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01x06 - Cede Your Soul

Posted: 10/27/15 02:25
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Blindspot"...

Jane: I see the way that you look at me, and I don't know how to be this person that you lost.

I know you want Jane to be Taylor Shaw...

Look, this has nothing to do with what I want.

Sarah: Dad's been accused of kidnapping her, of k*lling her.

Hello, son.

Patterson: Saul Guerrero.

You're listed as the case officer.

Let's talk about Jane Doe.

Weller: I know being Taylor might not be an answer to all of your problems.

It's a starting point.

Jane: I think you're wrong.

You... you're my starting point.

(alarm beeping, Jane gasps)

Sarah: Okay, got your stuff.

Clothes, toothbrush.

You slept here?


Okay, look.

I know I shouldn't have brought Dad into your home without asking.

But I know if I asked, you would've said no.

Which is why you shouldn't have done it.

You could have at least, you know, shaken his hand or said hi.

I won't talk about this here.

Well, when do you wanna talk about it, Kurt?

Taylor is alive, Dad is innocent.

Her being back does not change the fact that someone kidnapped her.

So, then talk me through your version.

What, he got off his shift, he abducted the five-year-old girl next door, and then sold her on the black market and came home in time for the evening news? I mean, what?

Someone knows what happened that night.

It's not you and it's not me.

So you still really think he did it?

Or have you just been mad at him so long, you don't know how to stop?

I want him gone by the time I get home.

Okay, well, you don't need to worry about it 'cause he's already at a hotel.

He's just here for some treatments.

He's still trying to beat it?

No, Kurt.

They're just trying to slow it down.

I gotta get back to work.

Thanks for the clothes.

(sports game playing on TV)

(knocking on door)

What am I about to say?

"Three days are up. Where's your cash?"

I'm working on it.

Oh, no, come on.

Don't make me be this guy, walking in here, you know, talking about breaking legs or worse.

Ow! Ah, ah!

Do you know what I do for a living?

Yeah, I do. And what's the FBI's stance on agents with illegal gambling debts?

What, you're gonna tell on me? You're my bookie.

I'm saying, you don't pay, it's out of my hands.

My bosses do what they do to protect their reputation.

You wanna let go of my arm now?!



That's a bad play, Tash.

One more day, I'll have your money.

You better, 'cause the next time, the conversation ends different.

(door closes)

A breakthrough? It was a dream.

Borden: Your first dream, which you considered significant enough to mention to me.

A sex dream.

So what does it mean?

Well, that depends on who you ask.

Most people believe that dreams are the brain's way of processing how we feel about things.

So, who do you think he was, this dream man?

Um, something tells me you have a theory.

What, you think it's Weller?

You said that, not me.

Mayfair: I hear you had Jane over for dinner.

Yeah, it was my sister's idea.

How worried do I have to be about your objectivity on this case?

You don't. It was a family dinner.

I mean, my nephew was there, it was... there was nothing inappropriate.

No. No, I ju... no, I...

That guy had a tattoo of a tree on his arm, and Weller doesn't have that.

Dreams aren't literal, they're impressionistic.

Your body is covered in tattoos, symbols you don't understand.

Now, you described it as a tree with deep roots.

Maybe you're searching for stability, strength.

Those are certainly qualities that Agent Weller seems to project.

I'm speaking generally.

Normally your judgment is beyond reproach.

But with her?

Look, we all know this is an unusual situation.

Which is why I need to know that you're rock solid out there, that you're seeing things clearly.

I am.

I'm saying you're not.

Your relationship with Agent Weller is... complicated.

He's your colleague, your protector, your childhood friend.

Yeah, and now he's in my dreams. He's everywhere.

I think we need to consider you stepping down as lead agent on this case.

It's not necessary.

Borden: Maybe you need to establish clearer boundaries.

How do I do that?

To start... try keeping your interactions with him limited to a professional context.

At least for now.


(locker shutting)



Your holster's in the wrong position again.

Right, sorry.

There's just so much new stuff for me to remember.

We've already talked about this.

If we're in a firefight and your g*n's in the wrong position, that mistake could cost someone their life.

I said I was sorry, okay?

I don't need an apology.

I just need you to make that adjustment.

Falcon is two minutes out.

Switch to alternate route Bravo-three.

(tires screeching)

man: Everybody down!

man: No! No!

Oh, oh, God!


The target was Saudi Prince Fawwaz al Aziz.

He was in town on a peace summit.

There's been a lot of chatter about Saudi extremist groups targeting the Royal family.

Secret Service routes are classified.

They tend to change the day of.

So how did these guys pull off an attack this coordinated?

Because they had this.

One of the sh**t had a mobile app that I'd never heard of called TRAKZER.

It hacks into the GPS signals from "Blue Force trackers" on government vehicles and maps their exact location.

Where'd they get this and who else has it?

The transactions are untraceable.

Probably done through the Dark Web.

The Dark Web?

That doesn't sound good, what is that?

95% of the Internet isn't indexed on commercial search engines.

Yeah, the Dark Web is like the Wild West.

Everything from weapons to sex trafficking.

Yeah, and now, assassinations.

Shouldn't we hand this over to the Cyber Division?

Here, take a look at the app's logo.

That owl's on my leg.

Patterson: Exactly.

So, whoever did this to her knew about the app?

How many government vehicles have these trackers?

All of them.

So every single government agent is now a potential target... including us.

Last month, two undercover LAPD cops got ex*cuted in their unmarked car by converging vehicles.

No one could figure out how they coordinated the att*cks.

They tracked their patrol car.

More variations on the same theme.

An ambush in a prison bus convoy in Houston.

A federal witness k*lled in D.C.

TRAKZER's gone national.

And the death toll's rising.

We gotta shut this down fast.

Whoever wrote this app made it look like it's being hosted by a government network.

Any attack that we launch on it would be hitting our own systems.


So, shutting this thing down is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

No, it's like finding a piece of hay in a haystack, like a very specific piece of hay in the haystack.


Okay, well, you totally get it.



Wait a second, I have an idea.

I checked the signature elements in TRAKZER's source code against our malware database.

I understood the word "database."

Each programmer has a... a distinctive coding style.

Like a fingerprint.


And fingerprints from the software match a recent Hackathon winner.

Sponsored contests for recruiting programmers.

Now, check out the winner's username.

The Horned Owl.

That's our guy. How do we find him?

I traced the P.O. Box on his Hackathon entry form, and it routes to an apartment in Bed-Stuy.

Hay in a haystack.

Nice work. Let's go get him.

(rock music playing in distance)

No. Reade, you're up.

Bust it.

(rock music blasting)
♪ Hey! Hey! Hey! ♪

FBI, show me your hands!

What's going...

Put your hands up!

What's going on?!

Zapata: Clear.


Turn the music off!

Turn it off!

(music stops)

Does anyone else live here?

No, what is this?

That owl on the door... that symbol, is that you?


You created TRAKZER?

Of course I did. I created it for you.

I work for the U.S. government.

Ana Montes, I'm Special Agent Zapata.

I'm not saying anything unless it's my direct point of contact.

Right... and that's...

Leonard Gail, National Security Agency, Information Systems and Security Division.

And you do what for the NSA, exactly?

Nothing you're cleared to hear about.

Just have your boss call Leonard Gail.

(speaking in Spanish)

Okay, so because my last name is Montes, you think I speak Spanish?

I read your Social Services file.

I know your parents passed away, and I am sorry to hear that.

I get it.

My dad left when I was five, my mom was an alcoholic.

My brothers and I practically raised each other.

(speaking in Spanish)


(door opens and closes)

I hate teenage girls.

I'm gonna go get Weller. Stay here.

What part of "I'm not talking" don't you people understand?

What is this?

Where did you get that?

I don't know.

It's on your leg and you don't know?

Look, it's hard to explain.

Please, can you just tell me what it is?

She got a healthy imagination, I'll give her that.

She could be telling the truth.

I mean, federal agencies hire hackers to red-team them all the time, it's how they find the vulnerabilities in their security systems.

She's 17.

Yeah, for a hacker, she's in her prime.

I just spoke to my NSA counterpart.

Leonard Gail doesn't exist.

I knew she was lying.

Or, Leonard Gail does exist and the NSA is lying, like they've lied to everyone about everything ever.

Well, what does your gut tell you?

Are we dealing with a government agent or a kid who's read too many spy novels?

What if it's neither?

So, the owl is just a personal thing?

It didn't come from anywhere else?

Because we can't find it referenced anywhere.

Did you design it?


Well, do you know who did?

My brother.

I saw in your file that he was k*lled last year.

I'm sorry.

Do you live alone now?

Me, too.

It's hard, all that quiet.

I'm used to it.

I'm not.

My brother was older.

He mostly worked nights. I was alone a lot.

So he drew that owl above my bed, so I wouldn't be scared.

That thing was supposed to make you less scared?


Well, owls are nocturnal, so he said it would keep away the bad guys.

Did it work?


Your brother sounds pretty special.

I don't wanna talk about this anymore.

Did you talk to Leonard Gail?

What did he say?

We talked to the NSA.

He doesn't exist.

You're saying I'm a liar?

No, I'm saying that you were probably conned by someone who claims they work for the NSA.

(scoffs) Of course the NSA told you that Leonard doesn't exist.

His job is like 100 levels above your clearance.

Look at these.

They're recent crimes targeted at government vehicles... which were located by your software.


Weller: Yes.

No, my... my software isn't real.

It was just a proof of concept.

It wasn't for people to actually use.

Well, "people" are using it.

Did you ever meet Leonard Gail in person?


You didn't give your software to the good guys.

You gave it to someone very dangerous.

And every second it's out there, more lives are at risk.

People are dying, Ana.

Oh, my God.

Ana, we need you to get this software offline.

I can't.

Weller: You have to.

No, you don't understand.

There's no way for me to shut it down.

What do you mean you can't shut it down?

Look, TRAKZER isn't on my servers.

It's on Shawn's.

Who is Shawn?

Shawn Palmer.

He approached me online a few months ago.

He said that he was hiring freelancers for his cyber security firm.

So, I did a few projects for him and then he said he wanted to meet me in person, that he had this big opportunity.

All right, so he was the guy that said he worked for the NSA.

Yes, and other, less-reputable businesses.

Look, he said the NSA wanted to test their GPS security, and he told them that if I couldn't break in, that nobody could.

He promised that they'd hook me up with a job after if I pulled it off. So, I wrote the code and then he sent it to his contact.

Jane: Leonard Gail.

You didn't check into Shawn's story?

I thought he was looking out for me.

I guess I just...

Wanted it to be true.

Weller: Listen to me.

The longer this is out there, the more people are gonna get hurt or die.

We need your help to get to Shawn Palmer.

What do you need?

Palmer's security firm is a front.

Outstanding warrants for unauthorized computer access, wire fraud, identity theft.

And, ladies, he is single.

And invisible... Cyber Division couldn't even find a photo, let alone an address.

I could find his username with DARPA's Deep Web crawler, or track his Bitcoin usage in the Blockchain.

Or Ana could just tell us where he lives.

She's been to his house.

Oh, sure, I mean, it's a little analog, but...

All right, let's go get Mr. Palmer and bring him in for a chat.

Wait, wait, wait, guys, it's not that easy.

Shawn's place is like this crazy, fortified smart-home.

He keeps his servers there.

The guy literally never leaves.

Fine, we break down his door.

No, a guy like Palmer has an eject button.

He sees law enforcement coming, he's gonna take the software open source.

Open source?

Meaning he'll put TRAKZER's code online for free.

This thing could go viral in hours.

Well, if we can't get in, let's draw him out.

What, like pull his fire alarm or something?


The guy is careful, smart enough to know a false alarm.

What if it wasn't a false alarm?

Reade, Zapata.

Are you in position?

Zapata: Ready when you are.

Weller: Patterson, what's our ETA?

I need a few more minutes.

This guy has a massive firewall.

Blocked ports, encrypted traffic, intrusion detection.

Here, why don't you try accessing...

Don't touch my keyboard!


You are a hacker.

This computer is behind the FBI firewall.

No way you're touching this, kid.

Was just gonna suggest entering through the emergency cell backup on his smart-home control...

Yes, and accessing his cameras and the alarms.

I was just gonna do that, if you would just... let me type.

Maybe if you were writing in Python instead of Perl, you'd move faster.

What's wrong with Perl?

Nothing... if you're designing a website in the late '90s.


I see you switching.

I was gonna switch anyway.

You shouldn't have gone in there with Ana.

Why not?

Because you shouldn't be interrogating suspects.

I was talking to her.

And now, you're emotionally invested in that girl.

So, what if I am? She is a scared, lonely kid.

Who is the subject of an investigation.

FBI agents are trained to maintain their distance.

I'm not an FBI agent.

And yet, you want to be treated like one.

You wanted a w*apon, so you got...

Which you agreed to, because it was too dangerous for me to be in the field without one.

What's changed all of a sudden?

In this job you have to remain objective.


Is that what you've done with me?

Stayed objective?

I'm working on it.

(computers pinging)

Patterson: Okay, you guys should have eyes.

Now, I can shut off Shawn's alarm and security systems, but the freeze is only gonna last for about 90 seconds.

That's all we need.

Okay, Zapata, you're up.

Look for a lever marked "Primary Voltage Converter" that controls the power going into Shawn's place.

All right, how high do you want it?

(chuckling) As high as it goes.

I like your style.

(converter chirping)

Okay, I've already electronically jammed his fuses, and his wiring should short out any second.

(electronic music playing)

Whoa, what the hell?

(circuits exploding)

No, no, no, no, no.

Oh, my God, this can't be happening.


(fire igniting)

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Patterson: 911, what is your emergency?

Um, my place is on fire. Send someone fast!

We have a truck in your area and we'll be there right away. And, sir?

Please evacuate your home and get as far away from the fire as possible.

That was kinda cool.

Okay, get ready, guys.

He's coming out hot.

Jane: What is he doing?

Trying to be a hero.


Come on.

Get out. Get out of there!

Oh, God.

Let's move.

We're going in.


Come on.



Patterson: This is all that comes up when you try to use Ana's software now.

TRAKZER is dead.

What about Shawn Palmer, is he cooperating?

Yeah, the nice thing about arresting scumbags, they're not big on honor among thieves.

He's rolling over on every Dark Web player we know of and some we don't.

What happens to Ana now?

Well, she thought she was working for us and she cooperated when she found out that she wasn't.

So, as long as she stays out of trouble during probation, she's free to go.

This case felt different than the others.

Yeah, none of us almost got k*lled for a change.

But we've been dealing with corruption so much lately, I was starting to think the tattoos were from an enemy.

Foreign spy agency, something.

But this time they exposed technologies trying to harm our agents, like they were looking out for us.

So, whoever did this to me is trying to help?

Or want us to think they are.


What has got you twisted?

That kid breaks the law, profits from it, and gets a slap on the wrist.

She never made any money off of it.

We're supposed to take her word for it?

If she got paid in Bitcoin, we'd never be able to trace it, we'd never know for sure.

Come on. Palmer was the get.

Ana was in over her head.

She's a 17-year-old kid, on her own, just trying to use her skills to survive.

Dirty money is dirty money.

Jane: Shawn hurt a lot of people.

And he probably would have hurt a lot more if you didn't help us catch him.

You should feel good.

I feel stupid.

He was just the first person in a long time who...

Forget it.

(clears throat, sniffles)

Do you want a ride home?

I'm sure somebody here could take...

I'll be fine.

Listen, if you... if you want... if you ever want somebody to grab a coffee with...

I don't drink coffee.


I just mean, if you ever wanna talk.

Or we could catch a movie.

I can almost promise you I won't have seen it.


Can I talk to you?

Was I not clear before?

That is not how we do things.

Well, maybe you do things wrong.

Ana didn't open up until I showed her a little compassion.

And her opening up saved lives.

The case is finished.

And, what, you're inviting her to a movie?

She is completely alone in this world, and she needs something in her life other than her work.

Jane... Jane, if you ever wanna come and have a drink with the team...

No, I...

It's a little hard to relax when everybody at the table has been staring at photos of your tattooed body all day.

What about Sarah?

Your sister?

Her last name is on my back.

Look, I appreciate everything that you've done for me, everything that you're doing.

But I just... I don't know, I...

I need room to breathe.


Do you have a minute?


Uh, it's about Saul Guerrero.

His case number is on Jane's body, and I've been digging through his file, but it's pretty redacted.

Talk to Mayfair.

She'll get you compartmentalized clearance.

Uh, that's the thing.

I did, and she won't help.

This is a pretty big lead.

Don't you think it's a little weird not to follow it?

I wouldn't read into it too much.

I just don't understand why we're not following up on this.

Fine, I'll look into it, all right?

If Mayfair says there's nothing there, there's probably nothing there.



What do you want from me?

Fix your app.

The software's too complicated, okay?

That took me weeks to code.

We don't need the whole thing.

Just find this truck.

You have an hour.

That's not enough time.

Can you find it or not?

I can find it.

You're still at my place?

What have you been doing there all day?

I cleaned.

What do you mean, you cleaned?

You know, laundry, tidying.

There may have been a Swiffer involved.

Did you touch my board games?

Yes. I alphabetized them.

Wait... they were alphabetized, by game designer!


Um... well, I think I can remember...

No, no, it... it... it's fine, I'll just do it when I get home.

But the place does look very nice, though.

(keyboard clacking)

(buzz buzz)

What's wrong?

Someone is trying to access the system with my login.

I'm being hacked.

Through your FBI firewall?

Who... who's good enough to do that?

I think I know.

Palmer said you were fast.

This is not fast.

I'm going as quick as I can.

It sounds to me like you articulated your desire for space.

It didn't go very well.

Well, setting boundaries is challenging.

Even in more conventional relationships, people struggle to balance intimacy and autonomy.

You and Agent Weller have an...

Unconventional relationship, yeah.

You didn't tell Weller what we talked about this morning, did you?

Jane, our sessions are confidential.

Whatever you share, it stays here.

What makes you ask that?

Because he's pushing me away.

And that upsets you?

Perhaps Agent Weller is feeling the same need for boundaries.

(knocking on door)

Sorry to interrupt.

Patterson needs to see us right now.

She's not picking up her cell.

I think the hack was an S.O.S.

How do you know it was her?

The first half of the code was written in Python and then it switches to Perl.

It's an inside joke. It's her.

So, where is she? Can we track her location?

Nope, her IP address is routed through relay proxies.

That's the only way she could've hacked into our firewall.

God, what's happening to her?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

Got it! This is live on Ana's webcam.

Oh, God.

All right, the guy with the g*n.

Can you capture his face enough to use recognition software?

(computer beeping)

Okay, Misha Volkov.

Enforcer of the Petrovich Heroin Syndicate.

Russian drug runners.

They must know that she built TRAKZER and want to track DEA movements.

Which means they need her alive.

For now.

That's Ana's apartment.

Let's get Reade and Zapata, we gotta move.


Weller: Clear!



We must have just missed them.

Hey, can you get on this computer, find out what she was tracking?

Yeah, I can try.

One more time.

(keyboard clacking)

Wait, the username.

Is that Ana trying to leave us a code?

No, that's a VIN number.

She's showing us what they're tracking.

And how to find her.

These guys are always late for the transfers.












(siren bloops)

That was Patterson. The VIN belongs to an unmarked Homeland Security transport truck.

It's carrying weapons on the way to get shipped aboard.

That's a massive arsenal.

We can't let that fall into their hands.

Any word from the drivers?

DHS lost contact.

It's all right. We're gonna find her.

I know you think I'm too invested.

We're all invested now. Let's get her safe.

(truck beeping)


(siren blaring)


Weller: R.P.G.! Move!

(high-pitched ringing)

Do you see Ana?

No, no sign of her.


man: Get the girl!

(g*nf*re continues)

(muffled grunting)

There. Cover me!


Cover me!






Come on, come here.

You're okay.

(Reade groaning)


(g*n firing)


(truck starting up)

He's getting away!



Thank you.

Did the medic clear you?

Yeah, yeah, just, uh... (clears throat) ...a couple bruises.

Thanks for... coming to get me.

You're welcome.

So, what's next?

They're going to, uh, keep you under protective custody for a while, just to be safe.

It's not that bad.

You don't know what any of your tattoos mean, do you?

(sighs) We're working on it.

Figure out that steganography yet?


The black square on your shoulder.


Patterson: Steganography, of course.

Can you fill the rest of us in?

It's a... a method of concealing messages in innocuous images.

It's used by spy services, t*rrorists... it dates back to the Ancient Greeks.

So the black isn't just covering the Navy SEAL tattoo underneath.

Oh, well, that's the thing, it's not all black.

Some of it's off-black.

So, uh, if you isolate those sections and change their values to white...


The mask isn't covering the message.

The mask is the message.

It's a classic puzzle trick.

The dead space is always a clue.

Do you know what it means yet?

I mean, it looks like a turtle shell, but that's not very helpful.

I mean, maybe it's a... a substitution cipher using grid fragments, but that could take days to decode, or longer.

So, no?

Not yet.

But we're on it.

You're saying every one of these tattoos could have a double meaning?

Or triple. Or more.

We should go back over every tattoo that we've already decoded.

I mean, the CDC symbol, the drone pilot's name, even my name on Jane's back. Nothing's dead.

Any of them can hold another clue.

(clears throat) Thanks.

Do you want a new lead agent?


On your case.

Back in the surveillance van, you said... I wasn't objective.

So I can step down.

Mayfair can assign you a new lead agent.

I shouldn't have said that.

I was upset.

You might be right.

Maybe there's too much baggage between us.

Or maybe the baggage is what makes you the right guy for the job.

Who else is more invested?

Do you want me to give you a lift home?

My security detail's downstairs.

It's no big deal. It is on my way home.

Better not.

Good night.

Hey, I was gonna catch the end of the Knicks game down at 1849, you wanna come?

Mmm... next time.

You sure?

Never seen you turn down 20-cent wings.

Yeah, I think I'm just gonna crash.

You know, if something's up, you can talk to me, right?

Do you need to talk?

Is that what this is about?

Good night, Tasha.

Good night.

(locker closes)


I told you I wanted him gone.


Just sit down for one minute.

He needs to hear it from the both of us.

Hear what?

You haven't told him about Jane, have you?

Who's Jane?

What's going on?

Just sit down.


Where'd you find this kind of stack in 12 hours?

Couch cushions.

Giants are laying six on Sunday.

Which way you leaning?


I'm out, Randy.

Yeah, I heard that song before.

Not from me.

I'll see you soon, Tash.

They still don't know what happened to her, or who took her, or where she went or how sh... how she got back.

But they did the DNA tests.

And it's definitely her.

Dad, Taylor's alive.


She is.


You're welcome.

Um... do you guys want to go out somewhere?

Grab a beer, maybe?

Sorry, ma'am, we're not permitted to take you to an unsecured location.

Right, um, well, what about coming in for a drink?

Just one.

Sorry, ma'am.

But we can have a bottle sent up if you'd like.

No, that's, um... thanks anyway.