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09x03 - Riding For a Fall

Posted: 10/19/15 10:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

All: Cheeessseee!!!

(Camera clicks)

This is a new beginning for us.

We always talked about working together.

Agh! I can't believe I have to have surgery.

Peter and I are still working out the terms of our separation.

You get them way more than I do.

Well, I'm their mother.

Yeah. Well, I'm their father.

My dad wants me to come with him on Vancouver for the summer.

But there is no way I'd miss extreme team practice or ditch my friends.

Just hope you and Peter can work out whatever it is for the sake of those girls.

Peter and I are going to do this separation better.

From now on things are gonna be different. (Sighs)

(Gates clang open, horse whinnies)

(Hoover thunder)

C'mon, Jade! You can do it!

Stay back! Pull on your rein!

(Horse snorts)

Don't forget your spurring!

(Hooves thunder, horse whinnies)

(Horn sounds)

8 seconds! Wait to go, Jade!


Nice form!

That was awesome! I can't believe how good you're getting at this.

Yeah, not bad.

Will change the name of that horse form "Hurricane" to "Gust-o'-Wind".

Hey, I've been telling you, I'm ready for a real bronc.


Ha ha! She's right...



There's only so much she's gonna learn on one of those crowhoppers.

Oh, I didn't realize I had a guest instructor today.

Anyway, I have some exciting news.

I just booked the extreme team for the halftime show this weekend.

That's awesome! My first rodeo!

That must be nice.

I've been bugging Tim to let me enter a rodeo for weeks now.

Let it go, Jade. You're not ready.

(Wood clangs)

I have to say, there's something about a man wearing a tool belt.

Oh yeah?

Well... maybe when I'm done with the loft I'll come in here and build us a clinic.

Oh, that's impressive.

Yeah, how does that sound?


Can you believe it?

All those times we talked about working together...

(Cell rings)

And it's almost coming true.

Hey, sorry.

(Beeps phone on)

Hey Scott. What's up?

Right now? Yeah. Sure, I'm on my way.

I thought you didn't have to work today?

I don't. He just wants to "chat".

About what?

I don't know. He wouldn't say.

He's been acting weird all week so...

Well, He probably just wants to go over the scheduling or something.


Uh, Ty.

(Both chuckle)

Oh geez.

Jack, we are married.

Yeah. Good thing.


Lou: Katie!

Katie: Daddy!!!

Hey Kitty-kat! Ohhhh!

I made you some pictures.

You did? I can't wait to see them. That's so cool.

Hey, can you carry my big, heavy bag into the cabin for me?

Oh wow!

Good job.

Where's Georgie?

She's at the rodeo grounds.

But she'll be back this afternoon.

Maybe you can pick her up for dinner, okay?

Why do I have to wait so long?

She-she failed her last math exam, and luckily, her teacher is willing to give her another shot.

So we're gonna be studying this afternoon.

You're playing tutor, huh? Oh boy... (Chuckles)

What-What's that supposed to mean?

Nothing. Sorry.

I don't want my visit to start this way.

I'd rather say thank-you.

I'm so glad we got the separation agreement behind us.


And for letting the girls come out and see me this summer.

Have you told them yet?

Yes. And Katie can't stop talking about building sand castles on the beach and...

That's awesome. What about Georgie?

Yeah, you know she-she's really...

Daddy! Come see my pictures!


I'll let you get settled in.



Ow. What was that for?

Good luck.

At least one of us gets to do our thing at this rodeo.

Tim just wants to make sure you're ready.

That's b.s. the rodeo is still a man's world.

Girls have to do everything like a hundred times better just to get a shot.

But trust me... when I do...

I'm gonna blow people's minds.

I'm gonna show Tim and everyone else just how much butt this girl can kick.

(Horse whinnies)

What are you up to?

I just found out we get to perform at Casey's rodeo.

That's great. You're totally ready!

And so are these guys... What's this for?

I don't think roman riding is enough.

Lots of people can do that. Everybody's seen it.

Georgie, you can't just... add a jump.

Why not? I need to blow people's minds...

Kick some butt... right?

Yeah, but this is pretty dangerous.

I know. That's why I'm gonna need your help to pull it off.


Riding For a Fall

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

Gerogie, this trick is way too advanced.

Phoenix is a jumper. That's what he loves to do.

We just need to work with Trouble.

Okay, but getting Trouble to jump is one thing.

Getting him to jump in sync with Phoenix, while you balancing on their backs...?

I know it won't be easy. But that's why I want to do it.



Extreme team just got booked for a rodeo this weekend!

What?! Georgie, that's amazing.

But hey, don't forget that your dad is in town to spend time with you.

I have to practice my routine first.

Uh, not right now you don't. You and I have some study date.


We're gonna rock some ratios and party down with polynomials.

Just when I thought math couldn't get any more lame.

What?! Math is not lame, it is totally radical.

Get it? Math radicals.

Okay. Why don't you go and get that "party" started.

And I will work with trouble on his own to see if this is even remotely possible.

All right.

Get your books. They're in your backpack in the kitchen.

Totally radical. Really?

(Dogs barks and cats meow in the distance)

(Knocks on the table)

Hey. Thanks for coming in.

Yeah. No problem.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, finally quiet here.

I thought it would be a good chance for us to chat.

You've done an incredible job for me over the years, Ty.

You've been a great assistant... but lately I've been reconsidering your role here...

Am I getting fired? Again?

No! I want to know if you'd like to be my partner.

Are you serious?

Because you know I don't have any money to invest in this?

You'll make up for it in sweat equity.

You'll have to put in the hours, be on call 24-7, And help me grow the business.

Wow. I... I did not see this coming.

I'm asking for a pretty big commitment here.

So mull it over before you say yes.

Because once you're in, it's for the long haul.

Thanks, Scott. I mean it.

(Pained grunts)

Ow! Damn it!



Maybe time to drop the macho man thing, huh?

I don't know what you're talking about?

Why don't you just take some pain meds for your shoulder.

I'm fine.

I'm working through it.

So uh, what's going on with Jade?

I mean, she's doing great, right?


You know that.

Why won't you let her enter my rodeo?

Because Jade hasn't ridden a real bronc yet.

You know the horses in the amateur draw are no different than the ones you use.

What? Is it because...

No. It is not because she is a girl...

If that's where you're going.

Jade has more potential than most of the guys in my class.

Which is why I don't wanna throw her in the mix early and see her get hurt.

C'mon, Tim. Is there any better way to get good at bronc riding?

Thank you.

Hey um, can I ask for your advice on something?

Okay. There's a switch...

You know how the proceeds of this rodeo are going to a cancer foundation...

Yeah, I think that's a good thing.

What would you think of me naming it in honor of Hank?

You know Hank? My late husband?

Yeah. Yeah, that's a good thing.

I was thinking something like...

"Hank the t*nk's rodeo for the cure".

Yeah, that's also a good thing.


Thanks. I think I'm gonna do that.

(Pained grunts) Ooh.

You could take something for that.

Amy: Come on.

(Hooves thunder)

(Clicks her tongue)

Come on, Trouble, let's go. (Clicks her tongue)

(Trouble snorting)

Hey! Hey!


Since when you do this kind of work with Trouble?

Well, Georgie's roman riding in the rodeo this weekend.

And she's got her heart set on adding a jump.


Well, doesn't look like Trouble shares that desire.

No. I don't think he really gets the cavaletti.

I'm gonna bring Phoenix in to show him how it's done.

Hey, um, how did your talk go with Scott?

Well, You're not gonna believe this... he asked me to be his partner.

What? Like... are you serious?


Ty, that's amazing!

I know. It's crazy, huh?

Jack: Ty!

Could use a hand here, in your loft.

All right. I'm comin'.

Apparently I don't have time to celebrate with you so...

Our home awaits!

Hey Ty!

I am so proud of you.

(Latch rattles open)

Seven times six has the flu, it has a fever of...

Forty two.

Seven times seven is really fine, looking great for...

Forty nine...

Seven times eight...

Lou! This is stupid. My quiz is on slopes.

Yeah. Which is why you need to know your times tables forwards and backwards.

Georgie, it is the basis for everything, and I don't think you ever really memorized them properly.

Well, why can't my teacher just let us use a calculators.

Because you cannot rely on a device to do the work for you.

Why not? We all have calculators on our phones, in our pockets, like all the time.

And don't tell me you don't use yours.

I've seen you at Maggie's when you do your banking and cost reports.

Maybe it's time for a short break.

But only fifteen minutes, okay?




(Hooves thus, horse snorts)

(Gate clinks open)

Well, you ditch that study session pretty quickly.

The math warden has given me some time in the yard.

So... let's get on with it.

Okay, let's show Trouble how it's done.

(Nervous snorts)

(Frustrated sigh)

(Nervous snorts)

(Nervous snorts)

He did it! Good boy.

(Hooves thunder)

Good boy!

See. I told you they could do this.

Yes, I have to admit, they're picking it up a lot faster than I expected.

But we're still not there yet.

Georgie! I said fifteen minutes.

Hey, hey! Who's ready for some barbecue?

Oh, sorry, am I too early to picking her up?

No, your timing is perfect.

All right!

All I'm saying is if I had failed a test at Georgie's age, I would have done whatever it took to make sure it didn't happen again.

I did fail a test at her age.

And I would have done anything to get out of one of your study sessions.

Do you remember that stupid rhyming game you use to make me do?

It's not stupid, it works.

Oh no... you are so not making Georgie do it, are you?

It works!

(Door slams) Ow!

Um, dad, do you want help with your coat?

No. I got it.



Listen, I want everybody to stop making a fuss about my shoulder...

Well, it's kinda tough with you bellyaching all the time.

Well, you're the one that talked me into getting the surgery and now it hurts more than it did before.

I need your help at the school tomorrow.

Well, only because you asked so nicely.

Well, I gotta get my kids ready for Casey's rodeo.

Yeah. I heard she's naming that rodeo after her late husband.

Yeah, she is.

So, um, everyone.

Ty has some good news.

Scott has asked him to be partner at the clinic.



Good for you, man! Congratulations!

Thank you!

Amy, looks like you picked a winner after all. Huh?

That's so amazing. But wow...

I mean, big changes ahead for you guys.

Yeah, it's be a bit more responsibility for sure.

A bit? More like all-consuming.

What happened to you guys working together? Is that...


That's the... that's still our plan.


Oh, the little sign out there on the barn?

Yeah, I know, I love the "dream", but think about it... more of a "pipe" dream, right? This is a real job though.

Okay, all right.

What we should be doing here is sharing a toast.

So, here's to you, Dr. Borden... Partner.

Cheers. (Glasses clink)

Cheers. Thank you.

Lou: Cheers, dad.


So you excited to come to Vancouver this summer?

I want to see the dolphins!

Yeah, we're gonna see dolphins at the aquarium... we're gonna go to the beach, we're gonna go to Whistler for a weekend...

I have a whole month of activities all planned out.

What do you think? Sound good?

Well, if I go will I be able to practice my riding?

I don't want to get kicked off the extreme team.

Uh... I don't know. Yeah.

There's probably some places to rent horses outside the city.

I don't know if you can do your crazy tricks on them though.

(Flames crackle)

How is school going?

Mom said she's helping you study for some kind of re-test?

I thought tutoring was supposed to make math less confusing.

Just give her a chance, Georgie?

Unless... wait, you're good at math...

(Chuckles) Oh...

Your mom knows what she's doing. C'mon.

Yeah, but something tells me you'd be better.

(Door creaks open)

Hi. How was dinner?


Oh great!

It was good...

We'll go fishing tomorrow, okay?

Yeah, maybe. If I get a study break.

G'night, daddy.

Good night.

So, you guys have fun?

Yeah, yeah of course, um...

Georgie seems a little off though...

Oh really.

I don't know if it's the coming to Vancouver thing or... or the whole math issue?

Yeah, our study session didn't go very well...

She's um-she's really struggling.


You know... do you think we're making too big a deal of all this?

By "we", do you mean me?

No, no. Not at all. I didn't say that.

You know what. Her marks have been slipping all year, Peter.

And I think that's something that we should both be very concerned about that.

Absolutely. I... totally. Um...

That's why I was thinking, uh...

You know, maybe I should take a crack at it?

At what?

The tutoring.

I mean it can't hurt, right?

Is that coming from Georgie?

No... No. Not at all.

It just, you know, you have to deal with this kind of thing on your own all the time and I feel like I should...

So you think you can do better?

It's not a competition, Lou. That's not what I'm saying.

Okay, you know what, you're right.

Um, I'm sorry.

Maybe a change of pace would help.

Okay. Good.


I'll pick her up tomorrow.

Oh okay.

Tomorrow morning.

Okay. Good night.

Good night.

(Leaves rustle in the wind)

(Door clicks open and shuts)

Did you get any sleep last night? (Chuckles)

You were tossing and turning like crazy.

Sorry about that, I got lots on my mind.

Hey, you are gonna do great with Scott.

Well, I haven't actually accepted the partnership... officially yet.


I would have on the spot, but he asked me to think about it.

Okay, ah, do you want to talk about it?

Yes. But I got a bunch of field calls I gotta get to right now so...

Later, okay?


Love you.

(Retreating footsteps crunch)

What are you doing here, Jack?

I wanted to get a sneak peak at Tim's hot shot student before she rides in her first rodeo.

I thought you said I wasn't ready?

Where you ready for your first rodeo, Jack?

No, sir.

Me neither.

I guess I forgot there's only way to become a bronc rider was to do it for real.

All right. Remember to get a good spur out. All right?

Set your feet.

That's it.


What in the hell is going on here!

Mom? (Sighs)

I come out here to check on your shoulder I find my daughter getting onto a bucking bronco?

Jack: Tim's been taking it real slow with Jade over the past few months...

Months? What?

You didn't know about this?

My dad signed your school's release form.

Yeah. Well, I'll be having a chat with him about that.

See. This is why I didn't tell you. I knew you'd overreact.

Do you know how many kids come through the E.R. because of this stupid "sport"?

Come on, we're going home.

I have my own truck, mom.

I'm not your little girl any more.

Does that mean you're ready to start making the payments on it yourself?


She doesn't go near one of those broncs, you hear me?

(Tim sighs)

Whatever, it's not her choice.

Actually, it is. You're seventeen.

It's my birthday's next week.

Yeah, well until then you're a minor and you can't sign that form on your own.

And I don't think your dad is gonna do it for you this time, is he?
Get off.

Okay, I think they're ready for this, but just be careful, okay?

Don't worry. I've got this.

If anything feels wrong at all, just don't do the jump.

C'mon, Amy. The only way we're ever gonna know if they can do this is just to go for it.

That's it! Stay close!

Whoa. Whoa!

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder)

That's it, Georgie! You keep them together.

(Hooves thunder) Whoa!


(Hooves thunder) Georgie!

I'm all right. I'm all right!

Yeah. Well, this is way too dangerous, okay?

You could have got caught up in the straps.

No. Trouble's totally new at this.

I just-I need to find a way to cue them both over the jump so he's in time with Phoenix.

Hey! You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm all right.

How's the new routine coming along?

Uh, we're just in the middle of it.

Is it okay if we go fishing later?

Sorry, sweetie. We gotta get going now.

And we're not going to the river.

I talked to your mom and we decided I'm gonna help you study for that re-test.


No, it's okay.

I need to do work with these guys some more before you try it again. (Sighs)


Go on.

Man: Good! Yeah!

Sign looks good, guys.

Thanks, Casey!

(Pained groans)

Oh, good grief! You want to talk to him, Jack?

Tell him to take something for the pain?

(Cell phone rings) Not really.

Not now, Casey. I'm not in the mood.

Yeah, because you're in pain.

I gotta take this, it's my radio interview.

Hey Norm. Yeah. Thanks for having me on...

Yeah, we decide it to call it "Hank the t*nk rodeo for the cure", In honor of my late husband.

He was one of those guys that was so bloody tough, even in the face of cancer.

You know this rodeo will embody his courageous spirit...

Ta da!


You got your mother to sign this form?

How do I know you didn't forge this?

You wanna call her?

(Phone beeps on)

What? You don't think I will?

That's her number, just hit call.

(Button beeps)

Uh, Trish. It's Tim Fleming.

And I'm staring at your daughters entry form that you signed.

I don't know why you changed your mind, but it's fantastic.

So if you have any questions about the rodeo... give me a call. Bye. (Chuckles)

How did you get her to change her mind.

Let's just say it took a lot of begging, and a little emotional blackmail thrown in for good measure.

Well, I tell you, y-you show that kind of tenacity tomorrow, you just might win this thing. (laughs)

It's not exactly a marathon study session, now was it?

Nope. Didn't need it. Aced the practice quiz.

Guess I finally found the right tutor.

Don't even try with that.

We're going back at it and I expect an even better mark next time.

Now this ground rail should cue Trouble to jump earlier.

It worked when I tried with him on his own.

That's great.

We'll see, I'm still nervous about them doing this together.

It's trick riding. We're supposed to be nervous.

That's it! Good boy, Trouble!

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder)

(Effort grunts)

Peter: Hey, you almost had it there.

(Pants) Almost doesn't count.

Hey, what's going on here.

Hey! You gotta check this out!

Georgie is about to nail this jump.

Cool. I mean, the very fact that you're out here must mean that you got all your math work done.

Yeah, we just flew right into it.

She beat her test score by 20%.


Yeah, Her fingers were moving so fast on that calculator I could barley keep up.

You let her use the calculator?

Yeah. Why?

You let him let you use a calculator?

Whoa! Wait wait. What the problem with using a calculator?

They're not allowed.

What are you gonna do when your teacher asks you to put it away for the test?

Sorry, but...

No, no, no, no...

You know what Georgie, this behavior is completely unacceptable.

You think you can play us like that?

Think again.

You can forget about the rodeo.

Look I get it I screwed up so lock me in my room or ground me for a week, just you have to let me ride.

Georgie, stop begging! I've made up my mind.

Listen, she's been working really hard for this.

Look Georgie, your dad and I need to discuss this... alone.

There has to be consequences...

I know. And I'm not saying we should let this slide.

Okay? She's been through a lot.

Yeah. I know.

And we feel bad about that.

But that doesn't mean that we can let her manipulate us.

Peter, we have to-we have to be together on this.

We have to be on the same page here.

I just think you should reconsider the rodeo.

That's all.

Wow. Buddy sure looks better than when he first got here.

(Sighs) Georgie, I might have over-reacted a little bit...

(Brushes rasp)

You know that what you did was wrong.

Peter and I are both working really hard to do what best for you.

We know that this isn't ideal, but this is our new reality.

And the only way it's gonna work is if we're all honest with each another.

I hate math.

Well, that's a start.

Of course I'd rather be trick riding, at least it makes sense to me.

Well, that's because you don't skip out on the hard work.

I mean, the first time you tried roman riding I'm sure it felt impossible. Look at you now.

Who cares. No one's going to see it.

Okay, lose the attitude, Georgie.

Let's both be reasonable here.

Here's a proposal... and I have to run this by your dad first...

If you promise me that the minute the rodeo's over we'll lock ourselves in your room to study...

I let you ride.

Kinda late for that.

I only had a little time to practice my jump, and now it's gone.

I'll have to stick to roman riding.

I'm bending over backwards for you here.

Do we have a deal or not?


You know, it's too bad you don't get to do that jump, but if you had been truthful with us in the first place, none of this would have happened.

(Door creaks open and shuts)

I need someone in the chutes tomorrow.

Why is it that every time you're short-handed you assume that I'm gonna bail you out...

Can you help me or not?

Yeah... I'm in.

You've been such a treat to hang out with lately, why not?

Don't start on me about my shoulder please.

We both know that's not the only thing gnawing at you.

I don't know what you're talking about?

Yes you do.

I know you wanna be okay with Casey naming the rodeo after Hank... but you're not.

I mean, it can't be easy hearing about how courageous Hank was while you're moping around with a bum shoulder...

Fine. Thanks. That's enough...

And I know Casey's been getting on you to take pain meds.

How come you haven't told her why you can't?

Nothing good comes from measuring yourself up against a ghost.

I'm just sayin'...

I'll see you tomorrow.

(Sighs, paper rustles)

All right, I'll see you later, Okay?


Are you talking to Scott today?


You're going to take it, right?

(Exhales) What about us, Amy?

I'll be too busy to help grow our business.

I knew you were worried about that...

(Sighs) Don't think I haven't thought about it too.

This is something we've wanted to do for a long time...

But, Ty being a partner at the clinic that's only gonna bring us that much closer to our dream.

Think of all the things that you'll learn.

And how much time it'll take to learn them.

Amy, I've spent a lifetime watching people screw up their priorities.

Our marriage is the most important thing in my life.

It's this partnership that I care about.

I'm not gonna let anything jeopardize that.

It won't.

Thanks for letting me do the rodeo.

Sounded like a fair deal.

I'm not gonna do the jump anymore, but I'd like if you could still come and watch.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I'm sorry about the calculator thing.

What's done is done. Okay?

Yeah, but there's something else...

You know how Lou was, you know, putting up such a fight about us going to Vancouver?

I thought you should know that...

Lou wasn't exactly happy with the idea but... it was the one who really didn't want to go.

I love spending time with you, but this is my home...

I have extreme team bookings... all summer.

I made a commitment and now I have to break it.

I'm sorry.

I should go.

I have to get go ready for the rodeo.

Okay. I'll see you there.

(Low hum of chatter, cattle moo)

Okay, They just posted the draw.

You're riding a horse named Diesel.

And don't worry, he sounds a lot tougher than he is.

'Cause I know the horse and you can totally handle this guy.

Just hope he kicks up enough of a fuss for you to score well.

What number is she wearing?

Lucky number 22.

Great number.

Well, you're already creating quite a buzz.

Everyone's talking about the brand new female bronc rider.

Oh yeah. She's gonna do great.

Diesel doesn't stand a chance.

Actually, Diesel got pulled because of injury.

So you're riding the substitute horse, Whiplash.

Whoa, whoa, we know that name.

That's a pro rodeo horse.



Well, he's been underperforming.

So the contractor's sent him back down to the minors.

Whoa. So Whiplash can get his mojo back?

Casey, she's not ready for a horse like that if he's on his game.

No, we're out!

Says who?

We're out.

No. You can't do that.

Yeah, I can do that.

I think you're overreacting.

I'm not overreacting...

C'mon, Tim. How tough can he be if he's bucking in the amateurs?

I can do this.

You're getting to be a real pain in the butt, you know that?


All right. We're about to start...

Announcer: Welcome Hudson, to the first annual "Hank the t*nk rodeo for the cure!"

It's my honor to introduce the lady who put this whole thing together; Casey McMurtry.

(Cheering, applause)

I want to thank you all for coming out today helping support this fight against cancer.

It's a disease that's effected probably all of us in one way or another.

Hank "the t*nk" was my husband...

He was a really great man...

He was... the kind of man... (emotional exhales)

He was the kind of man who...



Hank McMurtry was the kind of guy that wasn't afraid of anything.

What was it he used to say about cancer?

That it was like a nasty ol' bronc?


He said that, he was pretty sure it could toss him at any time, but damn if he was gonna try and ride it out.

And it's that same spirit that these cowboys and cowgirls are gonna be ridding with today.

So buckle yourselves in, it's gonna be one heck of a ride!

(Cheering, applause)

Listen, it's not too late to turn out.

No, I'm doing this.

Listen to me, Jade. Hey! Listen to me.

Okay. You find yourself getting in trouble you double grab.

I'll be disqualified.

I don't care.

Okay. If this horse starts to act like he's got the devil in him, you double grab.

All right.

Announcer: Your next competitor is Jade Virani.

That's right, Jade is a she, and she's drawn Whiplash.

Jade! Go!


(Gate clang open, hose whinnies)


(Struggling grunts)

Double grab!

Double grab!


(Shocked gasps) Oh!

Oh my...

Announcer: Oh geez... I never get used to seeing that kind of wreck.

C'mon, Jade. Show us you're all right...

You okay?


(Concerned gasps) (Pained cries)

Excuse me!

Ow! It really hurts.

You're gonna be okay.

I'll go with her.

You still have a couple of students to ride yet.

I'll go with her.

All right, you and I'll call her mother and tell her what happened.

No. I'll call her from the hospital.

I'm going with you too.

Oh no you're not!

I don't care about my ride.

Come here!


Just kick some butt, okay?

Blow their minds, kid.

You talk it over with the family?

I did. Lots of opinions to consider.

Nothing wrong with that.

But at the end of the day, the only one that really counts is yours.

I wanna do this, Scott, It's just... Amy and I have had this plan... you know of working together... and I'm just not quite sure how all of this is gonna affect that.

I get what your risking here.

But what's life without taking any risks?

You're not gonna hurt my feelings either way.

I just need to know... am I adding another name to the front door?

Tricia: Where is she?

Jade came out here today, didn't she?

She-did she call you?


Uh... there was an accident...


It was her ankle. Just her ankle...

Her ankle? Just her ankle?

I told you to keep her away from those broncs.

You are not gonna get away with it.

I will shut your school down.

Wait, a second! Wait! wait!

You signed the rodeo form.

No I didn't.

I didn't sign anything.

I called your house to check.

I left a message on your home phone.

(Huffs) Really?

You didn't consider that Jade might erase that message?

Look, Georgie is going to do the jump.

No, she's not, sweetie.

That's for another rider's routine.

Announcer: We're all in for a special treat now, folks.

Put your hands together for Hudson's very own extreme team!

(Applause, Cheering) Yeah!

Announcer: We're going to start things off with their youngest rider, introducing...

Georgina Fleming-Morris!

Go, Georgie!

(Applause, Cheering)


(Hooves thunder)

Oh no!

Announcer: Looks like Georgina is going to do another lap for us, folks.

What is she doing?

Oh my God...

(Hooves thunder, tackle jingles)

(Applause, Cheering) Wow!

She did it!

(Applause, Cheering)


(Applause, Cheering)


So? How did she do?

You should have seen her. I was so proud.

She-She did the jump!


Sort of the way I feel about you.

Partner at a clinic?

Ty, how many people do that right out of vet school?

How did you know I took it?


I guess, I know my husband pretty well.

(Small laugh)

Amy... are you okay that our dream has to wait?

As far as I'm concerned, we're already living it.

(Kiss) Come here.

(Small laugh)

(Pained groans)

Oh you know what? That's it.

I'm getting her to write you a prescription right now.

No, no. Casey. Don't. No!

Why do you have to be playing the tough guy.

I'm not playing tough guy...

I'm far from that.

The reason that I ca...

That I don't take painkillers is because I had a serious addiction to them.

And they pretty much destroyed my life.


And I've been pushing them on you since your surgery.

Why didn't you say something?

I'm sorry I should have... talk to you about this a long time ago.

I'm just not very proud of it.

Why? I mean, you beat it.

That must have taken incredible courage.

I'm no Hank.


Look, I don't wanna forget what Hank and I shared... but you're my guy.

My right here, right now.

And that's where I'm living. Not in the past.

All right?


Oh, just stop it, you big baby. Kiss me.

(Water splashes)

Hey! We're supposed to be cooling down the horses.

So Georgie told me... that she's the one who doesn't want to come to Vancouver.

It has nothing to do with you.

I get it. I mean, this is where she belongs.

With her horses... with you...

This will always be a part of her life.

This is her life.

And I can't pull her away from it.

So I'll be the one who comes to see her and Katie, every chance I can get.

Are you sure you're okay with that?

It's not about what I want.

We always said we'd what's best for the girls, right?

You can't tell me this isn't where she belongs.

(Both chuckle)

Thank you.



Peter: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Georgie: That's it! I'm gonna get you!


No! No! No! No!

(Water splashing) Georgie!

(Playful laughter)

Peter: No!

Lou: Georgie, no!

(Playful laughter, squealing)

♪ I'm lighting a match ♪
♪ I'm throwing it down ♪
♪ I'm starting a brand new fire tonight ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it burn ♪
♪ I'm gonna let it burn ♪