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01x06 - South of the Border

Posted: 11/29/15 21:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Lay me down ♪
♪ Upon the road ♪
♪ And hold ♪
♪ My hands... ♪

They say love is our greatest w*apon, that it can slay our darkest fears.

♪ And the fall winds cry ♪
♪ And the bricks will die ♪
♪ And the thirst will come ♪

Maria was growing stronger, fighting back against the limits of Abigail's control.

Her will, forged by the heat of battle and the flames of desire...

I wish you could see how perfect you look right now.

I like what I'm seeing.

Are you sure you're ready for this?

Let's find out.

♪ We go ♪
♪ Down we go ♪
♪ Little feet kicking from a single blow ♪
♪ It's how we are ♪
♪ Naked in the moon with a feather song ♪
♪ Down we go ♪
♪ Stones in our pockets from the night before ♪
♪ That's how we are ♪
♪ Broken with the crown of the mighty flood ♪

Spencer... [gasps] Oh...


That hurt a little.


I looked everywhere. I don't know where she is.

David, tell me what's going on.

Grace is gone.

Now Bledsoe can't find Tetra.

Something's happened.

[dramatic music]

It's always darkest before the light, but the opposite is just as true.

The world doesn't stop spinning once the sun finally rises.

The darkness simply waits for its next turn.

[ominous music]

And there are some places at the end of the world where light is just a memory, and shadows rule eternal.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[engine revs]

Please, have a seat.

Is my mom going to meet us here?

Don't worry. You're in good hands.

Someone will be here shortly to take us to her.

What'll you have?

Two coffees, and the little lady will have the soup du jour and whatever bread you got left.

[ominous music]

What is this place?

Why, it's just your average neighborhood diner.

I'm not hungry.

Let me give you a little life lesson, kid.



Never say no to a meal.

I didn't mean to spill it.

[glass shatters]

Please, please!



You never know when it might be your last.

Uhh... aah... aah!

[Cross My Heart's "Wild Side"]

♪ ♪
♪ I've been on my best behavior ♪
♪ But I've heard that good girls finish last ♪
♪ Mm, mm ♪
♪ And once you're gone ♪
♪ They say no one can save you ♪
♪ But who knows? ♪
♪ If I go, I may never want to ever come back ♪

♪ Oh, I just want to dance with the Devil tonight ♪
♪ I want to know what it feels like ♪
♪ I want to close my eyes, put my hands in the sky ♪
♪ I want to walk on the wild side ♪
♪ I want to dance with the Devil tonight ♪
♪ I want to know what it feels like ♪
♪ I want to close my eyes, put my hands in the sky ♪
♪ I want to walk on the wild side, oh ♪

[dramatic music]

[doors slam]

What happened?

Only God knows.

[sighs] Tetra, no.

Where's her body?

A neighbor called, a parishioner walking her dog through the church grounds.

Called me before calling the police.

Am I dead?

No, you're alive,
but that won't last long if you don't behave yourself and do exactly what old Monty says.

Is that you?

Montclair St. Claire ʣlair.

I know what you're thinking.

Three names in the South, serial k*ller...

My parents just had a sense of humor.

I'm a ferryman.

Ferryman. What is that?

The term's a little out of fashion these days.

Most of us drive diesel instead of rowing a skiff, but my job hadn't changed much over the years.

And you are quite a special passenger.

Don't worry... I'm gonna deliver you to your mama.

There has to be a connection between Tetra and Grace missing.

You were the last one who saw her.

What did Grace say?

We argued.

About what?

Her being with me?


Mar, I don't even know how you can look at this hypocrite after what he did last night.

Stop it.

I know I've made mistakes, but I don't have time to beg anyone's forgiveness until we find Grace first.

Tetra promised...

She promised me last night she'd protect my baby.

That book, like the ones Dad used on Sangolo.

This was a ritual... a blood sacrifice.

Maybe Tetra was trying to help.

Come on, Mar.

You don't believe anything good could come from something that evil, do you?

But I do now.

Look, it's this book.

The sign of the angel is in it.

Tetra showed me, and she said she saw it on Grace's back, said she's our only hope.

So I have to believe it.

[dramatic music]

I have to believe it.



I have to believe it.

I have to believe it. I have to believe it.

Are you okay?

Have to believe it, I have to believe it, I have to believe it.

[distantly] What's happening?

Believe this, Elijah.

Your little girl is going to suffer.

[echoing] You okay?

Her soul is going to rot in Hell for what you did to me,

and it's all... your... fault.


Bledsoe. Bledsoe, snap out of it.


What just happened?

That book. [breathes heavily]

It's in some ancient language.

What is that?

[dramatic chords]

That tree.

[dramatic chords]

David, this map.

Looks like some kind of chapel.

It's the same spot where Dad built our old house.

Tree is between... the house, so what's here?

The shed. [exhales]

Oh, my.

That mark on your back...

It might as well be a bull's-eye down here.

And if they knew an angel was down here, they'd be fighting over which one gets to cut out your heart.

Don't worry... I'll keep you safe 'til our ride gets here.

'Til then, just keep your head down.

What do you want? What do you want?

What do you want? What do you want?

What do you want? What do you want?

What do you want? What do you want?

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Something wrong?

[infomercial music]

Life not working out the way you hoped?

Is eternity not looking any better?

Don't let anyone else decide your fate.

Take life back.

Take life now and let me show you how.

You look nervous.

Is this Hell?

Think of this place as a holding room... everyone waiting to hear their fate.

No one know which way's up, which way's down.

Only God and the Devil know that,
but they're so caught up in their own quarreling, they forgot about all these people.

Some of these people been waiting here a long, long time.


[woman laughs]

And on that note, Old Monty must say hello to his beautiful, sweet bride.

Be back.

I k*lled her on our wedding night.

[chuckles] Just joking, but it was a tragic accident.

There's my beautiful bride.


Oh, look at you.

Oh, my Lordy, my goodness.

If you want to make it out of here alive, listen close.

That man you're with...


Look at that!

Works for Enos.

A bus is pulling in soon to take all the damned souls
from this place down to Hell, and unless you do exactly as I say, that ferryman's gonna make sure you're onboard.

Who are you?

There's a loading dock behind the diner through the back exit.

Someone will meet you there who can get you out of here.

How do I know I can trust you?

Tetra sent me.

Where is she?

Just hurry.

You don't have much time.

[tense music]

♪ ♪


The book and its maps were ancient, yellowed by centuries.

When our father chose this plot of dirt to build our home, did he already know the evil secrets that lay buried beneath?

Son of a bitch...

Keeps finding ways to bring me back here.

Think he wants to make me his little girl all over again.

Or was it only after that the darkness began to infect him like a poison seeping up from the foul depths below?

[engine revs in background]

[horn honks] [bus engine putters]

[brakes squeal]

There's our ride, sweetheart.

All right, everybody... line up, line up!

Don't even think about it, cupcake.

Monty, I think our friend here was about to dine and dash.

What a rude little girl.

I warned you what'd happen you didn't listen.

You all enjoy your last meal?


What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

What do you want?

Time's awastin'.

- Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The mouse ran up the clock.

[laughs manically]

What do you want? What do you want?

[bus horn honks]

Everybody on the bus.



[woman laughs maniacally]

[laughs maniacally]

[whispering] Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Nowhere to run, little darlin'.

♪ I don't want to choose ♪
♪ I want you all for me ♪
♪ But this world don't make sense ♪
♪ It's never easy ♪

♪ Someday I'll come for you ♪

[breathes heavily]


Shh! Quiet, quiet... It's all right.

It's all right. Tetra told me about you.

I'm a friend.

Sometimes it's hard to tell our friends from our enemies... or which is the more dangerous.

David! Davey, you son of a bitch.

This is your last chance.

[pounds on door]

Open this door! [continues pounding]

Nobody's home.

Well, where is he?

You feeling all right, Charlotte?

Sheriff get you home safe the other night?

Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.

Where's David?

I don't know. Something happened.

Is he okay?

Yeah, David's fine.

I meant something happened with that girl, the rev's daughter.

They're out looking for her.

What the hell does he see in that little church mouse?

I know it's none of my business, but you ever think maybe David's doing you a favor?

I'm sorry if I'm outta line, but you're smart, and you're beautiful.

David's a good guy, but he has problems too.

I never did thank you for giving me a ride home the other night.

It was no trouble.

Maybe you're right about David.

I suppose I should probably be with someone a little more responsible.

Any guy would be lucky to have you, but my heart's taken already.

There's a lot about Maria that you don't know.

All I know is how I feel.


Look maybe you shouldn't drive.

[door slams, car starts]


What the hell is in here?

I snuck in here once when we were kids.

I remember. Dad almost k*lled you.

I just wanted to see what he was working on so hard.

He used to spend all night in here sometimes.

Right before things got bad.

[metal rattles]

Something's there.


Both: Here.

Here, help me.

[metal scraping]

[door handle rattles]

It's locked.

I need some air.

Abigail, does that door lead where I think it leads?

You bet.

Only angels and demons can pass back out again, and if that preacher's little brat went through there, then you need to forget about her.

I can't do that.

I can't go down there.

I'm a traitor to my kind, remember?

I show my face down there, every demon will come after me, and that means your ass too.

Then don't show your face if you're so afraid of what will happen.

Don't be stupid, Maria.

Without my help, you'll get us both k*lled.

It's su1c1de.

I'm not asking.

I'm the one in control here, and I'm willing to take that risk.

[dramatic music]

My name is Denmark Visi.

Visi, I know you.

I've seen your statue in Charleston.

You've been dead for almost 200 years.

k*lled trying to run a rebellion.

And I'm doing it again.

Separated by a few feet of dirt doesn't mean the dead and the living can't help each other.

Then I am dead, aren't I?


No, Grace, you're not. You're in Purgatory.

It's a terrible place run by very bad people who brought you here to send you to Hell.

But where's Tetra?

Tetra did what she had to do to save you.

She loves you.

Look, we don't have a lot of time.

People hope that justice will be settled in the afterlife, but it's just as corrupt down here.

And now Enos is making a grab for both worlds, promising them life again, this time, forever, but it's a lie.

I used to believe in people.

We got to get you out of here.

Wait... tell me, is my mom really here, or is this just another one of Enos' lies?

She's here, but it's too dangerous to see her.


Because if I take you there, you might not make it back out.


What is that?

I found it in my old room.

I think maybe Mom left it for me.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[wind rushes]

No, you can't.

Only angels and demons can pass back through.

How do you know that?

Abigail told me.

You can't trust her, Mar.

I have to. There's no other way.

[foreboding music]

I promise I'll bring her back.

[faint indistinct whispers]

[door slams]

[eerie music]

You had 66 straight quarters of unprecedented growth.

What do you say to analysts who say you are due for a correction?

Well I like to be underestimated.

It motivates me.

You have nice legs.

Thank you.

Some people call you bullish.

Well, I would say they're right.

I'm more bullish nowthan I've ever been.

So why are you so optimistic about A&O's future?

Because we are opening up new territories, and we're finding growth in all markets.

We have majority interests in liquor and tobacco, aerospace, ammunitions, education, textbooks.

We're bigger than the Koch brothers.

Have you heard of them?

Yes, I have.

Well, they're swinging dicks, but we are bigger than them now, because I believe that the sky's the limit.

You and me... should we screw?

Are you any good?

Oh, baby, I am the best.



Oh, my God, Spencer.

Don't say another word, not here.


This place is filled with his people.

If they find you here, they'll k*ll us both.

But you're already dead.

Down here, there are worse things than dying.

[eerie music]

This is where we wait.

Enos won't be looking here.

What is this place?

A weigh station.

It used to be the only road from Purgatory down to Hell 'til so many souls started passing through, they had to shut this place down.

They had to build a bigger checkpoint off the highway, but we fought back.

We opened this gate up in secret, and now we use it to smuggle the unfairly condemned back out from Hell.

As soon as our man Kedon gets here, he'll lead you back up to the surface, where you belong.

I can't, not yet.

What are you talking about?

Not without my mother.

There's no time, Grace.

You have to take me to her.

Do you understand if Enos gets his hands on you, it's over?

I came all this way.

I'm not leaving until I find her.

You realize what's at stake?

You shouldn't be here.

We're going to take care of the girl.


Yes, the angel.

That's why you came, isn't it?

I've spent every day thinking about what I would say to you.

Spence, if I could trade my life for yours...

I didn't know how to control...

It doesn't matter now.

It does matter, please...

What do you expect?

That I forgive you for what happened in Memphis?

All that drama we experience in life, what we think is tragic, is nothing.

Down here is where you learn how high the stakes are up there.

Can you remember?

Can you still feel my love for you?

Enos is gathering an army.

If he gets Grace into Hell, then any hope of stopping him goes with her.

He's been busy on our side too.

Tetra told us.

She's here?

She's gone.

Gave her life so she could warn us about Grace when her soul stopped here on its way down to Hell.

Denmark, who's running the resistance...

They'll save Grace, but you shouldn't have come.

It's too dangerous.

If anything ever happened to you, it would be bad for our cause.

[bus brakes squeak]

Come on, I'll take you to them.




Just can't sit here feeling useless.

I should've done something.

I know.

I want to walk back through that gate and bring them both back myself.

I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about this house.

Growing up here,
my mom never wanted us to know he was hurting her...

Didn't want to scare us, I guess.

I'd hear her crying in her bedroom. I'd go knocking.

She'd come out all smiles, pretending it was nothing.

I pretended to believe her.

You were just a kid.

I could've protected her.

David, it's her job to protect you, her children.

Just like it's my job to protect Grace.

I love her.

I know you do.

By the way she looks at you, she loves you too.

Then what's the problem?

Who do you think you're protecting?

All of you.

You have no idea the burden I've been carrying.

Grace isn't a child anymore.

Where's Visi?

The angel said she wouldn't leave until she saw her mother.

He took her across the border?


Oh, this is bad.

If the other side finds out that they've already crossed over into the first circle of Hell...

I'm not taking that chance. I'm going after them.

No, Visi knows what he's doing.

He won't let anything happen to her.

Our side can't risk losing the angel and you.

I'm not a chess piece.

Listen to me, when a soul gets k*lled down here, it's gone forever.

Grace is my friend.

I'm not leaving her behind.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

Last chance, you sure you want to do this?


[metal clangs]

Stay close.

Where are we?

This used to be part of Purgatory before the redistricting.

Now it's the first stop in Hell.

[electrical blast]

She took her own life.

Now this is her eternity.


My little girl, is that you?


Gracie, don't judge me.

I always meant to come back for you.

All these things that are happening to me, the visions, the mark on my back... who am I?

You're an angel, just like I was once.

What is an angel doing in a place like this?

I was seduced by a man, a mortal, and I sacrificed everything I was just to be with him.

Dad did this to you?

No, your father was a brilliant and courageous man, but when I met Elijah, I was already married to another man.



Mommy's okay.

Mommy's okay.

[indistinct whispers]

Mommy's okay.

Spencer, help me cut her down.

You can't, Maria.

It's my eternal punishment.

David said you died in a car accident.

Why didn't you say anything? I mean, I could've...

You were too young, and I couldn't stand to live with Enos in that place any longer. The Order of Everlasting.

So I ran away.

God, forgive me.

I just ran away.

I wanted a new life, a new name.



Claire, I'm so sorry.

You say something?

You started drinking again?


I never stopped.

I just got better at hiding things.

[glass shatters]

I should never have left you and David.

But I was desperate, and Enos would've k*lled all three of us if he ever caught me leaving with you.

I tried to come back for you after Grace was born, but Enos caught me before I could see you and then... after what he did...

Taking my own life was the only way to stop it.

To stop what?

You weren't the first woman Enos chose as host for a demon.


I never had the strength you do.

I never learned to control it.

Even now, it's still inside me.

Oh, please. Go away now.

Oh, God, it's happening again!

I can't control it!

You have to try.

It's the only way.

You three are the only ones who can stop him.

The Trinity... blood of my blood!

We can't stay here.

Please, Mom, I can't lose you again.

Maria, it's time.



Poor babies, do you miss your mommy?


Don't worry, she'll never leave you ever again.

Look out! Maria!

♪ I want you all for me, it's never easy ♪

Remember, I used to sing that to my babies, to both of you.

Come give mommy a kiss, just like the one you gave your brother, David.

No, no!

There you are!

We're out of time.

Let's go!

I'll find a way to get you out of here.

I promise.

We'll get the girl.


Gracie, go!

We have to move.

Enos already knows you're here!

You got to get to the checkpoint!

He did that to my mom.

They'll be here any minute.

I won't let them hurt you.

Come on.

Madison, Joel!

Oh, my God.

They got here first.



They know she's here.

Then all of Hell will be after you.

Take Grace. I'll hold them off.

You can't. There's too many.

Follow me.

[eerie music]

Enos is installing his own gateways up to the living world
for his demons to slip through.

We've destroyed every one we could find.

♪ ♪

But here's one door that can only be broken from the other side!

[electricity sputters]

It's right here!

After you make it through, you need to destroy the door on the other side.

Come with us.

[soft music]

I'm sorry, Maria.

No, please.

This is as far as the dead can go.


♪ ♪

Forgive me for what I did to you.

I knew about Abigail.

I went in eyes open, and I don't regret any of it.

I miss you so much.

I love you.

I love you, always.

Maria, it's time to let go now.

Believe me, you're so much stronger than you think.


[door rattles aggressively]

You gotta go!

You gotta go! Go now, go!

Come on!

[door rattles aggressively]

[dramatic music]

David! David!


David! The door...

Help me, help me.

It won't hold!

Oh. Oh.

Take her outside!

What are you gonna do?

Just trust me!


Bledsoe, you stay, you son of a bitch.

I really thought I lost you.


What? [sighs]

What's wrong?


There's something you need to know.

Why didn't you tell me?

You saw Claire.

Her name is Deanna.

My mother!

Would you have ever trusted me if you knew I was the reason she left you and David?

Yes, but you chose to lie.

She tried to come back for us.

[breathes heavily]

[dumps liquid]

And maybe if I'd gone with her, she's still be alive, but I had our baby girl to worry about.

So I let her go back to that place alone.

I blame myself every day for what happened to your mother.

You want me to forgive you?


Get the hell out.

[dramatic music]

Where's David?

Love is our greatest w*apon.

A loaded g*n pointed straight at our hearts.

Things not working out the way you planned?

You tired of letting everybody down?

You feel like the whole world has turned against you?

[chimes ring]

[Ode To Joy plays on organ]


Then this message, Davey, is...

Just for you.

♪ ♪