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02x08 - Confluence

Posted: 11/11/15 04:10
by bunniefuu
Today marks the beginning of the trial of Hugo Garza, known international arms dealer.

The State is confident in a conviction and looks forward to this violent man being imprisoned for the rest of his life.

(loud, overlapping shouting)

Izzo: Big day for you, Dwayne.

Big day for both of us.

Yeah, long time coming.

Nine-month sting operation, 16 months pre-trial.

Yeah, I'll be happy putting Garza in the rearview mirror.

Izzo: Yeah, as long as today goes well.

Beautiful morning, Agent Pride.

Best one so far, Mr. Garza.

(Garza chuckles)

If there is a hell, I don't think even the devil's looking forward to having that man around.

(laughs) Speaking of rearview mirrors-- updated briefs on the cases stemming from your undercover work earlier this year.

I was hoping we could sit down at some point, you can walk me through what you know about the militia's ties to Zed Hastings.

The Father's minions are itching to get back at the Fed who infiltrated their ranks.

I'll keep watching my back.

Yeah, from your pinky toe all the way to the top of your head.

King, we got a problem.

Name it.

Federal marshals just called.

They've lost track of Don Lambert.

(phone ringing)

I've been expecting this call.

You climbed out a window, Don?

Shook your security detail?

I haven't had a moment to myself in two years.

I needed a drink.

A liquid courage for the day.

Where are you? I'll come pick you up.

No, that's all right. I got it.

Look, Don, you're expected in court in less than ten minutes, and I don't like the idea of you being out there on your own.

'Cause it's not safe?

Not for you.

Yeah, well, keeping safe has taken its toll.

Witness relocation can be tough.

I understand that.

Hey, Dwayne... (car alarm chirps off) like poetry?

I don't want to talk poetry.

I want to talk getting you here.

“I want to be reborn, a babe in the sunlight, entering a world where pain is washed away by the spring rain.”

Where are you?

(sighs heavily)

I'm on the verge, Dwayne.

I'm ready to put this all behind me.


(car alarms wailing)


Don?! Don?!

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪
♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪
♪ How, how, how, how ♪
♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ NCIS:New Orleans 2x08 ♪
Original Air Date on November 10, 2015

♪ You gotta come on. ♪

Victim is Don Lambert, former accountant for Hugo Garza.

Garza stole Navy weapons and expl*sives.

Was attempting to sell 'em to the highest bidder and Don was caught laundering his money.

And the AUSA got him to flip on Garza.

Yeah, well, he flipped, all right.


Brody: Hard to make sense of what's car, what's human, and what could be evidence.

Hoping something in here helps me identify the expl*sive.

Must have taken quite a charge to make that kind of mess.

It's got to be plastics.

Weapons grade, packed by someone with the know-how.

Any witnesses?

Lasalle's been canvassing.

What do you got?

So far, everyone I've talked to heard the big bad boom and then ran the other way.


But see that bar over there?

It's got a security camera pointing toward the street.

I had them download the footage.

At 8:04:13, all is calm.

Then, at 8:04:15...

Pride: expl*si*n.


You see this blue Mustang?

Someone's inside.

Yep. And it just sits there and waits.

And then, at 08:04:25, it drives off calmly.

Yeah, and that's how they caught the Boston Marathon bombers.

Everyone else ran off, and they just stood there.

Got a plate?

Partial. First three letters--


All right, put out a BOLO, find the owner.

You got it.

Get that evidence to Sebastian.

See if he's got a take on what kind of b*mb was used.


Find anyone who had access to Lambert.

He had a new identity, new life, a hundred miles from here.

Someone gave his ass up.

Yeah, find out who.


What a mess.

Anything left of him?

Uh... not much.

Don was a decent man.

His accounts?

Florist, bakery, beauty supplies.

And the minute he found out what he was in the middle of, he wanted to talk.

Well, it's not your fault, Dwayne.

You can't protect a man who won't allow himself to be protected.

It's gonna be some time before I finish up here, but...

You're gonna need a DNA sample.

For confirmation.

He's got a wife.

I'll talk to her.

(teakettle whistles)

So, I... I brought his toothbrush.

Um, I also brought this shirt which his sister gave him.

She's kind of a bitch, but he looked really good in this shirt.


So you spoke with him?

You know, just before?

Quoted me poetry.

“I want to be reborn...”

“A babe in spring sunlight.”

(laughs softly)

Don was constantly writing me these little verses on sticky notes.

He would leave them on my pillow.

(laughs) On the windshield of my car.

Oh, I found one on the kitty litter bag once.

Never wanted me to forget how beautiful the world is.


So, what now?

Garza walks?

I won't let that happen.

We'll get him for everything.

Weapons trafficking, stealing Navy assets.

Don's m*rder.

'Cause I swear... if Don goes in the ground, and Garza goes free... that's on you.

Because you looked us both in the eye.

You made us a promise.

Lasalle: Hey, King?

Agent Lasalle.

Everything all right?

What do you got, Chris?

BOLO on the suspect's car just came back.

Was found rolled on the levee.

Call Brody and Sonja.

They're already on their way.

Brody: Suspect sideswiped the tractor trailer as it was changing lanes.

Lost control, rolled the car onto the levee.

The other driver says he pulled over to approach the car to offer help, but as he came up, the driver took off running.

The other driver's giving a description, but he already said he didn't get a good look.

We got JPSO sweeping out.

(camera shutter clicking)

I bet our suspect's wearing gloves.

Probably won't be prints.

Hang on.

I got something.

Wedged under the seat.

It's a photo.


And Marc Maslow.

Don Lambert's former accounting partner.

Serving time for racketeering in federal prison and the only other person who can put Garza away for life.

You think Garza means to k*ll Maslow next?

Well, if he tries... gonna have to go through me.

Keep Maslow in solitary for his own protection.


I want eyes on him 24 hours, inside his cell and for the hour he's in the yard.

Thank you. What you find?

Got a set of tracks here heading west on top of the levee.

(camera shutter clicking)

Looks like our driver was dragging his leg.

(camera shutter clicking)

I'll make a cast.

Thank you.


Inside is pristine.

Outside not so much. Look, I'm not sure if this is important, but it's definitely interesting.

A ton of bees.

Bees as in...

As in bzzz...

So, I'm gonna do a pull and get 'em to Sebastian.

Well, he'll “bee” thrilled.

You got a problem with puns, honey?

Bees to Sebastian.

Find out who the car's registered to.

And ease up on the punny.

Yeah, you're right. It's not like this is a sting operation.

Where you going?

Got to end this before it festers.

(music playing, people laughing, chatting nearby)

Special Agent Pride.

To what do I owe this pleasure?

Please, sit.

Have an Arnold Palmer.

The lemonade was fresh-squeezed.

Pride: All blown up.

So, I've heard.

You plead out, give me who m*rder*d Mr. Lambert, cop to everything you've ever done and I'll make sure you're spared the needle.

If I was going to plead out, I would've done it when Don was still walking the earth.

And if you could actually tie me to Donny ka-boom... you wouldn't be here, pouring my refreshments into my pool.

You got nada, Agent Pride.

Don't I?


He won't testify.

Why, 'cause you're gonna k*ll him, too?

Because he hates you.

He hates you more.

He fears me.

Which he should.

And you... should fear me.

Call your lawyers, Garza.

Tell 'em you decided to do the right thing.

Izzo: Maslow is safe.

Moved to solitary like you requested.

U.S. penitentiary in Abilene, right?

Yeah, where I just sent one of my deputies to talk to him about testifying against Garza.

Will you file that for me, please?

What'd Maslow say?

About testifying?

Dwayne, Maslow's not as reliable as Don.

But he's all we got.

Okay, so he's agreed to testify for a reduced sentence of time served.


And that's the news that's good.

What's the news that's not?

That's where you come in.


Come in.

So you wanted to see me?


We're headed to Texas.



Got to escort the new witness in the Garza case.


Fly there, fly back?

Fly there, drive back.

Maslow doesn't do planes.

He doesn't do escalators.

Doesn't like odd numbers. He's... eccentric.

And why do you have to do it?

He requested me.

Okay, then, why me?

Lasalle knows the case.

Brody's been here longer.

But neither one of them are any good at bee puns.

Yeah. My head is buzzing with them.

Been a crazy first few months.

Wanted to hear how things are going for you.

So, this is supposed to be, like... quality time?

Bring those kale chips.

Might even get me to try one.

Come on.

DMV records came back on our bomber's car.

Registered to a Frank Jameson.

Only thing is Frank Jameson... died two years ago.

So our bomber is living under a stolen identity?

It looks like it.

What's the latest on the levee search?

JPSO's frustrated and dogs more so.

Well, then I guess it's a good thing Chris and Merri are on the case.

Not you Chris and Merri, the other Chris and Merri.

Do we even ask?

I named the bees.

So, most of the specimens came back DOA, but two of them were just stunned.

So I nursed 'em back to health and when they're no longer evidence, I'm considering becoming an urban apiarist.

Chris and Merri, meet Chris and Merri.

Oh. Which is which?

Well, Chris is the one with the funny accent.

Y'all are the ones with accents.

So these little guys are Apis mellifera.

They're your common honeybee, but inside their stomachs is a very specific kind of honey.

Specific how?

Well, this particular varietal is usually only found in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

Ancient monasteries there keep the bees to produce a rare white honey.

So Chris and Merri came from Africa.

Well, not necessarily. It turns out, the same order of monks operates an abbey just north of here.

That many Chris and Merris in the windshield-- you got to figure the car was here often.

Could be our bomber's home base.

Let's take a look.

All right, and, hey, while you guys are there, can you pick me up some of that honey?

It's gonna take me a little while to get my hive up and running.

Pride: Don, you can do this.

Don: Everywhere we go, we're looking over our shoulders.

At our house, in my office.

I go jogging.

You know, just to clear my head, relax, but all I can think about is will today be the day that Garza kills me?

Pride: You came to us, Don.

Said you wanted to make this right.

Look, I made the mistakes.

I get that.

But I need you to promise me that there will come a day when Garza is behind bars and my wife can go for a run without fear.

I promise.

I promise both of you.

(music plays quietly over radio)

Check the front pocket of my bag.

Put something in there you might find interesting.

Take a look.

DEA's got an ongoing investigation into a drug dealer--

Marion Watkins.

Buddy calls me, tells me one of my agent's been spending a ton of time sitting outside her house, wants to know if we got our own operation going on.


She's the friend you told me about?

So this car trip wasn't ever about quality time?

This car trip was about how you keep things hidden.

No, personal is different from hidden.

Personal ends when I'm put in a position to answer for your actions and I can't because I don't know what you're doing.

Well, what if I don't know what I'm doing?

What's up with you people wanting to yackity-yack all the time?

You know, I came here to be an agent.

Not to tell everyone my every thought.

“I take your heart in mine and they become one, sustaining us both”

Another one of Lambert's poems.

Okay, you can trap me in a box with wheels, but once you start quoting poetry...

I'm super out.

Well, you can duck me now, but it's gonna be a long drive back to New Orleans.

(buzzer sounds, lock clicks)

Open 103.

(buzzer sounds, lock clicks)

I'll take it from here.

What you looking at, Shawshank?

So, I just sign right here?

That's everything that you and Assistant U.S. Attorney Izzo agreed to.

Oh, no, this isn't quite everything.

Why don't we discuss the real reason that you're here.


I want an apology.


For what?

I'm in prison 'cause you made a deal with Don instead of me.

AUSA made that choice.

Oh... That was on your advice.

So Don gets to get out and I had to spend my days rotting in here.

Don is dead.

Another thing you probably should apologize for, no?

Sign, stand up and let's go.

No apology, no testify.

So you can let Hugo Garza go free and clear.

I apologize.

I apologize, Mr. Maslow.

I apologize, Mr. Maslow.

Well, that's a good start.

What happened to the last guy that wore this?

I shot him.
(bees buzzing)

Brody: Chris Lasalle, afraid of bees?

Bees and heights.

I guess everyone has their weaknesses.

It's not a weakness, Brody.

Every sane person has a cautious respect of insects with stingers and falls that might k*ll ya.

(hinges creaking)

Woman: You're late, Frank.


The name the car was registered to.

Ma'am... we're federal agents.

Need you to step out into the aisle.

Brody: Put your hands where we can see 'em.


Agent Lasalle?

You alone?

Yeah. Why?

We heard you mention someone named Frank.

Which is interesting, 'cause that's the name of the man that k*lled your husband.

Lasalle: Tell us about Frank.

He's just a guy.

Just a guy who gets his own cell phone?

'Cause this is the number we have on file, and, this, I'm gonna guess, isn't registered with WITSEC.

We call that a burner.

Burner phone, only one contact.


Gonna ask you again, Vivian.

Frank Jameson-- who is he to you?

He's my sponsee.


You're meeting at a secluded abbey.

I have been sober for ten years.

God, and for ten years, I have been coming to the same meetings right here, Tuesdays and Thursdays right in this chapel.

Well, why the secrecy?

Because WITSEC said I should cut off all ties to my old life.

But this one, I just couldn't do.

And Frank?

Frank's new to the group over these last few months.

He's sweet.

But clearly struggling, so we would meet here early and just talk, I swear.

Let me guess.

He sought you out?

Asked you be his sponsor?

Yeah, but...

No, I was careful.

I didn't use my last name.

You didn't have to.

He knew who you were, Ms. Lambert.

He chose you.

Wait. So, is it...?

Is it my fault that Don's dead?

How's Vivian holding up?

Since she blames herself for her husband's death?

Not so good.

Her phone get us anywhere?


We're pinging the number that she was in contact with, hoping it will lead us to this... Frank.

Vivian also gave us a physical description.

We're running it through Bruce now.

Maslow: So, this is great.

You drag me out of prison with a full bladder, and now I have to relieve myself downwind of cattle-- nice.

Pride: Cross-reference anyone Garza ever shook hands with.

Lasalle: It's what I'm doing now.

But the guy seems to be a phantom.

If he's a phantom working for Garza...

Maslow (in distance): Want to take a peek?

...he'll be coming for Maslow.

How are you holding up, King?

Should be in New Orleans by nightfall.

I'll take a pass, thank you.

Provided Percy doesn't sh**t Maslow herself.

Brody's on her way to Sebastian now.

Getting an update on the expl*sives.

Keep me posted.

Keep yourselves safe.

Sebastian: Okay, so three things:

First, the b*mb was triggered by a remote detonator.

And based on the video that Lasalle found, the car that you saw driving away would have absolutely been within range of Lambert's vehicle.

Second, the b*mb was powered by MX4.

It's a water-gel based expl*sive with industrial and seismic applications.

We know where the MX4 came from?

I'm still working on that.

Okay, the third thing?

I k*lled Chris.

Chris as in Lasalle?

Chris as in LaBee.

There was an incident when I tried to run further tests.

We got into it, and... he stung me.


Honestly, you know, I think he was just depressed.

It was one of those classic death-by-scientist kind of things.

(phone beeps)


The person, I assume?

Yeah, gotta go.

Okay. Hey, when you see him, you'll tell him it wasn't personal.

I'll break it to him gently.

Let's go.

Hey! Come on.

That's a $500 shirt.

Was a $500 shirt.

Looks like someone screwed it up.

Yeah, one of the guards ripped that button off, and now they've replaced it with some cheap Taiwanese crap.

Hey, your lady agent here-- she rushed me.

I'm adding that to the apology list.

We're trying to keep you alive.

Do the two have to be mutually exclusive?

Watch your head.

Any way we can make him ride in the trunk?

Just like the car, the phone Vivian was texting was stolen.

It was registered to a Milton Howell.

Only thing is, Howell's 90 years old.

Hasn't seen his cell in months.

Also claims that the only person who had access was his handyman.

Let me guess.

His handyman goes by the name Frank.


Phone's transmitting a signal.

Coming from over here.

Top apartment-- you get the front, I got the fire exit.

Going in.



Brody, get down!

You good?




Watch for more of 'em.


Brody, meet fake Frank.


Looks like that car wreck did some serious damage.

What's this?

It's a map of Texas.

The back roads.

Brody: Where Pride and Sonja are.

He's tracking Maslow's transfer.

I'm calling King.

I'll alert the local authorities.

They'll need backup.

(siren wailing)

Now what's this?

You shouldn't have crossed the double yellow back there.

Pride: AUSA was supposed to alert local jurisdictions about us.

Want me to...?

Yes. Call.

No signal.


(siren wailing)

Pride: No, something's off.

Check the boots.

Yeah, and they got something behind their backs.


Are you kidding?

Drive! Right now!

Get down!

(rapid g*nf*re)

Wait for 'em to reload.



Sonja: Where'd he go?

Pride: Looks like he's in the woods.

I'll go after the sh**t.

Check on Maslow.

Sonja: Pride!

We got a problem.

Where the hell'd he go?

There's no signal.

He probably jammed our phones.

I can't call for backup.

Guy's dead.

Yeah, and his partner took off.

Look like Maslow headed into the woods back there.

Could be more on the way.

We gotta get to him before someone else does.

King, it's me again.

Look, I need you to call me back.

The people responsible for Lambert's death know where you are.

You and Percy find a safe spot and sit tight.

Cavalry's on its way.

Brody: I'm at the office.

Call me as soon as you can.

Straight to voicemail.

Same with Sonja's phone.

We gotta go.


We leave now, drive as fast as we can, we'll get there...

They're still five hours out. All right?

Texas Rangers and U.S.

Marshals are on their way.

The best thing we can do for them now is to try to figure out who put the track on 'em.

Garza's people at the prison.

(phone ringing)


Any word?

Still waiting to hear.

I've completed my autopsy on your bomber.

Cause of death: untended injuries from his accident.

Brain swelled and he was toast.

But that's not what you care about.


(phone ringing)

Hold that thought.

Hey, I come bearing news of expl*sives.

Uh... Oh, that's crazy.

You're across the hall, but you're also across the room.

Wade: Hang on, Sebastian, we're discussing identification.

Oh, sorry. Go ahead.

Uh, go ahead!

I took the liberty of running the deceased's prints and I've uploaded it to you.

Your bomber's name is Ethan Greer.

Ethan Greer.

All right...

Got a long criminal history-- served time on weapons charges in multiple states.

Any ties to Garza?

Not that I can see here.

All right, what do you have, Sebastian?

Hey, yeah. I'm over here now.

Time-sensitive, Sebastian.

Okay, sorry. Yeah, uh... so I was finally able to trace the origin of the MX4 used to blow up Lambert's car.

Lot number is XJ7-114, but here's the thing: it's not the same grade or manufacturer as the expl*sives that Garza stole.

In fact, these were swiped after Garza was taken into custody.

We'll take it from here.

If the expl*sives don't connect to Garza and the bomber doesn't connect to Garza... who the hell is after Maslow?

(g*ns cocking)

(distant a*t*matic g*nf*re)

Oh, that can't be good.

You two leave me alone!

Oh! Aah!

And you know you're running from the wrong people.

Yeah, well, you two are doing a bang-up job of protecting me.

Shut up. Unless you want somebody to hear you and put a b*llet in your head.

All right, all right, I'm shutting up.

g*nshots came from back by the road.

Can't go there.

Yeah, and besides, the car is junked.

If I remember the map, interstate's about a quarter of a mile... that way.

All right, we get there, maybe we can avoid their signal jammer.

Yeah, and get some backup.

That was U.S. Marshals.

They're ten minutes out.


I'm struggling to make sense of the notes on the MX4.

All right.

Let's pull it up on the plasma.

Lasalle: The expl*sives were stolen two months ago.

A*F has 'em, but... there's no NCIS case number.

Let me see if I can download their report.


I know.

There's a cross-reference.


Look at this.

The MX4 comes from the same batch of expl*sives Zed Hastings and the militia used to blow up the G&L Bridge.

Zed's been on the run, and now he's resurfaced.

This has nothing to do with Garza.

Or Maslow.

It's about getting Pride.

(indistinct conversation)

Sic semper tyrannis.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

(speaking urgently and indistinctly)

Hastings: It's been a long time, Agent Pride!

Shouldn't they be sh**ting at him?

They're not interested in him.

What are you talking about?

Zed Hastings.

He's here for me.

Well, good.

Can the little agent lady and I get the hell out of here?

Will you shut up?

He's right. I'll cover you.

Get to the interstate.

I'm gonna double back and head to the car.

The car won't drive!


You go.

You get him to court.

Because if you come back here for me and I'm alive, I will fire your ass.


On my count.

Three... two... one.

(car engine revving)

Hastings: Pride's in the car.

We got him.

What the...?

Pride: NCIS!


Go ahead, Zed.

You want more?

Brody: Got an update from Oschner Medical.

Zed Hastings is out of surgery.

Critical, but stable.

All right, when he comes to, I want to know.

He's got Intel we need.

What foreign entities the militants are working with, how far and wide this all goes.

I still don't get this.

Zed hires someone to blow up Lambert, puts Maslow in play, but how is he sure Maslow will testify or request you?

Done some research on that.

I figured you'd be sick of me by now.

Trust me, I am.

Cheap button on your shirt... really a tracking device.


Got another word for you.


A flowing or coming together... a gathering at one point.

What the hell are you talking about?

One of my agents ran a check on your cell block.

Supremacist groups, separatists...

Zed Hastings' folks, many of whom, no doubt, were talking about wanting to get even with a federal agent that you knew all too well.


You traded access to me... for your chance to escape.


And then there's... this man.

Living under the name Frank Jameson, but really Ethan Greer, who spent two months in the same cell with Zed, back in 2009.

But you knew all that, didn't you?



So, here's how this is going to play out.

You testify, as planned, against Garza.

You take 25 years for your part in the m*rder of Don Lambert.

And that's it.

Nothing for your attempted escape... nothing for aiding and abetting in the attempted m*rder of two federal agents.

Why would you do that for me?

Because Garza.

Because Vivian Lambert.

Because Don.

Because I keep my promises.

Oh, wait... one more thing.

I also... want an apology.

I apologize.

“I apologize, Mr. Pride.”

I apologize, Mr. Pride.

It's a start.

Izzo: Mr. Maslow, can you please identify the man that you worked for, for whom you laundered the profits of stolen Navy weaponry?

Yes, I can.

Is he in this room?

Yes, he is.

Can you please identify him by name and point him out?

Hugo Garza.

Please let the record show that the witness has identified the defendant, Hugo Garza. There'll be no further questions.

We got him.

(whispered): Tonight...

I am going for a very long run.

Thank you.

Hey, Pride.

I was, uh, wondering if you would sign something for me.

Permission for me to be loaned out to DEA for an undercover mission.

Road trip too much for you?


No, my friend, Marion.

You want to be a part of taking her down?

Look, it's the only way I can help her.

Get her into rehab, get her out of the life.

Think she'll go for it?

How the hell do I know?

You were willing to get shot at all over Texas based a promise.

I'd like to give this a try.

“I took her heart in mine and they became one, sustaining us both.”

You're quoting poetry?

(giggles) Yeah.

It's the first and last time, but from here forward, I'd like to get better with the yackity-yack.

This is me asking permission.

Give me the paperwork.

I'll sign it.

Man: Hello, Zed.

I've been expecting you.

Pride's still alive.

You're going to jail.

So it's my turn.

Sic semper tyrannis.