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01x05 - Found

Posted: 10/26/15 09:13
by bunniefuu
My name is Alex Parrish. Protecting our country had always been my dream. But my life took a very drastic turn. It all started 9 months ago on my way to the FBI Academy.

We're committing to life as one agent.

One person.

I have nothing to hide.


Then I have nothing to find when the UAWC E-mails me back.

Hi, Mom. I joined the FBI.

You're on probation. If you fail out of here, you are out.

I never thought before I'd save our country, I'd have to save myself.

You could've rigged the b*mb to blow remotely.

The bombs. 7.

They had to have been triggered within a two-block radius.

You're gonna tell me how this wire from your family business ended up as a part of those bombs.

Parrish has taken another hostage.

From here on out, it's sh**t to k*ll.

I need to find the truth.

What I want to know is, "Who is Alex Parrish?"

They say, "She's an American."

But what kind of American murders 130 innocent people?

What kind of American hates this country so much that they infiltrate the FBI to destroy us?

I don't know where she was born... India? Egypt?

But it's time to catch her and teach her what this country's really about.

You've been pacing for over an hour.

They're going to catch you, Alex.

The E.A.D. is a personal friend. He won't...

Would you please stop talking?

Why did you do it?

I didn't.

So turn yourself in.

To who? The Bureau, where someone's trying to frame me?

You need to turn yourself in, Shelby.

The only real piece of evidence points to you.

What, you mean the wire that you found in the apartment next to yours?

That could point to anyone.

It's military origin, so that's Ryan or the... the friends that Simon made in Gaza or the cartels that Vasquez dealt with as a cop in Texas.

Even Caleb could have gotten his hands on it through his family.

And if you really are innocent, you should worry about how guilty you look right now, because an innocent person does not take someone hostage.

Even an innocent person needs leverage, and you're mine.

So you better get comfortable because we might be here for a while.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

All right, show me something, people.

I know you're tired.



♪ We all like blades of grass ♪
♪ We come to prime ♪


♪ And in time, we just wither away ♪

It's your morning!

You were supposed to be at P.T. an hour ago!

I'm sorry. I stayed up all night studying what I missed.

You said you'd step it up.

If you can't, this is never gonna work.

I know you've been working hard. I know you're homesick.

Mom, that's enough. I know you don't want me here.

Mom: Well, what do you mean you know what I'm going to say?

Because we have the same fight every single...

Whose fault is that?


But if you think this is pressure, wait until you're out in the field.

Look, if you're just gonna yell, then...

You shouldn't have enrolled there behind my back!

♪ Scream ♪
♪ Well, I was too young to understand what it means ♪

Ryan: O'Connor knows that I'm on to him.

And he can put the screws to me all he wants, but he's up to something with Alex, too.

I don't know what to do.

Right now, you do nothing.

He already put you on probation.

If he really thinks Alex is some sort of threat to the Bureau, I'll find out why.

♪ Now I wish I could freeze the time at 17 ♪


♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Simon... where did you learn to fight like that?

Hebrew school.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
♪ 17 ♪

Elias: Bad time?

♪ Now I wish I could freeze the time at 17 ♪

Nope. Just Skyping with Max.

Your boyfriend?

I'd love to meet him. Get him back so I can say hi.

Oh, well, he, uh... he's...

Fictional? That's what I think, anyway.

♪ They keep you grounded ♪

Liam: 20 seconds, then you're done.

♪ With good advice ♪

Shelby: What are you doing here?

I thought you gave up this ghost.

Well, there's no Xboxes around.

And I need to do something with my hands.

Unless you got any better ideas.

What if a field counselor sees you?

Then my man Tom at the front desk will warn me.

Hey, Tom.

We've got a system.

You could get kicked out.

Hey, Buns and a*mo, I got it under control, all right?

♪ I was too young to understand what it means ♪

Time. All right, hit the showers.

Class in 10 minutes.

You know what I could go for right about now?

A pepperoni pizza.

Oh, yes.

That was the first thing I ate after I got back from each deployment... a pepperoni pizza and a beer.

Or six.


The first thing I ate after 10 years in Mumbai... mmm, a cheeseburger.

You know, a guy told me about a diner about a mile from here.

I bet you they serve a mean cheeseburger.

Except we can't leave campus yet.

Or did you forget about that little rule?

[sighs] A guy can dream, can't he?

I hope so.

That's about all we can do these days.

You do know your cologne arrives 12 seconds before you?

Well, I don't wear cologne.

So you clearly respond to me on a cellular level.

Does the FBI process restraining orders?

You know, it's my job to analyze each NAT's strengths and weaknesses, and I think I just found yours.


It's me.

Field counselor: Haas.

Yes, sir?

Didn't I already warn you about operating a g*n on campus?

Yes, sir.

Then why do I hear you're at the range twice a day?

This is your second warning. There won't be a third.

You told them?

No, I didn't tell anyone.

Oh, so Tom decided to rat me out after five days of letting me in, no problem?

If that's the way you want to play it, Heigl, you better watch your back.

Next time, you're not gonna smell me coming.

15 weeks, and then we're all free.

If we all make it.

[cellphone vibrates]

Miranda: Well, aren't you a sorry bunch?

Usually it takes recruits months to look this exhausted.

You must be doing something right.

Which is why you're getting the night off...


...outside of the Academy.

Well, not exactly you.

This week's exercise is about going undercover.

Each of you will build a persona of a white-collar employee at a Fortune 500 company.

Now, I know this is not as sexy as the mob.

But in today's state of affairs, it is the most likely scenario.

Those of you who excel will get to try out your personas tonight in a real-life setting to see if they hold.

Agent O'Connor?

In everyday life, you know who you are... the place you live, your career, your religion, how you were raised.

There's certain things you can change, but the cake, as they say, is baked.

Undercover, you get a chance to start over.

Control how people see you.

Can you create a person so real that you convince the world you are who you say you are?

Can you disappear?

Alex: Ryan? Where are you?

I'm here with Simon.

Thank God you answered Shelby's phone.

What is it? Did something happen?

An order just came down.

From now on, they're not trying to take you in.

It's sh**t on sight.

They've sentenced me to death.

We're gonna find the person who did this.

I promise you that.


No one's looking but me.


Look, they're getting desperate.

Okay, that's all this is.

I don't understand.

[sniffles] These people know me.

I'm no different than I was two days ago.

For the moment, stay indoors. Stay off the radar.

What if I don't make it?

Look, don't say that, all right?

Alex, don't lose hope, okay? Alex?

[cellphone beeps]


She hung up. Look, we have to move fast.

There's got to be something we can do from here.

Okay, Shelby said that the bombs had to have been triggered within a two-block radius, right?

So whoever carried out the attack needed a reason to be near Grand Central.

If we find a list of FBI personnel on duty yesterday...

The bomber's most likely on that list.

Let me send an E-mail. I'll track it down.

[cellphone thuds]

You look worried.

What's wrong, Alex? Is reality finally setting in?

It doesn't matter if I find the real t*rror1st.

The world thinks it's me anyway.

You could hire a P.R. guru.

I'm sure Rachel Maddow would love to have you on.

Or you could just wait and tell the prisoner in the next cell after you're caught.

There won't be a cell, Shelby.

That was Ryan.

The FBI wants me dead.

The moment they find me, I'm done.

I need to talk to someone.


Anyone who'll listen, anyone who can change the conversation.

If the public hears my side, if they know me as more than Jihadi Jane, then... then the Bureau can't just k*ll me.

It's time to tell my story.


The Dark Web?

You really think some anonymous hackers are gonna get you out of this?

Actually, yes.

Because they're the only ones who can anonymously broadcast my message.

They're actually people who care about the truth.

They don't just blindly accept the official narrative.

And if I find them, I stand a chance.

[computer beeps]

Oh, here we go.


Take my picture.


[g*n cocks]

Take my picture.

[cellphone clicks]

Liam: Gaining someone's trust... that's what being undercover is all about, not putting on a costume or speaking with an accent.

It's about inhabiting a life completely.

That's why when you go undercover, you need to have a 360-degree view of who your persona is.

Start with the things you know and use them to build someone we don't know.

Think of this exercise as an opportunity to explore the path not taken.

It's bad enough that I have to play you... now I have to play someone else, too.

That means starting with your persona's academic background and professional ambitions.

You wanted to be a lawyer?




I love to argue, and I'm really good at it.

But that's not enough.

You have to know your persona's likes and dislikes.

[cellphone rings]

Hey, Max!

Are you sure?

There should be a copy on hold for Shelby Wyatt.

You looking for this?

Liam: Their favorite book... read it.

Who you are is also about where you're from.

You have to know your hometown inside and out.

But it goes beyond just the facts.

You have to sell this persona.

9 times out of 10, what blows a cover is hesitation.

Now let's meet your undercover identities.

My name is Jordan Weaver.

I spent five years as a human-rights attorney, and now I work in legal.

J.D. Rollins from Concord, Mass.

I started out as a contractor and spent the last eight years in building ops.

Miss Casey Regan.

I work as a financial analyst, but my background is in I-banking.

[Southern accent] Samuel Berry, but everybody just calls me Sam.

I work in Dallas with, uh, corporate giving.

Dr. Aviva Cortas.

I work in human resources in Egypt.

I used to teach religion.

What's on your DVR right now?

Oh, I'm watching this incredibly powerful documentary on mass executions in Indonesia.

Oh, and... and "The Good Wife."

What street do you live on?

Sunnyvale. Uh, it's just off of Robin Ridge Road.

That's near East Tripp Drive.

It's just past the middle school.

You can't miss it.

Don't showboat.

Saying too much is just as bad as not saying enough.

Do you believe in God?

I believe in Tom Brady and the Patriots.

And the last year has proven to me that God is fallible.

That rehearsed line constitutes a fumble.

Who'd you go to prom with?

David O'Neil.

He cheated on me in the bathroom with Libby Howard.

But I still beat her out for queen.

I missed my prom. I was a student volunteer for Oxfam.

Tricia Hamilton... as friends.

We'd appeal the case to the next higher court.

The Nikkei Index...

Sexual harassment...

It's been real nice meeting y'all.

Congratulations. You've all done well.

But now it's time to see if your undercover identities can survive out here in the real world.

In the hotel behind me is the annual Dystek Corporate retreat.

The goal of this exercise is simple.

Gain a private audience with the C.E.O., Norman Reed.

In order for you to do so, you'll need to infiltrate the event, establish yourself as a Dystek employee, and network your way to a meeting with Mr. Reed.

If you're going to succeed, you don't just need these employees to believe you.

You'll need them to like you, too.

Oh, and one more thing.

In the field, you often have to go undercover quickly without time to craft a persona.

It's the same way here.

So those identities you created today... pass them to your left.

Wait, what?

Go ahead, pass them.


Now open up your notebooks and say hello to the new you.

Raina: Sarah Meyers?

Duncan: Hello?


Over here.

Who's the blonde?

I would rather not identify myself beyond her insurance policy.

Dragged here at gunpoint. Hi.

We're gonna need your g*n.

If you'd like, I could hold onto it.

I call the sh*ts here.

Duncan: There's a lot of things we can do for you, Alex, but none of them at gunpoint.

[magazine clicks]

Is that what you're gonna use for the broadcast?

Yeah. Once you've answered a few questions.

That wasn't part of the arrangement.

We have a platform that reaches millions.

All right? It's a platform people trust in an age where trust is a rare commodity.

We can't just hand that over to you until we're sure you deserve it.

So you're gonna put me on trial?

If you're innocent, what do you have to hide?

Let's get started.

Duncan: How'd the blueprints of expl*sives wind up in your apartment?

Why don't you ask the person who framed me?

Should we also ask that person how you wound up unconscious at Grand Central moments after the attack?

That information is classified.

[scoffs] Nothing's classified.

Look, you want me to prove my innocence? I can't.

If you want to talk to them, you have to convince us first.

Tell us about your missing year in India.

Well, not exactly missing. Backpacking through Pakistan?


What about the people you were with?

Specifically, Amir Salaam.

Did you know he had ties to Pakistani intelligence?

Did you know he was responsible for a club bombing in Bangladesh?

[dance music plays]

Alex: So, out of all these people, who do you think can introduce us to the C.E.O., Norman Reed?

All right. What about her? Yellow jacket.

Middle management. Don't waste your time on that.

Okay. See her trying to find someone to talk to?

An executive doesn't have to. People come to them.

Wow. You don't miss a beat.

No, I don't.

You try.

What about him?

That guy right there?

Well-dressed, good tailor, money.


Well-rested, so he sets his own hours.

He seems important.

I agree. Which is why I'm gonna go introduce myself.

Really? Great.


I'm Dr. Aviva Cortas. Nice to meet you.

My boyfriend's meeting me here tonight.

Max? The one from New York?


If you have time, I know he'd love to meet everybody.

Okay. But I'm working now, and so should you.

You used to work in Academia, huh?

Yes, I did.

So, how's the backstabbing there compared to here at Dystek?

Oh. [chuckles]

Um, everyone's been really nice to me, actually.

Please, Doctor.

I've never seen a company this dysfunctional.

It must be particularly hard for you in H.R., what, with all the turnover.

[chuckles] I suppose.

Which is why I have a pitch for a new hiring initiative.

You're friends with the C.E.O., aren't you?


Where'd they find you?

Syria. I was a human-rights lawyer.

Human rights?


What are you doing here at Dystek, then?

Um, focusing on the working conditions in our Chinese factory.


Aren't our factories in Taiwan?

♪ Some things aren't meant to last forever ♪

[Southern accent] Gin and tonic.

Light on the tonic.

Name's Samantha. Where are y'all from?

How long have you been on the board?!

Woman: The what?!

The board... how long...

No, thank you. I already ate.

♪ Some hearts, they burn like a wildfire, wildfire ♪



What are you doing here?

Liam thought the analysts should get to observe.

So tonight, I'm gonna observe you... going down.

Speaking of, looks like Kate blew her cover.

[inhales sharply]


Wait. Wait.

Another 20 minutes, that's gonna be you, "Samantha."

[cellphone chimes]

Simon: Oh, my boyfriend's here.

Max, you made it.

Glad you could make it.

I've never traveled this far for a date.


And you better be worth it.

The moment that left my mouth, I regretted it.

It's cool.

I like a challenge.


[both laugh]

I'll get your bag.

Are you sure?

♪ Burnin' like a wildfire ♪

You know every guy in here is watching you right now?

Where were they when I pitched the redesign of our corporate branding?

Maybe if the C.E.O. had been there, they would have paid more attention.

Have you ever met Norman?

You know I'm like his right hand, right?

He's at a dinner with the Board of Directors now, but he'll be back later.

Do you want to meet him?

[cellphone vibrates]


Excuse me.

What the...?

I told you, it looks better on me.

This is my night, Nimah. We agreed.


You were not recruited to be traditional agents, and you will not be trained that way.

The whole point of having twins is so that one of you will always be undercover, collecting intel, while the other one reports back to the FBI.

So tonight, you will trade places every hour on the hour.

Like in a real operation, you can only brief each other in passing.

The challenge will be to quickly communicate all necessary information to maintain cover.

Unlike the other NATs... if you're caught tonight, you're out of the Academy.

We can't send agents into t*rror1st cells if they can't survive a cocktail party.

And... you both look beautiful.

[footsteps receding]

You said you'd step it up. Now is the time.

Tell me what I need to know.

But what is the point of a charitable-giving program if you don't track the impact? Am I right?

Samantha, we should kick some of these ideas up to Norman.

Don't listen to a word she says.

She stole my idea, and I can prove it.

I have my lawyer on the phone right now.

What are you doing? Analysts are here to watch.

I am watching. I'm watching you fail.

Turnabout is fair play.

I'm surprised you even know what that means.

Hank, there's someone here you got to meet.

Jordan Weaver, this is Hank Hadley, head of development.

Pleasure to meet you.

And I'd like you to meet, uh...

Dr. Aviva Cortas.

Pleasure to meet you.

Jordan Weaver. You as well.

The doctor here has great ideas.

Let's get her up to meet Norman.


♪ Tell me why ♪
♪ We can't make this work ♪
Liam: I thought you didn't like it when I drink.

I don't, but I need you to talk.

And in my experience, this is the best way.

Remember when we used to come here?

Feels like old times.

The last time we were here, remember, we decided to end our marriages.

And you almost did.

And you didn't.

I just needed more time.

[sighs] So you said.

And I gave you the benefit of the doubt, a mistake that I will never make again.

What are you talking about?

Why are you running an off-book operation on Alex Parrish?

Does she pose some threat I'm not aware of?

Does she have something on you?



It's not just me she has something on.

It's all of us.

Buy me another drink, and I'll tell you everything.

[knock on door]

Max: Hello?



Um, who are you, and how do you know my name?

Simon and I work together.

We're friends. Elias.

Maybe you've heard of me?

No? Okay.

Well, Simon's stuck downstairs, so he told me to come entertain you for a little while.

Uh, he told me to stay in the room until he got back.

I can entertain you in the room, can't I?


Liam: Listen up!

We've just received intel that Parrish is colluding with The Unknown here in New York.

When did you last see Amir?

March 3, 2008.

So, you had no contact with him between then and last year when he was k*lled in Bajaur?

He wasn't what you think he was.

As we speak, they are preparing to stream a live interview.

Now, the bad news is that they have the tools to cover their tracks.

You must have been mad.

You must have wanted to get even.

The good news is, they cannot cover them for long.

I spent a decade in India.

I traveled to Pakistan. I traveled to Iran.

I wanted to find out more about the world, form my own opinions.

And along the way, I met people.

You can label them as you want, but my experience was my own.

10 of the people I met have since been k*lled.

Three, including Amir, in drone strikes.

I'm sure you're not saying that just because I knew them, I was a t*rror1st.

Hell, I don't even think they were t*rrorists.

It's just easy to blame them, like it's easy to blame me.

Now turn on that camera, or I walk.

As soon as they go live, we can isolate the origin of the broadcast within five minutes.

They just have to stay on for that long... five minutes.

We got her.

[light switch clicks]

And we go live in 60 seconds.

If you didn't b*mb Grand Central, who did?

The morning of the bombing, the FBI got a tip that the bomber was someone from my class at the Academy.

Everything that I've found so far supports that theory.

The bomber knew exactly what they were doing from day one.

Why do you say that?

They framed the brown girl.

I'd spent time in India and Pakistan.

In this country, I'm an easy person to blame.

So, one of your own classmates betrayed you?

I guess.

The closer I was to someone at the Academy, the easier it would have been for them to frame me.

That's why it's so hard to trust anyone right now.

Imagine if a friend lied to you from the first moment they laid eyes on you.

Imagine if they were still lying to you.

And worse, the people who knew you best didn't believe you, no matter what you said.

I'm in a nightmare.

We're streaming to over 12 million people right now.

And if you could say anything to them, what would it be?

I love this country.

And I want to protect it.

That's why I became an FBI agent in the first place.

But the country I love shouldn't sh**t first and ask questions later.

If it were up to the FBI, I'd be dead already.

That's why I hope that this interview makes them think twice about silencing me before the truth comes out.

I am innocent.

[dance music plays]

Now that I'm a little drunk, I can tell you this... forget Norman.

Okay, he's... he's on his way out. You don't need him.

But he's still the C.E.O. tonight, right?

[cellphone vibrates]


The next one is on me.

She has a 4-year-old daughter... Avery.

The father's Mike... total deadbeat.

She hates the C.E.O. and thinks he's gonna be fired.


[inhales, exhales deeply]

Here you go.

That's insane.


So, you and Simon didn't know each other at all?

He messaged me once out of the blue... mutual friend... and asked me to take a photo with him by Grand Central of all places.

And then he takes off.

After not hearing from him for weeks, he reaches out and asks me to meet him here.

I'm suddenly realizing how pathetic that sounds.

Who gets on a train to meet a guy they barely know?

Simon's fascinating.

I get it.

I saw it the second I met him.

So, I figured, why not?

At least I'd have a story to tell my friends on Monday.

Which it turns out I do, since he invited me to his corporate retreat, surrounded by all his co-workers, like you, who he wants to introduce me to later.

Well, at least you're not up here alone.

So, with the money from the charitable tax rebate, I'm thinking we have a few options...

Samantha, what on Earth are you doing?

The doctor told you you ain't supposed to be drinking while you're breast-feeding.

Do I need to take you back to rehab right now?


What the hell is your problem?!

Oh, I-I don't have a problem.

That's just payback.

This isn't about this morning.

This isn't about anything other than the fact that you're not a NAT anymore.

But guess what, buddy... that is your fault.

The only reason I'm not a NAT anymore is 'cause a mormon exploded on me.

You drove a man to su1c1de!

Yeah, well, you'd drive a man to m*rder.

Oh, you are such an idiot.

I'm an idiot savant.

You look stupid in that shirt.

Well, you look stupid, period.

[laughs] Oh, my God. I just can't stand you!

So shut me up already.

♪ Ahh, aw, yeah ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ The leaves, they don't change you ♪
♪ The leaves don't change you, so I never saw it coming ♪
♪ Winter hit me, Hiroshima ♪
♪ Where did the sun go? ♪
♪ Just a cruel rain pouring ♪
♪ You say that it's over ♪

We made it. We get to meet the C.E.O.

Looks like it. [chuckles]

♪ When I never saw it coming ♪

Bad news.

I'm afraid Norman won't be coming back tonight.

What? Why is that?

You'll find out soon enough, I guess.

The Board just let him go.

But if you're looking to talk to the new C.E.O., well, I guess you already have.

Wait. It's you?

[gasps] I won.

W-Won what?

My God. I have so much to do.

I have no idea where to start.

You, come downstairs.

Show me some of those logo ideas.

I need to re-brand right away.

Well, I guess we all won.

Looks like we did.

So, should we go back downstairs and rub their noses in it?

What's the rush, Aviva?

We have the whole bar to ourselves right here.

♪ Eager waves keep on crashing ♪

Man: We found the source of the unknown transmission.

[tires screech]

Pulling up there now.

Go, go, go!

Now, now. Let's go!

[man shouting indistinctly]

This is the FBI. We have you surrounded.

Put your hands up and come out now.

I'm sorry, they shouldn't have been able to trace the signal that quickly.

It's okay.

I knew this might happen.

What are you gonna do?

I don't have to do anything.

[radio chatter]

She's smart.

I'll give her that.

Well, this is a P.R. nightmare.

More than you know.


It's a matter of national security.

Then you should have no trouble obtaining a warrant.

Imam Darr, you've always been a friend of the Bureau.

And the rash of v*olence and racial profiling against our community in the past 24 hours has made me rethink my position.

Get me Judge Rakoff.

We're taking those doors in 60 seconds either way...

I don't care.

O'Connor, look.

[tires screech]

[reporters shouting indistinctly]

Everybody back! Back!

Get back, get back.

Stand down! Go!

[vehicle doors closing]

Let's go. You heard him. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.


Asher, Booth, give me eyes!

[helicopter blades whirring]

Anybody seeing her?

Are you rolling? Are you rolling?

Are you getting this?

Okay, there appears to be a standoff between the FBI...

[indistinct talking]

Got to let them pass.


It's okay. It's okay. Go on. Go on.

Man: Anybody got eyes on her?

Go ahead. It's all right. It's all right.

Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.

Everybody stay calm.


That's a negative.

Where is she?!

We lost her.

Agent: Parrish is gone, but we found Agent Wyatt in the basement.

Excuse me. I'm sorry.


We proved something tonight.

We switched places five times without anyone noticing.

We can do this.

Now we just need to get out of these clothes.

I think Simon would like to help with that.

Simon doesn't like people like me.

Simon likes you.

And if you want to spend more time with him, I'll make it work.

[door closes]

Elias: Looking for Max?

He came and went.

Here's the thing that bothers me.

It's not just you lying about being gay.

Don't get me wrong, that deeply offends me as a gay man, a man who was actually bullied, a man who actually fought for marriage equality, a man who's actually done things to another man, and recently, too.

Look, Elias, this is...

And it's not how you're about to suggest life is complicated.

Or that you're bisexual.

I'm not gonna say it.

No. Unh-unh.

Don't co-opt that struggle, too.


The thing that bugs me is the lengths you're willing to go to maintain this facade.

You manipulated a complete stranger to come here, an innocent person.

Who does that?

You want to know the truth, Simon?

The truth is... you're dangerous.

So when we get back tomorrow, I'm making sure you never step foot in Quantico again.

[door opens]

Quite a view, huh?

One of the perks of working for the General Counselor's Office, Dr. Cortas.

♪ She said, I don't want a model ♪
♪ I don't want a movie star ♪

This your first time at one of these retreats?

♪ Oh, I want you to win my heart, yeah ♪

[gasps] Is it that obvious?

Oh, my God.

Well, I know they aren't much fun, but...

It's nice to escape for the weekend.

♪ She said I just want someone to smoke with me, babe ♪

What are you escaping from, Jordan?


♪ And lay with me, babe ♪

A wife?

♪ Laugh with me, babe ♪


♪ I just want the simple things ♪
♪ Smoke with me, babe ♪

What happened? You cheat?

I lied.

About what?

♪ And lay with me, baby ♪

I told her I still loved her.

♪ I just want the simple things ♪
♪ I just want you ♪

She knew I was lying.

How do I know you won't lie to me, too?

Maybe you already have.

♪ I want you ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

So... what about you?

What are you escaping from?


♪ I just want someone now to smoke with me, baby ♪


♪ Lay with me, baby ♪

My family.

♪ Laugh with me, baby ♪


I don't know.

♪ I just want the simple things ♪
♪ To smoke with me, baby ♪

One day, I just started running.

♪ Lay with me, baby ♪
♪ Laugh with me, baby ♪

Why don't you stop?

I never have.

♪ I just want you ♪
♪ Look at me, baby ♪
♪ I just want you ♪

You know, it's okay to stop.

♪ You ♪
♪ I want you, baby ♪
♪ You, all right ♪

I wouldn't know how.

♪ I just want you ♪

I'll help you.

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Smoke with me, baby ♪
♪ Lay with me, baby, now ♪
♪ Laugh with me, baby ♪
♪ I just want the simple things ♪
♪ I just want you ♪
♪ I just want the simple things ♪


[horn honks, engine turns over]

Oh, damn it!

[siren wails in distance]

It's perfect.

You booked it under the name I gave you, right?

And what about the other stuff?

New I.D., laptop, encrypted phone.


I owe you guys.

What happened to you, we don't let that type of thing go.

And there are many of us.

If you ever have trouble getting something or somewhere, we can make it happen.

[chuckles] Good.

'Cause I may need your help again.

Well, who knows? We may need yours.

Thank you.



How was your weekend, Nimah?

Very good.

I need to study.

How about you, Parrish?

It was fine.

Just fine?


I did make one new business contact I wouldn't mind following up on.

Oh, I'm sure he'd like that.

I'm sure he would, too.

Caleb. Caleb.

I don't know what the hell you thought you were doing, leaving me behind in that hotel room, but I missed the bus back here.

And if I get in any trouble whatsoever, I will make it my mission in life to string you up by the short hairs.

You're not gonna apologize?

Well, we're all on our own here, sister.

That's it?

That's all that the Idiot Savant has to say?

You, me, your car?

Meet you there in 10.

[knock on door]

Knock, knock.

Don't bother.

I already made an appointment with Miranda's assistant.

[zipper opens]

You were right about me.

I am dangerous.

Look, not now, okay?

I don't have time for whatever new fiction you're trying to...



I was in the Israeli Defense Forces.

They sent me into Gaza.

I didn't just see things.

I did things.

Things that haunt me every single day of my life.

After I got back, living undercover was the only way that I could cope... with what I did... with myself.

So I made myself a lie.

I don't wear glasses.

I don't even like coffee.


And I'm not...

[voice breaking] I'm... I'm... I'm not...


I'd understand if you hate me.

You should keep the glasses.

They look good on you.


Speaking publicly today for the first time, Alex Parrish, the accused Grand Central bomber, made a plea for her innocence, leading many to question whether she's the real bomber or the victim of a cover-up.

All I can do is tell you what happened.

What happened to me.

I know it will be hard for me to convince everyone, but it's all I have.

Officer: Given Charlie's exemplary behavior, the Board felt he could safely re-enter the community.

Okay. [sighs]

♪ And we will leave the empty chairs ♪

Okay. Thank you. Thank you for the call.

♪ To those who say we can't sit there ♪

I know that there are people out there, people I can count on.



Um, would you like to go for a walk with me?

♪ No mistaking we make our breaks ♪

Yeah. I'd love that.

♪ If you don't like our 808s, then ♪

People who see me as who I am, and not some k*ller, or some fiction that's been created out of thin air.

♪ Find me where the wild things are ♪

Because the one thing I learned at the Academy... is that people aren't always as they appear.

♪ Find me where the wild things are ♪

[door closes]

Did you find anything on O'Connor?

Yes, I did. And you need to drop it.

What? Why?

He told me everything, and though I don't agree with Liam's methods, what he hired you for is a matter of national security.

Sometimes, all you see is a cover.

♪ Find me where the wild things are ♪

She knows we're working with Alex.

Okay, so when you got to the mosque...

Alex broke in through the service entrance.

I only saw the hallway that led into the basement.

Did she talk to anyone?

Just the people from The Unknown.

No one upstairs even knew that we were there.

What about where she was headed?

Did she give any indication?

[indistinct conversations]

The camera light switched off. Everyone started scrambling.

That's when you were knocked out.


When I came to, Agent Gardner and his team were sweeping the room.

Okay, well, I guess that is all for now.

I mean, unless there's something else I should know.

But I choose to believe that when the world sees me, when they hear me, they'll believe that I'm innocent, because I am.

You didn't give us up.

I have my issues with Alex, but I don't think she did it.

[cellphone chimes]

Simon: Got it.

It's a list of all the agents who were at Grand Central yesterday morning.

The only names I recognize from our class are me...


And Caleb Haas?

Why was he in New York?

There's a real t*rror1st still out there.

And no one is looking for them.

They must be found.