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04x20 - And Always Searching for Beauty

Posted: 10/26/15 23:06
by bunniefuu
John: Previously on Switched at Birth...

Daphne: I kissed someone in Mexico.

Was it that audiologist guy?

It didn't mean anything, I swear.

They're going over to the Waite Gallery for my show.

The fact that this guy even likes my stuff is beyond crazy.

Oh! Emmett!

It's a boy.

We're having a boy?

Yeah! (Laughs)

There's nothing left for me to liquidate.

That pretty much taps me out.

Why didn't you talk to me?

Kathryn, I am trying to find a way to make this all work.

Hey, stop! Regina, someone just took Will.

She's his mother. We're not calling the police.

Eric is a good guy. He only took Will because it was a really dangerous situation.

So Eric is the kidnapper.

You wanna tell us why you let a fugitive move into our house?

I only found out a couple months ago.

So before you asked if he could move into our house.

He had put it all behind him years ago. He made a fresh start.

I didn't think it was fair to tell everyone his private business.

That he's a fugitive?

He took his son out of a dangerous situation, which you and I talked about.

You said you would do whatever you could to protect your child.

I didn't know we were talking about Eric, and I didn't mean breaking the law.

He was trying to do the right thing for Will.

Kathryn: Do you know the risk you put us in?

For all we know, we're breaking the law just by housing him!

Regina, you call the cops on that guy or I will.

I will figure it out, I promise.

Just give me some time.

One day. We'll give you one day.

I always defend you to him, but not this time.

I want you to know I'm not upset at you for telling them.

Oh, don't worry. I'm not apologizing.

(Theme music plays)

I think I would be a great asset to the mission in China.

While sign language is different in every country, the deaf experience has so many similarities.

And maybe I could be a role model to them, to show that anything is possible for a deaf person.

Is that too cheesy?

Well, it's an interview, right?

You're supposed to say stuff like that.

Besides, isn't this Gabe dude, like, Melody's boyfriend anyways?

Doesn't that make you a shoo-in?

I don't wanna take anything for granted.

Especially after what happened with Marillo.

Well, she's wrong.

Oh, god, I want this.

A six-week internship in China fitting hearing aids?

That would look amazing on my med school application.

Yeah, which is, like, years away.

I need all the help I can get.

(Sighs) All right, go kick some interview butt.


Cannot believe that you're having your own freaking show at 19.

This is crazy.

Yeah, I guess.

Bay. Whatever happens with Regina and Eric and his ex-wife, it has nothing to do with you.

It'll work itself out. Tonight is the biggest night of your life.

You gotta enjoy it.



That is the owner of the gallery, Matthew Waite.

He's the one who booked me.

Sweet. Go shmooze. I got this stuff.

Hi. Um, excuse me. Hey. Um, I'm Bay Kennish.

I'm sorry. Who?

The artist.

The show that's happening tonight.

Oh, right. Hey.

Well, I was wondering if I could see a price sheet.

I mean, that's totally up to you, obviously, I was just hoping I could see one before tonight.

And also, what will you be serving?

I mean, wine and cheese, um, but, like, will there be any appetizers?

Um, are there any art critics coming?

Well, you can serve whatever you like and price them however you like.

This is your thing. Just go crazy.

Cool. Thanks!

(Car starts)

Let's just get through this closing and this whole financial mess will be behind us.

Thank god. (Laughs)

Okay. Get your game face on.

Hey, Tom. John Kennish, nice to meet you.

My wife, Kathryn.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

A pleasure. I believe you already know my lawyer.


Hey! Good to see you.

Good to see you.

What was it again?

John: Craig represented us in a lawsuit we filed against a hospital that had switched our daughters at birth.

But he said there'd be no conflict of interest here.

No, not at all.

Yeah, absolutely not.

Shall we head in?

The building itself is in great shape, but the plumbing is 30 years old.

The inspection showed cracks in both the supply lines and the drainage system.

As a result, we've had to revise our offer.

Are you kidding me?

This is 30 percent less.

That's because I'm gonna have to tear up the whole parking lot to fix the pipes, which means closing down for at least two months.

This place was for sale "as is."

You made a firm offer, which we accepted.

Contingent on inspection.

We had a deal.

Kathryn: Hold on. We all want this to close.

I'm sure we can find some middle ground.

There is no middle ground here.

We will not accept anything less than your original offer.

Well, I'm sorry, but that's as high as I'll go.

Then you're gonna have to find another car wash.

Will should get both of his parents or he'll always feel like he missed out on one of them.

Trust me on this.

You want me and Hope to get back together and live happily ever after?

That's never gonna happen.

I'm not saying live together, but parent together.

If you were to move back to Atlanta, with all three of you living in the same city...

I can't stand that woman!

Think about Will.

If she is willing and able to be part of his life right now, he deserves that.

Well, she doesn't deserve him.

This isn't about what she wants or what you want.

This is about what's best for your son.

How can you even suggest this?

Because I'm trying to keep you and Will together!

Besides keeping you out of jail.

Do you really think this is easy for me?

Well, even if I said yes, Hope would never go for it.

She hates me just as much as I hate her.

Let me talk to her, mother to mother.

Bay: Hi. Yes, I'm on hold for Kendall Booth, the art critic?

Oh, hi, Ms. Booth!

Hi! Yes, I'm calling from the Waite Gallery.

My name is... Joan Cabernet.

It is so nice to speak with you. Um...

I was just calling to tell you about a show happening tonight with a promising young artist that I wanted to alert you about.

Her name is Bay Kennish, and I really, really think you're going to enjoy her work.

It's sort of Barbara Kruger meets Frida Kahlo meets typography.

You will? All right! Yes!

Yes, the show is from seven to nine.

And I will see you tonight. Okay, bye.

She's coming!


Hi, you.

(Chuckles) What are you doing here?

I'm actually interviewing you.

I thought I was meeting with Gabe.

There's been a change of plans.

I'm taking the lead.

Oh, cool.

It's good to see you! (Laughs)

Should we get started?

Yeah, sure.

Hey, look, um...

I really want this internship, but I don't want things to be weird.

Why would they be weird?

You know...

Everything that happened with us?

It's all behind us.

I promise I'll treat you like anybody else.

Completely professional.

Okay. Great. Let's do this.

All right.

They changed the deal on us! What was I supposed to do?

You're supposed to stay at the table and negotiate, not walk away without even consulting me!

There will be other offers.

And what if there's not?

John, we're running out of moves on the chess board here. What's next, huh?

Don't overreact. Everything is gonna be fine.

I have been calm for months, waiting for you to clean up this mess.

And now I have to go put on a dress and go to my daughter's gallery opening and act like everything is fine. When do I get to panic, and get angry and outraged and stomp out of the room? Huh?!

When is my turn?!

(No audible dialogue)

How's Keon?


Are you sure you're okay with this?

Actually, no. I don't like it one bit.

See? I told you.

But I love my son.

He deserves both a mother and a father.

How do I know you're not gonna run again?

You'll have to trust me.

Just like I have to trust that you're done with dr*gs.

I am.

Time will tell.

Keon and I still need money, and we had a deal.

The Cracked Mug. I'll buy you out. Fifty grand.

Take it or leave it.

Fine. We'll meet you back here.

I can't believe you got her to agree.

She loves her son too.

Come on. You gotta pack.

Wow. Hi.

Thanks for meeting with me.

I was surprised to get your text.


John doesn't know I'm here.

So where are you gonna be again?


Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, uh, Guangzhou.


Told you you'd nail it.

Thank you. Or "shieh shieh!"


There's actually something else I have to tell you.


Um, Quinn is coming on the trip.

How do you know that? I thought you guys weren't talking anymore.

Uh, we're not.

But he interviewed me today.

Wait, wait, this guy is in KC?

Yeah, he's taking over for Gabe.

Um, so he was the one who gave you the job?

Technically, yeah.


He's trying to get in your pants.

Or I'm qualified for the job.

That is so naive.

It's naive to think I'm qualified?

It's naive to think that the fact that he kissed you and is attracted to you has no part of his decision.

We talked about it. He said he'd keep it completely professional.

Of course he's gonna say that. What else is he gonna say?

Well, he's coming to Bay's opening tonight.

You invited him?

Of course not!

Melody and Gabe are bringing him.

Babe, it's all good.

Yeah, for him, it is.

m1ngo, there's nothing to worry about.

And I will tongue kiss you in front of him all night long if that's what it takes to prove to you there's nothing going on.

Perfect. Can't wait to meet the guy who kissed you and then offered you a job.

But "it's all good."

(Soft rock plays)

♪ Gonna follow where my heart will lead ♪
♪ gonna fill this life with you plus me ♪
♪ and paint our world in shades of love ♪
♪ gonna plant a flower and watch it grow ♪
♪ gonna make ourselves a happy home ♪



(All chattering at once)



How are you feeling?

Oh, I'm good, thank you.

Sweetie, we are so proud of you.

Thank you. I'm nervous.

Are you kidding? It's gonna be great.

For sure.

Where's Mom?

Uh, she's coming.

I understand that the place isn't brand-new, but 30 percent less?

We both know that's not fair.

We assumed there was gonna be a negotiation, not a blow-up and a complete shutdown of talks.

Okay. How about this: 20 percent and a shorter escrow?

If I say...

I'll push him up to 15 percent, can we stop talking about this?

(Laughs) Yeah.

(Chuckles) Yeah.

So, m1ngo, this is Quinn.

Quinn, this is my boyfriend, m1ngo.

Nice to finally meet you.

Hey, I hear you're the g*ns and buns champ of South Padre Island.

Gonna defend your title next year?

I might have mentioned it.

So you don't sign, huh? Daphne didn't mention that.

I just assumed you working with deaf people all day, you might take a lesson.

Actually, I was thinking of offering classes to everyone in the group.

That's such a good idea.

Oh, man, I was looking up hikes in China.

There's this place called Tiger Leaping Gorge, how cool is that?

It's an 18 mile hike, but I know you're up for it.

She's a machine. I could barely keep up with her in Mexico.

I know. We go running together every morning.

I'm gonna go grab a drink.

Can I get you guys anything?


I'm good, thanks.

He is definitely into you.

What have you been doing the past three years?

Uh, well, let's see. Uh...

I wrote a memoir about the switch, which you know about.

And then I, um, wrote an erotica novel.

I knew that.

I was in a bookstore in the Philly airport, I started bragging to the girl behind the counter.

"I know her, I know her!"

Actually, read it. Pretty racy. Hm?


You know, I almost reached out to you...

You should've.

(Soft rock plays)

♪ Don't hold me like I'm going ♪
♪ don't look at me like I'm gone ♪
♪ 'cause when it all comes down to it ♪

♪ we're all going... ♪

Hi, Ms. Booth?

Oh. Yes.

Oh, you came!

I'm Bay Kennish.

Oh. Nice to meet you.

(Both laugh)

Nice to meet you too.

Want to give me a tour?

Uh, yes. Absolutely. Come on.

♪ And when it all comes down to it in this ♪
♪ silly world and its crazy fit of life ♪

So what inspired these?

Well, um, I had an experience this year...

A private one, that was suddenly made public, and a lot of people had opinions about it.

They used language, both verbal and written, to label me, to define my experience for me.

Uh, what's going on?

Oh. Hi, Matt.

So what are you doing here?

Someone from your office invited me.

If they did, that was a misunderstanding, and I'd like to know who called you.

A Joan Cabernet?

That... must've been my publicist.


I'm gonna go get some wine.

I'm so sorry.

I just know that it's standard to invite critics to openings, and since you hadn't had a chance to do it...

You know what? I've had enough of this.

I agreed to pretend this was a real show to make your boyfriend happy, but when you put my reputation on the line by inviting my colleague using my name...

Wait, real show?

Did you say "boyfriend"? I'm sorry.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

This is a rental, sweetie.

I was dark between shows, so sometimes I let people rent the place out.

Your boyfriend paid me $400 for the night.

I hadn't seen your work until just now.

I don't have a boyfriend.




And there you go.

Here's the title and paperwork for all the business.

And I wired you the money.

Thank you.

As soon as you guys get settled, I'll come for a visit.

Absolutely. This isn't a goodbye.

I can still picture the first time I saw you, walking into the Cracked Mug.

I'd just broken a taillight on your motorcycle.

I thought you were so beautiful.
Oh, my god!

Are you okay?

Are you hurt?

I'm fine.

Where's your mom?

I snuck out of the motel when she went to pay the bill.

She said me and you are going to Atlanta with her, and I wanted to say goodbye to Regina.

Oh, sweetie.

I like living here.

I don't want to go.

I don't want you to either, but now you get to spend time with both your parents.

Will, go check your room, make sure I didn't forget anything that you want. Hurry.

Eric, no.

Please don't run. Please.

I can't raise him with that woman.

Eric, listen. If you run, it'll never end.

You'll spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.

I made peace with that a long time ago.

If you go, I will never see you again.

I'm sorry.

Okay, Dad. I'm ready.

Please reconsider.

Look, say whatever you gotta say to get out of this.

Lie about me. Do what you gotta do.

I love you.

Where's Bay?

Oh. Hello.

She's making the rounds, I would imagine.

Is that a new dress?

Yeah, I, uh, I went shopping.

Good for you. You deserve a little retail therapy.

And I had a drink with Craig Tebbe.

Excuse me?

I wanted to talk about the deal.

You went behind my back?

I'm handling it.

You went and had a drink with a guy who's 15 years younger than you, in that dress, that's how you handled it?

We both need this deal to close.

Look me in the eye and you tell me that it was all about the deal.

That's exactly what I thought.

What is this, Kathryn, some kind of midlife crisis?

You're about to be a grandmother, for god's sake. It's embarrassing.

You know what's not embarrassing?

We settled at 15 percent less instead of 30.

Well, congratulations.

What'd you have to do to make that happen?

We just talked.

But you know what? It was nice.

It was nice to sit in a bar and have a drink with a handsome guy and not talk about the fugitive living in our guesthouse and our financial problems.

Well, that's marriage. What do you want me to say?

I want you to thank me for saving our asses.

Hey. Having fun?


I love your portrait. "Zombie lover." "Puerto Rican"?

You gave me this internship because I'm qualified for the job, right?

I just want to make it perfectly clear that I have a boyfriend.

Plus, you'll be my boss out there, and I've been down that road, total disaster.

But that's not what this is, right?

Hey, uh, what's going on here?

Uh, we're just having a conversation.

Cool, I'll just be joining it, then.

It's about the trip. I just need a minute.

Yeah, there's a gym around the corner.

Maybe you could pick up a protein shake.

Excuse me?


Wild guess here, but maybe she's looking for something with a little more depth. You know, complexity.

Even though I wanna punch you in the face right now, this is really important to my girlfriend.

So I'm going to walk away.

I don't think this is going to work out.

What isn't?


You're withdrawing your offer?

This has just gotten really... messy.

No! No, no, no! It's not messy.

I just want to do the job.

None of this will be a problem in China.

Yeah, I don't know about that.

Quinn, everything I said in my interview was true.

You know I could help those people.

I know what they're going through.

Please, just let me come and do the work.

I'm sorry.

Why do you keep doing this?

Do you really think that I'm so pathetic that I can't do anything for myself?

My first-ever commission was a lady who just wanted to get close to me to kidnap her kid back, and now I find out that the only expert who's ever validated my work was paid off?

I feel like a five-year-old who just found out her parents paid kids to come to her birthday party!

But I want to earn it, or else it doesn't mean anything.

Don't you get that?

Why do you keep interfering in my life?

I know that you mean well, Travis, I do, but you have got to stop. Okay?

You've got to.

What do you mean you can't? Why not?

That's ridiculous.

You're confused.

We both had our hearts broken at the same time.

We were miserable together.

And I was the first person you told about something very painful that happened to you, and I'm glad that you did, but that doesn't mean that you and I are...

And then we both grew apart from Emmett, which was hard, which was really hard.

Well, you can't be.

You saw that none of that was real.

Travis, I am in the middle of...

Admittedly my fake art opening.

Even if I did feel...

I couldn't do that to Mary Beth.

Well, then I couldn't do it to Emmett.

I made a promise to him that we wouldn't t*rture each other!

♪ Feels so wrong when I'm acting ♪
♪ shy ♪
♪ feels so right when I see you ♪
♪ and I ♪
♪ cry ♪
♪ I wanna feel your lovin' in... ♪
♪ Finally found the one ♪

I thought you left.

I was just sitting here... thinking about everything that happened this year.

That's a lot for anyone. Isn't it?

Travis rented the space for me.

It was all a lie.


Travis thinks that he's in love with me.

How do you feel about that?

Even if it's with Travis?

I really don't know what I want.

And I'm so proud of you.

For everything that you're doing out there.

♪ while monitors click and whirr and glow ♪
♪ I'm with you all day and I still would stay... ♪

Since the day we got together, you've had your doubts about us.

That's not true.

First it was your friends, and then it was the deaf/hearing thing, and then ever since you went to Mexico, that guy just keeps popping up.

It's not just him, it was what he represents.

He gets to see the world and change people's lives.

He's living the life that I want.

Then go live it.

He just fired me!

Then go to China without him. I mean, you have a plane ticket.

You can not just read a map, but write a new one.

So go, on your own.

Scratch that adventure itch.

I'm gonna do that.


For the record, I don't just think of you as a... guy who drinks protein shakes.

m1ngo, you are the kindest person I have ever met.

You're the only boyfriend I've ever had who's taken sign language lessons for me.

But I think we should take the summer, see what happens.


China's gonna change you. I can already tell that.

And that's... that's great.

I just, I don't wanna force anything when you get back.

So let's just see how we feel in the fall.


I'm going to miss you.

♪ It's midnight in the garden ♪
♪ and I find myself alone ♪


I missed your night.

You know what? Uh...

There'll be others.

I know I've made some bad decisions.

I just wanted it all to work out.

I really thought he was my second chance.

Look, I've made some bad choices when it comes to love, too.

You're gonna see him everywhere, for a really long time.

You'll probably love him forever.

But it gets better.

I promise.

Listen to you.

My grown-up girl.

Hey, look, I'm sorry if I overreacted.


Regina: Hey.

I wanted you both to know that it's over.

Eric and Will are gone.

They left? Just like that?

Where did they go?

She doesn't know.

But they won't be a problem anymore.

Honey, I know you're sad, but there really wasn't any other way for this to...

(loud banging)

Police! Hands up!

(g*ns cock)

We have a warrant for the arrest of Marcus Paxton, also known as Eric Bishop.

Oh, my god!

So you just barge into my house and knock the door down?

Look, we have an arrest warrant for a fugitive who we were tipped off was armed and living on your property.

Who said he was armed, his ex-wife?

Charging in here, g*ns blazing!

We have kids. We have a deaf daughter!

Let me ask you something.

Do you know who I am? I am a former state senator.

I don't care who you are, if you're housing a criminal who kidnapped a minor.

We had no idea about his past.

That's true.

You know what? Enough of this. I want to see a search warrant.

Sir, I don't need a search warrant, all I need is a warrant for his arrest.

And if you don't sit down, I'm gonna put you in cuffs.

You're going to handcuff me after storming into my house and breaking down my door?

I will have you fired.

John... John, this is not helping.

Sir, I'm going to ask you to put your hands behind your back.

Oh, you're arresting me now?

I'm restraining you. You're not being very cooperative.

And yeah, you keep this up, I will arrest you.

You know what? This is ridiculous!

Hey. Whoa! Dad! What is going on?

Honey, it's fine.

Have a seat, calm down.


We're gonna do our job, and everything will be over soon.

Mom, Toby just texted.

They're at the hospital. The baby's coming.

Oh, my god! Officer, my son is about to have a baby. Please!

You're free to go.

Thank you, but...

Go, go. I'll handle this.

I'm keeping you cuffed until we finish sweeping the area.

Kathryn, do something!

I am doing something. I'm going to the hospital.

Cops in the driveway and you kissed Travis?

That's a hell of a night.


It was actually kind of a great kiss.

So are you considering it? You should.

He's the best guy.

I know he is.

But, Daphne, my head is spinning right now.

Of course it is. You need... (Gasps)

What just happened?

You should come with me.

To China?


You didn't go to L.A. because of me.

And you had a horrible year.

You'll bring your sketchbook.

We'll see the Great Wall, eat crazy food.

You'll get inspired.

We'll have an adventure, you and me.

The swisters.

So, will you come with me, please?

♪ These machines are always running ♪
♪ like the rivers and the clocks ♪

(Both laugh)


♪ And everybody's going somewhere ♪


Is everything okay?


The cops just left.

Can we see them?

Yeah, come on. Hurry.

♪ You can't feel tomorrow ♪
♪ if you don't see today ♪
♪ though you'll never know ♪

Here he is.

Kathryn: Toby...

Hey. Wanna see your grandpa?


Here you go.

(Whispering) Hey, little man.


John: He's perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

He sure is.


You were right.

Marriage isn't always fun, but...


Kathryn: Look at us, honey.

We're grandparents. (Chuckles)

Can you believe it?


I remember when we were here having Toby.

Me too.

♪ You'll never know you'll never know ♪
♪ you can't hold the lightness ♪
♪ if you don't touch the dark... ♪

Hey, guys?


Can we see him?

John: Here you are, sweetie.

Yes. Oh, squiggles!

(All laugh)


Hi, little man.


So does the kid have a name?

Yes, he does.

We would like to introduce you...

To Carlton Summers Kennish.


I love that.

John: Carlton!


That's where you two met!

Carlton now...

Carlton forever.

♪ You can't stay together ♪
♪ if you don't fall apart ♪

Should we take a photo?


(All laughing)


♪ You'll never know ♪
♪ you'll never know ♪

(Buzzing sound)

(Speaking Mandarin)

Can you say in English? I try to learn.

Yeah. Uh, this chick was a bad-ass warrior.

Uh, bad-ass warrior.


A warrior. A bad-ass warrior.


(Cell phone vibrates)

Uh... (Speaks Mandarin)

(Speaks Mandarin)

Hey! Can we talk later?

I'm permanently altering someone's flesh here.

(Speaks Mandarin)

Sorry, he's never seen red hair before.

Oh. That's okay, I'm used to it.

Dit ja jow.

Massage it into the wound three times a day when you change the dressing.



Hey! Are you okay?

No. We gotta go home.