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02x18 - Girl Meets World of Terror 2

Posted: 10/18/15 09:35
by bunniefuu
Hi. Welcome back to another year of spine-tingling terror.

You said, "no terror."

But Doy, it's our Halloween scary time theater.

I don't want it to be called that.

Well, what do you want it to be called?

Doy story.

That movie isn't actually called Doy story, it's called...

(Cry screaming)


I'm the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.

I'm the cowardoy lion.

Oh, come on.


We're also expecting one more person from the land of Oz.

(Laughs) Yeah, nobody's buying that for a second.

Where's your broom, topy?


There you are.

Hello, my boys.

Okay, so we're hosting this thing?

Where are the people?

They're watching us from right out there.


I'm not actually like this. They just write me this way.

In real life, I'm a sweet little girl just trying to get by.

Curtsy to fool them.


Did I read the stage directions out loud again?

All the time.

Ugh! She says, frustrated.

Tonight's first tale of terror is about my sister's favorite place in the world.

Her bay window.

That doesn't sound scary.

It's haunted.

Oh, no!

Let's go see the scary, horrible ghost.

I'll stay right here where it's safe.


What are these costumes again?

We're flappers.


Well, I was lying my bed last night thinking about what we could be when I heard a voice in my head that said...

ghost: You should be flappers.

So, I said to the voice in my head, "what are flappers?"

And then the voice said...

ghost: We were jazz babies.

Jazz babies!

Uh, ri... Riley...

I want to be a jazz baby.

I can hear the voice in your head!

This takes our friendship to a new level.

I lived in the 1920s.

Jazz babies were fun-loving, dance-all-night gals with a song in our heart and taps on our toes.

She is just a cutie pie, Maya. I want to hug her.

She's a 100-year-old dead ghost lady.

So scream?

Big one!

Yeah, get the scream out of the way so we can be chums.

Chums. I don't even feel like screaming at her anymore.

How about now?

Yeah, now's good.

Both: (Scream)

Now chums?

Sure. Nice job.

Very ghosty.


(Theme music playing)

♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ For a day like this to come ♪
♪ Struck like lightning ♪
♪ My heart's beating like a drum ♪
♪ On the edge of something wonderful ♪
♪ Face to face with changes ♪
♪ What's it all about? ♪
♪ Life is crazy ♪
♪ But I know I can work it out ♪
♪ 'Cause I got you ♪
♪ To live it with me ♪
♪ I feel all right, I'm gonna take on the world ♪
♪ Light up the stars, I've got some pages to turn ♪
♪ I'm singing "go-o-o" ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world, take on the world ♪
♪ Take on the world. ♪

(Spooky voice) I am the ghost of the bay window.

(Chuckles) It's okay, honey. You can take it down a notch.

Yeah, ya ain't gonna beat the head thing.

(Normal voice) You didn't like my spooky voice?

(Spooky voice) It was a little big.


Oh, no.

Maya, I upset the ghost.

It's the first thing anybody's said to me in 100 years, and it was kinda mean.

Yeah, she's the mean one of us.

No, I'm sorry. You were just... you're the best ghost ever.

You mean that? Because I really like you guys.

You do?

I've been watching you in this window since you were very little girls.

That's crazy. We would have known you were here.

Yeah. Prove it.

She's not the mean one.

She was here!

You know me.

My best fwend is tough and cool.

I'm scawed of evwything.

I wanna do evwything wif you.

Oh, my gosh, Maya. She's been watching us for weeks.

You're becoming wonderful young adults.

Thank you, ghosty.

Is that why this window is so powerful in our lives?

Because you've been here watching us?

I used to live in this house.

This was my bedroom.

I planned my capers here, I hatched my schemes.

We do that.

I hatch.

I scheme.

But, it's more than that.

This place...

It has, like...

A spirit.

I promised I would never leave until someone else finally realized how wonderful it was to sit in this window and laugh and cry and dance.

Well, then you're free to go out in the world because that's all we do.

Bye-bye. Don't forget your head.

I can't go yet.

I haven't seen you dance.

Dance for no reason?

Jazz babies dance. We did the Charleston.

That's where you put your hands like this and switch knees.

We don't know how to do the Charleston.

Do the Charleston right now.

But there's no music.

(20s music plays)

Maya, we're flapping.

Riley, we're puppets of the flapper ghost.

That's crazy. Nobody can control us.

That's nothing. I make you do that every week.

No, you don't.


Is this why I'm so tired all the time.

Well, it's gonna take a lot more than that to control me, sister.


♪ Hot feet ♪
♪ Hot feet, fire in the middle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪
♪ Hot feet warm as the griddle ♪
♪ Hot feet sizzlin' through, oh, what will I do? ♪
♪ Like skiddly bop, bop, hot feet! ♪
♪ Hot feet stingin' like a busy bee ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

Both: ♪ drop feet, smokin' like a chimney ♪
♪ Hot feet, burns heavily ♪
♪ Nearly makes a furnace out of me! ♪
♪ I wanna be hot, hot, hot, hot, hot ♪
♪ Hot, hot, hot feet! ♪

All: ♪ hot feet ♪


All: ♪ fire in the middle, hot feet ♪


All: ♪ warm as a griddle ♪
♪ Hot feet sizzlin' through, oh, what would I do ♪
♪ Like skiddly bop, bop, bop! ♪


What's happening to us?

She ghosted us, and we don't know how to get rid of her.

Hey, little guy. Why do you keep saying "Doy?"

It's his name. Just go with it.

How do you spell that?


Doy. The "w" is silent.

Oh, honey. I think it's pronounced...

I wouldn't.



Nice work.

Doy: Doy!

Boy, am I glad that's over.


(20s music plays)

In our next story, we go from this haunted house to another haunted house.

Yeah! Riley and Maya go to the central park spooktacular!

And we're gonna trick people into giving us a treat.

I don't think that's the spirit of Halloween, Ava.

Are the streets filled with free sugar?

Yes, m'love.

Do we got baby-face the lion boy?

One of the great trick or treat faces of our generation.

Doy, show us your candymaker.

Oh, am I gonna get sick tonight.

All right, Topanga. So, are you gonna go trick or treating with these kids, or are you gonna go to the haunted house with those kids?

We don't need adult supervision anymore.

We're becoming wonderful young adults.

Says who?

The ghost of the bay window.

Oh, the ghost of the bay window.

When you guys go to sleep, she floats in. She goes, "boo."

We go, "aah."

We all laugh and discuss the way ghosts are portrayed in the media.

Are you making fun of us?

Pretty sure we are.

No, we are.

Okay, do you want to go to the haunted house with these dumb-heads?

Well, then I will go trick or treating with these guys.


I'm going trick or treating, huh, Doy?

You know you want to.

Oh, I do.

Okay, fine. Then I will go with these girls.

You guys love me, right?

To pieces, Topanga.

Yeah, me too.

Thank you.

See, mom? All kids. You know why?

Because you don't go to a creepy haunted house with your mommy.

It simply isn't done.

Oh, yeah. You guys are talking all brave now, but you're gonna go in there and be scared to death without me.


That was fun.

I liked the zombie who tried to eat my guts.

I wasn't scared at all.


Cory, did you go into the haunted house with three little kids?

I wasn't gonna go in there alone.

Listen, Topanga, why don't you come with us? The girls will be fine.

Look, just because this is a fun-looking haunted house, and there's a security guard named Larry doesn't mean I feel comfortable just leaving you here.

I mean, who knows what kind of kids hang out here?

Hey, bacon. Tomato.

Could you please tell my friend's mom it's okay to leave us here?

Yeah, we're pretty good kids.

Who doesn't feel safe with a tomato?

Hold the phone. Are you who I think you are?

Who says, "hold the phone?"

I do... when I want somebody to hold my phone.

Hey, lady. Take a picture of me with Austin moon.

Ava, that's Ally Dawson.

Hey, Ally Dawson, take a picture of me with Austin moon!

(Camera phone clicks)

How you doin'?

Ha. Well, I can appreciate a girl who knows what she wants.

Take me away, gorgeous.

Where does that beautiful blonde head of yours call home?


This relationship is over.

Oh, no!

So you're a New York kind of gal?

I guess so. Here's your wallet back.


I think we'll be okay here, mom. Look around.

What do you think, Cory?

I think Ava's the scariest one here.

And we're happy to hang with these two jazz babies.

Well, thank you very much.

New best friends. Bye-bye.

All right. I just want you home by...

Don't say a time. I want to be cool.

Then I won't.

Then I'm very cool.


But that's when the monster parade starts.

It starts at 10:00?

Do you wanna go trick or treating, Doy?

What did you just call me?


(Laughs) Let's go.
Ava, I need my wallet back.

Thanks a lot, guys.

But you don't actually have to watch us or anything.

I mean, Lucas and Farkle are already on their way and it's not like we're a couple of scared kids at a haunted house.


Both: (Scream)

If you're scared of her, I don't think you'll do too good in there.

She is a ghost and she will ghost you.

Yes, do it. Ghost them like they've never been ghosted.

I want you to take me back home. I'm scared.

Yeah. This is a ghost.

What are you scared of?

Promise me you won't let our house become like this one.

Please tell me what's bothering you.

It bothers me that this is the haunted house.

You don't think it looks authentic?

Oh, it's real authentic. I know the ghost who lives here.

Oh, really? (Chuckles)

Look, I know it's Halloween, but this ghost is about as real as the fake zombies inside.

Oh, do not doubt her ghostiness.

Oh, please. What can she do?

Oh, would you look at that?

She is a ghost.

And she's got style.

Everybody used to know this house.

This is my best friend Tessie's house.

We'd all come here to dance the night away.

Tessie was the life of the party.

But look at the place now.

Why is it like this?

Nobody's hatched any schemes or planned any capers in the bay window of this house the way you have in ours.

So nobody lives here now.

Only Tessie.

The party's been over for a long time.

She just sits, staring out at a world that's forgotten all about us.

Austin, are you crying?

(In British accent) No.

Where's Tessie now?

Oh, she's in there...

By herself in the bay window.

Is there any way we can help?

Well, there is one thing Tessie could never resist.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Dance again. Yay!

♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah ♪


♪ Hot feet ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

Both: ♪ fire in the middle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

Both: ♪ warm as a griddle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

Both: ♪ sizzlin' through, oh, what will I do? ♪
♪ Like skiddly bop, bop, bop! ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

All: ♪ hot feet ♪
♪ Fire in the middle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

All: ♪ hot feet warm as a griddle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

All: ♪ hot feet ♪
♪ Sizzlin' through, oh, what will I do? ♪
♪ Like skiddly bop, bop, bop! ♪
♪ I wanna be hot, hot, hot, hot, hot ♪
♪ Hot, hot, hot feet! ♪


Tessie, it's me, Riley. Please come love us.

Hey, we flapped for you, Casper. Get out here.

This is not like her at all.

Well, maybe her not coming out is her way of inviting us in.

No, no. If she didn't come out for dancing, Tessie is not in the mood for company.

(20's music plays)

♪ Hot feet ♪

I wouldn't.

♪ Fire in the middle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

I mean it.

♪ Warm as a griddle ♪
♪ Hot feet ♪

All: ♪ hot feet ♪
♪ Sizzlin' through, oh, what will I do? ♪
♪ Like skiddly bop, bop, bop! ♪
♪ I wanna be hot, hot, hot, hot, hot ♪
♪ Hot, hot, hot feet! ♪



All: (Scream)


Thank you!

We had a lovely evening.

Tessie's changed, man.

It's been real, ghosty. Happy Halloween.

Okay, everybody pour out your candy.

Why? Everybody has their own pumpkin.

Yeah, but I like dividing it all up fairly.

Well, well, well...

Topanga's wrong about you, Ava Morgenstern.

No, she's not.

Mini, mini, full size.

Toothbrush, toothbrush, crunch bar.

Skip turn, skip turn, uh.

Uh, let's just speed this up.

Pleasure doing business with you, boys.

Good night.

Good night.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The haunted house freak you out?

A little too haunted for me, thank you.

I can't believe you just left us there.

Trick or treat.

Excuse me, Doy?

Didn't you just go trick or treating?

Ava happened.

Topy, I'm crashing bad, man!

I'm sleeping over.


Trick or treat. Help a Doy out.

Oh, I'm sorry, Doy, but we don't have any candy.

You don't?


Then trick.

Excuse me?

If you don't have any candy, then I'm forced to do a trick on you.

Oh, really?

You want stinky feet or surprise?

Well, which one do you want, Maya?

I mean, who doesn't like a nice surprise, right?

Do your worst.


Both: (Scream)

Do you feel anything?


Both: Oooh! Eeeh! Aaah! Arg!

Nice job. Wanna eat Ava's candy?

Don't mind if I Doy.

That was kinda cute.

Doy put a spell on us.

What could he possibly think of to do to us?

He's six years old like Auggie.

There's nothing in their heads except cartoons.

Uh, Riley?

Maya, you got real tall. Yay!

And now you're a cartoon. I love our lives.

Riley, is this really happening, or is everything in your head just coming out?

No, I still got stuff in my head.

What's in your head?

Don't do this.

Don't do that.

Be like me.

Today is the best day ever.

All: Peaches!

Oh, my gosh. I have never felt better in my life.

Let's go rob a bank.

Quick, back in her head.

After you.

No, after you.

Please, I insist.

After you.

After you.

Riley, we're cartoons.

I know. Isn't it great? Bleh.

Why is this so great? Bleh.

Because now we can finally see the world through each other's eyes.

Ugh. Everything's pretty.


How do I unsee this? Switch back! Switch back!



I like it better as a human being.

Me too. I do wanna do this though.

Bing, bing, bang, bang, boing, boing, bing, okay, I'm over it.

You do realize that Doy didn't do this to us, don't you?

You're back, aren't you ghosty?

It's very hard to leave a place like this.

We know.

We keep coming back, too.

I promised myself I wouldn't go until I found somebody else who appreciated this bay window as much as I did.

You know why?

Because you never wanted this bay window to become like that bay window.

I promise you, it never will be.

I know.

I watched you both share your dreams in here.

They're good dreams.

I hope they come true.

So, you're actually leaving us?

I have a friend who could use some company in her bay window.

This place is in good hands.

Can we ask you something?

Anything you want.

We sit in this window because we've always felt that it had some power.

But will it after you're gone?

I'm not the magic of this place anymore.

You are.

(Harp plays)

Another day.


Can't wait 'til tomorrow.


All: (Snoring)


Wake up. You're hosting the evening.

Yeah. You've gotta say good night to the people.

Topanga, what do we do?

Same thing we do every year.

Mini, mini, full size. Eh, let's just speed this up.

All right.


Wait, wait, wait. What do I get?

Uh, you get to put the kids to bed. You're so lucky!

But look at all of 'em.

What do I do now?

♪ Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah ♪

All: Doy.


(20s music plays)

Did I forget anyone?

The front Doy!