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03x06 - Beautiful Mistake

Posted: 11/13/15 09:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Originals"...

Freya: If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall...

One by friend, one by foe, and one by family.

I suspect Niklaus is with your sister.

Wherever you go, Aurora follows.

I knew you would find me. Hello, my sweet love.

I'm here for the same reason Lucien and Tristan are, to protect my sire. I need to know...

Where in the hell is Rebekah?

Rebekah: I will use the advantages this body has while I search for a way to bring back Kol, and then who knows?

Marcel: My guys stayed on Tristan's trail, followed him to a secret storehouse, and you'll never guess who just bought that storehouse.

One Lucien Castle.

They've been working together the whole time.

In the wrong hands, this stuff could destroy the city.

Property of Nola PD. Evidence in a m*rder case.

From the forensics from tonight's crime scene, only prints on the victim are yours.

Cami O'Connell, you're under arrest.

Aurora: In the moments before you asked me to flee with you, I saw your brother.

He's lied to us all.

And yet I love him.

You must only see him as the wretched monster that he truly is.

What you did to Aurora, to me. You set my course!

You want a fight, so be it.

Aurora: What are you doing over there? Come closer.

Klaus: I think it's best you remain out of arm's reach.


Aurora: So I take it you've heard about the busy day everyone's had. Let me take away that scowl. I'll tell you everything I know.

(Church bells ringing)

Rebekah: I told you this was better than exchanging stuffy, old letters.

Freya: Well, a drink with my sister beats sire line drama any day.

Rebekah: Lucien's always been a pain in the ass, though he pails compared to that stuck-up twit Tristan.

Freya: Oh, and don't forget about The Strix. There's more of them in the quarter every day. I may yet join you here in the flesh.

Rebekah: Well, I would love the company, but I might not be here much longer. I have a meeting with a Santeria witch who may know the key to bringing back Kol.

Freya: We may unite the family after all.

Rebekah: Now tell me, how are you managing with them?

Freya: Oh, Niklaus and Elijah are on intermittent speaking terms, which I've decided to consider progress.

Rebekah: Just wait, luv. The weather will change. Now I am off to a witch rendez-vous.

Freya: Stay safe.

Rebekah: Here's to family, every bloody one of us.

Rebekah: A warning, sir. If you're looking for trouble, you might want to think twice.

Aya: That's the problem with a witch's body. You can't put up much of a fight when the real monsters come out.

The Originals
Season 3 Episode 6
Beautiful Mistake
Original air date: November 12, 2015


Elijah: Aagh!


Freya: May I ask what happened?

Klaus: We had a little chat about the past.

Elijah: I politely informed Niklaus that I'm not his enemy, and though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien in truth are allied against us, a fact that required a little bit of gentle persuasion.

Klaus: And so I reminded our brother who angered them in the first place.

Freya: And after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?

Elijah: That we expose and destroy our first sired.

Klaus: Couldn't agree with you more. You see, gentlemen know when it's time to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction.

Will: Come on. For someone always giving me an earful, that was a very quite ride.

Cami: What do you want me to say, detective? Well done! The streets of New Orleans are safe.

Will: What I'd love to hear is a confession. It would make my job easier.

Cami: I am not a serial k*ller, and while you're wasting time with me, the real m*rder*r is still out there.

Will: Well, if I'm missing something, show me. Prove to me you're the victim, and I will protect you.

Lucien: Ah, ah, ah, ah. A cold-blooded k*ller? Camille, what a shocking turn of the cards!

Cami: (Gasps) Ahh.

Will: You should rest. We've got a big day ahead of us.

Lucien: There we are.

Hey, Davina. It's me. I, um... I'm running a little late. I should be there soon. On second thought, I'll be a little longer.


You're not very good at tailing, are you?

My talents lie elsewhere.








Elijah: Ah, yes. Drinking with Rebekah. Always an adventure.


Freya: You seem more annoyed than usual.

Elijah: It's Aurora. Her influence frightens me, and yet our hideously deluded brother seems to believe that she might be the key to ending this wretched prophecy.

Freya: If she's aligned with her brother, what chance does Nik have?

Elijah: None. Still, Niklaus believes that she can be swayed, although his perspective of family loyalty is schizophrenic at best.

Freya: Well, I don't get why Lucien and Tristan are working together. Aren't their sire lines direct enemies?

Elijah: Well, a mutual lack of goodwill toward our family might not be entirely unjustified. Hatred's a hell of a thing, Freya.

Freya: Why? All you did was sire them. They don't seem to be complaining. Elijah... What exactly did you do?

Elijah: I compelled Lucien to believe that he was Niklaus, Aurora to believe that she was Rebekah, and Tristan myself... After I'd sired him of course. This had been a period of mayhem for us. It was the 11th century, father was hunting us mercilessly, so I compelled them, and then I told them to run.

Freya: You made them bait.

Elijah: Not the kindest thing I ever did, if I'm perfectly Frank with you, Freya. So while we found respite in the sleepy, yet charming vineyards of Tuscany, father hunted the decoy Mikaelson children to the far reaches of Europe for the better part of a century. Then we were inconveniently daggered. The compulsion was broken, here we are. How's the head?

Freya: Spinning. I don't think it's the hangover.

Elijah: Freya, something you must understand about this family. Under threat, we take action, for better or worse, whatever it takes to protect our own.

Freya: So you're telling me their days are numbered.

Elijah: If indeed they're working against us, yes, without question. Perhaps a little hair of the dog might be more effective, wouldn't you say? What is it?

Freya: Something's wrong. We need to call Rebekah now.

(Jazz playing)

Aurora: What a lovely necklace. That emerald would really flatter my eyes, don't you think?

Woman: I think my necklace would flatter your eyes.

Aurora: Thank you. You shouldn't have.

Klaus: Will you be taking candy from a toddler next?

Aurora: If I should happen to be in the mood for something sweet.

Klaus: Come with me. And don't worry. I promise I won't bite.

Aurora: So am I to receive a stern talking to for my poor behavior?

Klaus: On the contrary. I've cleared my calendar for the day. I want to show you my city.

Aurora: Is this your attempt to discern whose side I'm on.

Klaus: I'd love to know whose side you're on, but it would be rude of me to ask such blunt discourse from so beautiful a woman without first buying her lunch. Wouldn't you agree?

Aurora: Well, it does seem like most men have lost their manners these days. That shall be lovely.

Klaus: Heh.


Lucien: I took the liberty of removing your handcuffs... Unless you're the type that likes to be restrained. Please take it. Consider it an apology for the rough start to our day. I see no reason we cannot begin anew.

Cami: I only drink with friends, and, unless this isn't abundantly clear, I don't like you.

Lucien: Fair enough. Later on, I Hope you'll remember this all could have gone so much easier. Detective Kinney, come on in and start cutting up the mirepoix.

Cami: You compelled him?

Kinney: What the hell is going on?

Lucien: Why don't you focus on the cutting? We don't want you to lose any fingers while we talk. Did you know that Will's mother's side is full of chefs? He's going to make us his grandmother's Grillades and Grits I took the liberty of texting your nosey friend Vincent on your behalf. After leaving police care without incident, he believes you have a date with "the real housewives" at home in your PJs.

Cami: What the hell kind of point are you trying to make?

Lucien: Detective, do me a favor. Throw your blade at her pretty face.

Cami: Ohh!

Lucien: Now that I have your attention, my point is simple. I'm looking for a particular dark object, a small bronze medallion with runic markings. Since you're on vervain, I'm going to ask nicely that you help me find it. Should you refuse, the parlor tricks will get increasingly less fun. Carry on. There's a girl.

Elijah: She's still not answering.

Freya: Touve mon se kavo. Touve mon se kavo. There's nothing to connect to. She's gone.

Elijah: What do you mean she's gone?

Freya: I can't find her, which means her witch body, her connection to magic, it's as if it just vanished.

Rebekah: (Gasps) Bloody hell.

Rebekah: Not only did you slit my throat, you stole my bloody phone.


Aya: Hello, Rebekah.

Rebekah: Aya, of course. Elijah's little protege. Let me guess. You were tasked with finding my Original body, you couldn't do your job, so you did this to my other one to lure me out. Clever but ill-advised. You see, I needed that body, and now you owe me a hell of a lot more than an apology.

Aya: I don't owe you anything. I'm here to claim the unattended Mikaelson. I only had chains enough for one of you.

Rebekah: Heh. Is that all you brought?

Aya: I met your special friend... Marcel Gerard. It's been amusing getting to know him. Maybe I'll send him one of your heads as a souvenir.

Rebekah: Enough with the idle chit-chat. Are you gonna throw the first punch or what?

Aya: Respect my elders. You first.

Lucien: Mmm. I find the Cajun cuisine almost as delicious as their people. Well done, William.

Kinney: Not like I had a choice.

Lucien: Hmm.

Kinney: The moment I do, I'm gonna use this knife, I'm gonna s*ab you in the heart.

Cami: You couldn't if you tried. You've been compelled to do everything he says. It's like hypnosis. Vampires use it against humans to do their bidding.

Kinney: We're using the "V" word now? Great. Might as well embrace the insanity. What else you gonna force us to do?

Lucien: Well, Camille here consumes vervain, so I can't force her to do anything, but in exchange for preventing future bloodshed, I'd ask that you find me that pretty, little medallion.

Cami: Like I've told you, I have cataloged everything. What you're looking for is not here.

Lucien: It's there. Just hidden, built into something else. Find it!

Cami: And then what? Some shiny ornament helps you get your revenge on Klaus? Don't tell me this is all because he stole your girl.

Lucien: He did a lot more than steal my girl, Camille. He stole 100 years of my life. Now that gives me a thought. Loss is a great motivator. Slice open your arcuate artery.

Cami: No!

Kinney: Ugh!

Lucien: Ooh. That's a nasty wound. He'll bleed out if that's not treated. Tick-tock, Camille.

Aurora: Mmm. That was delicious.

Klaus: I aim to please.

Aurora: No. Darling, you aim to suck me dry of information, but you fed me well, so I suppose I owe you a favor. What would you like to know?

Klaus: Well, it's quite simple really. I find being in your company again wonderfully intoxicating. So my question is do you feel the same?

Aurora: Nik, I am not your enemy, nor Rebekah's. After all, she's my sire, but I do hate Elijah, given what he's done to me and to you.

Klaus: So you choose to ally with the brother who locked you in a prison and the stable boy who, until now, was always so far beneath you?

Aurora: You know, the 3 of us spent one hundred years working together and running together, believing we were the Mikaelsons, and you knew your father. It was no easy task to avoid him, and yet we survived, and when the compulsion ended, it was as if someone had peeled off our skin. We lost everything of who we were and what we'd become in a single moment, and even though we now knew we were little more than an elaborate red herring, Mikael was still after us, so Tristan swore he wouldn't rest until we made you pay. So the 3 of us swore a pact of vengeance. For centuries, we scoured the world looking for weapons that would k*ll the lot of you, but Lucien and Tristan never quite got over their hatred of one another.

Klaus: Seems a little short-sighted. If my family dies, so do all of you.

Aurora: Well, that's the beautiful mystery, isn't it? I... I think I'd like dessert. Perhaps you can take me for a walk, show me what it is you like about this strange, little city.

Hayley: You might remember him from that pretentious excuse for a party.

Marcel: Shen Min. 800 years old. According to Tristan, he was a t*rture consultant for genghis Khan.

Hayley: I don't care if he's a gemini who likes long walks on the beach, Marcel. Why was he following me?

Marcel: I don't know.

Hayley: You don't know, or you're sworn to the code of silence.

Marcel: Hey. Easy. We're on the same side here.

Hayley: Then prove it.

Mikaelson blood tracks Mikaelson blood. I should be able to find her. I don't understand. Why bring Rebekah into this?

They want all 3 sires. Tristan and Lucien kept us occupied here while they hunted Rebekah.

She's strong. She cannot be k*lled.

The prophecy says otherwise.

Sang bis najitt trouver. Sang bis najitt trouver. Sang bis najitt trouver. Sang bis najitt trouver.


You're a bit out of sorts.

Been in a coffin for 6 months. I'm just getting warmed up. Besides, I think I'm in the lead, not that anyone's keeping score. I guess I should be flattered.

I can't leave you alone for 5 minutes. Menedek qual suurentaa.

(Necks snapping)

Not bad. Now what?


Lucien: Hasn't yet. The hunt continues.

Cami: How you holding up?

Kinney: Well, I'm gushing blood into a bucket because the vampire who kidnapped us doesn't want to stain his floor, so pretty great.

Cami: I got you into this mess. The least I can do is stop the bleeding.

Kinney: No. Don't beat yourself up. I'm tenacious. Would have gotten into this mess with or without you.

Cami: (Gasps)

Kinney: I have a feeling you shouldn't come any closer. More tricks from Mr. Transylvania. This is what happened to your brother, isn't it? Your family got mixed up in the supernatural world. Someone made him do something he never would have done. No one should have to go through that. Listen. I... I have a sister. If I don't make it...

Cami: No. We're walking out of this.

Kinney: At this point, limping out of this is gonna be a challenge.

Cami: I still have leverage. I'm the only one who can find what Lucien needs, so let's find it.

Aurora: Why would you bring me here? It's so morbid.

Klaus: They call these graveyards The Cities of the Dead, elevated mausoleums meant to honor those who've passed on. It's a very human attempt to overcome fear of mortality by celebrating death. Morbid, certainly, but pure.

Aurora: Oh. Pure. Like your intentions.

Klaus: My intentions are quite the opposite. How about yours?

Aurora: Hmm. You know... Over the long centuries, I would dream of you, my bright light in an ocean of darkness, a kindred whose despair mirrored my own and whose love brought me a joy I had not felt and have never felt since. But if only it were real, this charming stroll through your melancholy preoccupations, but I know it's really an interrogation under the guise of pleasantries.

Klaus: My desire for answers is only fair. We are on the brink of w*r, but if you doubt the veracity of my feelings for you... Then our tour has one final stop.

Elijah: She can't stay there. Rebekah cannot fight them alone.

I tried. She's of no mood to listen. Perhaps you'll have better luck.

(Cell phone vibrating)

Elijah: It's Marcel. Your timing's perfectly horrendous.

Marcel: Yeah? Well, I need your help. Hayley caught one of Tristan's guys tailing her, knocked him out, brought him to the gym for a little Q&A. Problem is, it's Shen Min.

Elijah: Marcellus, do I need to remind you that Shen Min was know as the Red Sorrow before he was a vampire? You execute him immediately.



So what, you gonna sleep all day?

Elijah: Before he wakes, tear that heart from his chest.

Sang bis najitt trouver. Sang bis najitt trouver.

Rebekah: It's good to see you, Elijah, even if you're not flesh and blood.

Elijah: It's time to come home, Rebekah.

Rebekah: No. I'm too close to bringing Kol back.

Elijah: You're even closer to bringing about your own destruction.

Rebekah: I'm not leaving without that spell.

Kol will have to wait, sister. The Strix are making their move.

Rebekah: What happened?

Elijah: Hayley had an encounter with Shen Min. She and Marcel are dealing with this matter accordingly.

Rebekah: What the hell are you doing here? Go and save them before that lunatic gets free!

Elijah: Give me your word. Come home now. No detours.

Rebekah: Fine, but my niece's mum and that handsome fool better be alive when I get back.

Elijah: You make certain she returns. I'll see you tonight.

Hayley: Hmm. About time. Now we can get started.

Shen Min: Yes, we certainly can.

Hayley: There's still time. If you talk, maybe I'll even get you healed. Why were you following me?

Shen Min: Because we have a use for you, or is it some other reason? You'll never know, and it won't matter because when I get free, I'm going to break your jaw as you did mine and slowly pull your intestines out from your body.

Marcel: Hey. How about we just calm down?

Shen Min: And you. The others were so pleased when you joined our ranks, but I knew from the start you were filth. You've proven it by siding against us. For that, I will end you, but not before you watch her die, screaming.

Marcel: Right. Well, ok. That's about enough of that. Sorry, Hayley. Your turn's over. He's got to die.


Marcel: Take him.




Shen Min: How poetic. Two warriors fighting side by side dying together. Unh!


Elijah: Are you ok?

Marcel: Oh, I'm fine. Thank you for asking.

Elijah: Marcellus, next time I ask you to take out the trash... Try not to dally.

Rebekah, we have to go. I'll get you on the first flight out.

Rebekah: I can't give up now, not when the answers to bringing out brother back are just a few streets away.

You promised Elijah.

Rebekah: And what about my promise to Kol? I've already lost my witch body. I can't go home with nothing.

Well, I suppose arguing with you would be a waste of already precious time.

Rebekah: See? You're fitting into this family like a glove.

Aurora: So is this your family home?

Klaus: Please forgive the detritus. My brother and I had a slight disagreement over you, as a matter of fact.

Aurora: Oh! A duel in my honor. How chivalrous, but I'm afraid if this is what you wish to show me, it's...

Klaus: If you want to know what's been in my heart for the past few centuries, come with me.

Klaus: Life is like a city, built in layers. No matter what new experiences come along, the foundation remains.


Aurora: What is this?

Klaus: 200 yeas ago, it was my art studio. It became a tomb for my memory of you. I thought if I painted what haunted me I could free myself of you forever. In all my years, I have never been more wrong about anything.

Marcel: Between blood loss and that bite, I'm not sure you have enough time to get answers.

Elijah: Then let's make the most of it. I have questions. I want answers. Why were you following Hayley?

Shen Min: I was ordered to remove her from the playing field. She is an obstacle to the thing we truly want.

Elijah: Which is what?

Shen Min: Davina Claire.

Elijah: What do you want with Davina Claire?

Shen Min: Tristan needs her to activate a w*apon to use against your family.

Elijah: What w*apon? Forgive me. I'm having a little difficulty hearing you right now. Speak.

Shen Min: I'd... Rather... Die.

(Daylight ring clatters)

Lucien: Have you found it yet? Because as far as deadlines go, well, yours seems almost dead.

Cami: You've made your point. You win, humans lose. Now let him go.

Lucien: So you have found it?

Cami: Maybe. I'll only show you if you heal him now.

Lucien: Show me first.

Cami: Heal him. It's ok. You can drink it. It will heal you. I've checked everywhere else. This is the only place it could be.

Lucien: Aah! Ohh! Ohh! I can see why Nik is so fond of you. You do have spirit, but your heart skipped a beat just before I healed your friend. I think you know exactly where my medallion is, you crafty girl. Knife to your throat, mate.

Cami: No. Don't do this, please.

Lucien: Are you trying to appeal to my merciful side? I hate to tell you, darling, I don't have one.

Kinney: Don't give him a damn thing!

Lucien: Oh, enough! Go on. Slit your...

Cami: Wait! Take it. Just take it. It's in here.

Lucien: Heh. Had it all along. How about that? Turns out we make quite a team.

(Moroccan music playing)

Rebekah: There it is. This has got to be it.

Freya: If you were told to meet this witch here, where is she?

Rebekah: Doesn't matter to me as long as I get what I need. This is it. This is the spell. It makes perfect sense. Now all we need is Kol's ashes and the blood of two siblings.

Freya: Rebekah, we need to go now.

(Door opens)

Rebekah: Took you long enough.

Mithil rata dans hofos. Mithil rata dans hofos. Mithil rata dans hofos.

What the hell is going on?

Aya: A fitting end to a spoiled bitch.

Rebekah: (Grunts) Clearly you didn't get the hint earlier. You can't beat me!

Aya: Maybe not, but she can.

Lem duree mohana.


Gratuit fra loke!

(Voices whispering)

No. No.

Aya: Your magic has no power here. Only our witch can cast spells. How tragic, that you and your sister must say your farewells like this. I can't decide. Should I make you watch as she screams for mercy or leave you wondering just how badly she suffered?

If you hurt her, I will rip your l... unh!

Rebekah: You lured me all this way, and the whole time, it was a lie.

Aya: Not at all. The spell is very real. I wanted to enjoy the look on your face when I took it from you. Not to worry, luv. This won't k*ll you. It's just meant to put you to sleep for a very, very long time.

Rebekah: And when I wake up, you will be the first person that I k*ll.

Aya: I won't hold my breath, but you're more than welcome to try.


Aya: Now time to get you back to New Orleans.

Lucien: He cooks, and he cleans! He's a real keeper, this one. Aw. Sadly, it was not meant to be. Now you will go and tell your superiors you arrested the wrong suspect.

Kinney: You can compel me all you want. I will find you.

Lucien: No, you won't. Instead, you'll keep up this wretched failure that is your life. You'll continue with this pitiful investigation, never quite connecting the dots or making any progress whatsoever. After a time, you'll grow to hate yourself for your mediocre talent, all the while knowing there are things lurking in the shadows, and in the face of these, you are nothing.

Cami: Don't do this.

Lucien: Oh, don't look so chagrined. Eh, once the vervain's out your system, I'll compel you to forget, as well, but like him, I will leave you with one lesson. Against vampires, humans always lose.

(Perfume Genius' "I decline" playing)

♪ I can see for miles ♪


♪ The same old line ♪


Hayley: There was a time when all I wanted was to find my family. It consumed me, and then once I did, as crazy as it is, all I wanted was a home, and New Orleans is that home... And The Strix are trying to take that, aren't they?

Elijah: No. We won't let them.


Marcel: Might be harder than you think.

Elijah: Where is Rebekah?

We need to call Klaus.

Perfume Genius: ♪ that's all right ♪
♪ I decline ♪

Aurora: What are you doing over there? Come closer.

Klaus: I think it's best you remain out of arm's reach.

Aurora: (Sighs) So I take it you've heard about the busy day everyone's had. Let me take away that scowl. I'll tell you everything I know.

Klaus: I suggest you speak quickly.

Aurora: There is a w*apon in play, a dangerous, cursed device called The Serratura. It is capable of producing an unbreakable boundary. My brother and Lucien want to use it to lock you and your siblings away forever so that no one may harm you, but to do so, they need all 3 of you in one place.

Klaus: Which is why they sent a legion of Strix to collect my sister.

Aurora: But not to worry, my love. I took measures to ensure that Rebekah isn't held by those nasty Strix for long.

Klaus: What measures?

Aurora: While they did acquire Rebekah's body, I wasn't about to let them keep it, so I enacted a plan of my own. Unbeknownst to my brother, two of the men sent to retrieve her were from my sire line, loyal to me... And on my behalf, they procured your sister's body. So don't worry, my love. Rebekah is perfectly safe. You have my word. Now... Come back to bed.