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05x08 - Rasputin

Posted: 11/13/15 14:28
by bunniefuu

Tell me it's not true, Liv.

[Indistinct conversations]

Check, check.

Woman: After years of false starts and failed diplomacy, the impossible now seems probably.

A disarmament deal between the United States and the Republic of Bandar...

It's never gonna happen.

It will.





Trust but verify. We verified.

An historic accord which would end decades of sanctions against the middle east nation in exchange for regulations on its nuclear program.

But I don't trust them.

I don't either, which is why we verified.

I'm surprised that you trust them, Red.

Negotiators who have been working here all week are said to have just a few final details to iron out.

If true, Presidents Grant and Razani would sign their names to the biggest push for peace since the toppling of the Berlin Wall.

The Bandaris have assured me a thousand times Olivia Pope is not a problem.

She slithered into the bed of a married man.

She's unclean. She's a whore.

You don't receive a whore.

You married one.

Very different situation.

They won't receive her. It's never going to happen.

It just did.

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Speaks Farsi]

Male interpreter: I'm always happy for a chance to see Ms. Pope.

You say Olivia's helped you a lot over the years?

[Translates in Farsi]

The minister is exaggerating.

Once or twice, maybe three times at the most.

Female interpreter: [Translates in Farsi]

[Speaks Farsi]


She's helped both my family and my country, but given how argumentative my family is, I think she'd rather just help my country.


That is not true.

Female interpreter: [Translates in Farsi]

Okay, maybe a little true.


That sounds exactly like how we do things over here.

The president gets all the credit while we do all the work.

[Translates in Farsi]

[Both laugh]

k*ll me now.

Do not translate that.

[Speaks Farsi]

There's nothing better than watching the game live.

I agree. Were you at Wimbledon this year?

Female interpreter: [Translates in Farsi]

Oh! [Gasps]

The ladies room is down the hall and to the left.

Don't worry. I can translate for two.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to Wimbledon this year, but I need your help.

Excuse me?

My niece was getting married, um, but my wife said that I couldn't ask her to reschedule.

I would like to defect. Can you help me?


I'm sure your niece was very happy you were there.

[Translates in Farsi]

Would you like to meet the chef before dessert comes out?

[Translates in Farsi]

He grew up in the same province you did.

[Translates in Farsi]


I know he was very proud to serve you.

[Speaking Farsi]

They're talking about his family's olive farm in Gorlan.

I know. You have 30 seconds. Go.

I wish to defect to the United States.

On what grounds?

Human rights violations my country is responsible for.

Have you been personally persecuted?

No, but... then I'm sorry, but there's nothing the United States can do.

Hey. I've got information.

About a nuclear facility your country knows nothing about.

I can give you the location, but only if you offer me asylum.

Okay, what kind of information does he say he has?

A location of a facility we don't know about.

It felt like he was telling the truth.

We used to get this all the time from the Soviets.

Some guy touches down in the land of blue jeans and miniskirts and immediately starts trying to feed us a bunch of nonsense so he doesn't have to go home.

He didn't look smitten. He looked scared.

We're hours away from an accord.

Mr. President, an historic, scandal-cleansing, doves flying, angels singing, reset button of an accord.

We're on the verge of restoring Bandar as an ally in a region where we have none.

The deal's done. Let's not blow this up.

No one's saying that we blow it up, just that we find out who Navid is and what he might know.

What do we know about him now?

That he looks scared.

I don't want the White House anywhere near this.

Exactly, sir. It's crazy.

That's why my people should do it.

Check him out, find out if he has any intelligence ties or ulterior motives.

We handle it quickly and discreetly.

We sign the accord tomorrow afternoon.

If there's anything to find, find it before then.


Sir, there is something... Else that we should probably discuss. [Door closes]

What's that?


What about him?

I'd like to get into this, see how he managed to escape.

Maybe run it through the C.I.A., Homeland Security.

I told you that wouldn't be necessary.

It's being handled.

Handled by whom, may I ask?

Anything else, Cy?

Are you okay?

Why wouldn't I be okay?

Because of what just happened in the Oval.

I'm okay, Red.

We're living in a new world, Red.

A world where Olivia Pope is judge, jury, and executioner.

She has his world, our world hoisted on her shoulders.

That is a fact. There's no changing it.

So, if the president is happy, I'm happy.

I serve at his pleasure. I'm okay.

What's your game plan?

David Rosen.

If you go to the Attorney General for help yet again, the president is gonna find out that you're doing exactly what he just told you not to do.

Which is why I'm not going to the Attorney General, Red.

The Attorney General is coming to me.

You see?

I'm okay.

[Camera shutter clicking]

It's not a good time.

Mellie: We need to talk.


Our deal.

We didn't have a deal.

Do you really think I let my son's m*rder*r out of jail for nothing?

I am not insane. We had a deal.

I help you, you help me. We work together.

I never agreed to that.

I don't care what you think you agreed to.

That was the deal.

And if you go back on the deal, I'm gonna tell Fitz what we did.

What you did.

[Cellphone beeps]

Helen of Troy.


My people are right upstairs.

How is he?



♪ I've been so many places ♪
♪ in my life and time ♪

You're wondering why I'm here.

Why are you here?

Believe it or not, I came to see your face.

I don't believe you.

I'm being hunted, Olivia.

I know.

By Jake.

Ballard? He's... The least of my concerns.

I warned you.

You are convinced that I am the devil, the man with his finger on the button.

Maybe I was, but not anymore.

You thought that getting rid of me would cause lilies to sprout while mankind locked arms in a collective embrace and sang joyously to never-ending world peace.

You were wrong.

I am out, and now there's just... some other devil in my stead, someone else with their finger on the button.

Someone far more dangerous than I.

My sons...

Have turned against me.

That's not my concern.

Not yet, but you should be afraid.


Because I am afraid.

♪ Of a true love while holding nothing ♪

What are you talking about?


As long as I am alive, I will do my best to make sure that you are protected, but in the event of my death...

I have already given you everything you need to survive.

♪ Listen to the melody ♪
♪ 'cause my love... ♪

Dad... you should know, I hope you know...

I did my best for you.


I take tremendous pride in who you have become.

♪ I love you in a place ♪
♪ where there's no space or time ♪

Have you heard of something called Lazarus one?

Lazarus one?

My father said some of his people, his sons have turned against him and initiated a plan.

They're trying to k*ll him.

Never heard of it.

But I wish them luck.

Marcus: Let's do this. Navid Turani.

Official translator for the government of Bandar.

Grew up in a rural village in the Bandari Mountains.


And won a scholarship to a school in the cap...



Wha... he's going slow. You're going too slow.

Olivia: He's fine. Don't worry. You'll get your sandbox back.

As I was saying, Navid was awarded a full academic scholarship.

There was a time in Bandar before Razani took power where a kid from a poor village could learn English, read the classics, and make something of himself.

Bandar still has the highest literacy rate in the region.

No thanks to Razani.

Navid translated for bandari dignitaries at the middle east peace summit, state visits to London, Paris, Moscow.

Does he always work for the same person?

Not always, but he's usually paired with Minister of Energy Farshad Khansari.

That's who he was translating for when he reached out to me.

Then he's probably been privy to some highly classified conversations.

He's been at every U.N. weapons inspection since the program started in 2003.

And now he wants out. Any chance this guy's a spy?

No hits on qr-18.

No mentions of him in any of the chatter.

Looks like he's just a guy who wants to get out.

So, let's see what this guy has to say.

If we want to talk to him, we have to get him alone first.

Which won't be easy.

If he's not working, he's under lock and key at their embassy.


I got this.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Fitz: President Razani, the United States has no issue with a peaceful scientific nuclear program.

However, we must ensure that under no circumstances will Bandar ever seek, develop, or acquire nuclear weapons.

Interpreter: [Speaking Farsi]

[Siren wailing]

Should've warned me not to take the pill you gave me on an empty stomach.

You'll be fine. I've spoken with the president.

He's agreed to offer you asylum, assuming your Intel checks out.

Get me somewhere safe, I'll tell you all I know, promise.

I'm sorry, but it's not gonna work that way.

You talk then you get asylum.

I can't.

This regime, Razani, it's not like it once was in Bandar.

He will k*ll anyone he even suspects opposes him.

I've already said too much.

I promise that if you're telling the truth, you will never have to go back there ever again.


The framework calls for Bandar to allow inspections at all nuclear facilities, but...

But there's a secret facility.

And Razani toured the facility three months ago.

Where is it?

It's five miles south of Yabreen.

It's in the desert.

All right, if this checks out, you'll have your asylum.

I'm a little lost.

We need 12 hours to verify the translator's Intel.

I got that.

And it can't look like I'm stalling or stepping away from the negotiating table.

I got that, too.

So... What you need from me is... ?


I need you to stall.

See, that right there, that's where I get lost.

I've got zero, zippo, nada to do with these negotiations other than cheering them on from the sideline...

If you were to let it slip that you had reservations about the treaty...

But I don't. I assure you, Mr. President...

But if you did.


I certainly wouldn't voice them publicly.

But if you did voice them publicly, that might slow things down, give us time to verify the Intel.

You want me to put my foot in my mouth?

Yes, Susan. I do.

Oh, why didn't you say so?


[Crowd shouting]

Eyes forward, ignore questions.

Straight to the building.


Woman: Madam Vice President, are you pleased with the terms of the nuclear treaty?

I've read it thoroughly.

I think it's a good and fair treaty.

But I'd like it a whole lot better if those 12 million girls in Bandar were allowed to go to school, allowed to learn to read and write and voice their own opinions on this treaty.

I think that would make it better.

But what do I know?

I'm just a woman.

A woman a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Man: Sources confirm that Susan Ross' remarks have caused President Razani to step away from negotiations, putting the U.S.-Bandari nuclear treaty on ice.

I need you to create a task force.

Task force?

Yes, a task force, a committee, a panel on parole loopholes.

Federal sentencing issues.

Those aren't the same thing.

Whatever flaw in our criminal justice system that allowed for Eli Pope to walk out of a federal prison.

I'm sorry, Eli Pope? Rowan is out of prison?

You didn't know.

Does it look like I knew?


No clue.

Task force, committee, panel, the reason you're standing here.

We shouldn't be setting up a task force to close loopholes so other sociopathic t*rrorists don't get released on technicalities.

I mean, we should, but first we should do everything in our power to find Rowan and return him to a cement box.

The FBI should be on this.

If you think so.

In fact, we need to bring in all of the intelligence agencies, marshal every resource at our disposal.

If that's the path the justice department wants to take.

I'll get on it right now.

Whatever you think is best, Rosen.

[Door opens, closes]

You can go right in, captain Ballard.

The president wanted to see me.

The president is busy with the Bandari negotiations.


So, you just thought you'd exercise executive privilege and have me summoned to the oval office?

I needed to ask you something.

You understand how much I do not care about what you need?

I do, but this isn't for me.

He contacted you?

Came to my office.

What did he say?

Someone's trying to k*ll him, and I think he's actually the innocent one this time.


Jake, I looked into my father's eyes, and I saw something I have never seen before.

What's that?




Have you ever... lied to someone's face when your back was completely against the wall to get what you wanted?

Have you ever looked someone in the eye and made them think you loved them?

Really truly loved them so you could take whatever it is you needed from them?

I believe him.

My gut says he's telling the truth.

Of course it does.

Otherwise you'd be a fool with daddy issues who just got played by a mass m*rder*r.

What if he is innocent and someone really is trying to k*ll him?

Honestly, Liv, I just hope I get to him before they do.

What did you think?

That I'd come here and spoon you?

Give you a shoulder to cry on, listen to you talk about all the dark places Rowan built inside of you?

That train has left the station, and you do not get to ride this anymore.

If you want someone to talk to, tell your boyfriend that you just let his son's k*ller out of prison.

See how that works out.

Jake, I am going to tell him.

You are?

That I'd like to see.

I was supposed to choose you.


When you told me Fitz loved me and that I should go to him, what you really meant was that you wanted me to say I didn't love him and...

I was supposed to choose you.

No, you were supposed to be too good for me.

It never crossed my mind that I would be too good for you.

The things, the crimes, the v*olence I have forgiven you for, and you won't even consider that maybe I...


This is a surprise.

Mr. President.

Jake was just here to... fill us in on my father.

Any news? Did you find him?

No, sir. Not yet.

But don't worry. I'm gonna keep looking.


I'm not saying anything.

You're looking at me.

I'm going to tell him.

Of course you are. You have to tell him.

I just said that.

Before it's too late.

Which is what I told you.

If he finds out from anyone else that it was you who got your father out of prison...


Cyrus is working with David behind the president's back.

Yeah. He used some Jedi mind trick to convince David to call in the FBI to hunt your dad.

I did some digging, and it's only a matter of time, Liv, so...

I have to tell him.


I'm going to tell him.

I'm going to tell him everything.

I can't lie to him.

It's... Pressing on me.

It's like a weight.


Once I tell him, that's it.

He will not forgive this.

When I tell him... it's over.

It's done. We're done.

I'm not ready to be done.

[Cellphone ringing]


[Cellphone beeps]


We have a problem.

That location Navid gave you...

Definitely not a secret weapons facility, Liv.

His Intel is bogus.

[Door slams] You lied to us.


That location five miles south of Yabreen, it isn't some secret nuclear weapons site, Navid.

It's just some old soda factory. You lied to us!

This can't be right.

We checked.

Well, check again. I didn't lie.

I remember them talking about an att*ck from the place in this photo.

Your people will never know you came to me.

Ms. Pope.

'Cause I will keep this quiet.

And tomorrow morning, you will be released from this hospital.

I cannot go back to my country.

Your asylum has been denied.

I have stationed a guard outside your room.

He will make sure that you do not try to leave.


I'm very sorry, Navid.

There's nothing I can do for you.
[Camera shutter clicking]

Huck, it's Jake. Safe house was a dead end.

Rowan wasn't there.

Call me back if you have any other leads.

Security cams have them leaving the building at 8:47 P.M.

Who's the car registered to?

Some nobody who flew to Athens last night for a wedding.

My guess is they lifted it from an airport parking garage so no one would know it was missing.

Someone activated Lazarus one.

Is that what all of this is really about?

You get the traffic cams?

Yeah. All major intersections within a five-mile radius.

I'll run it through qr-18, see where Rowan leads us.

Not we. You.

You said on the phone you'd help me with this.

I said I'd get you Intel.


Your guy is out.

My guy?

Your beast. I can see it in your eyes.

This isn't just a job for you.

Oh, please.

I can't be around that Jake.

I've spent too much time putting my own guy back in his cage.

If I go down this road with you...

It's Rowan, Huck.

You see a cockroach, you step on it!

Not me.

Once I open that door, there's no closing it again.

I helped you with the Intel, but that's it.

From here on out, you're on your own.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Can I ask what you're thinking about?


You want to watch TV?

I'm fine here.

Got a minute?


Got 10?


What the hell am I doing?


You ever have a moment when you realize your life is nothing like it was and nothing like you wanted it to be?

That moment is right now?


After we just had sex?

I was chief of staff to the most powerful man in the world.

I had a seat next to the throne.

Now I'm an overpaid babysitter for the queen of the nerds.

Give her some time.

I was unpolished when I became the Attorney General of the United States, but look at me now.

[Camera shutter clicking]

[Door opens]

Where have you been?

[Door closes]

Huck: Out.



Navid's story didn't hold?

Atmospheric data shows nothing nuclear in that area.

He was lying.

Marcus: I feel sorry for him.

He lied.

'Cause he was desperate.

Doesn't make it right.

He made a mistake. You never made a mistake?

I went to law school. I regret that.

Point is I wouldn't want to go back to Bandar, either, and I might make up some stuff so I didn't have to.

Now, would I choose a soda factory as my secret weapons nuclear facility?

I'd like to think I would not.

They never move.


You see these delivery trucks out front here?

[Camera shutter clicking]


They never move.

Week after week after week, they're in the exact same place.

But over here on this side of the building, water tankers are moving in and out all the time.

Wait, so they're bringing water into the building, but nothing is going out?

What does that mean?

It means that's not a soda factory.

He wasn't lying.



What are you talking about?

It isn't a soda factory.

They just want us to think that.

Huck hacked the power grid, and the amount of electricity they're using in that building, it's massive.

You could literally buy the whole world a coke if you were actually making soda in there.

What is it, then?

Huck: They're cooling something.

It might not be nuclear, but it's something, and they're trying to keep it a secret.

We think Navid was right.


White House sources indicate that bandari president Razani has accepted the vice president's apology and has already returned to the negotiation table.

Barring another unforeseen delay, President Grant's landmark nuclear arms agreement with Bandar is all set to be signed as early as this afternoon.

[Camera shutters clicking]


[Cellphone vibrating]

[Vibrating continues]

Olivia: Stop the signing.

Liv, what?

They're hiding something. Do not let Fitz sign that deal.

[Camera shutters clicking]

I can't.

You can. You have to. Trust me, Abby.

I need to get Navid before he leaves this hospital. You can do this.

Do it. Now!

[Clears throat]


Mr. President, we have a situation.

Liv's gut was right. Navid is telling the truth.

[Camera shutters clicking]


[Soft groan]



Why did President Grant suddenly break off talks?

Nothing is broken. This deal is very much intact.

Help. Help.

Help! We need help! Somebody!

Why did the president just walk away from...

This agreement has been months in the making.

Isn't it worth taking the time to get it right?


[Monitor beeping]


The doctors said you're gonna be all right.

I tried finding a number to call, a family member, an emergency contact, but...

Told you, I don't have anyone.

I just got off the phone with a friend of mine at the White House.

She was able to track down your old phone records.

I saw all the calls you made to an Amir.


It's okay.

No one else knows. No one else has to know.

[Voice breaking] Do you know what they do to gay people in my country, Ms. Pope?

Being born different is a crime punishable by death.

Coming here was supposed to be my chance of living a life free of secrets.

No more watching what I say, watching what I do.

No more scheming.

No more hiding.

I'm sorry about all the blood, but if I was sent back to my country, I'm dead anyway.

The location you gave me is not some old soda factory.

It's something else.

Something else the bandaris don't want us knowing about.

You were right.

Are you saying...

I should have listened to you. I should have believed you.


[Camera shutter clicking]

[Indistinct conversations]



How are you?


What are you doing in the White House?

No, wait. Let me guess.


Are you actually gues...

I don't really have a guess.

I'm meeting with Cyrus Beene.

I saw your statement.

My apology.

I wish it wasn't an apology.

Well, I shouldn't have said what I said.

Oh, I liked what you said.

You did?

It was honest.

That's true.

And it was true.


You should never apologize for being you.

Thank you.

Which way are you headed?

I'm headed that way, and I should go.

Nice to run into you.

[Door closes]

What's this?

The answer to the question. It's all here.

Question? What question?

Eli Pope's escape.

Right, right.

Forgot. You were looking into that.

I should say that none of this is conclusive.

None of the suspects have been questioned about this.

Is this interesting? You're making this sound interesting.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Even more interesting.

Well, the suspense is almost intriguing me.

Who's the mastermind?

Olivia Pope.


You sure?

Agents are bringing her in even as we speak.

Man: Ms. Olivia Pope?


I had no idea that going down this road would lead to Olivia.

Who could have?

I have a warrant signed by the Attorney General of the United States.

Cyrus: Does the president know?

Do you want to break it to him?

You're arresting me? On what grounds?

Might be better coming from a friend.

Aiding the escape of a prisoner.

Please turn around.

[Handcuffs click]



Give me the keys.

[Keys jingling]

They told me you let Rowan out.

But that's insane, right? That's impossible.

You wouldn't do that. I know you wouldn't do that.

You wouldn't do that to me.

You're not Mellie.

I don't understand how this happened, and I'm going to find out, but I know it wasn't you.



Tell me it's not true.


Roberta Flack's "Will you Still Love me Tomorrow" plays]

♪ Tonight you're mine ♪
♪ completely ♪
♪ you give your love ♪
♪ so sweetly ♪
♪ tonight ♪
♪ the light of love ♪
♪ is in your eyes ♪
♪ but will you love me tomorrow? ♪
♪ Is this a lasting treasure ♪
♪ or just a moment's pleasure? ♪
♪ Can I believe ♪
♪ the magic in your sighs? ♪
♪ Will you still love me tomorrow? ♪
♪ Tonight with words unspoken ♪
♪ you say that I'm the only one ♪

[Door opens]

Cyrus: I see you got the news.

Believe me, sir, I was as shocked... as you are.

Liv's pulled her fair share of stunts.

We all have, but this is...

So, here's what I'm thinking. We talk to Liv.

Let her know that [Sighs]

We're not out to get her because we aren't.

Then if she's willing to help us find her father, put him back in prison...


I'm sorry?

I want her released.

Find some technicality, whatever it takes.

I want the charges dropped, and I want her out of there.

W... wh...

What did she say to you?

Help me understand, sir. Please.

She told me there were people trying to k*ll her father.

And you believed her?


What the hell's this?

Langley sent it over an hour ago.

That soda factory in Bandar, the one Liv said to take a second look at, they're not cooling uranium in there.

They're cooling servers.

Massive tianhe-2 supercomputers they've been using to stage cyber att*cks against Western targets.


Her gut was right, Cy.

Her gut was right, and that translator saved all our asses.

I'm giving him asylum, by the way.

Least we can do.

So, you think that just because she was right about that...

Who's to say she's not right about her father?

History and common sense. That's what.

Have her brought home to me as soon as she's released.

And by home, I mean the residence, not her apartment.

And you can go now, Cy.

Sir, don't do this.

I said you can go.

For God sakes, Fitz, he k*lled your son!

I forgave you, didn't I?

Straight to the residence, Cyrus.

No exceptions.

Yes, sir.


[Camera shutters clicking]

In seven minutes, an MQ-1 Predator is gonna blow that little soda factory of yours off the map.

And there's nothing you can do to stop me.

After 2 years, 8 months, and 17 days of negotiations, the treaty that supposedly could never have been signed has finally been signed.

Today, the White House announced an historic accord with the nation of Bandar.

[Computer chimes]

[Computer pinging]

Jake: Mr. President, it just came through, sir.

Rowan's location.

Let me know when it's done.

Jake: Yes, sir.


[Camera shutter clicking]

[Cellphone vibrating and ringing]

[Cellphone beeps]

[Cart rattling]

[Cellphone rings]


Where the hell are you?

I'm not coming.

We had a meeting.

I'm not coming.

I'm gonna tell Fitz, Liv.


No, I warned you. You cannot do this to me.

I'm gonna tell him what you did.

Mellie, I already told him.


[Cellphone beeps]

Fitz: I called off Jake.

He's not gonna k*ll your father.

He's gonna bring him in.

Fitz: Thank you.

Thank you.


How you feeling?

Fitz, what's going on? These are my clothes.

I had all your clothes and belongings packed up and brought over.

What are you talking about? Why?


Because you live here now.

[Handcuffs rattle]


This is your home.

I have a home.

I am going to keep you safe, Olivia.

Whatever it takes.

I'm assigning you a secret service detail, and you will live here in the White House.

This will be your home.

You and I will be together now, and you will be safe...

And protected.

Command. I have some questions for you.

[Camera shutter clicks]
