why? What's... what's going on?

I have two newborns who need a liver transplant and one liver.


The other one won't survive until tomorrow.

Well, you have to run all the tests.

Yeah, every test is a tie.

There's no medical question anymore, Mer.

They're just kids now, and I got to decide whether the boy lives or the girl lives.

I mean, Alex, you really have to trust your instincts.

I don't know, Mer.

If I was one of these kids, with my family, where I came from, I wouldn't have bet on me.

I... I would have looked in my crystal ball and seen a druggie or a burnout or...

I would not have seen me as the guy who make the decisions.

I would not have seen that coming.

I mean, what if one of them becomes a serial k*ller, the other one's gonna cure Alzheimer's?

That's not your problem.

I mean, it's just like raising your own kids.

They're gonna be who they are.

We just have to try to give them the best shot we can.

(Footsteps approaching)

Hey. Hey.

The twins' lungs are filling with fluid. You're out of time.

Screw it. I'm not making this call.

If there's a decision to be made about withdrawing care from an infant, Bailey can do it.

She's the chief. She can do it, not me.

No, no, hey, no, no, Alex. What are you doing?

I have been watching you.

I have been in awe of you stepping up for these babies, for these parents in a way that...

(Sighs) Do you remember the first time we ever talked?

Really talked.

We were on a plane, and we just picked up a transplant organ from a kid who died, and you were upset and pissy because you thought that I didn't care.

But I thought, "Wow."

This guy could do it.

He cares enough about this work.

"This guy has it."

And I knew that day, Alex.

And today...

I have been so proud of you.

And so now you can't... you can't hand it over to somebody else because they're yours, and they need you, and you can do it.

And you have to because if you give it to Bailey, you won't be able to look at yourself in the mirror. I promise you.

You'll always wonder what kind of doctor you could be.

This is the job, Alex, and it's why you get paid the big bucks.

Mason, this is Dr. Bailey.

I've asked her to perform your operation to remove the lobe of your liver for donation.

And who will get it?

Well, the test and the scans were inconclusive.

I need to open up both babies.

I need to see both tumors up close.

And then I'll decide.

You have to?

In order to make the best choice, the right choice, or we risk losing them both.

And we're racing the clock, so I need to take them now.

Wait, wait! We... They don't have names.

We're not letting them go before we name them.

♪ All our memories, they're haunted ♪
♪ we were always meant to say goodbye ♪

She looks like an Emma.

She does.


Hi, Emma.

♪ Even without fists held high ♪
♪ never would have worked out right ♪



Emma and Daniel.

♪ We were never meant for do or die ♪
♪ I didn't want us to burn out ♪

What do you have against kids anyway?

God, nothing!

Okay, I don't hate kids.

♪ I didn't come here to hurt you now ♪

It's not the kids... it's the parents.

All right?

♪ I want you to know ♪

I was an E.M.T. right out of high school.

I loved it.

It's why I went to med school.

My second call out, it's an MVC.

A woman's in the front seat bleeding from neck lac.

And she's holding her little toddler, who is D.O.A.

She wouldn't let him go.

And I'm trying to stop her from bleeding, but she just held on.

And cried.

And the sound she made... I thought she's gonna cry like this for the rest of her life.

So, I decided right there, no peds for me.

And not because of the kids.

I don't want that responsibility over a parent.

And, yeah, maybe that... maybe that makes me a lousy doctor, or maybe I'm just not strong enough.

But... I get to decide what I'm best suited for.


I mean, don't I get to decide what kind of doctor I'm gonna be?

♪ Remember all the things we wanted ♪

Yeah, you do.

You have to.

♪ We were always meant to say goodbye ♪

15 blade, please.


Bailey: And 10 blade.

(Monitor beeping)

Push Bovie to 30. More lap pads.

That's what I needed to see.

All right, hold on, don't move.

I need a little more retraction.

Good. Hold right there.

Do you see where she's got...

Wait, yeah.


What do you think?


It's Emma. The liver's going to Emma.

All right, there you go.

But I need you to do the transplant for me.

I want to try a primary resection on Daniel and see if can save the liver he already has... at least buy him more time.


I want to save them both.

But can the child even withstand?

Probably not... I mean, de-sating on me, and I've already maxed out meds, but I swear, if don't try, he'll be dead by tonight.

I want to try.

Suction. Retract here.

(Speaking indistinctly)


Hey, Karev's throwing a Hail Mary.


Why you furrowing your brow at me?

I would think that you of all people... this hospital's first female chief of surgery... would fight for a woman to get paid at least as much as any man.

This is about Meredith Grey.

I mean, if you do not value her enough, then just...

It is inappropriate for me to discuss the salary of another employee.

She deserves more, and you know it.

I do, and don't ever suggest to me that I do not stand in sisterhood with other women in this hospital.

"You've never been 4'11" tall and overlooked and called "girl" by your male colleagues.

You don't know. I am woman.

Hear me roar.

But I've already mentored Grey.

I've already taught her what she needs to know.

And now that I'm chief of this hospital, it's not my fault if she's not used the skills that I taught her.

And it's not my job to be giving away money when it's not asked for.

You have coddled her.

Y-y... Since Derek, you have coddled her, and I won't do that.

No, she needs to rise.

And she needs to rise on her own so she knows she can rise on her own.


You may not be here the next time she falls.

She needs to fight for herself.


This is what a feminist looks like, sir.

Oh, how's the little girl?

Arizona: (Sighs) Good. She's back in the NICU.

Perfect anastomosis, and her kidneys have already bounced back.

But how's he doing?

That's a good resection margin, right?


I see you got most of it.

It's decent, it's just really close...

I just need to get this last...

(Monitors beeping)



Hepatic vein's leaking. Clamp.

(Beeping continues)

Another clamp.

No, no, come on.

Was it a bad call trying to resect?



It was the right call, just a bold one.

Yeah, this would have happened during his transplant surgery.


Karev chose the right twin.

Alex: Another clamp.

(Beeping stops)


Got it.

You did it? (Chuckles)

You did it.

(Monitor beeping)


Damn it, he's arresting.

Push .02 of epi and another 50cc of blood.

Come on, buddy.

Come on.

B.P.'s dropping. Persistent bradycardia.

Try it .08 to the et tube.

Come on, we're losing him.

But you had him.

He won't get him back.

No, he won't.

(Beeping continues)

♪ Waking light, your profile in shadow ♪

I'm gonna close. Stapler.

But you've got a rhythm.

Those are agonal beats. They won't last.

So, what do we do? Just push more epi, right?

He's maxed out on epi. His heart's too weak.

No, you can't just stop, okay... What else?

There's nothing else.

♪ Long way turning ♪
♪ I've waited long enough to know ♪

Nothing to do but wait.


Oh, Alex.

♪ When the memory leaves you ♪
♪ somewhere you can't make it home ♪
♪ when the morning comes to meet you ♪
♪ lay me down in waking light ♪
♪ waking light ♪
♪ your profile in shadow ♪
♪ raise yourself to the morning alone ♪

♪ when the memory leaves you ♪
♪ somewhere you can't make it home ♪
♪ when the morning comes to meet you ♪
♪ lay me down in waking light ♪


(Thunder rumbling)

Arizona: You have a beautiful baby girl.

The transplant went very well.

She's now recovering very, very smoothly.

Laurie, we did everything we could to save your boy.


Despite our best efforts, the tumor was just...


I'm so sorry.


(Thunder rumbles)


Woman on P.A.: Dr. Cohen, NICU. Dr. Cohen to NICU.

What is it, Grey?

We need to talk about my contract.


You said I deserved to be your chief of general, that I made your job easier.

I was happy. I was grateful.

That doesn't change the fact that I earned this job, and I worked very hard for it.

I need to feel as valued as you say you value me.

I need to be able to look in the mirror.

This is just not enough.

Do you have number in mind?


I can make that happen.

Is that all, Grey?

Yep. That's it.

Okay, thanks.



Well done.

Dr. Karev.

You pooped?

I pooped!

Let's get you out of here.



Thank you for not changing the locks.

Things got a little crazy last night.

(Sighs) Maybe you're right.

Maybe I'm being a little crazy.

But is it really crazy to try like hell to save the one thing in the world that matters most to you?

I love you, and if fighting for y...

When you're faced with the tough choices, it comes down to you.


What can you live with?

(Thunder rumbles)

What can you leave behind?

(Sighs) Towels are in the bathroom.

Anything else you need?

No, no, no. I'm fine, thank you.


It's only for one night.

He shouldn't have to sleep in a hotel. It's...

("Are You Happy Now?" plays)

♪ Now, don't just walk away ♪

Two more, please.

Bartender: You got it.

(Clears throat)

Here you go.

Dr. Pierce, um... I'm off shift.

Just having a quick one before I head home.

It's fine.

I have no home.

My planet exploded.

♪ And I know there's no use ♪
♪ when all your lies become your truths and I don't care ♪

You know, I don't hate kids.

I just...

Bartender: Another round?

...hate it when they die.

Hey. We have that in common.


♪ And tell me that you're happy now ♪
♪ ohhh, ohhh ♪

Hey, can I ask you something?


Did you ever wonder why people should trust us to just decide, like, the most important questions of their lives?

I mean, you're just a person just like them, right?

But suddenly, you're given this incredible responsibility to just...

You have really pretty eyes.

Uh... Thank you.

♪ And I am givin' up this game ♪
♪ and leaving you with all the blame ♪
♪ 'cause I don't care ♪

Right or wrong... you have to decide...

♪ Could you look me in the eye ♪

what you're willing to go down fighting for.

You okay?


Look, about last night.

No, you said it's none of my business, so... It's...

Well, it's not... And it is.


Look, I-I-I get mad, and... and you get squirrely.

I do not...

No, you get squirrely when someone says they're gonna be there, and then you think maybe they won't.

That happens. You're allowed.

♪ Do you really have everything you want? ♪


I'm not going anywhere.

And if... if... having a kid is what you want, then... I can be ready.

♪ And tell me that you're happy now ♪

I'm ready.

I mean (chuckles) let's do it.

♪ Could you look me in the eye ♪

Let's make a baby right now.

(Laughing) Are you out of your mind?

We're not having a baby.

I'm in the middle of a residency.

You are never home.

And what about us? We... we haven't even traveled.

And what happened to the dog? Let's get a dog.

No, do not come near me.

We are not making a baby.

No. (Laughs)


The choice is yours.
