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11x08 - Just My Imagination

Posted: 12/03/15 06:33
by bunniefuu
Don't be afraid of the dark? What, are you kidding me?

Of course you should be afraid of the dark.

You know what's out there.

Sam: It was the tooth fairy.

A leprechaun. Why did it have to be clowns?

I'd say you have a bunch of elves working for ya.

Dean: Fairies? Come on.

This is cupid?

♪ heaven ♪

It was a little glowing hot...


...naked lady.

Sam: Well, that's super disturbing.

I've never seen a baby monster before.


[ Laughs ] Hi!

Why is it so hard to believe that God could be sending me visions about the Darkness?

What are you trying to say?

Don't count on God. Okay? Count on us.

If it is God, then he's showing me something I don't know what to do with -- the cage.

Lucifer's cage?


What if he's telling me I have to go back? [ Screams ]

Here you go. [ Giggles ]

One spoonful of sugar or two?

Maddie, daddy and I are ready to go to dinner now.

So whenever you're ready, you just let us know.

Sparkle and me aren't done with tea, mommy.

Well...When you're ready.

[ Lowered voice ] We have reservations.

The R.I.E. manual says be patient.

So now we wait for her to have fake tea with her fake imaginary friend?


We can party forever while mommy and daddy eat Cheerios for dinner.

[ Giggling ]

It's cool, Maddie.

Go with your mom and dad. I'll clean up.

I love you, Sparkle. [ Chuckles ]

[ Floorboard creaking ]


[ Gasps ] Hiya, Maddie!

You're not mad-- [ Squish ]

[ Gasps and groans ]

Don't forget to brush your teeth, sweetie.


[ Screams ]

♪ Supernatural 11x08 ♪
Just My Imagination
Original Air Date on December 2, 2015

[ alarm ringing, phone vibrating ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Beep, ringing stops ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Yawning ]

[ Clears throat ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Switch clicks ]

[ Yawning ]

[ Water running ]

[ Water stops ]

[ Coffeepot clatters ]


Uhh! Who are you?!

It's me, Sam!

It's Sully!


You remember me, right?

I-I made all your favorite snacks.

We were friends. Like, best friends.

[ Chuckles ] You remember?



No. You're not real.

Well, how'd you punch me...

[ Laughs ] Then?

This can't be happening.


Who you talking to?


Are you having a stroke?

Do you smell toast?

He can't see me unless I want him to.

What is all of this crap?

When'd you start eating this stuff?

Is that marshmallows on nachos?

This wasn't me. [ Sighs ]

It was me.

And those are delicious.

Wait a second. C-can you see him?


Dean, this, um...

I think this is...Sully, m-my friend from when I was a kid.

You mean Mork from Ork here is your dumbass imaginary friend Sully?


Uh, I'm not dumb or ass.

I'm gonna get my g*n.

No, please.

Someone k*lled my friend.

You mean your imaginary imaginary friend?

First off, “imaginary friend” is more of a descriptive term.

How you just said it? That was a little...offensive, just to be honest.

Secondly, we're Zanna.

Me and...

Me and the victim were Zanna.

We help kids. We're the good guys.

Sam, tell him.

Yeah, okay. Um...

You know what? I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole you being real thing.

Aw! Yeah, no, no, of course.

No, that's okay. That's okay.

This is all really unexpected.

Yeah, that's one word for it.

Just...I need your help.

All right, you're hunters. That's what you do, right?

I mean, you help people, too.

Yeah. Yeah, people.

You are not that.

Dean, come on.

Come on? Are you kidding -- look...

This -- mother-- you and me, library, right now.

Come on!

Ah! Aah!


No, I'll just stay here.


You're not actually buying this crap, are you?

Dean, when I was 9 years old, you know what I wanted more than anything?

Marshmallow nachos.

Yeah, you were a weird-ass kid.

Yeah, well...

The only person I ever told about it...



I don't know, man. I -- hey, you know, maybe this is just one of your visions.

Yeah, except we're both seeing it.

And it doesn't involve the cage or Lucifer or me having to talk to Lucifer in the cage.

Look at this. Here.

In Romanian lore, Zanna are creatures who guide and protect lost children.

Zanna intentionally appear as figments of a child's imagination, allowing the child to move on with confidence once guidance is no longer necessary.

Maybe Sully's telling the truth.

Okay, say Bozo is legit. Right?

Which, you know... [ snorts ] Hello, crazytown, but okay.

How is this our problem?

Because someone's dead.

No, something is dead.

A fairy Godmother getting capped? That ain't our beat.

Yes, I know that, Dean, but -- but what?

But as messed up and insane as this sounds...

Sully helped me.

That's the place.

[ Engine turns off ]

It's a horror show in there.

You mean, you've been inside?

Last night.

I'm in management now, so I don't get out in the field much.

I just came to see Sparkle.

Sp-- Sparkle?


Oh, I show up and...

I mean, the place was bananas.

Kid had called the cops, mom's freaking out, and...Sparkle...

[ Whispers ] Sam, it was horrible.

Okay, so according to Zanna rules, the kid is the only witness, right?


Oh, poor thing.

I'll meet you inside.

All right, what are you thinkin'?

[ Car door closes ]

Good. The Bert and Ernie pretext. Awesome.

Dude, you didn't have to come.

You know, this whole imaginary friend thing was dumb then and it's dumb now.

Yeah, you've made that pretty clear.

You didn't think to tell me that he was real?

Well, Dean, I didn't think he was.

And you saw the lore book, too.

I mean, maybe when I was 9 years old I thought he was real, but I grew up.

Or grew out of it.

Whatever. I left it.

And what did you need drop dead Fred for in the first place? I was kind of a lonely kid, Dean.

You weren't lonely. You had me.

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Ring ]

[ Ring ]

Go on, bud.

Whatever happens, it's cool beans.

[ Ring ]



Did you ask?

[ Engine idling ]

Yeah, it's not gonna happen.

Come on. You said.

Look, I said I would ask. Dad said no.

What do you want me to do about it?

But I've been sh**ting. I can run 2 miles.

I know silver kills werewolves, and --


No fair.

You started hunting when you were younger than me.

Yeah, well, I never had an imaginary friend.

I heard that.

Look, I'll keep working on dad, all right?

Don't listen to him, Sammy. He's a germ.

Now maybe you can come next time.


[ Horn honks ]

All right, I gotta go. Call you in a couple days.

Yep, I'll just be... [ Dial tone ] ...Here.

[ Receiver clatters ]

Hey, come on. We can finally make those bottle rockets.


[ Doorbell rings ]

Can I help you?

Mrs. Berman, I'm Dr. Strummer.

This is my associate -- Dr. MacGowan.

We are trauma counselors with child services.

We're here to follow up on a police report filed yesterday?

Oh. That was...

[ Sighs ] Come in.

Uh, my daughter, Maddie, she's the one who called.

Uh, she has an active imagination.

She made up this unicorn man, Sparkle.

[ Lowered voice ] But, um, she thinks he's dead in her room.

So Sparkle is a unicorn and also a man?


So a manicorn.

I...I guess?

May we, uh...

Yes, please. Thank you.


Hey, Maddie.

My partner and I would like to ask you about last night.

About Sparkle?

Your mom says you don't wanna go back into your room?

How come?

[ Whispers ] All of the blood.

This has been her room since she was a baby.

She's loved this room. And then last night...

Do you mind if we take a look around?

I'll be right back.


All right. What's the problem?

I don't know.

I told you it was horrible.

You mind enlightening us?

[ Whispers ] Oh. Mm.

If I show you all we can see, you can't tell a soul.

Oh, yeah, 'cause chicks dig the whole imaginary friend thing.


[ Grunts ]


Oh, yeah. That kid is gonna need all the shrinks.

Wait a second. So his... blood is glittery?

Even when he's dead, Sparkle can't stop shining.

[ Voice breaks ] Who would do this?

It was a blade.

Sully, can Zanna see other Zanna?

Of course.

But it's not what you're thinking.

A Zanna could never do this.

Nothing to see, right? [ Sighs ]

I was always under the impression that it was parent's job to let a child be a child as long as possible.

Oh, this is bad.

Maybe we let her get too carried away.

I don't know.

[ Sighs ] I mean...

An imaginary friend named Sparkle.

What's cuter than that?

Oh. [ Sighs ]


I'm sorry.

I'm being as dramatic as my daughter now.

Um, it's on her face. Sam, it's on her face!

Just tell me.

She's got Sparkle on her face!

How do we get our girl back?

Somebody's say something. Someone's gotta say something.

You know what? Is there a spare bedroom?

Great. Uh, maybe Maddie can sleep there. That should help.

It's on her face.

And a hot shower does wonders.

Real deep scrub. Purify.

For Maddie?

The whole family.

Yeah, just get the whole g*ng in there.

You know, the family that showers together...

Pull up! Pull up.


You know what? Why -- why don't you start there?

You can contact our office for more guidance if you like.


[ Water splashing ]

[ Girl giggling ]

Oh, my gosh, Zoe, I think I saw the treasure, too!

Let's go for it!

But wait, don't you have gymnastics?

Oh, yeah. Let's look at it when I get back.

Right on.

[ Humming ]

[ Branches rustle ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Water sloshes ]

Nicky didn't check in with the home office last night.

This can't be happening.

You gazoos can talk to each other?

Us Zanna share a telepathic link.

She wouldn't be in there.

A frickin' mermaid?

It's a bloodbath.

[ Breathing deeply ]

All right, just let it out.

Uh, no. No.

I gotta stay strong for Sam.

Looks like more stabbing.

Okay, Sully, is there anybody that would want to hurt, uh, Nicky?

No. Well...


Oh, well, I mean, her boyfriend's a little clingy.

But he's one of my best friends.

Guys, Weems would never hurt Nicky.

I mean, he loved her too much.

Well, too much ain't good.

So let's go talk to the mermaid's boyfriend, because apparently, imaginary friends have boyfriends now.

Wait! Wait!

We can't just leave her here.

It's disturbing for the kid.

All right, well, what do you wanna do?

Find a giant toilet and flush it?

You're right. I was...

What would you like us to do?

I think I saw some shovels back there.


Well, Totoro really cares for you, huh?

Okay, I got one.

Hit me.

Ever think...

You can fly?

Oh, sometimes.

Like, on really windy days.


I used to, but I broke my arm.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

Your turn.


Ever think...

[ Gasps ] You could eat 10 waffles in one sitting?

Well, I hope so when I'm big. Can you?

I tried, once.

[ Makes vomit sounds ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

Whoa. Head rush.

Ever think...

About running away?

From you? No way.

No. I mean, from here.

All this.

The hunting life.

Do you?


Ever think...

That maybe you wanna go to school?

Make some friends?

But I have you.

Yeah, you do. [ Chuckles ]

But one day you won't.

Sam, I want you to listen to me.

You can be whatever you wanna be.

You're not Dean. You're not your dad.

You're Sam.

And Sam is so awesome.

[ Laughs ]

Can you imagine? Running away?

My dad would k*ll me.


It's your choice, Sam.

It's your life. I mean, it's all up to you.

[ Sighs ]



Let's go.
[ Dirt sifting ]

Hey, slacker.

Am I burying Ariel by myself here or what?

No. Yeah, of course. [ Clears throat ] Let's go.

How you holding up, Sully?

I'm fine.

How are you, Sam?


Don't worry, kid.

Everybody's got a pee-pee problem.

Weems will take care of these sheets, and mommy will be none the wiser.

What if mommy hears us? [ Chuckles ]

Fletcher, not even a parade can wake mommy up tonight.

Because she drank her grown-up juice and went sleepy-by?

Yep. Mommy drank a lot of juice tonight.

[ Seesaw creaking ]

Hey, you wanna try and hit the sack?

All right. I'll catch you on the flip side, okay, bud?

Thanks, Weems.

[ Laughs ] You got it.

[ Creaking continues ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Squish ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Footsteps retreat ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Car engine starts ]

[ Groaning ]


Uhh! Sully.

Sully. Oh.

Sul-- [ Grunts ]

Sully. Sully.

[ Seesaw and swings creaking ]

♪ ♪

Weems! Weems, are you okay?

[ Switch clicks ]

[ Groaning ] Yeah.

It went right through my love handle.

My fat saved me. Can you believe that?

Fat is the best.

Yeah. [ Laughs ]

Yeah, well, the mermaid wasn't so lucky.

Is he talking to me?

Who are these guys?

They're friends.

Hey, Weems, when was the last time you saw Nicky the mermaid?

[ Under breath ] God, I can't believe I just said that.

Yesterday. Why?

What happened to Nicky?

She was m*rder*d.


Weems, I am so sorry.

No! [ Sobbing ] She -- she was my girl!

Sparkle's gone, too.

Not Sparkle! Dude, that's, like, our whole posse.

[ Voice breaks ] I know, right?

But hey, you're okay. You're okay.

Okay, all right, so you're all pals.

Is there anybody who would have beef with the bunch of you?

I've never seen her before in my life.

Wait a second. You saw somebody?

[ Inhales sharply ] Some chick.

After she...Shivved me, she took off in an old VW Bug.

Sully: I'm so sorry, Weems.

So this is a good thing, right?

Uh, no, this is a great thing.

It's gross!

I mean, a manicorn? A freakin' mermaid?

What am I supposed to do with that?

But a chick in a car? That's Terra firma. I'm home.

All right, you go. I'll, uh, cover these two.

[ Groans ] It goes -- it's -- yeah, it goes all the way through.

I gotta ask.

Hey, uh, acid wash.

What's so special about you?

Mermaids dig me?

No, I-i mean, why do kids like you?

Oh. [ Exhales sharply ]

I play air guitar.

You play air guitar?

Sam plays air guitar.

I can play air guitar.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Playing heavy metal guitar solo ]

[ Imitates high-pitched chord ]

[ Laughs ]

Aah! Oh!

That's okay, it's okay.

Good solo. Good solo.


[ Groans and pants ]

Well, he's no Clapton.

You know, I'm gonna go get some bandages. Okay?

Oh, I'll be right back, Sam.

[ Door slides closed ]


You're not that Sam?

Sully's Sam?

I guess I would be. Yeah.

So now you and Sully are, like, back together?


How old are you?


Look, I get it.

We all need a tune-up from time to time. It's okay.

No. He, uh, came to me. I'm helping him out.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Sam Winchester.

I mean...


Hey, just so you know...


You broke his heart, man.

Ready to hit the road?

No. My dad just called.


He changed his mind.

He wants me to come with him.

On a -- on a hunt?

Finally! He thinks I'm ready.

I have to catch the next bus to Milwaukee.

Are you sure this is what you want?

I'm a Winchester. I hunt monsters.

Why would I want anything else?

Well, I-I'm not sure it's you.

[ Drawer opens ] Why can't you be happy for me, Sully?

Listen, buddy, I'm just afraid you're going down a path you might be better off not going down.

Yeah, but I'm not afraid.

I know you're not.

You're one of the bravest kids I know.

[ Drawer closes ]

It's just... This whole hunting thing, you know, it's not the only way.

There are so many other ways.

And you can find one, Sam.

You can leave right now.

I don't want another way.

I wanna be with my dad and -- and Dean.

[ Drawer closes ]

Look, Sam, I'm just saying this 'cause I'm your friend.

Pretend friend!

You're not even real.

Well, I'm -- I'm here as long as you need me.

I don't need you anymore, Sully.

I don't even know why I made you up in the first place.

I wish I could unmake you up.

If -- if that -- if that's what you want.

It is, okay?

[ Closes drawer ]

[ Objects clattering ]

[ Zips duffel ]

Just go.

You have a good, long life, Sam.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Sully and Weems speaking indistinctly ]

Weems: No, you did a good job.

Is it too tight?


All right, that's good.

Okay. There you go, pal.

[ Exhales deeply ] All right.

I'm gonna go check on Fletcher. [ Grunts ]

Kid has a bladder like a sieve.

[ Sully chuckles ]

[ Door slides open and closed ]

You know, it's... pretty awesome, how you help everyone around you.

Doesn't always work out, but...

I try.

Sully... [ sighs ]

I feel awful.

About how we left off.

I'm sorry. I was a kid. I was a-a jerk kid.

And -- and you were trying to help, and...

That's all on me.

I mean, goodbyes are part of the job, and ours was...

Pretty bad.

Yeah. [ Laughs ] It was really bad.

[ Sighs deeply ]

You know, I'm not gonna lie to ya.

When you went off to hunt, I considered that one of my biggest failures.

It just seemed so clear to me that you wanted something else.

[ Sighs ] But...I was wrong.

[ Chuckles ]

And it all worked out, didn't it?

I don't know about that.

Come on.

You're a hero.

Sam, you saved the world.

I keep track of my kids.

And you did really good, Sam.

Well...Not all good.

There was some bad. [ Inhales sharply ]

And some really bad. [ Exhales deeply ]

Sully... [ grunts ]

I screwed up.

I let something out into the world that was...

You mean the Darkness?

That's what the others are calling it.

I've just heard rumors.

Well, I'm gonna fix it. I am.

Dean and I, we're -- we're -- we're gonna fix it.

It's just...

What is it?

I think God wants to help us fix it.


I don't think I can do what he's asking.

How bad is it?

There's this cage in hell, and it's where they keep Lucifer.

And I've been in it, and it's...

[ Voice breaks ] And I think God wants me to go back.

[ Inhales sharply, sniffles ]

[ Clears throat ]

Ever think...

About running away anymore?

I did. Um, I mean, I have.

But not in a while. Not anymore.

[ Cell phone vibrates ]

[ Clears throat ]

Ever think...

About hot-wiring a minivan?

In my dreams.

Let's do it.

[ Phone chimes ]

[ Groans ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

Woman: Good. You're awake.

Your brother's on the way.

[ Click ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

Who the hell are you?

I think we have a mutual imaginary friend.

You know Sully?

Hold it.

[ g*n cocks ]


Hey, stranger.

You give me Sully, I give you your brother.

What do you want with Sully?

Ask him.

He's the one who k*lled my sister.

[ Inhales sharply ]

It was an accident.


Reese and her twin sister, they were my first kids after I thought I screwed things up with you.

So this is his fault?


No, Reese, I'm the one that bungled it.

It was me.

I should never have let her chase me into the street.

[ Voice breaking ] We were just playing tag.

I don't know why I didn't see the car coming.

That's why I never went back in the field.

That's why I never found another kid.

I was too scared I'd hurt 'em.

Do you know how bad you messed me up?

“Audrey's dead because of the invisible man.” try telling that to about 10 different kiddie shrinks.

I always wondered if Sully was real, so I got obsessed with folklore.

I studied abroad in Romania, and then I found out he's a Zanna.

Yes, and Zanna are good.

That's what the witch tried to tell me, too.

The witch? She sold me a spell so that I'd be able to see these freaks.

She gave me this, too.

Finally, I can save other kids from these monsters.

So you k*lled my friends just to get to me?

And I would've done it sooner if these two hadn't shown up.

Why didn't you call? I would've come.

Honestly, I kinda liked watching you suffer.

You weren't just Audrey's best friend.

[ Voice breaking ] You were mine, too.

And after she died, Sully, I...

[ Sniffles ] I never needed you more.

I panicked when Audrey died, and I left you to deal with the pain 'cause I couldn't handle being the one that caused it.

So maybe I'll take something you love, Sully -- a real person.

That's not gonna happen.

Will k*lling me make you feel better?

No, Sully, that's not the answer.

This is what I do.

Whatever's best for the kid.


[ Whispering ] If this is what you need, I'm okay with it.

[ Crying ] I'm still mad.

I can't stop it.

I'm just still so mad!

[ Scraping ]


Trust me. Revenge?

Ain't gonna make you feel better.

Listen, I have seen more than my share of monsters.

And I mean real monsters.


These guys?

These are Sesame Street mother Teresas.

But when I wasn't there for my little brother, Sully was.

Now, look, I'm not saying that he didn't make a mistake, but you know that there is not a monstrous bone in his body.

[ Exhales slowly ]

I'm so, so sorry.

[ Knife clatters ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Whispers ] Oh, Reesy, I'm so sorry.

[ Backfires ]

[ Backfires ]

Well, now that you know about Audrey, you probably never wanna see me again. [ Chuckles ]

Ever think...

Maybe you're a hero to me?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.


One thing I've learned -- heroes aren't perfect.


Sometimes, they're scared.

But that just means the thing that they're facing, it's super important.

And nobody else is gonna go for it because nobody else has got the balls.

Well, it is that time again.

You, um, you'll look in on Reese?

Don't worry. I will be checking in.

And, Dean, thank you for looking out for Sam.

You are not a germ at all.


You know, you're not gonna ever get me to admit that you're not the weirdest thing out there, but, um...

You're a good weird.


Good luck, buddy.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Train whistle blowing in distance ]

[ Sighs ] Let's do it.

[ Train passing ]

[ Engine purring ]

Dean, we need to seriously discuss me going to the cage.


Not happening. Good talk.

Sam, even if these visions are real -- yeah. It's Lucifer?

And me?

In the cage? I know.

But this -- this lump in my throat...

It's not an excuse, not anymore.

We'll find another way.

Okay? There's always another way.


Then tell me.

What is the other way?