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02x17 - The Consequences of Longing

Posted: 11/04/15 10:14
by bunniefuu
Carter: Previously on "Finding Carter"...

I've been wanting to do that for a long time.

They want to book the tour.

26 cities, two months.

I'll call you every night.

I'll answer every night.

The bar is not doing so great.

We can charge whatever we want as cover.

A guerilla rave.


We've already made more money tonight than the bar usually makes in a week.

So it's a success.

man: You blew a 1.6 on the breathalyzer.

You could have k*lled yourself.

Or someone else.

I don't need a lecture.

Dude, she loves you.

She cares about you.

The social worker set up a home study visit.

What a nice show of support, everyone being here.

I've made some mistakes lately.

The biggest mistake that I made is not telling you how I feel about you.

I'm not 21.

I'm 17.

You're 17?

I'm still the same person.

You need to go.

♪ The leaves on the trees have all met their demise ♪
♪ Fallen like the sunset but never to rise ♪

Have you ever noticed how guys don't take nearly as long as women in the restroom, but they're always finding creative and disgusting new ways to trash it?

They clean?

Yeah. Now.

Sparkling, actually.

Can you clean those tables next?

Stevie left early last night, they're a mess.


Are we ever gonna have a real conversation again?


You've barely spoken to me all week.

I'm treating you an employee, which you're lucky to be.

I'm not big on being lied to.

How many more times can I apologize?


Wow... You do windows, too?

Tell me something good.

Uhh, banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.

Does Bird know?

She's getting bored with Pilates?

So, um, we passed the home study.

Oh, really?


I guess the social worker bought Lori's whole Susie Homemaker act, and you and David being there probably didn't hurt, either.

So it's official now?

You're staying in town?

Yeah, I guess so.

I'm glad.

Hey, less talking, more cleaning.

Oh, hey.

Jared, this is, uh, this is my brother.

What's up?

The candles on the front tables need to be replaced.

Who bit him?

Me, apparently.

And, uh, not in a good way.

♪ I'm left with this mess of a human I call myself ♪
♪ I'm trying to breathe ♪
♪ But I gotta break out of this cell ♪
♪ I'm left with this mess of a human I call myself ♪

What the hell are you doing?

♪ There you go ♪
♪ There you stay ♪
♪ Keeping low ♪
♪ Never want to play ♪
♪ You've been up and down, down ♪
♪ You've been low, low, low ♪
♪ Pretending to not feel alone ♪
♪ Pretending to not feel alone ♪

Are you seriously pulling one of your scams here?

Okay, relax.

I work here, Ben.

Do you have any idea how much this job means to me?

Leave it alone, Carter.

You are stealing from my boss!

No, I'm not.

Nothing I'm doing will affect his bottom line or yours, it's a victimless crime.

Oh, don't try and spin this like you're not hurting anyone, you're taking other people's money.

It's the bank's money and they cover any losses, so it's like it never happened.

I have to tell Jared.

If he finds out I knew about this and I didn't tell him, I will get fired.

If I were you, I would think long and hard before I do anything stupid.

Are you seriously threatening me?

I'm saying don't mess with me.

Not on this.




Right here, where you put it two minutes ago.


Don't be.

You're like the most adorably prepared person I've ever met.

My head is all over the place.

Are you nervous about the trip?

No, it's a great school, and if you go to prospective students' weekend, it shows you're really interested.


I'm sort of anxious about Gabe coming.

And I'm happy that he's getting it together, you know, he's not blowing everything off, but...

You're afraid he's going to rage all weekend.


No, I...

The other day, Gabe told me that he has feelings for me.

What did you say?

That I love you.

That's a good answer.

So you're not upset?

No, he's going through hard time.

We should both probably cut him some slack.

Besides, you're awesome, so I can't really blame him for being into you.


As long as he's the only one doing the feeling, I'm cool.

He is.


Then we're good.

I love that I can tell you anything.

Me too.

♪ Can you ever love somebody ♪

Found a great venue downtown for the party.

It's an old umbrella factory.

Ooh, Mary Poppins chic.

I like it.

Yeah, nothing says fun like umbrellas.

Come on, hustle up, ladies.

It's all about turnover.

I know he wants me to run point, but this is still your show.

Thanks. Means a lot.

Of course.

Wait a sec, wait.

What are you doing?

This looks different.

Did you... Did you change it or something?


The cord looks a little smaller.

Someone much have switched it.

How'd you spot that?

I don't know.

I guess I'm very detail oriented.

I guess so.

You got a really good eye.

The last thing the bar needs is for the customers to get their credit card numbers stolen.


♪ Gonna step into the light ♪
♪ Let the good times roll ♪
♪ So let's go ♪
♪ Let's go ♪
♪ Let's go ♪

(error alert sounding)

Son of a bitch.


Hey, how's it going?

Good. We're gonna have a blast.

The three musketeers.

That's us.

Don't worry, I'll behave.

I'm not worried.



You are gonna have a really good time.

You are right, as always.

See you Sunday.


Love you.

Love you.



Hey, Ben. Hey.

Come on in.

Um, so I washed this, I just wanted to give it back to you.

Oh, thanks, you didn't have to do that.

Do you want something to drink?

I think we have lemonade.

I would love a lemonade.

So how have things been going?


Well, honestly, it's been hard having David away.

You know, there's been so much change lately with Carter leaving school.

Me dropping into your life.

You've been a good change.

Sit down.

We're just still finding our footing and it's a lot to juggle by myself.

And I can't seem to get that man on the phone.

Have you talked to him?

Yeah, he called me once and we texted a couple times.

So... That's good.

But he seemed, like, super slammed, so...

(distant banging)

Oh, we're renovating the basement.

Max is doing it.

I just wanted a place where the kids could bring their friends and hang out, you know, away from parental eyes.

You know, they're lucky to have such a cool mom.

Oh, I don't know about that.

No, really, I mean, I don't know many parents who would be cool with their teenage daughter dropping out of school, I mean, you know, let alone working at a bar.

Yeah, we've always tried to give her a pretty long leash.

(music playing, chatter)

Thank you.

From before.

Most employees wouldn't have noticed it and hell, I didn't.

Well, guess I'm not most employees.

Elizabeth: Carter?


How long have you been working here?


Not long.

Why didn't you tell me?

Ben mentioned it like it was common knowledge.

Ben did?


I felt like an idiot.

Well, I'm still kind of on trial, I didn't want to say anything until I was permanent.

Well, so much for that plan.

Do you have any idea how old she is?

Carter: Yes, he does. I do.

And she happens to be the best employee that I have.

I'm glad to hear that.

That doesn't change the fact that she's 17 years old.

Mom, stop it.


man: What kind of a place is this?

He didn't know about it until, like, a week ago.

That's true. How is that possible?

He thought I was 21 when I applied for the job.

And why would he think that?

Because I have an ID that says I'm 21.

Oh, my God, there are tons of activities, lectures.

How are we gonna choose?

I'm planning to focus on quarters and keg stands.

Ah, I've trained you well, my son.

You know it.

Me, on the other hand, gonna keep it mellow.

I need to stay on the straight and narrow.

I'm not trying to be a buzz k*ll.

I may really want to go there.

I hear you. Message received.

I won't screw it up, I promise.

While you two are majoring in good behavior, I'll be rebranding myself.

What does that even mean?

No one at the you knows me.

So I can be whoever I want.

I get it, you're gonna pretend that you're cool.


I've waited my whole life to be a badass.


I cannot wait to see that.

Me, too.

Mr. Badass... Welcome to school.

I don't know what's more impressive, the quality of this fake ID, or the depths to which you've deceived me.

Mom, would you please...

No, against my better judgment, I let you drop out of school and then I find out that you have been lying to me ever since?

I have half a mind to call the liquor board and shut that place down.

Mom, you can't punish the bar.

If you couldn't tell my ID was fake, how are they supposed to?

You're walking on thin ice already.

I'd be careful.

Okay, I wanted to tell you a million times, but I knew you would react like this.

Thank you for the vote of confidence.

Was I wrong?

Don't you think it's a little hypocritical?

Excuse me?

You had absolutely no problem with Gabe drunk driving and crashing his car, but I'm earning an honest living not hurting anyone and you want to throw the book at me?

First of all, I did have a problem with that, and second of all, that's entirely different.

Really? Because it looks pretty much the same from where I'm standing.

Where did you get this ID?

I don't know, I've had it for ages.

How am I supposed to trust you, Carter, if you keep lying to me?

Maybe I wouldn't have to keep lying to you if you had just a little bit of faith in me.

No, no, no, don't turn this on me.

Mom, I love working in that bar.

There's plenty of legal jobs that you can get.

Do you really see me working in some office job somewhere?

You're acting like you don't even know me.

Look, you know why?

It's hard to get to know you when you don't let me in.

I don't want you working there anymore.

Well, that is not your call.

Where are you going?

I'm so tired of you trying to run interference.

I can take care of myself.

What percent of students take a semester abroad?

man: I'm not sure the exact number.

Maybe a third of the juniors?

Still thinking about going to Paris?

I'm surprised you remember that.

I have a good memory when I want to.

You know, it's really starting to hit.

Going to college means leaving home.

I don't think I'm ready to leave my family, leave Max.

It's still a year away.

I mean, plenty of time to get used to the idea.

I must sound pretty stupid.

Not at all.

I don't even know if I want to go to college.

It's just something my dad assumed that I'd do.

Well, you're here now.

I thought this weekend would help me make up my mind.

So what's the verdict?

Ask me on Sunday.

I'm from a small village outside of London.

In my spare time, I play in a band.

So cool.

What instrument?

The guitar.

Gabe: Hey, how's the track team?

man: It's good.

The star sprinter's graduating, so they're looking to rebuild.


You run?

Uh, a little, yeah.

Oh, he's being modest.

He's very good.

Well, I can take you by the field later.

Talk to the coach.

That'd be great.

All right, everybody.

That's it for the tour.

Enjoy your visit.

Hey, so there's a party tomorrow in my fraternity... Psi Rho.

You guys should stop by.


Yeah, we'll be there.


Thanks, Ned.

You sure about that?

It wouldn't be an authentic college weekend without a frat party, right?

(music playing)

♪ You say you wanted to come down easy ♪
♪ And it's always way to fast for me ♪

I can't believe you told my mom I was working at Magic Hour.

I warned you not to mess with me.

That was me protecting my job, not screwing you over.

It's the same thing.

No, Ben, I would have never ratted you out like that.

All I did was tell him the machine looked different, I didn't say anything about you.

Okay, good, 'cause you don't know anything about me or why I do what I do.

Okay, well, then you know what, Ben?

Explain it to me.

I have all night.

It's none of your business.

My mom was all over me about where I got my ID from and I didn't tell her that was you, either.

Okay, well, that's your choice.

You know what?

You're not the only person with problems, Ben.

I'm trying to figure out what the hell my life is, and it's not gonna get any easier now with my mom breathing down my neck.

You know what?

You're really not gonna tell me what you're up to Then I am done covering for you.

Seriously, from now on, you're on your own.

David: Hey, Sweetheart.


Have you spoken to Mom?

No, I just got out of a reading.

What's up?

So I got this job waitressing at a bar.

A bar?

Let me guess.

Mom's not that thrilled about it.

She wants me to quit.

But Dad, I'm doing really well there and for the first time in a really long time, I'm actually happy.

But she wants me to stay a kid forever.

All parents want that on some level.

Your mom's no different.

Okay, but there's a difference between being protective and smothering me.

All right, I'll talk to her.

Let me get her side of it.

Maybe there's a compromise.

How's everything else?

Fine, yeah.

Oh, um...

Ben and Lori passed the home study.


That's great.


Apparently, the social worker was very impressed that both of us were there.


I'm so relieved.

I've been on pins and needles waiting to hear.


Elizabeth: Hey.


Thought maybe you needed a hand.


Have at it.

Oh, wait. Safety first.



Watch yourself.

No need.

Sounds like Taylor's having fun.

Yeah, she's been texting me pictures, it's really pretty.


And I like that it's so close to home.

I mean, I would never say no to Stanford, but I love the idea that it's only a few hours away.

It's weird, though.

A few hours away feels a lot further than I thought.

Sometimes, you can be in the same room as another person and feel 1,000 miles apart.

Don't worry.

Taylor is gonna be back before you know it.



You know, Gabe went with her and Damon.


That's good, actually.

Gabe, he hasn't seemed like he's cared about school for a while.

He cares about Taylor.

And she loves you.

I know.

What city is David in right now?

That's a good question.

I have no idea.

His communication skills have been a bit lax lately.



What the hell?

Ooh, we hit a pipe, hit a pipe.

Uh, you know where the water shutoff valve is?

No, David always takes care of this stuff.




Thanks for coming.

Look, I have the best idea for the party.

My girl's a genius.

You should see this mural that she did at my place.

It belongs in a museum.

Well, it helps when you have the most amazing muse.

Oh, baby, you're your own inspiration.

So what's the great idea?

I'm gonna be hanging thrift store umbrellas from the ceiling, light them up and strobe it. I love it.

You can go all new wave with the music, alternative '80s.

Did Stevie get a guy lined up for the front door yet?

Oh, that's on my list.

Good... We wouldn't want anyone's mommy to come crash the party, would we?

Tension much?

Nothing I can't handle.
(music playing, chatter)


Aren't you glad you came?


It feels like forever since we just hung out.

Look, I know I haven't been easy to be around lately.

I miss my dad and all, but it's getting easier every day.

Well, I'm glad.

I couldn't have gotten through it without you.


Friends forever.

Friends forever.

Oh, my God, what is he doing?


Only one way to find out, huh?

There's nothing like catching some serious air.

You're all alone, surrounded by mountains and snow.

Yeah, snowboarding rules.

Oh, hey, can you do a 360?

In my sleep.

That's amazing.

You should see his signature jump.

Oh, the Damonator.

What's that?


Tell her, man.

Yeah, it's where you... you start off facing backwards.

Oh, my God.

Mm-hmm, oh, yeah.

So you go into the jump completely blind and then you do a 540, and you land right.

You're a madman.

I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here.

Turn it into an indoor pool.

Grant would have liked that.

Here you go.


Just feel like I can't do anything right these days.

It's just a broken pipe.

We can fix it.

It's not just the pipe, Max.

Carter, she, uh...

Doesn't trust me enough to tell me what she's up to.

We're barely speaking.

Well, she's pushing her limits, you know, that's what she does.

I just feel like I'm banging my head against a wall trying to get through to her.

You can't take that personally.

I know that intellectually.

Believe it or not, I was once her age.

You think you know everything, but you don't.

She wants to find her own path.

Make it or break it on her terms.

That's why I let her drop out of school.

But this is what she wants to do with her life, Max?

Work illegally in some bar?

I always feel like I'm failing her.

It's hard to feel like mother of the year with that kind of outcome.

(music playing)

Here you go.


You doing okay?

Not really.

Well, he's an idiot if he doesn't see how fabulous you are?


You and Seth seem cozy.


He's ridiculously perfect.

I'm really happy for you.

We lost the umbrella factory.


Why? What happened?

The EPA declared it a toxic playground.

That's why it was empty.

I was gonna make it crazy beautiful, too.

It's okay, it's okay.

The party's not for three more days, we'll figure something out.

No, we're not gonna be able to lock down another venue.

If we pull the plug now, we can cut our losses.

You're just gonna give up?

Look, this isn't personal, Carter.

I'm trying to make a smart business decision.


This isn't just about you, Jared.

All of us have put a lot of time and effort into this party.

But the bottom line has my name on it.

Right, so I guess you're the one who needs it the most, then.

Look, the money from the parties is the only thing between keeping the lights on in this place and shutting the door for good.

You just don't quit, do you?


Okay, then what is your solution?

I don't have one.

But I will find one.

You better find it fast, because if you don't have a venue by tonight, the parties are over.

I still remember my mother's face when she found out I was waitressing at a jazz club.

How old were you?


By my mother's reaction, you would have thought that I was working as a drug mule.

Joan seems like she would roll with anything, though.

Oh, well, back then, she was more tightly wound.

She kept calling the club a speakeasy.

It's kind of ironic, though, right?

Yeah, it's really ironic.

The hardest part about having children, Max, is that you want to help them avoid making the same stupid mistakes that you made and still letting them find their own way.

I mean, I think that's true of all relationships, though.

This weekend has been hard enough.

I have no idea what's gonna happen with Taylor goes to college for real.

Taylor loves you.

And I trust her completely.

Gabe, on the other hand...

She can handle Gabe.

She's had plenty of practice.

Yeah, I guess.

You have nothing to worry about.

Taylor and Gabe, they're, like, best friends, like you and Carter.

We're so different, though.

That's why you work, 'cause you complement each other.


I wonder... if she would be better off with someone she had more in common with.

I might not know the difference between a monkey wrench and a crescent wrench, but I do know my daughter, and you make her incredibly happy.

(music pumping, loud chatter)

I had no idea the campus was so beautiful.

Yeah, the website doesn't give you the full vibe.

You kind of have to experience it I-R-L.

Can you see yourself going to school here, though?

Oh, definitely.


Let me get you a refill.

Thank you.


Hey. What's up?


I get that you are still pissed, but you have got to find a way to move past this.

Yeah, why is that?

Because I am damn good at my job, Jared.

And where you like to admit it or not, you kind of like me.

Because you're so irresistible.

You said it.

You're okay.

No, actually, I'm fantastic.

I just found us another venue for the party.

It's an abandoned drive-in around seven miles out of town.

The Star Shine? Yeah, I used to go there back in the day.

There's a ton of parking and there's no one around for miles so you don't have to worry about noise.

Look at you.

Pulling another rabbit out of your hat.

I might have to stop underestimating you.

Yeah, you really might.

David, it's me again.

I really need to talk to you.

Still trying to decide if I want to go to a big university or a smaller college.

I mean, I'm number one in my class, so I should have choices.

If you're number one in your class, then I'm Nicki Minaj.

It's the truth.

You can ask anyone.

Look, we all go on these weekends and pretend like we're more than we are, but you can be honest with me.

Hey, have you seen Taylor?

Gabe, tell her I'm number one in our class.

Yeah, he is.

Have you? Seen her?

Yeah, she was talking to that tour guide.

That was a while ago.

It's not like her just to take off without saying something.

Maybe she went to a seminar on overachieving.

Yeah, maybe.

Right in here.

My legs feel all gummy.

Where are we?

Where's Damon and Gabe.

You should lie down.

You'll feel much better.

No, let's just go back.

Let's get you in bed.

I want to call Max.

You're gonna have a much better time if you follow my lead.

Stop fighting me!

I don't feel good.

I want to sleep.

Don't you ever shut up?


I heard your conversation with your dad this morning, all of it.

And Carter, you can't do that.

You can't play both sides to the middle, it's not fair.

Okay, let me just explain what I was...

It's not just that.

You both have been lying to me.

How many times have you been at Lori's?

Just the once.

And it was only to help Ben.

You're looking at me in the eye and I still don't know if you're telling me the truth.


I am, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before.

I'm sorry, too.

But I am tired of being on the losing side.

So Carter, work at the bar.

Do what you want.

Clearly, you will anyway.

Mom, wait.

I don't want to fight with you.

Neither do I.

Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my job, I know I should have.

It means the world to me that you're letting me keep it.

Things are hard enough with your dad away.

I need to know that I can trust you.

You can, I promise.


From now on, I will be an open book.


Which is why I'm going to tell you that I need to get to work.


But, um...

You might want to switch out your heels for sneakers.

I'll be fine.

No, your feet will thank you for it.

Bye, Mom.


Is she okay?


Just stay with her, all right?

Yeah, sure.

Where are you going?

Just do what I'm asking.

I'll be back in a minute.

Just give us a minute.


What's your deal?

My deal is you're a scumbag.

That was for me.

That was for Taylor.


Maybe next time you'll think twice about drugging somebody, you freak.

(single person clapping)

Oh, hey.

I thought you already left.

I don't really have anywhere I need to be.


I know the feeling.

Thanks again for today.


No big deal.

Well, it is to me.

You know, broken pipe aside.

I think we make a pretty good team.

Yeah, me too.

I think you have a serious future in demolition.

Yeah, you know, if this cop stuff doesn't work out.

What's the latest on Taylor?

She's been really quiet, so I'm guessing that means she's having a really great time.

But you're not convinced.

No, I'm being a little ridiculous.

Or human.

Is there a cure for that?

Yes, it says right here.

Kung pow works wonders.

The universe provides.

Bouncer nailed down for the party.

Oh, and I ordered a backup generator.

Don't want a repeat of last time.

That's good thinking.

You're welcome.


Thank you.

Much better.

Is it my imagination or are things warming up in here?

I think the needle has gone from "I can't stand the sight of you" to "Mildly acceptable employee."

You're a lot more than that.


Not to him, I guess.

Forget him.

There are a whole lot of fish in that sea that would be thrilled to swim with you.

Thank you.

(phone ringing)


I'm starting to think you were dodging my calls.

You saw my itinerary.

They have me going...

I heard your phone call with Carter this morning.


I know about the home visit, that you went to see Lori.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to upset you.

I don't know when it happened, but at some point, I...

I became this person that's hard to share things with and you became a person that would rather hide than confront an issue.

I don't want us to be like that.

Me either.


Got a new machine.

This one has anti-fraud software built in, so if anyone tries to mess with it, an alarm goes off.

Very high tech.

So I put a lot of thought into it and I think it was Stevie who switched out the old machine.

What? No, come on, Stevie is super loyal.

Yeah, when it suits her.

Hey, I like her too, but she's always short on money and I caught her cutting corners before, adding tips to bills, lifting the occasional bottle of top shelf.

It's small time stuff.

It comes with the territory.

I'm the only bartender I've ever had who didn't steal.

Jared, I really don't think Stevie would have done something...

Hey, I tried to be understanding.

Everyone has bad days, but this is a new low.

I'm gonna fire her.

What? Jared, you can't fire her.

I have to.

I don't trust her.

Jared, it wasn't Stevie that switched out the credit card reader.

It was my brother, Ben.

Ben, Jared knows you swapped out the credit card reader, and in case I need to say it, he's pissed.

So wipe your laptop or burn the paper trail or do whatever it is you need to do to get rid of the evidence.

Well, thank you for throwing me under the bus.

I had to, Ben, he thought it was one of the other girls and she was about to lose her job.

You have no idea what you just did.

Then tell me, Ben.

I can't help you if you keep shutting me out.

All right, look, I have a friend who's in a bad situation and she needs money and I don't make enough selling IDs to dig her out.

I was just using the bar to get some extra cash.

That girl I saw you with a couple weeks ago?


Now you screwed everything up and I have to get a new plan, so thank you for nothing.

What are we... Where are we... going?


How are you feeling?

Like my head got hit by a bus.

I'm sure.

I don't remember drinking that much last night.

But it's all a blur.

What happened?


Gabe... Tell me.

Please, I want to know.


You were hanging out with that tour guide, Ned.

(keyboard clicking)



Elizabeth: Busy?

Uh... no.

What's that?

Well, open it... find out.


Might come in handy.

Waitressing in high heels... it'll trash your shoes.

And your back.

Thank you.

You're very welcome.

So how do you know so much about waitressing?

It's an old story.

When I was your age, there was this great place downtown, it's not there anymore, and it was full of brick and neon.


And there would be a line outside the door and people used to get in fights just trying to get in there.

I can't believe it.

If you hadn't have been there...

Gabe: But I was.

You're okay.

You did what you said.

Just one drink.

I try to keep my promises.

At least to you.


Anyone else would have figured I was fine.

They wouldn't have gone looking for me.

Disappearing isn't your style.

I don't know what to say.

You don't have to say anything.

There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Taylor.


I know.

You're with Max.

Can you please not tell Max about what happened?

Don't you think he'd want to know?

I just...

I don't want to upset him.



I didn't think you'd be home so early.

We were kind of over it.

And I missed you.




Thanks for meeting me.


Is this is where you fire me in a public place so I don't make a scene?


Look, I know how hard it must have been for you to give up your brother like that.

But it said a lot that you wouldn't let Stevie take the fall.

Yeah, well, I would never do that.

She's my friend.

But listen.

Last night, when I told you that Ben was responsible for switching the credit card reader, I didn't exactly have the full story.

So what? Now he didn't do it?

Look, is there any way you could just give him a break?

Like, a one-time pass.

He stole from me, Carter.

I know.

From my customers.

But I'll keep it between him and me.

Thank you.

As per you and me...

There is a you and me?

I've never tried harder in my life to not like someone so much.

I give up.

You're my kryptonite.

♪ I surrender ♪



In a perfect world, I'd beat the hell out of you and serve you up to the cops.

Well, we live in imperfect times.

Oh, you just keep giving me reasons, smart ass.

See, lucky for you, you're Carter's brother, so you get a pass.

Oh, wow, thank you.

But one of these days, I'm gonna call on you for a favor, and when I do, you're gonna deliver.

Got it?



Oh, and...

Don't say anything to Carter.