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01x10 - ...Through Resolution

Posted: 09/19/14 14:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on Satisfaction...

The technology, it's tapping into something, understanding what makes people happy.

It's universal.

You would like us to sign over your educational account so that you can go and play at the... what festival?

The March Lawn Festival.

This is no different than the last time you tried to run away with Tatiana, whatever.

Ooh, who's Tatiana?

She's no one.


If you need to be with someone else, I want that person to be me.

I've always had a backup plan.

I can support you.

I can help you be the person that you want to be.

Rand sponsors a mid-career fellowship with the Design Institute of Milan, and I've nominated you.

I was contacted by a woman the other day.

I guess you could say she was my first experience.

Her husband found out, and I don't think that I want to be a part of that.

You've become this person because of what we've done together.

I'm not interested.

But you don't even know who the client is.


Water's draining straight into my yard.

Must be a cr*ck in the lining or something.

This does not look good.

Neil knows.

He's known about Simon.

Did he confront you?

No, he hasn't said anything.

I don't understand.

Simon told me.

I guess Neil saw us together at one of my staged houses.

Actually, he saw us, and then he, um...

He chased Simon down after he left, and... and he confronted him.

What would you like to do, Grace?



You know, I'm here.

And I really don't know what I'd like to do.

What are your thoughts?

I asked Neil to go to therapy last night, and he agreed.

And what was that conversation like?

There was no conversation.

Grace, when you first came to me three weeks ago, you said your goal was to make your marriage work.

This is a step in that direction.


What if it's too late?

You know, I have these shoes at the bottom of my closet.

They're this pair of 2-inch heels, Navy blue, and the toe and the heel are caked in dirt.

I see them every morning, but I don't...

I don't put them on, not anymore.

I know where the dirt came from.

I was getting back into my car after an afternoon with Simon at another empty house, and, um...

I don't know.

I don't want to wear them, because I don't want to clean them, because that would be like wiping clean this part of me.

And, uh...

I don't know why I'm holding on to this dry mud.

Because of the way it makes me feel?


If you and Neil want to work this out, you're gonna have to open up to each other about what's been going on for the past six months.

Yeah, just, as soon as you can.


In a strange way, I think we already have.

♪ I can't get no ♪
♪ Satisfaction ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ And I try ♪
♪ But I can't get no ♪

Laura Kilter.

I covered Laura for you a couple times.

Last year.

You went to Binke's wedding.

I didn't go 'cause I didn't care.

I don't remember that at all.

You said I might as well turn a profit off my d*sfigured soul, and you referred her to me.

This isn't covering.

None of these names are covering.

I am giving her to you as a client.

All right?

Laura Kilter is now yours.

Nobody gives away anything for free.

What's going on?

You want these names or not?

Listen, three weeks ago, you were complaining about being broke.

That's all I'm saying.

What ever happened with the audit?


You need this number again?

Got it.

Okay, because once I delete it...

I got it.

All right.

Betsy Ling.

[Door opening]



Are you Anika?


You're Tatiana?

Mateo didn't tell me that you'd still be here.

Sorry if I startled you.

Uh, no, that's okay.

I didn't... I didn't tell Mateo that I was coming by.

Could you do me a favor?

Hold the door open for a second?

Are you moving in?


Uh, I live here.

It's my place.

I'm moving back.

Mateo never told you?

No, no, he... He didn't.

I sublet it to him when I went on the road.

He was supposed to go with me, but he bailed.

He really never told you any of this?

So you guys aren't still...

Still what?


Oh, we were never a couple.

We just sang together.

Well, he wanted to sing with me, but I didn't think he really made much sense for my career.

As a musician, he's just, you know... okay.


He's amazing.

You two are gonna play the March Lawn Festival.

No, I'm not.

Oh, he texted me last night and said that he was still planning on going.

You're not going with him?


[Elevator dings]


Their reps are on the way, right from the airport.

We're not prepped at all.

Is that yours?

Well, I figured I couldn't sing the praises of your app without some personal market research, so I futzed around with it, and it said I could benefit from having a companion.


Well, the part about cleaning up after it doesn't exactly make me happy, but I like the little guy.

Oh, a messenger dropped off something on your desk when I was walking in this morning.

I always like making the first payment to my contractors in person.

I enjoy looking the ones who did a good job in the eye and conveying my sincere thanks.

I like looking the ones who did a terrible job in the eye too.

Luckily for you, you're the former.

When I see your budget for the next phase, I can give you more of an advance.

Thank you.

You seem out of sorts.


No, it's nothing.

Rosalie told me what happened here the other day.

What did she tell you?

I know who he is, Grace.

I entertain a lot.

We've seen each other quite a few times.

But are you okay, really?

It sounded like a...

Very passionate encounter.

Yes, I'm okay.

At home?

If there's anything I can do...

Thank you, but I don't think...

Thank you.

I understand.

[Phone ringing]

You're going on a trip?

Yes, it's a little unexpected, but I won't be going alone, I hope.


Sorry to interrupt.

Excuse me, love.

Thank you.


Maybe it's easier if I do say yes, because you won't take no for an answer.

Darling, I was just talking about you.

Now's not really a good time.

Oh, this won't take long.

I'm done.

We're done.

Please don't act like a teenager about this and do it over the phone.

Come by so we can talk about it.

You never even heard my full offer.

What the hell you doing?

I said we got a ton of work to do.

Come on.

So sorry about that.

Where were we?

You know, I should get going.

I'll be in touch about the next phase.

I have to go.


This doesn't make any sense.

I know; It's a lot to digest.

This just sounds like something I would do.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?


In a weird way, I guess it does kind of make sense, because now that I'm in a good relationship and my life is going good, you don't have to be the good girl anymore, and so this kind of gives you permission to finally be the one to mess up.

All right, this is exactly why we don't talk, because it's just always about you, Steph.

Grace, please, stop.

Please, wait, I'm sorry.

I'm just... I'm in shock too.



I can't imagine what this must be like for you.

And I feel bad that you didn't, you know, trust me enough to let me in.

I'm a bad person.

No, you're not.

I'm a bad mom.

You're human, Grace.

You were with the same man for 20 years.

You put your whole life on hold to raise a daughter, a pretty great daughter.

But sh*t happens, you know?

People change.

We're gonna go see a therapist.

I asked him to go, and he jumped at the chance, so...

I don't think that's a good idea.

You don't know what he's gonna say in there.

He could be waiting for the right time to ambush you with divorce papers.

Neil would never do that.

He'd never do anything to hurt me.

How do you know?

Things are kind of great between us.

I don't even know how to explain this.

Okay, clearly you're not thinking rationally right now, so, hey, I'll be the voice of reason here.

According to you, he knows all about what you've been doing in your life, and you know next to nothing what he's been doing in his.

You need to protect yourself.

He's gone from the house 12 hours a day.

I'd start by looking deeper into what it is he's doing when he's gone.


[Mispronouncing] Aneeka.

Uh, it's Anika.

But... sorry.


They didn't let me up, so...

It's Sunday.

Even if it was a weekday, it wouldn't matter.

Last time you were here, you insulted my artist, remember?



Sorry about that.

But I did download her single.

And it's... it's good.

You know, she's got a...

What do you want?

Look, I know where I stand in your eyes as a singer.

It's just lousy.

No, I never said "lousy."

But the song is good.

The song is really good.

I mean, you can't deny that.

And I've got a ton, a ton of different songs.

I recorded it on my laptop, so it might sound a little rough, but...

Okay, you're gonna have to sign a contract before I even listen to that.

I already did.

And the songs are on that?

Why don't we go upstairs and talk?

Hey, you need a hand?

With what?

Getting to the hospital?

Looks like it weighs a ton.

She's water-logged.

We found her on the prow of a 19th-century New England whaler went down off Newfoundland about a hundred years ago.

Wow, she's beautiful.

[Chuckles] She's still gonna hate it.

Oh, Adriana?

Is she here?

No, no, I'm trying to sneak this in before she gets here.

But you know what?

I'm gonna take you up on your offer.

Why don't you grab the...



Careful with the wall.


Right over here.


There's a whole other life jammed in here.


Her husband's.

Oh, you... you knew him?


Yeah, well, he passed away, I assumed.

Did she tell you that?

Well, she didn't tell me she was married.


What was your name?


Neil, Fisher...

Adriana's husband.

Four years I was gone this time.

Last eight months were at sea.

I chartered a boat, poured a couple sh*ts of Irish whiskey, one for me, one for the captain, and then I dared him to sail us somewhere no one's ever seen.

You know, that's the problem with wealth.

It breeds narcissistic delusions.

Or the other way around.

Oh, you be careful, Neil.

Don't show too true a color.

Defenders of capitalism are relics.

Still here.

I'll be damned.



It's homemade.

No, thank you.

Kaffeklubben Island.

That's where we ended up.

It's just off Greenland.

It's the most northern tract of land on earth, in case you were wondering.


Do you know what I found on that most remote parcel of Terra Firma on my quest for tranquility?



Bottles, bags, toys, containers, I mean, there's an island of it in the middle of the ocean.

I mean, is there nowhere on this planet that we haven't soiled?

So... are you here to stay?

Oh, no, I never am, never will.

No, she likes it that way, and so do I.

Oh, this house, Adriana...

It's my port, not my life.

I've been meaning to thank you.

Come with me.

Adriana sent me a photo.

I was in Reykjavik.

I'm a bit of an art buff, so I told her I had to have it, and she told me that you were the one who delivered.

She talks to you about me?

Well, I admit to prodding her for details from time to time.

It's sensational stuff.

So, as I said, thank you, from one absentee husband to another.

[Car door slams]
Hello, darling.


You just made this easier.


I just met your husband.

I can explain.

Did I screw up?

You were coming next week.

Well... surprise.


You've come a long way, so you must have as many questions as Neil did when he first arrived.

No, and I'm here because I thought he was having an affair... with you.

I mean, I went through his things to try and find something about where he's been lately, and I found this parking receipt.

We validate, by the way.

I mean, he has a book about all of this.

I just didn't realize how serious he was.

What do you two talk about?

If you're allowed to tell me.

Oh, I'm not a priest.

And Neil was a friend.

He talks about you, Grace, and how he would do anything to protect what you have, including going through a frightening period of self-discovery to become the willing partner he feels you deserve.

He... he said that to you?


I feel the same way.

I feel like I've been going through the exact same thing.

Ah, but feelings are not facts, Grace.

They don't define who we are, but they can lead us to where we want to go.

So... here we are.

In a way, we found each other.

Neil cares for you very deeply, and I think that fact should be what guides your feelings now.


Where'd you go? Come back here.


Yeah, he... he just peed in your kitchen.

Didn't you, Little sh*t?

Oh, that's his name now: Little sh*t.

Fits, right?

What are you doing here?

I'd prefer you not hold Little sh*t.

Oh, sure.


[Smooches] Atta boy.

Darryl had lunch with Tora's assistant general counsel.

Don't ask me why.

He's a sneaky little bastard.

Like Pearl Harbor every day with that guy.

Tell me you don't say that to other people at the office.

He took a sneak peak at what they want to do with your app.


Dating site.

They want to turn my app into a dating site?

You're disappointed.

Does it matter what I feel?

I thought you'd lost your mind.

The airplane thing, this "happy" app.

Maybe you did go a little bit crazy, Neil.

But the reality is, your crazy found us a whole new stream of revenue.

Product development.

Plus, I got this little guy out of the deal.

I don't really care about my other employees' feelings.

I just don't.

But I don't have the liberty to ignore yours.

Crazy or not, you're talent, son.

And it's my job to manage you.

I know you're disappointed in this outcome.

That's why I came here to tell you in person.

You need to swallow that sadness way deep.

And remember this: This is the first of many opportunities you are going to have to let that fiscally lucrative and spiritually responsible imagination just take flight.

You're not gonna have too many more chances if you...

[Makes expl*si*n noise]

Can you behave yourself at the meeting tomorrow, Neil?

Can you... Can you do that for me, please?

Because these folks are itching to write us a big, fat check.

Is my wife home?

Yeah, she's outside with your...

Excuse me.

Your daughter.

How's it look?

It's freaking me out, Dad.

It's like Poltergeist, the Indian burial ground.

Bodies are gonna start popping up.

We should just move now.

I got the estimate, so...

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, it's a good thing she doesn't want to go to college.

That's about how much it's gonna cost.


We have to fix it, right?

I made the appointment for us, tomorrow.

Good, good.

It looks so much smaller without the water in it, huh?

Where'd you get them?

Santa Claus.

These didn't come from the North Pole.

You are good.

Yeah, more like 1930s Prague.

You got any grandparents or relatives from Eastern Europe, South America?

What are they worth?

Well, they are originals.

I can verify that.

Price, well, that'll vary, but we're looking at seven figures.

The market's very finicky right now, though.

So it could take me six months to find a buyer.


Six months?

I don't have that kind of time.

Yeah, well, it's a global endeavor.

It's not like you can advertise on eBay.

Now, you could always trade.

I know a collector who's got a Keith Haring that he was looking to...

No, no, no, no, no.

It has to be a sale.

All right, then.

You're gonna have to be patient.

Do you mind me asking why you're selling?

I got my eyes on something else right now.

I suppose that's fitting.

Some things are just too beautiful to go a lifetime in the hands of one man.

[Doorbell dings]



Come in.

Thanks for coming.

I was worried I was gonna miss you before you left.

You're still playing at that festival, right?

Where'd you hear that?

I went by your place.

Well, Tatiana's, I guess.

She was there, and she told me.

She told you everything?


I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry I doubted you.

It's all good.

I have something for you.

Hang on.


What is this?

It's half of my share.

I signed the contract for the songs.

And Bernard gave me an advance.

It's barely anything, barely.

But, um...

I really thought that you deserved half, since you were kind of the inspiration for a lot of them.

Uh, so...

You know, 'cause you're going on the road, I thought you needed it, and...

You really signed that contract?


I'm not taking this.

No, I want you to have it.

I don't want it.

You can use it; You need it.

I don't want it because I don't want to be a part of it.

You didn't need to sign that contract.

You're better than that.

You're better than him.

God, I wish you would have believed me when I told you that.

But you only like to believe that what you think is right.

Good luck, though.

[Door slams]

[Bell dings]

Hi, how are you?

I was hoping you could help me with these.

No, no, no, my dear.

Manolos require a weather report.

I know.

Do you think maybe you could make them look like new?

Nothing is like new, other than new.

But I can get you close.

Okay, great, whatever you can do.

Of course.

[Cell phone ringing]


Yes, this is Grace.

Oh, my God, what?

All right, they're all here.

Now, just like we said, just talk about what inspired you.

It's all gravy at this point.

Showtime, kid.

[Distant indistinct chattering]

But none of us would be here today if it wasn't for Bastion partner Neil Truman, who spearheaded this project from the get-go.

Why don't you tell us a little bit about what the app means to you.

Neil Truman.


I can't stand here and say that a dating application was the result I had in mind when our two companies began our dialogue.

But then, Victor came to my house yesterday, because that's the kind of diligent managing partner we have here at Bastion.

And he asked me if I could overcome my disappointment, if I could let go of that perfect application that I had bouncing around inside my head for so many weeks, and to move on.

And so I considered letting it go.

But then I changed my mind.

I don't exactly work that way.

There is no result that we can offer our customers that will meet their expectations, and they know that.

At least the rational ones do.

Our customers won't be paying for the results we can provide.

They'll be paying for the moment before the results, like...

Like when you catch a girl's eye in a crowded room, and she sees you, and you cross to her, and you know she sees you coming.

It's that second, right before you say, "hello," when all there is, is... possibility.

And that possibility is perfect.

And then she speaks, and you realize she's more than perfect.

She's French.

I applaud you, gentlemen, for what you're trying to do.

I just beg you, please... get it right.


Who'd like to write the check?

How much are you hoping to get for them?


More than enough to start a new life.

That's always been the plan.

How's that plan going, by the way?

Are you interested in the sale?


Stay here.

Of course I know what they are.

But they've been out of circulation for years.

They're part of a private collection.

I think it's the Waverly family, yeah.

The billionaires?



Mm, not necessarily.

Who's selling them?

That's him?

Look familiar?


I doubt he stole anything.

He's part of their family, one of the remaining heirs.

Simon, darling...

I want you to meet someone.


No, it's okay.

I just got here.

Did you press the button?

Just, you have to press the button to let her know you're here.

Right. Didn't see that.


Are those new?

My shoes?


No, I just haven't worn them in a while.

They're pretty.

Thank you.

I got the fellowship from Rand.

I got the grant to study design in Milan.


Wha... when did you...

When did you fi...

An hour ago.


The head of the committee just called me.

Grace, that's...

I'm in shock.

Get up.


Get up.

Impressing me comes very naturally to you.

It starts in two weeks.

How long?

A few months.

A few months?

Wow, okay.

Come with me?

I want to come with you.

I would love to come with you.

You would?


I wanted to go to Italy with you 20 years ago.

I'm sorry for the wai...

[Door opens]

Okay, good news.

My boss says for an extra $500 we can put you in that car today.

I already told you what I was prepared to pay, so...


Well, there's got to be some give-and-take here, doll.

I mean, we're doing you a huge favor by offering you a discount as it is.

Um... have you heard of the Internet?

'Cause when you go online and check out the Blue Book value of that car and add to the fact that we're at the end of the month and your quotas have got to be sh*t given the recent downturn in economic indicators, I'd say I'm doing you a favor by offering to take it off your hands.


Can I endorse a third-party check over to you for payment?

[Engine turns over]

[Changing radio stations]

[Rowdy rock music]

♪ ♪

So there's a gas station about a mile up the road.

It's okay.

I know exactly where I'm going.

When was the last time we did something like this?

We've never done anything like this.

All the more reason to do it, then.

What did Anika say?

I can't reach her yet.


Is this the right time?

Family vacation born in the waiting room of couples' therapy?

It's the perfect time.

I love you.

I love you.

I'm gonna try her again.

[Dramatic trip-hop music]

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ That saved a wretch ♪
♪ Like me ♪
♪ I once was lost ♪
♪ But now I am found ♪
♪ I was blind ♪
♪ But now I see ♪
♪ It was grace ♪
♪ That taught ♪
♪ My heart to fear ♪
♪ And grace ♪
♪ My fear relieved ♪
♪ How precious ♪
♪ How precious ♪
♪ Did that grace appear ♪
♪ The hour ♪
♪ I first believed ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ That saved a wretch like me ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ That saved a soul like me ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Ah, grace ♪
♪ Ah, grace ♪
♪ Ah, grace ♪
♪ Lead me home ♪
♪ Grace will lead me home ♪
♪ Lead me to a life of joy ♪