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01x11 - When Darkness Falls (Special)

Posted: 10/22/15 14:13
by bunniefuu
In Los Angeles, lives a girl named Kirsten Clark. Kirsten has a very particular gift.

Cameron: That gift is more of a curse. Kirsten has no sense of time.

Are those brains?

Camille: Or humor. Basically, the worst roommate ever.

Linus: Because of her condition, Kirsten lives in a state of perpetual deja vu.

Maggie: One day, Kirsten met a woman named Maggie, who recruited her for a secret government program. We do something there called stitching. We take a living consciousness and shove it into someone else's brain.

Linus: A dead someone else's dead brain.

Cameron: Once inside, we hack the person's memories to learn how he or she died, - and it's always pretty horrible.


Maggie: We give the dead back their voice, and in the process, we solve some very serious crimes. Kirsten's the perfect stitcher.

Cameron: But she's got a ton of dark secrets from her own past, many of which even she doesn't know.

Linus: Which is actually kind of ironic...

Camille: Because for a girl who lives in the memories of the dead...

Cameron: Kirsten sure has a lot of ghosts. (Wolf howling)


New boyfriend, Camille? Nice try.


I thought plunging you into total darkness would put you over the top this time.

I told you. I don't do scared.

You let me down, Zed.


(Powers down)


I can't wait till this place gets back to normal.

You mean boring. Seriously, you investigate murders by poking around the memories of dead people.

How can you not love Halloween?

That reminds me. I'm hungry.

You're gonna be the life of my Halloween party.

At least you invited me this year.

I didn't like you last year.

(Knock on door)

What? Not me.


Huh? What do you think?

Dead on. Am I right?

You're two days early.

I'm just trying stuff out.

A cow? Really?

These babies work.

Give 'em a yank.

Now, that's scary.

You will find another place for your party.

Well, you know, I was actually kind of thinking...

No, you can't use our house.

Yeah, you're right. It's too small.

It's not scary enough, even with you in it.

Who left this in the break room?

That would be me.

Breakfast of champions?


What do you have against corn?

Corn on the cob? Nothing. Corn tortillas? Bring it.

Popcorn, corn chowder, corn muffins? I'm all over that.

But pretend corn trying to be corn? Pass.

Read the first ingredient.

"Corn syrup."

Thank you.

So, what are you going to do?

I don't know.

Camille lost the venue for her big Halloween bash tomorrow night.

"Nightmare on Camille street"?

Yeah, you know the big spooky house I always use on Coronado?

Well, it's being torn down to make way for, ironically, a mortuary.

- (Alarm blaring)

Speaking of irony, a new sample.

Devon Landry. Age 20. A student at archer university.

He was found hanging from a tree near his home. su1c1de.

He left behind a note saying he was sorry for what he did.

Which was?

We think that he's connected to the disappearance of Kelli Marino.

She was a student at archer university and worked at a diner near campus.

Went missing two days ago.

Oh, I saw that on the news.

She and Devon shared several classes together, and given his remorseful su1c1de note...

He may have abducted her?

Or worse.

Maggie: The police have already searched Devon's house.

He's been living alone since his parents died a few years ago.

Because that's not creepy at all.

We need to find out if he is responsible for Kelli's disappearance, and with any luck, where we can find her, alive.

Missing girl, possibly m*rder*d.

Happy Halloween.

(Theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ take me inside ♪

Lights to 20%. I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync.











Com check. One, two. One, two.

Can you hear me, Scream Queen?


Okay, then. Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one... Here's Johnny!

And mark.

I'm at a diner.

Devon's watching Kelli.

Just watching her?

Would you like anything else?

No, no, I'm good.

Just get me when you're ready.

Hey, that, uh, that lab test the other day was pretty hard, huh?

I think he likes her, but he's kind of awkward around her.

Cameron, you can relate to that.

(Mock laughs)

We're in the same class.

Oh, we are?


Yeah, that lab was k*ller.

Yeah, I... (Clears throat)

Oh, here.

Okay, then.

Have a nice day.

Yeah, you too.

I'm not sure where I am now, but Devon's with a dead body.

Oh, God!

Is it Kelli?

I don't know. I'm someplace else.

I... I think it's Devon's bedroom.

Why do you do bad things?

He's talking to himself.

You need to stop.

Just leave her alone.

I'm ping ponging all over the place.

I'm back at the diner.

Kelli's locking up.

Devon's watching her again.

Is there anyone else around?

Any witnesses?


Don't you try and stop me!


I'm bouncing!

You still had time. Why did you bounce?

Devon looked at me and talked to me.

Wait a second.

That dead guy talked to you, in his memory?

Yeah, yeah, he said that I shouldn't try to stop him.

And then, he grabbed Kelli.

Everyone who's freaked out, say "me." Me!

It was a phantasmic memory anomaly.

Yes, it's a PMA. Of course.

Now, in "human," please.

A phantom memory. A distortion.

What you saw didn't really happen.

He was thinking that thought, and then, in his mind, it got encoded as a direct comment to himself.

Cameron: But it appears as if you saw him.


Okay, focus, people. You said that he grabbed her.

Could you tell if he k*lled her?

(Sighs) No.

The body you saw in the room?

I don't know if it was Kelli's.

I couldn't even tell where it was.

Devon's house?

The police were all over that. They didn't find anything.

Well, maybe they missed something.

I'll call Fisher and get a copy of the report from the first responders.

In the meantime, go check it out.

Linus: Wow!

Holy crapenstein.

Cameron: Talk about your good, old-fashioned nightmare fuel.

Talk about the perfect place for my Halloween party.

Oh, seriously? We have a job to do.

As do I. Look, according to public records, the place is completely paid off and freshly ownerless.

As soon as Devon's death becomes public, the whole kit and kaboodle will be grabbed up by the state.

Okay, so?

So, it's available.

Cameron: A girl is missing. You can't throw a party where her kidnapper lived.


Because it's wrong on every level.

I think there's a gray area where it's a wee bit right.

Does anything you see out here, match what you saw in the stitch?


Um, there's someone in the house.

I didn't see anything.

I did.


Did it strike anyone else as odd that the door was unlocked?

Should we be worried?

Answer the second question first.

Kirsten, the cops already searched the place.

I saw someone upstairs.

And she's going upstairs.

Bro, this place give you the creeps?

Yeah, it would creep me out even if it wasn't the domain of a kidnapper and possible k*ller.



Okay, the punch bowl goes there. Zed the zombie's out there...

Still wrong. We'll check the basement.

For what?


Why don't you go check out the basement?

Yeah, why don't you go check out what is probably the most awful basement in the universe?

I would, but I've gotta go upstairs.

This is so perfect.

I thought I saw someone.

It was just the curtain.

Yeah, I guess.

You coming?

Do you feel that?

Feel what?

Like a... presence.

Wh-what kind of presence?

The watching kind.

So, I checked downstairs.

There was nobody there. Get it? "No body."

Come on, these are the jokes, people.

No one's up here.

So, the house is empty.

She doesn't look convinced.

She feels a presence.

I thought you don't do scared.

I don't. I'm doing intrigued.

And on that note...

I don't get it. Devon's online profile. He doesn't seem like a k*ller.

He did well in school. He never got in trouble.

He kept to himself, doesn't have many friends.

Sounds like a leggy blonde I know. Care for an "eye d'oeuvre"?

Eye d'oeuvre?

Yeah, they're for the party.

It's mozzarella, a little black olive, and a touch of food coloring for that creepy, bloodshot look.

Are you seriously going ahead with the party?

Uh, funny story. I may have accidentally told a couple of people about finding Devon's house, and then, one of them may have group chatted the address.

Come on, it'll be fine. It's just one night.

And besides, the whole place is in limbo until the state claims it.

What's the worst that could happen?

Hi, Linus. Did you know that Camille's going ahead with the party?

Yeah. We're actually heading out right now to pick up some more Halloween decorations.

I know a guy who owns a prop house.

He's letting us borrow a coffin.

Are you seriously going along with this?

Look, I know the whole house thing's a little weird.


But it is a party, right?

Are these eye d'oeuvres?


Mmm. Mmm. You got nachos?

I only have eyes for you.

Anyways, we should get going. My friend said he'll k*ll me if we're late.

Well, if he does, we can break in that coffin. Later, roomie.

See ya.

(Wind rushing)

(Thunder crashing)



Who's there?



(Cat screeches)


(Knocking on door)

I know you have no concept of time, but do you have any idea what time it is?

Devon was at my house.


No, I'm serious.

He was outside, he staring at me, and then, he was gone like a ghost.

A ghost?

I know. I know. It's ridiculous. Devon's dead.

Have you got any chocolate hazelnut spread?

Excuse me?

Chocolate hazelnut spread. It calms me down.

There's a tidbit of information I never knew about you.

Look, I know there's no such thing as ghosts, but...

Well, for you, there are, kind of.

When you're in someone's memory, you're basically looking at images that linger.

But I wasn't in the stitch. I was at home.

Things have a way of sticking to your subconscious.


That calm you down, too?

No. Goes with the chocolate.


I'll get you a...

Glass. Should I be worried about you?

No. No, I'm fine.

I just need to sleep.

Enjoy the couch. I'll see you in the morning.

All right, let's get this over with.

Aren't you going to call a go, no-go for the stitch?

Uh, Cameron, something's wrong.


We're losing water.

Camille, Linus!

Guys, do you see what's happening?

What's going on? Guys.



(Screams) Cameron!

(Screams) Cameron!

Stop the stitch! Cameron!




Cameron, stop the stitch! Cameron!


Oh, God.

Cameron, stop the stitch!

(Thunder clap)




He's out there. He's out there.


Devon. Look. Look. Come on.

Devon's out there. Don't.

No one's out here.

He was. I just saw him.

Okay, how about we put the knife away, Jason?

I just saw him.

Kirsten, this is just work-induced stress.

But why this case?

Everyone has got their limits.

No, no, I don't.

Okay, just give me... Hand me the knife.

Okay. Oh, my God, you're shaking.

Okay, just take some deep breaths. Try to relax.


You don't do scared, remember?


Okay, you're safe.

You're safe. Devon's dead. Nothing is going to happen to you.

So, what do you say you go back to bed and get some sleep?



Okay, you all good?

Okay, I'll see you in the morning.


Stay with me?

(Cell phone rings)

Hey, Fisher.

Just heard Devon Landry worked as a temp at archer's med school in the cadaver lab.

That's what I get to wake up to?

I'm sorry. Good morning! Sleep well? Devon Landry worked as a temp in the cadaver lab.

Much better. It could be why Kirsten saw a body in the stitch.

Maybe she'll connect with something that'll lead us to Kelli. See if you can find Kirsten and meet me there.

Yeah, I'll see if I can find her.

You okay?

She's a little rattled by this case.

No, I'm not. I didn't sleep well last night.

You snore.

No, I don't.

Are you guys... ?

(Laughs) You know what? T.M.I.

We're not.

Let's just do this.

Look familiar?

Yeah, this kind of does.

You may want to look away.


He's right. You don't know what's under here.

I work with the dead every single day.

Don't say we didn't warn you.

Holy crapenstein.

Ugh. His organs are missing.

Yeah, that's what happens with medical school cadavers.

You okay, boys?

Yup, fine.

Clearly, it isn't Kelli.

Wait. Wait. What's that?


Oh, no, please don't.


Tonight, it's my turn to have the nightmares.

It's Kelli's phone. I saw it in the stitch.

So, he placed it there for someone to find, and then, offs himself? Why?

We're not dealing with a rational person.

(Gasps) Oh, my God.

Talk to me, people. I need to know where Kelli is and if she's still alive. Where are Linus and Camille?

Sorry. I'm sorry. Zed's rotator cuff was all jammed up, and then, there was Linus' driving.


We'll explain later. And there's nothing wrong with my driving.

Yeah, anyway, while Linus was busy driving like my grandmother, I ran the photogrammetry on the picture.

Kelli is in... a small room with cement walls.

Yes, but did you notice... the walls are covered with plastic. Yeah, we did.

No windows and the seams are...

Sealed, so they're airtight.

Let me talk. Thank you so much.

Based on Kelli and Devon's height and weight and per the visibility and spectral analysis I ran, Kelli is in a space that is 7 by 8 by 10 feet.

When was the selfie taken?

Her phone said 6:13 A.M., two days ago.

So, she's been sealed for 54 hours and 47 minutes.

So, doing the math, if Kelli is still alive, carbon dioxide will k*ll her in approximately...

124 minutes.

Kelly doesn't have much time. Where's that picture taken?

The geotag location function on her phone was disabled. It could have been anywhere.

Could it have been in Australia?


Of course not. What's your point?

My point is that it can't be anywhere.

It has to be somewhere within certain geographic parameters.

Did you guys know that the term "selfie" was invented by an Australian?

And did you know that the term "who cares?" Was invented to describe this conversation?

Quiet. Time of death on Devon was 9:00 A.M.

That's 2 hours and 47 minutes after he took the selfie with Kelli.

We know he went to a cadaver lab because he left her phone in a cadaver.

Okay, so let's say he spent no more than ten minutes at the morgue, and it takes another ten minutes to get to and from the office in his car.

How close is the lab to his house?

At that time of day, the drive home took Devon 33 minutes.

Let's give him another six minutes to write the su1c1de letter, twenty minutes to rig the ropes and find just the right tree.

That leaves 88 minutes of Devon's time unaccounted for, which means Kelli is no further than that in any direction from his house.

We don't have time to run a grid search.

But we do have time to stitch.

We need to talk.

No, we need to stitch, now.

That's what we need to talk about.

Are you sure that you're emotionally ready for this?

Cameron told you I'm seeing things.

Devon's ghost, to be exact.

Tell the whole world, why don't you?


There's 97 minutes of air left.

So, we can talk or we can save Kelli. Your call.

Cameron, let 'er rip.

Com check, Kirsten.

I'm with you.

Okay, Kelli. Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark, in three, two, one, mark.

(Speaking slowly) I'm in Devon's house.

He hears something downstairs.

I'm in the basement.

What's Devon doing?

I don't see him.

I see him now.

(Muffled screaming)

I can hear Kelli screaming, but I don't know where she...

You're next.

I'm bouncing.

Call Fisher. Kelli's in the basement.

Help me. She's behind here.

Kirsten: Kelli.

Is she... ?

Still breathing.

Kelli, wake up.

Kelli, wake up.


Please stay with us.

Kelli, please, open your eyes, open your eyes.

Open your eyes.

Kelli, Kelli.


It's okay. We're here to save you.

It's okay.

Who are you?

I'm Kirsten. You're safe now.


It's okay.

It's okay. You're safe now.


Kelli's dehydrated. A couple minor scrapes and bruises, but she's going to be okay.


Victim services is gonna meet her at the hospital.

Do you need our statements about Devon Landry kidnapping her?

Uh, let's keep you guys off the grid.

If it weren't for you, she would've died. You saved her life.

It's basically what we do for a living.

Well done.

Maybe now that we've put Devon's ghost to bed, you can get a decent night's sleep.


Well, I guess we should all go home.

Camille: Why?

It is Halloween.

(Makes ghostly noise)

Come on. I got stuff to do. Let's go.


(Dance music playing)

How did you pull this off in one day?

I know people, baby. I just made a few calls.

This party is epic.

Yeah, and also highly inappropriate.

Oh, shut up and drink your morgue-arita already.

Everyone is having a blast.

Did you guys know that Halloween started as a Gaelic celebration at the end of the harvest season?

No one likes a know-it-all, Linus. What are you even supposed to be?

I'm an intergalactic rock star.

It looks like your mother did your make-up.

Your point?

Anyway, Halloween is about a lot of things, but tonight, it's about not letting your fears get to you.

Scantily-clad vampire space princess is right.

It's just "vampire space princess."

Let's make some magic happen at this party.


Oh, my God. A pregnant zombie! That is so oddly intriguing.

Let's go get our picture with her.

You've got pixie dust on you.

And in my eye. Great.

Wait. I...


You look like an angel.

You look like a hero.

No, but, seriously, thank you for helping me through the last couple of days.

Well, that's what heroes do. Then again, you would know.

Kelli is alive because of you.

Because of us.

Okay, fine.

We should start a crime-fighting team.

Excellent idea.

Okay, well, what should our superhero names be?

You could be Captain Big Hair.


Making the world safe for mousses and gels, it's Captain Big Hair!

Okay, fine. You can be Deathstare.

Deathstare? Seriously? Like, that's my superhero name?

There it is.

You, um... You wanna dance?


Just let me get the pixie dust out of my eyes.

But the line for the bathroom's nuts.

Yeah, I think I saw one upstairs.

I'll be waiting for that dance.


Why do you do bad things?

Where's the mirror?

(Glass cracks)


Why are you here? Why did you bring these people to my house?

Don't you try and stop me.

Why do you do bad things?

You're my ghost.

No, I'm your nightmare.

Cameron! Cameron!

Where's Kirsten already? I got her a monster mash-tini.

Seriously, who comes up with these names?

I do.

Space princess doesn't think I have Halloween spirit.

The space princess doesn't like the space rock star.

Okay, I'm a space princess, but I have fangs.

You're not scary. Neither of you are embracing the essence of what makes Halloween so awesome.

There's an evil twin upstairs in a secret room!

(Music stops)

Ha! That's what I'm talking about!

(Music resumes)

(People cheer)

No, I'm not kidding.

Devon has a twin brother. He's here.


He's the one that kidnapped Kelli and k*lled Devon.

We have to clear everybody out. Clear everyone out right now. Right now.

Excuse me. Excuse me. Everybody out! The party's over.

Seriously, party's over!

Oh, for the love of... Excuse me.

You guys, Stephen king's outside and he's signing autographs!

Go ahead. Don't miss it.

We'll see you next year. It was fantastic.

Okay, Fisher's on his way.

Okay, good.

Where's Camille?

I didn't see her leave.

Me neither.

Damn it.



(Camille shouting)

Cameron: Kirsten, wait!



(Camille screaming)

This wasn't here before.


Cameron: Kirsten!


Where is he?

He said he was looking for you.

Cameron: Kirsten!

I said I was going to get her, not go look for her.

Okay, the police are coming.

Just let us go.

Come on!

I'm trying!

No, pull up!

Cameron: Kirsten!

You know, they can't get in here.

You don't have to do this.

This isn't my fault.

It's Devon. It's always been Devon.

Everybody's favorite.

Is that why you k*lled him?

He wanted me to let her go.



He liked her.

I had to get her away from him.

Push it up!

Kirsten, we're coming!


You know, when I'm through with you, your boyfriend's next.

It was you, wasn't it? It was you outside my window, and you in the hallway, not Devon. You followed me.

Yeah, there's something different about you.

There's something not right.

I swear, he didn't get that from me.

Quiet. No, you're right.

You're right. There is something off about me.

I'm just like you.

No, see, you're not like me.

Okay? Nobody is.

I know. It's not easy being different.

Trust me, I know.

When you're different, people, they look at you strange, right?

People treat you like you're a freak.

That's what happened to me when I was a kid.

No one wanted to be around me, not even my parents.

Devon was supposed to be with me.

Then, he went off with her.

I know. He deserved to be punished.

They both did, because Devon, he betrayed you.

Right? I get that.

I do. I don't know what I would have done if I had a twin that everybody thought was special and good.

The twin that got to be out in the sun while I was kept hidden away.

I get you, I get you, because I am just like you...

In every way except one.

I am nothing like you.

Holy crapenstein.

Well, the good news is you weren't seeing a ghost.

Kirsten: Yeah, bad news?

We need to get some sort of twin alert in the stitch lab.

A phantasmic memory anomaly? Really?

Sounds better than "evil twin."

Or not.

His name's Gavin. And I don't know how, but his existence was completely off the record.

Some parents don't deal well with different.

Yeah, real different.

At least we cleared Devon's name. It's all good now.

Actually, it's not.

Trespassing, breaking and entering, all for a Halloween party.

An epic Halloween party.

Thank you, weird space alien rocker?

Thank you. See?

Are you gonna arrest us?

Only if you don't invite me next year.



Well, this was definitely the scariest Halloween ever.

I told you, I don't do scared.
