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01x02 - Mr Hyde

Posted: 11/01/15 19:25
by bunniefuu
He is coming.

The all-powerful one.

Lily: This is London. We do things differently here.

It's a condition. I was born with it.

Where is Robert Jekyll?


MIO -- Military Intelligence Other -- deals with supernatural threats.

Who exactly are you?

The question is: what am I?


My dear God, let me be doing the right thing.



(ECHOING) DOCTOR NAJARAN: Are you with the British Army?

Captain Dance: Well, if I were with the British Army, would I do this?

(p*stol SHOT)

Take this.

I hope you will never need it.

What is it for, Father?

It is important for Robert's safety that you listen to me very carefully.

Keep this key with you at all times...

(p*stol SHOT ECHOES)

.. and, Ravi, tell no-one what I'm about to say to you.

(p*stol SHOT ECHOES)

You can trust no-one.

Where is Robert Jekyll?

He is not here.

Yes, I know that, or I wouldn't be asking you, would I?

So where is he?








Stop! Or I'll sh**t you like a dog.



Bulstrode: Where the hell is he?

Jekyll has many powers but the ability to disappear is not one of them.

Are you sure about that, Mr Bulstrode?

According to your file he has the ability to turn into someone else, become immensely strong --

And he's invulnerable.

Don't forget invulnerable.


'The dream of reason produces mons...'

I'm sorry, but all this feels like some strange nightmare.

We're the nightmare police.

We make sure that when the people of Britain wake up, the bogeymen are gone.

Only you've lost your bogeyman.

Well, don't just sit there. Do something.

Go out and find him! He must be somewhere.

You're back with us?

I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing here.

Not a lot.

You've been asleep for three days, champ. Dead to the world.

Sorry? Three days?!


Don't get over-excited, lover boy.

I've been sleeping next door.

I shouldn't be here.

I was stabbed.

I should be in hospital.

You wanna see something?

Only three days ago, there was a knife in you up to the hilt.

It's not a hospital you should be in, it's a morgue.

There's hardly a scar. That's not normal.

Who are you?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

This makes no more sense to me than it does to you.

I never seen anything like what happened the other night.

The way you fought.

I've been watching over you.

Waiting for you to wake up so you can give me some answers.

I'm s... You didn't do anything to me?

Give me anything?

I'm no nurse.

But I'm a doctor.

Well, then, you should behave yourself. You'll get struck off.

I suppose I should thank you.

I suppose you should.

What's your name?

Isabella Charming.

Most people just call me Bella.

Well, Bella... I'm going to find out the answers to your questions.


Well, don't come back till you do.






Do not look at Banda! Do not talk to Banda!

Do not even think of Banda. Or Banda will...


You don't know who he is?

Herath Banda.

The greatest bandit chief of all Ceylon.

He's k*lled enough men with his bare hands to make a cricket team of the dead.


Room for a little one.

When will I be let out?

Oh, that's not my decision.

But, if it were up to me, I'd hang the lot of you.

I must get out of here. There is someone I need to help.

Oh, yeah? And who might that be, then?

I cannot say.

Nice try, laddie.


The emblem of our enemy.

It has existed in one shape or another for thousands of years.

Baal, Moloch, Fenrir, Loki, Beelzebub, most of the creatures in the zodiac...

Mythology, surely.

That's what we want people to think.

If we cease to believe in gods and monsters, Mr Sackler, they grow weak.

They wilt away.

That's why we catch them and destroy them.

Do you have a problem with that?

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

Well, yes, but --

But what?

You want me to k*ll Robert Jekyll because you believe he's a monster?

Not yet.

He's the bait in a trap.

Our people in Ceylon have informed us that Tenebrae have sent their most powerful agent after him.

He calls himself Captain Dance.

We've wanted to destroy him for a very long time.

We have one of our agents on board Dance's ship, keeping close to him.

So, for now, we do what we do best.

We watch and we wait.



Captain Dance: Darling, I must change.

I'll see you shortly.

I'll come to you, darling.



Hurry up, darling. You take longer than a woman to get ready.

Are you still worrying about letting that Indian boy escape?


He'll be dead soon. It's all been arranged.

Always making plans.

I don't know whether I love you for your brains or your body.

Not now, Fedora.

We'll be late for dinner.

Are you done?

Ah, I'd almost forgotten.


I do so hate skeletons in the closet.



I'm sorry to call by unannounced.

You're my only friend in London --

Are you all right?

You look awful.

No, I'm not all right.

I'm not all right at all.

I was worried you'd gone back to Ceylon without saying anything.

I'm not going back.

Not yet.

Oh, that's wonderful news!

Well, I mean, I'd like to know you better.

But why?

I've nothing to go back to.

My family...

There was a fire.

They're all dead.

Oh, Robert.

I'm so sorry.

My mother.

My father.

My little brother Ravi.

From military intelligence, London, sir.

Why are you keeping me prisoner?

Did I say you could speak?

No, sahib. Sorry, sahib.

But I have been here for many days and nobody will talk to me.

Nobody will tell me anything.

Your parents are both dead.

Their bodies were badly burnt, but there was evidence that they were m*rder*d before the fire was set.

You witnessed the events. Tell me what happened.

Bad men came to the house...

'Bad men'?

Is that the best you can do?

Were they Sinhalese? Tamil? White men?

Bad men, sahib.

They came to the house and they hit me.

Are you saying you have absolutely no idea who they were?

Or what they looked like?

I am the Superintendent of Police.

If you can't trust me, who can you trust?

Tell no-one what I'm about to say to you.

You can trust no-one.

I did not see them.

Dinner time, children.



Fedora: Would you help me with the body, darling?




Do you suppose he was MIO?

Yes, of course. This is Bulstrode's handiwork.

Which means they know we're coming.

Do we need to change our plans?

We hold our course.

We shall have to send a cable to Silas.

He is a blunt object. A butcher. He has no brains.

Yes, well, I supply the brains.

Silas simply has to quietly k*ll all the people around Jekyll who can help him.

And then, when we get there... I can deal with him personally.


Come in!

We've found Jekyll, sir.


We're back on track.

Sackler, it's time I showed you something. - (BELL RINGS)

I have to know I've made the right decision taking you on, Sackler.

(BELL RINGS) - I won't let you down, sir. You can trust me.

It's just I am having a little bit of difficulty accepting the idea of monsters.

Before the discovery of Australia, would you have believed in kangaroos?

Or the duck-billed platypus?


No, but...


Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.

This way.

Don't dawdle, Mr Sackler.

You're about to discover Australia.

Good afternoon, ladies.

Good afternoon, sir.

Intercepted from the SS Pollux, sir.

He is coming!

The great one. (SNARLS)

His power will be unleashed.

It's called a Harbinger.

It's the beast that first alerted us to Jekyll's arrival.

You are nothing. You are next to nothing.

Nothing will come of nothing.

Your mother never loved you.

Nobody ever loved...

Don't look too long. She'll destroy your mind.


It's called the Cutter.

It's a lot older than it looks. And a lot nastier.

So do you believe in monsters now?

'Credo quia impossibile.'

I believe because it is impossible.

My mother and father tried to tell me something before I left.

About my past.

And now they're dead.

I've got this terrible feeling that it's more than just a coincidence.

I have so many questions.

And it's not just that.

My pills.

At first, I thought I'd lost them, but now I'm convinced that somebody stole them from my room.

Robert... I can't begin to understand how you must be feeling, but you mustn't have such wild thoughts.

No, Lily.

I feel like I'm at the centre of some dark conspiracy.

I feel like somebody's watching me all the time.

I have to find out what's going on.

But where do I start?

Your grandfather's house?

If you've stirred up something from the past -- - No, you're right.

The more I can find out about my real family, the better.

Well, let's hope the next time we meet, I'll have more to tell you.

Oh, no you don't.

If there are secrets in that house, I want to uncover them with you.


Not a sausage. Not even a tiny cocktail one.

I picked up Robert's things and this.

Where the devil has he gone, Hils?

You care about him, don't you?

I'm that rare thing, Hils. A lawyer with a heart of gold.

You really should have married, Max. Had children of your own.

Don't worry. I'm not thinking of him as the son I never had.

I am still a lawyer.

And Robert needs a lawyer.

Only we have to find him first.




Thank the Lord and all his angels you're all right.

Are you all right?

I have absolutely no idea.

We've been worried sick about you. Who's this?

A friend. Miss Lily Clarke.

Fast worker.


Hello there.

You gave us quite a fright.

I've changed my mind, Max.

I want you to look after my affairs, starting with the house.

Excellent news.

This is from Captain Dance, sir, to someone here in London.

We intercepted it from the SS Pollock.

"A mother's boy has never wept, nor dashed a thousand kim.

Oh, Mamma, Mamma, please don't tear.

The sidewalk was in trouble and the bears were in trouble and I broke it up.

Please crack down on the Chinaman's friends and Hitler's commander.

French Canadian bean soup..."

This is quite obviously in code, man.

Yes, sir.

Well, decode it, then.

We have been trying, sir.


And we'll carry on trying.

Information, information, information.

That is our sharpest w*apon.

We have two pieces in play: Captain Dance and Robert Jekyll.

I need to know everything about them.

What news from Ceylon?

We're still working on it, sir.

What exactly is going on in Ceylon?

Captain Dance was careless.

He left a witness.

We have an ace in the hole, Mr Sackler.





Stop right there!

Stop! Or you're a dead man.



The house has been empty for 50 years.

It's just as your grandfather left it.

(COUGHS) Who've we got here, then?

Go on! Sling your hooks!

Ain't no-one lives in here, missus, except ghosts.

A man k*lled himself in there, they say.

He poisoned himself.


It's him!

I've been expecting you.

I very much doubt it.

Tenebrae are coming.

Beware the One Eyed Man!

Ignore him.

He hears voices.


Get yourselves something to drink.

And don't you go spending it on food, do you hear me?

I can hear them.

They're singing in the shadows!

Tenebrae. The great one is here.

The all powerful one...

Do you want to do the honours?

Beware the One Eyed Man!



Cheery (!)

They do say that gloomy Victorian Gothic is coming back into style.

Ah, there's a lamp.


Is this him?

Is this my grandfather?

The great Doctor Jekyll.

A fine, upstanding, pillar of the community.

Until he poisoned himself.

I wish I knew more about him.

There's one letter from him in the paperwork.

Written to my father.

What does it say?

Just some slightly excitable stuff about what he calls, 'Our curse.'

Well, how we all have two natures.

A good side and a bad side, constantly at w*r with each other.

According to him, man is not truly one, but truly two.

Come along, we should explore.

Let's split up.

You two, take the ground floor. We'll look upstairs.

It would help if we had some idea what we were looking for.

If I knew that, then I wouldn't need to look.

Good point.

Let's go this way.




Just a bird.

Funny thing about fear.

It heightens all your senses.

We... We should go back downstairs.

This was a waste of time. I don't know why I came here.

I think it was my idea.

I have to confess, Robert, I had an ulterior motive.

Lily -- - Don't you feel we have unfinished business?

You kissed me once and I ran.

I kissed you once and you ran.

This time...


We should get back. The others will talk.

There you go again.

The stiff, upright Doctor Jekyll, fresh off the boat.

Please, Lily.

Let me in, Robert.



Are you decent (?)

Er, Hils.

Would you...? Would you be able to drive Lily home?

It's getting late.

Of course.

I will help you, Robert.

I will save you.



Rather old. Like everything else around here.

I thought I'd uncover some secrets here about my past.

Who I am. What happened to my father...

But I can't think straight.

Slow down.


Why don't you start at the beginning?

You say you're not well?

I was born with a hormonal imbalance.

Rogue chemicals bouncing around my body.

All my life, I've been prone to outbursts.

But, lately, things have been happening that I can't explain.


You could try.

The other night, when I found out that my parents had been k*lled... I completely lost a grip of who I was.


Grief can do strange things to a mind.

The Ceylonese believe that demons get inside of us.

A Yakshaya and it is these Yakshaya that cause us to fall ill or go mad.

Even now, I can feel something fighting to get free.

I feel like the slightest thing could tip me over the edge.

Do you want me to find you a doctor?

I am a doctor.



So have I become a paranoiac?

Or am I really in some kind of danger?

I deal in cold, hard facts.

Fantastical ideas about demonic possession... you getting stabbed and somehow healing yourself, it's er... it's absurd.

Is it? Look.

Look at this.

That's where I was stabbed.

There's nothing there.


Robert, there is only one explanation.

You've gone stark staring bonkers.

I tell you, Max. It all happened.

And the old man at The Empire um...


It was as if he recognised me.

Knew something about me.


Henry Jekyll had a footman called Garson.

Come on. Get your coat. This brandy's rather lost its kick.


Oi! Oi! Leave it! Go on!

Not where I would normally choose to drink, Robert.

No, nor I.

You do the talking, Max.

I'll point Garson out to you, but I don't want to be recognised.

You really did misbehave the other night, didn't you?

Are you all right?

Never better.


Do you see him?

Er, no.

(There. There at the bar. That's him. That's Garson.)


(MURMURS) - I've just realised that there was a poster for this place among my father's files.

It used to be a music hall, I think.



Charming (!)

Oh, excuse me.

A pint of bitter, please.

In a clean glass, if you have one.

Excuse me. Would your name be Garson?

I'm busy.

You can surely talk as you polish?

But I don't know you, do I?

I'm a lawyer.

I certainly don't know you.

I'm representing someone I think you might know.

Don't know him. Don't know you. Don't know nothing.

That's fairly comprehensive.

His name's Robert Jekyll.

He was in here the other night.

He claims you saved his life.

Were you once a footman for a Doctor Henry Jekyll, Mr Garson?

Everything all right, Garson?

Everything's fine, thank you, Empress.

I don't think I know this gentleman.

Max Utterson, of the Gabriel Utterson & Son legal practice.

Bella Charming of The Empire drinking hall.

I am representing someone --

Listen, Mr Utterson.

You come here as a wealthy toff willing to spend money, fine.

You come here as a lawyer, you're about as welcome as a fart in a perfume factory.

I only wish to talk to Mr Garson about something.

He don't need a lawyer.

We look after our own.

So, why don't you wend your merry way homewards?

I'd rather like to finish my drink first, if you don't mind.



That's a big haul for a shoddy pub like this.

We sell a lot of pickled eggs (!)

I'm beginning to think that you're a naughty girl.

And I'm beginning to think I never want to see you again.

And miss out on all the fun?

You've changed your tune since this morning.

You scuttled out of here like a scalded cat.

You couldn't even tell me who you were.


This is who I am.


Man: It's not too far.

Be gentle with him, Mary.

I will, Garson.

Come on, you.

'Beware the One Eyed Man!'

You what? What's going on down there?

Let's go.

Why are they following Garson?

Good question.



What's the hurry?

Nice night for a stroll.

Cyclops Silas Parnell and his merry men.

Bit off your patch, ain't you?

Nice night for a little light k*lling.

What's this about, Silas?

I've got no quarrel with you.

It's nothing personal.

Seems you've been mixing with the wrong people, Garson.





Ah! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

I was just following orders.

Who sent you?


Well, then 'No-one' is going to drop you.

(SHRIEKS) All right.

All right. Tenebrae.

But you're gonna have to drop me, cos I ain't saying no more.



Tenebrae. Mean anything to you?


Mean anything to you?

You must know something. Otherwise, what was all this about?

You. It's about you.


What do you know about me?

I know I'm stuck with you.

I can't even go home now.

So you watch my back.

You keep me safe.

I'll tell you what you wanna know.


And you don't blame me if you don't like it.



Help! Help me!


(GRUNTS) OK, boss.




Robert! Where the hell did you disappear to?

What have you been doing?

Isn't this who we went looking for?

Have you been drinking, Robert? What's got into you?

No, Max. It's just come out of me.

A Yakshaya.


Were you hurt?


Oh, stop pawing at me.

You've been shot.

Does the name Tenebrae mean anything to you?

It's Latin. Means "Shadows".


That's appropriate.

Nothing else?


Robert, we need to get you some help.

No, I'm fine.

Leave me be.

Let him sleep.

He needs to heal.


50 years.


It might have been yesterday. Nothing's changed.

I'm right back where it started.

Up to my neck in it. Happy now?

So you were Henry Jekyll's footman?

(GULPS) His assistant.

What about Edward Hyde?

Did you know him too?

Jekyll, the upstanding, well-respected doctor.

And his friend, Edward Hyde: a filthy beast who brought nothing but fear and pain and suffering into the world.

And now it's all coming back.

You need to tell me what's going on.

What the devil is Robert mixed up in?

Yeah, the devil indeed.

You've seen downstairs.

Well, there's nothing here.

We've searched the place.

Only a few dusty wine bottles in the cellar.


Not that downstairs, you idiot.


Someone -- your father I suspect -- went to a lot of trouble to keep old Jekyll's secrets buried.

Maybe we should respect that.






Aren't you going to wait for me?

Robert, are you all right?

Well, how do I look?

Like a rat's breakfast.

My apologies... if I behaved badly before.

Are you sure you want to do this, boy?

You step through there, there may be no going back.



Well, this is it.

This is where it all began.

Where Jekyll met Hyde.

And where he k*lled himself when it all went wrong.

This is Doctor Jekyll's laboratory.


Is that the new package from Sir Danvers, Garson?

Yes, Doctor Jekyll, sir.

Three phials of oil of monocane.

Excellent. This is all we need to complete the new formula.

Wish I understood what you were doing here, sir.

With every day, I have been drawn steadily nearer to the truth... that we are not truly one, but truly two.

My grandfather was experimenting on himself?

He wanted to split himself in two.

But that's insane.


Doctor Jekyll was insane.



Oh, you're surely not gonna drink that, sir?

I'm opening a door, Garson... for the hidebound pedants who call themselves scientists.

Everything we thought we knew about ourselves is about to change.



Sir? Doctor...?


Doctor Jekyll!


Oh, God!



.. from the Empire Music Hall.

Listen, Max.

Sorry, but I'm not listening to any more of this.

Doctor Jekyll changed into a different person (?)

Can't you see it, Max? It explains everything.

It explains nothing.

Henry Jekyll found a body for his wicked side.

And he gave his other half a name, didn't he?



Edward Hyde.

Now you have it.

I am not listening.

Cos you're a damn fool.

I don't know what your game is, Garson --

Doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde are the same person, Max.


They were both my grandfather.

Not one, but truly two.

And I'm the same.

I have a Hyde inside me.

And somebody knows about it.

Somebody doesn't like it.

And I intend to find out who.





I wouldn't miss this for the world.