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01x06 - Dedicating This One to the Crew

Posted: 11/11/15 04:06
by bunniefuu
Now, I know that all of you are expecting a patented Mitch Grinder closing argument.

Well, today...

I don't have one.

(murmuring) - Because I don't need one.

Instead, I'd like to take this time to thank the little people that helped me shock the world and vigorously get this man off.

I want to thank my clerks and paralegals, who work so tirelessly behind the scenes... but one in particular.

(hoarsely): Matt... "The Fuss" Fusfeld, a blind and deaf paralegal who sees and hears more with his heart than he ever could with his useless eyes and ears.

This is for you, sir.

Everyone knows how hard I grind.

But what they don't know... is that you grind even harder behind me.

(sporadic slow-clapping)

(TV clicks off)


Dad, are you okay?

This one always gets me.


Put your arm around Dad.

Comfort him, he's hurting.

He's gonna be fine.

He needs you.

(clears throat)

That feels great.

Thanks, Dean.

How did you make yourself cry like that?

I don't know.

Dad, how did you make yourself cry?

It just happened.

Exactly, genuine emotion.

You think it's genuine?

What you saw was Mitch crying, but what you felt was Mitch trying not to cry.

Suddenly I feel like I'm gonna cry.

Aw, come here.

Oh, no, I didn't mean like that.

Dean: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

Don't fight it.

(quietly): Just let it happen.


Stewart: Hey, there he is.

Look at him... little guy all set for his first day of stage crew.

You look great.

You excited?


You should see how he holds a flashlight in his mouth.

I mean...

You didn't get a part in the school play?

No, auditions haven't happened yet.

He decided to follow in the footsteps of his old man.

Stew, you did crew?

I did, I did, and I am not offended that you don't remember because when you're a crewman, doing your job right means... Ethan?

No one notices.

No one notices.

Cool, right?

So cool.


Stewart: We got so good at moving around the stage without being seen or heard, we became known as the Shadow Boys.

Debbie: Ooh, the Shadow Boys.

Tell me more.

Come here.

All joking aside, and I know you're joking, people talk about actors like they're the heroes.

The crew is the real hero.

That's exactly right... I mean, Ethan, would you rather be a guy who takes all the credit or a guy who does all the work?

So you're the real heroes, but they're the ones that get treated like one.

Doesn't seem right, does it?

I mean, we win all the awards, and they... hand us all the awards.

Because they're on the crew of the award show.

I mean, I do like getting awards.

Oh, I think someone's been bitten by the acting bug.

Well, I think maybe he was bitten by the crew bug, uh, just a little... little sooner than that, little before, right?


See? I sense some hesitation.

You know, being an actor, there's a lot of rejection, a lot of heartbreak.

But you can't make decisions out of fear.

It's like Dad used to say.

"Swing for the fences.

You want something bad enough, anything's possible."

Wait, who said that?

Dad said that? Our dad?

Dean: Oh yeah, all the time. I'd be like, "Dad, back off.

I get it, I can do anything."


But you know, we might find that Ethan has a true talent.

Well, I think we've already found that... it's the-the flashlight in the mouth thing.

And nobody would argue that.

But it begs the question.

If he's that talented with a flashlight in his mouth, what would happen if we tossed a little Shakespeare in there?


Okay, I have an idea.

How about we let Ethan decide what Ethan wants to do?


So he just turns his back on the crew, just like that?

What if he doesn't get a part?

Then I guess he doesn't get a part.

A little dose of failure is not the worst thing in the world.

You know, you get scuffed up a little bit... it's life.

Oh, where'd you learn that? On the wrong side of the tracks?

Okay, you know what, North Boise has some very rough patches.

(sighs) I mean, you're really okay setting him up for failure?

Honey, I really don't think the stakes are that high.

It's a middle school play.

And who knows? He might not fail.

How could he fail? You heard what Dad said...

"You swing for the fences, anything's possible."

Oh, yeah, that bothered you, huh? I saw that.

You know, my dad didn't say things like that to me.

My dad said very different things to me.

My dad said, "Know your limits."

In fact, he pointed them out to me.

He said, "Here are your limits, don't go past them."

Sweetie, I know that you're feeling very upset that Ethan doesn't want to follow in your footsteps and be a Shadow Boy, but, I mean, maybe it's good, you know?

(chuckling): Maybe it's not the coolest thing.

I didn't...

Oh, wow, Deb.

Hon, you know I'm vulnerable right now.


I'm not feeling...

No, you're cool.

Uh, you can't... you can't take that back.

You put that out there.

You know, hon, I-I didn't...

I'm not talking about you.

I'm just talking about the brotherhood.

No, but you talk about one Shadow Boy, you talk about us all.

You know, we're a group.


You can't just p-put 'em down, say, "Oh, I'm not talking about you."

You know, we're-we're a team.

Stewart: All right, so if there aren't any other questions, uh, let's move on.

I have a question.

Does anyone want to trade lunches?

I kind of panicked and ordered outside my comfort zone.

No, Todd, learn from this.

Uh, okay, so the next case is Bradford v. McKenna.

That's the, uh, parking lot fender bender.

Uh, now, since our client did back up into their car, I think we should probably settle.

That does seem like what most lawyers would... would do.

Dad, do you think that's what I should do?

Yeah, sure.

'Cause the other way to go is we chase the win.

You know, I bet on myself, take the big swing.


Do you have any... any advice for me on whether I should even swing?

And if I do, what I should swing for?

I don't even know what the hell you're talking about.

Well, Dad, let's... let's say I swing.

Um, should I have, a-a goal, you know, or a-a target in mind?

Some sort of, like, a... like, a chain-link barrier or, like, a... like, a white picket thing?

For what it's worth, I took a really big swing with this lunch order, and I am really regretting it.

Seems like we should settle.

Then we all agree.

Of course.

What was I, uh... what was I thinking?

(crying): And that man's name... was Luther.

Something like that?

Something very much like that.

Uh, one small note.

The crying?

Yeah, you were acting sad, instead of being sad.

Great actors don't act.

They be.

Does that make sense?

I get it up here, but it just hasn't made its way down here yet.

Does that make sense?

Let me answer your question with a story.

You may be surprised to know that before I ever acted a word, I was a star quarterback on the school team.

And the week before the state championship, I broke my ankle.

In practice?


Without going into too much detail, I was having sex with the hottest girl in the school in her parents' shower and I slipped.

And I knew then that my playing days were over and that I would have to learn to make a living with my two hands... through acting.

You must've been scared.

I was. And sad.

So when the school play rolled around, I was able to tap into that and crush my audition as Ichabod Crane, the scaredest, saddest man in Sleepy Hollow.

My heart's going like a jackhammer right now.

That's good! That's what it should be doing, man.

You need to find something that rocks your world and use it.

Well, I'm only 12.

I don't think I have anything like that.

Well, the only place you can find it is on the stage.

But didn't you say that I need to have it so I could use it to get on that stage?


The actor's riddle.

Hey. What's, uh... what's going on in here?

Uncle Dean's helping me with my monologue for tomorrow.


Kid's a natural.

Huge loss for the crew, but a big win for the theater.

Crew's still part of the theater.

Yeah. Let's try it again.

Okay, I'll, uh... I'll just leave you guys to it.

Probably just be getting in the way, so...

Oh, Stew, you wouldn't be getting in our way. We could use the help.


Yeah, yeah. Do you want to dim the lights?

I'd love to.

All those years on crew, and he still doesn't understand dimming.

I'm confused. What do you mean you didn't get the part?

This is what I was worried about.

Okay, calm down.

It's not the end of the world.

It's one part.

This part?

"12 years old, looks like he's nine, skinny, precocious, articulate redhead, wise beyond his years"?

Somebody beat him out for this?

It's so in my wheelhouse.

I don't get it.

It is... very much in your wheelhouse.

But there will be other plays, honey.

Don't get discouraged.

No, get outraged!

Because something stinks.

What are you talking about?

Stew, we are going to get to the bottom of this.

Dean, we're not going to get to the bottom of anything. Okay?

Ethan's been through enough. Now it's time to welcome him back with open arms into a group that never turns anyone away.

You still get to be on stage for all the most important parts.

Before and after the play, and in-between the scenes.

No. That is not good enough, not anymore.

Not here.

From where I stand, this school play has taken an ugly plot twist.

And it's up to me... to rewrite the third act.

The backyard is fenced in.

There's a fence around the yard.

...and that man's name was...



"Luther" is the line, Blaine.

You're supposed to be off book.

Sorry, Sandy.

No, I'm sorry.

I jumped on you pretty hard, there, and you didn't deserve that.

Dean: Or did he?

'Cause that is one of the most pathetic examples of acting I've ever seen.

Although, Blaine, it's not your fault.

You're just terribly miscast.

Yeah, I get it.

Dean Sanderson.

It's been a long time.

Do we know each other?

That depends.

Does the name Sandy Malmuth ring a bell?

Malmuth... Sandy...

Malmuth... I need more.


Well, then, what if I told you that this isn't the first time we've shared this stage together?

Wait, that might be helpful.

Nope, lost it.

That's funny.

Because I also lost something, once upon a time.

The role that I was born to play, was cast to play.

Until I broke my ankle and took it from you.

So you do remember.

Ichabod Crane...

(accent): The saddest, scaredest man in Sleepy Hollow.


That's the accent I was going to use.

Thank God you never had that opportunity.

It's regional and historically accurate.

Is that what this is about, Malmuth?

You taking revenge on me by denying my nephew the role he was born to play?

That's quite an accusation.

And one that I do not care for.

Shame on you, sir, for implying that I would compromise the integrity of the theater.

I am not implying anything.

I'm flat-out saying it.
Blaine: Uh... Sandy?

What's going on?

Everything's okay, Blaine.

Blaine: Doesn't seem like it.

We'll be done in a bit.

This is grown-up stuff.

All right.

Dean, the drama teacher isn't depriving a 12-year-old of a part 'cause of some high school vendetta against you.

No, he's depriving the entire school of a performance for the ages.

What's the move?

I don't know. Counselor?

Maybe I should just help Ethan do the thing he's wanted to do in the first place, which is stage crew.

Well, I'm not ready to roll over and die just yet.

Stage crew is not rolling over and dying.

Pop... what should I do?

You swing away, Deano.


All right, so who do we sue first?

Malmuth, the school board, or the fat kid in the wig?

I want to say... none of them?

I'm going the other direction. All of them.

Attaboy, Todd. I like that spirit.

Do you?

Because if Ethan went in there and did half of what I taught him, he earned that part.

We just need proof.

There's got to be a video.

On Malmuth's computer.


Claire, how quickly can we set up a meeting with our hacker?

Uh, never, because we don't have one.

We don't? We had a whole team of them at Stutz & Grinder.

They saved our ass all the time.

I took an Excel course in college.

Maybe I could do it.

I have no objection to that. Claire?

You're asking me if I'm okay with Todd using his dated spreadsheet knowledge to hack into a drama teacher's computer?

I am.


So what do you say, boss?

I say we get our hands on some flame-retardant suits, because we are about to bust through a firewall.


What is this plan?

Debbie: Maybe Todd will find something on Malmuth's computer. I mean, how secure could it be?

Honey, that's what you're asking about, is Malmuth's computer?


He wants to sue the school, babe.

Oh! Okay. Well, maybe that is taking it a little far.



I mean, this was going so well, you know?

Ethan was on the crew and he was enjoying it, - Keep folding.

Mm-hmm. and then Dean comes in and fills his head with pipe dreams of awards.

And that's not real life. You know what I'm saying.

Yeah. You're saying Ethan has his limits and he should know them.

No. No, this is not that.

Isn't it?

That is something totally different.

Is it?

I think it is...

I think it is.


Uh, great. Great.

Ethan... terrific.

I mean, the headline says, "Boy Great at Moving Stuff in the Dark."

You know, page two... uh, the audience could hear almost all of it.

Damn it, Ethan.

No, no, don't beat yourself up, buddy.

Don't beat yourself up, you're doing great.

You're getting better at this.

And we're... we're doing it together, you know?

This is fun, right?


Hey, I got something for you.

Uh, I was gonna wait till opening night, but, uh, you know, I'm terrible at keeping secrets, so...

Ah! Yeah? See?

Got your name embroidered on it and everything.

You did?

I did. The, uh... the lettering's in black, otherwise you run the risk of...

Being seen.

Being seen. You got it. Yeah!

You want to, uh, try it on? See how it fits?

Maybe later.

Okay, yeah. We'll, uh, we'll do it later.

Judge: It is my understanding that the two sides have reached a settlement.

That's correct, Your Honor.

Hey, a new gavel?

We're good on all terms, Your Honor.

Uh, no, we're not, Your Honor.

We're not good on-on any terms.

What the hell you talkin' about, Stew?

May I have a moment to confer with co-counsel?

You mean you need to talk to your dad?

We got nothing.

That's where you're wrong, Dad; we got something.

Could we proceed?

You think there's a shot to take?

Only one way to find out.

While I'm still young.

Your Honor, I have here a record of six previous occasions where their client intentionally drove into someone's blind spot. It's a scam.

How'd you find that?

I took the other advice, Dad.

The advice you gave to Dean.

That if you swing to the fences anything is possible.

Hey. What are you guys doing?

Stew, good news.

Todd just hacked into Malmuth's computer.

Yep. Here it is.

Claire: You guys know the difference between hacking and stealing, right?

I know one of 'em's way more complicated than I thought it would be.

Oh, Stew...

I know how you feel about potential illegal activity, so perhaps you do not want to be present.

You know what? Screw it.

Let's see what the bastard's hiding.

Wow. Really?

If Ethan wants to be in the play instead of the crew, I'm all for it.

Todd, what have we got?

Hang on, I'm looking.

Well, look faster, Todd!


No, he's right.

And I need to hear it in that tone, too.


I think I may have found something.

A folder marked "auditions."

All right, Todd, listen to me and listen very carefully.

I want you to highlight that folder, double-click it, and tell me what you see.

Todd: It looks like... a bunch of auditions.

Look for Ethan's.

It's missing.


He deleted it.

Is it possible to get chills all over your body at once?

But why would anyone delete just one audition?

Stewart: It was too powerful.

We need to take this to Principal Davis.

And get justice for Ethan.

Todd, your question about full-body chills?

They are possible.

I still don't understand how you two stealing Mr. Malmuth's laptop proves anything.

Well, it proves you need to beef up your school security system.

Hey, if you knew the budget I was working with, you would not be making cracks about school security.


All we're asking is that you let Ethan audition again, for you.

You're an impartial observer.

(scoffs) This is ridiculous.

Just because I forget to press record on one audition, suddenly he's questioning my integrity?

Hey, Malmuth, you want to come after me?

I welcome it.

But what I don't welcome is you bringing my nephew into this.

Because the only thing he's guilty of is following his little baby heart.

Fine. I've got nothing to hide.

And I'm quite confident that Principal Davis will see things the same as me.

Well, we'll just see.


Won't we?

Sandy: We will.

Dean: So let's.

Sandy: I'm ready.

Dean: Bring it.

(crying): And that man's name... was Luther.


Principal Davis, you want to help Malmuth get his face off the floor?

Look, it was fine, but I'm afraid it wasn't good enough to overrule my teacher.

Are you kidding me?

That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!

We see what we want to see, Mr. Sanderson.

And what I saw was an audition that... no offense, Ethan... was nothing special.

And the impartial observer that you yourself asked for agrees.

I think we're done here.

Hey, hey.

Don't listen to him, buddy... you are special.

Let me walk you back to class.

I'll meet up with you.

(quietly): What happened here was an embarrassment!

Not just to the theater, not just to the public school system, not just to...

Is it quicker if you just say the main thing that it is an embarrassment to?

Quicker, yes, but not as a dramatic.

And you've never understood drama... have you?


(exhales) I did not think I was gonna be able to keep it together there.

That kid was something else, huh?


I haven't seen anything like it since... well... his uncle.

Well, that is the last lie that I tell for you, Malmuth.

I don't care if you release the pictures.

I never want to feel this dirty again.

Well, you say that now... but how will you feel when my department is short on funds?

In fact, we're already running low on glow tape.

What are you doing with that stuff anyway?

What were you doing on the pole vault mat with Mrs. Dunbar?

I'll put in the order.

Stewart: Aha!

Davis: Dear God.

I don't want to know what happened on that pole vault mat. I don't even want to know what happened to all that glow tape... what I do want to know... is how you live with yourselves after what you just did to my son.

Wh-Where did you come from?

The wings, Malmuth.

You know what they say about telling secrets in the theater.

Always... check for the Shadow Boys.

Shadow Boys?

Well, it just must be the name for his, like, backstage group or whatever.

Guys. It was amazing. You should have seen it.

I mean, I've walked quietly before, but I have never walked like this. I mean, they had no idea I was even there.

No, he just exploded from the wings like a true Shadow Guy.

Shadow Boy.


It's almost as if you were training your whole life for that one moment.


Congratulations, honey.

And how about you, Ethan, did you get the part?

Oh, Deb, if he hadn't gotten the part, we'd still be at the school.



For justice.

For justice.

Good job.

Stewart: Thank you.

And thanks, Dad. You almost made stage crew look cool.


Yeah, almost.

I'm proud of you.

Dean: I'm proud of you, too, Stew.

Thanks, guys.

Whatever I said to you when you were a kid...

I'm sorry.

I appreciate that, Dad.

Sometimes you don't think about... (sighs) how those things can affect your kids in the long run.


(quietly): Put your arm around him.

Again with the arm thing?

He's hurting.

It's like that's all we do now.

He needs you.

Thanks, Dean.

Uh, Dean? It's my arm, Dad.

Shh, shh, shh.

I-I'm doing it.

Shh. This isn't about recognition, not for a true Shadow Boy.