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01x07 - Honor Among Thieves

Posted: 11/03/15 00:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on Minority Report...

Fiddler's Neck. Is this where you grew up?

It's for you, Dash. I programmed this to give a 30-second warning.


I've looked out for my brother.

Now, we have our share of disagreements, but I'd never let anybody hurt him.

Detective Vega, Henry Blomfeld, Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

They're vetting me.

A D.I.A. job?

For six years, the three Precognitives saw every m*rder in D.C. before it happened.

When they went in, they were kids. I'm not so sure they'll do well out there in the world.

Agatha becomes the person whose future she predicts.

And I feel what the victim feels.

Wally: Arthur's mind is an antenna, pulling in names, facts, information.

Vega: How much does that sell for on the black market?

But Dash sees the horror.

We can change the future, right?

Sometimes it's the past that's harder to escape.

♪ ♪

(panting softly)


Remember me? My name is Wally.

I'm here to help.


When is this?


It's now, Dash.

There you go.


One foot after the other.

Okay, straight back.

There you go.

Your bodies will remember.


Blomfeld: Did you read the media release?

Yeah. Something about... sending them off to live happily ever after.

Alone and in peace.

And what's the nonfiction?

Can't say, Henry. You know that.

No one wants this hot potato.

They disappear, we all sleep easy.

My agency had plans for them.

(chuckles) Yeah, well, who didn't?

But it's over now.

They get to be human.

Try, anyway.

They aren't meant for dry land.

They won't survive out there.

What a waste.

All three of your identities have been erased from every system... eye-dents, Social Security.


You mean we don't exist?

It's the only way to keep you safe. No one knows who you are, what you look like. There's no cyber trail to follow.

But we'll need identities; we can't go anywhere without them.

There are places.

You'll be given a map and cash.

It's a significant amount.

We'll take you to the Sprawl.

There you'll buy a car.

Arthur: Car?

But we don't know how to drive.

I suggest you learn.

But where do we go? Where do we live?

Woman: That's up to you. We don't want to know.

For your own safety and reasons of national security, your anonymity is the best protection.

How are we supposed to survive out there?

On your wits.

You have a considerable amount.

Vega: There were three of them: Dash, Arthur and Agatha.

They were called the Precognitives.

They could see murders before they happened.

For six years, our police held them against their will and used them to save lives.

But after the government's Precrime program was shut down, they were finally released.

They kept themselves safe and hidden from the world, until now.

(distorted, echoing voices)

It's about that time...

(men shouting)

Get the case!


(echoing): It's about time for a...

Vega: What time did the beer ad say?

9:42 p.m. I told you.

But you can't identify the corner?

I can identify the beer.

Not helping.

I don't know.

It looked like it happened downtown. It happened fast.

9:41. One minute.

No. (panting)

How did we miss it?

That clock on the ad is fast.

Damn! We had, like, what, 40 minutes?

Wasn't enough time.

I'm sorry. (panting)

I didn't see it sooner.

That's not what I meant.

It's just... we've been on a roll.

I forgot what it's like to lose.

Hey. We should go.

You don't want to go down there and tell them what we know?

You mean tell them what we saw in your vision?

We can't be here before the police.

We have no reason to be.

And they just get away with it?

Look, I'll call the local district in the morning and see if I can help.

But right now, we need to be as smart as we are pissed.

So you take that feeling you have now and bring it with you to work tomorrow.

All good. We're packing him up now.

You really want to gamble that much money, Mr. Watson?

Apologies, Matthis.

Buy those stones at market value and continue this meeting at a later time.

Tot ziens.

Working late?

Morning in Antwerp. Join me.

Want a drink?

Yeah, actually.

Bad day at the office?

We lost one.

I tried calling you.

I'm sure you saw it, too.

Downtown, right?

All I got was "Third Street."

Robbery gone bad.

I don't know why they had to k*ll the guy.

Is there anything else you can give me?

Like a name?

Thought you worked in Precrime, not post-crime.

They have a department for that... same building, uniforms and everything.

I could at least help with evidence.

Leave it for the janitors.

You got a name?


Of a masseuse.

You need to relax.

She's good with much more than her hands.

Don't dwell on the ones you can't save, Dash.

I never did.


I know what you're thinking.

It's fine.

He won't be a problem.

It's not our case. Smart men and women are on it.

Smart men and women don't know what I know.

We can help them.

Why won't you let this one go, Dash?

I've never let any of them go. That's why I'm still here.

There'll be other lives to save.

What if those muggers k*ll someone else and we don't get there in time either?

What then?

♪ ♪

Omri Nellas.

One Capital Trust bank.

Sterling Road.

Mosi: Look, Vega, I double-checked, but none of the EMS teams have anything in their records.

Wait, say that again, Mosi.

There's no report from last night of a stabbing in the Sprawl.

That's impossible. I saw it.

I saw the medics take the body.

Well, no one reported it to us.

Doesn't make any sense.

Wish I could help you.

Um, hello.

Is this the Nellas residence?

And who's asking?

My name is Dash Parker.

I'm an analyst with Metro P.D.

May I come in, Mrs...?

Nellas. Yes, of course, come in.

Sorry to intrude at a time like this.

I'm sure it's not very easy.

Oh, it's-it's not a problem.

I'm really very sorry for your loss.

Loss? Did something happen?


You haven't heard?

Heard what? What's...

(sighs) What's happened?

Mrs. Nellas, he...

Omri was k*lled last night in a mugging... on his way home from the bank.

No, but I-I-I...

I thought he-he left on a business trip yesterday morning, and I... I wasn't expecting to hear from him until...

I'm really sorry.

I thought someone would have notified you.

He must have been on his way home from work at the bank... it-it happened so fast.

And you're sure about this?

Yeah, I'm afraid so.


I really... appreciate the visit.

But you picked the wrong door to knock on today.


What do we do?

We act natural.

(distorted, overlapping voices)

Woman: Hey. You just gonna stand there?


What can I get for ya?

You tell me.

Well, our menu covers our burgers and beer, and I think we're running a special today.

I don't like meat loaf.


That's funny.

How'd you know it was meat loaf?

I read your mind.



All right.

(chuckles) Well, we have a lager that's really good.

You want to try that?


Where do we go next?

Before we left the city, I read about an island.

Fiddler's Neck.

It used to be part of the mainland, before the waters rose.

Now it's just a tiny, forgotten speck.

Bankrupt, little government oversight.

There's a ferry that runs there every morning.

We stay here overnight, and we head out tomorrow.

There you go.



(clears throat)


(chuckles softly)

Don't worry about it.

Second sip always goes down easier.


Dash (recorded): You've reached Dash Parker. Please leave a message.


Where the hell are you, Dash? There's something up with the m*rder from last night; there's no record of it.

I checked your search history and I saw that you got an address.

Hope you're not doing anything stupid.

Call me back.


Metro P.D.!



System, run sequencer.

(whispers): Dash.

What the hell?

They took Dash, and then they came here.

Who? I don't know. I was hoping that you did.

They were looking for something.

What would anybody want from Dash?

He was following a case... the m*rder from last night.

I wasn't with him. You sent him out alone?

I didn't send him out anywhere; he went by himself deliberately.

And I'm sure you have nothing to do with the trouble he's in right now.

Did you see anything or not?

I don't see kidnappings.

I'm not talking about Dash, I'm talking about the m*rder.

The mugging of the banker.

The guy's name was Nellas.

He was stabbed to death.

I found a trace of Dash's blood in his apartment.

Did you call anyone from Metro about this?

Your lieutenant friend?

No, I wanted to talk to you first.

Good. Don't call anyone.

Wait, Arthur, what is it? Do you know something?

Dash found me for a drink last night.

He mentioned the mugging.

I tried to steer him away from it.


Because I knew who Nellas was and who he worked for.

Capital Trust.

That's who employed him.

That's not who he worked for.

Man (distorted, echoing): We can't keep him here forever.

Woman: What was I supposed to do?

I don't usually take prisoners.

No one lives that long around me.

Man: What did Van Zant say?

Woman: He said he was on his way.

Hey, Cleo.


Look who's awake.

Those are the aftereffects of the chloromethane.

Man: It hits you like a freight train, but leaves you all twitchy.

He was already twitchy.

Can somebody just tell me what's going on?

Why am I here?

Man: You tell us.

You came looking for Omri Nellas.

What exactly do you know about him?

I told you, Aziz. This guy says Nellas is dead.

What makes you think that?

Because I saw it happen.

Do I know you?

I don't think so.

If we met, chances are you wouldn't be alive.

(quietly): That's good to know.

There's no need to whisper.

Where we are, no one can hear you scream.

Not that it should stop you.

I understand you know what happened to my friend.

You have the wrong guy. Yes, well, that's how most of these conversations start.

What were you doing knocking on Omri Nellas's door?

He was m*rder*d last night.

And you saw this happen?

Dash: From a distance.

It was a mugging.

He was... stabbed.

There was nothing I could do.

And why were you at his apartment?

I was paying my respects.

I thought she was his wife.

Who are you?

I'm a victim, Dash, just like you.

Someone stole something from me, and now I'm missing two very important things: my banker, Omri Nellas, and my money.

I want to get it back.

Can you help me get it back?

I don't know how, because I don't know anything.

You know what?

I believe you.

It's just... they're a little more cynical.

So you're going to have to convince them.

And if you don't want to be missing anything important... fingers, toes, the ability to reproduce...

I think you should tell them what you know.

I don't know anything.

That's not true.

You seem to know Arthur Watson.

He's my brother.

Oh, this day just keeps getting better.

Agatha: I'm telling you to stay here.

You're not our jailer, Agatha. They set us free.

Yes, to leave, to stay far away.

This world is not safe for us.

For you, maybe. I'm doing fine.

You want to risk our safety for some girl's you just met today?

She gave me her number.

Her number? What's that?

I'm pretty sure it's a good thing.

You coming?

Agatha: We don't have time for this.

We have a plan.

She smiled at me.


I got a head full of horrors, but today someone smiled at me.

And I'm gonna go back there and see if she'll do it again.


Agatha: Dash.

Relax, brother. You're all I got.

I'll never let anything happen to you.

Vega: So you're telling me the man that has your brother is Luca Van Zant?

Top of the felon food chain?

The one and only.

(sighs) I'm calling it in.

Let's consider this a minute.

Consider what? One phone call, and I can mobilize a SWAT team anywhere in D.C. in less than six minutes.

First of all, wow, you got me beat... I can't do that.

Second, police will just make it worse.

Arthur, your brother is gonna be m*rder*d, and we don't know how soon.

And the first sign of cops will make him dead faster.

We need to do this the smart way... my way.

Vega, he's my brother.

This is my sandbox.

I could get him back.

First sign of trouble, and I'm calling Blake.

And then you get to answer all of his questions.

How does that sound?

(sighs) What's the play?

We talk to Van Zant.

Where do we find him?

He doesn't keep an office, but he likes the finer things.

Most nights, you can find him at LaMarsh's.

I don't think Metro knows this.

Precisely why we keep them out of it.

I'll take care of this.

I'm coming with you.


I have to go alone.

Pleasure doing business with you.

Van Zant: Come in, Mr. Watson.

Thank you for seeing me.

"This is the night that either makes me or fordoes me quite."

Is that supposed to mean something?

It's lago.

Othello: Act 5, Scene 1.

Studied all the classics.

I wondered how long it would take you to end up here.

Most people don't get this close to me.

Most people don't get the chance.

You don't get to where I am by taking chances.


You get there by being the guy everyone needs something from.

That's how you did it, right?

You seem to know a lot about me.

Curiously, I know little about you.

What's your secret? Three years ago, no one had ever heard the name of Arthur Watson, and now you're the only game in town for clean identities.

I'm in estate planning.

And your brother?

Parking enforcement officer?

Is he still alive?

Why wouldn't he be alive?

People tend not to stay that way around you very long.

That's the other way to get to where I am.

You got something I want. Let's talk business.

Last night, I went to bed with $50 million tucked away in the One Capital Trust bank under the watchful eye of a banker named Omri Nellas.

I wake up today to hear that he's dead and the money he laundered for me is missing.

If that's not enough, your brother comes sniffing around Nellas's apartment.

Mr. Van Zant, I didn't take your money.

And I'm supposed to take you on, what, your word?

Where's Dash?

Locked away somewhere deep and dark.

And he'll stay that way, like a cask of amontillado, if you don't return what's mine.

I don't have what's yours.

We'll soon find out, won't we?

I want my brother back alive.

Then the tab is due.

And the price is $50 million.

I'll be waiting.

How did Omri Nellas steal millions of dollars if he was m*rder*d last night?

Arthur: Supernaturally?

Really? Joking now?

What are we gonna do? We don't have that money and we don't know where they're keeping Dash.

We need to find those thugs that stabbed Nellas.

They're the only lead we have.


Yeah, about that, Vega.

I, uh... I got to show you something.

My place.

These are good. Grim, but good.

What do you do, read the obits and then draw them?

That's twisted.

I guess I have m*rder on the brain.

My husband liked to paint.

Oh, yeah. Like what?

Roller coasters.

The real ones, not that virtual crap they have now.

He would drive all over the country to find them.

He loved the wooden ones.

How long have you and Aziz been together?

Too long, maybe.

Since your husband died?

I never said that he died.

I took a guess.

There was pain in your voice when you talked about him.

Aziz knew him, too? Your husband?

We lived together.

A one-bedroom in the Sprawl.

You slept on a cot in the kitchen.

How could you know that?

I know a lot more.

I knew who Omri Nellas was last night when I had the vision of him.

You told me that already.

But what I didn't tell you was I had some people I know pick up the body before the cops put it on the books.

Those paramedics?

They were yours?

Technically, Andromeda's.

My associate, but yes.

Arthur, did you k*ll Omri Nellas?


That crime was random.

But I did cover it up long enough to walk into One Capital Trust this morning with Nellas's I.D. and liquidate all of his accounts.

It was me, Vega.

I stole Luca Van Zant's money.

I'm the reason they took Dash.

Back already?

I thought I'd try another round of those, uh, beers.

All right, well, they're coming right up.

Who's your friend?

This is my brother, Dash.

Oh, hi.

So... where are you boys heading in the morning?

Well, don't look so shocked.

Just about everyone here is just passing through.

We're not really sure.

Arthur: Some island... Fiddler's something.

Fiddler's Neck?


I know it.

You know, there are freaks and weirdos out there; you guys got to be careful.

We'll fit right in.


We should go.

Maybe you could come up and meet me, or I could come back here sometime.

When you're finished there...

Boyd, you're done.

Why don't you head on home?

(chuckles) I'm not even halfway there.

So why don't you button that top button and take care of the longtime customers and not just those passing through.

Don't mind him. (clears throat)

Last farm in the county went fully automated last week.

Boyd lost his job.

Don't make me look like some pitiful loser.

Arthur: Yeah.

He's doing a good enough job of that on his own.

Excuse me?

I'm just trying to have a beer.

You're finished with that. Boyd...

Shut up!

Arthur, we should go.

I'm not going anywhere.

And you can't talk to her like that.

(chuckles softly)

You're right.

I apologize.

Wait, Boyd! Stop! Boyd!

What the hell?


That was amazing!

I told you we can take care of ourselves!



Dash? Are you...

(screaming) You don't listen when I talk!

Shut up!



Shut up!

(both panting)

Arthur: Why are people always hitting me?

Because you give them a reason to.

How could you have done this?

It's what I do.

Look, even after Van Zant found out his money was gone, he would've been tracking Nellas for months.

He would have been chasing a ghost.

I was in the clear before...

Really? You're gonna blame Dash?

Actually, I was gonna blame you.

This is your fault and you know it.

So you stole the money. Fine.

Let's just give it back.

Can't do that.

It's all red diamonds in Hong Kong by now.

Is that a metaphor?

Look, it doesn't matter.

It's not about the money to Van Zant.

It's about his reputation.

He'll k*ll all of us for just being involved.

And I'll k*ll you if we don't get Dash back in one piece.

All that talk about how Dash is putting you danger by working with me?

You did this. Not him.

He's my brother, I'll find him.

You have an hour. And then I'm calling Blake...

I know, I know. You and SWAT are besties.

What are you doing?

Buying time.

Cleo: Who are you?

I'm someone who pays attention, Cleo.

(footsteps approaching)

What's going on?


Just getting tired of this psycho.

Well, the boss called.

His brother is negotiating.

Wants to meet in the morning.

What's that for?

Proof of life.

All right. We've got eyes on you.

I feel safer already.

Looks like his name is Malik Aziz.

Known associate to Van Zant.

Not a nice person.

Got any good news?

Where's the money?

Earning interest.

Where's my brother?

What's this?

The first installment.


Vega: Arthur, don't.

You k*ll him, you k*ll Dash.




You shouldn't have done that.

Next package won't be a finger.

You have until dawn.

It was her.

The waitress from inside.

Are you sure?

Then we have to go back in there.

No. No, we shouldn't.

We have to leave.

Are you serious?

Saving lives isn't our job anymore.

She's gonna die!

Agatha: Because of you.


Because you got involved.

It is time to go.

It is time to take care of ourselves.

You want us just to walk away?

No, I want a future! For all of us.

Then you go live yours. I'm gonna live mine.

No. Haven't we done enough?

I haven't.

(woman screams)

Woman: Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

(tires screech)


Somebody help!

(people gasping)

We need to go.

We need to go, now!

It looks small, doesn't it?

Well, you need the hand for context.

It's, uh...

I know.

I'll put that on ice.

I'm calling Blake.

We still don't know where Dash is.

Metro has more resources to find him than you do.

You do what you got to do.

I'm gonna see Van Zant.

Wait, if you show up there empty-handed, he'll k*ll you. You know that.

Dash is all that matters now.

I'll buy you as much time as I can.

And, Vega, when you see him, tell him I'm sorry.

And we're even.

What's that supposed to mean?

He'll know.

Why are you alone? Where's Cleo?

I'm right here.

What's going on?

You said it was an accident.


What did you say to her?

Just... showing her my art.

You said you came home and you found him like that.

I told you you looked familiar.

Shut the hell up.

I remembered that roller coaster.

It always stood out.

You k*lled him.

You k*lled my husband.

Are you crazy?

You're gonna believe some... crappy drawings from this freak?

Actually, he's very good.

Think this over.

He knew.

He knew about the painting, about the roller coaster.

How could he know that?

How could he?!


Don't call me that.

I want the truth.

Did Van Zant order it?

Look, listen, I loved you.

I love you.

Just put the g*n down.

(wristband vibrating)

Sorry, Aziz.

That's not gonna happen.

Aziz: Cleo, don't do this.

Cleo: Good-bye, Aziz.

(three g*nshots)

(Aziz grunts)

Arthur, I hope you're listening.

(distorted voice echoes)


Arthur: Dash sent a message.

What do you mean, a message?

I got something, a m*rder, and Dash was there.

Look, I know it sounds crazy, but I think he's sending us a smoke signal.

I got two names: Malik Aziz...

The guy from the alley?

...and Cleo Whitcher.

I can run the name.

You do that. I got to go.

Arthur, wait.

Just let me see if I can get to Dash first.

Too late.

I've got one hit on a Cleo Whitcher.

Known address?

An apartment.

But there's a property in her name, old family business. Potomac Sugar Company.

There's a warehouse. Send me the address.

I'm calling Blake from the car.

Got it.

(quiet hissing)

(door crashes)

Blake: Police! Nobody move!

(officers shouting)


You okay?

He heard me.


Don't hurt her.

She saved my life.

Is he okay?

Dash: Where's Arthur?

You're not carrying, I take it?

Just a lifetime of regret.



You know what that is?


It was popular back before the deserts swallowed up the last agave plants.

It's pretty rare stuff these days.

We should have respected this planet when we had the chance.

Funny thing, respect.

It's a hard thing to have and a hard thing to keep in our world.

(wristband vibrates)

(chuckles softly)

Surprisingly, I found you less obnoxious when you quoted Shakespeare.

I've enjoyed your company.

It's a shame to have to k*ll you.

Before you do... can I just say, I do respect you.

When I came to this city, it was after Precrime.

Things were a mess.

But you cleaned it up.

Your way.

But all that success went to your head.

Got a little cocky.

A little too greedy.

What's that supposed to mean?

No honor among thieves.

Oh, that's ripe, coming from you.

See, the reason I'm not going to give you your money back, Mr. Van Zant, is because it wasn't yours to start with.

You skimmed it from your partners in the Far East.

Easy come, easy go.

What is this?

Arthur: It's called payback.

You stole from them. I stole it back.

You don't think they'll k*ll you, too?

You're as dead as I am.

Except, after I stole it, I converted it to red diamonds, which are trading very high right now in Hong Kong.

I was sure to drop them off to these businessmen so they could get back what was theirs.

I also took a small brokerage fee.


I just couldn't act until I knew my brother was safe.

But now that he is... "The wheel is come full circle. I am here."

King Lear. Act 5... scene 3.

Good-bye, sir.

Blomfeld: I want to thank you for walking me through your Hawk-Eye program these last few weeks.

You have something promising here, Lieutenant.

Thank you, sir.


One last thing.

Detective Vega.


What about her?

We've been impressed with her arrest record.

It's not shoplifters either; it's some violent criminals.

Yeah, she's really good at what she does.

Are you interested in her?

I like the way she problem-solves.

Doesn't go by the book.

Tells me that she's an innovative thinker.

That's one way to put it.

You train your people well.

Thank you.



Should be minimal scarring.

Just, uh, keep it wrapped while you're in the shower.

Sorry about...

I'd shake your hand, but...



See you around.


It's been fun.

Let's never do it again.

I'd like that very much.

Kiss good-bye?

How about another right hook?

You didn't say no.

I'll walk myself out.

(chuckles softly)

Thanks, Doc.

You two could not be more different.

(door closes)

Yeah, I guess.

I'm sorry.

Maybe if I hadn't held you back...

I'll make it up to you.

It wouldn't have made a difference.

You don't know that.

I know you feel terrible, Arthur.

But we've seen worse.

No worries. I'll be fine.