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01x04 - ...Through Self-Discovery

Posted: 08/08/14 06:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Satisfaction...

That was it. I was going to take back control of my life.

Our lawyers advised us to put out a statement.

I'm not signing that.

Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?

I'm sorry for the song I wrote... blah, blah, blah.

Can you at least try?

So the punishment goes away if I lie?

I have a service that caters to women who are looking for a man.

Come work for me. Not interested.

I know you slept with one of my clients.

What are you tryin' to do to me here?

Same thing you did to my wife.

Your assets have been frozen by the IRS. I'm Alex, the project manager.

So you two work together?

I'm her boss. Don't go anywhere.

We have a problem down at the site.

I don't think Alex has got the chops to deal with this project, and I'll tell you exactly why.

[Elevator bell dings]

Morning, Candice.

Your 9:30 is already here.

Thank you.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I was...

Think nothing of it.

Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Truman.

[Whispers] I'd give you a kiss, but that might be a little awkward right now, huh?

What the hell are you doing here?

I have been on a desperate search for a legitimate financial advisor for some time now.

And given your recent promotion...

You're really gonna pull this stunt again?

Well, I made an appointment this time.

Under a different name, of course.

Now, before you say anything, just...

Just take a look at the number you'd be working with.

I've had pretty good luck managing things on my own.

But I simply don't have the time anymore, and there's just something about you I trust will take care of me.

Thank you.

But no.

Are you sure?


I'm so happy to hear you say that.

It means we won't have a genuine conflict of interest now.

She won't bite.



You haven't even seen her.

You are just what she needs right now.

I don't need to see her. The answer is still no.

Why? Too busy?

How is the new job, by the way?

Whatever brought you to my door is in you, Neil.

You just need to let it out more.

[Door clatters]

Can I get anyone coffee or something to drink?

No, thank you. I actually have to run now.

You don't have to give up everything to find out who you really are.

Just an evening.

Thank you.

Can you get the door? Thank you.

Wait, wait, wait! Adriana!

Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Neil Truman?

What the hell?

FBI. We'd like to have a word with you.

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ And I try and I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

It's a little daring for me, I think.

I mean, I usually dress more...

Soccer mom.

I see that.


I mean, no one's ever made a snack plate wearing this, you know?


I do have a new job, though.

My daughter's practically grown, so I'm back out in the world.

And, yeah, just being a mom isn't really me anymore.

So you're rebranding.

I like this new you.

I like this new me, too. Next.

♪ Whoa, come with me now ♪

This for sure.

♪ Whoa, come with me now ♪
♪ I'm gonna show you how ♪
♪ I think with my heart and I move with my head ♪


♪ And it's something I've read ♪
♪ I stood at this door before, I'm told ♪
♪ But a part of me knows that I'm growing too old ♪
♪ Confused what I thought with something I felt ♪
♪ Confuse what I feel with something that's real ♪
♪ I tried to sell my soul last night ♪
♪ Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite ♪
♪ Whoa, come with me now ♪
♪ I'm gonna take you down ♪

[Line ringing]


She's not answering.

Hang up.

You don't want to leave that in a voice mail.

I'm really sorry about your car.

You weren't going that fast.

It's just that my mom never lets me drive.

Don't worry about it. Seriously.

As long as you're okay, that's all that matters.

You know that she is going to freak.

Good news is nothing's broken.


Just some deep bruising.

So we can go?

You're the mother?

Yes, I am.

Okay. I just need a signature.

And if she notices any headaches in the next 24 hours just be sure to give us a call.

Thanks. Your dad and I will take you out for ice cream now, okay?


These'll be out front.

Was that legal?

We're family.

It's, you know, practically the same thing.

Look, I'll get my car fixed.

Your mother doesn't ever have to know.

She's so busy with work now, she doesn't know anything that's going on in my life anyway.

That's what you have a cool aunt for.

This is huge. Thank you.


That'll go away in a day or two.

More federal charges?

My lawyer said it was just a routine passenger disturbance.

Your lawyer sucked, Neil.

Preston is the best we have at the firm.

Well, what he did could normally be classified as a disturbance, but he actually opened the doors of the aircraft.

To an ambitious prosecutor, that's called seizing control of the plane.

It borders on the Patriot Act.

So they send the FIB to give me a shiny new subpoena.

I mean, that's a little extreme.

It's an election year.

You're lucky they
didn't haul you off to Gitmo.

All right, so how do we handle this?

It already cost me a fortune to take this video off the Internet.

Last thing I need is a partner at this firm on trial now.

Well, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

He's not a t*rror1st.

He's just some guy who went a little crazy after being stuck on the tarmac for five hours.

So all we gotta do is we gotta show them the other side of Neil Truman... the hard worker, the good husband, the great father.

The real you.

Now, the first thing you're gonna do is [voice echoing] you're gonna write a speech.

And in that speech, you're gonna apologize to practically everyone on the planet, and you're gonna beg for mercy.

You read the speech at the hearing, we plead guilty, [voice back to normal] and we ask for leniency.

Now, you do any community work?

What, like volunteer?

From a character standpoint it would help our cause if you got involved more.

Put a public face on it.

Whatever it takes.

Then all this goes away?


If we get a friendly judge, I'm hopeful, but I wouldn't guarantee anything, not on the federal level.


What are we talking about, like, a fine?

Community service with probation?

The way the law is written, you could be looking at some serious jail time.


God damn it!

Come on, man.

Better luck next time, ladies.

You hiding cards under the table?

Yeah, look. See?


Get outta my house.

Easy, bro. I was just playin'. Besides, you'll win it back.

You always do.

It's just this IRS bullshit.



If that was me, I'd k*ll that dude that sent them your way.


Great idea. Great idea.

So you still can't touch your money?


Lucky for you, though, you run a cash business.

It's not exactly covering my day-to-day right now.

I told you I could hook you up with that lady.

I told you I don't work that way.

[Scoffs] What difference does it make?

'Cause once you go down that road, there's nothin' but trouble, I'm tellin' ya.

All right, gentlemen, I'm going to call.

And I am going to raise.

I'm in.

Let's see what you got.



Gotta be kidding me, man!

Listen, bro.

If you change your mind, just let me know.

So he wants you to do charity work?

Yeah, being more part of the community, you know, is something more concrete to show the court.

And I thought it might be something nice to do as a family. And you know, I've been thinking about getting more involved lately.

Studies say that true happiness comes from giving back, not from material things.

Well, now you're making me feel bad.

No, no, I didn't mean... no. You need this stuff for work.

Well, I'm not gonna keep it all.

Well, why don't you show me what you bought?

I can help you decide.

Um, [giggles] I just...

I thought, you know, I needed to be more hip or sexy or...


Um, so...

I mean, you... you'd really have to see it on.

Well, let's... see it on.



[Solemn music]

♪ ♪

So what do you think?

I like your exploring these different parts of yourself.


I don't get to see that that much anymore.

[Door opens]


Hey, where were you?

I tried calling.

Did aunt Steph pick you up?


Uh, I-I stayed after school to finish some homework, and I caught a ride with a friend.

And my phone died, so...

I have studying to do.

Dinner's gonna be ready soon.

I'm not really hungry.

Honey, you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Just, uh, tired.




[Sports announcer in background]

[Announcer continues in background]

[Horn honking]

[Horn honking]

I'm gonna be late.

No, you're not gonna be late.

You wanna drive?

We're talking about getting you a car, so you do need to practice more.

Maybe not if we're in a hurry.


What are you wearing?

It's new. Do you like it?

It's weird.

[Cell phone rings]


Grace, it's Fernando at the job site. How fast can you get here?

I have to drop my daughter off at school... 40 minutes.

That might be too late. We've got a big problem.


I have a test first period.

Okay, hopefully, this will only take a minute.

You just stay in the car.

Yeah, I need 'em. What are you doing?

You called Grace.

I just wanna finish this job.

Fernando... so did I. Not my problem anymore.

She canceled the tile order.

Get me fired?

You're not gonna be doing business with my vendors.

They're loyal to me. I'm also gonna take the design scheme.

Those aren't yours.

Oh, the revisions are, the ones that you need to get this job done.

I'm sorry, you mean the ones you screwed up and I had to fix?

You screw me, I screw you.

Oh, and speaking of screwing how's your friend Simon?


[Groans, mutters]

[Clattering, pop music in background]

♪ ♪

Donna? Hi.

I'm Neil.

My lawyer helped track you down.

I hope I'm not being too forward.

I'm sure you must know about the hearing coming up.

I'm, uh, I'm writing an apology, and I realized that the person that was affected most by my actions was... you.


And I, um, I realized that I-I-I never got to say...

I'm sorry.

For everything.


And I know... I know words don't really mean that much, so I have an offer for you.

I work for a big investment firm.

And if you'll let me, I can give you advice, work on your pension.

You know, my lawyer says I'm not supposed to be talking to you.

Your lawyer?

I'm filing a civil suit, seeking damages for what you did to me.

No, no, no.

I wasn't doing anything to you.

No, I was doing it for me.

No, this was nothing personal.

Nothing personal?

[Scoffs] How's this?

Does this feel personal?

[Mic feedback squeals]

You ruined my life.

Yeah, while you and the rest of your one-percenter buddies sit around in your big, comfy houses, I had to start my life over.

I can't imagine how hard this must have been for you.

But let me make it up to you.

Oh, no, no.

Don't worry about making it up to me.

Because I'm gonna make you pay...

A lot.

[Feedback whine]

Could I have security at the front desk, please?

Security at the front desk.

That's not necessary.


Well, okay.

I-I'm... gonna go.

[Rotary buzzing]
I'd heard you were a woman of many talents.

This isn't a bad time now, I hope.

Not at all.

My friend Jacques and Marie-Helene.

They're visiting from Monte Carlo.


[Speaking French].

[Speaking French]

Most people don't get the accent right.

I spent a year in France.

That's a plus.

So your poker buddy Carlos tells me I'd be a fool not to work with you.

Oh, I told him to say that.

So what can I do for you, Simon?

I'm ready for bigger, better, and I've always heard you're the best at providing that.

What do I need to know about you that's bigger and better?

Well, I could tell you.

Or you could see for yourself.

A lady likes to check her references first.

I think you'll like what you see.

Till we meet again.

Au revoir.

Take a look at this and see what you can find out.

And did you see what he was driving?



Simon drives a black Porsche?

Isn't that interesting.

I don't think I've run a 5k since before you were born.

This makes absolutely no sense.

What's there to figure out?

We're having a good workout as a family, and we might meet some nice people.

Since when are we into group exercise?

Come on, Anika, it's, like, the first Saturday we've spent together as a family in months.

Isn't that reason enough?

[Over P.A.] Okay, runners, let's move towards the starting line.

Let's go. Come on.

[Overlapping chatter]

I hope we don't see anyone I know.

Oh, honey.

There's probably gonna be a photographer at the finish line, so I thought we could get a photo.

I hurt my leg in gym, so I'm gonna try and keep up.

What happened in gym class?

Nothing. Nothing really.

All right, family fun runners, let's do this!

On your marks...

Get set and...



[Crowd whooping]

Come on, guys!

Sorry. Hey, are you okay?


Hey, wait.

Grace, wait!


We can... we can just walk the rest of the way.

Why are we even doing this? This is so fake.

You don't care about this.

You care about getting your picture taken so a judge will think you're a nice guy.

I'm just trying to do the right thing.

I thought you did the right thing on the plane.

You told me I did the right thing at the talent show.

But maybe you're just full of shit now that you have to show everyone who you really are.


I stand here today to ask for forgiveness.


What time do you want me home?

Where are you going?

Sarah's. She's picking me up.

I can have her drop me off.

Or you could let me take the car.

No, just tell her you have to be home by 10:00.

Have fun.

How's it going?

Well, I have to redo these, then I have to find four different vendors to deliver this rare Italian tile by Monday.

But you know what? I love it.

How's the speech?

I was thinking of going for a drive.

You know, maybe see a movie, to clear my head.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.



So, um...

I'll check in with you later.




Sorry. Sorry.

No, it's fine. It's fine.

Let me...

I can handle it.

You sure?

You're fine. You're fine.

Just go. Go, go.


[Clears throat]

Jennifer? Hi, I'm...

Would you mind maybe just backing the limo into the driveway?

I'll be out in a minute.


Oh, God.

They didn't send a town car, did they?


Aren't you from Cosmopolitan limos? Continental limos?

Something like that?


[Women whooping]

Whoo! Whoo!

Ow! Ow!

[Music thumping]

Oh, my God! He's already here!

You guys, what's going on?

Well, in honor of your divorce and your re-bachelorette party, we have decided to

present you with... ta-da!

A date for the evening!



[Dance music continues from limo]

♪ ♪


Is everybody ready to party?

Well, we got the limo till 4:00 a.m., ladies and gentlemen!

Whoo, whoo!

Let it all in.

This is exactly what I said I didn't want.

Which is exactly why we're making you do it.

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm really not interested.

No, you don't have to...


He came very highly recommended. And you can't just sit around and mourn your piece of shit ex-husband forever, right?

Jennifer's the only person that knows what's right for her right now and what will make her happy.

Right. And I'm not mourning.

I'm processing. Her husband was a doctor with no bedside manner.

It was a little more complicated than that.

I'm sure it was.

sh*ts, sh*ts, sh*ts.

[Cheering] [Laughter]

I will if you will.

I am so not a Tequila person, and she knows that.

You know what?

I never used to be a Tequila person either.

But when big changes happen in your life, big changes happen in you.

I mean, how do you know who you are anymore?

You mean, maybe I'm actually a Tequila person?

Only one way to find out.


But only one.

One it is.


[Women whooping]


And we're going for a second one.

[Acoustic guitar music]

♪ ♪
♪ I ran a 5k ♪
♪ But I didn't get far ♪
♪ Falling star ♪
♪ Ooh ooh hoo hoo ♪
♪ Ooh ooh hoo hoo ♪
♪ ♪



Can I talk to you, please?

Is everything all right?

I'll text you guys later.

You all right?

I'm fine.

What's going on? Is it dad?

You sure you're all right?


Did something happen?

What's that?

I found it in the trash.

You got into a car accident and you didn't even tell me about it.


It was nothing.

And aunt Stephanie took me to the E.R. to be on the safe side.

Steph... what was she doing there?

[Sighs] It was... it was her car.

She let me drive.

Am I gonna be grounded?

Let's go.

Mom, please...

Let's go.

[Dance music plays]

♪ ♪

[Overlapping chatter]

How are you feeling?


This scene's never really been my thing.

Can I be honest?

Me neither.

I-I don't mean to pry, but how long were you married?

Ten years.

No kids?

[Sighs] We were both too focused on ourselves and our careers to even consider taking care of another person.

♪ ♪

I just don't know how to be this person yet.

Am I supposed to?

I don't even know who I am anymore.

Oh, I can relate to that.

I mean, not the dancing part.

I don't think I was ever that person either.

Let's try something.

Maybe you don't wanna dance, but your Tequila person might really like this song.

Let's try something new.

♪ ♪

All: [Screaming]

♪ ♪

Come on, Jen.

Yeah, I'm going, I'm going, it's happening.

Yeah. You can dance. You can dance.

I know.

Show me those moves.

All right.



[Pounding on door, doorbell ringing]

Stephanie, open up!

[Pounding on door, doorbell]

What the heck is that?

My sister.

You gonna answer it?

I'm thinking.

[Sharp raps on door]

[Whispers] Okay, where were we?

[Wheels rolling]

Oh, patio door, shit.

You let my daughter drive?

Get into a car accident?

Grace, hi. I have a date here.

And then you took her to the E.R.?

I thought it was the responsible thing to do.

No, no. That would have been calling me and letting me know what happened and not forcing my daughter to lie about it.

I didn't force her... we just didn't want to worry you.

Um, should I leave?



We tried calling.

Oh, my God, you tried. What are you, 12 years old?

Seriously, what is wrong with you?

You're a little out of control right now, and you can't just barge into my house like this when I have company.

You know what?

I'm sorry you have to see this, but clearly, she's not responsible enough to be in a relationship.


You don't understand how selfish that was?


I was there for Anika when she needed me.

If you weren't so busy trying to prove you're some big career woman now, this never would have happened.

Okay, so now this is my fault.

You don't even know your daughter now or what she's going through.

Anika told me, Grace.

God, you are just like mom.

You can't accept who you are, so you take it out on the kids.

No wonder you're so unhappy at home.

I'm... I'm gonna step outside.

No, you know what?

You don't have to.

Grace, wait.



♪ ♪
♪ They call us the sons of lightning ♪
♪ And forever that we'll be living proof ♪
♪ The flash that falls behind us ♪
♪ Leaving everything ♪
♪ That we've been clinging to ♪
♪ Just let our minds go ♪
♪ Just let our minds go ♪
♪ We've been here before ♪
♪ So our souls are not lost ♪
♪ Just let our minds go ♪

Oh. Ow. Ow. Ow.

What are you doing?

Erasing the evidence, like...

This one.

[Laughs] Oh.

Yeah. Good-bye.

How did you get all their phones?

Um... Just after the fifth bottle of champagne, I kind of went, "look over there."

And then just do, do, do, do, do.


Got 'em all.

I hope you didn't think that I'd abandoned you.

You looked like you were having fun.

Oh, my feet are k*lling me.

I can't remember the last time I wore heels.

Sometimes wearing different bits of clothing means you're exploring different parts of yourself.

And they look great on you.

Look, I know you're trying, but this whole night, I mean, everything... It's just been... weird.

Both: [Laugh]

This, the club, the Tequila sh*ts... [Chuckles]

Oh, it's not what I need right now.

Okay, what do you need?


What do you want?

I want to know how I ended up here.

I knew there was something off in my marriage and with David, I just... I never knew what.

You know why?

'Cause it's easy to figure out other people.

Figuring out yourself... that's the hard one.

Do you ever wonder if sometimes we pick certain partners so we can hide from ourselves?

So we don't have to figure out who we are?

Now that David's not here, I'm finding all these parts of me I never even knew existed.

Not all of them are that great either.

Do you think that you would have been happier not knowing about those parts?

No. I think maybe if I had known, we could have stayed married.

I say just accept yourself, all of it, even the bad parts.

You know what I'm realizing?

It's not that he wanted me to be someone I wasn't.

It's that I wanted me to be that.

And who do you want to be now?

I don't know.

I never had to ask myself that before.

My two cents... do whatever feels right for you from here on out.

Everything else will fall into place.

I'm beginning to think this whole thing was one big mistake.

You know, maybe if I'd gotten more sleep that night, if the plane had been on time, then I wouldn't have freaked out.

I wouldn't have quit my job, and then I wouldn't have caught Grace and Simon together.

And your life would be the same.

Yeah, but is this who I am now?

Well, who is it would you like to be?

A better father, better husband, you know, just someone happier.

There is no such thing as being happy.

There's only what is and what should never be.

Is that Led Zeppelin?

Well, they got it right.

Who am I to say anything different?

When you can't find the words to the speech, it's because you don't believe what you're saying matches who you are.

Actually, I think I don't know who I am anymore.

That's why the words won't come.

Well, that is a bigger problem, isn't it?

Your honor, ladies and gentlemen, I stand here today to... to...

Oh, and then she said...

Oh, what did I write?

I was trying to be this big career woman, as if that was an insult, you know.

You know, she's never held a job that didn't require a name tag.

What does she know about a career?

Well, you have to grade her on a curve.

She has no idea what it's like to have kids.


What are we gonna do about Anika?

What about Anika?

Do I look okay? I've never dressed for court before.

You look beautiful, honey.

Hey, wanna help me with my speech?

"Not a day goes by that I don't deeply regret "what I did.

"I was not myself that day and have been tortured by the memory of my inexcusable behavior."

This is what you're gonna say?

[Scoffs] Then you don't want my help.

This is a man who didn't think it was convenient to sit on the plane like everyone else.

And the law is clear... create a disturbance, endanger the lives of fellow passengers, you must be punished.

But since the defendant has demonstrated to be a good citizen in the community, prosecution is open to hearing his statement before we consider pursuing the charges.

Okay, go.


That was the speech that I was prepared to give today, but it just doesn't seem right.

I know that I am supposed to regret what happened, and I really wish I could, I really do, Your Honor, because I love my family and they need me.

But if I can't be who I really am...

Then I'm no good to them either.

All I did that day was stand up for common decency.

I certainly wasn't doing what was convenient for me.

I wasn't trying to start a riot.

I was just simply saying no.

No, you cannot treat people that way.

And I'd do it again, because that is who I am.

And if I can't have the courage to stand up here and be who I am, then I have nothing.



[Anika continues clapping]

Uh, Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen, I stand here today a humble man, a contrite man, a man who deeply regrets all the pain and suffering he has caused with his foolish actions.

[Low chatter]

Well, they're taking you off the no fly list.

I'm still gonna have to work some magic to get the charges dropped completely, but there won't be a trial.

So he won't have a criminal record?

I think everything's going to work out, but I wouldn't even risk getting a parking ticket in the next six months.

Thank you for everything.

You bet.


Great speech.


You know I'm still the same person I was on that airplane.

Nothing's changed.

I just did what I had to do to keep the family together.

I know.

Sometimes you have to be a different person in a different situation to survive.

Does that make sense?

Use your blinker.

And remember there's a blind spot.


Well, you can't just use the mirror, you have to look.

Mom, I'm looking.

And, honey, I want you to know everything's gonna be okay.

All right? Dad's gonna be fine.

And... and people might say stuff at school, but just don't pay any attention to them.

It's okay. I've already heard everything.

And it doesn't bother me.

Besides, nobody cares. They don't get it.

That was good. You're getting much better.


And, honey, I know I've been focused on my job and... and too strict about the car.

It's just that, you know, being an adult doesn't... doesn't mean you have it all figured out.

But I'm your mom and I love you.

So I'm gonna keep on trying.

It's okay, mom. I get it.

♪ Afraid to lose control ♪
♪ And caught up in this world ♪
♪ I've wasted time, I've wasted breath ♪
♪ I think I've thought myself to death ♪
♪ I was born without this fear ♪
♪ Now only this seems clear ♪
♪ I need to move, I need to fight ♪

[Knock on door]

[Knocking continues]

♪ Whoa, come with me now ♪

Grace, you...

♪ Whoa, come with me now ♪
♪ I'm gonna take you down ♪
♪ Whoa, come with me now ♪