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05x05 - Better Call Saul

Posted: 11/01/15 23:55
by bunniefuu
Saul: Previously on Homeland...

Your name's on a k*ll list.

Saul put your name on the list.


Now play f*cking dead.

You got to disappear. This picture buys you time.

Quinn, in the last two years, I tried to find you.

I never stopped thinking about you.

Well, how do I look?


What did you do with those documents?

We're going to be rich.

My Russian friend paid big.

I caught a diplomat f*cking Katja on tape.

So, you have something for me.

You don't know what you are doing.

One of my ambitions in life is to be a trusting person.

I want to trust you.

Unfortunately, I am cynical.

Take me to your drop.

No, I'll handle it.

Carrie: You are telling me that someone I trust more than I've ever trusted anyone is trying to k*ll me.


If you had a plan to replace Assad, we understand that it would be with General Youssef.

You have a loyal following among the high-ranking officers.

We believe they will support you to lead your country.

To lead my...

When you replace Assad.

There's only one number in the memory.

Quinn: Call it.

(in Russian) Yes?

(expl*si*n rumbling)

(woman speaking German)

Carrie: Christ, I really thought I left all this behind.

Male reporter: The Islamic State !sis proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate with authority over...

...redraw the map in the Middle East.

Female reporter: The soldiers are hackers, the b*ttlefield is online, and it's not a matter of...

Edward Snowden is a coward.

...extremely disappointed that the Russian government would take this step.

Laura: It's against the law, it's against the f*cking law.

Carrie: All that suffering, and nothing changes.

Crocker: Is our strategy working?

(woman speaking German)

(man speaking foreign language)

Saul: I actually convinced myself we were gonna change the world.

Quinn: Carrie will never be free.

Carrie: Spend my life on the run, give up my daughter?

Jonas: I don't know how you live with yourself.

Al-Amin: I will fight you forever.

Carrie: Who's after me?

Jonas: So many people, so much blood on your hands.

Homeland - 5x05
"Better Call Saul"

Adal: Mm-hmm, yeah.

I don't know.

I'm trying.


The Swiss Federal Police are ten minutes out.

We kept them away as long as we could.

How much do they know?

It was an intelligence operation.

There was an accident.

What about who was on the plane?

Not yet.

Well, we're gonna have to tell them sometime.

My feeling is, they'll be patient.

We have kept them in the loop.

At least nominally.

Frankly my main concern is what went down here.

You have a working theory?

Somebody betrayed us.

You think?

I have every member of the medical team who operated on General Youssef's daughter in an interrogation room right now.

What if the breach was back in Berlin, or at Langley?

I'm not going there yet.

Let's hope to hell you don't have to.

Give us a minute.


(alarm chirps)

Carrie: Astrid.

It's me.

Carrie Mathison.

Nice wig.

Very retro.

You look like one of the Baader-Meinhof g*ng.

Do you mind if we talk in the car?

A little paranoid, are we?


I've, I've got no one else to turn to.

What about your former employer?

They've been looking for you anyway--

I imagine to discuss your recent adventures in Lebanon.

I don't know who I can trust there.

But you trust me.

Peter Quinn does.

Be my guest.

(car door opens)

I need your help.


Well, I'm not sure slashing my tire is the best way to ask.

Do you know who this man is?


Well, yes.

How did he get dead?

That's a long story.

Does it look like I'm in a rush?

This is not a joke.

No one can know about this.

I am literally putting my life in your hands.

The assassination attempt in Lebanon, During was not the target, I was.

And you know this, how?

That's not important.

What's important is that the people who targeted me think I'm dead, but who knows how long before they realize that's not true?

Who are "they"?

It's unclear. Whoever they are, they're connected to this man.

I don't recognize him.

He tried to k*ll Quinn.


Why doesn't that surprise me?

What's that supposed to mean?

Peter does his own legwork. Always.

You wouldn't be here unless he got himself hurt somehow.

Is he okay?

He'll live.

I want to see him.

Now is not a good time.



Give me the picture.

I'll see what I can find out.


I'm not doing this for you.

Yeah, I think we're clear on that.

No one can know that you've seen me.

No one.

You said.




(breathing heavily)

(door opens)


He rises.

You were gone a long time.

Well, apparently Astrid likes to sleep in.

I waited for almost an hour.

Was she able to ID our guy?

Not off the top of her head.

But she said she'd do some looking.

For your sake.

She likes me-- what can I say?

Her one redeeming quality, as far as I can tell.


Jesus, Quinn, you're burning up.

I'm fine.

No, you are not.



Let me see.


Let me see!

That does not look good.

I'm first-stage septic.

f*ck me.

Tell me what to do.


How do you feel about armed robbery?

There's an emergency room about a mile down the street on Ritterstrae.

What're you doing?

What I should've done last night, calling Jonas.

His sister's a doctor.


(line ringing)

(club music playing)

Where have you been?

Katja's dead.

Yeah, I know.

It's horrible.

The police were here.

They wanted to talk to Korzenik.

Has he been in today?




You think he k*lled her?

Who, Korzenik?

Of course not.

Look, Katja had a regular who worked at the Russian embassy.


Do you know who he is?


Not his real name, probably.

Would you recognize him if you saw him again?


A real pig.

Come with me.

(women speaking German)

When was the last time he was here?

Four days ago, I think.


That's him?

You sure?


Put it high enough.

It has to cover everything.

I don't understand.

Anything they see-- even the paint on the wall-- they'll use it to try to find me.

I meant, if this is so dangerous, I don't understand why you're doing it at all.

I owe it to Katja and Korzy.


Hello, citizens of the world.

I'm Gabe H. Coud.

The following video shows a man-- a pig-- who works at the Russian embassy in Berlin, Germany, who m*rder*d Katja Keller, an innocent person, and who disappeared her partner Armand Korzenik.

This is a call to arms.

Meeting place is the Russian embassy tomorrow at noon to demand answers.

It is only when our voices are united that we become too loud to ignore.

How was that?





Come in, quickly.

You don't look hurt.

You said you were hurt.

Please! It's not safe out there.

You said this was for you.

Well, it's not.


Last time I saw you, you were running into the woods with a r*fle.

Screaming about assassins and-and avenging angels and then... nothing. Three days, nothing.

And then you call and tell me you're injured.

Seriously injured. What the f*ck, Carrie?

You're right.

On top of everything else, I'm putting my sister's medical license at risk here.


There is a guy in the next room. He's been shot.

If we don't get an IV into him now, he's not gonna make it.

Who is he?

He's a friend.

He's a colleague, okay?

I'll-I'll explain later.

I promise.

Why should I do anything for you?

I don't know.

You have the antibiotics?

Wash your hands.

I need your help.

You've hardly said ten words since we left Geneva.

Still in shock, I guess.

It's shocking.

I actually convinced myself we were gonna change the world.


Wasn't the Syrians, though.


How do you figure?

If the Mukhabarat had even a whiff of this, that plane never would've gotten off the ground in Damascus.

Who then?

The Iranians?

The Russians?

Someone who had a vested interest in keeping Assad in the presidential palace, that's for sure.

Or keeping General Youssef out of it.

What do you mean?


They're hardly fans of the general.

And didn't Etai send up a flare the other night?

He did.


I don't buy it.

Why not?

The simple answer is usually the correct one.

Nothing simple about Israel sabotaging one of our operations.


Aren't we going to your place?

I won't be able to sleep tonight.

I thought I'd go in and get a head start on the OpSec review.

Don't forget your bag.

What if he doesn't get better?

He will.

What if he doesn't?

Will you take him to the hospital then?

Would your sister come and examine him first?

She might, if I ask her to, but I won't involve my family in this anymore.


I get that.

I won't be involved anymore, either.

You've done more than enough, Jonas.

Thank you.

I mean that.

No one should have to live like this.

I just said you don't have to.

I'm not talking about me.

Well, I don't have a choice.

Yes, you do.

Well, I wish that were true.

(short laugh)

This is insane.

Assassination attempts, g*n battles in the street.

You've got to find a way to stop all this, Carrie.


I don't want to lose you.

I can't lose you.

I thought I had.


I was beginning to think you weren't coming.

Yet here I am.

How are you?

How am I?


How the hell do you think I am?

Oh, I think you should be satisfied.


All went as planned.

Ticktock-- all is good.

It did not.

How so?

I got a call from Vasily on the tarmac.

Except it wasn't Vasily on the other end of the line.

(clears his throat)

I was afraid of that.

What do you mean you were afraid of that?

Hmm, no. Not your problem.

Don't worry about it.

Not my problem somebody got a hold of Vasily's cell phone?

I have to assume it was Saul Berenson's hit man.


And-and what happens when he and Saul compare notes and realize that it was me who put Carrie Mathison's name in that k*ll box.

A conversation like this might lead to the SVR.

Might even lead to me.

It will never, ever lead to you.


As I told you, my problem.

You better be f*cking right.

You better f*cking relax, Allison.


This was your problem.

As you can see, that problem was solved.

Jesus Christ.

My nerves are shot.


Just a little farther now, okay?

Almost there.

Easy for you to say.


Don't be scared of him.

Who-- Dar Adal?

He's a pussycat.

We've put out the milk.

He will lap it up, believe me.

It's gonna take a lot more than that to turn him against Saul.

Wait and see.

Saul's weakness is Israel.

Dar Adal knows it.

So when he comes to you-- and he will come... play hard to get.

Then go to Saul with the passenger manifest.




(clicks tongue)

Ciao, cacao.

(car engine starts)

Ivan, please?

Stay with me a little longer.

(turns engine off)

(metal dings)

(typing rapidly)


Come in.

I thought you were still in Geneva.

Something's come up.

Tell me.

Is Saul still in the building?

He put his head in about five minutes ago.

The two of you had dinner at Etai Luskin's home on Friday night.

We did. It was a Passover Seder.

Saul invited me.

As his guest?


Your contact report said the conversation was casual, friendly?

It was.

The b*mb that took down General Youssef's plane was magnetic.

You're kidding.

Set to go off at 20,000 feet.

There was a malfunction apparently.

We were lucky to recover it is what you're saying.


The techs claim it's virtually identical to what Israel's using against Iran's nuclear scientists.

I assume you know that Saul and Etai go way back.

Africa, wasn't it?


They were young and idealistic together.

A bond was formed.

Surely you don't think Saul...

I don't know what to think!

But it's not something we can ignore.

Put a team on him.

Just to be clear, sir.

On Etai, right?

No, on Saul.

Eyes, ears, the works.

I want to know who he's meeting with and what he's saying to them.

(door closes)

(printer printing)

(door opens, closes)

Allison: What's all this?

Just trying to reconstruct a list of anyone at Langley who had operational clearance.

You should take a look at this first.

What is it?

Passenger manifest for Lufthansa Flight 667 leaving from Berlin to Geneva on Saturday morning.

Saturday, as in the day before yesterday?

That's correct.

Third page.

Seat 23-C, the highlighted name.

"Petrich, Michael.

Professor of applied sciences... at Beuth University."

Do I know this man?

I'm afraid so.

Allison: CCTV from the security line at Tegel.


He was there, Saul, in Switzerland, the day General Youssef's plane went down.

Petrich is one of his many known covers.

(sighs heavily)

Tell me about it.

Do we know where he went?

Or who he met with?

I've only just found out about the flight myself.

Have you told Dar?

No, I came to you first.


Keep it between us for the time being.


Where are you going?

(door creaks shut)

(door opens)


...where hundreds of people have gathered in response to a video posted anonymously online, accusing a Russian consular official of m*rder and possible kidnapping.

In fact, the embassy Web site...

Carrie, have you seen this?

You should see this.

...was shut down for almost two hours this morning, replaced by footage of the alleged official having sex with two prostitutes.

The authenticity of the footage cannot be confirmed, but the hack on the Web site went on to include allegations that the SVR, Russia's external intelligence agency, k*lled a young woman named Katja Keller in an attempt to buy classified CIA documents.

What does this mean?

Carrie: Give me a minute.

The Russian diplomatic mission in Germany has released...

(phone rings)


Carrie: It's me.

What the hell's happening at the Russian embassy?

You heard about that already?

Yeah, it's all over the Internet.

They keep mentioning classified documents-- are they the same ones Laura Sutton was writing about last week?

One would assume.

He said as much on the video.

Who did? - The hacker who crashed the embassy Web site.

The same guy who cyber-penetrated Berlin Station?


Uh, what about the photo I gave you?

Any luck there?

Actually, yes.

Name is Vasily Kovas.

Chechen born.

Formerly a contract k*ller for Russian organized crime here in Berlin.

The Tambovskaya?

Among others.

"Formerly," you said.

Before he went out on his own.

Any way to connect him to what's going on at the embassy?

Well, I can think of at least one way.

What's that?

He's done a bunch of freelance jobs for the SVR lately.



Real tough guy.

Astrid, I'm gonna have to call you back.

What is it?

What did she say?

God, I've been such a fool.

It's been staring me right in the face.

What has?

Quinn needs to hear this, too.

Did you get a name?

(scoffs) Got more than that.

That guy who tried to k*ll you works for Russian intelligence.

That's who got in the middle of your operation.

Saul didn't put my name in that k*ll box, the Russians did.


Well, think about it.

The stuff Laura Sutton published last week was only part of what was hacked out of Berlin Station.

So there was something in the additional documents the SVR didn't want you to see.


Uh, what are you doing? - If you're going back out there again, I'm coming with.

No, hey, hey, hey, Quinn, lie back.

It's too dangerous.

It's not.

No one's after me at the moment thanks to you.

Where's Laura?

Last I heard, she was reaching out to her source.

The hacker?

Yes. Not sure if they ever connected.

Well, I need to see those documents, whoever's got them.

Let me call her.

Hey, you gonna be all right?

I'd be better if you'd get the hell out of Dodge.

I can't do that, not now.

We'll talk about it when I get back, okay?

Okay, yeah, danke.

The office says she's at the Russian embassy covering the demonstration there.

I'm gonna need you to look after him for a while.

Carrie, listen to me.

I'll just be a few hours.

It's the last thing I will ask you to do, I swear.

(door opens)

(door closes)

Saul: Private plane went down near Geneva this weekend.

I assume you're aware.

I heard rumors.

What about?

A near-epic operation gone south.

Family members, not just principals, among the dead.

The matter we discussed at the Seder the other night.


I need to know the source of your intel.

You know, a man with a paranoid cast of mind might think that you think we had something to do with bringing down that plane.

Maybe your source was shopping his wares to someone else.

Maybe you should grow a pair of tits and go f*ck yourself.

Let's talk about where you were the day before yesterday.

You mean Saturday?

Yes, I mean Saturday.

Yeah, but if you already know, what's the point of asking?

Well, what were you doing in Switzerland?

I can't tell you.

I was recruiting a potential asset, okay?


That I won't tell you.

Anyway, it was a waste of time.

He never showed.

So it's just a coincidence you were there?

Yeah, a troubling one, I admit.


The night before you were giving me an earful about regime change in Damascus.

Another coincidence, I'm afraid.

I'm sure you can see how this looks from where I'm standing.

We didn't do it, Saul.

We didn't m*rder the general you never met to discuss the coup that you weren't planning.

Well, somebody did.

(camera shutter clicks)

Just as you cannot be a little pregnant, so you cannot be a little totalitarian.

Our entire youth is being monitored, everything we do, and we don't know what that might mean, how it might be used against us.

So what are you guys?

Chaos Chess Club, Pirate Party, Tactical Tech?

None of the above.

Do you consider Gabe H. Coud to be the most dangerous man in cyberspace?

He is now.

Is he here?

Do you know?

Of course.


Right here.

I'm him.

So am I.

Me, too.

Je suis Gabe H. Coud.

(chanting): Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud...

Do you guys speak English?

I do.

I'll give you 20 euro for your mask.

Make it 50.



(chanting): Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud...

Laura: Hey!

Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud! Je suis Gabe H. Coud...

(line ringing)

(phone rings)


Laura, it's me, Carrie.

Carrie? What the hell?

You should probably get out of here.

Police are about to move in and break up the protest. - How do you know that?

Because I'm watching them get ready right now.

I really need to talk to you.

What about?

Meet me at the Ostbahnhof station.

Lose your cameraman.

Walk, don't run.


(shouting indistinctly)

This happened when?

About 45 minutes ago.

Adal: I take it we didn't have ears on it?

No way to get a parabolic mic close enough.

Plus the water feature in the garden.

I'll be damned.


It's hardly a smoking g*n, sir.

Excuse me?

I mean, there's probably another explanation.

This could be about something completely unrelated.



(PA announcements in German)

You don't know me. Sit down and take out your phone.

What's going on?

Take out your phone and make like you're talking on it.

Okay, good. Thanks for coming.

Another phone trick, I'm gonna have to remember these.

Jonas told me you were looking for your hacker friend.

Did you ever track him down?


I need to see the rest of the material he got from the CIA.

Not gonna happen.

Laura, look, I know we're not best friends, but you got to believe me, we are on the same side here.

You don't understand.

People are dying because of what's in those documents.

Let me finish.

I don't have them, Carrie.


Numan doesn't either.


Apparently a buddy of his double-crossed him and sold them to someone inside the Russian embassy.

He's got to have a backup somewhere.

Unless he's a really good liar, I don't think so.




Can I make a suggestion?

Numan didn't have the only copy.

What do you mean?

He downloaded the shit, right?

But it's not like he deleted it from the server.

The files are still at the CIA someplace.

Maybe you can get one of your friends there...

They are not my friends.

Do you not get that?

Jesus, I'm poison to them.


Well, it's not like you've got a ton of options right now.

Jonas: God, you're shaking.

I'm just cold.


Okay, come on.



I'm okay.

No, you're not.

You call an ambulance, you condemn her to death.

I can't just sit here and watch you die.

Then f*ck off somewhere else.

That's not a choice, either.

If I'm found like this in a hospital or in a morgue, Carrie will never be free.

Oh, you people are out of your f*cking minds.

You'd do the same if you were me.

I would not.

For her, you would.

No. I would never put myself in that situation.


What? What's so g*dd*mn funny?

You're already in that situation.

(phone buzzing)



Laura didn't have the documents.

I'm gonna be a little longer than I thought.

How much longer?

A couple hours.

That's not going to work.

Your friend's in really bad shape.

Tell me.

He lost a lot of blood.

Jonas, you're gonna have to call your sister.

She's just going to say he needs to go to the emergency room.

You don't know that.

Carrie, he is dying!

Okay, then.

Call an ambulance.

Do what you have to do.


(groans) Damn it.


(line ringing)

(operator speaking German)




Hello. I need to get a wake-up call at 6:15 AM.

(elevator bell dings)

(elevator bell dings)

(elevator bell dings)





(speaking Arabic)


Go away.

"Only God is permitted to give life and to take life."


I said, go away.

I want.

I cannot.

God has sent me to help you.


(whispering): Un-f*cking-believable.



You are injured.

Please, I will take you to a hospital.

No hospital.

(whispering): Just leave me the f*ck alone.

♪ ♪ ♪

(sighs) You're a runner now, huh?


Since when?

Since Mira filed for divorce.




