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09x07 - Fearless

Posted: 11/17/15 02:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on Heartland...

We will be moved in soon.

I'm just so excited to be able to have a place on our own.

What the... ?

What happened to finishing the loft?!

What the heck have you been doing?!

It's almost the same as it was when I left.

You haven't even done anything.

Hey Amy, we got water!

(Wind howls)

First night in our new place.



(Birds chirp, horse whinnies)

(Blankets rustle)

Ty: Morning.

Good morning.


Look at this place.

Do you believe we live here?

(Kiss) Yeah.

It all came together, didn't it?

All the planning, the picking out flooring, tiling, paint colours... it was all worth it.

You know what? We should have some people over.

You know, show it off.

Hm. Like a house warming party?

Yeah, only let's keep it small. Nothing too crazy.

Okay. We can have a bunch of people over for dinner.

Our table only seats four.

Okay, you, me, Cass and Caleb.


Yeah, it'll be our first dinner party as a married couple.

We're so grown up.

(Laughing, kiss)

I'm gonna be waiting right here for you when you get back.

Bye Mommy. Bye Grandpa.

(Kiss) Bye sweetie. Have a fun day.

(Engine turns over, bus engine roars)


(Sighs) There she goes...

Her first day of kindergarten.

You know, I thought I was gonna cry, but I think I'm okay.

Thanks for being here, Dad.

(Emotional exhale)

Dad? You okay?

Yes, hay fever.

(Teary) We should go. The diner is not gonna run itself.

(Small chuckle)

(Truck rumbles)

Where have you taken me?

(Ty Chuckles)

(Swords clang, effort grunts)

Let's go. Come on.


I gotta head into the barn. I got a few booster sh*ts to do.

I shouldn't be too long, okay?

Okay. I'm just gonna have a look around.



(Armour clangs)


(Hooves thud)

(Hooves thunder, horses snort)

(Armour jingles)

(Hooves thunder)

(Lance splinters)


Hey there, I can tell you're no damsel in distress, but you do look a little lost.

(Chuckles) My husband is here on a vet call.

I'm just waiting for him to finish up.

Not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect to see at a ranch in southern Alberta, huh?

No, not at all.

I'm Tristan.

Hi. Amy. Who's this?

This is Abbey.

I rescued her from a meat truck six years ago.

Wow, that's awesome.

I work with horses for a living, I have to admit, I have never seen anything like this.

Amy? Amy Fleming? The miracle girl.

Isn't that what they used to call you.

Yes. A long time ago.

It's an honour to meet you.



I better go.

Okay. Well, good luck.


(Door opens) Here you go.

Tim: More coffee?

Man: yeah.

Guess who just aced her drivers test?

What? I knew you would do it.

They let kids your age drive? What is wrong with this country?

It's just a learners permit.

All I had to do was pass a multiple choice exam.

But it means I can start taking driving lessons from anyone who's over eighteen and has their licence.

Someone like Jade.

Uh, no. That is not happening.

If you want driving lessons, you're stuck with me or your dad.

Or I could do it.


Well, can we start today?

What's your hurry?

Well, I wanna get as much practice in as I can before school starts next week.

Right. Okay.

All right, meet me at Heartland. 2:00pm. Don't be late.

All right, I'll be there.

I hope you know what you're getting into.

Actually, I am excited about this.

I never got to teach you or your sister how to drive.

Well, you should be happy because I was a nightmare when Mom started giving me lessons so.

Honey I'm serious, I missed that.

This is a second chance.

(Low hum of chatter, armour jingles)

Hey, Amy. I'm all done. You ready to go?

Just give me one minute.

Look at this.

That's Tristan. I just met him.

Tristan: Thank you.

(Trumpeting) Oh...

(Both Chuckle)


(Horse snorts)

Easy girl, easy!

(Horse whinnies)

Ha! Whoa!

(Hooves thunder)

(Horse whinnies)

Ahh! Ugh!

(Concerned gasps)

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer... ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪

Well, there is no inflammation in the joints.

There is no hot spots, that I can tell.

I can run some more tests if you like, though.

She's had every test run twice, maybe more.

So this isn't the first time it's happened?

No. Last year something spooked her at a tournament in BC.

It was at the start of the second pass.

Abbey suddenly reared up and lost her footing.

She hit the wooden barrier and we went down.

Was she injured?

She had a pretty severe laceration on her upper leg.

But the vet did a good job stitching her up.

There's barely a scar.

How about you?

Broken collar bone. I'm all good now.

I figured Abbey and I could just pick up where we left off, but every time we start the charge, she freaks out.

I don't know what to do anymore.

If you want, I could take a look at her.

Really? Well, that'll be amazing.

Why don't you bring her over to Heartland this afternoon.

We can go from there.


Whoa. Whoa. Easy.

(Shuts door) Slowdown.

This is a lot of truck for a little beginner.

We're going to take things one step at a time.

Okay. Well, I'm ready to learn.

What's the first step?

The walk around. It's where you walk around the vehicle. You'd be scanning for any obstructions or hazards. So go ahead, walk around. All the way around. All around. That's it.

(Small chuckle)

Looks good to me.

Really? Sure about that?


Then what is this?

A tiny nail.

Tiny, yes, but big enough to be a potential hazard.

That can wreak havoc.

Yeah, but there's no way you could have seen that, unless you put it there on purpose.

Doesn't matter where it came from.

But you set me up.

Did not.

Georgie this just demonstrates the dangers that can present themselves if you're not observant.

So next time, look more carefully.


You said you were here to learn?

I'll be more careful next time.

Good. Now get in the truck.

(Doors shut, seatbelts click)


I need the keys.

(Chuckles) You're not ready for the keys. Not today anyway.

So what are we doing?

I just want you to get a feel for the truck, start with the correct hand position on the steering wheel... nine o'clock, three o'clock.

That's... no...

See, that's one, maybe five to one...

Ten after ten. Ten fifteen. Sloppy. Try it again.


So Cass, Amy and I were... were chatting and we were thinking that maybe you guys would like to come over for dinner.

Like a, you know, house warming kinda thing.

Wow, dinner at the boss's house.

Well, I'm not really your boss.

Mm. Scott's partner.

That technically makes you my boss.

Will I get fired if I say no to this.

No, no, no. If you got something else planned that's totally cool.

I'm just kidding. We'd love to come.

I've been dying to see your new house-barn-thing anyway.

Okay. Great.

I'll bring the wine.

Uh, we actually, you know, we don't really drink wine.

So that's okay. Thank you, though.

I'm gonna bring it anyway.

A dinner party without wine is kind of like a BBQ without beer.

Unless this is a BBQ?

No, no, it's definitely a sit down, kind of nice quiet dinner thing.


Tomorrow night.

Be there around seven?

Yeah. Can't wait.


So did you make any new friends at school today?

Yup! His name is Abraham. And he's my boyfriend.

Your boyfriend?

Yep, we sat together at story time.

And we made butterflies out of tissue paper.

That sounds really nice, sweetie.

(Hooves thunder)

Come on, Abby, come on.

That's it! Good girl.


(Soft snorts)

(Hooves thunder)

(Hooves thunder, Abby snorts)

(Tackle jingles)

(Gate clunks open)

New client?

Yeah, she's a medieval jousting horse if you can believe it.

Wait, did you say jousting horse?

Until today, I thought I'd seen everything.

Do you need a hand?

I think I'm gonna call it a day. Thanks though.

Oh. I heard that you got your learners permit. Congrats.

Yeah. Thanks.

Do you think you might have some time to take me out driving tomorrow?

I'd love to, but I should probably work with Abbey.

I'll talk to Ty, though. He might have time.

Yeah. Sure. That would be awesome.


Hey, whatcha up to?

I'm just trying to learn everything I can about jousting.

Hmm. Well, I did my research too.

This is Scott's file on Abbey. He did a post-op examination after she came back from the tournament in BC.

It was a pretty deep wound, but Scott was happy with how it healed.

So whatever's going on with Abbey, it's not physical.

No. Doesn't seem like it.

I'm not surprised.

I only worked with her for a couple of hours today, and already she's gaining confidence.

I'd say in a few days, I should have her back to normal.

Well, that's good.

Yeah, I'm just worried that as soon as Tristan gets back on her, she's gonna regress.

But why do you think that?

Tristan broke his collar bone in the accident.

That's pretty serious. It would have taken him weeks to recover.

He was probably just as traumatized as Abbey?

Maybe more.

It's possible that without even thinking it he's transferring his fear back to Abbey.

(Pours juice, door opens)

Tim: Hello.

Hey, Dad.

Hey. How was your first day of kindergarten, Missy?

It was awesome!

Good. That's what I like to hear.

So I thought I drop by and see if you wanted to go out and do some driving.

Right now?

You have other plans?

Well, yeah...

Lou and I were gonna go shopping for back to school clothes?

You want to go shopping?

Yeah. Totally.

Are you feeling okay?

Yeah. I just really need some new jeans.

And that can't wait an hour or two? Or...

You want to learn to drive or not?

Your grandpa is right, we can head to the mall this afternoon.


Okay. Let's get a move on.


Have fun.


I think maybe I've known all along that Abbey wasn't the problem.

I'm leaving her without leadership right when she needs it the most.

It's not your fault.

But it is.

Every time I get on her, I admit it, I'm not thinking about jousting. I'm thinking about the accident.

I've lost my nerve. Maybe I never had it.

You can come back from this. So can Abbey.

After she recovers, I think know a few worthy jousters who might be interested in buying her.

What about you?

I'm pretty sure my jousting days are over.

(Keys jingle)

Wait, does this mean I actually get to drive today.

Or is this just another test?

Start the engine.

We're gonna take it nice and slow.

(Gear shifts)

Now ease your foot off the brake and gently apply the gas.

Gently! Gently! Brake! (Thud)


No. We're fine. I'm good.

Let's do it again.

A little less gas this time.

(Truck crunches on gravel)

Okay. Even pressure on the gas.

Georgie: Okay.

If you keep speeding up and slowing down you're gonna make your passengers sick.


Look ahead at where you're going.

Try to anticipate whether you need to speed up or slow down.

Why are you slowing down?


Whoa. Whoa! Too fast! Too fast! Too fast.


Did I say stop?

Look, you're making me nervous!

Speed up, slow down, make up your mind!

Okay, let's just breathe. Okay?


Just take it easy. You got this.

Give it a little gas and let's get going.

You know what, I... I forgot...

I've got extreme team tonight, I've gotta go practice.


Yes. Right now.

Okay. Fine. Fine.

Let's back up. Put it in reverse.

Don't go too fast.

(Gear shifts)

Not too fast.

That's too fast. Too fast! Too fast!

Whoa, relax!

I can't relax when you're yelling at me.

I'm not yelling at you!

Yes, you are!

I'm yelling at you because you're accusing me of yelling at you!

(Sighs) You know what. I think this was a bad idea.

Georgie! Oh, Georgie, wait!

(Slams door)

Katie: Guess what?

Lou: What?

I'm getting married.

You are? To who?


Oh, well, that's very exciting.

Can I wear an extra special dress to school tomorrow?

Yes. Absolutely.

We'll pick it out tonight, okay?

Okay, so the lasagna is in the oven.

The salad is done.

The table is set. I'd say we're in pretty good shape.

Yeah, I think so.

You don't think lasagna is too simple, do you?

No, Amy. No, not at all.

I think Caleb, he's fine with it, he's not picky.

I mean, his idea of a fancy meal is anything that doesn't come out of a greasy, brown paper bag.

Yes, but it's Cass that I'm worried about.

Well, she's a lot more mellow than she used to be.

I think Caleb is rubbing off on her.

Uh, Ty...


The oven isn't working. It's stone cold.

Oh no, the igniter must be faulty.


Hey Dad.


Are you gonna stay for dinner?

I don't think so.

Georgie, I lost my temper before.

I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

It's okay. I was the one who screwed up.

I guess driving is a lot harder than I thought.

Well, you just have to be a little more confidence on the road, that's all.

I put something in the truck that might help you with that.

So what do you say you wanna give it another try?

Well, actually... I was thinking, with school starting up and extreme team, I have too much on my plate.

Would it be okay, if we just put driving lessons on hold?

Yeah. No, I... I understand that.

Hey! I am so sorry, but can I use your oven?

Because ours isn't working for some reason.

Yeah, sure.

I told you not to buy your appliances online.

Not now, Dad. (Amy sighs)

(Door opens then shuts)

(Horseshoe jingles)

(Engine turns over)

You did your wedding book! That's amazing!

Okay. Never mind the wedding book.

This place is unbelievable!

I can't believe this was the loft.

Well, hey thanks, man, we're pretty proud of it.

Yeah. It's really beautiful, Ty.

Thank you.

You see I told you.

Cass was convinced this might be a bit of a disaster.


That is not true.

I knew all along it would be lovely and charming.

Not what you said in the truck five minutes ago.

Sweetie. Why don't you give Ty the bottle of wine we brought.

'Cause I don't have the wine.

It probably still in the truck.

(Small chuckle) Well... I'll just go down and get it then.



What's that about?

Things have been a little tense between me and Cass lately.

You wanna tell me what happen?

(Sighs) We had a bit of an argument on the ride over.

You see I... (Small chuckle)

I wanted to make a commitment to her... to be exclusive or whatever.

And I was hoping she wanted the same thing.

Turns out she just wants to be casual.

Well, hey... maybe it's better if you just, you know... take things slow.

No. I'm a fast moving guy.

If I like something I figure why not jump in with both feet.

But if she not feeling it, then like what are we doing?

Dinner's ready!


I know driving can be a bit scary at first, but it isn't like you to give up so easily.

I'm not giving up on driving.

I'm just giving up on Tim.

I'm hoping Ty will give me lessons instead.

Okay. But that's not what you told your grandfather.

You made it sound like you didn't have time for lessons anymore.

Okay. Well, what am I supposed to say?

That he stresses me out and confuses me so much that I never want another lesson again?

There's probably a more tactful way to putting it, but yes, I think you should have been honest.

You know, believe it or not, he was really looking forward to teaching you how to drive.

And if he finds out Ty is giving you lessons instead, then he might be a bit hurt.

Okay, I'll talk to him.

I think that's a good idea.

Ty: Amy, why don't you tell Caleb and Cass about your new client horse.

Amy: Hmm. Her name's Abbey.

And her owner is a medieval jouster.

Caleb: I actually jousted once. It's pretty fun.

Really? Like you wore the armour and everything?

The whole nine yards.

Amy: How did this come about?

Well, I...

I was seeing this girl who was really into medieval stuff.

She took me to this big festival in Brooks.

Introduced me to all her jousting friends... they were really wonderful people, actually.

Oh, and my horse, Dallas.

Turns out he's a pretty good jousting horse.


Well, aren't you full of surprises.

You know, Caleb, you could really help me out with my client.

Is there anyway you can come by tomorrow?

Yeah, sure.


So Caleb, why don't you tell us a little more about this medieval wench you dated.


Caleb: Gwendolyn was no wench. She was all lady.

Well then, maybe you should look up "lady" Gwendolyn, and see how she's doing.

Unless of course she's died of scurvy or small pox or some other medieval disease.

Well, thankfully she's very much alive.

And maybe I will in the spirit of, What did you call it, "keeping things casual."



Have fun.

I will.
Um, does anyone want some dessert? Or...

Yes... yes of course.


Thank you.

(Caleb exhales)

So how's my little Katie doing in kindergarten?

Good. She... she really likes her teacher.

And she even made a friend.

That's great.

Yeah. His name is Abraham.

It's cute actually, she calls him her boyfriend.



And yesterday she told me they're getting married.

Katie doesn't waste any time, does she?

Oh no, no. I'm sure this isn't coming from Katie.

I'm sure this boy is just using words he's hearing at home and Katie is following along.

What makes you think it wasn't Katie's idea?

(Bell dings) Well, because I know my daughter and she...

Yeah. Well, she was just at Amy's wedding so to her getting married means wearing a pretty dress and eating cupcakes.

Who wouldn't want to get hitched?

I got this.

Hey, Tristan, this is Caleb.

He's gonna help us out today.

Caleb: Hey.

Uh, I saw you joust few years back in Brooks.

Pretty hardcore stuff.


I still don't understand what I'm doing here?

Well, I think I figured out a way to help both you and your horse at the same time.

Well, I thought we agreed to focus on Abbey's recovery.

Yes, but you guys are a team.

Abby needs you just as much as you need her.

But I'm making her worse. You said it yourself.

Let's change that.

Okay. What do we do?

Come here. I'm gonna put you on a nice reliable and quiet horse something that'll help build your confidence.

That is Dallas.

They don't come much more quiet and reliable than him.

What about Abbey?

Caleb's gonna ride her. He's a pretty strong rider.

So it'll help build her confidence as well.

What do you mean pretty strong?

Fine. We'll start in the jumping ring and then we'll go from there.

Okay. Let's do it.


Hey Georgie.


Amy tells me you want to go driving.

Yeah, that would be awesome.

Well, I got a few hours before my shift at the clinic.

You wanna go right now?

Yeah. All right!

Let's go.

(Truck rumbles)

Well, I'm impressed. You're doing great.

(Nervous exhale)

What? What's wrong? What are you stopping for?

I don't know. I just... I need a minute.

Is everything okay?

(Approaching car rumbles)

We need to switch places. Now!


No. I... just... I'll explain later.

Come on, move over. Let go!

Let's just switch places!

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Go! Go! Go!


Hello Georgie. Ty.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah. Ty was just giving me a lift into town. Right, Ty?


I was just stopping by to see if you'd changed your mind about driving lessons.

But you obviously have other plans.

So I'll just be on my way.

(Shifts gear, truck hums)

You want to tell me what's going on?

(Target clinks)

(Hooves thunder, Abbey snorts)


Almost, Caleb!

(Target clinks)

(Hooves thunder)

(Target clinks repeatedly)

That looked great, Tristan.

(Caleb and Tristan chuckle)


I don't think I've thought about the accident once today.

When I'm on Dallas I can just be in the moment.

It's a great feeling.

Abbey was really good too.

Are you kidding, she's amazing.

I'm thinking about trading in my boots for a suit of armour.

Ha ha. You should. I could use another worthy opponent.

All right. Well, I think we are done for today.

Same time tomorrow?

Sounds good.

See you, Tristan.

Thank you for your help.

Are you kidding? This was fun.

(Both laugh)

So uh, what are you doing tonight?

I'm not sure, why?

Well, Cass and I were just talking about how nice it is to have another couple to hang out with.

And we're thinking we could all get together. Bowling?

Um... yeah. That'd be fun.

So you guys are... you're okay?

Yeah. We're amazing. Why?

Oh, no reason... I'll talk to Ty.

Bowling... right? Okay.


Katie: I got to pet a salamander today!

You did?

It wasn't slimy at all.

That's good. But you washed your hands afterwards, right?


So did you see your friend Abraham today?

Yup. We got married at recess.

But we got divorced at lunch.

So Caleb invited us to go out with him and Cass tonight.

No Amy. Not after what happened last night.

I don't want to. I'm so glad you said that.

Don't get me wrong. I like Caleb.

And I don't even mind Cassandra, but the two of them together...

It's awkward, I know.


Besides, I'd rather have you all to myself tonight.

Maybe we can go see a movie.

We haven't done that in a while.



You pick the movie. And I'll text Caleb.

Well, what are you gonna say first?

Is it dishonest to say that we're too tired to go out?

No, it's the truth. We are tired... tired of Cass and Caleb's drama.


Georgie, give me a hand here, will ya?

Ah yeah.

Window? Okay?


I'm really sorry about earlier. I should really explain.

You don't have to. You weren't fooling anyone.

Ty was giving you a driving lesson.

He's younger, he's more patient.

You're probably better off.

I guess I blamed you for making me nervous.

There you go.

Yeah, well, I have that effect on people.

You don't understand.

I thought it was you that was making me nervous, but it had nothing to do with you.

I completely chickened out with Ty, all over again.

I'm not ready for driving lessons.

Not with you or anybody else.

So that's it? You just quit?

Well, for now.

So I don't get it.

One minute you're roman riding in front of hundreds of people at the rodeo.

Taking on a jump that would make most kids your age pee their pants, and you don't even flinch.

And now this... and now you wanna quit.

That was different.


I don't know, it's just different, okay?

I've gotta get home.

Hey, how is it going?

I thought I saw your bike outside.

Hey. I gotta go...

Georgie wait?

What was that about?

I don't know. Something's wrong.

So... just a heads up.

This move may be zombies and potentially a giant robot so...

Oh great...

Amy, it was the only one that was playing right now...

Not that. Look.

(Cass and Caleb chat and laugh)

Oh no. Now what?

I don't know.

Ty: Well, have they've seen us yet?

Amy: I don't think so.

Ty: Maybe we can just...

Caleb: Ty! Amy!

Both: Hey!

Cass: I thought you weren't feeling up to going out tonight?

Well, we weren't.

Uh, you know, pretty tired.

Yeah, but then we got a second wind.


And I was gonna call you, um, but it was late, you know?

This is great.

I mean, we can all go to the movie together.



Caleb: Yeah?

Yeah. Totally.

Okay, well, we better get going because I hate missing the trailers.

After you.

(Sighs) Come on.

(Knock on door)

(Deep sigh) I know what you're gonna say.

Really? I'm that predictable?

Yeah. You're gonna say that I shouldn't have gone out driving with Ty.

And then you're going to try to convince me that...

(Exhales) giving up on lessons wasn't the right thing to do.

Wow, you really do have me figured out.

I don't need to learn to drive.

Horses are way better than cars and trucks.

Okay. I totally agree.

But most people don't use them exclusively for transportation.

Other than maybe the Amish.

How do I join?

(Lou chuckles)

Come on, Georgie...

What's really going on?

It's stupid. You wouldn't understand.

Try me.

(Sighs) Okay. My mom and dad... my birth parents...

That's how they died. In a car crash.

Oh, Georgie... of course.

So I guess whenever I'm driving I start to think about it.

Yeah. Okay.

Well, first of all, that is not stupid.

Not in the least.

You know, what happened to your parents it was... (sighs)

Sometimes bad things happen and there's just no way to make sense of it.

Is it okay if I wait until I'm older to start driving lessons?

Of course. It's totally up to you.

But when you are ready, your grandpa is gonna be in the seating right there in the seat next to you.

Or your dad. Or me.

And you're gonna be just fine, I know it.

Come here.

That was terrible. I mean completely and totally awful.

I'm sorry.

You know, I'm still sick to my stomach.

All that gore and bodily fluids flying everywhere.

No. I'm not talking about the zombie movie.

I'm talking about Caleb and Cass making out the entire time.

So am I.


I just don't get it.

You know, last night all they did was fight, and tonight...

It was the worst PDA violation I've seen in a long time.

Yeah. I just have a bad feeling that Caleb is gonna keep asking us to hang out with him and Cass.

Well, that is our own fault maybe.

We had them over for dinner. Now we're a couples friends.

We can't keep lying to get out of socializing with them.

It's obviously far too small of a town for that.

Well, you know what that means.

There's only one thing we can do.

What's that?

You and me have to break up with Caleb and Cass.

(Amy Chuckles, light clicks off)

(Metallic clink, lance splinters)

Nice job, Tristan.

You look way more confident out there.

Actually you both do.

Thanks. I wasn't sure about getting back on Abbey.

But it feels like old times.

Well, you ready for a final step?

What's that?

You need to enter a jousting tournament.

I don't know...

It doesn't have to be a real one.

We can... we can have it at Heartland.

Who would I compete against?

Well, you said yourself, Caleb would be a worthy opponent.

(Both chuckle)

(Country music plays, patrons chatter)


All the experts agree that it is totally normal for children to introduce adult terms like "marriage" into their social interactions.


It's perfectly normal.

Lou, why are you obsessing about this?

You were right. Katie is the ringleader. Not Abraham.

What makes you think that?

Because not only did she marry this boy, she divorced him.

So? (Chuckles)

So? Where do you think she learned that word?

She's five. She was playing around. Don't take it so hard.

Divorce should not even be part of her vocabulary, okay?

It makes me feel like a bad parent.

Well, personally, I'm glad that she divorced Abraham.

'Cause you cannot build a relationship on mutual love of play dough alone.

You're not helping.

You talk to Georgie?

Yeah. Uh, she's okay.

But I don't think she's ready for driving lessons.

I wonder if there is anything in one of these books about how to help your children deal with fear.

Hey Cass, listen I just wanted to... chat with you about some things.

Um, actually, it's about you and Caleb.

Yeah. Well, there's um... there is actually no me and Caleb anymore. It's over.

What do you mean? You guys were all over each other last night.

Uh, yeah. Well um... after we got home from the movie, um, Caleb said he didn't want to just keep things casual anymore.

He wanted a commitment or he said it's over.

So I guess it's over.

Hm. I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Yeah. Don't be. It's um, it's for the best.

I mean, we're just really different.

So I don't think it would have worked anyway. Right?

Yeah. I mean, if you don't feel the same way about Caleb, that's probably best that you let him go.

You know... unless...

Unless what?

Like, unless you did have feelings for him, but you were afraid to give it a try.

Or whatever, you know, but...


But that's not it.

Cass: No. I just...

No. This is me. I mean, I don't know what's wrong. I just...

I don't... I don't cry over guys, you know, uh...

This isn't who I am. It's really not.

I mean, don't... don't hug me actually I...

I don't need a hug.

I wasn't gonna hug you...

Good. Let's just get back to work.


Uh... Mrs. Ferguson here needs her horse's teeth floated.

So if you can handle that, that would be great.


I think I made a huge mistake.

(Tackle and armour jingle)

(Horse snorts)


Well, don't you look seriously dashing.


Is everything all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Look, Caleb, if you don't want to do this, that's totally fine by me.

No. I really wanna do this.

Give me a hand?

Yeah. Of course.

All right.

That's better.

You're set.


This is so cool.

Yeah. I just hope I'm doing the right thing.

Well, what do you mean?

Well, Abbey and Tristan were injured in a tournament last year.

He hasn't been able to joust since.

So I've been working on building up his confidence.

But at least I hope that it's gonna work.

All right. Okay. Go break a lance.

Will do.


(Horse whinnies, nervous snorting)

(Truck rumbles up, doors shut)

I can't believe he's doing this? What is he thinking?



(Nervous exhale)


(Tackle and armour jingle, horses snort)

(Hooves thunder)

(Relieved sighs)

(Tackle and armour jingle)

(Abby whinnies)


(Hooves thunder)

(Armour jingles)

(Hooves thunder)

(Lance splinters)

(Dallas snorts)

(Landing thud)

(Concerned gasps)

(Gate clinks open)


Oh my god. Caleb!

(Pained groans, panting)

Are you all right?

What are you doing here?

(Small laugh) Why do you think I'm here?

Because I'm your knight in shining armour?


Shut up you silly goof.


Tristan: Well met, Caleb.

Caleb: (Groans)

Yeah. Way to kick my butt.


I never thought I'd joust again. Thank you, Amy.

Hey, don't thank me. You got here all on your own.

But you're the one who made me face my fears.

I'm truly grateful.

(Low hum of chatter, dishes clink)

I'm ready for a driving lessons.

Are you sure?

No. But I can give it a try.

Do you have any time? Maybe this afternoon?

Yeah. I have time.

Come on, I'll give you a lift.



Bye, honey. Have fun!

Hi there.

Hi. Grab a seat, I'll get you a menu.

I'm Vanessa. We were in-laws for like half a day.

I'm Abraham's mom.

I just... I wanted to apologize.

I'm going through a separation and that's why my son knows the word "divorce".

Yeah. I'm so sorry that your daughter got caught up in all of this.

No, no, no. Please don't apologize.

I've been blaming myself.

I just separated from my husband as well, and Katie's just like a sponge about everything.

You know I have been reading all of these parenting books and they all say that it's normal, but it's hard not to feel guilty when your son comes home from school saying he got a divorce.

I know.

Did you read "Two Hearts One Home" yet?

I loved it! I could not put it down.

Hey, did you wanna stay for a coffee?

It's really nice to have someone to talk to about this stuff.

Do you have anything stronger than coffee?

(Chuckles) Yes.

I can make that happen.

Vanessa: Okay.

We can just drive around the ranch today.

We don't have to go out on the road.

No, it's okay. I wanna do this.

I just... I need a second.

I have something for you.

(Compartment opens, then shuts, clinking)

It might help.

(Sighs) It's for good luck.

♪ Ohh-ooh-ooh-ohhhh ♪
♪ Ohh-ooh-ooh-ohhhh ♪

(Gear shifts, truck rumbles)

♪ Show me the stars up in the sky ♪
♪ Make me believe we're alive ♪
♪ We'll see the northern lights together ♪
♪ We'll see the northern lights ♪
♪ It's a beautiful day ♪
♪ Ohh-ooh-ooh-ohhhh ♪
♪ Ohh-ooh-ooh-ohhhh ♪
♪ It's a beautiful day ♪
♪ Ohh-ooh-ooh-ohhhh ♪
♪ Ohh-ooh-ooh-ohhhh ♪
♪ It's a beautiful day ♪

Announcer: On the next Heartland.

I applied for him to be a Mounted Police horse.

Announcer: Separation.

This is his reward, being sent away?

Announcer: Emotions run high.


You have no idea how this is going to affect him.

Announcer: Heartland, [whinnies] next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC.