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05x15 - Let Them Burn

Posted: 10/19/15 11:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Los Girl"...

I think when she found Trick and Aife it...

Her mind couldn't withstand the trauma.

I'm having a baby.

You know that you didn't fail Trick, right Dyson?

You know that.

I was his lieutenant, Lauren.

I should've had his back.

You have to wanna come home, okay!

He's gone...

Trick's really gone.

Jack: I'd like you to give your team a message for me.

Where's Bo?

She's supposed to be here!


Lauren: She must be upstairs.


Watch out.

I'm not leaving without her!

You can't! It's too dangerous.

Mark: Come on guys, we need to get out of here!

(fire crackling)

What the hell?


He did this.

We're completely trapped.

Jack did this!

Let Them Burn


Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!


Uh, Bo? You're uh...


You're off carbs, right?


You uh, just got out of a coma.

You should be a on a liquid diet, anyway.

Thanks, Kenzi.

But you don't have to stick around.

Dude, are you kidding me?

You just lost Trick and Aife.

And Jack's not going to stop.

But I don't want to drag you into this.

You left for a very good reason.

And I came back for a very good reason.

I went to Spain to get away from the fae, not from my bestie.

Besides, this crack shack will always be home.

So, what's the plan?

I don't know yet.

But I do know that it involves the Pyrippus.

Mythology says that it's Hades' Hell Horse.

And I just have to find it.

Hey. We gotta find it.

I'm gonna go check up on Tamsin.

See if Preggo wants some eggo.


Hey Tamsin!

I better not see any stretch marks, dude.

You know how baby bumps freak me out, Alien-styles.



Okay. Hang on, buddy. Hang on.

Oh my god.


So... how are we doing this morning?

Knock me up, lock me up, and now you want to chat?

Oh, baby, you look tired.

Have you been having trouble sleeping?

What do you think?

I think you need to take care of yourself.

You're about to become a momma.

Which means you need to learn
to put the baby's needs ahead of your own.

So, you can raise it to be a demon child?

If this baby grows up to be anything like Bo, you're out of luck.

Raising her to be your "agent of darkness" didn't really pan out, did it?

Well, that's why I chose a different breed for the mother; someone who can better serve my needs.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

Morning sickness, huh?

General disgust.

Well, if it's alright with you, I'd like to do a biophysical profile.

Check the amniotic fluid, make sure everything is okay with my baby.

Last I checked, this was my body.

So don't for one second think this baby is yours.

That's the spunk I love. Hm.

His vocal chords were severed, but his arteries weren't cut.

It's the only reason he's still alive.

Did Jack do this to you?

Vex, where's Tamsin?

Did Jack take her?

Guys. He can't talk.

Hopefully he will, but in the meantime...

Vex, who did this to you?

Guess that means Jack.

He must have Tamsin.

And she's all alone with him, just like my mother was.

Who knows what he's done to her.

Let's go.

We tried that already!

Jack is more powerful than us.

We can't just leave her.

We can't just walk in there either, that's how people get k*lled.

We have to be smart.

You're right.

But I can't just sit there.

Vex, Vex, what are you doing?

You can't just Mesmer me into giving you more morphine!

Turn me into an enabler.



Bo, what about this?

I don't know what Jack's planning, but I this it has something to do with the Pyrippus.

The Pyrippus?

Yes, and I think that Horseshoe can control it.

Why else would Hephaestus have forged it for me?

Well, what do you say we go get this crazy horse?

We need to come up with a plan.


Trick. Aife. Vex. Tamsin.

All of Jack's victims have one thing in common.

Whatever he is planning...

All roads lead to Bo.

Whatever was his end game, he's planning it from the moment I was born.

If that's true, then who else would know?

Who was there at your birth?


The nurse...

Everyone with answers is dead.

How could you possibly know that?

Ask Evony.

This is where Evony lives now?

Damn, girl.

Just so you know, she's really sick.

She might not look like her Morrigan self.

Her karma's a bitch disease, got it.

Thank you.

No thanks.

Fresh mimosas, respect.

Bo! Her butler has a butler.

Evony: I would like to acknowledge the Board of Directors who toiled so hard to put together this fundraiser...

Cynthia, Helen, Meredith...
you all went above and beyond to make today a smashing success.

Thank you all for coming, your support is crucial if we are going to find a cure for this disease.


She doesn't look that sick to me.

No kidding.

But before I go on, I would love if you all gave a warm welcome to two very special guests.

Bo, Kenzi, thank you for coming.

I'm glad you could make it.

You're just in time for High Tea.


Tamsin is missing, I don't exactly have an appetite.

Yeah well, we need answers, and it looks like we're gonna have to high tea to get them.


How many is that?

Just kidding.

Go nuts, girl.

Being human is a riot.

And the gossip.

This committee has more drama than a Dark Fae blood feud.

Your fundraiser is impressive.

I figure if I couldn't Fae my way out of my disease, I might as well throw money at it.

As Committee Chair, I've raised 100 million dollars in 10 days.

Move over, Melinda Gates.

So, to what do I owe this little visit to?

I assume you're not here to donate money.

I'm looking for the midwife who abducted me.

And Vex says that know where she is.

You know, ever since I met you, I wanted to k*ll you.

Yeah, so I've gathered.

And not just because of your porcelain complexion.

When I learned the Unaligned Succubus could suck multiple Chis, I knew I had to keep my eye on you.

But when I couldn't figure out what made you tick, I just wanted you dead.

Good strategy, decisive.

What else do you do with a weird mole?

You burn it off.

Always love being compared to a weird mole.

But now that I'm human, I'm a lot more lax about the secrets of the Dark Fae.

So, do you have any leads on my midwife?

Trick saved her from execution years ago.

He thought he pulled one over on me, but I took her.

Figured she's come in handy when it came time to taking you down.

You knew, all this time, and you said nothing.

I wanted you dead, why would I tell you anything?

But things are different now.

Funny what being human does to you.

You know, I could never figure out why you always chose humans.

But now I'm starting to see why.

Nice bling, by the way.

Thanks, Trick left it to me.

I heard.

My condolences.

If the Light Fae wasn't enough of a gong show, I can't imagine what losing the Ash will do.

And with Hades at large, forget it.

Hades got Tamsin pregnant, and then he took her.

Here we go again.

Take it from someone who likes to get what she wants.

He won't stop.

Which is why we need to find my midwife.

So where is she?

Fine, she plays with my ponies.

Bo's midwife is a brony?

I locked her up at my ranch.

Turns out she was great with the horses, so I figured what the hell, let her take care of them.

I needed someone to shovel the shit.

Fae horse ranch?





Hey, hey, hey!

What's all the ruckus?

You okay?

Sure, nothing like cage living...

Take it easy, can't be too careful in your condition.

You try not eating for a day.

If you were hungry all you had to do was ask.

Phoenix eggs, hope you like scrambled.

Bon appetit.

I just lost my appetite.

Come on, now.

Remember, you're eating for two.

Atta girl.

The Dal's been closed since... but the deliveries keep on coming.

He was loved by many people.

I keep expecting to see him standing there.

If we're going to defeat Hades, We need to gather out strength.

I want to call Consilium.

What's that?

It's a gathering of the most powerful Fae Elders in the world.

Consilium hasn't been called in over 1,200 years.

In Trick's lair, in the fireplace, there's a censer.

I want you to burn these in it.

It will summon the Light Fae Elders.

And what about the Dark Elders?

How do we summon them?

You release a flock of ravens.

It's called a Black Cloud.

Where do I get these ravens?

I only want you to summon the Light Fae.

Why? I mean, power in numbers, right?

We're gonna need all the help we can get.

The Dark have no place at our Councils.

What's the difference?

Between the Light and Dark?

Yeah, how do you know if you're Light or Dark anyway?

Trust me, you know.

Stick with the Light.

I can't believe Evony hid her all these years.

I just hope it's not too late.

Okay, midwife. What has Evony done with you?

Are we there yet?

Come on, Kenzi.


Aw, no! Not the Choos.

Oh my god.

Guess we're not alone.


She'll be driving six white horses when she comes.


Um. Bobo?

Are we like, Fae horse whispering right now?

Should I uh... should I leave y'all alone?

Lou Ann: They're happy to see you.

I know you.

Lou Ann Heidegger, you were on death row, you're supposed to be dead.

Are you a ghost?

Trick saved me from execution, I owe him my life.

You're my midwife.

Who you met at the jail years ago.

Lou Ann: And you didn't say anything?

Trick made me promise not to for my protection.

He made mistakes with his own daughter...


He wanted to make up for it, so he hired me to rescue her from the Dark.

Wait, Trick hired you?

When he found out Aife was pregnant, he asked me to birth you and take you too.

But the day I arrived, you'd already been born.

Aife was sick.

She wanted to k*ll you, Bo.

So, I took you, and hid you among humans.

It was Trick...

I wish I'd known.

He always had your back.

He wanted to keep you as far away from the Fae as possible for your own protection.

Why have you come now?

I think my father is trying to get me back.

I need to find the Pyrippus.

The Pyrippus?

Hell Horse?

Evil Steed? Devil's Pony?

It's been depicted as a stallion that breathes fire, and I know my father has something to do with it.

And we think we can control it with this.

Saddle up, we're going for a ride.

Did she just say ride?

Oh boy.

I'll be back very soon, you try to get some rest.

Work with me.

Jack: Going somewhere?

I thought you left.

I forgot to ask if you needed anything from the outside.

But I can see you're trying to stretch your legs.



You forgot when you chose a breed that Valkyries like me, we have wings.

Darling, you won't be using those for awhile.

What the hell did you do?

I clipped your wings while you were sleeping.

You what?

It's not wise to fly in your condition.

I know why Aife wanted to k*ll Bo.

If this baby's evil, maybe I should do the same thing.

You really gonna do that?



Because I'm not gonna let this baby be evil.

I'm not going to let this baby serve you.

I look forward to seeing you try.

I said I will not let that happen.

Tamsin, come on, we both know what will happen when the baby's born.


What're their names?

Bo is riding Llamrei.

She was once owned by King Arthur.

And this is Bucephalus, He led Alexander the Fae to victory.

Who did my guy lead to victory?

That's Otis, he never had a master.

But he's definitely one of a kind.


Of course I get the farty pony.

This trail ride is nice, but can we pick up the pace?

We're on a bit of a clock.

We're nearly there, Bo.

But I do have to warn you.

The stallion is wild and extremely dangerous.

You think it's the Pyrippus?

We'll know soon enough.

So, from midwife to rancher.

How'd that happen?

The Morrigan took me from one prison and put me in another.

Not that it mattered.

When I lost my kids nothing mattered.

Even after Trick rescued me I had nothing to live for.

Working with the horses helps, something to love that loves you back.

It's funny, this was meant to be a prison but it saved me.

I can't believe what they did to your family.

I miss my kids every day, my husband.
How are you doing back there?

Unicorns are known to be a bit gassy.

Hold up. Otis is a unicorn?

He's a rescue from Scotland, his horn was cut off by poachers He's the last one of his kind.

I can't believe I'm riding a freaking unicorn.


Ugh. Oh god, ugh, Otis.

There he is.

Is that a horse or a dragon?

It's the Pyrippus.


If Hades walks among us, we must take action.

We risk revealing the Fae.

We have no choice, we must protect our own at all costs.

Says the Fae who kills humans in broad daylight.

(rabble in background)

What the hell is this?

A Consilium?

I told you to gather the Light Fae.

I did.

Just the Light Fae.

Why didn't you do what I asked?

We're dealing with Hades here.

These are the most powerful Fae that exist in our world.

So, what are we talking about, a bunch of wizards in bathrobes?

You don't get it.

With the Light Ash dead and the Morrigan turned human, there's no one in control here.

Trick left us the Dal because it's a Sanctuary.

Does that look like Sanctuary to you?

Just because they're Dark doesn't mean they can't help.

The divide between Light and Dark has always stood for a good reason.

Of course you'd say that.

We did everything. Isolated him, tried to gain his trust, but no one has been able to break him.

What do you mean, 'break him'?

Horses are wild by nature, so the one who breaks them gains their loyalty and servitude for life.

They need to surrender to be trained properly.

Hey, what are you doing?

Bo! Do you not see the flames coming out of his nose?

Easy, boy.


Easy boy.

Hey, hey good boy.

You don't like being in here, do you, boy?

It's okay.

It's alright.


Well, if I ain't a brony.

Good boy.

It's too big.

Are you sure?

He looks exactly like the Pyrippus from the painting.

I don't get it.

Why doesn't it fit?

Are you sure you're looking for a horse?

What do you mean?

Horses have often been used in works of art to depict powerful forces of nature.

You said were trying to break this stallion to gain its loyalty and servitude.

That's what Jack's been trying to do to me.

In one of her rants, Aife once said she wanted to k*ll her baby because someone put something evil inside it.

Well, maybe that wasn't just one of her rants.

Does that mean the Pyrippus is...?



I'm the Pyrippus.

The Pyrippus is... me.

I'm trying, I'm struggling.

I've known you for what? Five years, and yes, you do have a lustrous mane of hair.

But you don't have a horse face.

It's more... oval?

What if when I chi-sucked all those people to save Lauren from the Lich...

And super sucked us to save Dyson during your dawning...

What if that was the Pyrippus taking over?

What if it's been inside me all this time?

Well, then Jack has been playing the long game for a long time.

But I can't control it, Kenzi.

I mean, when it happens...

I lose myself.

Scary voice, crazy eyes.

I know.

I felt my father taking control of the Pyrippus when the cinvat opened.

What if he...

I don't want to lose myself again.

I'm not going to let you, okay?


If Jack created the Pyrippus, he needs it.

Uh huh.

I need to go to him.

What?! You said we can't just go in there...

If he is trying to break my spirit like I'm some kind of wild horse, then I help him with the next step.

Which is?

I surrender.

Surrender, right, of course.

Uh, hold up, can you just explain that last part again?

Jack is not going to stop until he gets what he wants.

The Pyrippus.


Bo, you can't.

Kenzi, I don't have a choice.

(rabble continues)

We have to get them out of here.

Or you could lead the meeting, seeing how they're already here.

It's not my place.

Right, because you don't lead.

You just serve.

We don't work with the Dark.

What if I was Dark?

You're not.

Vex was almost k*lled trying to protect Tamsin.


For all we know, he could be colluding with Jack.

You've never trusted him, but I do.

And unlike you, he's not a coward.

I will let that go because you have no idea what it is to be responsible for people.

I will let that go because you're still a child who runs from his own problems.

You haven't even shifted yet.


Come out.

Talk to me.


You shifted, it's okay.

But you need to shift back now.


The pull of the animal is strong in the beginning.

You can get lost in it.

You're going to feel an urge.

It'll feel strange at first, like your bones are breaking.

Your body's gonna resist the change, but you need to push through it.

Just breathe, Mark.


That's it!

(shifting noises)


Come on.


You did it.

I thought you'd be a wolf but you manifested what's inside you.

Now you get to choose.

No. I'm not going to choose.

You have to, we all do.

No. Bo didn't.

That's different.


I guess it's time for me to go.

Mark, stop!

I love you.

You're my son, and you will always be my son.

Bo: Jack?



Bo, I'm in here!

Jack: You're home.

Tamsin: Bo! Bo!

Don't worry about Tamsin, she's emotional but she's fine.


I didn't come for her, I came to see you.

Last time we spoke, you weren't very happy with me.

Well, I'm here now to help you.

What makes you think I still need your help?

I've moved on to Plan B.

Plan B?

B for Baby.

Bo, you have to help me, he took my wings!



But a baby is just... a baby.

Not a sure thing, and I'm a sure thing.

It may delay my plans, but babies have a tendency to grow up.

And I can wait.

Cause if anything, I am patient.

As you know.

You waited a long time for me.

But I'm here now.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that.

And you don't need Tamsin.

There's no point for her to die in there.

Bo, is that what you think?

I have no intention of k*lling Tamsin.

Unfortunately, the baby will do that all by itself.

What are you talking about?

It's a little known fact, but Valkyries die in childbirth and Tamsin is no exception.

I am here to do whatever you need me to do.

Forgive me if I don't believe you, Bo.

But I'm having a hard time following this little act of yours.

It's not an act.

For a long time, I've been trying to figure out who I really am, where I really came from, what I'm really meant to do.

And the people I've come to call my family have been lying to me from day one.

I'm glad to hear you finally say that.

But you've been honest with me from the minute I released you from Tartarus.

I said I would never lie to you.

I know that now, I know what you did what you did to Trick and Aife, you had to.

It was the only way I could see the truth.

And the truth is, dad, we have a greater purpose.

You're the only one I can trust.

You're my family.

I'm glad to see I've earned your trust.

But if you want to work with me there's something I need you to do.

Just like the Light to cower in fear.

Just like the Dark to run brazenly into the enemy's camp.

Then what do you propose?

We summon the Jotunn.

The Frost Giants?

Like we did for the battle of Ragnarok.

And give them take control?

Are you out of your mind?

(angry rabbling)

I call sanctuary!

I called Consilium to forge a peace.


With these parasites?!

One more word.

Just try it!



The Light and the Dark have been on the edge of a w*r for more than 1,000 years.

But we are about to face the greatest foe the Fae have ever fought.

Now, more than ever, we must come together.

Why do you consider the Light in this matter?

Only the Dark can vanquish Hades.

Hades is neither Light nor Dark, he transcends both.

Why should we trust a wolf?

Especially one who has been intimate with the Unaligned Succubus, Hades' own daughter.

It's true, Bo is Hades' daughter.

But she is also the granddaughter of the Blood King.

The barkeep?


That was mere rumour.

Trick hid his secret well.

If Trick was the Blood King, he would have shown his power.

That was not his way.

He could have k*lled you all.

But instead he chose peace.

To him, the Dal Riata was a place of Sanctuary.

So, as a tribute to the Blood King, I ask that you join me in creating that peace.

What do you propose we do?

We must unite our strength if we are to vanquish Hades.

I offer Naginata.

And I, Kalidanda, Ballast of Death.

Kenzi? It's me.

I need you to get everyone to meet me at the clubhouse.

Yes, now, I have a plan.

Okay, see you soon.

Sorry, guys, but it's better this way.

Do you smell that? It's kerosine.


She said she had a plan.

(roaring flames)

Lauren: Fire!

Kenzi: Oh my god.

Who did this?!

(glass shattering)

(fire roaring)

Where's Bo?

She's supposed to be here!


She must be upstairs.


Watch out!

I'm not leaving without her!

You can't! It's too dangerous.

Come on guys, we need to get out of here!

(torrential crashing)

What the hell.

(flames roaring)


He did this.

We're completely trapped.

Jack did this!

I know that was very hard for you, but you can still save your friends if you want to.

What do you want to do?

Let them burn.

Bo is up there.

We have to get her!

She's not here.

We need to find a way out of here.


I can't let this go, the whole building will come down on us.

What's this?

It is for you.

Do you like it?

I love it.


It's time for the next phase.

(magic sounds)

I'm going to need your help.


Why won't you help me?


Does that bother you?

Not at all.


Are you ready?

I was born ready.

That's my girl.