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01x05 - ...Through Partnership

Posted: 08/15/14 17:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on Satisfaction...

Thank you, but, no.

She won't bite.


We're really counting on you.

Mom, this is amazing.

Lucky for you, though, you're in a cash business.

It's not exactly covering my day-to-day right now.

So what can I do for you, Simon?

I'm ready for bigger, better.

What do I need to know about you that's bigger and better?

You can see for yourself.

When you can't find the words to the speech, it's because you don't believe what you're saying matches who you are.

I don't know who I am anymore.

Did you know that the Buddha was actually a prince before he became his enlightened self?

You don't have to give up everything to find out who you really are.

Just an evening.

Let's try something new.

God, you are just like mom.

No wonder you're so unhappy at home.

I got into a bar fight.

This is the first time we've seen each other outside the house in, like, six months.

What are you doing?

Erasing the evidence.

Do whatever feels right for you.

Where did you get this?

I was sure I got all their phones and erased all the evidence that night.

You know what I love about this picture?

I think you look really happy...


It made me smile when I saw it.

Jennifer was very happy.

She sent you that?

Rosalie took it.

You take a great picture.

You think I'd let you out on your first time without a chaperone?

You mean a spy.

Let's call it securing an investment.

After all, you were a bit hesitant at first.

Tell me about the rest of the evening.

Well, that wouldn't be very gentlemanly, now, would it?

I will say the dancing left an impression...

On me, anyway.


The dancing. Why?

It took me back...

Made me remember...

My wedding.

Go on.

Just before we were married, Grace had this idea that we should take lessons.

Now, at the time, I thought making such a big deal of the first dance was silly.

I mean, all we had to do was stumble through a few bars of Celine Dion, her dad would cut in, and that would be that.

I was so wrong.

I think we learned more about each other taking those lessons than writing our vows.

We learned how to be a team...

How to trust each other.

You're making me all mushy inside.

You wanted to know.

If you're in the mood for honesty, something else I've been wanting to know.

I can understand calling yourself by another name when we first met, but what led you here?

You were clearly pretending to be someone else.

Did you know this Simon?

So there's a lot more to this story that we never really discussed.

It's not important.

I'm just trying to fill in the blanks, get to know you better.

That's not a problem, is it?

I think that's enough sharing for one day.

And speaking of my wife, I am supposed to meet her.

So I bid you adieu.


I used to dance some.

It's been a while for me too.

Now you've made me curious. Maybe I've been missing out.




You still move very well.

I know people who'll pay a lot of money to be whirled around a dance floor by a handsome man.

In fact, there's a married couple...

That's not really what I'm looking for right now.

I know what you're looking for... a connection.

You can find that in so many different places, Neil.


What you're feeling... is my phone.

[Cell phone vibrating]

This is Neil.


You're kidding.


Uh, w-wait, wait.

You want me to what?


Uh, no.

Yeah, yeah... no, no, it's not a problem.

Um, just, uh... You know what?

Give me 20... Give me 20 minutes.

[Cell phone beeps]

Everything all right?

I have to go.

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ And I try and I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪
♪ I once was lost ♪
♪ But now I am found ♪
♪ Was blind ♪
♪ But now I see ♪

Seriously? Canadian?

I-I can't even use this for bus fare.

Saving for a car, yeah?

It's hard to do that song well.

You liked it?

Very impressive.

How about showing your appreciation?

You think you can sing like that for, say, 30 minutes?

I run an open-mic night at sidebar.

If you're good and I ask you stay and do a second set, it pays 50 bucks.

A paying gig?

You've never had one before?

Oh, no, of course, I've had one... lots.

I'm just, uh...

I-I just do this to, you know, keep me at my roots.


So I'll see you Thursday, then.




[Rock music plays]

♪ ♪

You're welcome.


[Indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

Why are you hiding? [Chuckles]

Everyone is in love with what you've done.

Well, the party's about you. I-it's not about me right now.

It's your grand opening.

Yours too.

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, sorry.

It's probably my husband. He... he's running late.

[Cell phone chimes]

♪ ♪

I want you to stay.

This was a mistake.

If you're so happy when you're here, why am I the mistake?


Hey, can I introduce you to someone?

Yes. Please, please.

Irene, here she is.

Grace, Irene. Irene, Grace.


Ah, so you're the one.

It's such a lovely space. You did a wonderful job.

Great eye for color too.

Thank you. It still needs a few more tweaks.

But you know what they say.

Great art is never finished, only abandoned.

"Art"? Well, I'm flattered.

[Both laugh]

You told her already?


How would you feel about being a little exposed?

Hi. It's Grace. Leave a message.

Babe, I know you're waiting.

Uh, we had an emergency at work.

[Mouthing words]

Um, look, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Just... just call the office.

Thank you.

Is this for real?

Turn on any screen in this office, you're gonna see the same bullshit You destroyed your phone, right?


Neil, this is detective Samuels and detective Beatty.

How you doing?

Hi. So, uh, what happened?

Hackers found a back door into your network and took over your servers.

Right now they control the flow of all the data going in and out of this office, even internally.

All of our account details?

Oh, everything...

Passwords, company cell phones, client information.

Corporate piracy.

They're claiming they can freeze all of our assets with one keystroke if we don't pay them off.

How much?

$5 million.

So what do we do?

I mean, if you offer ten grand, chances are they'll probably take it.

It's never about full asking price in these situations.

They don't want to drag this thing on while you debate writing a check.

And you have no hope of tracking these people down?

You'll need to update your security protocols with your I.T. guys, alert all your clients.

Well, then we have to push back a little.

They'll think we were easy targets if we move too fast.

In our experience, if you don't, they'll start to release personal information.

What do you mean personal?

Pin numbers, photos, racy emails, wisecracks about management...

Anything you don't want the world to see.

Well, it's pretty hard to embarrass me.

I'm an open book.

But no telling what this one's hiding.


[Knock at door]

This is unexpected.

You alone?

Sorry for the surprise.

I didn't want you getting ready for us.

Rosalie, sweetheart, why don't you make yourself at home?

So nice to meet you.

The last part of the interview, I always like to see how you adapt to the unexpected, and I want to get to know you better.

So does Rosalie.

I like going new places.

We have a lot in common.

Bedroom's back there?


I assume you'll be joining us?


I don't know.

Sometimes it's just as much fun to watch.

So they want to do a story on you?

Yeah. Isn't that crazy?

What's this magazine?

It's an online design blog, but they get a lot of traffic.

It's very upscale, and she said they're dedicated to exposing new talent.

Wait. Did we change the Amazon password already?

Yes. Remember Anika kept using that one-click-buy thing?

Here we go.

Oh, yes, very painfully.

So I have to meet a photographer down at the building tomorrow so they can sh**t space.

Well, you know what that means.

You're gonna get a lot more work.


What's the last four of your social again?


[Keys clacking]

I don't know. It's just a little scary to imagine...

You know, to think about designing something like that from scratch again.

It was...

It was pretty hard the first time.

I think it's gonna be really good for you.


I'm sorry...

That I didn't make it to your opening.

I know that was really important to you.

It's fine. You had an emergency.

I'm not upset.

Well, I wanted to make it up to you.


How would you feel about dance lessons?

Do what?

Yeah, you remember how much fun we used to have?

Yeah. Do you really have time for lessons?

Oh, I already signed us up.

Tomorrow night.

Oh. Wow.

Well, what brought this on?

I miss having fun with you.

You remember that night at the club... your bar fight?


You were right.

And pretty soon you're gonna be so busy with work that you won't have the time, so...

♪ Boom, ba-da, ba-boom ♪

What do you say?

[Both chuckles]



I'm early. I'm here to meet a photographer from the...

Oh, he's already here...

Started sh**ting about 15 minutes ago.

[Camera shutter clicking]



Uh, just one second, please.

Hi. Uh, Dylan. Nice to meet you.

Grace, right?


I thought I was early.

You are.

I just like to get in earlier, here, take a look at this.

See this shot? See how the light comes in through back?

See what it does around the edges?

Well, you get here at the appointed hour, and you miss that shot.

This way you get a more natural look, you know.

It, uh, makes the whole space feel special, less staged.

Can I?


What are you doing?


There was a party here yesterday.

A lot of stuff got rearranged.

And I want it to look perfect for the article.

I mean, same reason you got here 20 minutes before me, right?

[Chuckles] Fair enough.

All right, you want to...


Do your thing?

You sh**t a lot of these kind of spaces?

Among other things.

But, yeah, I do sh**t a lot of these spaces.

You did a really nice job.

You haven't been co-opted by that fad for mid-century modern.

Okay, I think this will be better.

Sorry. Do me a favor.

Just stand to the side for a second.



[Camera shutter clicking]

What are you doing?

Oh, I need a couple of sh*ts of the designer for the piece as well.

Oh, well, I-I'm not ready.

You want me to wait?

Yes. Thank you.

[Camera shutter clicking]

You sure about that?


These are pretty great.

You look very confident.

You can't use that.

Come here. Look at this.

Come here. Take a look.

Look, look how passionate you are.

How great is that?

Look, I promise I'm only interested in making you look good, okay?

You're just gonna have to trust me.

My wife and I changed all our passwords last night.

Probably wasn't necessary.

Oh, I thought we were supposed to... everything personal.

The guys that hacked in... They're not gonna bother going through your email looking for stuff about you.

I mean, once they have your social, they got everything...

Court records, medical records, email, photos.

All right, what about encryption?

Yeah, you can put up firewalls, but it's like locking the door to your house.

I mean, yeah, it's going to discourage most people from breaking in, but if they want in, they'll find a way.

Can you pull up everything you can on me with this computer?




You really want me to show you?

As an experiment.


Feel free.

Here is your new password from last night.

How did you do that?

DMV records.

[Keys clacking]

Ooh, somebody got a parking ticket the other day.

Wait. That's not me.

Oh, that's my wife's car.

It must still be under my name.

Don't ask me to erase it.

That'll just get us both in trouble.

Wait. What's that address?

On a map?


Could you bring up a list of all the people that live in that area?


[Keys clacking]


Why does anyone even bother with books anymore?

I'll see you at home, love.


Once you read them, they're just paperweights.

It's like keeping the tags once you've worn the clothes.

I like to go back and reread sometimes.

I guess I'm the kind of person who doesn't find value in holding on to something after it's been used.

If something's good, why not enjoy it more than once?

Because you miss out on what's great when you settle for good.

You do that a lot... Judge people.

Do I, now?

It's just something I've noticed.

Little sensitive, are we?

I do what I do because it makes me feel good to make other people feel good, which is why I've always worked alone.

I don't know if I like this idea of us working together.

I have a paying client coming by soon, so if you don't mind...

I didn't stroke your ego enough.

That's what you're saying.

Uh, I don't need the money that bad.

I can get by on my own.


You think I didn't do my homework before I came here?

I know about the audit.

You absolutely do need the money.

A dozen regular clients won't get you out of that hole.

I got a lot more than a dozen clients.

Men always love to lie about how much they have.

It's what makes them men.

Should I show myself out?

This is my client list.

That's recent. Feel free to count.

I'm sorry.

You are right. It's a veritable who's who of soccer moms.

You should be proud.

Now, this one here...

Her name sounds so familiar.


Grace Truman.

Tell me about her.

You're really cute when you laugh, you know that?

Come here.

You sure you can't stay?

Made enough for both of us.

All right, maybe for a minute.

[Moaning softly]

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, Grace.
Hi, honey.

Mom, I'm in here.

Hi, mom.

Hi. Is that your dinner?

Mm, I had a big lunch.

Did that guy get in touch with you?

What guy?

Uh, he did not give me his name, but he came by the house... He was good-looking.

I don't know. Said he had to talk to you.

Did, uh... did he say what he wanted?


[Line trilling]

Hi. This is Simon.

I can't get to the phone right now.

Leave me a message, I'll call you back.

[Machine beeps]

Are you crazy?

Did you come by my house? You can't do that.

My daughter's here, and...

[Call waiting beeps]

What do you want from me?

Yeah, hi. I'm trying to reach, uh...

Is... is this Grace Truman?

Oh. H-hi.

Sorry, um...

I'm sorry. Who is this?

Oh, hey. It's, uh... it's Dylan.


Dylan. Yes, of course, the photographer. Sorry.

Did your daughter tell you I stopped by today?

Oh, you were here?

Yeah, um...

I'm so sorry. I forgot to get a release form from you, so I ran it by and put it in your mailbox.

And if there's any way you could scan it, email it back, that'd be great.

You know, the magazine needs it for the photos, and they want to post them online as soon as possible, so...

Yeah, sure, sure.

I'll do it right away.

Thanks, Grace.

You look great, by the way.

Um, I mean, you know, the photos, the space...

I think you'll be happy.

Sometimes that's easier said than done.

All I see are the mistakes.

Yeah, well, when you're good, it's tough to let it go, but you're the real deal.


You can't use the car tonight.

I have to meet your father later.

No, mom, can't you, like, uber or something?

I really need it tonight.

No. You're not allowed out late on school nights, anyway.

No, mom, I know, but...


With everything that's happened with school lately, your dad and I want you to focus on homework, not going out.



She's seeing him again.

Because she got a parking ticket outside of his house, you think she went back?

Yeah. I-it was two days ago.

Well, that was the same night you went on your date, no?

Suppose it was the other way around, and she found out about your evening?

Maybe that's the best thing that could happen right now.

So let me ask you.

Are you going to be telling her what's been going on at some point, or are you gonna keep doing what you're doing?

What the hell have I been doing?

Heard from your husband?

Oh, no, but he's always late for everything.

I don't know if he even got my text yet.

Well, I don't have anyone scheduled after you.

We should be fine.

So you said you've taken lessons before?

Before we were married.


Trying to recapture some of the magic, eh?

Bravo for you two.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

[Brakes squeal and hiss]

Does this go to 17th street?

Good evening.

"Good evening"?

I don't mind when people have manners when they get on my bus.

Now, what's your question?

Does this go to 17th?

Eighth stop.

Thank you.

♪ I see you hidden in the night I found you ♪
♪ I see you separate from the others ♪
♪ Bent crooked in the light around you ♪
♪ Bathing in the sight of the others ♪
♪ I couldn't say what I was thinking ♪
♪ My heart shrinking ♪
♪ Two sad sparks blinking in the sun ♪
♪ Wait one minute ♪
♪ I had to listen for it ♪
♪ It was hidden in the fall ♪
♪ Hidden in the fall ♪
♪ Waiting on love to call ♪
♪ Hidden in the fall ♪
♪ ♪

You wanted 17th? This is it.

Yes, sorry. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

[Doors hiss]

Oh, my God! Wait! Wait! My guitar!


Oh. Oh.

I thought I was on time.

Oh, no... no traffic. I got here in, like, ten minutes.

Work went okay?

Fine. Yeah.

This is so great. I, uh...

I got excited when I walked in.

It totally took me back.

Uh, look, Grace, we... we... we really need to talk about something.

Do you recognize that?

[Jazz music]

I asked the instructor if he had it.

I just, uh...

I thought we could pick up where we left off, you know?

You must be Neil.

Look at you two... Handsome couple.

Wow. So your wife tells me you were pretty good at this once upon a time.

How about we just start out with you showing me what you know, and then we'll just take it from there?


Uh... Okay.

I think I remember some of the steps.

Yeah, um... Do you mind?

Yes. Uh...

But this is a little later in the song, though, so...

Wait. Was... Was it like the box?

Yeah, box.


Oops, sorry.


That was my fault.

And into...




Did we do...


Oh, swing in. Yes.


And then it was a full sway this side and the... two sways? Three sways?

[Laughs] I don't...

We haven't done this in a while.


It happens.

You get out of sync, lose each other's rhythm.

So I'll tell you what... This is what we're gonna do.

Um, Amy, can you give us a hand?

Grace, you're gonna dance with me, and, Neil, you're gonna work with Amy.

I see this a lot with married couples.

When two people haven't danced together for a while and they try to learn, it's actually better to learn with a new partner first.

It just makes the process much smoother when you come back together.

So let's just get into position here.

We're gonna take this slow.

And focus on your partner, not your spouse...

Right here.

Try not to compete with each other, okay?

And five, six, seven, eight.


♪ ♪
♪ The break of dawn ♪
♪ The sweetness of ♪


♪ Of a love that's new ♪

Good. Much better with a new partner.

♪ The brush of spring ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

Oh, yeah.

♪ This is my life ♪

Oh, you got I.D.?

Uh, I don't have an I.D.

Can't let you in.

No, I'm... I'm playing tonight.

I just lost my guitar, and my wallet was in the case.

So you don't have I.D. or a guitar?

How old are you?

21. Duh.


You're not getting in.



Next time I'm calling the cops.

[Kicks door]

Wow. You don't see that every day.

A pretty girl getting thrown out of a bar.

You must be a real troublemaker.

I wasn't thrown out.

I was supposed to play, but...


[Sighs] I left my guitar on the bus, and my wallet is in it.

And according to that jerk, I can't get in without I.D.

Yeah, Greg... He's a real hard-ass.

You ain't gonna get around him.


So you... left your guitar on the bus, huh?

That really sucks.


And I'm not gonna get paid tonight, even though I really need the money right now.

Well, you only get paid at sidebar if they ask you to stay.

I mean...

Oh. Oh, really?



All right.

Let me see what you got, then.

That's for you.

Actually, uh...

Now you're about to get paid to play at sidebar.

You're not gonna play now?

If I play, I'm keeping that.

It's yours.

♪ ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪

Yo, hold on. Um...

I want you to play me something original, something you've been working on, even if it's not finished.


Because I want to be the first to hear it.


I actually have some lyrics.

I was writing them on the way here.

Oh, okay, well, you got a melody for any of them?

Sort of, but, um...

Oh, okay, cool. Well, yo, yo...

You sing, I'll play, all right?


Um, these are the chorus.

Oh, okay.

"C," "A" minor.

Okay, got you, got you.

All right, cool, cool. Yeah, we'll figure that out.

♪ ♪
♪ I can't see in the dark ♪
♪ Shadows are playing tricks ♪
♪ Setting fires in my heart ♪
♪ Oh ♪


♪ And in the outline of stars ♪
♪ Something so familiar ♪
♪ Like a dream you thought you lost ♪
♪ But, no ♪
♪ It's your turn now ♪


♪ To show me what ♪
♪ I could find here ♪
♪ If I closed my eyes ♪

Both: ♪ and jumped ♪
♪ I can't ♪
♪ Erase this now ♪
♪ I can't unfeel ♪

Both: ♪ what's inside and maybe ♪
♪ Just knowing that ♪

Both: ♪ is enough ♪

One more time. Uh-huh.

Both: ♪ it's your turn now ♪
♪ To show me what I can finally find ♪
♪ If I closed my eyes and jumped ♪
♪ I can't ♪
♪ Erase this now ♪

Both: ♪ I can't unfeel what's inside ♪
♪ And maybe ♪
♪ Just knowing that ♪

Both: ♪ is enough ♪


♪ ♪

[Door opens]

Yo, Mateo, what you doing?

We're starting. Let's go.

All right, yo, I'm coming.

Uh, what's your name?



You get home safe.

I'm gonna turn on the lights.

They don't mind you coming in like this?

No, I-I told them I was gonna mail the keys back.

So you saw the before pictures, and...

I don't know what to say.

I am so impressed. Babe...



It's so weird seeing it with you here now.


It's like I can finally see it too.

And you said the article comes out tomorrow.

Yeah. I'm gonna be exposed for the whole world to see me.

Oh, tonight was great.

I miss us like that.


Yeah, me too.

When did it get so hard for us to dance together?

Think we're ready to try ourselves?

We do need to practice.

Six, seven, eight...


[Jazz music plays]

♪ Let's spend it on ♪
♪ The break of dawn ♪
♪ The sweetness of ♪
♪ Of a love that's new ♪
♪ The magic of ♪
♪ The precious spring ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Missing my life ♪
♪ My life with you ♪
♪ The cooling breeze ♪
♪ On summer nights ♪

Having trouble with your computer again?

Hey. Thanks for coming up so quick.

And, no, I don't need any help with that.

I would, though, like to talk to you about something else.

Um, take a seat.

I want to ask you a serious question.

Are you happy here at work?


[Chuckles nervously]


Then why are you here?

Same reason anybody has a job...

Money, someplace to go every day.

And that's what makes you happy?

Not totally, but...

Then what do you need?

See, I watched you work.

When you had more to do than just fix corrupt software, you lit up.

It's no fun just fixing problems all the time.

Exactly. You want to create. You want to express yourself.

You want to break out of who you are and try new things.

Well, I do too.

I think... I think most people do.

It's just, you know, they don't know how.

I want to create a program, an app, I guess, that helps people figure out what makes them happy.

And I'm gonna need your help with that.

You want me to write a program that figures out how to make people happy?


That sounds, uh...

Really vague.

Yeah, well, it's... it's still in the development stage, obviously.

But that's what I need you for.

You're a financial advisor.

Isn't making money what makes people happy?

Most of us, absolutely.

So what else is there to know?

That's what we're gonna find out.

Sounds like an interesting idea you have.

Yeah, you know what?

I realized that I was... I was so focused on everything that was happening at home, I thought, "why not bring this new me to the workplace?"

You know, look, it's still in its early stages, but you kind of inspired me.

You think that's going to help?

You know what I learned from dancing lessons?

Sometimes you have to dance with a new partner or two to get back in step.

And even then, it's not easy.

Uh, hi. Um...

I was at your club last night, and I saw this singer.

And I was just looking on your web site, and I couldn't find him.

You're gonna have to be more specific than that.

Uh, I think his name was Mateo.

Would you have his contact information?

Doesn't sound familiar.

He was...

He was at the open-mic night.

Him plus 50 other guys.

We don't keep records like that.

You have to come see if he's playing again.

Okay, well, actually, technically, I'm not old enough to get into your...

[Line clicks]


But I'm gonna keep trying.

So your search goes on.

Any idea what's next?

Well, there is this one thing.

Adriana said it was a very unique situation.


They're a married couple.

But it's not what you think.

It did get me kind of curious, though.

Maybe these people are looking for the same things that Grace and I are.

[Cell phone ringing]


I just saw the most wonderful article about your work at the stringer building downtown.

Are you accepting new clients?

Uh... [Chuckles]


I would love to talk about redecorating my house.