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03x07 - The Art of w*r

Posted: 11/13/15 03:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow...

Boy, you look like your father when we were shavetails down at Parris Island.

So, what are these, bank accounts, transit numbers?

That's Liechtenstein and that's Geneva.

It was your father's idea.

The man I'm working to take down, his name is Atticus Nevins.

It looks like you already are a part of it.

What the hell is going on here?

Jenny: Got a name on our Shard thief, Sophie Foster.

A couple people heard about the job, said Atticus Nevins was footing the bill.

I'm gonna dig into him and see what I can find.

The Shard.

You're making a big mistake.

That's my specialty.

Trees are often associated with the entrance to the underworld.

She's preparing something.

I fear her return is inevitable.

The only question is what insidious plan does she have for her return?


Man: Forward!

Know thyself.

(distant sounds of g*nf*re, men shouting)

Know thy enemy.

Know these things and one need not fear 1,000 battles.

For there will come 1,000 victories.

The Art of w*r.

You've read Sun Tzu.

Gave us copies at the academy.

Then you will recognize this.

"A clever fighter is not one who wins, but one who..."


" who wins with ease."

You know a counter to Philidor's open?

Corbin taught me the game.

He said it's, uh, best if I just feel my way.

"Feel your way"?


And that nothing beats a good blindside.


You seem a little off your game lately.

I don't mean just the chess.

Well, yes, it has been a particularly trying few days.

United States Immigration may well be Dante's tenth circle of Hell.

The archives remains at risk from developers.

All hurdles you'll overcome.

And then there is Pandora.

My research has yielded precious little to explain where the portal in her tree may have taken her.

And I fear, contrary to the popular saying, what we do not know may very well hurt us.


(door opens)

Reynolds: Hey, Mills.


Agent Reynolds.

(door closes)

Ah, sorry to interrupt your morning.

Not at all.

Philidor, huh?

Easy to beat if you're not careful.

Yes, I know.

It's, uh...

It's... it's easy.

Everyone knows how to...

Oh, I think my kettle's boiled.

Tea? No? Tea? No?

No? Tea?

I got to say I still don't get that dude.

He grows on you.

That's right.

You always did like a challenge.

Kept you on your toes at Quantico.

What's up?

I got to head to DC for a couple of days, check in with the Deputy Director's Office.

Abbie: Anything serious?

Reynolds: Shouldn't be.

Just up against a deadline on the Nevins case.

Got to ask for an extension, so...

Duty phone.

How about you hold down the fort while I'm gone?


You sure you don't want to give that to somebody else?

You've earned it.

Abbie: Hmm.

I'll do what I can to deserve this.

Thank you, sir.


You know I spent 96 hours casing a warehouse in Dubai to get this?

This is about the Shard of Anubis, isn't it?

We know Mills and Corbin have it.

Just let me go get it.

Oh, you had your chance.


You're gonna play it that way?

So they were a little tougher than we thought.

I won't be so gentle this time.

Okay? I can play rough.

Honey, you don't know what rough is.

The person who contracted me for this job is a demanding sort and if I don't have the Shard in the next 12 hours...

Let me guess.

There will be hell to pay.

Oh, hell will be getting off easy.

So, you're gonna recite Norse poetry to them?

Granted, it'd be t*rture.

Desperate times, Sophie.

Desperate times.

(door closes)

(deep rumbling)

(gasping anxiously)

(grunts quietly)

"And by Pandora with passion'd heart Art thou summoned and fashioned part."

(water bubbling)

Oh, I'll be damned.

"Of fire and steel and ire and rage Berserkers flesh from off this page. To carry forth thy Master's will And follow through until the k*ll."



(snarling, growling)



That's it.


Now, go. Go fetch.

(roaring, screeching)

All I'm saying is if I was the one who knew about a Swiss bank account in my dad's name, I would consider cashing it out.

It's blood money, Jenny. Nevins said as much.

So give it to charity.

Who knows what's actually in that account?

Maybe your dad left a message.

That's what all this has been about... figuring out the riddle wrapped in an enigma who was August Corbin.

That's how it started.

I thought maybe if you showed me the world you shared with my dad, I might feel closer to him.


(both laughing)


Well, he's not the one I feel closer to.





Oh, geez, Mills.

I get the hint.


(heart beating)

Hey, Jenny?





Abbie: And this never happened before?

No, I had some weird dreams the other night.

Could be related.

No physical changes?

I think I would remember developing mutant powers.

Look, it's-it's got to be the Shard.

Her veins were glowing the same color as the Shard.

I thought the Shard of Anubis was a metallic lump.

Oh, it turns out that was just an outer casing of some kind.

When Nevins opened it...

Abbie: Nevins? Wait a minute!

You guys went and saw Nevins after I told you to steer clear?

That was my call.

Which I backed.

I told you Nevins is the target of an active FBI investigation...

Which is why we got in and got out.

No harm, no foul.

"No harm."

You could've compromised everything that we've...

If I may.


What was inside the case after Nevins opened it?

It was a glowing crystal.

And when I took it from him, it disintegrated.

Did you touch the crystal?

No, just the outer casing.

And Nevins, did he handle it?

Yeah, he-he picked it up.

But he put on a glove.

What you got?

Binding stones.

Very rare, very powerful artifact with a singular quality... they are absorbed into the body upon contact.

It is a way to directly transfer mystical energy.

You're saying I absorbed the Shard?

That it's inside of me?

So it would seem.

Miss Jenny, mortal beings are not meant to house this much mystical energy.

It is akin to...

Joe: ...plugging a high-voltage wire into child's toy.

It'll fry the circuits.

Jenny: The Shard... it's gonna k*ll me.

So, we find a way to get it out of her, right?

There's got to be some kind of spell or...

Shard-ectomy we can perform.

Crane: Very little is known about binding stones.

It's been centuries since anyone even recorded seeing one.

For what it's worth, I feel fine.

I feel awesome, actually.

Yeah, well, that can just be temporary.

You know, the way some terminal patients feel euphoric just before they decompensate?

Look, if anybody knows how to deal with this thing, it's Nevins.

Nevins is off-limits.

Whoa, okay, I know that this might cause some problems with your job, but this is Jenny we're talking about.

You don't think that I know that?

What good are you gonna be to her if you're locked up?

Shh, quiet.

Well, isn't that what you're supposed to be helping us with, Agent Mills?


You hear that?

We got company.



(growling and screeching)

Joe: Jenny, we got to go!

(screeching roar)


(screeching, snarling)

This way!


Those things... they were unstoppable.

Hitting them seemed to make them stronger.

Like they fed off the energy of our att*cks.

It's a miracle we're alive.

No miracle... Jenny.

I guess being fatally infected with the power of an ancient artifact has its pluses.

They just converged on you.

They didn't care about us at all.

Perhaps drawn to her energy.

Like moths to a flame.

Or they were sent for her.

You said it, Crane.

She is the Shard.

Which Nevins is obsessed with.

You think he might be controlling these creatures?

Jenny: Nevins is bad news, but summoning demonic rage creatures is way over his head.

Not over Pandora's.

These are precisely the kind of hellspawn she's been known to unleash.

We should've seen this before.

Seen what?

Nevins is working with Pandora.

Oh, hey, Jenny.

(Jenny sighs)


Just a little woozy.

Let's head to the archives.

I've got some Web crawlers that can scour Darknet sites.

If someone out there's talking about binding stones, that's where we'll find it.

You're supposed to be resting.

I'm fine.

Besides, it's not the flu.

I don't think rest and fluids are gonna cut it.


Our lives keep getting jumbled up in this.

You know, I worked hard to separate my professional life from the supernatural, and look what happened.

It literally infected my family.

You always tried so hard to compartmentalize your life, let's face it, because you're a control freak, but this stuff we're involved with is messy.

The supernatural is the only world I've ever known and if it ends up k*lling me, well, I can think of worse ways to go.

You're not going anywhere.

Says the control freak.

Uh, apologies.

It's all right, I get it.

I'm... I'm just amazed how you guys focus in on this stuff when monsters are out there and people you care about are hurting.


There is nothing more frustrating than the feeling of helplessness in the face of an unknown foe.

Which is why we must seize control whilst we can.


Talk to her.


What about you?

Get the feeling it's not just rage monsters that have you feeling helpless.


I have become well acquainted with the vicissitudes of life.

(scoffs, quietly): Oh, come on.

But, yes.

I have become keenly aware of late that...

I may be fighting a losing battle... on many fronts.

Against bureaucrats.

Against developers.


On many fronts.

Well, maybe you should take your own advice.

Talk to her.

(sighs) Sometimes I just miss being in the Corps, you know?

You had your mission, had your orders, that was all you needed to know.

Oh, yes.

There is a purity to the mission of a workaday soldier.

One which, I confess, I miss as well.

If only we could be so single-minded all the time.


Single-minded mission.

Abbie: You got something, Crane?



"Once summoned and scented with a quarry, they will continue their pursuit indefinitely until the quarry has been captured. It is this single-minded focus on their mission that defines the fearsome creatures known as... the Norse berserkers."


That would explain their anger-management issues.

Do they have any weaknesses?

Uh, it says their strength burgeons the more you fight them, as they feed off the energy of the battle.

They are vulnerable to one substance... mistletoe.

Wait, seriously?

Like, as in, "Gosh, who put that there?

Oh, well, I guess we should kiss" mistletoe?


Mistletoe is known to have druidic powers.

In fact, Celtic priests would coat their arrows in mistletoe sap before going to battle.

Wait a minute.

Jenny actually showed me some crossbow bolts that looked like that.

Hey, Mills, where'd...?

(deep voice): Behold my glory for I am coming.
(partiers laughing, talking)

Sorry to keep you waiting.

The bakery accidentally put peanuts in the cake, and two fights have broken out over who's better...

Katy Perry or Taylor Swift.

So... the Nevins case.

Shouldn't this be wrapped up by now?

Very close, sir.

Surveillance has yielded a ton of leads.

But you still don't have your smoking g*n.

No, sir.

Nevins has been cagier than expected.

I just need a little more time.

With a few more resources...

I can't divert any more assets without attracting more attention.

How much more time do you need?

One... two weeks at the most.

Just make sure this goes down clean and by the book.

You got eyes on this one.

Yes, sir.

And by the way, uh, how's our agent doing?

The, uh, diamond in the rough?

I have no doubt she'll be one of the very best in the Bureau.

Good to hear, 'cause there are eyes on her as well.

(Jenny groans)

How long was I out?

Not long.

You started glowing like a road flare, and then you zonked out.

How you feeling?


Like I went a couple rounds with Godzilla.


Or Godzilla's meaner brother.

You remember anything?

Not really.

Just a feeling, like... like I was someone powerful.


Masonic cell.

Its mystical protections will keep you off the berserkers' radar.


Where are the guys?

Crane has a theory on how to track the berserkers, and he and Joe are checking it out.

They're gonna need our help.

Mm, okay.


We're just gonna chill, okay?

Abby: They'll let us know if they need us.

And they're armed up with the mistletoe bolts anyway, so...

You pulled babysitter duty?

Just like old times.

(both chuckle)


(gently): All right.


Just like old times.

You really think they're here?

If Norse legends are anything to go by, the berserkers will seek out a metal cave, similar to the mines of Nidavellir.

To rejuvenate and recalibrate their tracking senses.

Well... this is the closest thing Sleepy Hollow's got to a dark metal cave.

Let's go.

(motor buzzing)

(buzzing stops)

They're here.

(low snarling)

Crane, behind you!

(berserker snarls)



What do we do now?


(snarling, roaring)

Won't hold 'em for long!

Get to the truck! Now!


(engine revving)

Could the text have been wrong?

Perhaps. The anecdotal evidence is overwhelming.

Why didn't the mistletoe work?

There may have been a modification to the ritual used to summon them.

The only way to know for certain is to examine Nevins' source material.

We need to know what spell he used.


It would take me no more than a few minutes to search Nevins' office.


Nevins' place is being surveilled 24-7.

And as it is, Joe and Jenny may end up before a grand jury once Nevins is indicted.

Not to mention, if we keep sticking our nose in, we'll blow this whole case for Danny.

Lieutenant, you know I understand your bind, and I, more than anyone, know what it means to be pulled between two worlds, but if we do not stop these monsters... we cannot risk moving Miss Jenny anywhere, even to a hospital.

These creatures will not stop until we stop them.

But, please, if you know of any other course of action...

Remember how to use this?

Make sure the door is not wired for any alarms.

Have Joe show you the layout of the place.

And get out of there as fast as you can.


(cell phone rings)

(phone beeps)

I've arrived.

No sign of Nevins' automobile.

Got it. Sit tight.


(keypad beeping)

(phone line rings)



This is Mills.

I need you to check out a 10-37 at the Harbor Island shipyards.


Why does port authority seem to think every vehicle is suspicious?

I know, it's probably nothing, but Homeland sent down a memo about activity down on the port.

Does Reynolds know about this? We're not supposed to leave our post.

He's in D.C. I'm on the desk.

Copy that.

Come on lets go.

(hinges creak)


Hold still!

No sudden moves.

Unhand me, you scoundrel.

Funny words, coming from a potential thief.


Do I look like a common thief, stealing worms?


You look like the bass player for some British rock band.

What are you doing here?

At a bait shop?

I'm looking for bait.

You're a fisherman?


Monofilament line or fused?

Braided horsehair.

Baited with worm, minnow or little frog, just as Izaak Walton prescribed.


Bait is in this building.

Ah, thank you.

I might ask what you're doing here, slamming patrons up against a wall.

My friend owns this place.

He doesn't like strange people lurking around the alleyways.

Did you call me "strange"? Oh, good grief, how will I ever endure?

Save it.

You don't strike me as the thin-skinned type.

Word to the wise, Dr. Strange.

Steer clear.

If we run into each other again, next time it won't be so pleasant.

Your pleasantries need a little work, madam.


How'd it go?

Nothing that could not be managed.


A brief run-in with one of Nevins' associates.

She was... pugnacious.

Nothing to worry about.


Nevins' important belongings were locked away, but I managed to retrieve this.

The spell Nevins cast was from the Ynglinga saga, but he changed something.

Whereas the Norse mystics called upon the power of Odin, Nevins invoked the power of Pandora.

Presumably, the mystical source he was tapping was Pandora's box.

It is slight but a significant alteration.

And that's why the mistletoe didn't work.

We have no way of figuring out their weakness.

We're fighting an unbeatable enemy.

"When faced with an unbeatable enemy, you must make the enemy beat themselves."

More Sun Tzu?


A thinker of a more Western ilk.

Daniel Boone.

Summer, 1779.

Boonesborough, Kentucky, was facing an imminent attack from British and Hessian forces.

Each army was overwhelming in its own right, but combined, they were unbeatable.

Boone knew his ragtag militia had no chance against the joint forces.

He also knew the British-Hessian alliance was an uneasy one at best.

(muffled grunting)


(horse whinnies)

(distant g*nshots, men shouting)

He feigned a British attack on the Hessian encampment, then did the same in the British camp.

Of course, before long, the British and the Hessians turned on one another and wiped themselves out.

Boonesborough was saved.

Make the enemy defeat themselves.


It just might work.

We need Joe's help on this one.

He's back in the Masonic cell with Jenny.

I'll find the supplies we need.

Lieutenant, do realize if we do not succeed, then to all intents and purposes, this shall be...


So tell me again how this plan is supposed to work.

Well, it is an Abbie-Crane special.

One part history, one part magic, whole lotta crazy.

(laughs softly)


Sorry, is this hurting you?

Mm, no.

No, I'm just a little dizzy.


You know, I spent my whole life hunting magical artifacts.

Now one of those artifacts is fighting back.


Is that karmic or ironic?

It's neither.

It's gonna be a little footnote when you tell people the story about what happened here years from now.

Oh, yeah? Who am I gonna tell?

(sighing): Well, let's see, I don't know.

I mean...

Abbie'll be running the FBI, so she's gonna be kind of tough to reach.

And Crane will be a college professor, but he's only gonna keep office hours, like, once a week, so...

What does he teach?

Modern cinema.



So I guess that leaves me.

(laughs softly)

I guess it does.

You know, Crane told me I should talk to you.

About what?

About this.


Make sure the carabiner's locked and the tether's tight.

You talk as if I've never climbed a mountain before.


I've never climbed a mountain before.

Here, like this.

(air hisses)


Well, it shouldn't be long now.




(screeching growl)


(berserkers snarling, screeching, growling)


Good God.


Like hyenas.

Hyenas from hell.

(low growling)

Give my regards to Pandora.

So much for unbeatable enemy.

I gotta give it to your pal Daniel Boone.

Turning the enemies against themselves... so sharp.

Well, despite his rough-hewn persona, Boone was as cunning a tactician as any general.


And I gotta give props to you, too, Crane, 'cause you put it all together.

No, no, no!

Props to you, Lieutenant.


It was your idea more than mine.

"Nothing beats a good blindside."


Also, you noted that I've been off my game of late.

When I pledged my allegiance to this country in 1776, I had a very clear vision of what my future would hold.

Nowhere in that vision did I imagine waking in the 21st century, and yet...

More and more, I feel this desire to acculturate.

But the idea of losing the archives, of losing my fight for citizenship for a country that I, in part, founded, the idea of losing you... to some wretched federal promotion to...

I don't know, Dallas or to Los Angeles or...

Sometimes, it seems as though the unbeatable enemy is the 21st century.

Yeah, but the thing is, Crane...

Joe, me, Jenny... we are the 21st century.

And every day, we take you a step further in that direction.

That is the unbeatable enemy beating itself.

And we ain't goin' nowhere.

(cocks g*n)

Aw, that was beautiful.

I can see you guys are going through something personal and I hate to step on such a lovely moment, but I got some pressing issues of my own.

Like where is Jenny Mills?

I told you it wouldn't work out so well for you, if we met again.


Tell me where Jenny Mills is, or I start sh**ting.

What do you want from her?

I don't want anything from her, I want her.

See, the energy from the Shard is very important to someone I work for, and it's vital I get it back.



Someone who makes Pandora look like a homeroom teacher.

And he will be here soon, so give me Jenny Mills!

You've got five seconds.

I'm sorry, kid, this is nothing personal.

Ah, screw you.


Nevins: You are definitely August Corbin's son.


Wait, now. Hold on.


Don't tell 'em anything, Abbie.

Abbie: No, no, no...

Three. Two.

Drop the g*n, Atticus!

Sophie Foster, FBI!

Now drop the g*n.

You traitorous bitch...



Six months on this mission, and I blow my cover now.

Reynolds is gonna lose it.

Reynolds knows about you?

Knows? This is his op.

My role in this investigation was strictly need-to-know. Only inner circle.

He didn't tell you.

Sophie: All right, I'm taking him in. See what we can salvage.

Listen, you better find your sister.

Nevins sent the who's who of bad guys after her, and there's no telling who's still out there. All right?

Let's go.

Come on.


She's not here.

It's crazy.

I locked her in before I left.

Crane: This lock has been broken from the inside.

Abbie: Crane.

Crane: These drawings... they match Miss Jenny's description of her vision.

Abbie: What do they mean?

Crane: I cannot say.

But clearly, her condition is worsening.

Guys, where is she?

(whooshing, rumbling)

(rumbling continues)


(rumbling stops)


Behold my glory.

I have arrived.