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09x04 - Ties of the Earth

Posted: 10/26/15 09:16
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland"...[/i]

(Hard thud) (Distressed groans)

Ugh! (Hard thud) Ow! It really hurts!

You're gonna be okay.

Georgie: Stephen's leaving today. He's going to live with his dad until fall.

Peter: How's school going?

Mom said she's helping you study for some kind of retest.

I thought tutoring was supposed to make math less confusing.

How you doing, old boy?

How's retirement treating ya?

Tim: So why haven't you been riding?

It's Paint, isn't it?


(Bus rumbles)

(Door squeaking)


Hi Remi. Shhhh...

She's home!!

(Sighs) Oh, Katie.

Your teacher called.

I know. She said.

You're in trouble...

Okay, Katie, can you please go play in your room?

I was going to tell you.

Mrs. Haggis is worried. Okay?

Your final math exam is only two weeks away and you're still not doing well on any of your term tests or your quizzes (deep breath) and she doesn't want you to fail.

But if you don't pull your marks up, you're going to be facing summer school.

Summer school? No! I can't. I've got...

Extreme team. I know. So, we need to make a plan.

I hope that plan doesn't involve you helping me study because we'll end up k*lling each other.

I know that didn't work out.

Mrs. Haggis suggested a tutor.

Another student from your school.

And apparently he's had a lot of success with some of the other kids.

He? It's a he? No! No way!

Okay, if you want to avoid summer school, this is something you're going to have to be open to.

Amy: Ty! Pull over! Pull over!

(Engine cutting off)

Is there ever gonna be a yard sale that you're not gonna want to stop at?

This is what, the fourth, fifth this week?

We have a loft to furnish, okay?

And look at all this stuff!

It's mostly crap, Amy.

Hey, that's the beauty of it, okay.

You never know what you're gonna find.

We'll find mostly crap. That's what we're gonna find.

(Amy laughs)

(Breaks squealing, tires skidding)

(Engine revs)

(Tires skidding on gravel)

(Gate squeaking)

(Laboured breaths)

Paint? Paint!

What's wrong?

(Laboured breaths) Easy.

These are cool.

I-We don't need dishes. I already have dishes.

What, Caleb's? No, those are not leaving the trailer.

Oh! I love this table.

Ty, this is beautiful.

(Laboured breaths)

Good boy.

(Voice strained) That's it! Come on, Paint!

You can do it.

Hey, someone was a rodeo fan, that's for sure.

Hey, look at this.

Doesn't that look like Jack?

Oh my gosh, it is! Isn't that Paint?

(Laughs) We should buy it.

Absolutely. He's got a birthday coming up.

We should frame it for him.

Great. It could remind him of how young he used to be.

(Snickers) Okay, so maybe it's not the perfect birthday gift.

But I still think he'd like it.

Good. We'll get this and then we'll go.

And we will get the table. And the dishes.

(Dialing beeps)

Ty! Are you around?

There is something wrong with Paint.

I need you to get here now!

(Distressed snort)

Ties of the Earth

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪

(Engine cuts out, door slams)


Jack: Hurry!

(Door slams) (Paint groans)

(Gate squeaks)

Amy: Hey, Paint. Hey, buddy.

Ty: Oh boy...

Jack: I don't know how long he's been trying to stand up.

But he doesn't have much strength left.

We've got to get him on his feet somehow.

Amy: It's okay. We're here to help you. All right?

Just stay calm. (Paint groans)

Okay. Jack, get a good grip.


On the count of three. One... Two...

Three. (Straining groans)

Jack: That's it.

Ty: Come on!

Jack: That's it! Come on, Paint!

(Paint groaning)

(Straining grunts)

Ty: C'mon Paint!

Amy: Up Paint! You can do it! Up!

Ty: Up, boy!

He's trying. He's trying.

Amy: C'mon boy.

(Rallying whinny)

Ty: There we go!

Amy: That's it! Good boy.

Jack: There he is! That a boy!

There you go.

Oh, you're my pal, aren't you?

Okay. We'll give him some time to rest.

But then I'm gonna take him down to the barn and have a look at him.



That's not a good idea.


If he's in a stall and he goes down again, it'll be a far worse scenario than the one we just went through.

I hear you, Jack...

He's better off in the field.

Are you sure?

Yes. I'm sure.

I'll catch up with you.


There you go.

(Door opens, closes)



You all right?

Nothing wrong with me.

What happened?

It's Paint...

What about Paint?

What's wrong with him?

Until when? Yeah.

No, no. I totally understand. Um, yeah, Scott.

Family is important.

Um, is there any chance you could come by right now?

No? Okay.


Uh, well, best of luck with everything.


Scott's away?

Yeah. For four days. (Clears throat)

You'll be fine.

Yeah, I know I will. But it's just, um, it's Jack's horse.

And he really loves that animal. So...

I just want to make sure that I give him the right advice if-

(Sighs heavily) You know...

And you will.

Lisa: I heard the temperature's going way down tonight.

Did you hear that?

Lou: Mm-hmm.

Are you guys going to be warm enough in your trailer?

Oh, yeah. As long as the heater doesn't break down again, like it did last week, we'll be fine.

Well, you know, you're always welcome to stay here anytime.

Thank you.

Grandpa, maybe...

Paint would be better off in the warmth of the barn tonight?

Not out in the field.

I think he's fine where he is.

But it's gonna get cold.

I'll tell you a story.

When I was a kid my dad had a horse.

It was a good horse - but he came up lame.

We didn't know why back then.

So dad kept him in the barn, that barn, so he could keep an eye on him.

And he went down. Right there in the stall.

But we couldn't help him 'cause there was no room to maneuver in there and it was a hell of a scene.

What happened to the horse?

(sighs) Grandpa, Paint is not at that point yet. Okay?

We can get him back into shape. It's my fault.

I've been working with Bear and Buddy, I've hardly spent any time with him.

And I've been so busy practicing with Phoenix and Trouble, I haven't had much time for Paint either.

Amy: Yeah, we'll get him back into our routine.

Georgie: Massaging his legs was helping a lot.

Girls, this is not my first rodeo.

I know that when a horse his age has bad osteo arthritis and he goes down, it's not a good sign.

It means he's more than likely to go down again.

Am I right, Ty?

Yeah. I agree.

Um, but if it does get cold tonight, Jack, his stiffness is only gonna get worse.

So that's something you got to think about.

Fine. Bring him in, I'll spend the night out there with him.

Make sure he's all right.

I don't think spending the night in a cold barn will be any good for your arthritis either.

I'm not gonna fall apart anytime soon.

I dunno, you got that birthday coming up and everything.


I'm just trying to cheer you up. It's not the big one. Yet.

Right? (Laughs)

You certainly haven't lost your appetite, have you?

I like that. That's good.

Ty: Okay.

Here, switch me sides.


I'll go up first here.

Where'd you get that?

At a yard sale. Isn't it great?

You're not taking it up there. It'll just get in the way.

We're still under construction.

I know that. But it's the first piece furniture that I have ever bought.

And I just want to see how it looks.

I'm gonna sit at it and pretend that I live there already.

I know she's crazy. But I still married her.

(Struggling grunts)

Come on. Okay, hold on. Hold on.

Not so fast.

Ty: Not so fast? Okay.

Amy: Okay.

Ty: Okay, ready?

Ty: Oh God!

Wow. He just fell down? That's pretty scary.

(Sighs) Yeah, it was.

And I'm really worried about Jack. He's had Paint forever.

Things suck right now.

I bet.

And math!

I totally failed the last three tests.

Now Lou's gonna make me have a tutor.

Stephen: I'll help.

Lou: Hey.

Math's my best subject.

I'm finishing the year on-line. It's, it's going great.

We could work on-line together.

Yeah, totally. That would be so cool.

Um, actually, I gotta go. Can I call you tomorrow?

Okay. Bye.


Your teacher's pretty old school.

I don't think she's gonna let you finish that course on-line.

Well, even if she doesn't let me do it on-line, Stephen can still help me study. We don't need to pay a tutor.

Okay well, I'll talk to Mrs. Haggis about it on Monday.

(Latch hitching)

(Heavy sigh)

Announcer: And folks I want you to know, Jack just told me... he's such an imaginative guy he's gonna call this new horse of his... wait for it...


(Echoes of a cheering crowd)

(Hollow footsteps, light clicks off)

He seems a lot more comfortable today.

His joints have definitely cooled down.

Ty showed me what to look for.


He'll be okay. Amy and I will make sure of it.

We need to take it day by day, Georgie.

There's no miracle recovery. Not at his age.

Don't be so negative.

I'm not being negative. I'm just being realistic.

Well, if it's time for Paint, it's time.

When a horse can't get up, it's a sign of things to come.

Well, soon, he might not be able to lie down and that's just as bad.

Yeah, but that's like the worst case scenario.

Lou: How is he doing?

Ah, Great! He's doing really great.

Hey, boy. Listen, sweetheart, um, I was wondering if you could come and help me out at Maggie's for a while?

One of the waitresses is late getting in.

Yeah, you go on. I'll stay here with Paint.

Uh, okay. All right, see ya, buddy.

I don't know. It's not due for another, like, three weeks.

Adam: Yeah, but we still need a better hypothesis.

Jade: I think our hypothesis is fine.

Can I get you guys anything?

No. Thank you.

I'll have another decaf skim milk mocha cappuccino with cinnamon on top but hold the whip cream.

Well, maybe just a little.

Okay, I'll have to write this down.

I'll make it.

Who is that guy?

New kid at school.

And lucky me got paired to work with him on this biology project.

He is driving me absolutely insane.

He's totally super smart, but he's the most arrogant jerk that I have ever had to spend time with.

I'd almost rather fail this project than have to work with him on it.

But, I can't let him get the top mark.

That is not gonna happen in my lifetime.

Adam: Can we get back at it?

I don't have all day to spend in this mediocre temple of kitsch.

Excuse me, my mom owns this "mediocre temple of kitsch" and for your information it's the best diner in the whole town, the whole area, the whole province!


We still need a better hypothesis than the lame one you came up with.

So, I just read about a herbal extraction that is good for arthritic horses.

Apparently, it's got celery seed, dandelion root, willow extract... I mean, it's all the good stuff.

I ordered some on-line.

It should be here in the next couple of days.

I should put some of that in my own food.

Maybe it'll work on me.

(Laughs) I'll let Lou know.

Georgie massaged his legs for an hour this morning.

He seems a little easier.

She should keep doing that.

Scott suggested we continue the injections of the hyaluronic acid into his joints.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect and it'll also thicken the synovial fluid as well...

Over time.

Don't give me the vet jargon.

He's been getting those injections for the past few months.

It's done some good. No doubt about it.

But over time? I don't know that we have that time.

Ty, we both know that yesterday was a first.

Yeah. It was.

So, you'll tell me, won't you- as a vet, when you think...

Jack, it's... it's too soon, you know, to go down that road.

I hope so. But you were straight with me when you told me it was time to stop riding Paint.

I want you to be straight with me now.

I don't want you dealing with this any different just 'cause it's my horse.

I won't. I promise.

How you doing?

I'm good.

I know what you're going through.

You don't have to pretend with me.

I admit, seeing him down like that, struggling... it unnerved me, for sure.

Me and Paint, we've been through a fair bit.

Yeah. Well, you've been together many years.

I can't help but think, if it hadn't been for Paint he stuck right by me when I had my heart attack.

I know.

Tim said he would've driven right by me that night.

He saw Paint standing there, just standing in that field all on his own, and Tim knew, he knew something was wrong.

Probably wishes he had just driven by.

(Laughs) Oh, stop it!

You good with those?


(Wheels crunch on gravel)
Hi, I'm Adam Parker.


I believe Mrs. Haggis spoke to you about me.

I'm the math tutor.

Right. Okay. I, I hadn't realized Mrs. Haggis already made the arrangement.

She told me to start as soon as I could. So here I am.

Okay, well, this is Georgie...

Yeah. We've met.

I cannot possibly do this. Jade knows that guy.

He's in one of her classes and she cannot stand him.

He's an arrogant ass.

Listen, you cannot go by what Jade told you.

Your teacher recommended him highly.

He's horrible!

You don't know that!

Yes, I do. He was at Maggie's this morning and he called your diner and I quote, a "mediocre temple of kitsch".

He said that?


Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

(Sighs heavily)

Listen, you have to at least give this a chance.

Just so you know, I'm on the clock.

So I only got an hour to spend with Georgie.

Do you have your books?

I think you better get them.

(Sighs) So Georgie tells me that she already met you this morning at Maggie's.


Well, I hope you enjoyed your meal.

I didn't eat anything.

Oh. Most people who come into the diner can't resist our breakfast menu.

The statistics are too risky.

I couldn't help but notice that the area of your preparation kitchen is far too small and ill-equipped to serve the amount of tables that occupy your restaurant space.

Oh. Well, you know, it's, it's been working so far.

Thousands of, of satisfied, actually more than satisfied customers. Repeat customers.

But, you know, you're the math whiz who knows all about area and statistics. So you would know.

I actually have an MBA from Columbia University in NYC.

Yeah, I majored in marketing. Graduated top of my class.

(Laughs nervously)


You're crazy. I can't believe you let him intimidate you.

He did. He intimidated me.

I mean, how is that possible?

He's no more than 15, maybe 16, and he looked me right in the eye and made me feel like I had to give him my credentials.

I don't know. There's something kinda weird about that kid.

Poor Georgie. You know, you're really hitting a home run with this whole tutoring thing.

You're not making any sense.

I'm making total sense. You obviously just don't get what I'm trying to explain to you.

When I took this job I thought you at least understood the basic concept.

I do.

No. Actually, you don't.

Okay... Example...

You know that when you ride a bicycle up a steep hill it takes much more of an effort than it would to travel on a level road, right?

Well, duh, of course I know that.

Good. The slope of the line is defined as the ratio of the rise to the run. So slope equals rise over run.

Letter "m" is used to represent the slope.

And m equals y2 - y1 over x2 - x1.

It's so simple.

Well, why does "m" represent "slope" if "slope" starts with the letter "s".

Hello there. I'm Jack.

You know, I think it is real good of you to help Georgie out like this.

Mrs. Fleming-Morris is paying me.

Well... that makes it even better then, doesn't it?

Git up! (Clicks teeth)

Come on.

(Hisses teeth)

Good boy. That's it, there you go.

I'm glad he's limbered up.

The injection took away a lot of that stiffness and discomfort.

Yes. I do believe my herbs had some effect too there, Dr. Borden. (Laughing)

(Kiss) I have no doubt.

Look at that. He's doing pretty good.

Yeah, a little light exercise isn't going to hurt him.

In fact, you were right, Jack.

He should be left out in that field now that it's warmer.

He'll just stiffen up a lot more if he's left in his stall.

Okay. Let's turn him out.

All right. Well, I'll gonna walk him around for a bit more first.

I wanted to thank you two for all your work.

I'm feeling way more optimistic.

I can come over tomorrow. I got an hour in the evening.

Fine. I don't have a choice in the matter, but fine.

That's a nice looking horse.

He's moving kind of slow, isn't he?

I mean I don't know much about horses but...

Wait, really? Something you don't know much about?


Very funny.

Georgie: The reason he's moving so slow is because he's getting old, and he has advanced arthritis.

(Sighs) He went down in the field yesterday, and he couldn't get up.

We've been working with him and he's getting better.

I guess you spend a time working with anything, it gets better.

Maybe there's even hope for you.

You're totally right. The guy is a robot!

He thinks he knows everything.

Actually, he does know everything. That's what's so annoying.

I've got to get out of this somehow.

No worries.

I know exactly how to get rid of him. Leave it to me.

I got to say he is looking even better this morning.

Ty: Yee-aw! (Clicks teeth)

Oh, look at that! He's pretty spry!

Hey? Yeah.

That's more like it, isn't it boy? Yeah.

Yeah, you feelin' more like yourself?

Hey Jack, Amy and I gotta run into town to do some errands but we'll be back in a bit. Is that okay?

Yeah. Not a worry. I'll take over from here.

We might even go on a walk, you and me. What do you say?

It's a good idea. Spend some time with him.

Oh, I didn't mean it like that.

I, I think he's doing really well.

I'd tell you otherwise.

You have to agree, Paint is way better.

(Door closing)

He is, right?

(Heavy sigh)


He's not out of the danger zone yet.

You saw the way he ran to grandpa.

I know it seems like he's bouncing back, but Scott and I have seen this thing time and time again.

It could be temporary.

I think that you are overreacting.

Amy, I'm not-this is...

You're just worried because Scott isn't here, and you're thinking of the worst case scenario that you might have to deal with.

I'm not trying to be negative, okay?

It's just that's been my experience.

Is that the picture?

Yes. The whole reason we're going into town, right?

(Kiss) Just relax.

(Cattle moo)

Look at that herd.

We've spent a fair bit of our lives running those cattle back and forth to the high country, haven't we?

Rain, sleet, hail, snow...

You name it. We've ridden in it.

Oh, you just take it easy now.

You let us wait on you for a change.

About time.

(Cattle lowing)

(Door closes)

Hey Lou!

Hey, Jade! How's it' going?

Uh, pretty good.

But the summer's coming up and I thought I'd put out some feelers about a job.

Maggie's, the Dude ranch? Any chances?

Oh well, you know, there's still definitely time to think about that.

Look, I know my track record in regards to working for you isn't exactly stellar but...

I thought you were totally involved with my dad's school and the rodeos and...?

Well, that depends on this.

Right. The broken ankle. How's that going?

It's pretty good. I can totally drive now.


So, I heard that Adam Parker is tutoring Georgie?

Yes, he is and I hope it works out because Georgie needs to pass math.

Yeah... It's probably a good thing.

Jade, I am well aware that you don't like Adam, but I would prefer it if you could keep your opinion to yourself and not, you know, influence Georgie.



It's nothing.

What's nothing?

It's just that, you know, people talk and... some of the kids at school who have been tutored by Adam have mentioned that... well... Anyways, it doesn't matter.

Is Georgie around?

Uh, she's in the barn or out in the field.

Hey, Jade!

If um, if there's something about Adam I should know, I mean, you would tell me, right?

Yeah. It's just my opinion and you're right, I should keep it to myself.


So, my plan is now in motion.

What did you say to her?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

But that's the whole point of my strategy.

It made Lou crazy thinking that I knew something about Adam that she didn't.

That's all you got to do sometimes.

Make people think you've got information even though you don't.

Wait, isn't that, like, a little mean to him, though?

You want results, right? You want him out?

Yeah. Yeah, I definitely do.

Then I can go back to Plan A and work with Stephen on-line.

Stephen. How is Stephen? Fill me in, kid.

Uh, he's really good.

We're actually gonna go on a date when he gets back.

Tell me everything. (Distressed neigh, loud thud)

Oh no... (Pain groans)



Oh, buds.

What's wrong with him?

He's got to get up.

He's gotta get up. (Distressed groans)

Paint! You gotta get up! He has to get up!

No, I've gotta go find Jack! You just stay here!

Try not to let him hurt himself.

Well, I'm kind of handicapped here.

C'mon, Paint. C'mon, buddy. You can get up.

Jack! Jack! Where are you??


It's Paint.

(Boards clattering)

Hi. You're a good boy.

How's he doing?

He can't get up.

C'mon, Paint. You can get up. You can. C'mon!

Amy: Ty, it's Paint!

I'll be right back.

(Door slams)

(Gate squeaks) Grandpa!

I need your help! He's not doing well!

Georgie: Whoa.

(Footsteps thud)

(Latches releasing)

(Bottles clank)


You can do this. I believe in you. C'mon!

C'mon! (Paint moans)

(Struggling grunts)

Get up, dammit! Let's go now!

(Struggling grunts)

(Snorts) C'mon, Paint. You're a good boy. You stand up.

(Struggling grunts)

(Efforts) (Panting)

(Footsteps crunch)

(Paint groans)



(Strained) C'mon.

(Struggling grunts)



(Strained efforts)

(Paint groaning)

(Grunts) (Panting)

(Paint groaning)

(Paint moaning)


(Paint breathing heavily)


You told me you wanted me to be straight with you.

And now I have to be.

His lungs are fillin' up.

Yeah. I know. It's time.


It's all right.

I know what I have to do.


(Distressed moans)

I think you should go.

I want to stay.

I need you to take the girls.



C'mon, guys.

Lisa: Okay, let's get all the animals back in the barn.

Katie: Hee-haw. Hee-haw.

(Door shuts)



(Door opens)

Is Paint okay?

(Case latches popping) Grandpa?

(Footsteps thud)

(Door opening, closing)

(Paint's laboured breathing)

Stand behind me.

(Congested snorts, huffing)

(Chambers b*llet)

(Laboured breaths)

(Tearful) I can't do it, Ty.

Do you want me to...



Yeah. I need you to do it your way.




That's a boy.

That's a good boy.

(Latches popping)


What's wrong, mommy?



(Footsteps thud)

Grandpa said you were amazing.

That he couldn't have done it without you.


And that it was really peaceful.


Yeah. How is Jack?

(Tearfully) He's okay.


Mm-hmm. He went out for a drive with Lisa.

That's good.

Jade: I'm so sorry.

I know...

Bye, Jade. I'm really glad you were here.

(Wheels crunch on gravel)


Georgie and I have an appointment.

Um, Adam, it's a... it's a bad time.

I'm sorry, but I don't think that Georgie can do it today.

Fine. But it's not a good plan to put it off.

If she wants to do well on the test on Wednesday, she doesn't have a lot of time to get ready for it.

Adam... maybe it's not a good idea for you to continue to tutor, Georgie.


Um... You know what? (Sighs) Adam came all the way out here.

It'd be rude to cancel.

I'm okay. Let's just get on with it.

What's wrong? That's one of the easiest questions.

I know! And I'm sorry.

But I'm trying really hard to concentrate, but...

(Remi whines)

Hey, buddy. Hey.

Her name is Remi.

Hi, Remi.

That horse you saw yesterday?

The brown and white one?

Yeah. He collapsed again today, but this time he couldn't get on his feet.

So we had to put him down.

Oh. I'm sorry. That's...

I'm really sorry.

Digger died a couple months ago.


My dog.

Had him since I was six years old.

He had to be put down too.


My family was all pretty devastated.

We still are.

It's true what Konrad Lorenz said.


Konrad Lorenz?

He's famous. He won a Nobel Prize in 1973.

Oh. That Konrad Lorenz. Of course.

Konrad was cool.

He studied animal behaviour. He was the leader in that field.

And uh, something he wrote really helped me when Digger died.

I'll give you the link.

You remember links by heart?

I have a photographic memory.

(Tearing page)

If you want, I could come over after school tomorrow.

Uh... I won't charge you for today.

(Page rustles)

(Computer keys clack)

"The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being.

The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be."

Hi, Rem!

(Footsteps thud)

(Stall door clangs shut)


I know it's not your birthday yet, and I know you kinda hate birthdays, but I wanted to give you this.

Thank you, Georgie.

I have a little something in the office for you, too.

All right. All right.

I don't want you two going around hugging me all the time.

I'm fine. I'm good.

But, thank you...

Both of you.

Amy: C'mon.

(Tackle jangling)

(Footsteps thud)

(Chair creaking)

(Echoes of cheering crowd)

Announcer: Yes, let's hear it for Jack Bartlett! (Paint whinnies)

He's been entertaining us all for the past 20 years in this very arena.

Happy retirement, Jack, and we wish you all the best on that brand new paint horse of yours.

We're glad you accepted him as a token of our appreciation.

And folks I want you to know, Jack just told me he's such an imaginative guy He's gonna call this new horse of his, wait for it...


(Crowd laughing)

(Envelope rustles)

Jack: Dear Jack, "The fidelity of a horse is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being.

The bond with a horse is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be."


Announcer: Time is critical.

It's not your responsibility to find grandpa a new horse.

Announcer: A family pulls together to put grandpa back in the saddle.

What if he never rides again?

Move out that swing, Georgie.

Why don't you get on him, show me how it's done?

Announcer: Heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.